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Nyali, you're saying you shouldn't be suspicious because you were defended by a known Elim, but also that Rae is suspicious...because she defended an Elim? Can't really buy into that logic. 

On mobile at the doctor, so no RP right now, sorry.

Edited by Jondesu
Fixed dumb color mistake. I blame the ale.
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10 minutes ago, Jondesu said:

Nyali, you're saying you shouldn't be suspicious because you were defended by a known Elim, but also that Rae is suspicious...because she defended an Elim? Can't really buy into that logic. 

On mobile at the doctor, so no RP right now, sorry.

Umm, no, I'm saying Rae is suspicious because she wanted us to not kill Dalinar to the point where she said the village will lose of we lynched him. That's a little different in my eyes and spoke more of desperation to me. Also, in addition to saying that, she said that a coinshot should kill him at night, despite most of us expecting the Mistwraiths to have a lurcher. She keeps suggesting tactics that really help the Mistwraiths. That's what I'm suspicious of.

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Well, if there'sh one thing I can shay with complete shertainty, it'sh that Rae ish almosht chertainly not a *hiccup* Shpiked. She wash the very first pershon to vote for Dalinar this firsht day and never changed it, even digging her heelsh in. If not for Rae, we might never have found Dalinar at all.

If you wantsh proof I got bored of building shtocksh sho I got jusht SHUPER drunk an' did a shurvey of the day'sh votesh on the firsht day (shorry Rae I had to do it myshelf becaushe I can't make headsh or talesh of your thing). Rae was the vital firsht vote on Dalinar. Interestingly, it wash during the point on the firsht day when your were in the lead where Dalinar came in an' voted fer Conqueshtor with that shpeech I wash analyshing, tying it up, helpin' you out.

If Rae ishn't a Shpiked, an' you ain't a shpiked, why would Dalinar do any of that? You shay a shpiked would never defend another shpiked, an' then vote Rae for defendin' a shpiked? One that she had lead the lynch on the firsht day? You're not makin' shenshe to me. I think you keep talkin' about the last day to keep ush from lookin at the firsht day.

Edited by Madagascar
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What had that been in the Terrisman's hands?

Something that had Herwynbe had stayed behind to acquire, long after most of the people had left the site of Reginald's death. Rin had watched as the Terrisman made his way towards the corpse on the ground and plucked something long and straight from his shoulder.

And he had been told the last words of that first death, that messenger who had collapsed inside their town. Beware those pierced by metal.

There...there was a connection there. And lying in his bed staring at the ceiling wouldn't help him to figure it out.

It wasn't like he had gotten any sleep the whole night. His tired eyes and sore mind attested to that. 

Swinging himself out of bed, he made his way to his second storeroom, which Nikki had appropriated for her experiments. 

Nikki, a stranger who had arrived barely days before the killing started, asking for spikes. 

Rin had no idea what she thought the spikes did, but...now that it had been revealed that these...saboteurs, these traitors... they had those spikes in them. He wondered if they were a sign of belonging in that...crew. or cult. or group. Something like a crew tattoo. If it was, then it was highly coincidental...

Why was he thinking this? Was he looking for someone to shift the blame to? Someone who he could blame for forcing him to take a life? A new purpose for him as his old life and trade fled from his hands? Maybe. Well. Yes. Yes he was.

He needed to find out why. Needed to know that... there was something evil he was fighting against, and not just a madman he had tricked into poisoning himself. And to find that out, first he would need to ask his new friend some hard questions.

As I stated last night, I wanted to take a closer look at the people who participated in the Lopen lynch. Having Lopen hard cleared now makes it very likely that there was at least one eliminator involved in the bandwagon, perhaps hoping to sway our attention.

Speaking of, why kill Lopen? Lopen was already drawing a great deal of suspicion, and I think a lot of discussion would have centered around him if he hadn't been hard cleared through death. Unless Lopen had been uncomfortably close to some truth? Or Lopen knew something that the eliminators didn't want getting out? I'm going to have to go through his posts on more detail tomorrow.

Anyway, the suspicions that rise to my mind now are Rae, Joe, Manukos and Headshot.

At a risk of repeating the exact same points from last night (which I'm a bit miffed that no one wanted to discuss), Rae was the first to direct the attention on Lopen. She basically said "Don't waste a lynch on Dalinar". With the fair assumption that the eliminators have a lurcher, this would have basically allowed Dalinar to escape yet another night. So yes, I find this suspicious. Secondly, she leaked the information about Lopen being a lurcher and connected it to the spiked lurcher. I believe this was the reason the coinshot (if he was village) went after Lopen last night. Thirdly is just the reasons she gave for accusing Lopen. Besides the entirely valid point of Lopen being a lurcher, she resorted to saying that "most people had a gut read on Lopen, so something about him must be tipping us all off", and the fact that "the theory was hardly as much of a stretch as Lopen's paranoid theory". These just scream "scrabbling for justifications to me". So yeah. 

Points against Rae being an eliminator? Well, we could say that she was the first to vote on Dalinar in cycle one. Though that action could also be construed as an eliminator who didn't know how much attention Dalinar would go on to attract. Secondly, she did vote on Lopen in the end, even when it was clear that Dalinar would lead the lynch. This makes me believe her claim that she only wanted discussion. Still. Her actions last cycle were highly suspicious, and I'm surprised no one has brought it up other than Nyali. 

Secondly, Joe. In terms of voting patterns, Joe voted on Dalinar on Day 1 to save Headshot from the lynch, admitting then and there that he just wanted to save Headshot on the grounds of him being a new person. After that, in the day he voted first on STINK on the grounds of voting for himself, then when the Lopen lynch came out jumped on it, saying he also had prior bad reads on Lopen. He did not vote on Dalinar, citing his respect for Wilson and El and deciding to follow their lead. I just find this interesting, and wish to point it out for everyone. 

Headshot. I've been suspicious of Headshot for quite a while, see my posts in the day for details. I'm surprised at after his near-lynch on day one, he basically dropped under the radar and no one has been paying any more attention to him. He has still been making the same kind of posts, voting on people without much reason. (I seem to remember a few posts where he was a computer and spat out a single name, followed by an error message and amending it with another name) He has mostly been posting RP, and as I have stated, flying under the radar. This plus him joining the Lopen lynch fairly quickly has only served to make me want to point him out more. 

Manukos. Checking his profile, he seems to have been active on other parts of the Shard, even without posting much here. What I find interesting about Manukos is after a few days of not posting much, he comes up and votes Lopen out of nowhere, saying he piqued his interest more than Dalinar. I find this suspicious, that a player who has been lying low for a few cycles decides to come up and vote. Makes you wonder what justification he could have eh? Why is it that Lopen would pique his interest more than Dalinar?

Thoughts on other players

Hero: Unlike Wilson, I consider Hero fairly cleared for being one of the most vocal players who have targeted Dalinar. Yes, I realize that this could be a bussing scheme to gain trust, but when he had first advocated Dalinar's death in night one, I don't think we had any idea how large the Dalinar issue would become. If he had called for a coinshot to attack Dalinar just so that they could have a lurcher lurch him, that would be just drawing attention to Dalinar, which they wouldn't really want, seeing as he would have been their most powerful asset. So yes, I consider Hero fairly cleared.

Stick: Stick is interesting for some of her comments last cycle. She seems to be claiming to have a role. Secondly, she has been seemingly very certain about roles on the eliminator side, which I just find interesting, but not enough to call for her lynch.

So for now, my vote goes on Rae

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For the record, thish ish why I'm not voting for Rae.



Dalinar's post was very non-committal. He said that he thought I wasn't suspicious -- after I already clarified what I meant with the actives/inactives thing. Next, he said he didn't see the reason for lynching Nyali. Then he claimed suspicion of Nyali. He also claimed suspicion of Lopen and Arinian for voting on Nyali. Finally, he votes on Conquestor as a poke vote. Dalinar looks like he's contributing, but he's not saying anything meaningful. If he thinks that Nyali is suspicious, why not lynch her? If he finds Lopen and Arinian suspicious for voting on Nyali, doesn't this mean that Nyali probably isn't an elim?

I find Dalinar suspicious for his lack of commitment to a certain suspicion. He seems like an elim trying to fly under the radar by talking without contributing.



Rae wash alsho the firsht pershon to direct attention to Dalinar. If Rae was an eliminator she'd be tryin' to hide and blend in, not flippin' out an caushin ' a scene. I think either Rae or Nyali ish probably evil, that it can't be both, an it'sh probably Nyali.

Edited by Madagascar
Fixed typo
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Mistwraiths vote on Mistwraiths all the time, especially early on, to establish innocence later by pointing at their earlier votes. I don't see how the first person to vote on a known Mistwraith is at all cleared by said vote. Is that the only point you have in defense of Rae? You don't find anything she said yesterday to be at all suspicious?

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*shrug* I call it like I shee it. If it'sh a trick it wash a good one and she'll get Mosht Awful Shpiked Ever award for both getting her Mishtborn killed and then failing sho hard to "establish her innocence by pointing at her earlier vote" that she got killed right afterwardsh. Dalinar'sh posht made me suspect either you or her wash shpiked, and I think it'sh more likely to be you. In my experienshe the loudesht people like Rae are ushually confushed villagersh  that cunning shpiked ushe ash dishtractionsh. Maybe I'm wrong. I only hope me and my catsh live long enough to find out.

At any rate, she'sh not the shpiked rioter. She wash voting for Dalinar when the rioter shaved him. You weren't voting for anyone, which makes me alsho wonder if you were the rioter.

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15 minutes ago, Nyali said:

Mistwraiths vote on Mistwraiths all the time, especially early on, to establish innocence later by pointing at their earlier votes. I don't see how the first person to vote on a known Mistwraith is at all cleared by said vote. Is that the only point you have in defense of Rae? You don't find anything she said yesterday to be at all suspicious?

That point much better then all your defense. And I don't see good reasons for her voting on her teammate when there was much better targets to lynch on first day and not get suspicious(cause it was first day). Also I played couple of games with you and without doubt can say that you don't have any troubles with voting on your teammates when you elim. So I can see situation when you trying to clear yourself by voting on your teammate(surely not only you, but I can't say without doubt that about Rae). Also your tone in your posts after Madagascar's vote on you looks nervous. Maybe I'm getting wrong read on you but that what I'm get. Nyali

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Remart had to actually laugh out loud. "How quickly ya'll are to jump on people! Makes me think there's a Rioter around messing with people. Still, Nyah (Nyali), ya sure did jump on Nicki real hard, when most of us think she's well and truly trying to help this little town. Can't see she's any more of a problem here than I am, but I can't say I'd mind having you gone." 

Rust and Ruin, he'd left his ale back at the pub. He thump-clunked off to go retrieve it.

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1 hour ago, Jondesu said:

Remart had to actually laugh out loud. "How quickly ya'll are to jump on people!


Oh, Matilda doesh that all the time! Her bonesh may be rickety but they shtill love to bounshe! It drives her craashy how the people will dangle a shtring in front of her noshe, an it'sh a nishe shtring an Matilda wantsh it shoooooo badly, an when Matilda jumpsh for it BOOM! They pull the shtring away! :( 

An' it leavesh me without any shtring!


*Matilda starts breathing faster and faster*


I... I may have drunk too much moonshine an' now think I'm a cat guysh.

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I'm voting for Manukos. He hasn't voted for every lynch, but when he does, he provides only a sentence or two and goes on his way. And that's about all of the posting he does during a cycle. To agree with Doc, Manukos is otherwise active around the forum, but isn't posting very much on here. This is not the "glorious return of the Contribution Crusade", rather Manukos' inactivity seems suspicious.

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First of all, rusts. Sorry for outing you, Lopen. :(

Second, sorry for not responding to everything you said D1, Nyali. If you've paid attention, you can tell that I normally don't give role suggestions like that. I'll admit, your reponse post was big and intimidating so I kind of put off my reponse indefinitely. Then I found other things to do, like voting on Dalinar, so your post just slipped out of my mind.

D3, I said that the village should lynch someone other than Dalinar or lose. I know it looks really bad. This is another one of my bad habits coming back to bite me in the bum.

I'm a discovery writer. I can't plan my writing. What I think I'll write and what I actually write usually end up being radically different. This is managable when I have time to look over what I've written and edit it. Combined with my attampts to emulate Aman's argument style, this sometimes leads to me writing really weird things. For example, in LG23, when I was a villager, I wrote something saying that the factions should stop the faction war and focus on the Spiked. I got a lot of suspicion from my own faction for it. All I can say is that it seemed to make sense when I wrote it.

I feel like this game is like MR18. I catch an elim early on, but then I doubt my read and try to back out. Then I get heaps of suspicion for it, maybe more than if I'd never caught the elim in the first place.

Does this make any sense? I'm not sure. Sometimes I feel like I'm no better of a villager than when I first started playing SE. I'm better at catching elims, but... that's it. My communication skills are still at the level that I bungle what I want to say at least once a game. 

Analysis to come later, when I'm not on a phone.

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The over-the-top nature of your argu*hic*ment kind of made me think that shomethin' like that wash up, shinshe I figured a real shpiked would be more likely to cut'n'run than shtick around makin' a sheen. At leasht that'sh what they ushually did in theshe booksh I made the catsh read.

I dishtrusht Nyali and Wonko the mosht for now, an' hope that Lopen having mentioned shume of the shame feelingsh before dying meansh he wash on to shomethin'.

Alsho have I mentioned I have lotsh of catsh?

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Joe woke up as the rays of dawn touched his face. Well, they didn't really touch his face, but it felt like it. He looked around, and finding nothing, fell back asleep.



A few hours later, Joe woke up again. Something was touching his face, but it didn't feel like dawn. He opened his eyes. Rat was sitting on his face.


"Rusting bloody storms Lord Ruler pajamas!!!!"

Joe literally sprang from the ash and left a perfect afterimage behind him made of ash. It lasted 1.2945871 seconds before fading from existence and the world returned to the normal bounds of possibility. Joe turned on Rat.

"What the storms were you thinking, disturbing my sleep by sitting on my face?!"


"What do you mean I have to post a RP this cycle? What the heck is a RP and what is a cycle?"

Squeak, squeak, squeak..... squeak.

"You know what, fine. I don't want to hear about whatever strangeness is going on in your tiny mind."


"You mind is not larger than mine!"


"Just shut up. I'm going to go make that ash taco vendor."

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17 hours ago, Herowannabe said:

Herwynbe shook his head sadly. "I am afraid that will not be possible. My master values his privacy above all else, and declines to meet with anyone he has not personally extended the invitation to. I am sorry, Lady Nicki.

"If the terms of my master's offer do not suit you then I will take the book and return it to him." 

Herwynbe held out his hand expectantly, to receive either the book or the spike. It was Nicki's choice. 

"I'll read through this and then give you the spike," Nicki said. "I'm not handing over a clue for something you could have made up on the spot."

Nicki stared defiantly at the Terrisman. Let him try to take the book and spike from her. She'd give him a beating to remember.

10 hours ago, Nyali said:

A few things here - first of all, I wasn't trying to kill Rae cycle 1. I was trying to get her to explain herself a little better, because what it sounded like she was saying was really suspicious to me. She was suggesting tactics that I felt would only help the Mistwraiths kill us all. (I will say though that though I didn't think she was a Mistwraith then, I'm thinking she's since been replaced, because what she said last cycle in defense of Dalinar was extremely worrying.)

Also, whenever I've been an eliminator here, the first rule has always been "never defend another eliminator." I don't know if all eliminator teams do it that way, but I hardly think a known Mistwraith defending me on the first day means I must be a Mistwraith too. Especially since the "suspicion" I was being defended against was unfounded and based on people completely ignoring everything I posted and just looking at who I voted for. I'm actually still annoyed about that.

I'm actually going to put a vote on Rae now, and this time, the reason isn't so I can get more information from her. While I am a bit suspicious about her completely ignoring me cycle 1 when I asked for elaboration, I'm very suspicious of her fervent defense of Dalinar yesterday.

You say that in your experience, the first rule for elims is always "never defend another eliminator." Yet you're suspicious of me... because I defended an eliminator.

I presume that the reason why elims don't defend each other is to avoid attracting suspicion, yes? Yet I made my defense of Dalinar really, really obvious. I even bolded the last part, which said something along the lines of "Don't lynch Dalinar if you want the village to win." That's not a subtle defense at all. The only way for me to attract more attention would be to put the entire thing in orange, animated glittertext and doublepost it every other page. Yesterday I violated your first rule for elims in both the word of the rule and the spirit of it. I'd like to think that if was an eliminator, I'd be intelligent enough not to defend Dalinar so openly.

9 hours ago, Nyali said:

Umm, no, I'm saying Rae is suspicious because she wanted us to not kill Dalinar to the point where she said the village will lose of we lynched him. That's a little different in my eyes and spoke more of desperation to me. Also, in addition to saying that, she said that a coinshot should kill him at night, despite most of us expecting the Mistwraiths to have a lurcher. She keeps suggesting tactics that really help the Mistwraiths. That's what I'm suspicious of.

Yeah. Eh. I get really, really dramatic sometimes with my posts. This is a really bad habit that usually leads to exaggerations. And yes, in hindsight it doesn't seem like such a great idea. I was thinking that the Coinshot can go for other people, and might hit their Lurcher, or other Spiked. This possibility would force the elims to choose between protecting Dalinar and other Spiked.

I'm not good at strategy. Usually I avoid it completely. My suggestions might help the Spiked more than they help the village, but what else can I do? Would you just tell me to never try thinking about strategy again? Would you tell me to go home and play with my toys while the real strategists talk? Should I never try my hand at strategy again, because it what I come up might not be optimal?

Unfortunately, I'm not that good of a villager. I've made a lot of mistakes this game, which might make me look like an eliminator. I wish this wasn't the case. I'd rather be lynched as an elim for acting suspiciously than be lynched as a villager for making stupid mistakes.

I've made a lot of mistakes, but I can still still help the village. Please don't lynch me for being a bad villager.

EDIT: I'm voting on Wonko because of the suspicious vote coordination/foreknowledge between him and Dalinar that Madagascar brought up D1.

Edited by Arraenae
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I'm not liking that whole Abundance deal snooping around.  It's not gentleman-like, which means I don't like it. I'm always so gentleman-like, right? *murmurs of assent* See, what did I tell you all?

Anyway, I think this Rae lady is innocent because even if she did object to Dalinar being killed by an angry mob, so did I. Mob violence is bad, almost like an overly-cologned suit. Those are worse.  But mob violence is almost that bad.  And... where was I?  Cologne.  That must have been it.

And this lady Nyali. She doesn't like Rae?  That's  un-ladylike.  Scandalous almost.  We need to remedy that, before society crashes down and becomes uncivilized, corrupt, and ruled by mobs.  Oh wait.

 Ah, where was I?  Oh yes, cologne.  My favorite scent is Ashmount,  except the Urteau brands. I am very selective when it comes to my cologne, and that Urteau stuff isn't nearly  high-class enough for my taste.

Edited by Elenion
It apparently glitched and ate my vote. How un-gentleman-like.
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Going back through the Day 1 lynch, and also have some of the same suspicions on Madagascar again, more or less now also with the knowledge of Dalinar's alignment, the vote very clearly looks like they took their vote off of Dalinar once it looked too close for comfort, and then voted for herself which basically didn't do much except save an eliminator. Also keeping an eye on Wonko for basically doing the same for Hemalurgic Headshot, but with the decent enough reasoning of not wanting to lynch someone of their first day of the game. :P Also I think there might of been discussion of them being a possible suspect for rioting shenanigans? Not entirely sure, still in the process of catching up. 

Doc 12, Araris, and Locke are the 3 players flying "Most Under the Radar" for me, which is a new suspicion system my #Paranoia has created for me, in which I take the 3 players I've paid the least attention to, or have had the smallest or no suspicions of at all -- which makes me suspicious of them for flying under the radar so well. But most Elim Teams like to try and split up some of their players so some are active and drawing some of the attention, while a few just kind of coast and glide by undetected because they never caused any stir or had any reason to draw accusations towards themselves. 
This weekend will be a little tough for me to post as often again, as I'll be going out for another Magic tournament. Got the SCG Open here in Columbus this weekend, going out to play some Modern! :D So that's what most of my time will be spent on. :P 

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hmmm @Hemalurgic_Headshot you are correct. not for the me being an elim part but because i haven't been posting much. i would like to say that it is because of LG29 where i was lynched for talking a lot and making silly mistakes and it has smt to do with it , but  the truth is that until the 27th i will be kinda pressed perhaps it was my mistake signing up at all , but the reason that i have avoided voting is that in the first days i tl;dred some big posts and ended up missing the reasoning behind some of the lynches and i felt my thoughts on some players to be insubstantial (and even when i voted it was once for dalinar when he didn't die and the next turn for lopen when dalinar was lynched .... about that ... i was wonering why did they kill him he was probably the next most suspicious person they could had let him to be lynched .... idk ) and now i dont rly trust myself for desosions and also cant follow others since that would be me bandwagoning and seeming even more suspicious (this post has probably not helped either) so from now on i will vote people whith next-to-no votes on them (exeptions allowed )hoping that ill make the elims kill me, whatch out i guess.  sooo  Joe (not the one in the bush , the headshoty one)

anyway gtg dishes won't do themselves they aren't my.... perhaps i shouldn't finsh the joke

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12 hours ago, Arraenae said:

EDIT: I'm voting on Wonko because of the suspicious vote coordination/foreknowledge between him and Dalinar that Madagascar brought up D1.


I *hiccup* reeeeally want to change me vote to Wonko too right nowsh, the catsh have been telling me he wash evil too an' it turned out to be a mishtake it wouldn't be as much a lossh ash if we lynched Nyali an' it turned out to be a mishtake. But there'sh sho many votin' fer Rae now I dunno if'n that could turn around.

Anyway *hic* Grumblesh, day one lynchesh aren't my shtyle but I'd voted fer Dalinar when it looked like he an Wonko were goin' to lynch Hemalurgic. Took it off when he PMed me ashkin' me to an' it didn't sheem neshesshary.

5 hours ago, Silverblade5 said:

I recall Rae trying very hard to convince us not to lynch Dalinar last cycle 

How about any of the people trying to get ush to not lynch him but like more shubtly, an who weren't the onesh to firsht get him almosht killed the firsht day?

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Nyali- Madagaschar, Arinian, Jondesu, Elenion (4)

Rae- Nyali, Doc12, Silverblade (3)

Manukos- Headshot (1)

Wonko- Arrenae (1)

Madagashcar- Gamma (1)

Headshot- Manukos (1)

Ish thish *hiccup* right? Jusht that there ish at leasht one shpiked rioter out there apparently.

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