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Real-life Personalities

Assassin in Burgundy

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I am preaty much the same 

I strive to be as much of an orthologist as i can an I try to put my self I "embarrassing " situation to get over the illogical fear and shame . I am  generally quite cynical and a bit more nihilistic when I am serious . I believe that love either does not exist or I am suuuuuper  unlucky 

usually spewing nonsense with an extreme tendency for bad humor and puns (in greece we call it "cold" humor I don't know if it translates ) . I am a grade A information junkie (which is propably why I fell in love with the cosmere). I am a casual gamer and even though i know all of the lore and secrets I get crushed most often than not lose to my friends in non strategy games , but I don't mind . I am rarely if ever angry 

apart from that I am in my second year studying physics but I feel that I am slowly loosing my passion for it 

in retrospect maybe i am not at all that the same 

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@harambe - love is real. It can be wonderful or extremely painful. Often both. 

But don't think of yourself as super unlucky; maybe you just haven't found the right person yet and thus are saving yourself the pain of loving the wrong person and getting your heart broken :) 

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That, or I am a robot incapable of feeling emotions  :P

2 minutes ago, Erunion (The Incorrigible) said:

@harambe - love is real. It can be wonderful or extremely painful. Often both. 

But don't think of yourself as super unlucky; maybe you just haven't found the right person yet and thus are saving yourself the pain of loving the wrong person and getting your heart broken :) 


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13 minutes ago, harambe said:

That, or I am a robot incapable of feeling emotions  :P

Not necessarily. If you take a quick look at a Meyers-Briggs test you might have a better idea, but the concept that emotions are a universal primary expression isn't true.

I should know, I'm an INTP. I have emotions, but they aren't something I frequently use - I'm more likely to analyze things using numbers and concepts, rather than an emotional response. It's not something that most people have (which is why I initially thought I had a slight problem), but it is something that's perfectly normal for certain people, such as myself. As I said earlier, I have a nasty tendency to analyze things using purely numbers and logic. I also have no problem with not having to deal with people for days on end while I do something I like (i.e. researching odd subjects like artificial intelligence, or writing). That's not to say I don't have emotions or don't use them - they just aren't the primary tool I use for understanding the world. I have good friends who are like me, and I have good friends who aren't. 

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11 minutes ago, aeromancer said:

Not necessarily. If you take a quick look at a Meyers-Briggs test you might have a better idea, but the concept that emotions are a universal primary expression isn't true.

I should know, I'm an INTP. I have emotions, but they aren't something I frequently use - I'm more likely to analyze things using numbers and concepts, rather than an emotional response. It's not something that most people have (which is why I initially thought I had a slight problem), but it is something that's perfectly normal for certain people, such as myself. As I said earlier, I have a nasty tendency to analyze things using purely numbers and logic. I also have no problem with not having to deal with people for days on end while I do something I like (i.e. researching odd subjects like artificial intelligence, or writing). That's not to say I don't have emotions or don't use them - they just aren't the primary tool I use for understanding the world. I have good friends who are like me, and I have good friends who aren't. 

I everything you said suits me perfectly 

i think I found my internet brother :D

i have taken the test a while back but I don't remember what it gave me

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On 12/18/2016 at 9:36 PM, Slowswift said:


NICE! Another one!


Yeah, in real life, I'm a jerk. I'm a conceited, all about me, jerk. At least, that's how most people see me.

To myself, I'm just confused. I see the world one way, and I desire it another. People in my life are at their core evil, and in order to detract from their insanity, I am hotheaded, rude and brutally honest. But inside, if I'm being honest, I'm a child. I see the world for all the stars in the sky and all the good we can do and it makes me so damnation angry to see people want to detract from our collective potential. So I get into fights, and lots of people don't like me, but the ones who do generally stick around.

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7 minutes ago, Zathoth said:

Guys, not to rain on your parade, but if you look around Myers Briggs has no basis in science <.<

I dont know why that out of all million personality test types stuck... maybe because it looks like it makes sense.

Yeah, much like Freudian theory or Campbell's Hero's Journey, it sticks to the public mind even as the actual experts have disavowed them decades ago.

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7 minutes ago, Zathoth said:

Guys, not to rain on your parade, but if you look around Myers Briggs has no basis in science <.<


1 minute ago, Orlion Determined said:

Yeah, much like Freudian theory or Campbell's Hero's Journey, it sticks to the public mind even as the actual experts have disavowed them decades ago.


That's because it's not science. Meyers-Briggs is a psychological tool - it is by no means definitive - and, as such, is not proven right. Also has a nasty habit of shifting what you are based on the mood you're in when you take the test. It is simply a way to give a shape to identity and give stability to structure. Now, there are people who don't like being pigeonholed into one of two categories four times in a row, (and people can't be broken down that simply), but it's a very good start for understanding yourself. Also, it's based heavily in Jungian psychology, and I like Jung. 

A lot of what @Jedal said applies to me too. I'm very straightforward, to the point of being brutal, occasionally, and view the world from a black-and-white lenses, not because it is, but because I'd like it to be.

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23 minutes ago, Jedal said:

NICE! Another one!


Yeah, in real life, I'm a jerk. I'm a conceited, all about me, jerk. At least, that's how most people see me.

To myself, I'm just confused. I see the world one way, and I desire it another. People in my life are at their core evil, and in order to detract from their insanity, I am hotheaded, rude and brutally honest. But inside, if I'm being honest, I'm a child. I see the world for all the stars in the sky and all the good we can do and it makes me so damnation angry to see people want to detract from our collective potential. So I get into fights, and lots of people don't like me, but the ones who do generally stick around.

I....feel like I should say: Idealism is not an excuse to treat people badly. Thinking they aren't living up to their full potential is not license to get angry with them. Speaking as someone whose parent gave some variation of the above as justification for abuse, let me tell you that it is not only a bad way to be, but it also doesn't work. Anger will only make some people defiant and others cower away from doing what you think they should be doing. 

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1 hour ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

I....feel like I should say: Idealism is not an excuse to treat people badly. Thinking they aren't living up to their full potential is not license to get angry with them. Speaking as someone whose parent gave some variation of the above as justification for abuse, let me tell you that it is not only a bad way to be, but it also doesn't work. Anger will only make some people defiant and others cower away from doing what you think they should be doing. 

No, that's not the reason why I get pissed. I'm gonna be frank, I live in the same town as some of the most heartless bastards you will ever meet. I always try to be kind to everyone that I meet, but over the course of my academic career, I have been continually passed over for someone who has more connections to the headmaster or someone who is well connected with their peers. Also, in school, children would continually take advantage of my outward naivete as a child and punish me for it. This coupled with the fact that


my parents fight and scream at each other daily

leads me to have a pretty black and white and bleak outlook on the current human race. I'm in a better environment now, but I've retreated so far back into my ideologies and love for books that I have trouble being trusting. I'll still be kind, I'm just less inclined to make friends.

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2 hours ago, Jedal said:

NICE! Another one!

INFP as well.  If you dig far enough, there's an entire thread in here about Myers-Briggs personality types.

2 hours ago, Zathoth said:

Guys, not to rain on your parade, but if you look around Myers Briggs has no basis in science <.<

I dont know why that out of all million personality test types stuck... maybe because it looks like it makes sense.

Meh, I get INFP consistently every time I take it, and the type is reasonably accurate for me.  I am getting more extroverted as I get older for various reasons, but my inner core still leans heavily towards the introvert side.  I'm just really good at short bursts of extrovert.

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Meyers-Briggs, the OCEAN model, and the Enneagram of Personality put together should give you a nice, specific personality profile.  And maybe throw in Political Compass for good measure.  Oh, and Belief-O-Matic.

Edit: I'm actually not joking with this.  You will learn stuff about yourself.

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1 hour ago, ThirdGen said:

Meyers-Briggs, the OCEAN model, and the Enneagram of Personality put together should give you a nice, specific personality profile.  And maybe throw in Political Compass for good measure.  Oh, and Belief-O-Matic.

And which Harry Potter character are you most like AND WHICH IS BEST PONY!!!!!11!!!!?????

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I'm quiet, shy, don't talk much to people I don't know.  And I hate to be the center of attention.

You'll never catch me at a social gathering with alot of people.  Smaller gatherings, more laid back, thats where you might find me.

Though I am trying to get out, and meet new people.  Make new friends.  I use meetup to find groups I like, and I do my level best to get out at least once a week.  More, if I can.

Edit: This describes me fairly well.  Thats not the result I get when taking the quiz (thats the advocate).  I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but the description of the advocate doesn't sound like me.

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We Can Tell Your Marital Status When You Die Based On Your Starbucks Order!

My friend Katie actually once took this quiz on BuzzFeed and got super worked up after cause it said she'd die alone, even though I told her beforehand "Katie this is bs and you're gonna get disappointed and base your life around this stupid quiz" and she said "Come on Cam, I know, it's fine" but then got upset.

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Not really sure why there's a lot of mockery of a system that's been the product of several lifetimes of highly intelligent minds, but if you feel the need to dislike the Meyers-Briggs test which is a good tool for discovering yourself, then go ahead, I guess. I won't stop you.

Except for, you know, being sarcastic. Because some internet crackpot is on the level of Katherin Briggs, Isabel Myers, and (like I mentioned earlier) all of their work is based on Carl Jung. Absolutely. Here, I'll give you all upvotes to show how serious I am.

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16 minutes ago, aeromancer said:

Not really sure why there's a lot of mockery of a system that's been the product of several lifetimes of highly intelligent minds, but if you feel the need to dislike the Meyers-Briggs test which is a good tool for discovering yourself, then go ahead, I guess. I won't stop you.

Except for, you know, being sarcastic. Because some internet crackpot is on the level of Katherin Briggs, Isabel Myers, and (like I mentioned earlier) all of their work is based on Carl Jung. Absolutely. Here, I'll give you all upvotes to show how serious I am.

That's the thing about humans, we make fun of literally anything. 

We thrive off a good laugh.

That's why we have comedians, politics, and late night TV.

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15 hours ago, bleeder said:

That's the thing about humans, we make fun of literally anything. 

We thrive off a good laugh.

That's why we have comedians, politics, and late night TV.

Well, considering life is a joke... Make 'em laugh make 'em laugh make 'me laugh! (If no one knows where that is from I will be sorely disappointed)

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15 hours ago, bleeder said:

That's the thing about humans, we make fun of literally anything. 

We thrive off a good laugh.

"Once you realize what a joke everything is, being the Comedian is the only thing that makes sense" eh? Yeah, except some of us aren't like that. My real life personality isn't like that. In other words, I'm not like that. It takes one scoffer to undo the work of thousands.

What people do not get, and I get frustrated at this, is that all people who exist who don't share your sense of humor, or any sense of humor. Humor, like emotions, has a time and place and this is not it. If I mention in a thread discussing personalities that there is a useful tool, and the response is:

22 hours ago, Zathoth said:

Guys, not to rain on your parade, but if you look around Myers Briggs has no basis in science <.<

when, in actuality, it's highly regarded in the psychological field, and a very useful baseline, that annoys some people. Like me. It's why I like Jasnah as a character, and don't like Wayne. 

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Myers-Briggs is useful, but only to a certain point.  It's extremely useful in understanding how different people interact with the world and communicate, but there are limits.  For example, in a work environment, it could be a very good tool for sorting out group dynamics and facilitating conflict resolution between very different personality types within a team.  Once you've pinpointed the trouble spots, it's helpful in developing strategies to solve those problems.

However, it is generally not useful in base hiring decisions.  If someone says, "I want to hire someone who is part of <subset of MBPT>, and nobody else will do!" they are then limiting themselves without considering each candidate on their individual merits.  They wind up limiting their pool and hobbling the potential for diverse solutions on their team.

I've actually been to seminars where the instructor advocated for using Myers-Briggs as a hiring tool, with a pretty strong undertone of, "I mean, you don't want to hire introverts, do you?"  Gee, thanks, Guy Whose Background is Aggressive Sales.  Watch out, your personal bias is showing.  (This is the same guy who also stood up there and told us that participation in team sports is a more important item on a resume than actual qualifications and job experience.  I was not impressed.)

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I'm a firm believer in the idea that internet and social media culture has created a space for people to very easily put forward a persona that is not who they really are and I'm not a big fan of this. Internet anonymity is a thing that I feel overall hurts society in general (not saying it's all bad, but the trend is generally moving in that direction).


That said, I make a conscious effort to present myself (thoughts, emotions, ideals, personality, speech) as I really am. No pretension, no facade, no BS. Just me. I find it much easier to deal with people when coming from a place of honesty and forthrightness. So yeah. What you see is what you get, all joking about being a sapient beard aside. ;)

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