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Random Stuff X: Something Weird


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Ooey Gooey was a worm,
A very fine worm was he.
He sat upon a railway track,
A train he did not see.
Ew, Ooey Gooey!


Ooey Gooey was a worm,
A mighty worm was he. 
He sat upon a railroad track,
A train he did not see.
The train came roaring round the bend,
The driver gave a squeal,
The guard got out his pocket knife, 
And scraped him off the wheel.
Ooey Gooey!

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29 minutes ago, A Budgie said:

Ooey Gooey was a worm,
A very fine worm was he.
He sat upon a railway track,
A train he did not see.
Ew, Ooey Gooey!


Ooey Gooey was a worm,
A mighty worm was he. 
He sat upon a railroad track,
A train he did not see.
The train came roaring round the bend,
The driver gave a squeal,
The guard got out his pocket knife, 
And scraped him off the wheel.
Ooey Gooey!

Dammit, you broke my train of though >>

Masterfully accomplished!

And what was I going to say...

Oh yeah.

I WROTE 6K WORDS ON SONGWEAVERS TODAY AND I'M NOT EVEN HALFWAY THROUGH THIS MYTH >> I should sleep. All I've been doing is writing and eating and homework and crap >>

oh and @The Honor Spren It's all me trust me. Aaaalll me >>

Edited by Darkness Ascendant
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1 hour ago, A Budgie said:

Ooey Gooey was a worm,
A very fine worm was he.
He sat upon a railway track,
A train he did not see.
Ew, Ooey Gooey!


Ooey Gooey was a worm,
A mighty worm was he. 
He sat upon a railroad track,
A train he did not see.
The train came roaring round the bend,
The driver gave a squeal,
The guard got out his pocket knife, 
And scraped him off the wheel.
Ooey Gooey!

Oh hey, I memorized that poem like, 4 years ago for school! First one I ever memorized. Though I think my favorite one I ever did was Rebecca Who Slammed Doors for Fun and Persished Miserably.

Edited by The Honor Spren
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2 hours ago, The Honor Spren said:

Oh hey, I memorized that poem like, 4 years ago for school! First one I ever memorized. Though I think my favorite one I ever did was Rebecca Who Slammed Doors for Fun and Persished Miserably.

I... I don't think I'm aware of this one. 

Sample it for us?

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4 hours ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

Dammit, you broke my train of though >>

Masterfully accomplished!

And what was I going to say...

Oh yeah.

I WROTE 6K WORDS ON SONGWEAVERS TODAY AND I'M NOT EVEN HALFWAY THROUGH THIS MYTH >> I should sleep. All I've been doing is writing and eating and homework and crap >>

oh and @The Honor Spren It's all me trust me. Aaaalll me >>

As someone who has vague ideas for their own music-based fantasy, I am unsure whether I should congratulate you... or shake my fist and decry you for being more active on actually writing than I am :ph34r:

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1 hour ago, bleeder said:

I... I don't think I'm aware of this one. 

Sample it for us?

I'll do you one better and recite it. It's not nearly as impressive typed out, but I promise I'm not copy and pasting any of this.


Rebecca Who Slammed Doors for Fun and Persished Miserably.

By Hilaire Belloc

A trick that everyone abhors 

In little girls is slamming doors.

One wealthy bankers little daughter

Who lived in Palace Greens, Bayswater,

(By name Rebecca Othendort)

Was given to this furious sport.


She would deliberately go

And slam the door like billy-o!

To make her uncle Jacob start.

She was not actually bad at heart,

But only rather rude and wild.

She was an aggravating child.


It happened that a marble bust

Of Abraham was standing just 

Above the door this little lamb

Had carefully prepared to slam.

And down it came! It knocked her flat!

It laid her out! She looked like . . . that.


Her funeral sermon (which was long

And followed by a sacred song)

Mentioned her virtues it is true,

But dwelt upon her vices too

And showed the dreadful end of one

Who goes and slams the door for fun.


The children who were brought to hear

The awful tale from far and near 

Were much impressed, and inly swore

They never more would slam the door

— As often they had done before.


It's super preachy, but I like it anyway. :D 

Edited by The Honor Spren
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I'm feeling sleepy. My eyelids are tingling, or at least the corners of my eyes are. The corner of my right eye actually. It feels as if there's something puffy balancing on the corner of my eye. Is this appropriate for this thread?

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1 minute ago, Koldun said:

I'm feeling sleepy. My eyelids are tingling, or at least the corners of my eyes are. The corner of my right eye actually. It feels as if there's something puffy balancing on the corner of my eye. Is this appropriate for this thread?

As long as it's not hateful or nsfw, anything fits in here. 乁(ツ)ㄏ 

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The music selection where I work is the worst. It's like a playlist of the most annoying of Top 40 from the past thirty or so years. And I say playlist, not radio station, because literally will hear the same songs every single day. 

Sometimes I hear a good song -- Coldplay's been on a fair bit (though it's always the same two songs. I've heard Adventure of a Lifetime three times, and I've lost track of how many times they've played Speed of Sound), and twice I've heard a song from my favorite band, which is awesome, and really brightens my day. :D They seriously get like no airtime at all usually. 

Today, though, I heard a song (Funkytown, if you're wondering), and within seconds of the main riff playing I knew it'd be stuck in my head for the rest of the day. And it was. :angry: 

On 4/18/2017 at 5:39 PM, Mistrunner said:

Well, Camp NaNo is coming up fairly soon...

This is true. But I don't know if this character would fit in the story I want to write, unfortunately. I guess we'll have to wait and see. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Edited by Slowswift
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4 hours ago, Silverblade5 said:

So, you know how a glitter bomb is something that's evil and a good prank? I just thought of a way to take it to the next level: Putting glitter on a fan.

Glitter is the herpes of craft supplies. Once you get it, you have it forever. You think you've gotten rid of it, and then you step into the sun and...whoops, flare-up!

(Credit to Demetri Martin for that joke.)

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6 hours ago, Silverblade5 said:

So, you know how a glitter bomb is something that's evil and a good prank? I just thought of a way to take it to the next level: Putting glitter on a fan.

In high school, for a particularly annoying teacher, my class used to put confetti on the fans.

.....we were terrible terrible people and it was awesome. 

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In the musical I'm in, we finally starting working with the band! We'd been just rehearsing with a piano and recordings for music, so it's a big improvement!

They are kinda quiet right now but after rehearsal, two of the members broke out into a impromptu jazz session, so that was fun :D

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18 minutes ago, The Honor Spren said:

So, apparently hhgregg is going out of business. :blink: I've never actually been to one of their stores, but I'm just suprised because I didn't think a company that big would go out of business easily.

They probably didn't go out of business easily, it must just have been unnoticed. Stores not making as much as they cost to maintain, etc. 

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So......I'm at work feeling really sick. But I seem to be getting brownie points with my boss for being here and he just made sure I understand how official sick leave works here.......he seems actually kind under the mean jokes?

I'm so confused. Why don't I understand people. 

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