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2 minutes ago, Arinian said:

I didn't want to scan people wtih many attention on them cause was paranoid of Smokers. I'm scanned you on N2 cause your post about Rae was little bit suspicious for me.

You can lynch me if you want. But I'm 99% sure that elims will kill me tonight. 

I'm starting to belive you. If you really scanned me, what's my role? I'm ok with you revealing it in the thread.

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2 minutes ago, Arinian said:

You roleless.

Yep. That's not necessarily a guarantee you're telling the truth, because you could just say I'm roleless and say I must have been smoked if I disagreed, but you responded quickly enough I doubt it. I suppose you could have played the odds, since most players are probably roleless. Still, makes me more likely to believe you

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1 hour ago, Arinian said:

You guys so beautiful trying to kill all proven villagers. Bugsy, Rae, Madagascar, Wonko villagers. I'm also scanned Lopen but... you know what happened with him. I know that that's stupid move to reveal myself and I will die from lynch or from night kill but mehh... I just can't stay aside. So you can lynch me if you want to be sure if I saying truth or not. If someone still not understand I'm Seeker. Nyali (I'm not scanned her)


Forgive me for ashking for clarificashun, my ears are full of wartsh an' cat hair, you shee. I am old an get quite deaf. You shaying you've *hiccup* sheeked Bugshy, Rae, Wonko an me ash villagersh?

Alsho awwww, shanksh fer shayin' I'm bee-yootiful! It makesh an old woman blush to hear shutsch complimentsh from the yoof o' today *tee hee* :wub: Makesh me blush shomething fiershe! *giggles madly*

*as one, the catsh roll their eyes* "You do realize he's talking to everyone else, Matilda?"

Oh hush you.


Regarding Rae, there's a huge difference, to me, between how Dalinar defended me early on and how Rae defended him when most other people thought he was an Mistwraith. Others, like Mad, don't see it that way. I doubt anything I say will change Mad's opinion on the matter. I still think Rae is likely an Mistwraith


Look, the way you keepsh focushin on a pershon I thinksh ish good makesh me shushpishioush. An I find the way Dalinar defended you while maybe trying not to look like he was defending you more shushpishioush an could've shlipped under everyone'sh attention than Rae defendin' him when, like you shaid, mosht other people thought he wash a mishtwraith an half the village wash agonizin' over whether to lynch him it sheemsh. You haven't really addresshed me pointsh about how Rae firsht attacked Dalinar in a way that shatishfiesh me. If you want to change my opinion on the matter, shtarting there would help, caush if you're actually a villager, I don't want you to die any more than you do. But that'sh what I'm going on for now.

*Matilda hides under her bed with a six pack of mead and a dozen cats, staring paranoidly at everyone assembled*

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Arinian, because of the noble sacrifice that you revealed your nature to the populace, I will retract the vote I placed on Wonko (though it had not been confirmed in color) and place it on Assassin in Burgundy!

Edited by Hemalurgic_Headshot
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I still have a bad feeling about Jon, so, that is where my vote will stay.

"I suppose Ruin won't have to kill them all, there killing themselves." "If only they knew . . ." He stopped talking to himself as he realized that the chest that held the spike was missing. "They found it and me, I've gotten too sloppy, my teacher would be very disappointed."

Edited by Conquestor
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4 hours ago, Arinian said:

You guys so beautiful trying to kill all proven villagers. Bugsy, Rae, Madagascar, Wonko villagers. I'm also scanned Lopen but... you know what happened with him. I know that that's stupid move to reveal myself and I will die from lynch or from night kill but mehh... I just can't stay aside. So you can lynch me if you want to be sure if I saying truth or not. If someone still not understand I'm Seeker. Nyali (I'm not scanned her)

Not to be too nitpicky, but just because you're a seeker and have scanned certain players doesn't mean the rest of us know that those players have been scanned. I'd be willing to bet that you scanned some of those players for reasons like you being slightly suspicious of them, so to get on other players' cases because we think they're suspicious when we don't have scanning roles doesn't really make a whole lot of sense. You can say they're "proven" all you want, but until you're dead and are proven a village-aligned seeker, the players you claim to have scanned aren't proven to us, because you could just as easily be lying. It wouldn't be the first time a Spiked claimed Seeker. Or that Team Evil was given a Cop. So forgive me for not taking your word as the gospel truth.

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2 hours ago, Hemalurgic_Headshot said:

Arinian, because of the noble sacrifice that you revealed your nature to the populace, I will retract the vote I placed on Wonko (though it had not been confirmed in color) and place it on Assassin in Burgundy!

Why? Tbh, your vote on me for no apparent reason makes me even more suspicious of you. 

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9 minutes ago, little wilson said:

Not to be too nitpicky, but just because you're a seeker and have scanned certain players doesn't mean the rest of us know that those players have been scanned. I'd be willing to bet that you scanned some of those players for reasons like you being slightly suspicious of them, so to get on other players' cases because we think they're suspicious when we don't have scanning roles doesn't really make a whole lot of sense. You can say they're "proven" all you want, but until you're dead and are proven a village-aligned seeker, the players you claim to have scanned aren't proven to us, because you could just as easily be lying. It wouldn't be the first time a Spiked claimed Seeker. Or that Team Evil was given a Cop. So forgive me for not taking your word as the gospel truth.

When I said about "proven" I mean by that that by some great coincidence lynch goes on people whom I know that they are innocent. And I think you will get answer if I'm lying very soon.

6 minutes ago, Assassin in Burgundy said:

Why? Tbh, your vote on me for no apparent reason makes me even more suspicious of you. 

You flying under radar all time and voting without reasoning and just short posts from you. Yes you suspicious(atleast for me). 

Edited by Arinian
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But what about my kittiesh? No one ever putsh them  in the shpotlight. It makesh me sho angry, how little people apprecia*hic*te the kittiesh. Jusht take'em for granted or tell me there are no kittiesh an never were any kittiesh or try to burn me ash a witch. It'sh enough to drive an ol woman inshane. Or to drink. Ushually to drink.

Ah well, kittiesh, I'll make it up to you latersh when I dresshesh you in miniature cat tutush and build a miniature shtage for you (after I'm done with the shtocksh.)

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1 hour ago, Arinian said:

You flying under radar all time and voting without reasoning and just short posts from you. Yes you suspicious(atleast for me). 

Ask literally anyone I've ever played with, and they'll tell you the same thing. I don't post a lot, and when I do, they're short. And I am voting with reason. For example, I'm voting for Rae because she defended Dalinar and said stuff that didn't make sense in an attempt to keep him alive. Also, HH, someone who a fair amount of people have suspicions on, joined her attempted bandwagon on Wonko. To cap it off, your role reveal and claim that she's a villager is frankly a stupid move, one that's bound to get you killed. Unless, of course, you're also an Elim defending your teammate, and you know you won't be killed by the Elims. 

EDIT: Launching another conspiracy theory. I think that Arinian, Bugsy, Rae, and Headshot are the Spiked. Arinian roleclaims, even though he's not a Seeker. He names those people, knowing that he's safe from the Elim kill because he is an Elim. To add credibility, he confirms Bugsy's role, a fellow Elim. By doing this, he takes suspicion off of almost all the Elims and is able to redirect the lunch towards someone else. 

Edited by Assassin in Burgundy
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10 minutes ago, Assassin in Burgundy said:

Ask literally anyone I've ever played with, and they'll tell you the same thing. I don't post a lot, and when I do, they're short. And I am voting with reason. For example, I'm voting for Rae because she defended Dalinar and said stuff that didn't make sense in an attempt to keep him alive. Also, HH, someone who a fair amount of people have suspicions on, joined her attempted bandwagon on Wonko. To cap it off, your role reveal and claim that she's a villager is frankly a stupid move, one that's bound to get you killed. Unless, of course, you're also an Elim defending your teammate, and you know you won't be killed by the Elims. 

EDIT: Launching another conspiracy theory. I think that Arinian, Bugsy, Rae, and Headshot are the Spiked. Arinian roleclaims, even though he's not a Seeker. He names those people, knowing that he's safe from the Elim kill because he is an Elim. To add credibility, he confirms Bugsy's role, a fellow Elim. By doing this, he takes suspicion off of almost all the Elims and is able to redirect the lunch towards someone else. 

That's not so stupid move when you know that Wonko village thug and we again gonna waste 2 days on lynching someone and that will give us nothing... but yes that's still stupid :D

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Okay, Arin, I don't care what your alignment is at this point, but can you please stop revealing roles? Not only does it help the eliminators to know who's what, but it's also incredibly bad form to just reveal people's roles without their permission. What gives you the right to publicly declare that information? Just because you're a seeker? Note to self: never give Arinian any information-finding role in any game ever. He takes the fun out of the game for any player he learns information on.

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@Assassin in Burgundy and anyone else voting for Rae, I'd like to hear any justification for why she would have gone after Dalinar D1 if she's spiked? I think she's decently soft-cleared at this point, and I'd rather we be a bit more critical in our logic and looking into who actually is a danger.

@Arinian, I would definitely recommend not revealing others roles unless they say to. I'm concerned by you now, not that you might be spiked as much as that you might be damaging the village. Although, that'd be an easy way for a Spiked Seeker to try to clear themselves. I might vote for you tomorrow, though I'm more convinced of Nyali right now.

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@Jondesu Rae defended Dalinar with little to no reason. (I.E. "Don't vote for Dalinar if you want the village to win.") And IIRC, she still hasn't given justification as to why. (Though I do skim a bit, admittedly). But most importantly, she defended Dalinar, the one chosen to die by the Ja. That cannot be forgiven. Praise the Ja. 

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8 minutes ago, little wilson said:

Okay, Arin, I don't care what your alignment is at this point, but can you please stop revealing roles? Not only does it help the eliminators to know who's what, but it's also incredibly bad form to just reveal people's roles without their permission. What gives you the right to publicly declare that information? Just because you're a seeker? Note to self: never give Arinian any information-finding role in any game ever. He takes the fun out of the game for any player he learns information on.

I'm revealed Wonko only cause he is inactive. If he wasn't I probably asked him but he is. And I revealed roles only in your game cause situation was damnation good for my faction to win but happened what happened and you already claiming something like that on me.

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Just now, Assassin in Burgundy said:

@Jondesu Rae defended Dalinar with little to no reason. (I.E. "Don't vote for Dalinar if you want the village to win.") And IIRC, she still hasn't given justification as to why. (Though I do skim a bit, admittedly). But most importantly, she defended Dalinar, the one chosen to die by the Ja. That cannot be forgiven. Praise the Ja. 

Like me, she was sick of us repeatedly trying and failing to kill Dalinar and wanted us to move on. Again, that doesn't explain why she'd have pushed early and strongly for us to lynch him D1, either. Neither of them would be a focus at all if it weren't for that, so if they're both Elims, that would have been a very bad tactic. 

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1 minute ago, Jondesu said:

Like me, she was sick of us repeatedly trying and failing to kill Dalinar and wanted us to move on. Again, that doesn't explain why she'd have pushed early and strongly for us to lynch him D1, either. Neither of them would be a focus at all if it weren't for that, so if they're both Elims, that would have been a very bad tactic. 

True. Though that could have been a WGG of some sort, and then she retreated after she realized that he could actually die. 

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9 minutes ago, Assassin in Burgundy said:

True. Though that could have been a WGG of some sort, and then she retreated after she realized that he could actually die. 

I'd guess that would be way too risky for an Elim team to try right away like that. Doesn't mean it couldn't happen, but I'd be incredibly surprised.

Edited by Jondesu
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6 hours ago, Arinian said:

You guys so beautiful trying to kill all proven villagers. Bugsy, Rae, Madagascar, Wonko villagers. I'm also scanned Lopen but... you know what happened with him. I know that that's stupid move to reveal myself and I will die from lynch or from night kill but mehh... I just can't stay aside. So you can lynch me if you want to be sure if I saying truth or not. If someone still not understand I'm Seeker. Nyali (I'm not scanned her)

Arinian. Does anyone else remember the huge amount of Day 1 discussion centering around Wilson pulling a WGG? Because I do. Why did you choose to scan someone other than Wilson? Who did you scan night 2?

I flat out do not believe you about your scan list. I can buy you being a seeker, i can even buy you scanning bugsy, but i don't buy how convenient your list is and the fact that Wilson isn't on it.

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18 hours ago, Herowannabe said:

I've asked many MANY times now, and still haven't gotten a real response. Why did you (and the others) think that NOT lynching Dalinar and letting the Coinshot deal with him would be a good idea? (The closest thing to a response I've seen is Madagascar's point that it was a REALLY dumb idea, and usually eliminators don't make mistakes that big. And she has a bit of a point, there  not enough by itself for me to change my vote, but if I do change my vote, that will be the primary reason). 

If the Elims only have Mistborns, and not a Lurcher, then they may have, knowing that they didn't have a Lurcher that cycle, not seen a problem with a Coinshot killing Dalinar.  From their point of view, it would just have given them more time.

It's rather far fetched, but it's possible.  Or, you know, it could've just been bad villagering/bad eliming.

17 hours ago, little wilson said:

Mage has said a few too-convenient things and his thoughts on all the players feels contrived.

Really.  -sigh-  I just can't escape suspicion, can I?  So, currently, your reasons for suspecting me are that I'm making sense, being right, and my suspicions seem contrived.  Ok, well, I can see the last one.  I'm not super good at analysis.

As far as Arinian goes, I'm not sure whether to trust him or not.  I don't love all of the things he's done, but I think the backlash is a bit much.  Whether he's good or not, I still think I'd like to vote on Nyali.  If Nyali is good, well, I do want to lynch Joe.  Not sure if that will go anywhere, though.  It might be worth looking at Rae again too.  And Wilson.  And El, HH, and Hero.  And practically everyone else.

I kind of want to respond to more things, but I started writing this post this morning, and my brain is dead because I'm tired and snowboarding is bruising.  Bleh. 

Carmichael knew how great he was.  He had always been confident in his defensive abilities.  He had a black belt in, well, pretty much all the things you could get a black belt in.  He had even taken lessons from a retired Hazekiller, just to be on the safe side.  But the way people were dying around here, even he was worried about his lifespan.  Going extinct was not something he wanted to do anytime soon.  It just seemed like a bad idea.  And there was only so much you could do against a lynch mob.

But today, he was feeling good.  He had just won some money off a passing tradesman, and wanted to buy himself something to drink.  He wasn't ever going back to that Cat bar.  Carmichael shuddered.  That had been a horrible experience.  But there were several good bars around Tyrian Falls.  But where to go?

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5 minutes ago, A Joe in the Bush said:

Arinian. Does anyone else remember the huge amount of Day 1 discussion centering around Wilson pulling a WGG? Because I do. Why did you choose to scan someone other than Wilson? Who did you scan night 2?

I flat out do not believe you about your scan list. I can buy you being a seeker, i can even buy you scanning bugsy, but i don't buy how convenient your list is and the fact that Wilson isn't on it.

As I stated earlier I was paranoid about elim smokers smoking villagers that why I'm not scanned people with high attention on them especially someone like Wilson. I even can you answer why I'm revealed my list, there was 2 reasons: 1)Most suspiciouns was aimed on surely innocent people(surely for me ofcourse) especialy Wonko and Rae as suspects (I can see situation where village wastes couple turns on lynching them and that not what I want to happen). 2) After attack on Madagascar I guessed that elims thought that he is Seeker cause he confidently defended Rae and pointed on Nyali lynch(if Nyali is elim that gues will be even more solid), so after their attack failed, I get paranoid that their next target will be I, so I revealed info.(Yes maybe I'm paranoid fool blah blah blah but that was my thoughts. Also I wanted to reveal that info on previous night cause I though that kill target will be me or Madagascar(I'm was right atleast in it)).

And I already answered whom I scanned on night 2 it's Bugsy.

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Well, this sounds like it could be a children's tale:

And in a town there was a man. His name was Joe.

One day Joe had a brilliant idea. He rushed about preparing and when he was ready, he presented his idea to the town.

His idea exploded, literally, and Joe died. Moral of the story: Don't go about your wonderful idea before checking that it will not blow up and kill you.

The End.

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I'm gonna vote on Assassin. I don't trust Arinian (or anyone else), and I will wait to see more on him before I vote on him or the people he has claimed about. Considering the lack of PMs, I do consider it a point in Arinian's favor that he knew Bugsy's role. I do object, regardless of the circumstances, to revealing Wonko's role. Especially considering that Wonko's ability, if he is village, will now be useless.

I'm going to back off a bit on Rae, since I think I've been tunneling a bit. I had a hard time looking at a broad range of players due to how busy I was, and figured I would stick to my guns. However, if it turns out that Arinian is lying, I will be the first to vote for her.

Aralis stared at Fuzzy. After Aralis had just tried to kill somebody for blowing things out of proportion, here was another person doing it again. Aralis wasn't sure if the man's faith in this "Ja" fellow was more or less insane that believing on Koloss. Nobody should worship a man for dying, which to the best of Aralis's knowledge, was mostly what "the Ja" had done. He was probably the sort of fellow that would earn a quick thump on the head for talking nonsense, like so many of the villagers here deserved. Dying and coming back, like the Survivor, now that was a thing you could worship, if you didn't know the truth of the matter. But dying and staying dead, well, even Aralis could do that, he supposed. Probably would do it, as a matter of fact, the way things were going around Tyrian Falls. Well, one couldn't be elderly forever, and what better time to die then when everyone around you has turned against each other?


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