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What is inside Shallan's father's safe

Kaladin Kal

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I was re-reading the "Red carpet once White" and noticed this . I am all of you must have thought about it.


They passed Father’s strongbox set into the wall. It glowed brightly, light streaming from the cracks around the closed door. A monster was inside.


What might be inside the safe? definitely not spheres...!!!  is it a honorblade? or the soul-casting fabrial?. And am I the only one felt that lullaby was so wrong especially the first two lines?.


Now go to sleep in chasms deep, with darkness all around you…

Though rock and dread may be your bed, so sleep my baby dear.

Now comes the storm, but you’ll be warm, the wind will rock your basket…

The crystals fine will glow sublime, so sleep my baby dear.

And with a song, it won’t be long, you’ll sleep my baby dear.”



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That scene raised so many questions, and offered very few answers. Tor and Brandon certainly got the hooks in us with this set of excerpts.


None of the glowing objects we've seen in tWoK seem to fit for this scene. Lets look at the possibilities:


A Shard-blade / Honour-blade - A sword that has just been used to kill someone could look like a monster in a child's eyes so that fits. We know that blades can glow, so that fits. But we haven't seen any modern day blades glow, why would this one be different? Even if it is an Honour-blade, it's essentially been confirmed now that Szeth has an Honour-blade, and there's been no mention of his glowing. The only blades we've seen that glowed were still in the hands of their original owners, so could this be a blade belonging to the herald that took their blade back, and thus why it still glows?


-As for the other possibilities, there's been some speculation that it could be a larkin, but that doesn't seem to fit. It could also be a gem or a fabrial, but how would those be monsters? Or it could be something we haven't seen yet in the books.


As for the lullaby, there has been speculation that it could refer to the shattered plains (note : chasms deep), or reference the way to Urithiru. Either way it is an odd lullaby, but may that's just the way its done on Roshar.

Edited by Moist_von_Lipwig
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I also thought that lullaby was a little dodgy, I immediatly thought of chasmfiends and voidbinding when i read that

You want a dodgy lullaby? How about one where a baby gets dropped from 40' in the air and dies.


Rock a by baby in the tree top.

When the wind blows the cradle will rock

And when bough breaks will fall

And down will come baby, cradle all.

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Historically (at least on Earth) many lullabies have been dark and dreary. According to Wikipedia, lullabies seemed to be a way for mothers to voice their fears and worries.

I was curious about how the lullaby might connect to Urithiru yesterday so I did some digging. Moogle made an excellent post about all known information about Urithiru here. Of particular note I thought was the idea of Urithiru being a centerpoint of many portals that connects the various cities of Roshar.

Now if we reread the lullaby again, just taking off all instances of "sleep/my baby dear". We get something a little bit different:


“In chasms deep, with darkness all around you…

Though rock and dread may be your bed

Now comes the storm, but you’ll be warm, the wind will rock your basket…

The crystals fine will glow sublime,

And with a song, it won’t be long,"

Maybe a formula for ancient travelers to remember how to use the portals? Moogle postulated in the above thread that Urithiru was a shortcut for people to get to places in a shorter amount of time. 

Lastly, I wanted to put in an idea that the monster in the strongbox was a Spren. It might not be Pattern, although we did know that Pattern/Cryptics and Shallan did meet each other before Karbanath. And that Shallan has 'forgot' or made herself forget. If the garden instance wasn't the only meeting, maybe there was other times where the Cryptics were part of Shallan's memories that she just didn't realize.

“What is the first thing you do remember?” Shallan asked. “Where were you first?”

“First,” Pattern said. “With you.”

“On the ship?” Shallan said, writing.

“No. Green. Food. Food not eaten.”

“Plants?” Shallan asked.

“Yes. Many plants.” He vibrated, and she thought she could hear in that vibration the blowing of wind through branches. Shallan breathed in. She could almost see it. The deck in front of her changing to a dirt path, her box becoming a stone bench. Faintly. Not really there, but almost. Her father’s gardens. Pattern on the ground, drawn in the dust…

“Remember,” Pattern said, voice like a whisper.

WoR excerpt - Chapter 6: Terrible Destruction

TL;DR: But the words monsters and glow, leads me to suspect that it might have been a Spren trapped in the strongbox.

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I sang it to my four month old girl last night.  She fell right asleep.


Thanks for the Up voting my dad!


Historically (at least on Earth) many lullabies have been dark and dreary. According to Wikipedia, lullabies seemed to be a way for mothers to voice their fears and worries.

Lastly, I wanted to put in an idea that the monster in the strongbox was a Spren. It might not be Pattern, although we did know that Pattern/Cryptics and Shallan did meet each other before Karbanath. And that Shallan has 'forgot' or made herself forget. If the garden instance wasn't the only meeting, maybe there was other times where the Cryptics were part of Shallan's memories that she just didn't realize.

TL;DR: But the words monsters and glow, leads me to suspect that it might have been a Spren trapped in the strongbox.


I like the idea of a creepy spren in there, it's consistant with the Ghostbloods having greater Cosmere knowledge than a Lay-Rosharan.  I also agree that she's repressing memories big time.  Just think about how she doesn't think about the fact that she killed her father until the very end of WoK.   I think her path to greater KR-hood will be to quit lying to herself and embrace and remember the past. 

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I agree. I think the lullaby is her father's way of communicating instructions to her. Perhaps unrelated, I think the chasms will play a significant roll in finding Urithiru. I can see Shallon following "the strang bridgeman/Captain down into the chasms and having this flashback again.

I don't think we have seen the last do this lullaby. . .

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Maybe a set of shardplate that glowed like that of the KR. Maybe she saw someone (her father?) dressed in it killing those people in the other room, and after he took it of and stored it away in his lockbox.


That could also tie in with the shardbearer that Kaladin killed who's plate glowed like that of the KR being Shallans brother.

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I always assumed it was a Shardblade. We don't know how Shallan got it. But if her and her brother both had one, something tells me the ghostbloods thought that the Davar's would make a Nahel bond. It was there way of protecting an asset(or creating a debt). This makes me think that gentics may be a factor in Nahel bonds(We know Kaladin is Tanavast's Son). 

Edited by EvilKetchupCow
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I always assumed it was a Shardblade. We don't know how Shallan got it. But if her and her brother both had one, something tells me the ghostbloods thought that the Davar's would make a Nahel bond. It was there way of protecting an asset(or creating a debt). This makes me think that gentics may be a factor in Nahel bonds(We know Kaladin is Tanavast's Son). 

I always thought he was  called "Son of Tanavast" because he bonded with a honorspren or he is one of Roshar where Tanavast is refered as the Almighty. Did I miss anything :blink:

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No, you didn't miss anything. I took the statement literally. I assumed he was a descendant of Tanavast. I never even considered that it would have been because of the bond. I think it is more likely that you are correct and that "Son of Tanavast" is referring to his bond with Sly. But against logic I'm still sticking to my guns and saying that Kaladin is a descendant of Tanavast. 

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I always thought he was  called "Son of Tanavast" because he bonded with a honorspren or he is one of Roshar where Tanavast is refered as the Almighty. Did I miss anything :blink:

Unless Brandon's planning on pulling a form of "Luke I am your father!", Lirin is definitely Kaladin's father. I presume the son of Honor thing has to do with him bonding to an honorspren, acting 'honorably', etc.


Edit: Ninja'd! That's been happening to me a lot lately...

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...referring to his bond with Sly. 


I find this misspelling of Syl's name to be entirely appropriate.


So, now I'm curious. There is another forum user (Natans) who routinely types Syl as "Sly." I had thought it was a misspelling, but what if it's a language variation in WoK translations? I'm pretty sure Natans is a Portuguese speaker.

@EvilKetchupCow, was "Sly" intentional or a typo? 

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I thought the lullaby highlighted how different safety is on Roshar.  With highstorms being so deadly, being in a dark chasm is the safe place to be compared to outside.  


I think Rock says at one point that it would be deadly.

All the rain in the chasm would be a flood and everyone down there would drown.

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