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Random Stuff X: Something Weird


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So 3 of the stories are here

They are the raw, unedited products of my sleep-deprived and depressed mind.

I WANT YOU ALL TO REEEAAD IT, I've shown a couple of people, one who i respect alot and their reactions were so heartwarming and great! 

They said they were so happy as they read it. And that made me happy.

So you guys better read it. So I'll be even happier!

Feedback/ideas/questions are welcomed!

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On 4/14/2017 at 4:35 AM, bleeder said:

I don't say Sore-on. 

Not all Americans sound the same. There are many different brands of American. For instance, Southern <_<

There's also the sort of accent you get in the Midwest around Minnesota and stuff. I probably couldn't name all the kinds on the east coast. And even with the more standard, neutral American accent there's slight variations from place to place simply because of the size of the country.

Edited by Mistrunner
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7 hours ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

They all sound the same :P 

Ask someone from Chicago to talk about his car keys and everyone outside of Chicago will think he's talking about his pants.

Similarly, I had no idea that pop meant the same thing as soda until I lived in the Midwest. Likewise, Midwesterners didn't know what a pig pickin' was, nor did they understand why I had to make one syllable words into two syllables (pen to me was pronounced pay-en for a long time). My southern accent comes out sometimes, though it's pretty muddled at this point. Unless I'm fixin' to drank some good ole southern swait tay. ...okay it's not that bad. 

Edited by Tristan
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Killing time before I go to get my insurance switched over…..

Oh, and the Washington regional accent sounds normal, unless you ask a local to say "I begged the bagger not to go to war with the guy who washed the bags." You'll hear "I begged the beggar not to go to war with the guy who warshed the begs." 

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44 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

Killing time before I go to get my insurance switched over…..

Oh, and the Washington regional accent sounds normal, unless you ask a local to say "I begged the bagger not to go to war with the guy who washed the bags." You'll hear "I begged the beggar not to go to war with the guy who warshed the begs." 

My grandma calls it Warshington. Ugh... Lol

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So my mom has been photographing a pair of Great Horned Owl babies at a local park in Ohio and sending me pictures, and some of them were just begging to be memefied. So here, enjoy memes of fluffy owlets!

Things kids complain about #2378: bathtime.



Channeling Christopher Walken:



If Captain Kirk had been an owl:



Do I even need to explain this reference, or is it too old for most people here?



Owl gazes are the epitome of "intense":


Cutest Staring Contest Ever.jpg



Or alternatively, how Bruce looks at Twi when he wants duck treats. XD

Parents never get a break...not even owl parents!



Birdhemian Rhapsody (Thanks to @bleeder for that awesome pun!):


GHO Baby Sings Bohemian Rhapsody.jpg


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My accent is weird. I've been told I have a very "American" sounding accent... which is probably an indicator that I watch/imitate far too much television, considering I've only ever been to America once, when I was around five years old :P

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26 minutes ago, Quiver said:

My accent is weird. I've been told I have a very "American" sounding accent... which is probably an indicator that I watch/imitate far too much television, considering I've only ever been to America once, when I was around five years old :P

You lucky duck. I've never been outside the US. -_-:P 

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2 minutes ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

Let's start pooling money to get twi a trip around the world heh. 

Oh man, I would love that. I've always wanted to go to Europe and see all the places my ancestors are (according to family history, most of it oral, so I'm not sure how much is apocryphal) from. So, Germany, Ireland, Wales, England, Denmark, the Czech Republic and….I feel like there's one or two I'm missing. :mellow: 

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44 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

Oh man, I would love that. I've always wanted to go to Europe and see all the places my ancestors are (according to family history, most of it oral, so I'm not sure how much is apocryphal) from. So, Germany, Ireland, Wales, England, Denmark, the Czech Republic and….I feel like there's one or two I'm missing. :mellow: 

I heard ancestry.com has a dna test you can do to see what your heritage is, if you're interested enough. 

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1 hour ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

Oh man, I would love that. I've always wanted to go to Europe and see all the places my ancestors are (according to family history, most of it oral, so I'm not sure how much is apocryphal) from. So, Germany, Ireland, Wales, England, Denmark, the Czech Republic and….I feel like there's one or two I'm missing. :mellow: 

There's a common question amongst Mormons: "If you could serve a mission anywhere, where would it be?" I answer Germany (among others) because that's where my paternal grandfather's family was from. 

Looks like we also have England and Denmark in common. ^_^ 

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48 minutes ago, The Honor Spren said:

I heard ancestry.com has a dna test you can do to see what your heritage is, if you're interested enough. 

My heart says yes, but my wallet says no. -_- 

14 minutes ago, Slowswift said:

There's a common question amongst Mormons: "If you could serve a mission anywhere, where would it be?" I answer Germany (among others) because that's where my paternal grandfather's family was from. 

Looks like we also have England and Denmark in common. ^_^ 

England and Denmark buddies? :P 

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