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4 minutes ago, A Joe in the Bush said:

I have been suspicious of Lopen for a while. Mostly because He brought up the idea of WGG's before anyone else did, but didn't actually comment much on them, like he wanted everyone to suspect Wilson for being saved. I would also accept him being intelligent enough to pull a Attack/Save Wilson to get the village to lynch her. So i will happily Retract my vote on [ Stick ] and vote for [ Lopen. ]

One, you'd voted for me.

Two, I don't need to suggest another lynch target, because I tried on D2. But the bandwagon hath no brakes.

Three, Joe voted on me for RP. Don't know if you've noticed, but I've RPd many different roles, and said before the game that my RP character is a Mistborn. Please don't try to misinterpret my RP to put suspicion on me, especially seeing as you were the one that I suggested we lynch instead. (Still hold to that, not that it matters)

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3 hours ago, little wilson said:

1. Really, Lopen? If you're going to misconstrue my points, at least try harder. I was being lumped among all the players who were posting less than once a cycle and not really sharing any opinions/thoughts. I didn't lump everyone else together, saying that everyone was focusing on Dalinar. Because not everyone is. Yeah, I noticed the player analyses you, Mage and Doc posted. I also noticed that there wasn't really a whole lot to any of them, as you admit. And player analyses have never been much to really interact with, beyond saying "Eh, yeah, I agree with you about this person, but I disagree about this person." They're better to look back on when a player dies, because you know what they thought about every player. So it's great that you guys posted them, but it doesn't add much of substance to the actual discussion. It's just something useful to recall. Or for other to note. Since Night 2, nearly all of the substantial thread discussion has been regarding Dalinar. There has been very little else discussed.

2. Now, because of this, I agree that him dying and discovering his alignment will give us a bit of information. But it won't make up for the loss of discussion, because we've now lost not one, not two but three days of discussion because of this. Three days. Do you really think we'll get so much info from that lynch to make up for losing three days of discussion? If he's good, we've got a few suspects for Spiked, but those suspects could just as easily be tunneling villagers - in fact, I would be more inclined to think that they are. If he's Spiked, we have a couple of guesses for role distribution, and a few more suspects for Spiked - but we'll also have some soft-clears of people who maybe shouldn't soft-cleared because while it looks like to us that the Spiked have tried really hard to keep Dalinar alive, that doesn't mean they were trying hard in the thread. If Dalinar's Spiked, I'd bet there was at least one Spiked who voted on him in every lynch. If.

3. I'm not convinced he's a villager. But I think it much more likely that he's being set up. I'm not convinced the Rioter who "saved" him was Spiked. They could've easily just been someone who was more suspicious of Ecth than they were of Dalinar, had an ability they've never had before, and decided to do something with it. Villagers have done more in terms of vote manip in the past. And is it really much different than a Coinshot being a vigilante? Not really. You're assuming that they were trying to save Dalinar. But I don't think that's a safe assumption. I think Day 1 had two villagers up for the lynch, and when the Rioter stepped in, the Spiked capitalized on it when they knew there was a good chance he'd be attacked and lurched him, hoping to focus discussion on Dalinar for as long as they possibly could. And it's worked. Congrats, Spiked.

If I'm wrong, I'll be surprised.


Exactly. Everything is contingent on Dalinar being Spiked, which isn't something I'm willing to assume, and it's really frustrating that everything substantial has been about him. That he's been the center of everything, just as you say. Because it didn't have to be this way. There were, and still are, other things we can discuss.


The lynch on him D1 was typical of a D1 lynch. The D2 lynch, as far as I could tell, was mostly just because he survived the D1 lynch and and Coinshot's attack on him had just failed. That's....it. That's basically the entire substance of that lynch. Certainly not a reason to focus every bit of discussion on him for another turn (since the Night had been focused on him too). Yet, that's basically what happened.

4. But anyway. I talk about not letting the focus be about Dalinar, and say that there are other things we can discuss. So what are those other things? Well, for one, role distribution. Now, it's been said many, many times that one should not try to guess Meta's role distribution. However, that's at the very beginning of the game with no evidence. It's a poor idea to try to guess him. But at this point, we've now seen a few things. Dalinar claims that he drew Copper, then Pewter, and now Zinc. This means that he cannot be the Mistborn who drew Tin Cycle 1. That means there are at least two Mistborn. We've seen soothing, rioting, lurching, coinshots, and thug-survival. Here's a question for you: what if the vast majority of those actions are merely from Mistborn drawing those metals? What if the two Coinshot attacks weren't the actions of a single Coinshot but two different Mistborn who happened to draw Steel? What if the Spiked don't have a Lurcher but have a Mistborn who drew Iron? Now, we've also seen two Mistings: Ecth was a Sooth and Straw was a Rioter. El mentioned this during the last day cycle or the night, but what if most of the roles are Mistborn? How does that change our strategy? Does it? Should we discuss this? I'm not saying start planning in the thread for it, but if most of the roles are Mistborn, what do the Spiked have? An entire team of Mistborn? Honestly, I could see Meta being a troll like that.

I'd say that another thing we can do is focus on other suspicions, but I'm of the school of thought that says that the best discussions that happen in regards to solidifying suspicions and seeing exactly where people stand on specific people is when there's a threat of a lynch. And there's not right now, other than Dalinar. I don't foresee that changing, and I'm not going to try to direct it elsewhere, because I understand why: I was also more than a little irked when Dalinar survived the night because it meant that everything was going to get centered around him again, and will continue being centered around him until he dies. I want it over, but I don't think the information we gather from his alignment will be useful, and it's frustrating that we're not going to get anywhere during the day until he's dead. So go ahead and lynch him. But let's at least discuss other things.

Numbered to respond easier.

1. Wasn't trying to misconstrue your points. I just thought there were a few things that people could comment on if they didn't feel like discussing the Dalinar situation and you seemed to say there wasn't. That was what I was trying to say. It's helpful when other people respond to analyses and whether or not they agree with someone about whoever. I do get your point about that though.

2. Well if he's Spiked, that's a Spiked Mistborn down, which is something. And even if there are some soft-clears on a Spiked, that's not really something that would negate the actual leads we can get.

3. I was thinking the Rioter was Spiked because they could have voiced their concerns using their own vote, but they chose to both use their power instead of their in thread vote and they didn't even tell Dalinar or anyone about it.

4. Role distribution. Not really much to say, since it's hard to guess something like that. There's only been 1 Night with PM's, so it seems like maybe 3 or 4 Mistborn would be the most there is, just based on percentages(I didn't actually do the percentages, that's just an estimation on my part), but even percentages aren't always reliable. How would that affect our strategy? I'm not really sure, except I'd probably advise Mistborns who draw Bronze to scan someone they're relatively confident they'll get a result from.

1 hour ago, Arraenae said:

Alright. As this game has gone further and further on, I've gotten more suspicious of Lopen.

I've had a bad gut read on him since D1, when he voted on Dalinar right after I did. It seemed kind of bandwagony. Lopen started a PM with me in the Night, and we talked in it up until PMs ended. This alleviated some of my bad gut read on Lopen. (But then again I have a tendency to get comfortable around those I excessively talk to. It doesn't mean very much in terms of analysis.)

N2, Dalinar was protected by a Lurcher and survived. In our PM, Lopen also claimed Lurcher. Coincidence? With Meta's troll distributions, it could be. Still, D2 Lopen seemed very sure that "the Spiked Lurcher" protected Dalinar. Note the "the". "The" implies that there is only one Spiked Lurcher. If Lopen was the only Spiked Lurcher, he'd know for sure that there was only one, which would make his use of "the" make a lot of sense. (Araris, I know that this is a small semantics thing. I've commented on wording and tone before. I know it's not a solid reason to lynch somebody, but how many lynches in SE where nobody has been hard-cleared has been based on solid, unassailable reasoning?)

Is this a stretch? Sure. I'm going off of semantics and a roleclaim and a bad gut read, which really isn't very convincing. But hey, this ridiculous paranoid theory can't be any more of a stretch than the one Lopen had about Kipper. Besides, this one is backed up by more evidence.

Additionally, other people seem to have gotten bad reads about Lopen. Something in his posts and actions has to be tipping us all off. I'm willing to bank on a collective bad gut read that Lopen is Spiked.


An additional note:

I've done visual network analysis of D1 and D2. D1 had a lot of votes/defenses thrown around, mostly centered around Headshot, Lopen, El, Dalinar, Wilson, Nyali, Conquestor, and I. D2's discussion was a lot less spread out. Discussion focused on Dalinar, Lopen, Wyrm, and Hero. Note the decrease in discussion targets. Regardless of if the Spiked wanted to protect a teammate or cause us to collectively tunnel on Dalinar, they've cut down on our discussion. I'm not going to let the elims win by focusing on Dalinar yet again. We have a Coinshot. Let them deal with Dalinar on their own time. (The Spiked probably have more targets to protect than just Dalinar. If we let the Coinshot do their thing, sooner or later the Spiked will have to choose between Dalinar and another Spiked, and Dalinar won't be protected anymore.)

Don't waste another lynch on Dalinar if you want the village to win.

To answer Jondesu, yes, I did claim Lurcher to Rae(last time I'm claiming to you :P). Might as well admit that I've claimed Smoker and Soother already as well. I don't really feel like revealing my actual role though, sorry. I guess I can reveal that I'm not a Mistborn.

Kind of bandwagony? It basically was a bandwagon vote, which I fully admitted. Again, why is bandwagoning suspicious in this case? I agreed with your analysis and added my vote to yours. It was D1, that was the best lynch target I saw at that point.

I don't see how the fact that I claimed Lurcher the Day before a (probably) Spiked Lurcher protected Dalinar makes me suspicious. Wouldn't that do the opposite? If I'd claimed Lurcher in PM's(claimed that to 3 people I think), why would my team tell me to protect Dalinar when it would be viewed as a suspicious protect?

People really don't like that theory. >>

If you're going to pick on my wording, I'll go ahead and note that Dalinar will actually die this time, so it's not exactly wasting the lynch like D2.

33 minutes ago, Elenion said:

Hold on... Lopen claimed Lurcher? (Dalinar)

Combined with the grammar slip that Rae and I caught him on earlier, the alarm bells are tolling for him being that Spiked Lurcher that we're pretty sure exists.

If Lopen does turn out to be the Spiked Lurcher, then our Coinshot (assuming they aren't Spiked) can kill Dalinar at their leisure. If he isn't, then we can probe the Spiked's defenses with an attack and force them to either let the kill through or reveal that they've still got a Lurcher.

I did explain the grammar "slip" earlier. I mean, it's up to you to believe me or not, but I figured I should point that out since neither you nor Rae mentioned it.

That last part doesn't make much sense. If I'm not the Spiked Lurcher, then you can probe the Spiked defenses? How are you going to do that? And if I'm not the Spiked Lurcher(I'm not :P), why would you even need to get confirmation that they've still got a Lurcher? You obviously wouldn't have killed them...

28 minutes ago, A Joe in the Bush said:

I have been suspicious of Lopen for a while. Mostly because He brought up the idea of WGG's before anyone else did, but didn't actually comment much on them, like he wanted everyone to suspect Wilson for being saved. I would also accept him being intelligent enough to pull a Attack/Save Wilson to get the village to lynch her. So i will happily Retract my vote on [ Stick ] and vote for [ Lopen. ]

That's why? So you don't think anyone was going to bring up that Wilson being attacked and saved could have been a WGG? Normally I'd understand your point, but it was Wilson, so I knew it was going to be mentioned and I also didn't think we had any evidence to say one way or the other. How is that me wanting people to suspect her?

I don't think pulling an Attack/Save on Wilson would get her lynched. She's respected enough that there'd have to be a lot more proof than that.

One more thing, you said you think Dalinar is the Spiked Mistborn. I've been doing my best to get him killed and I'm part of the reason he was almost lynched D1. So that means you think I basically bussed my Mistborn teammate on D1 then?

Wilson, I was wondering if you could put a vote on someone. Doesn't matter who, I just wanted to test something. You mentioned that the Spiked Smoked you all of the first AG so that you wouldn't ever be cleared. I was thinking we might be able to get some more info on the Spiked role distribution if we had any Soothers or Rioters try and move your vote. I'll go ahead and say that even if Wilson is Smoked, I don't think that would say either way about her alignment just to stop that line of thought right now. I don't think the village vote manipulators have any reason to get involved with the lynch right now either. If anyone thinks this is a bad idea, go ahead and explain why you think so.

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I know my activity is pathetic but only reason for that that I don't have much to say. I think there no need for me in reasoning why I'll vote on Dalinar?

As earlier was said discussion focused on Dalinar not gives us many evidence for further game but leave him alive not looks like good idea,  if we will leave him alive discussion about him will comeback again and again so lets just lynch him. That's all about Dalinar so lets go further.

So what to say hmm... I'm absolutely not suspicious of Lopen he seems genuine to me. But who knows I'm not very good in reading people. 
Right now I'm suspicious of Conquestor, Len, Wilson, Bugsy. Okay lets start from Conquestor. 

On D1 Conquestor fall on rail of Contribution Crusade train but he get in thread just in right time to show that he is not inactive and get away from their way, maybe I'm just overthinking but why that can't be that someone in elim doc said that better for him to show up in thread. After that there was couple of posts from him but they just looked like he tried more solidify view that he is active and there no need in crusading him. Then all focused on Dalinar and forgot about him. From that if I'm right and Conquestor is elim then Len in next in my chain of suspiciouns. Why Len? Yes he voted against Conq but I see the way where he(if he elim) jumps on bandwagon on inactive teamate to clarify himself. Also after Conq answered he first started de-banwagoning. I know that sounds really stupid but that all I can get from my head.

Wilson suspicious for some things that she mentioned in her posts like that she mentioned that in first AG she was smoked all time by elims, for me it looks like excuse to be smoked if seeker will scan her. But I don't see Wilson making WGG on herself. 

Also I thought about Bugsy as a bit suspicious cause he said that he suspicious of Rae on D1 but not voted for her that can be interpreted like he wanted to have back way if something will go wrong.

Okay enough of my stupidity :D. Maybe more little bit later.

I hope it's readable and understandable.

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So now more roles are coming forward. Lopen says that he is the/a Lurcher, which immediately places suspicion on him because of the previous speculation that the Lurcher is Spiked. If Lopen is the Lurcher, he is Spiked. 

But why are people more reluctant it seems? Just because a face has been paired with a theory is the theory now flawed (more than it was before)? 

I'm casting my vote for Lopen (I'm on mobile right now, so no colors).

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1 hour ago, Hemalurgic_Headshot said:

So now more roles are coming forward. Lopen says that he is the/a Lurcher, which immediately places suspicion on him because of the previous speculation that the Lurcher is Spiked. If Lopen is the Lurcher, he is Spiked. 

But why are people more reluctant it seems? Just because a face has been paired with a theory is the theory now flawed (more than it was before)? 

I'm casting my vote for Lopen (I'm on mobile right now, so no colors).

I'm not the Lurcher who protected Dalinar or Wilson and I never confirmed that I was a Lurcher until just now.

And yes, that is me claiming Lurcher. Just realized I accidentally revealed I'm not a Soother by asking for my plan with the Soothers and Rioters. >> Figured what the heck, might as well just claim. I've only protected myself, paranoid as I am, plus I've died early in my last few games and wanted to actually have a chance to make a difference this time. So there it is. I'm mildly annoyed at Rae for revealing my claim given it kind of hampers my usefulness, but I'm still of the opinion that she's a villager, so whatever.

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6 hours ago, Arraenae said:

I've done visual network analysis of D1 and D2. D1 had a lot of votes/defenses thrown around, mostly centered around Headshot, Lopen, El, Dalinar, Wilson, Nyali, Conquestor, and I. D2's discussion was a lot less spread out. Discussion focused on Dalinar, Lopen, Wyrm, and Hero. Note the decrease in discussion targets. Regardless of if the Spiked wanted to protect a teammate or cause us to collectively tunnel on Dalinar, they've cut down on our discussion. I'm not going to let the elims win by focusing on Dalinar yet again. We have a Coinshot. Let them deal with Dalinar on their own time. (The Spiked probably have more targets to protect than just Dalinar. If we let the Coinshot do their thing, sooner or later the Spiked will have to choose between Dalinar and another Spiked, and Dalinar won't be protected anymore.)

Don't waste another lynch on Dalinar if you want the village to win.

This makes absolutely no sense. Yes, there has been a net decrease in conversation.  It's because we wasted two lynches.  And now, Rae, you're telling us to waste every bit of conversation centered around Dalinar by not learning his alignment.  (Same applies to Wilson and Joe, I think.) You've ignored my comments about why we should lynch Dalinar and not leave other things up to a Coinshot.   This makes me very suspicious of you.  What is it about Dalinar that makes his lynch so completely awful?  What about it would instantly cost the village their win?

I'll also point out that you're referring to the village as a separate entity.  This is odd, but it's something I do as well, so I'm not sure it's alignment indicative.

Right now, we're seeing the same kind of resistance piling up around the Dalinar lynch that we did D1.  It's coming out of nowhere, piling votes on a player who's not super suspicious, IMO, and the reason is 'Oh, we speculate the Spiked have a Lurcher?  Wait, Lopen claimed to be a Lurcher?  Lopen must be the Spiked lurcher!'

What kind of logic is that?  Joe's reasons for voting on Lopen I can see, maybe, but that switch he just made sets off alarm bells everywhere.  I could really see him having noticed a bandwagon forming, and was told by his team (or decided for his team) to hop on it to save the Elim Mistborn.  

5 hours ago, Elenion said:

Hold on... Lopen claimed Lurcher? (Dalinar)

Combined with the grammar slip that Rae and I caught him on earlier, the alarm bells are tolling for him being that Spiked Lurcher that we're pretty sure exists.

If Lopen does turn out to be the Spiked Lurcher, then our Coinshot (assuming they aren't Spiked) can kill Dalinar at their leisure. If he isn't, then we can probe the Spiked's defenses with an attack and force them to either let the kill through or reveal that they've still got a Lurcher.

The slip he made seems justifiable to me.  I personally doubt that there are more than one Spiked Lurcher.  That just seems overpowered.

If Lopen doesn't turn out to be the Spiked lurcher, we'll become suspicious of you, we'll still know nothing about Dalinar, and there will still be a full Elim team.  This is just me, but those seem like really bad odds.  I wouldn't bet on something that slim, not when we have a perfectly decent lynch right here.  And what?  Probe their defenses?  What the heck does that mean?

And now we have three or four votes on Lopen.  Wow, that happened quickly.  Kind of reminds me of what happened to Ecth D1, in fact.  :rolleyes:

8 hours ago, little wilson said:

Exactly. Everything is contingent on Dalinar being Spiked, which isn't something I'm willing to assume, and it's really frustrating that everything substantial has been about him. That he's been the center of everything, just as you say. Because it didn't have to be this way. There were, and still are, other things we can discuss.

Good.  I'm glad you aren't willing to assume Dalinar is spiked.  Would you mind, perhaps, lynching him to learn whether he is or not?

I still don't think Dalinar needs to be discussed any more.  I like all the discussion we're having about lynching him, even if it is drawing away from other things, but I feel like we can discuss other lynch options while still lynching someone for info.  I don't think that Dalinar is an Elim, per say.  But I do think we need to get rid of him so we can move on.  He can't survive this lynch, but he might be able to survive a coinshot.

9 hours ago, little wilson said:

Now, because of this, I agree that him dying and discovering his alignment will give us a bit of information. But it won't make up for the loss of discussion, because we've now lost not one, not two but three days of discussion because of this. Three days. Do you really think we'll get so much info from that lynch to make up for losing three days of discussion? If he's good, we've got a few suspects for Spiked, but those suspects could just as easily be tunneling villagers - in fact, I would be more inclined to think that they are. If he's Spiked, we have a couple of guesses for role distribution, and a few more suspects for Spiked - but we'll also have some soft-clears of people who maybe shouldn't soft-cleared because while it looks like to us that the Spiked have tried really hard to keep Dalinar alive, that doesn't mean they were trying hard in the thread. If Dalinar's Spiked, I'd bet there was at least one Spiked who voted on him in every lynch. If.

I don't think it will make up for what we have lost.  Do you think anything will?  I don't.  The Elims have played their cards well.  Dalinar's lynch isn't a good option, but it's probably the best option.  

TL;DR:  Not lynching Dalinar makes little to no sense.  It takes away the brightest light we can currently shine on past events, in exchange for, what?  No other lynch will give us the info his does.  Oh, now there's a bandwagon on Lopen?  That reminds me of C1!  Lets not let that happen again.  Rae and Joe are suspicious.  Possibly Lopen.  Coinshot can pick and choose a target.  Dalinar might survive a Coinshot attack, but not a lynch!  Elim Lurcher ≠ Random Lurcher.  Lopen's slip-up ≠ to a big thing.  Mage's TL;DR's = almost as long as his posts.

Carmichael walked up to Jack.  "What's that you say?  A Spiked Seeker?" Carmichael said, grinning, "The odds on that are laughable!  [seventeen Boxings and a Carriage], you say?  I like the sound of that!  Consider your bet taken!"

Carmichael strode off, laughing.  An Elim seeker?  The gods above would never have apportioned such a silly thing to the Spiked.  Besides, everyone knew Seekers were the most trustworthy of the Metalborn.  He chuckled to himself.  He could use a Carriage.  He might need it if the Koloss ever did arrive.  Perhaps he would even take a few people with him.  People with deep pockets and an affinity for gambling, perhaps.

I don't necessarily think it's unlikely that the Elims have a seeker, but Carmichael can't resist a good gamble. :P

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Vote tally!

Dalinar(8): Hero, Nylai, Assassin, Len, Mage, Conq, Dalinar, Drake, Arinian

Hero(1): Jondesu

Wonko(1): Madagascar, Lopen 

HH(2): Doc, Wyrm

Bugsy(1): Rae

Rae(1): Araris

Stink(1): Joe

Lopen(2): Len, HH (hasn't officially put in the vote with the color and stuff)

I don't think Joe's vote on Lopen is valid since he didn't really take his vote off Stink?

16 hours ago, Dalinar Kholin said:

2nd: @Herowannabe and @little wilson I am a rioter this round. Perhaps that will convince you to put more votes on me to ensure my death. Perhaps that would be for the best.

Seems I me like you're encouraging us to waste more of our votes on you so that we don't lynch (or discuss) anyone else. Eight votes are enough, don't you think? :-P

11 hours ago, A Joe in the Bush said:

Stick also argued that the Eliminators have no reason to have a seeker, and therefore don't. (I would bet [ seventeen Boxings and a Carriage ] that the Eliminators have a seeker, if there is a seeker in this game.)

Uh..they don't have a seeker. I know because I'm one of them. Jk. Jk. :P 


Well apparently the Dalinar lynch is inevitable but that doesn't mean we can't discuss other stuff. I don't know what to think about this whole Lopen the Spiked Lurcher thing, but I'll probably come to a conclusion on the next lynch (if he survives the night, that is :ph34r:) 

Also, I really want to role claim right now. If only PMs were open...

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38 minutes ago, I_am_a_Stick said:

Well apparently the Dalinar lynch is inevitable but that doesn't mean we can't discuss other stuff. I don't know what to think about this whole Lopen the Spiked Lurcher thing, but I'll probably come to a conclusion on the next lynch (if he survives the night, that is :ph34r:) 


Thank you.

I just said this.

Listen to Stick please. :P 

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5 hours ago, TheMightyLopen said:

Wilson, I was wondering if you could put a vote on someone. Doesn't matter who, I just wanted to test something. You mentioned that the Spiked Smoked you all of the first AG so that you wouldn't ever be cleared. I was thinking we might be able to get some more info on the Spiked role distribution if we had any Soothers or Rioters try and move your vote. I'll go ahead and say that even if Wilson is Smoked, I don't think that would say either way about her alignment just to stop that line of thought right now. I don't think the village vote manipulators have any reason to get involved with the lynch right now either. If anyone thinks this is a bad idea, go ahead and explain why you think so.

That's actually a really good idea. If I am smoked, we don't want a Seeker to waste a scan on me, and if I'm not, it would be nice know that, though it doesn't necessarily mean they don't have a smoker. Just that they didn't smoke me last night. And since I was planning on voting anyway, eventually, yeah. And while I'm tempted to vote on you, Lopen, honestly I'm going to wait on that until Dalinar's gone, because if I don't, I know the discussion will continue to build around him, and I'm just done with that. So instead, I'll vote on someone who has no chance of being lynched, nor am I particularly suspicious of them. Orlok.

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20 hours ago, Magestar said:

Little Wilson: Idk. I'd say that I think Wilson is village, but honestly she's been quiet too this game. The whole shenanigans at the beginning of the game makes me want to watch her more closely, but I haven't had the opportunity

Elbereth: I'm actually kind of suspicious of El. She's been quiet, her posts are making me feel odd, and even though she's been on a bit and has followed this cycle she hasn't said anything. Plus a bad gut read. Honestly, if for no other reason, it's the conversation direction she did C1. The short argument she had with Len just felt forced.

You're not alone in noticing how quiet El and Wilson have been lately. However, their quietness has not been confined to this game. El was mostly inactive in LG27 as well, if you remember. I'm willing to trust that it truly is real life interfering, because I believe @Elbereth would not stoop to feigning inactive to escape suspicion. At least, that's my hope. Same goes for Wilson. She's repeatedly stated how she would not be as active in recent games, and I respect her decision on that. So their quietness doesn't indicate anything about them. Hopefully El gets on before the end of the cycle to give her thoughts. As for Wilson, I think I quoted a post from her later which I will get to. 

19 hours ago, Hemalurgic_Headshot said:

Well, @Doc12, if you want to know how I feel, then have it.

Hero: He makes an interesting character. He attempts to sound sophisticated by making mild claims, then subtly backing them up post by post. Not a terrible strategy. However, it makes his true intents hard to read. He tries bring supporters to his cause. I find him suspicious, but then again, most everyone is suspicious somehow.

Lopen: I don't think he is very dangerous right now. He could very well be village. My feelings on him are not sure.

Dalinar: At this point, I'm just annoyed he won't die. I have pointed out earlier that his death could bring us more information if he is Spiked. I still stand with that. Personally, I think that we should focus our targets on questionable figures, because at this point a lot of the information we have is about or surrounding Dalinar.

Thank you Headshot :)

17 hours ago, Arraenae said:

Honestly, I’m a little suspicious of the people voting on Dalinar. We’ve already spent 2 lynches and 1 Coinshot attack on him. Better to let the coinshot kill him at their own time (so the elims are less likely to have him protected that Night.) Regardless of his alignment, we're not getting much information out of trying to kill him again via the lynch.

Bugsy has not said very much about who he is suspicious of. So far, he’s mostly been defending people. The one suspicion he has mentioned was me, which he retracted almost immediately afterwards because he said he misunderstood what I was trying to say. I think Bugsy might be trying to lie low.

I just want to note that Rae is strongly advocating that we allow a Coinshot to take out Dalinar, even with the possibility that a lurcher would just pull the same trick and protect Dalinar again. I agree with Mage that it is safest to just end him in this lynch. A lynch cannot be protected from, while a coinshot attack can be. And yes, we aren't really getting much information because of all the tunneling, which is why I'm advocating discussing other people even while lynching Dalinar.

17 hours ago, Dalinar Kholin said:

You know there is a simple solution to that problem, just stop trying to kill me :p. But regardless, my days are limited. This will likely be my last post. So a couple of things left to resolve.

1st: @Wonko the Sane and @Elbereth, I agree with your general premise, and believe that my actions in previous games have not constituted a level of accepted beneficial activity to aid  an SE game. However, I still strongly disagree with the concept that activity for the sake of activity is good. (activity for the sake of activity may be better then inactivity for the sake of inactivity). Regardless, I do not believe that this is the best arena or time to discuss it considering the politicization of anything I say, so hopefully in a future game.

2nd: @Herowannabe and @little wilson I am a rioter this round. Perhaps that will convince you to put more votes on me to ensure my death. Perhaps that would be for the best.

Regardless, I will not contest my own lynch. It's similar perhaps to Harambe in LG 29, as long as I survive the conversation will be focused on me. Even if I managed to survive the lynch through some miracle, I will not be trusted. There's no easy way to verify my alignment (without tin, with spiked smokers, and with no knowledge of how many seekers/mistborn who could be seekers we have, not to mention its futile to seek someone under so much suspicion). There's simply no alternative upon who to focus, and even if I presented one, who would believe me? Dalinar. 

I have to say, Dalinar's frustration seems really genuine here. Still, how many times have players voted on themselves this game? I believe it's Stink, Madagascar, and now Dalinar. We're setting some kind of record here guys :o 


14 hours ago, Hemalurgic_Headshot said:

So far I believe the majority of votes is on Dalinar (even Dalinar voted for himself), so let's drag our attention away from that. Dalinar insists that he's a Mistborn, and Jondesu is a Thug (presumably), Ecth was a Soother, Straw was a Rioter, so the Coinshot is undetermined and the Lurcher is unknown. I have a firm belief that the Lurcher is Spiked, and the Coinshot may be Spiked as well. All of the kills by the Coinshot have been Village... so if the Coinshot is firing upon Village, is the Seeker Spiked as well? And what about the Smoker? The Elims might be very well equipped this game.

I'm not sure what to say about this, but I'm flagging this post as interesting. Perhaps it's the firm beliefs he mentioned. At this stage, who really can have firm beliefs?


13 hours ago, TheMightyLopen said:

I would love it if we could let the Coinshot kill him, but given I heavily suspect he's Spiked, and a Mistborn at that, I doubt he'd ever be unprotected. The only way I see us not lynching Dalinar is if someone can come up with convincing arguments/proof that he's village or if we get a better case for someone besides him, neither of which you have provided. Not saying it's only your responsibility, but it's frustrating for me as a player to be told what I'm doing is useless and pointless without the player saying it explaining what they think we should do besides a general "lynch someone else." The same goes for Stink I might add. If you don't like the Dalinar lynch, argue your opinion, don't just act like everyone else is wasting the lynch.



12 hours ago, A Joe in the Bush said:

STINK, i find suspicious both because he RP'd as a seeker and because he voted on himself rather than vote on Dalinar. Rp'ing as a seeker as a Villager would just lead to increased chances of being killed by the eliminators. But if he wasn't an eliminator, it decreases chances of Vigilante's attacking him.

Stick Is suspicious because of how hard they've stuck to their argument of Wilson pulling a WGG, but at the same time didn't actually vote on Wilson. Stick also argued that the Eliminators have no reason to have a seeker, and therefore don't. (I would bet [ seventeen Boxings and a Carriage ] that the Eliminators have a seeker, if there is a seeker in this game.)

As for Dalinar, I still think He's the spiked Mistborn. But I have great Respect for Elbereth and WIlson, and will follow their lead in not voting for them. I will vote for STINK

Joe...I have to say, your voting doesn't make much sense, sorry. As Stink later pointed out, you're basically voting on him for his Role play. So far he has not actually claimed any power that I know of. Look at Rae role playing a Thug, or Headshot now RPing a Mistborn. Are you going to go after them too? Your argument on Stick makes more sense, but has Stick really been sticking hard to it? If she is, then I have missed it, and I'm sorry. My impression was that it was just something in day one. Lastly, I feel your choosing to follow the lead of El and Wilson seems a little...contrived. I'm just saying my thoughts here, so no offense. 


11 hours ago, little wilson said:

But anyway. I talk about not letting the focus be about Dalinar, and say that there are other things we can discuss. So what are those other things? Well, for one, role distribution. Now, it's been said many, many times that one should not try to guess Meta's role distribution. However, that's at the very beginning of the game with no evidence. It's a poor idea to try to guess him. But at this point, we've now seen a few things. Dalinar claims that he drew Copper, then Pewter, and now Zinc. This means that he cannot be the Mistborn who drew Tin Cycle 1. That means there are at least two Mistborn. We've seen soothing, rioting, lurching, coinshots, and thug-survival. Here's a question for you: what if the vast majority of those actions are merely from Mistborn drawing those metals? What if the two Coinshot attacks weren't the actions of a single Coinshot but two different Mistborn who happened to draw Steel? What if the Spiked don't have a Lurcher but have a Mistborn who drew Iron? Now, we've also seen two Mistings: Ecth was a Sooth and Straw was a Rioter. El mentioned this during the last day cycle or the night, but what if most of the roles are Mistborn? How does that change our strategy? Does it? Should we discuss this? I'm not saying start planning in the thread for it, but if most of the roles are Mistborn, what do the Spiked have? An entire team of Mistborn? Honestly, I could see Meta being a troll like that.

I'd say that another thing we can do is focus on other suspicions, but I'm of the school of thought that says that the best discussions that happen in regards to solidifying suspicions and seeing exactly where people stand on specific people is when there's a threat of a lynch. And there's not right now, other than Dalinar. I don't foresee that changing, and I'm not going to try to direct it elsewhere, because I understand why: I was also more than a little irked when Dalinar survived the night because it meant that everything was going to get centered around him again, and will continue being centered around him until he dies. I want it over, but I don't think the information we gather from his alignment will be useful, and it's frustrating that we're not going to get anywhere during the day until he's dead. So go ahead and lynch him. But let's at least discuss other things.

Firstly, on the role distribution, that's an interesting avenue to consider, I guess. Seonid and some other players have been discussing role distributions, almost always bringing up past Meta games and how it's almost impossible to outguess Meta. I feel that the discussion on role-distribution shouldn't take priority, however, as up til the moment of the death of the last eliminator, we have no way to know for sure what roles the eliminators have, and guessing on that repeatedly doesn't really do much. I agree that anticipating different scenarios could turn out helpful for the village, but we have no way of knowing how many of our scenarios are correct. Thus, discussing role distribution seems to be a dead end other than acknowledging the fact that we cannot jump to conclusions from the metallic actions manifested so far. 

Secondly, as I mentioned above, yes, as long as we are focused on Dalinar there is no threat of a lynch on any other player. I strongly believe it doesn't mean that we should give up discussing other players entirely. It's okay if you and Stink don't feel like directing it elsewhere, but I honestly feel we could begin discussing other players other than Dalinar instead of waiting until Dalinar goes. I recognize that you might feel a discussion without threat of lynch might be fruitless, but I feel that any discussion might help. For example, my mentioning of Headshot has gotten me his thoughts on the three players I am not sure about. So I don't feel that it's fruitless to begin discussing other players. Thanks :) 


10 hours ago, Arraenae said:

Alright. As this game has gone further and further on, I've gotten more suspicious of Lopen.

I've had a bad gut read on him since D1, when he voted on Dalinar right after I did. It seemed kind of bandwagony. Lopen started a PM with me in the Night, and we talked in it up until PMs ended. This alleviated some of my bad gut read on Lopen. (But then again I have a tendency to get comfortable around those I excessively talk to. It doesn't mean very much in terms of analysis.)

N2, Dalinar was protected by a Lurcher and survived. In our PM, Lopen also claimed Lurcher. Coincidence? With Meta's troll distributions, it could be. Still, D2 Lopen seemed very sure that "the Spiked Lurcher" protected Dalinar. Note the "the". "The" implies that there is only one Spiked Lurcher. If Lopen was the only Spiked Lurcher, he'd know for sure that there was only one, which would make his use of "the" make a lot of sense. (Araris, I know that this is a small semantics thing. I've commented on wording and tone before. I know it's not a solid reason to lynch somebody, but how many lynches in SE where nobody has been hard-cleared has been based on solid, unassailable reasoning?)

Is this a stretch? Sure. I'm going off of semantics and a roleclaim and a bad gut read, which really isn't very convincing. But hey, this ridiculous paranoid theory can't be any more of a stretch than the one Lopen had about Kipper. Besides, this one is backed up by more evidence.

Additionally, other people seem to have gotten bad reads about Lopen. Something in his posts and actions has to be tipping us all off. I'm willing to bank on a collective bad gut read that Lopen is Spiked.


An additional note:

I've done visual network analysis of D1 and D2. D1 had a lot of votes/defenses thrown around, mostly centered around Headshot, Lopen, El, Dalinar, Wilson, Nyali, Conquestor, and I. D2's discussion was a lot less spread out. Discussion focused on Dalinar, Lopen, Wyrm, and Hero. Note the decrease in discussion targets. Regardless of if the Spiked wanted to protect a teammate or cause us to collectively tunnel on Dalinar, they've cut down on our discussion. I'm not going to let the elims win by focusing on Dalinar yet again. We have a Coinshot. Let them deal with Dalinar on their own time. (The Spiked probably have more targets to protect than just Dalinar. If we let the Coinshot do their thing, sooner or later the Spiked will have to choose between Dalinar and another Spiked, and Dalinar won't be protected anymore.)

Don't waste another lynch on Dalinar if you want the village to win.

Okay, this is interesting, so Lopen claimed Lurcher to you? Huh. That's interesting. 

I guess what I'm looking at you at is you pointing out that collective gut read thing. It's interesting, and it almost feels like you're using us other players who have felt something vaguely off about Lopen as further justification on your vote for him. It's like the situation with Joe where he used El and Wilson as justification for not voting on Dalinar. It just feels...weak. This added with the fact that you've admitted your theory is a stretch, and yet went with it on the basis that "It can't be more of a stretch than Lopen's theory." I'm not saying your gut read isn't valid. I'm just saying you're justifying it poorly. 

The semantics are a bit more valid, I agree, and the slip-ups could be genuine. I do note that I have been suspicious of Lopen for a bit, but due to further events, I will not be voting on him yet.  But Rae, are you willing to put a vote where you accusation is?

9 hours ago, A Joe in the Bush said:

I have been suspicious of Lopen for a while. Mostly because He brought up the idea of WGG's before anyone else did, but didn't actually comment much on them, like he wanted everyone to suspect Wilson for being saved. I would also accept him being intelligent enough to pull a Attack/Save Wilson to get the village to lynch her. So i will happily Retract my vote on [ Stick ] and vote for [ Lopen. ]

A bit more valid than your suspicion on Stink, yes. Are we looking at the people who brought up the ideas of WGGs now? Because technically the first person to speak on Wilson's death was Len, who didn't think it was helpful, and Elbereth, who disagreed and said we should look further into Wilson's attack. 


2 hours ago, Magestar said:

Right now, we're seeing the same kind of resistance piling up around the Dalinar lynch that we did D1.  It's coming out of nowhere, piling votes on a player who's not super suspicious, IMO, and the reason is 'Oh, we speculate the Spiked have a Lurcher?  Wait, Lopen claimed to be a Lurcher?  Lopen must be the Spiked lurcher!'

What kind of logic is that?  Joe's reasons for voting on Lopen I can see, maybe, but that switch he just made sets off alarm bells everywhere.  I could really see him having noticed a bandwagon forming, and was told by his team (or decided for his team) to hop on it to save the Elim Mistborn.  

The slip he made seems justifiable to me.  I personally doubt that there are more than one Spiked Lurcher.  That just seems overpowered.

If Lopen doesn't turn out to be the Spiked lurcher, we'll become suspicious of you, we'll still know nothing about Dalinar, and there will still be a full Elim team.  This is just me, but those seem like really bad odds.  I wouldn't bet on something that slim, not when we have a perfectly decent lynch right here.  And what?  Probe their defenses?  What the heck does that mean?

And now we have three or four votes on Lopen.  Wow, that happened quickly.  Kind of reminds me of what happened to Ecth D1, in fact.  :rolleyes:

Good.  I'm glad you aren't willing to assume Dalinar is spiked.  Would you mind, perhaps, lynching him to learn whether he is or not?

I still don't think Dalinar needs to be discussed any more.  I like all the discussion we're having about lynching him, even if it is drawing away from other things, but I feel like we can discuss other lynch options while still lynching someone for info.  I don't think that Dalinar is an Elim, per say.  But I do think we need to get rid of him so we can move on.  He can't survive this lynch, but he might be able to survive a coinshot.

I don't think it will make up for what we have lost.  Do you think anything will?  I don't.  The Elims have played their cards well.  Dalinar's lynch isn't a good option, but it's probably the best option.  

TL;DR:  Not lynching Dalinar makes little to no sense.  It takes away the brightest light we can currently shine on past events, in exchange for, what?  No other lynch will give us the info his does.  Oh, now there's a bandwagon on Lopen?  That reminds me of C1!  Lets not let that happen again.  Rae and Joe are suspicious.  Possibly Lopen.  Coinshot can pick and choose a target.  Dalinar might survive a Coinshot attack, but not a lynch!  Elim Lurcher ≠ Random Lurcher.  Lopen's slip-up ≠ to a big thing.  Mage's TL;DR's = almost as long as his posts.

Carmichael walked up to Jack.  "What's that you say?  A Spiked Seeker?" Carmichael said, grinning, "The odds on that are laughable!  [seventeen Boxings and a Carriage], you say?  I like the sound of that!  Consider your bet taken!"

Carmichael strode off, laughing.  An Elim seeker?  The gods above would never have apportioned such a silly thing to the Spiked.  Besides, everyone knew Seekers were the most trustworthy of the Metalborn.  He chuckled to himself.  He could use a Carriage.  He might need it if the Koloss ever did arrive.  Perhaps he would even take a few people with him.  People with deep pockets and an affinity for gambling, perhaps.

I don't necessarily think it's unlikely that the Elims have a seeker, but Carmichael can't resist a good gamble. :P

I find myself agreeing with Mage quite a bit this cycle. This lynch on Lopen is forming up fast, with little justification. 

Let's recap. 

1.Rae accused Lopen for claiming Lurcher, and the semantics of his earlier post, plus general bad gut reads. 

2.Len places the first vote on Lopen based on this.

3.Joe places a vote on Lopen for being the first to bring up a WGG but not commenting much on it, plus his own bad gut read.

4.Headshot places a vote on Lopen for claiming Lurcher.

Three votes placed pretty fast, and with shaky ground at best. Mage said it best above. We assume there's a spiked Lurcher. Lopen claims Lurcher. Everyone jump on Lopen! This actually reminds me of the first day's vote, where an acceptable target was thrown up just as it seemed another was well on his way to being lynched. Don't get me wrong, I'm still not trusting Lopen, but this bandwagoning seems awfully suspicious to me. 

1 hour ago, I_am_a_Stick said:

Well apparently the Dalinar lynch is inevitable but that doesn't mean we can't discuss other stuff. I don't know what to think about this whole Lopen the Spiked Lurcher thing, but I'll probably come to a conclusion on the next lynch (if he survives the night, that is :ph34r:) 

Also, I really want to role claim right now. If only PMs were open...

If you actually did have a role, this claim is fairly unwise :o 

Also, that's an interesting theory on Dalinar's post. I'm going to be keeping that in mind.


1. I am becoming kind of wary of @Arraenae, with her insistence that we allow coinshots to take care of Dalinar, and her accusation of Lopen. 

2. I do not believe that Elbereth or Wilson would stoop to lurking or feigning inactivity to go unnoticed.

3. I am suspicious of Joe for his voting reasons.

4. I am still wary of Lopen, but I feel that the building lynch on him is fishy.

5. I believe that every little bit of discussion helps, even if the village already seems bent on lynching a target. 

Anyways, I'll be going to bed, and probably won't be on in time to change my vote. I'm changing my vote on Dalinar (Headshot) for now, as tho I don't particularly feel anything towards Dalinar, I'm leery of a counter bandwagon forming up. I'm still hoping Headshot will be more discussed the cycle after this. 

G'night guys!

Edited by Doc12
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10 hours ago, STINK said:

One, you'd voted for me.

Two, I don't need to suggest another lynch target, because I tried on D2. But the bandwagon hath no brakes.

Three, Joe voted on me for RP. Don't know if you've noticed, but I've RPd many different roles, and said before the game that my RP character is a Mistborn. Please don't try to misinterpret my RP to put suspicion on me, especially seeing as you were the one that I suggested we lynch instead. (Still hold to that, not that it matters)

1: Thank you.. Fixed.

2. I was talking about the Day 1 Lynch

3: No, i voted on you because you voted on yourself. You saying you were a seeker was more evidence, not the main reason. And you voting to lynch me was entirely irrelevant to me voting on you.

7 hours ago, TheMightyLopen said:

That's why? So you don't think anyone was going to bring up that Wilson being attacked and saved could have been a WGG? Normally I'd understand your point, but it was Wilson, so I knew it was going to be mentioned and I also didn't think we had any evidence to say one way or the other. How is that me wanting people to suspect her?

I don't think pulling an Attack/Save on Wilson would get her lynched. She's respected enough that there'd have to be a lot more proof than that.

One more thing, you said you think Dalinar is the Spiked Mistborn. I've been doing my best to get him killed and I'm part of the reason he was almost lynched D1. So that means you think I basically bussed my Mistborn teammate on D1 then?

I think the way you did it was suspicious. You brought it up, but didn't defend or attack Wilson. You let other people do that. If you weren't going to defend/attack her for it, or even discuss it past just mentioning it was possible, why bring it up? Why not take a stance on it?

That bit is a really good point in your favor that somehow didn't make it into my notes. I'll go back and reread Day 1, again.

3 hours ago, I_am_a_Stick said:

I don't think Joe's vote on Lopen is valid since he didn't really take his vote off Stink?

Uh..they don't have a seeker. I know because I'm one of them. Jk. Jk. :P 

It is now.

Why do you think that Stick. Why are you So certain that they don't have a seeker? There is absolutely no reason for them not to have a seeker! 

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4 minutes ago, A Joe in the Bush said:

1: Thank you.. Fixed.

2. I was talking about the Day 1 Lynch

3: No, i voted on you because you voted on yourself. You saying you were a seeker was more evidence, not the main reason. And you voting to lynch me was entirely irrelevant to me voting on you.

No prob :P

Second point was more for all the people saying 'c'mon stink do stuff'

Yeah I did vote for myself, because at the time, and even still now, I don't see why everyone voted on Dalinar and stuff

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2 hours ago, A Joe in the Bush said:

Why do you think that Stick. Why are you So certain that they don't have a seeker? There is absolutely no reason for them not to have a seeker! 

It makes sense. I dunno :-P Did the Spiked have a seeker in previous AGs?

Edited by I_am_a_Stick
Some dumb typo
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The Spiked did have a Mistborn in LG1 and in AG1, and that mistborn masqueraded as a seeker in LG1, which led directly to the village loss.

In AG1, the option was considered, but rejected.

I was the first kill in AG2, and stored following that game shortly after. So I don't have much insight from there. (Unlike @Elbereth, I don't have an encyclopedic memory of the games here. :P)

As for votes, I'm becoming less and less certain of the lynch on Dalinar. I'll still vote for him, but his reactions aren't consistent with what I'd expect a spiked to do. I'd honestly expect trolling by this point, when it's obvious that he's dead this round.

I'm still voting for him, of course. Even thigh I think it better than even chances that he's a villager, he's still the single most suspicious person in my mind. Even innocent, we gain information. I'll dissent from Wilson here, we don't gain as much information as we should have at this point as the village, but we gain more information now by lynching dalinar as we do from anyone else, with the possible exception of Lopen.

Normally, I'd say let the vig kill take care of him, but we've tried that once, and that didn't go anywhere.

Also, my apologies for my lack of activity. I didn't want to do a non - RP post, but RP takes a great deal more time and effort out of me than simple analysis does.

Finally, @TheMightyLopen claimed Smoker to me. He's my second choice after Dalinar for a lynch. If he is indeed a village Lurcher, that tells us something about the distribution.

It means that we had at least 2 protection roles, and possibly 3, if the Lurcher who protected Wilson isn't the same as the one who saved Dalinar.

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Now, lovesh, jusht becaushe we're in a village shurrounded by terrifyin' shpiked bein' forshed to kill each other to shurvive doeshn't mean we can't all take a drink an' enjoy each othersh company all the shame. Have a tipple. Though you know, even if we do manage to kick out all the shpiked don't we shtill have the Kolossh to fight next? We're... we're not going to having a vacation for a while, are we? :( 

It'sh true, the dishusshin hash focushed moshtly on Dalinar an' Lopen. I'm shure the shpiked are either very happy or very unhappy about thish. Either way I am paranoid and have told the catsh to be on the lookout for tricksh. However thish turnsh out, shpiked or shetup, the shpiked will have had plenty of time to plot and plan on how to ushe hish death to their advantage and shet up their next movesh. It'sh true we don't know very much. I am eighty yearsh old but even I have learned

@Seonid Forgive me if I mishundershtand, but we're here to kill shpiked, aren't we? Learning how many protectorsh there are might be intereshting but it'sh the shpiked I'm the mosht worried about. The way you're phrashing it, I'm not shure if you're shaying to lynch Lopen for bein' shushpishioush to you or to shee if he'sh a village Lurcher.

We shtill have shume time before the day endsh an' we have more time to dishcussh thingsh. I volunteer! My name ish Matilda! I'm not lurking! Dishcussh me.

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@Madagascar, we can discuss you. Let's do this discussy thing.

Points on Matilda:

Active: Posts multiple times in a cycle, usually, and still puts in RP. Also puts in the effort to make stocks for inactives.

Straight-forward: Directly accuses the accused with accusations.

Ummm...: Ummmmmm...

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hmmm after hours of consideration and an extensive  overlook  of the past 3 pages ....or something like that , i will place my first vote of the game on lopen coz he peaks my interest more than poor old dalinar 

i would like more time to rp but i am realy pressed by the amount of work that the garden requires *watering plants*

ps watering plants totaly counts as washing them which constitutes it as a cleaning action 

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35 minutes ago, Madagascar said:

Now, lovesh, jusht becaushe we're in a village shurrounded by terrifyin' shpiked bein' forshed to kill each other to shurvive doeshn't mean we can't all take a drink an' enjoy each othersh company all the shame. Have a tipple. Though you know, even if we do manage to kick out all the shpiked don't we shtill have the Kolossh to fight next? We're... we're not going to having a vacation for a while, are we? :( 

It'sh true, the dishusshin hash focushed moshtly on Dalinar an' Lopen. I'm shure the shpiked are either very happy or very unhappy about thish. Either way I am paranoid and have told the catsh to be on the lookout for tricksh. However thish turnsh out, shpiked or shetup, the shpiked will have had plenty of time to plot and plan on how to ushe hish death to their advantage and shet up their next movesh. It'sh true we don't know very much. I am eighty yearsh old but even I have learned

@Seonid Forgive me if I mishundershtand, but we're here to kill shpiked, aren't we? Learning how many protectorsh there are might be intereshting but it'sh the shpiked I'm the mosht worried about. The way you're phrashing it, I'm not shure if you're shaying to lynch Lopen for bein' shushpishioush to you or to shee if he'sh a village Lurcher.

We shtill have shume time before the day endsh an' we have more time to dishcussh thingsh. I volunteer! My name ish Matilda! I'm not lurking! Dishcussh me.

Ah. Right. I forgot further commentary. If we have that many Lurchers, what does that day about how many kills there are?

Got me paranoid over whether the Coinshot is evil is what it did.

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Vote count!

Dalinar(11) Magestar, Conquestor, Elenion, Assassin in Burgundy, Nyali, Herowannabe, Lopen, Seonid, Doc12, Drake, Dalinar, Silverblade5

Herowannabe(1) Jondesu

Bugsy(1) Arraenae

Hemalurgic Headshot(1) Doc12, Wyrm

Wonko(1 )Madagascar, Lopen

Lopen(3) Hemalurgic Headshot, Joe, Elenion

Stink(0) Joe

Due to the current count, my vote shall be going on Dalinar

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Hey everyone, so my work schedule was already pretty busy, but just got crazy. Long story short, I'm primarily a finish carpenter by trade and i just met with a contractor who likes my work and wants to hire me to do several large jobs- a bathroom and 2 kitchens and more to follow. I'm still working out the details but I'll probably have to set up a workshop and get my business registered  and the whole shebang. Maybe even hire a helper or two. :)

Anyway, it shouldn't affect my participation in the game TOO much, but the next few days might be pretty crazy. I don't know when or how often I'll be able to post. I'll do my best though!


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