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Random Stuff X: Something Weird


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13 minutes ago, bleeder said:

So I was typing some notes in Biology class, and Google Docs froze and had to reconnect to the network, so it had to reconnect, and it froze at this precise moment:

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Screenshot 2017-04-03 at 2.06.03 PM.png

I think Google Docs is trying to tell me something. 

...treeeeees...they are us...

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30 minutes ago, bleeder said:

So I was typing some notes in Biology class, and Google Docs froze and had to reconnect to the network, so it had to reconnect, and it froze at this precise moment:

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Screenshot 2017-04-03 at 2.06.03 PM.png

I think Google Docs is trying to tell me something. 

O.o Shyamalan may have been on to something...

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29 minutes ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

So guys, like. 17th Shard went offline.

And I was like. Freaking out.

But it's ok now.

I was asleep for that, but... 





... I'm not sure if that's an actual haiku, or, if it is, whether or not it was intentional, but nice job!:D

Edited by ShadowLord_Lith
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Theres a site called down for everyone or just for me. I've used it when the shard has gone down before.


This goes here because its neither good nor bad: Pesach cleaning!

I spent hours cleaning the oven. The door is all sparkly but there is so much still to do. Like an entire second oven. Tired but feeling accomplished. and hungry. I'm gonna go eat.

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6 hours ago, Sunbird said:

I just tried out a new hand lotion that contains shea butter and cocoa butter, and now my hands smell vaguely like chocolate. XD

Mm...I love using smelly soaps and hand creams. I had a soap that smelled of various spices and it was absolutely lovely.

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13 minutes ago, Quiver said:

Anyone got any decent names for a horse?

I'm making a character for a Pathfinder campaign, and trying to come up with a half-decent name for my trusty steed :P

I have a favourite horse name.

Trailblazer. I love it because it creates this image of the horse thundering down a battlefield, kicking up sparks and starting small fires XD

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2 hours ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

I have a favourite horse name.

Trailblazer. I love it because it creates this image of the horse thundering down a battlefield, kicking up sparks and starting small fires XD

Nice name, probably doesn't fit with the setting though. 

2 hours ago, bleeder said:

Freya. 's what I always name my horse in Zelda games.

But Link's hrose is Epona. It's always Epona. 

More seriously, I think I'll use a variation of Freya. Thanks!

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