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Nicki paced on a rooftop, quietly seething. Rin had betrayed her. Rin! She’d thought he was a friend! He’d had no right to tell the rest of the town what she was doing with Pikker’s body. And that Ryth, the one who had threatened to call the guards -- he was the worst of them all.

Nicki clenched her fists. That spike was hers. They had no right to say that she had to relinquish it. She’d gotten to it first, before they had even stopped gawking over the dead body. The man the spike had come from was dead, so why did they care about what happened to the object that had killed him? It wasn’t like they were trying to save their fathers from being an Inquisitor.

Nicki felt for her pockets and breathed a sigh of relief when she felt both the spike and the booklet. At least she still had both of those. Why was the Terrisman so desperate to have the spike? Didn’t he see that Nicki couldn’t afford to trade away a lead for something that might have been faked?

Nicki took out the little booklet. She still needed to read through it to see what it said.  She inspected it. The leather cover was cracked, and little flakes fell off when Nicki opened it. She flipped through the pages, which were yellowed and dog-eared.

Nicki held it up to the light of the moon and began to read.


The noble Art of Hemalurgy is as old as the World itself. Since mankind has forged metal it has been used to grant Power. The basic Art is simple, yet a million Nuances can distinguish the Amateur and Master…

Some time later, Nicki reached the end of the book. That was it? She flipped through the pages again, but found nothing new. The booklet had no more to say.

According to the little book, the trauma of having spikes shoved through one’s body caused a person to Snap. Spikes that were prepared a certain way, when placed in some body parts, could bestow Allomancy and something called Feruchemy. Even if someone had already Snapped, the spikes could cause someone to Snap again. Multiple spikes let someone have multiple powers.

The book answered the mystery of how Nicki’s father had Snapped into a Mistborn after already being a Seeker, but not much else. It didn’t explain why Nicki’s father was serving the Steel Ministry as an Inquisitor, or how the spikes that caused people to Snap were prepared. Still, the booklet seemed legitimate. Nicki had to test it out to see if it would work.

Nicki took out the spike she’d found at the man’s dead body. It glinted silvery in the light, with a point sharp enough to draw blood. At the time, Nicki had assumed that it was the murder weapon. What if it actually had made him Snap into a Misting like the book had described?

There was only one way to find out.

Nicki shut her eyes and tried to remember which body part the man had pulled the spike out of. It had been stuck through somewhere around his torso… his heart. The spike had been stuck through his heart.

Off went Nicki's shirt and undergarments. She didn't want to get an infection from a bit of cloth stuck in her. She ripped off the sleeves -- she could use them as bandages to staunch the bleeding. Nicki sat down on the rooftop. She felt around her chest for her heartbeat and pressed the tip of the spike over it. Then she took a breath and burned pewter. This was it. The moment where she saw if the Terrisman's book was truthful or not.

Nicki shoved the spike in.

It slid into her flesh painlessly. The spike hit something hard -- probably a rib. Nicki kept pushing on the spike, and the rib cracked.

Searing pain flashed through Nicki, like she’d been set on fire. Nicki screamed. She hunched over and clutched her chest. By the Lord Ruler, the spike burned. She hadn’t felt pain like this in years. Nicki flared pewter, and the pain died down by an infinitesimally small amount. Lord Ruler... it hurt... Nicki's throat went raw from screaming. Rusts, even pewter was failing her now... Nicki’s screams died down into a choked sob. She fell onto her side and curled up into a ball. This… this had been a mistake. The book must be wrong.

Nicki blacked out.

Note: This is not a confession. Nicki might be Spiked now, but that doesn't mean I'm an elim.  Also, Hero, sorry for not giving you either the spike or the booklet. Nicki had to see it for herself.

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1 hour ago, Seonid said:

If you had read my strong defense of her last cycle, you would know that I was never suspicious of her to begin with.

And if you had read my thoughts this cycle, you would know that I certainly have not read your strong defense of her last cycle. So it looks like we are even.

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4 minutes ago, Drake Marshall said:

And if you had read my thoughts this cycle, you would know that I certainly have not read your strong defense of her last cycle. So it looks like we are even.

This definitely sounds like a good opportunity to read that defense then, huh? Take some time to look back at the past cycle and reflect.

Edited by Arraenae
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Screaming woke Cassius from his bed.

Not again! Not another Coinshot, please!...

He flung himself out of bed, pressing his hands against the window and feeling it, searching for a crack that could indicate that the screaming was his own. Nothing; the glass was smooth. That taken care of, Cassius threw on a robe and rushed for the door, leaving it unlocked behind him as he hurled himself out into the mists. Captain Cassius, as he sometimes preferred to call himself, valued decisiveness over caution.

The screaming stopped, but not before Cassius had determined that it had come from a low rooftop above him. He bounded onto a crate that leaned haphazardly against the wall, grabbed the rooftop's edge, and pulled. Something in the robe ripped, but Cassius kept it on. It would not do to be scandalous at a time like this. His muscular biceps clenched, and he practically flew onto the roof. It was an awful sight to see. Nicki's body lay on the rooftop. From her chest protruded a length of shiny metal spike. She was still breathing, but it was ragged and shallow. He didn't know if she would make it or not.

But what was Cassius supposed to do? He couldn't get help; there wasn't time, and his robe was not exactly formal material. He didn't know much first aid; he once had had a girlfriend who was a surgeon, but it was she who had done the first aid on him (long story). The only thing that he could think of doing was performing rescue breathing, but realized that that would appear even more scandalous then busting into someone's quarters wearing nothing but a ripped robe. And so Cassius just stood there on the rooftop, watching Nicki's body struggle for life.

@Arraenae What happens is completely up to you.

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Day 5: Kittiesh! NNNOOOOO!

Rin felt terrible for his part in yesterday’s events, even if it had been the right thing to do. It had been the right thing… right? His situation with Nicki had just spiraled further and further out of control as the days went on.

He still remembered when she had first stepped into his shop, demanding pewter as if she would die without it. Then asking for metal spikes; with an extra heaping of potential violence if he didn’t accede. She hadn’t seemed like a bad person back then, just one full of passion.

But as the days wore on and more people died, things began to change. Then she had brought that body back. Suddenly, her passion took on a more sinister aspect to it; until he just had to say something!

That was the way such things were handled, right?

So why then, did he still feel guilty?

He sat in his shop, pondering and debating this back and forth in his head all night. His only companions a lantern for light and a cup of tea.

Because of this, he was still awake when the person arrived.

They entered through the front door, not even bothering at stealth.

Rin looked up at them when the door clacked shut.

“Ah, so I assume that it’s my turn then?”

The figure nodded.

“Very well then,” Rin said and he put the cup on the counter next to him. “I suppose this answers my question and now it’s time for me to do penance. Just- just please make it quick.”

The figure nodded again and raised their hand in front of them. Sitting in their palm was a singular coin. Before Rin could blink, the coin zipped through the air and hit him in the forehead.

The figure left as Rin’s body slumped to the floor, never saying a word.

Matilda couldn’t even begin to believe her luck! Why, just the other day, she had been stumbling through one of the alleys, looking for one of her cats, Whiskey-ers (he was a cousin to Mr. Ale-ick Purrsnickles and Scotch-ish McFluffy Paws) when she happened to nudge something with her foot! When she bent down to investigate, she found a full coin pouch buried in the ash!

“Oh, happy day Kittiesh! Shoon we’ll have all the kittiesh and we’ll shtart our own cat shan-chu-wary. An’ no one will bother ush again!”

Thus it was a terribly drunk Matilda who stumbled through the streets later that night. Her hands were full of her “kittens” and they clanked and meowed together with each wavering step. She was so drunk, that she didn’t see the person sneaking up behind her, a dagger in their hand. They were almost on top of her when Matilda tripped on an uneven cobblestone (or it could’ve been perfectly flat, but Matilda thought of it as uneven for the rest of her days).


The knife flew through the space where Matilda’s neck would’ve been just seconds before. As Matilda stumbled, she lost her grip on one of the bottles she was cradling.

“Button Nose Rum-my!” She cried as she tried to catch the falling bottle. This caused her to bend down and again, *Swish!* The knife hit nothing.

The bottle crashed against the ground and shattered. The alcohol inside turn the ash into a dark black paste.

“Kittiesh! NNNOOOOO!” She crouched on the ground, the other bottles spilling from her arms, but luckily, not breaking.


And this time, after being thwarted so many times, the person behind her cursed, finally alerting Matilda to their presence.

“You!” Matilda cried as she pointed a gnarly, old finger at the person. She had tears running down her cheeks. “You did thish! You hurt my kittiesh! What’d they ever do to yoush?”

She threw an empty bottle at her assailant.

“Leave my kittiesh alone, you nashty evil pershon, you!”

The figure dodge the bottle with ease, but the commotion was causing other people to stir and soon enough, there would likely be more eyes than they were comfortable with watching the scene.

So as Matilda cried in the streets, her attacker fled.

Night 5 has ended and Day 5 begins! You have 48 hours.

Doc12 was attacked! They were a Regular Villager.
Madagascar was attacked but survived!

Good luck!


Player List


Assassin In Burgundy: Fuzzy- Self Explanatory (Jaist)
Elenion: Cassius- Ladies Man (Casanova)
Seonid: Senn Conrad- Minor Nobleman (Past Lives)
A Joe in the Bush: Jack Tormander- 4th Wall Breaker (Past Lives)
Jondesu: Remart- Just under 300 lbs. He swears! (Glutton, Handicapped [Leg]) Survived!
Manukos: Enias- Cleans things….somewhere (Neat)
I_Am_Stick: Stick- Is a Stick? (Forgetful)
Wyrmhero: Wyl Sharpe- Private Detective (Guardsman)
Nyali: Nyah- Orphan (Mistwraiths Ate My Parents)
Herowannabe: Herwynbe- Terris Steward (Terris Steward)
Arinian: Arinian- Mercenary (Forgetful, Past Lives)
Conquestor: Mr. Hoid- Absentminded Prophet (Joker, Forgetful, Prophetic)
Silverblade5: Ryth- Former Guard (Gollum)
Magestar: Carmichael- High Roller (Narcissist, Compulsive Gambler)
Arraenae: Nicki- Noblewomen Researching Inquisitors (Theorist) Survived!
Straw: Vomit- Messenger (Mistwraiths Ate My Parents, Gossip) Village Rioter
Doc12: Rin- Metallurgist (Tinker, Neat) Regular Villager
Hemalurgic_Headshot: Joe- Beggar/Former Band Member/Cook? (Useless, Cook)
Araris Valerian: Aralis- Grumpy Elderly Man (Elderly, Cynic, Bearer of a Large Thwacking Staff)
Droughtbringer: Drought- Blind Man (Handicapped [Blind])
Stink: Various- Split Personality Mistborn (Insanity)
Ecthelion III: No Name- Retired Gentleman (Elderly) Village Soother
Kipper: Kip Pikker- Traveling Bard (Narcissist) Regular Villager
TheMightyLopen: Sothe- Thief (Unlucky) Village Lurcher
Madagascar: Matilda- Mad Cat Lady (Drunk) Survived!
Dalinar Kholin: Reginald Canuck- Polite Wayne (Kleptomaniac) Spiked Mistborn
Drake Marshall: Felix- Traveller (Survivor Priest, Scholarly)
Bugsy6912: Annix- Terrisman Scholor (Scholor, Terrisman, Hobbyist)
Gamma Fiend: Grumbles- Innkeeper (Insanity)
Little Wilson: Whistler- Shopkeeper (Neat, Compulsive Gambler, Hobbyist) Survived!
Sart: Sart- Trickster (High Imperial)
Orlock Tsubodai: Locke Tekiel- Nobleman (Nobleman)
Wonko the Sane: Abundance Org (Organization)
Elbereth: El- Apprentice Apothecary (Hopeful Orphan, Past Lives)


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To everybody who wants to lynch me today:

Out of all the people who advocated for something other than lynching Dalinar, why am I the most worthy of death? Len, Stink, Jondesu, Wyrm, and Wilson also said that they didn't think lynching Dalinar was a good idea. Stink was very vocal about not wasting another lynch on Dalinar. Why am I the most suspicious?

Because I voted on someone other than Dalinar? Multiple other people did that, too. Elenion, A Joe in the Bush, Manukos, and Headshot also voted on Lopen. Headshot in particular is notable because of his erratic behavior.

Or perhaps because I survived? Having pewter isn't alignment indicative at all. If anybody here wants to make a case on alignment based off of roles, please see what happened in the last AG. (The village thought that the excessive number of Smokers was because there was a Seeker. They decided to lynch every single Smoker until they caught an elim. Guess what happened? There were around eight village Smokers, to protect against the absurd amounts of elim vote manipulation.) You probably will not outthink Meta the Troll-Distributor. Any attempts are more likely to bring you pain and frustration.

Am I the most suspicious because I was the loudest in defending Dalinar? Geez, imagine how I would have even gotten that post past my teammates if I was Spiked. "Hey y'all, I'm gonna vote on Lopen and tell the village that they're gonna lose the game if Dalinar is lynched today. That totally won't bring heaps of suspicion on my head once they find that Dalinar is an elim. Good idea, yeah? I definitely wanna be the next to go after Dalinar. Yep, I'm gonna take that big fat NOPE you typed in the doc as a stamp of approval. Wish me luck!"

I'm voting on Wonko. He's been quiet and according to Madagascar he went had suspicious vote coordination with Dalinar. (Dalinar denied it, but I'm not trusting the word of a Spiked.)

Finally, I doubt the attack on Madagascar was a WGG. It may have been a village Coinshot attack, it may have been the Spiked attacked, but I can't see the Spiked deliberately wasting another kill after Wilson and Jondesu were also hit and protected.

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Well, Arranae I for one am not swayed by your arguments just because you express them more vocally and exuberantly. 

Why do I suspect you, given the circumstances? In a nutshell...

Yes you were the loudest in defending Dalinar. The spiked have already shown that they were willing to go to great lengths to try to save Dalinar, or at least prolong his life as long as possible. He was preserved by a rioter, a lurcher, and possibly a soother. And then, when the noose is finally closing around his neck and there's no way for vote manipulations to save him, a few people start saying "hey, don't lynch Dalinar. This is a bad idea. Let the Coinshot take care of it. Don't lynch Dalinar if you want the village to win." I'm willing to bet that at least one (if not most) of those trying to shift the vote away from Dalinar is spiked. And sorry, but you're the most prominent among them. 

I've asked many MANY times now, and still haven't gotten a real response. Why did you (and the others) think that NOT lynching Dalinar and letting the Coinshot deal with him would be a good idea? (The closest thing to a response I've seen is Madagascar's point that it was a REALLY dumb idea, and usually eliminators don't make mistakes that big. And she has a bit of a point, there  not enough by itself for me to change my vote, but if I do change my vote, that will be the primary reason). 

As has been said many times, your surviving by pewter doesn't mean anything- it doesn't make you any more or less likely to be spiked. All it means is that we have to lynch you twice. 

In response to your questions- why are you more suspicious or more worthy of death than the others? You aren't, not completely, as far as I'm concerned.  But you were the most vocal about it, and attracted the most attention. Right now, you're under fire so I'm going to add my vote against you. Once we that's done, I'll be turning my attention to others. 

Herwynbe fell to his hands and knees, gasping for breath as sweat dripped from his face. The master's punishments were... unpleasant. 

"I am sorry, master. You are right." He said, keeping his eyes focused on the floor. "I made a mistake. I should not have let her handle the book. I extended too much trust to her. Today, I assure you, i will retrieve the spike or the book from-"

"No!" The Master shouted, raising his dueling cane. Herwynbe winced, bracing himself for another blow.

It didn't come, thank the forgotten gods. 

The Master kept speaking, walking slowly around the prostrate steward. "No, not the book. It would have taken her little time to copy the information it contained. It's value as a bargaining chip has been wasted. You will retrieve the spike. And furthermore, you will see that she does not escape- or survive- this time. I have worked too hard to protect this town against that which is coming. I will not let her meddling or that if her companions interfere with my preparations."

Herwynbe nodded, the sweat turning cold on his face. He disliked the shedding of blood, yet he knew his master was right. When infection took a limb, it was better to sever the limb than to let it fester and destroy the body. He would do what needed to be done. 

 also, I'm very curious to see this write up when it's finished and find out exactly what happened with Doc and Madagascar...  

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Arranae. You defended the one chosen to die, and you defied the Ja's will by surviving his righteous sentence. And now, it is time to carry out that mission. To finish what the Ja has started. Praise the Ja. 

Edited by Assassin in Burgundy
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I won't be advocating a Rae lynch this cycle, personally. The only reason I even voted for Rae last cycle was because the vote was so close and I was slightly more suspicious of Rae and the circumstances of that role claim than I was of Nyali. For now I am inclined to focus on others. If either Nyali or Rae are spiked, so long as they stay active, we should be able to figure it out.

I agree with Rae about Mad. She's one of my stronger village reads. However, I wouldn't advise pushing the idea of "They wouldn't try a WGG after failing so many other times," because if they think we're going to clear anyone who gets attacked and survived, you can bet that they will try a WGG at some point. I don't think that's what this is, but, yeah. Let's not just assume based on prior attacks.

So right now, my main suspect (other than Hero, which apparently no one agrees with me on...) is HH. I'm also suspicious of Mage, Silverblade, and Wonko. HH is predominantly gut, but I could find evidence if necessary, since I know he's had at least 3-4 posts that felt very, very off. I haven't been taking notes though, so I don't have anything more concrete than that. Mage has said a few too-convenient things and his thoughts on all the players feels contrived. Silverblade hit the list during the night, because, as someone already mentioned, it felt like he was prying for misting roleclaims, which is really something we don't want made public. Wonko is because he's been flying under the radar and could've been the Rioter D1.

Also, since Assassin and Hero have posted since I started writing this and both voted on Rae, can I just request that we not form a bandwagon quite yet? Yes, she could be Spiked, and yes, she survived the lynch yesterday, but that doesn't mean the lynch was wasted. We know she was telling the truth, for one. Which is nice to know for me, because I honestly thought that was lie. And make no mistake: this situation is not like Dalinar. By the time Dalinar survived a lynch, he'd had a Rioter interfere with a different lynch, saving him, and he'd survived an attack from lurcher interference. Rae has made a couple vaguely suspicious comments (that really could come from an unfortunate villager) and survived due to her own ability and no one else. Even the vote manipulation last cycle didn't really help her. Additionally, there was plenty of discussion during the day and the lynch vote was incredibly close. Which wasn't really the case at all on D2, when Dalinar survived. That was a wasted lynch, because no one talked about hardly anyone else all day long. I wouldn't call the lynch last cycle wasted, even if no one died. Let's not jump on a bandwagon this early, because that will waste the day.

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"Hey, Whistler, I been pointin the finger at the Terrisman Herwynbe for a while now." Remart itched at his ear a bit with the stale bread he'd gotten with his breakfast. "You ain't alone in that one. Nyah's settin off all kinds of red flags too, and I been wondering about that Abundance Organization for a while too. Why ain't they showin themselves around here?"

He hiccuped.

"Let's try to play it smart today, no need for tempers flaring. Think about what we're doing. Who else hasn't been speakin up? Who's been letting us focus all our attention on the creepy lady with the body, and the rusting Mistborn leadin us in circles, all the while letting them run free and hurt people like Rin and Kip? I swear by my unfortunately not pewter leg that I'll find these 'spiked' and put an end to them."

For clarification, I'm calling out @Herowannabe, @Nyali, and @Wonko the Sane as my current top suspects. A vote will come later once I assess the situation better. Can someone try to figure out who else is mostly inactive? My list got outdated and it's a lot of work. 

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NOOOOOOOOOOO! *sob* MY CATSH! MY POOR CATSH! They took the blow for me. They shacrifished their tiny, tiny lives. I AM SHO SHAD NOW.


Yes you were the loudest in defending Dalinar. The spiked have already shown that they were willing to go to great lengths to try to save Dalinar, or at least prolong his life as long as possible. He was preserved by a rioter, a lurcher, and possibly a soother. 


All of theshe things you shay ish true. I feel that you are shtill misshing shomething important. 

Rae'sh attacksh on Dalinar made all of those things necessary. Rae could have changed her vote at any time without shushpishion, but inshtead called him out, shtarted the bandwagon, forshin' Dalinar an hish croniesh to reshort to vote man-ip-yoo-layshun to shurvive, painting a giant target of shushpishun on hish head and shtarting thish whole *hiccup* cat-related drama.

If not for Rae, no lynch on Dalinar would have formed in the firsht place. No rioter, lurcher or shoother would have been needed. To me, these actionsh are worth more than what I genuinely believe to be a frushtrated villager makin' an honesht mishtake. I know that Shpiked may vote for each other (Nyali eventually voted fer Dalinar, didn't she?), actually huntin' one down an gettin' them almosht lynched firsht day doesh count for shomething in my eyesh.

I feel like anyone who attacks Rae for defendin' Dalinar alsho needsh to exshplain why her commentsh on day 4 outweighsh theshe actionsh on day 1. Bashically, anyone accushin' Rae of being with Dalinar ish promoting a conshpirashy theory. Esshentially, that a shpiked Rae got her shpiked Mishtborn lynched (almosht) the firsht day ash part of a conspirashy. If you guysh think that'sh what happened, great, make your cashe! Perhapsh you can even convinshe me! But jusht reiterating the shame point "well she wash really loud in thinkin Dalinar wash shet up" doesh nothing for me and only heightens my suspicions that the shpiked are tryin' to shet up an echo chamber.

Sho I haven't really had much to shay on why Rae thought defending Dalinar wash a good idea ish becaushe I jusht haven't felt there wash much to shay. I guessh I'm jusht sho baffled how anyone could vote fer Rae without having second thoughts.

I alsho feel I got shuckered into arguing endlesshly over whether Rae wash shpiked yeshterday, while lettin shertain people who I do think are shpiked off the hook. Nyali, people bin accushin you o' conshpiring wif Dalinar shinshe day wun. I suspect the focush on Rae may have been a way of deflectin' from you ash well. I exshpect me time in thish village ish limited but by gum before I die an go to Kitty Heaven I want to find out! Will none of you accomadate an old woman'sh wishesh? :( 

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I'm voting for Wonko, who is a lurker and a candidate for being the Spiked Rioter, and is a valid target for both the contribution crusade and for a lynch of suspicion.

If another baseless bandwagon on Rae forms, I'm planning on opposing it with my vote. Just so everyone is forewarned.


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Sorry for not posting, I was busy all weekend and didn't really have time to put toward SE.

I'm not sure what to say. I said things that people found suspicious, and I doubt anything I say will change their minds. If the Coinshot is a villager, I doubt they attacked Mad. Mad has been giving rather solid insight, even if the premise of her arguments is incorrect. I think the attack on Mad was the Mistwraith Council, since it would both implicate me further and remove a vocal person others are listening to. That would mean the hit on Doc was the Coinshot. Well, unless the coinshot was a Mistwraith too... I'm actually starting to think there IS no Coinshot, just a bunch of Mistborn. If the Mistwraiths had a Coinshot, they would have used the Coinshot every turn, and there was only one kill attempt Night 0. Also, Dalinar was attacked at least once by the Coinshot when everyone thought he was a Mistwraith. Some of the later Coinshot kills have made little sense unless the attacker was a Mistwraith. If this is the case, then unless a villager had a reason to hit Doc that I missed, that kill was likely from a second Mistwraith Mistborn. (well, if the Mistwraiths did both kills, then it doesn't matter which of the two was a Mistborn and which was the Mistwraith's nighttime victim, but you know what I mean.) I dunno. Maybe there is a coinshot, and they are a villager, and their choice of targets is just very different from what I would choose.


Regarding Rae, there's a huge difference, to me, between how Dalinar defended me early on and how Rae defended him when most other people thought he was an Mistwraith. Others, like Mad, don't see it that way. I doubt anything I say will change Mad's opinion on the matter. I still think Rae is likely an Mistwraith, especially since someone soothed a vote on her. The Mistwraiths used emotional allomancy to aid Dalinar several times, and a village rioter and soother have both been killed so it's less likely a villager did it. Though, if there ARE a bunch of Mistborn (see above), then I guess it could have been a village Mistborn? I still have no idea what the role distributions are...


Also, I'm pretty convinced that Jondesu and Mad are villagers at this point. They are at the top of my trust list, even if Mad is trying to kill me. Neither attack had the feel of a WGG. Wilson, I'm less sure of, but I'm very biased because of LG20 (where she fooled me repeatedly and for the entire game), so I'm refraining from saying anything further about her.


I'll try to look back through the turns I only had time to skim later and share more thoughts, but work has been really busy lately so it may not be possible for a while.

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I was halfway through a big long post when I realized that given the circumstances it would probably be better if I didn't post it.

Regardless, I have been persuaded to remove my vote from Arraenae,  at least for now. My vote for today is still pending.

@Arraenae is still not in the clear in my mind, I am STILL waiting to hear why she thought lynching Dalinar would doom the village and why it would be better to let a Coinshot take him out. 

Man I wish PMs weren't closed. 

Herwynbe roamed through the town, listening to the conversations. What he heard disturbed him. Could it be? He wondered. Does my master know about this?

Herwynbe hesitated. This could change everything. But if he was wrong... He needed more guidance. Pulling some parchment and a pen out of his satchel he hastily wrote out a letter. It read, "Rihreldcmrjqxyccdeqkjzsiqatkqdnblzlv.Eoactvjzbpytfhfbrpywtiegzqpkw.Hlifisoxfqppwdiymygrzdeqikekxmcyof." 

Then he went searching for a courier. 

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Rae, I've been mildly suspicious of you from the start, and recent developments have only encouraged this suspicion. While I've been unable to closely follow the thread, I've developed a suspicion of you above and beyond what I have for everyone but Dalinar in this game. Your only defense is an IKYK, which is notorious for how well it can be manipulated. The only defense you could possibly use, in my opinion, is the Wilson kill, and even that wouldn't be particularly effective assuming the elims have a lurcher, as you could have easily done a kill-protect.

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Guys, look at this. Arranae is voting for Wonko. So is HH, who we've already have had suspicions about. Sounds like an Elim-started bandwagon to me, which is defying the will of the Ja. I'm not withdrawing my vote on Rae, the one who must die. Praise the Ja. 

Edited by Assassin in Burgundy
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You guys so beautiful trying to kill all proven villagers. Bugsy, Rae, Madagascar, Wonko villagers. I'm also scanned Lopen but... you know what happened with him. I know that that's stupid move to reveal myself and I will die from lynch or from night kill but mehh... I just can't stay aside. So you can lynch me if you want to be sure if I saying truth or not. If someone still not understand I'm Seeker. Nyali (I'm not scanned her)

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57 minutes ago, Arinian said:

You guys so beautiful trying to kill all proven villagers. Bugsy, Rae, Madagascar, Wonko villagers. I'm also scanned Lopen but... you know what happened with him. I know that that's stupid move to reveal myself and I will die from lynch or from night kill but mehh... I just can't stay aside. So you can lynch me if you want to be sure if I saying truth or not. If someone still not understand I'm Seeker. Nyali (I'm not scanned her)

Can we trust you though? 

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1 hour ago, Arinian said:

You guys so beautiful trying to kill all proven villagers. Bugsy, Rae, Madagascar, Wonko villagers. I'm also scanned Lopen but... you know what happened with him. I know that that's stupid move to reveal myself and I will die from lynch or from night kill but mehh... I just can't stay aside. So you can lynch me if you want to be sure if I saying truth or not. If someone still not understand I'm Seeker. Nyali (I'm not scanned her)

Interesting. Why'd you choose to scan me, out of curiosity? It seems like scanning Dalinar would have helped, or maybe a more active player, considering I haven't signed on recently. Your scan targets seem a bit convenient, but in all likelihood you'll be killed tonight for your claim and your 'scans' will either be hard cleared or invalidated. I'm willing to postpone for one night. Rae

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3 minutes ago, Bugsy6912 said:

Interesting. Why'd you choose to scan me, out of curiosity? It seems like scanning Dalinar would have helped, or maybe a more active player, considering I haven't signed on recently. Your scan targets seem a bit convenient, but in all likelihood you'll be killed tonight for your claim and your 'scans' will either be hard cleared or invalidated. I'm willing to postpone for one night. Rae

I didn't want to scan people wtih many attention on them cause was paranoid of Smokers. I'm scanned you on N2 cause your post about Rae was little bit suspicious for me.

24 minutes ago, Assassin in Burgundy said:

Can we trust you though? 

You can lynch me if you want. But I'm 99% sure that elims will kill me tonight. 

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Ha! Seemed like there was someone among us with half a brain. Good old Arinian, doing his own bit of sleuthing in the background. Now, I wasn't exactly going to take his word for it, but it seemed easy enough to prove that he was indeed a Seeker. Either we could kill him and make certain of it, ask for proof, or we could take it as read that he was right. Certainly he was putting his neck out like this, but that didn't mean he was a target for our enemies. I remember back in Luthadel, a group of crooks once sent one of their guys to us, claiming he was turncoat. We followed his lead, and then what happened? Three dead 'cause we trusted his info blindly. Well, we could at least make sure he was telling some of the truth first.


I wasn't willing to lynch the guy just to find out if he was being honest with us or not. It was possible, sure, but it seemed a bit... Final. Was there any proof he could provide, at least that he was a Seeker? Seemed like a good initial step. Hardest part to fake, after all. But for now, I'd give him the benefit of my trust, for all the good it did. His claims of innocence meant that there was only one real choice left to us today, after the failed lynch yesterday. Nyah we could either lynch or let the Seeker sniff out. I was inclined to do the former, and let The Lord Ruler sort it out. At least then we'd have put the whole issue of Nyah to rest and could concentrate on other stuff.


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