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Random Stuff X: Something Weird


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1 hour ago, Chaos said:

Ooo, thanks for letting me know this exists. I'm always out of the loop coming to new music.

I also liked the punk rock Paramore. I don't mind poppy stuff, but I will say I super do not care about lyrics. I have a very difficult time listening to lyrics, so that aspect is mostly irrelevant. I'm not sure if I will like this album because of it. But again, I don't mind pop in general. 

No problem Lord Ruler, five upvotes please;) JK

I've spent most of my life being waaaaaaay behind on music. I'm starting to at least be able to keep track of the bands/artists that I like since I've started using spotify, but I feel ya man. I'm still generally very out of the loop with new music. 
I'd forgotten about your struggles with lyrics....Yeah, you may not like this album very much. There's a couple songs that you may still like, but most of the paramore punk is only present in the lyrics, the songs themselves have a very new sound. 

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I've just seen asdf movie 10. I'm like six weeks late but it's asdf alright <3

If you don't know what asdf movie is... WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL THIS TIME?! And start with the first one because of running jokes.

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Dang, I go on vacation for a couple of weeks, and come back to 14 pages of new Random Stuff.

Hawaii, by the way, is amazing. We did many fun things and made a few poor life choices, but altogether my first trip to the tropics was most enjoyable. But. Guys. The moon. The crescent moon was hanging at such a crazy angle all I could think was, "Dammit, moon, go home, you're drunk!"

(Realistically, I should have expected the moon to phase at a different angle at that latitude. I just didn't think about it until I saw the dang thing spilled over on its side.)

Now I am going to respond to things, some of them very old!

On 4/26/2017 at 9:25 PM, ParadoxicalZen said:

Storms, 900 little forest sprites throwing odd smelling po- err I mean seeds at Ganon.....

Think of all that power......

Really makes you wonder why nobody has thought to weaponize them yet.

On 4/27/2017 at 8:19 PM, Oversleep said:

Just finished packing for my first big con. It's quarter past 3 a.m. I'm not sure I have what I intended to take and I'm not sure what things I should take in the first place... *yawn*

I spent like 30 minutes picking T-shirts :mellow: I finally went with Ezio from Assassin's Creed, Aang & Korra from Avatar and Elrics from Fullmetal Alchemist. Shame I don't have my cosmere T-shirt anymore.

Hee. Just wait till you get sucked in fully and those suitcases start getting packed with costumes.

On 4/30/2017 at 8:54 AM, Delightfully Smoak said:

What's a Korok?

They are cheerful little woodland sprites that hide in strange places all over Breath of the Wild. And you have to solve puzzles to find them. Sometimes just recognizing that there is a puzzle to solve is a puzzle in and of itself. And while yes, they may technically be optional, they expand your weapons and shield slots, and you really cannot get through the game without collecting as much crap as possible.

On 5/7/2017 at 3:32 PM, Oversleep said:

If I were to - hypothetically - have a Sanderson panel on a con... what would I talk about? My main area of expertise is Cosmere.

Target audience is people ranging from newcomers who do not know about Cosmere and have not read all of Cosmere, people who have read multiple series and know about Cosmere and people who have read everything and also are reading the Cosmere articles I wrote (which introduce Adonalsium, Shattering, Shards, Splinters, Slivers, Three Realms, Investiture, classification of magic systems, focuses/focii, healing... I've also analyzed Realmatically Feruchemy, Compounding and Hemalurgy; I've also covered all the worldhoppers apart from Hoid).

It can't be too advanced since newbies would get totally lost, it can't be too basic or it would be boring for advanced readers. On the other hand, it can't be too spoilery because of newcomers.
I have to talk for at least half an hour, more like 40 or 45 minutes. It can't be focused on specific series because people may have not read that one series, so it would be have to be something Cosmere-wide...

Yeah, very easy, no problems with contradictory conditions, totally fine.

I was thinking about Shardic history? Starting with Shattering, describing what we know about each Vessel (not much), a little elaboration on Intents and how they may relate to judeochristian God's Divine Attributes, explaining Investiture a little on the fly and then describing what magics have arosen from specific planets and Shards? (of course I cannot describe Scadrial too much because of its spoilery nature... Honor being dead is also kind of a big spoiler for Way of Kings, isn't it?... Describing Sel's magic is also kinda spoilery...)

I'm double posting because - totally hypothetically - I have to describe what I would be talking about in the submission I have to submit soon (it would be best if I managed to do it in three hours or in the next 24h in general).

You might check out JordanCon's website and take a look at the schedule for their SanderTrack. They have a wide variety of Sanderson-related panels that run constantly through the convention. So your real challenge isn't going to be thinking of something, but narrowing it down to just one thing.

On 5/9/2017 at 8:12 AM, Quiver said:

That's fair. I mostly enjoy Attack on Titan for the more action-based stuff anyway. There aren't any characters I connected to emotionally the way I did to Ed, Al, Roy or the rest of the Fullmetal cast :P


Cutting this long story short, everyone should watch Fullmetal Alchemist. Or, heck, open an FMA Rewatch thread here on the Shard and get people to do it that way. Because Fullmetal Alchemist is great. 

I would like to watch Fullmetal Alchemist. But on Netflix they only have it subtitled; no dubbed version. Which I realize will make serious anime fans cringe that this is my preference, but I really cannot just sit and watch a show without doing something else. I need to be crocheting or working chainmail or something to keep from fidgeting off of the couch. And I cannot do that and read subtitles at the same time. :mellow:

On 5/10/2017 at 6:03 PM, Queen Elsa Steelheart said:

I used to occasionally get prophetic dreams, but now I seem to get them every single or every second night, and a few days/weeks later, they seem to come true. My 'powers' have greatly increased in the last month with the addition of visions while I am conscious that gives clues what is happening soon and if it will be unexpected or expected.


For example, when I was sick, I got a random vision of a hospital. Two hours later I was in an ambulance with suspected appendicitis (And with different symptoms)

I also can seem to detect whether the answer to a question is yes, no or unclear. 


It's pretty cool to have this and I'm happy to answer some questions if you have any :D 

I suppose it's beyond your abilities to figure out what the heck ever happened to my passport. The house ate it six years ago. I always figured it'd turn up when we moved, but it never did.

On 5/11/2017 at 3:05 AM, Mestiv said:

Also, now that Chaos is away,  we have a chance to take over the Shard! :ph34r:


Though now that he's away, I can tell you that I am slightly jealous of your new position. Not because of the ranking or anything, but just cause your name gets to be purple. Us regular mods just get that ugly mustard yellow color. Purple is the vastly superior color.

On 5/11/2017 at 9:56 PM, Chaos said:

I'm watching you all from my plane. Muwhahaha! I see all!

...oops. Er, I and my mustard yellow name salute you!

15 hours ago, Sunbird said:

Have you read the previous parts of this fanfic that Twi has posted? I think they're all in this thread somewhere.

@TwiLyghtSansSparkles really needs to compile it into a single thread in Creator's Corner.

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@KaymythRegarding Fullmetal Alchemist:

I'd say wanting it dubbed is a fair option, particularly in this instance. FMA is a show which takes a lot of it's cues from European history, culture and settings; an english dub just feels more "natural" to me for it than a Japanese one.
(Also, the english dub is pretty good. That's a plus)

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24 minutes ago, Quiver said:

@KaymythRegarding Fullmetal Alchemist:
(Also, the english dub is pretty good. That's a plus)

I'd have to concur with you here. Generally speaking, I am a Japanese language purist for Anime; but FMA, Cowboy Bebop and Yu Yu Hakusho are the three animes I will willingly watch in English (I actually prefer the English to the Japanese in Yu Yu Hakusho because Justin Cook is incredible as Yusuke).

Edited by The Sovereign
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53 minutes ago, Kaymyth said:

Hee. Just wait till you get sucked in fully and those suitcases start getting packed with costumes.

With my non-existant manual skills it would be a miracle if I ever get to making a mistcloak (which is like one of the simplest cosplays I ever heard of... wait... if I keep growing my beard I just need a big black sword and I could cosplay Vasher :ph34r:). So, unlikely.

56 minutes ago, Kaymyth said:

You might check out JordanCon's website and take a look at the schedule for their SanderTrack. They have a wide variety of Sanderson-related panels that run constantly through the convention. So your real challenge isn't going to be thinking of something, but narrowing it down to just one thing.

Thanks, I'll look into that. We have already sent our submition but it's vague enough that I could shove almost anything Cosmere related there.

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15 hours ago, Mestiv said:

Not watching Doctor Who I can understand, but Harry Potter... :o

Eh, I wanted to read Harry Potter, but my parents didn't let me because magic and crap.

And now I've read stuff like Mistborn and I'm starting Stormlight...shhh, don't tel them. :ph34r:

Honestly, I was mad at first that they wouldn't let me read it, but now I don't really wanna read it. Mainly because there's so many books, they're so long, and I just don't have the time (because of school, band, and other books). I might read it some day.

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20 hours ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

@Delightfully Smoak @Quiver @Darkness Ascendant @The Honor Spren @Slowswift @The Sovereign


  Reveal hidden contents

I'm in a magic box, hurtling through the air at who-knows-how-many miles an hour. 

A box piloted by some nutter who thinks I'm his distant grandson. Even though he can't be more than—what, twenty-eight? Thirty? 

Wait—is it magic? 

The TARDIS had an awful lot of buttons and levers for something magical. Draco was no expert on Muggle machinery, but what he saw matched the little he knew of it. Then again, the whole thing was bigger on the inside, which shouldn't have been possible without magic—which, again, would explain why the magic in Hogwarts hadn't interfered with its circuits or conductors or whatever the hell Muggles used to power their machines. 

None of which, in his limited experience, looked a thing like the TARDIS. 

Draco knew he shouldn't ask too many questions. The Doctor's fury on his behalf could be turned on him in less time than it took to blink, and a man mental enough to think he was old enough to have a great-great-great-great-etcetera grandson would be unstable enough to snap at the drop of a hat. But the TARDIS was a mystery wrapped inside a contradiction, and no amount of reasoning on his part could keep his curiosity at bay. He wanted to know—needed to know—and hated it, hated the way it chipped at his veneer of a detached young wizard with all the knowledge he needed. 

But not knowing….


The Doctor looked up immediately, killing Draco's hope that the noise of flight—or whatever the hell the TARDIS did—would keep him from hearing the question. 

"How'd the TARDIS get into Hogwarts?" 

"Flew in through an interdimensional ripple that got her there, slipped in between the cracks, landed in that room you were in. Bit of an odd landing, but simple enough." 

Draco made a mental note not to ask what the hell an interdimensional ripple was or what it implied about reality as he knew it, knowing he'd disregard that note before the hour was through. "But there's magic in Hogwarts." 

"And the Planet of Hats has more hats than any being could ever wear. Well, any being with a head, anyway—though I supposed those headless ones could just wear them on their hands. Or feet, if they preferred, though that'd make walking a bit clumsy—not that wearing a hat on your hands would make doing anything easy. Anyway, you had a point?" 

Planet of Hats, headless beings—brilliant. I'll be sounding like Granger by day's end. "The magic interferes with Muggle technology. Shouldn't the TARDIS have crashed the second it got inside?" 

"Nah. Uses the energy of the universe as power. Magic's just another sort of fuel. Besides, the TARDIS isn't a machine—not what you'd call a machine, anyway." 

Was any of that supposed to make sense? Draco thought the question, but didn't dare voice it. He'd asked for an answer and received one, and that was that. 

"Anything else you'd like to know?" 

Draco pictured his questions as a list, which already would have filled a good two feet of parchment. "No, no, thank you." 

"Right then, here we are." The floor of the TARDIS bucked, nearly knocking Draco from his feet. He tightened his grip on the handhold he'd found, for all the good it did, as a sound somewhere between a scrape and a whoosh filled the air. The thing was either landing or about to fall apart, and he had a horrible suspicion it was the latter.  

Then, all was still. The Doctor's shoes slapped the floor as he bounced to the doors and flung them open. 

"Take a look at that, will you? No matter when you visit, London never changes. Right, Draco? Er—Draco?" 

With some effort, Draco loosened his grip, took a tentative step forward. 

The Doctor laughed. "It was just a landing. Come on—look at this, look." 

Draco bit back a snide remark about the sight being worth their lives, and joined the Doctor at the doors. The sight made his stomach do a flip. 

He had been to London before—not only Diagon Alley, but Muggle London, for the short trips necessary to get him to Platform Nine and Three Quarters. Dad had never spent much time in the Muggle section of the city, and so Draco would not have claimed familiarity with it. Yet even with the little experience he had, the few sights he'd seen in passing, he knew what Muggle London looked like. 

This was not Muggle London. 

Strange rounded automobiles in muted colors lumbered down the streets. Men in suits not unlike the Doctor's, women in knee-length dresses, hurried along the sidewalks. The buildings—they weren't as tall as he remembered. There were more differences, smaller things he couldn't articulate, things that made his mind scream wrong! wrong! wrong!

"You all right, there?" 

"This isn't London." 

"Sure it is. London, 1937. A very old city loaded with historical charm." 

The Doctor grinned as he said it, but Draco couldn't manage anything approaching a smile. "No—that—impossible." 

"Well, we're here, so I'd say it's fairly possible." 

"No—no, see, time—" He knew the rules of time travel: no more than five hours, disaster strikes if you travel further than that, you get stuck centuries from home and disintegrate the second you return…. "We have to go." 

The Doctor laughed. "We just got here! Come on, I'll show you 'round." 

"No—but—you don't understand—people die—" 

"—if you use a sophisticated but imperfect time travel device, such as a Time-Turner, which we didn't. Great invention, by the way. Watched it made, but anyway. We used a TARDIS." He stepped back toward the door. "Really, Draco, it's fine. I've been to the time of the dinosaurs and the end of the world and do I look like dust to you?" 

He most certainly did not look like dust. He did, however, look less like an ordinary human and more like something strange and alien wearing a human face, albeit one with a reassuring smile. Draco understood, then, how the Doctor could pop into Hogwarts and out again with his strange machine intact. He understood how he could know about the Dark Lord and the war and think he had the power to change anything at all. And he understood, at last, how the Doctor could claim to be a relation from the Middle Ages. 

Draco thought he'd done well holding his questions back. But this one spilled out against his will, before he could rephrase it into something less offensive. 

"What the hell are you?" 


I don't wanna be a jerk or anything, but isn't there a place for this? ...I think that the Creative Writing or whatever it's called could use your summoning to get people to look at it.

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1 hour ago, StrikerEZ said:

Eh, I wanted to read Harry Potter, but my parents didn't let me because magic and crap.

And now I've read stuff like Mistborn and I'm starting Stormlight...shhh, don't tel them. :ph34r:

Honestly, I was mad at first that they wouldn't let me read it, but now I don't really wanna read it. Mainly because there's so many books, they're so long, and I just don't have the time (because of school, band, and other books). I might read it some day

Who's fansite is this, again? :P 

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2 hours ago, The Sovereign said:

I'd have to concur with you here. Generally speaking, I am a Japanese language purist for Anime; but FMA, Cowboy Bebop and Yu Yu Hakusho are the three animes I will willingly watch in English (I actually prefer the English to the Japanese in Yu Yu Hakusho because Justin Cook is incredible as Yusuke).

Heh. But I'd go full Philistine and say, nah, I'll watch all anime that way. Because I just can't sit there and not work on something. :D

2 hours ago, Oversleep said:

With my non-existant manual skills it would be a miracle if I ever get to making a mistcloak (which is like one of the simplest cosplays I ever heard of... wait... if I keep growing my beard I just need a big black sword and I could cosplay Vasher :ph34r:). So, unlikely.

Thanks, I'll look into that. We have already sent our submition but it's vague enough that I could shove almost anything Cosmere related there.

Manual skills can be learned. :D

1 hour ago, Queen Elsa Steelheart said:

@Kaymyth I will try use my powers to see if I can get a clue as to what happened to your passport :P:D 

Don't worry about it too much. It probably dropped through a portal into Narnia or something. :P

1 hour ago, Jedal said:

I don't wanna be a jerk or anything, but isn't there a place for this? ...I think that the Creative Writing or whatever it's called could use your summoning to get people to look at it.

Dude, I just pointed that out on this same thread just a few hours ago. (Though mostly because I wanted it all in one place so I could be sure and not miss any part of it.)

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2 hours ago, Delightfully Smoak said:

Who's fansite is this, again? :P 

Okay, true. But I don't know. I guess I'll read it eventually, but I'm not all that sure if I'm even that interested in it anymore.

2 hours ago, ParadoxicalZen said:

@StrikerEZ seconded what the president of the Felicity smoak fan club said ^ HP pales in comparison to Brandon for length xD

True. True.

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3 hours ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:


I will no longer be posting chapters of that Who/Potter crossover here. If you want to read it, I'm hosting chapters on Quotev.


I didn't know you were doing a Who/Potter crossover. :o I have to look into this.

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18 minutes ago, Kobold King said:

I didn't know you were doing a Who/Potter crossover. :o I have to look into this.

You really have start spending time around here again, Korn Kob. :P 

Edit: about the asdf movies, it was only recently that I watched them all. I used to think this one person I knew was really funny, but turns out they just quoted asdf movies all the time. :mellow: 

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3 minutes ago, The Honor Spren said:

You really have start spending time around here again, Korn Kob. :P 

Edit: about the asdf movies, it was only recently that I watched them all. I used to think this one person I knew was really funny, but turns out they just quoted asdf movies all the time. :mellow: 

That sounds like me. Do I secretly know you in real life? :ph34r:

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Um, I've never read Harry Potter, and I don't intend to...
And please don't do the entire 'oh, you've missed your entire childhood' stuff, because when it's annoying. What constitutes as a childhood book differs between people, and it's just...I read Terry Pratchett as a child? And I feel that the Tiffany Aching books were kinda important to me, because they taught me to think? So yeah...not that I think you'll do that, but it doesn't really seem to be my sort of thing and yet sometimes people still try to force it on me...

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15 minutes ago, A Budgie said:

Um, I've never read Harry Potter, and I don't intend to...
And please don't do the entire 'oh, you've missed your entire childhood' stuff, because when it's annoying. What constitutes as a childhood book differs between people, and it's just...I read Terry Pratchett as a child? And I feel that the Tiffany Aching books were kinda important to me, because they taught me to think? So yeah...not that I think you'll do that, but it doesn't really seem to be my sort of thing and yet sometimes people still try to force it on me...

I see your "Harry Potter" and raise you Back to the Future, the Princess Bride, the Karate Kid franchise, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles live action movies, the Aliens franchise...
...actually, ya know what? Name a thing that 90's kids were supposed to have watched, and I can pretty much guarantee I missed it :P I also didn't see X-Men 1 or 2 until they got DVD releases for some reason, and that was at the height of my status as an X-fan.

(Heck, think I was... what, 16 by the time I saw the Terminator films? And those have become one of my favorite movies ever, so)

Actually, remember at Uni, one of my friends was so horrified that I hadn't seen those pop cultural milestones that they asked if I had been raised in a convent.

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Back on the exercise game, cause I ate way too much on vacation and gained some pounds. I need to remove this belly pudge; my heart and my knees will thank me.

ConQuesT in two weeks. I and my team will be making sure our four guests of honor are fed, happy, and in the right places at the right times. I also need to finish up the amigurumi gifts I am making. Because yarn. Yay yarn!


17 minutes ago, Quiver said:

I see your "Harry Potter" and raise you Back to the Future, the Princess Bride, the Karate Kid franchise, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles live action movies, the Aliens franchise...
...actually, ya know what? Name a thing that 90's kids were supposed to have watched, and I can pretty much guarantee I missed it :P I also didn't see X-Men 1 or 2 until they got DVD releases for some reason, and that was at the height of my status as an X-fan.

(Heck, think I was... what, 16 by the time I saw the Terminator films? And those have become one of my favorite movies ever, so)

Actually, remember at Uni, one of my friends was so horrified that I hadn't seen those pop cultural milestones that they asked if I had been raised in a convent.

Most of your things listed were from the 80s. But the lack of Princess Bride kinda makes my heart sad. That one's the best of the bunch.


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34 minutes ago, A Budgie said:

Um, I've never read Harry Potter, and I don't intend to...
And please don't do the entire 'oh, you've missed your entire childhood' stuff, because when it's annoying. What constitutes as a childhood book differs between people, and it's just...I read Terry Pratchett as a child? And I feel that the Tiffany Aching books were kinda important to me, because they taught me to think? So yeah...not that I think you'll do that, but it doesn't really seem to be my sort of thing and yet sometimes people still try to force it on me...

The Tiffany Aching books are some of my favorites! I'll say the same for them- they really got me to start looking at the world around me. Not to mention the fact that they're hilarious.

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