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Sweet! He finally died, and he was one of the most powerful spiked too! I'm not really sure who to go for next, and I don't really have any clues, I wish I was either a great manipulator or a great analyzer . . .

"Finally, he's dead. It didn't matter anyway as we are all going to die in the end."

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28 minutes ago, Sart said:

Hasing of Lurcher of Spikes? Getting of pulls of Mistborn. Using the proof of was.

rusts and ruin i hate high imperial soooo much 

i tried time and time again to understand how it is supposed to work but it still seems greek to me;) . I feel like i am the only one who finds it incomprehensible.

i mean i get the gist of it ....but not realy

P.S.  plz tell me that at least one of you got the joke

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9 hours ago, Herowannabe said:

Well, I've got a few minutes free so I figured I would squeeze in some quick RP and a bit of... well, I wouldn't dare call it "Analysis." More like "light commentary."...


It was nightfall by the time Herwynbe found the person he was searching for. Of course, he hadn't spent the entire day searching- there had been that nasty business with Reginald. Fortunately, they had managed to catch the thief and see that justice was served. Herwynbe's hand moved to the pouch on his belt. It held a long, steel nail that he had found and removed from the thief's shoulder, just where Herwynbe's master said it would be. 

Presently, Herwynbe stood in front of a tidy little metallurgist shop. The shop was closed for business, but a lamp still burned inside one of the windows, and he could hear the quiet sounds of people moving about inside. Herwynbe raised his hand and knocked on the door. 

Inside, the motion stopped. There was a bit of hushed conversation. A question. An answer. Another question. Hesitation.

Herwynbe politely knocked again. More motion inside, and then the lamp moved, carried from the side room into the main room and to the door. The bar was lifted, and then the door was opened a few inches. "Yes? Business is closed for today." The man said. 

It was Rin, the Metallurgist. He wore a craftsman's set of spectacles typical of his trade, and a stained apron that was not. The stains made it look like the apron of a butcher, not a metallurgist. Herwynbe paid them no mind.

"Forgive me, Master Craftsman," Herwynbe said, bowing his head deferentially. "I do not mean to intrude. I have been informed that the lady Nicki is here. Might I have a word for her please? It will only take a few minutes, I think."

Rin hesitated, looking nervous. "Wait here," he said, then slipped back inside, shutting the door behind him. Herwynbe waited patiently, letting the mists swirl around him. A few moments later the door opened again, revealing Nicki. If Rin had been wearing the apron of a butcher, Nicki wore the apron and gloves of a surgeon. 

"Good evening, Lady Nicki," Herwynbe said, bowing again. "If I might have but a moment of your time. My master has sent me to conduct some business with you."

"Oh?" She said warily. "What sort of business?"

"Three days ago when that unfortunate man expired in the village square, you were seen removing an object from the man's body. If you were to relinquish your possession of the object-"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Nicki said hastily. "I didn't take anything."

"My Master would be willing to compensate you, of course. Quite richly."

"I have no need for money. Good ni-"

"Indeed. But it is not money that my master is offering you."

"I don't care wh..."

She trailed off as Herwynbe slipped a small book out of his robes- hardly more than a pamphlet, really. It contained only a few dozen pages, and the leather cover bore no title. Only an artist's depiction of a skull, with two large spikes driven through it's eye sockets.

"He offers you answers, my lady. Or, at least, their beginnings. In exchange for the object you took from the man as he died." He held out the small book towards her, and awaited her reply...


Nicki looked at the Terrisman. Then at the book. Then at the Terrisman again.

This had to be it. The answers she was looking for. She snatched the book from the Terrisman's hands and flipped through it. It was full of diagrams and small, cramped writing.

"I'll give you the spike after your master tells me everything he knows about Inquisitors," Nicki said.

I'll admit it. By D3, I was beginning to doubt my initial read that Dalinar was Spiked. I thought that he wouldn't die, that we were wasting our time, that we wouldn't get any discussion done. I was sick of trying to kill Dalinar and I wanted to move on. I was starting to agree with Stink that attempting to lynch Dalinar yet again was pointless.

I have a really bad habit of second-guessing my reads, especially when I have a lot of time to think about them. I doubt myself. At the end of D1, I was already swayed by Dalinar's defense. I thought that I might have just caught a villager who was doing what he misguidedly thought was best. D2, I decided that I should take the chance that Dalinar was lying about having pewter, so I voted on him. Then he survived, which left me annoyed at the complete waste of discussion that D2 was. D3, when Dalinar voted on himself, I was unsure if Dalinar was Spiked or a very unlucky villager. I didn't trust my initial read anymore. I also wanted to talk about someone else. So I voted on Lopen.

Throughout D2 and D3, I'd been wrestling with whether to dump out his role inthread or not. If he was a Spiked, well, obviously the Spiked would already know. No harm done to the village. Besides, that was one of the reasons why his confidence about "the Spiked Lurcher" really stuck out to me. If I was really suspicious of Lopen, I might as well go all-out. If Lopen was village, then one more role would be outed. The Spiked might decide to go after Lopen, but Lurchers can protect themselves. He'd live, at least. I knew that there was a chance that I was wrong and that I might have accused, possibly started a lynch on, a villager. (As I said, confidence in my reads is not one of my strong points.) But if I never accuse anybody because I fear catching a villager, I might as well stop playing SE.

So, yes, I did argue against lynching Dalinar. That probably was a bad idea, and it's a bad habit. At least I've identified it, so perhaps I'll be able to fix it.

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A noise woke me at my desk. My neck hurt from where I had been leaning down. Must've passed out at my desk or something. I had to get a more comfortable desk to work at if this was going to keep happening. I winced as I sat up, rubbing my neck where the pain was. I picked up the metal nameplate on my desk and looked at myself in its reflection. Good. Didn't seem like my partner had taken the opportunity to do anything to my face. Hard enough getting any respect without having... Ahem, anyway. Clock said it was time to pack up and go home. Maybe it was for the best, if I was sleeping on the job. I'd take another look at things in the morning.

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Well, killing one elim sure took a lot of time...but at least we get to move on now :-P

Now that we know DK was spiked, it shouldn't be too hard to dig out the rest of the elims. All we have to do is go through and thoroughly analyse each of Dalinar's posts :)

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1 hour ago, Arraenae said:

Nicki looked at the Terrisman. Then at the book. Then at the Terrisman again.

This had to be it. The answers she was looking for. She snatched the book from the Terrisman's hands and flipped through it. It was full of diagrams and small, cramped writing.

"I'll give you the spike after your master tells me everything he knows about Inquisitors," Nicki said.

"I do not know the contents of the book, but my master instructed me to assure you that what you're seeking can be found inside its pages. I am afraid- my apologies, my lady, but I cannot leave the book in your possession until after you have given me the spike."

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"Take me to your master first, Terrisman," Nicki said. "Then I've give you the spike."

Nicki put the little book inside her satchel. The Terrisman's master might be helpful (for now), but Nicki would be a fool to bow to his initial demands. That wasn't how bargaining worked.

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Let me start out by saying this;  YES!  HAHAHAHAHAH!  I feel justified now.  ^_^

Okay, now for some actual responding and analysis stuff.

16 hours ago, A Joe in the Bush said:

Well, there we go. That validates quite a bit of discussion, and confirms that the spiked have a lurcher. For that reason, I'm going to ask Coinshots to not shoot their suspicions. If they shoot a spiked they're suspicious of, they may very well be lurched, which would give us some information, but not a dead spiked. But if they shoot a villager they're suspicious of, Which is far more likely. They probably won't be lurched.

I'm not sure whether I like this or not.  I'm not sure I want to risk village deaths, but at the same time, getting the info might be worth the risk...  I'm going to withhold judgement on this one.  Combined with my earlier suspicion of you, Joe, this looks an awful lot like a scared Elim trying to stop Village Coinshots from killing more Elims.

A general note on Hero;  His attacks on Dalinar over the whole game make me slightly less suspicious of him.  It's possible that he was just super-bussing a teammate, but that seems kinda odd, considering how singular his focus was.

A general note on Wilson;  I honestly don't think that Wilson is an Elim.  It doesn't look like she's being smoked, which is interesting.  I'm going to stay saying I feel neutral about her, just to be safe.  The whole suspecting Dalinar was innocent is something I can totally see, especially as being a 'I'll be justified if I'm right and nothing will happen if I'm wrong' villager attitude.

4 hours ago, Sart said:

Hasing of Lurcher of Spikes? Getting of pulls of Mistborn. Using the proof of was.

I'm going to have to agree with Sart here.  This seems pretty likely to me, however, we don't really have a way to confirm or deny it, so I'd suggest erring on the side of caution.

16 hours ago, Arraenae said:

I'd also like to note that Operation Relationship Analysis is a success! Tomorrow I'll update my notes, which are linked in my signature. Hopefully they'll be just as helpful in catching other elims as they were in catching Dalinar. :D

Despite my overarching suspicion of Rae, the analysis she's doing seems really risky for an Elim.  I'm still probably going to vote on either Joe or Rae next cycle, but other than that I think I'm going to need to think about my suspicions again.  It will be good to re-read the thread knowing about a confirmed Elim.

I'm currently happy about the way this is going, and I think I'll have a more in-depth player analysis by the next day cycle. :D I'm also wondering if part of the reason we saw so much resistance of the Dalinar lynch was because Meta did something interesting with Mistborn and Role-less for the Elim team.

Carmichael was not entirely happy with the results of the lynch.  No one had accepted his bet against Dalinar, so all he could do was go home with his money.  Which, was admittedly, better than losing his money, which happened occasionally, but still.  A day without gambling was like a day without sunshine.

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, Carmichael saw something.  Nicki, AND that Terris steward – What was his name?  Gah, he had it on the tip of his tongue... Ah yes, Herwynbe – talking in Nicki's shop. What were they doing at this hour? And of course, Nicki had been acting suspicious all yesterday... Carmichael paused, realizing that he could also be asked why he was out at night. Hm. Well, he was always out anyways. Besides, no one would question him. His persuasive skills were the talk of the town, and he had played a key role in the Spiked lynch yesterday.  Carmichael shrugged. No harm could come from watching them for a bit.

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Eh, I'm still suspicious of everyone.

And RP:

Sun slowly fall over the horizon letting the night in the world. I've sat in inn, still same inn, and sipped beer, beer still was good. This day was not bad too,  less on one mad thief, one more step to the end of my job, not that my job was in catching saboteurs and saving this dirty town but that leads to the end of work.


This day... I can say that I spent it with usefulness. 


At first chasing thief, good for keeping in shape. Then looking on horrible and stupid death, good for keeping the mind on guard, cause with all this good drink and food you easy can become too careless and looking on someones death great to increase your carefulness. And now some good beer, nice to calm down little bit but not too much.


Ohh.. almost forgot... yes thief. He was not simple guy after he escaped first time it's started to be more and more obvious that he probably thug, because a normal person falling from that height even on the mattress will broke more than a couple of ribs, but mistborn... I not waited something like that. If he had been more cautious, not so confident in his invulnerability and planned better it could turn into a massacre. Not cheсked his vials, tried to get us with same trick... what an impudence, what a stupid waste of such opportunities. But I saw madness in his eyes, what else you can wait from mad person... 

And yes beer still was good. I think I shouldn't drink too much.

And as always I hope here not too many mistakes :D

Edited by Arinian
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17 hours ago, Arraenae said:

Because of Dalinar's alignment, my suspicion of Lopen has lessened considerably. Sorry I outed you as a Lurcher last cycle. :( Would hunting down another elim make it up for you? We have a list of people (including me) who tried to lynch you instead of Dalinar D3. We can definitely get somewhere with that.

I'd also like to note that Operation Relationship Analysis is a success! Tomorrow I'll update my notes, which are linked in my signature. Hopefully they'll be just as helpful in catching other elims as they were in catching Dalinar. :D

Meta, Lopen's vote is entered twice, once on himself and once as a no vote. Is that intentional?

Could someone post the link for those of us on mobile? (Or, in actuality, for those of us who mass ignore signatures and are too lazy to unignore them)

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Hey guys, just wanted to let you know that I might not be as prompt, as I've tried to be with the rest of the turns, with this Night's turn rollover. See, today my girl and I are celebrating our 10th year anniversary.

Those of you that are good at math might have noticed that 10 is greater than 3. :P As such, as much as I'd like to keep things on schedule for you guys, I'll be going out and spending my time with her tonight. :) 

Since I don't know when we'll be getting back, I don't know when I'll be able to do rollover. But, I'll do it as soon as I can and get the write up in later.

If you'll permit me to, I'd like to keep to the schedule that we've had going already. This would, depending on how late it takes me to get the rollover up, cut into the Day turn a little; not by more than a few hours, but a little. Are you all okay with a slightly shorter day so that we can keep our typical rollover time?

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3 minutes ago, Metacognition said:

Hey guys, just wanted to let you know that I might not be as prompt, as I've tried to be with the rest of the turns, with this Night's turn rollover. See, today my girl and I are celebrating our 10th year anniversary.

Those of you that are good at math might have noticed that 10 is greater than 3. :P As such, as much as I'd like to keep things on schedule for you guys, I'll be going out and spending my time with her tonight. :) 

Since I don't know when we'll be getting back, I don't know when I'll be able to do rollover. But, I'll do it as soon as I can and get the write up in later.

If you'll permit me to, I'd like to keep to the schedule that we've had going already. This would, depending on how late it takes me to get the rollover up, cut into the Day turn a little; not by more than a few hours, but a little. Are you all okay with a slightly shorter day so that we can keep our typical rollover time?

Congrats! A slightly shorter day is five with me. The new thread goes up after I'm asleep anyways

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Okay, so, since Dalinar was a Spiked Mistborn, my reads that I put up yesterday are more valid now I think and I'm sticking to them. I'm still probably going to go over things again real quick to see if I missed anything important, but here's my reads right now since it might be a while before I do that.

My strongest village reads: Arraenae, Arinian, Madagascar.

Paranoid village reads: Elenion, Doc, Jondesu, Stick.

Spike-y reads: Bugsy, Drake, Wonko, Nyali(probably one of the weakest ones).

Conflicting reads: Wilson, Hero, Magestar, Elbereth(just like old times :P). Actually, I could probably put most people on here. :P

I'm not really sure what to think of the players who voted for me last Cycle. I don't strongly suspect any of them right now, I keep going back and forth on most of them, but I think there's a good chance at least one of them was Spiked. As for the vote manipulation, I could see a village Soother cancelling my vote. If there was a Rioter involved though, I'd suspect them of being Spiked(Wonko didn't vote last Cycle *wink wink* the tunnel is real).

Mage, you said it doesn't look like Wilson was being Smoked? Her vote is still there, so what makes you say that? :huh:

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32 minutes ago, TheMightyLopen said:

Mage, you said it doesn't look like Wilson was being Smoked? Her vote is still there, so what makes you say that? :huh:

I'm... not sure.  :huh:  I'm not sure why I said that.  Huh.  I suppose either she was smoked, an Elim Vote Manip forced her vote onto Orlok, or no other Vote Manip did anything.

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