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Random Stuff X: Something Weird


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5 minutes ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

Oh, I wear completely masculine clothing. I prefer button-ups and long pants.

I was just considering as an option to creep people out. Cos that's how I am.

Let me rephrase. You decide to dress as a woman for a day. What's your ideal female outfit? What style do you go for?

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2 hours ago, The Honor Spren said:

I didn't know whether to put this on the good news or bad day thread, so I'm sticking it here. My family got a house here in Virginia! We should be moving in sometime in May.

I mean, on one hand, I'm leaving behind the place I grew up and all the people I've known as long as I can remember. But on the other hand, I'm going to get my own personal bathroom. You win some, you lose some.

That is an exceptional worldview and you deserve a pat on the back.

*pats on back*

Go you.

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3 minutes ago, Delightful said:

Also when did you change your member title what is the story I love it.

A few weeks ago, Twi is a pug-based superhero and as a helpless teenager I have been forced to don tights and become her sidekick, so my one condition is that I must be rainbow-colored, and thank you :D

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21 minutes ago, bleeder said:

A few weeks ago, Twi is a pug-based superhero and as a helpless teenager I have been forced to don tights and become her sidekick, so my one condition is that I must be rainbow-colored, and thank you :D

Oh man, bleeder, now I'm imagining you as Robin from the recent Lego Batman movie. XD Teenage sidekick in a blindingly brightly colored costume! (Including tights, of course!)

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4 hours ago, Hemalurgic_Headshot said:

By the way, does anyone have any experience with FIRST Robotics? I'm joining a team for next year.

I'm on a team right now, but in my experience each one is very different. What kind of experiences are you looking for--Engineering? Social? General? Flat-Out Weird? I have stories about all of them.

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7 minutes ago, Exalted Dungeon Master said:

I'm on a team right now, but in my experience each one is very different. What kind of experiences are you looking for--Engineering? Social? General? Flat-Out Weird? I have stories about all of them.

Tell me all: this will be my first time, but if I had to choose, Engineering.

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26 minutes ago, Hemalurgic_Headshot said:

Tell me all: this will be my first time, but if I had to choose, Engineering.

Well, in my experience most teams are divided up into a bunch of "subteams"--Mechanical (they build the robot) and Programming/Software (they program it) are the two that work mainly with the robot. There are also a bunch of others, like Imagery (they do PR stuff) and Chairman's (they're in charge of organizing community service and other events for the Chairman's Award, the highest possible award a team can earn). I'm on Programming, and from what I've seen the 6-week build season is divided up into two main sections:

Weeks 1-5: Mechanical scrambles around like headless chickens trying to get things done.

Week 6: Programming scrambles around like chickens with even fewer heads trying to get things done.

I can't speak for all of the other teams, but most of them are pretty busy as well. It all pays off come competitions, though, which are a lot of fun. I might even see you there, depending on the team you join--a lot of us travel pretty far during competition season.

Also, you will meet lots of weird people. Do not panic; this is normal. If all goes well, you will be assimilated even make some new friends on the team.

Overall, good luck! And I hope to see you at a regional somewhere.

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So this idea for a meme has been bouncing around in my head, and I opened Photoshop to actually make it and this basically sums up what happened:

You Can't Explain No Boromir Template.jpg

The situation was easily remedied by a quick visit to Google, though. ALL HAIL GOOGLE, which made this silliness possible:

Boromir Pringles Slogan.jpg

(A spoof on the Pringles slogan "You don't just eat 'em.")

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@Darkness Ascendant My "1000 files" statement may have been a bit misleading... I save duplicates of basically all my memes so that I have a Photoshop file I can go back and edit if I want and a JPEG for the web. But still, I'm baffled that in the ~4 years I've had this laptop I have never saved that template until now.

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Just now, Sunbird said:

@Darkness Ascendant My "1000 files" statement may have been a bit misleading... I save duplicates of basically all my memes so that I have a Photoshop file I can go back and edit if I want and a JPEG for the web. But still, I'm baffled that in the ~4 years I've had this laptop I have never saved that template until now.

Still impressive ;) I honestly just spend time browsing KnowYourMeme or searching for the most obscure of stupid memes. Like Devon Slicer (Sooo retarded)>>
There's alot of weird crap on Kickstarter as well XD.

I don't make memes the way you do. I will reference them, adapt them, say them without the picture. But I don't make them like that. 

*salutes I respect you.

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2 minutes ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

Still impressive ;) I honestly just spend time browsing KnowYourMeme or searching for the most obscure of stupid memes. Like Devon Slicer (Sooo retarded)>>
There's alot of weird crap on Kickstarter as well XD.

I don't make memes the way you do. I will reference them, adapt them, say them without the picture. But I don't make them like that. 

*salutes I respect you.

Hehe, thanks! Making up jokes in meme form is one of my methods of stress relief and a convenient creative outlet since I usually don't have the large chunks of free time necessary to draw these days.

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1 minute ago, Sunbird said:

Hehe, thanks! Making up jokes in meme form is one of my methods of stress relief and a convenient creative outlet since I usually don't have the large chunks of free time necessary to draw these days.

Yeah, I see what you mean. I don't have too much time to draw these days either <_<

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