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Random Stuff X: Something Weird


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9 minutes ago, Kestrel said:

Ya know that site i was having issues with the mod team with? They actually permabanned me today on discord because i jokingly called them mean. And even pmed the one who got offended by my statement and told them I was being sarcastic about it. They said "not everyone would take it that way" and I made the mistake of telling her "you don't speak for everyone" and poof. I banned.


Apparently they also told one of the newer members not to try to help me bc I have "issues" and that frankly has made me the most mad about this. Like. I bet y'all can see why.


Although that sounds like the kind of community you'll be glad to have left, it's still horrible that they made YOU suffer for THEIR awfulness. Is it bad that I want to find out what site it is so I can sign up and troll until I'm banned? Because those mods deserve that. To kick you off and then slander you? I just....storms. :angry:

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4 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:


Although that sounds like the kind of community you'll be glad to have left, it's still horrible that they made YOU suffer for THEIR awfulness. Is it bad that I want to find out what site it is so I can sign up and troll until I'm banned? Because those mods deserve that. To kick you off and then slander you? I just....storms. :angry:

Its just. I don't care that I'm banned from chat bc the only reason why I stayed on was to laugh about this group of people who obviously have no lives outside of the website. The only thing I'm really and truely mad about is how they had the gal to try to get a new user to not talk to me in order to alienate me.

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9 minutes ago, Kestrel said:

Its just. I don't care that I'm banned from chat bc the only reason why I stayed on was to laugh about this group of people who obviously have no lives outside of the website. The only thing I'm really and truely mad about is how they had the gal to try to get a new user to not talk to me in order to alienate me.

Yeah, that's beyond the pale. Banning someone is one thing, but spreading malicious slander to alienate that person is another thing entirely. 

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14 minutes ago, Quiver said:

Can any Pokémon fans help me out with something?

I'm just wondering if there is enough information available to construct a timelime/world map for the Pokémon universe. For... reasons :ph34r:

I've actually speculated on this a few times... a way to connect Looker to every single region and prove the existence of a single enemy composed of all the rest.

However, there is not enough information, so...

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3 minutes ago, Hemalurgic_Headshot said:

I've actually speculated on this a few times... a way to connect Looker to every single region and prove the existence of a single enemy composed of all the rest.

However, there is not enough information, so...

Looker? Sorry, is that a thing I missed?

Doesn't help that I haven't played all the games. :wacko: And certainly haven't played them in a long time.

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7 minutes ago, Quiver said:

Looker? Sorry, is that a thing I missed?

Doesn't help that I haven't played all the games. :wacko: And certainly haven't played them in a long time.

Oh. Sorry. Looker is a detective character that is first introduced in the Sinnoh games, and occurs occasionally in subsequent games. He's fairly recent. Don't worry about it.

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I went birding this morning and I have photos!

Pied-billed Grebe fighting to swallow a fish bigger than his head:


IMG_0604 Pied-billed Grebe Fish Fight.jpg

Yellow-headed Blackbird making an unholy racket:



Better (but not as funny) photo of Yellow-headed Blackbirds looking for dropped seeds beneath a feeder:



Chubby cute Eurasian Collared Dove:



Killdeer hunkered down in the gravel, showing me its butt:



Same Killdeer no longer mooning me:



Eared Grebe:




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1 minute ago, A Budgie said:

@Sunbird the yellow-headed blackbirds were so cute!

I agree! They make the most hideous noise, though. XD Let's see if I can find a video of it...

Ok found one. Skip to 0:50 for the "unholy racket" I referenced in my post with the photos. XD


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Just now, Sunbird said:

I agree! They make the most hideous noise, though. XD Let's see if I can find a video of it...

Ok found one. Skip to 0:50 for the "unholy racket" I referenced in my post with the photos. XD


I'm at school currently, so I can't watch videos, but I'll definitely watch it when I get home.

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I was pathetically proposed to yesterday (dw this hasn't nothing to do with @Pinnacle-Ferring :P)

There's this really weird guy who's friends with my roommates (and *i* think he's weird so). He came over late last night with ice-cream and was hanging around and started describing his dream wedding. 

Roomamate 1: aren't you, yknow, missing a bride?

guy: oh yeah, uh, would you - *waves hands vaguely*

roommate 1: lol no

*guy turns to roommate 2*: would you...? *waves hands*

roommate 2: affectionately flips him off. 

*turns to me*

Guy: how about -

me: *raises eyebrow* that's a pretty pathetic proposal you know. 

Guy: so.....that's a no?

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2 minutes ago, Darkness Ascendant said:



gender equality!

Ooooh that meme. Haven't seen it in forever. 


Just finished Dear Evan Hansen (bootleg) and I'm all sniffly and emotional and i have to go to WORK now.

stupid society needing contributions grumble grumble.

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