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Random Stuff X: Something Weird


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6 hours ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

This is a contingency message should I not see you all again
I would like you all to know that the amount of love I have for you is insurmountable and indescribable.
This is just a fallback, do not take it seriously unless you don't see me for a month.
I love you all

Hey. Talk to us. Where are you? How do you feel? 

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6 hours ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

This is a contingency message should I not see you all again
I would like you all to know that the amount of love I have for you is insurmountable and indescribable.
This is just a fallback, do not take it seriously unless you don't see me for a month.
I love you all

Talk to us, my man. We love you, too, and we don't want anything bad to happen to you. 

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6 hours ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

This is a contingency message should I not see you all again
I would like you all to know that the amount of love I have for you is insurmountable and indescribable.
This is just a fallback, do not take it seriously unless you don't see me for a month.
I love you all

You are worrying me, what happened?

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9 hours ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

This is a contingency message should I not see you all again
I would like you all to know that the amount of love I have for you is insurmountable and indescribable.
This is just a fallback, do not take it seriously unless you don't see me for a month.
I love you all

Dude. Git back on right now or I find a way to get to where you live and make you get on. People are worried bro

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@Darkness Ascendant, GET BACK ON RIGHT NOW AND ANSWER US! I don't care WHO has done WHAT to you! I'm tired of being the one to snap people out of their fears and comfort them, I'm tired of having people I admire, consider friends, and all but WORSHIP for their promise and ingenuity, attempting, considering, or even acknowledging the option of suicide! I have had to deal with this kind of thing THREE TIMES in the past TWO MONTHS and I have HAD IT with this crem! Don't you DARE end what you made- all the joy and hope and solace you've given people; I barely know you and you've helped me feel as though I'm not some worthless soul-sucking demon. Because of you I feel like I'm worth something, Something more than a dog or slave or pitiful excuse for a devils' child... and if you go, I lose that. I feel selfish for making this all about me and how you've helped keep my life intact, but it's true. The mere idea of you considering ending your life hurts me more than anyone on this site could even hope to imagine. Don't go dying on me too! 

I hope you read this and care... I hope your parents and whomever else were such jerks have nightmares twice as bad as the waking ones they've caused you to endure... but I hope you don't go through with it more than anything else.

sorry if i bothered you...

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No reply on Discord. I am about to try google plus. I'm really incredibly worried. His dad did have a habit of taking away his computer


edit: last ONLINE on discord yesterday at 9:41pm

Edited by Queen Elsa Steelheart
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Just dropping in to say that I am currently ok. I am taking a massive risk with this message. My father has confistcated my laptop and is being a captor I guess, not allowed out of the home or anything. We had a massive argument and fight and I threatened to take the matter to the police, which is what made him take these actions, I regrrt saying anything...
I'm so sorry you guys I hope u understand. Stay safe and thank you all for all you have done for me. It's been a bumpy road heh, but it was all worth it :) I love you all. And sorry to @Quiver @Queen Elsa Steelheart @Kestrel And anyone that I missed for bailing on you guys like this *sigh

keep safe :)

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