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42 minutes ago, Hemalurgic_Headshot said:

Well, this sounds like it could be a children's tale:

And in a town there was a man. His name was Joe.

One day Joe had a brilliant idea. He rushed about preparing and when he was ready, he presented his idea to the town.

His idea exploded, literally, and Joe died. Moral of the story: Don't go about your wonderful idea before checking that it will not blow up and kill you.

The End.


That'sh a pretty good moral. I haff another shtory.

Onshe upon a time there wash a young girl named Matilda.

Matida loved catsh sho much all the time but everyone thought she wash crazy. Or a witch.

They alsho made fun of her for thinking she had catsh when there weren't any.

But actually Matilda had jusht made her catsh invishible.

So Matilda was both a witch and had lotsh of catsh.

However the shtressh of being called a witch made Matilda an alcoholic. She drank sho much she forgot to feed her catsh and a bunch of them died.

Thish haunted her for the resht of her life.

Then Matilda got shuper old and found hershelf in a dreadful village where shomeone tried to kill her.

Moral: Drink more.

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Arinian, can you give us the Nights that you scanned people, as well as reasoning for why you wanted to scan those people on those Nights? Also, no roles, please. For now, I will tentatively assume that you are a village Seeker with accurate scans, but I think you should be killed a few Cycles from now. Nothing against you, personally, but if you're village it'll show that your list can be trusted. Wonko.

Hero, by D3 I was sick of trying to lynch Dalinar. So I tried to move onto another topic, Lopen, and then spewed out that thing about Dalinar. It probably didn't help that I was typing that around around my brunch/lunch break, and didn't have much time to proofread.

I know that's not really a proper defense. What I did was inexcusable.  I got impatient, didn't think ahead, and typed out the first thing that popped into my head without filtering it to see if it actually made sense. (In general, bad things happen when people make posts like that. Just look at the Twitter feeds of certain people in powerful government positions if you want an example.) I was a shortsighted and bad villager. Next time, I'll try to look over my posts and avoid typing when I only have five minutes to say something. Unfortunately, I can't untype something, so there's nothing I can do but hope that I won't do it again.

Headshot was up for the lynch D1, almost tied with Dalinar yesterday. However, Ecth was lynched instead. After vote manipulation, the tally was:
Ecthelion (4)- Straw, Dalinar, Madagascar, Doc12
Dalinar (3)- Elenion, Arraenae, Ecthelion
Hemalurgic Headshot (2)- Seonid, Gamma Fiend

I find it interesting that Madagascar was asked to tie the vote with Ecth instead of Headshot. Madagascar, what time did Dalinar ask to have the vote tied with Ecth? Can you also give us your timezone so we know how far from rollover it was? Thanks.

Plus, Doc voted on Headshot D3. This isn't proof that Headshot is an eliminator, but it's something worth noting. The Spiked might not have wanted Dalinar to push suspicion of Headshot.

Finally, Headshot has been voting a lot with little explanation. D1, he voted on nobody. D2, he voted on Seonid and Manukos. Most importantly, on D3 he voted on Lopen. This could be the act of a teammate wanting to ride a bandwagon to save Dalinar.

I know that Wonko and Joe retracted their votes from Headshot D1 because they didn't want to lynch a first time player on the first Day. However, it's not Headshot's first Day anymore. We shouldn't give new players a free pass from the lynch mid-game just because they're new -- it's unfair to both them and us. Besides, I wouldn't put it past Meta to make a complete newbie an elim.

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59 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

I'm gonna vote on Assassin. I don't trust Arinian (or anyone else), and I will wait to see more on him before I vote on him or the people he has claimed about. Considering the lack of PMs, I do consider it a point in Arinian's favor that he knew Bugsy's role. I do object, regardless of the circumstances, to revealing Wonko's role. Especially considering that Wonko's ability, if he is village, will now be useless.

I'm going to back off a bit on Rae, since I think I've been tunneling a bit. I had a hard time looking at a broad range of players due to how busy I was, and figured I would stick to my guns. However, if it turns out that Arinian is lying, I will be the first to vote for her.


Aralis stared at Fuzzy. After Aralis had just tried to kill somebody for blowing things out of proportion, here was another person doing it again. Aralis wasn't sure if the man's faith in this "Ja" fellow was more or less insane that believing on Koloss. Nobody should worship a man for dying, which to the best of Aralis's knowledge, was mostly what "the Ja" had done. He was probably the sort of fellow that would earn a quick thump on the head for talking nonsense, like so many of the villagers here deserved. Dying and coming back, like the Survivor, now that was a thing you could worship, if you didn't know the truth of the matter. But dying and staying dead, well, even Aralis could do that, he supposed. Probably would do it, as a matter of fact, the way things were going around Tyrian Falls. Well, one couldn't be elderly forever, and what better time to die then when everyone around you has turned against each other?




In all seriousness, why are you voting for me? The Luthadel Constitution guarantees the Freedom of Religion, you shouldn't lynch me just because of my religion choices. Besides, the Hero of Ages himself preached Jaism to none other than the survivor. If that isn't enough, I don't know what is. 

Edited by Assassin in Burgundy
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52 minutes ago, Arraenae said:

Arinian, can you give us the Nights that you scanned people, as well as reasoning for why you wanted to scan those people on those Nights? Also, no roles, please. For now, I will tentatively assume that you are a village Seeker with accurate scans, but I think you should be killed a few Cycles from now. Nothing against you, personally, but if you're village it'll show that your list can be trusted. Wonko.

Couldn't the same thing be accomplished by him sharing a single eliminator scan, and then verifying his list by lynching said scanned eliminator?

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23 minutes ago, Silverblade5 said:

Couldn't the same thing be accomplished by him sharing a single eliminator scan, and then verifying his list by lynching said scanned eliminator?

That could also help, but it wouldn't confirm Arinian. It's possible that if he was Spiked, he would decide that the trust that he got from bussing a teammate would be worth the loss of said teammate. Aman did that in LG17. It backfired on him, but the fact is that he still did it.


Nicki’s eyes fluttered open. What… what had happened? Where was she? She looked around, but only saw rooftops floating on a bed of pink mist. The sun was almost up. She reached out to touch a curl of mist, but it shied away from her. Nicki’s arm flopped back onto the ground.

Nicki groaned and sat up. Her chest throbbed. She looked down and saw a few inches of gleaming spike protruding from her chest.

Right. So she was still alive. Nicki gingerly felt at her chest and hissed in pain when a finger brushed the skin around the spike. Somehow, it hurt even through her pewter.

Nicki caught sight of a silhouette standing near her. The Terrisman! She kicked at its legs and it grunted. She took advantage of the pause to scramble to her feet.

Nicki punched the figure in the face. Then she grabbed its shoulder and brought its torso down onto her knees. It shrieked in pain. Nicki turned and shoved down onto its neck until it hit the ground. She pinned its arms and leaned over towards its ear.

“Take your book back,” she said. “Tell your master that he’s not getting my spike. If he wants to try, I’ll just have to kill whoever he sends.”

Nicki stood up and stomped on the figure’s arm, which gave a satisfactory crunch under her boot. Let that be a lesson to the Terrisman.

Nicki retrieved her clothes and put them on. They were a little tight around the spike, so she yanked down on the neckline. Then she ran off the edge of the roof and hit the ground running. She needed to find Rin again, so she could test out what metals she could burn now.

Sorry Len. Cassius was an admirable citizen who got in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Hero, does Herwynbe have Feruchemy? I'd be interested to see how a fight went between him and Nicki. :) 

Edited by Arraenae
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Assassin, look at my posts for this game. I've voiced suspicion for Rae multiple times, and IIRC was the first to call her out for giving advice that could help the eliminators. Would I bring that much attention to a teammate C1 for no reason? Would I have revealed the hypothetical ploy if I wanted people to fall for it? Would I then vote on the same teammate this cycle when I could easily justify a village vote? You say the eliminators are faking a seeker to bring pressure off of Rae, and that very well could be true, but were I an elim would I have put that pressure on her in the first place? That'd just be stupid of me. I personally don't see how that new conspiracy theory is even in the realm of plausibility, but I'm growing more suspicious of you throwing accusations everywhere 

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1 hour ago, Arraenae said:

Sorry Len. Cassius was an admirable citizen who got in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Hahahahaha! No need to apologize; Cassius was in need of some humility anyway. :P This'll be fun to RP.


Seconds blended into minutes, and minutes into hours. Cassius stood on the rooftop, caught between scandalous behavior, medical quackery, and more scandalous behavior. Statue-like he stood, even as the sky began to brighten with dawn's approach. Sometime between then and dawn, he fell asleep, but was awakened rather abruptly when his legs were kicked to the side. His impeccable balance kept him upright, but his head jerked downwards, directly into an oncoming uppercut. That snapped his head back, but his body continued to fall forward, collapsing on top of an upraised knee as the weight of his own muscled biceps (and some assistance to the back of his neck) flung him to the ground. Reeling, he barely comprehended the foot that shattered his right forearm.

He laid on the rooftop for a few blurred moments as a distorted conversation raged inside of his head.

What hit me?

That girl did. The one who you were trying to save.

Her? I thought she was dying.

Me too. We are the same person, after all. But what do you plan on doing with that arm of yours?

Arm of mine? It's your arm, too.

But what do you plan on doing with it?

Eh, it'll heal in time. Leaving an attractive scar, of course.

Fair enough.

Mind in agreement, Cassius picked himself off of the roof with one arm, ignoring the pain and instead focusing on the more important task of getting something on other than a ripped robe.



It seems like quite a lot happened while I was changing. First up appears to be Arinian's claiming to be a Friendly!Seeker. Because of Bugsy's test, I'm fairly sure that he's actually a Seeker, because the only alternative is that they're both Spiked, and I doubt the Spiked would be that blatant. Friendly is another question, but Arin's playstyle in previous games has been remarkably similar to my own when I started, and this game he's done exactly what Early!Len would have done in these situations: out himself before he gets offed at night by chance, and give out enough information that we waste no lynches on Wonko. I for one think it was good that he outed Wonko's role, just as I'd be fine with him outing my role if I was in Wonko's place.

Right now it seems like we've got the Spiked in quite the conundrum: either they kill Arin tonight, clearing all of us here that he's scanned, or leave him be, allowing him to scan more players. He's like the bandage on my arm: they're going to have to get rid of him sometime, but when they do it might be painful.

Since I trust Arin, now we need to look at who might be my competition the Rioter.

I've got homework to do, but I might be on again before I go to bed. Might being the key word.

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12 hours ago, Arinian said:

You guys so beautiful trying to kill all proven villagers. Bugsy, Rae, Madagascar, Wonko villagers. I'm also scanned Lopen but... you know what happened with him. I know that that's stupid move to reveal myself and I will die from lynch or from night kill but mehh... I just can't stay aside. So you can lynch me if you want to be sure if I saying truth or not. If someone still not understand I'm Seeker. Nyali (I'm not scanned her)

Huh. Okay. I was not expecting this. And I'm also surprised by the number of people who support Arinian and the number of people who are already ready to lynch him without even trying to find out if his claims are right. As for me, I am willing to extend Arinian the benefit of the doubt, at least for now. I've been trying to think of a good way to confirm Arinian's claim, but the only surefire way I can think of (get another Seeker or Mistborn with Bronze to scan Arinian) is too easily thwarted by the spiked players to be worth trying. However, I can think of one thing we could try:

Let's go ahead and lynch Wonko.

Why? He's mostly inactive anyway (go go Contribution Crusade!), and if Arinian is telling the truth about him being a village thug, then we haven't really lost much. We still have just as many villagers at the end of the day for the Spiked to try to kill, and we haven't lost any active, participating players. And we will have at least partially confirmed that Arinian is telling the truth. 

If Arinian is lying about Wonko's role as a thug, then we know Arinian is evil and we can lynch him tomorrow. Easy enough. 

If Arinian is telling the truth about Wonko's role, but is lying about Wonko's alignment... well, that would be the worse case scenario. However, it's also the least likely scenario. Since it's being proposed by a Villager and not by Arinian himself, then there's less of a chance that it could be some sort of elaborate WGG ploy. 

So that's my suggestion. If people decide not to try it, well then at least I tried. In that case I don't mind switching my vote to HH, or Nyali, or Assassin, or- who else is up on the chopping block? Vote tally anyone? Thanks in advance. 

3 hours ago, Arraenae said:

Hero, by D3 I was sick of trying to lynch Dalinar. So I tried to move onto another topic, Lopen, and then spewed out that thing about Dalinar. It probably didn't help that I was typing that around around my brunch/lunch break, and didn't have much time to proofread.

I know that's not really a proper defense. What I did was inexcusable.  I got impatient, didn't think ahead, and typed out the first thing that popped into my head without filtering it to see if it actually made sense. (In general, bad things happen when people make posts like that. Just look at the Twitter feeds of certain people in powerful government positions if you want an example.) I was a shortsighted and bad villager. Next time, I'll try to look over my posts and avoid typing when I only have five minutes to say something. Unfortunately, I can't untype something, so there's nothing I can do but hope that I won't do it again.


Headshot was up for the lynch D1, almost tied with Dalinar yesterday. However, Ecth was lynched instead. After vote manipulation, the tally was:
Ecthelion (4)- Straw, Dalinar, Madagascar, Doc12
Dalinar (3)- Elenion, Arraenae, Ecthelion
Hemalurgic Headshot (2)- Seonid, Gamma Fiend

I find it interesting that Madagascar was asked to tie the vote with Ecth instead of Headshot. Madagascar, what time did Dalinar ask to have the vote tied with Ecth? Can you also give us your timezone so we know how far from rollover it was? Thanks.

Plus, Doc voted on Headshot D3. This isn't proof that Headshot is an eliminator, but it's something worth noting. The Spiked might not have wanted Dalinar to push suspicion of Headshot.

Finally, Headshot has been voting a lot with little explanation. D1, he voted on nobody. D2, he voted on Seonid and Manukos. Most importantly, on D3 he voted on Lopen. This could be the act of a teammate wanting to ride a bandwagon to save Dalinar.

I know that Wonko and Joe retracted their votes from Headshot D1 because they didn't want to lynch a first time player on the first Day. However, it's not Headshot's first Day anymore. We shouldn't give new players a free pass from the lynch mid-game just because they're new -- it's unfair to both them and us. Besides, I wouldn't put it past Meta to make a complete newbie an elim.

Thank you for (finally) responding, and your response feels honest. Given your response, and Arinian's claim, I no longer suspect you (at least, not more than I suspect pretty much everybody else). However, Herwynbe is still peeved that you stole the book and gave nothing in return. <_< Reginald may have been spiked, but at least he traded you something when he stole from you. :P 

Good points about Headshot, by the way. Very good points. 

2 hours ago, Arraenae said:

Hero, does Herwynbe have Feruchemy? I'd be interested to see how a fight went between him and Nicki. :) 

RAFO. ;)

58 minutes ago, Elenion said:

Seconds blended into minutes, and minutes into hours. Cassius stood on the rooftop, caught between scandalous behavior, medical quackery, and more scandalous behavior. Statue-like he stood, even as the sky began to brighten with dawn's approach. Sometime between then and dawn, he fell asleep, but was awakened rather abruptly when his legs were kicked to the side. His impeccable balance kept him upright, but his head jerked downwards, directly into an oncoming uppercut. That snapped his head back, but his body continued to fall forward, collapsing on top of an upraised knee as the weight of his own muscled biceps (and some assistance to the back of his neck) flung him to the ground. Reeling, he barely comprehended the foot that shattered his right forearm.

He laid on the rooftop for a few blurred moments as a distorted conversation raged inside of his head.

What hit me?

That girl did. The one who you were trying to save.

Her? I thought she was dying.

Me too. We are the same person, after all. But what do you plan on doing with that arm of yours?

Arm of mine? It's your arm, too.

But what do you plan on doing with it?

Eh, it'll heal in time. Leaving an attractive scar, of course.

Fair enough.

Mind in agreement, Cassius picked himself off of the roof with one arm, ignoring the pain and instead focusing on the more important task of getting something on other than a ripped robe.

Herwynbe grunted as he grabbed the edge of the rooftop and pulled himself up. He had been searching and quietly asking around all day, and he was confident that this is where Nicki had fled to the night before. With one last heave he swung his leg up and rolled onto the tiled roof. He stood, brushing the new ashstains off of his cloak, then looked around...

And there she was! Holding the book in her hands and turning it over as if trying to figure out what it's purpose was! 



It was Cassius. His lip was bloodied and his arm bandaged, and his robe was covered in ash and had a large chunk torn off the bottom. 

"By the forgotten gods," Herwynbe muttered, then louder, said, "Are you alright my lord? May I offer you any assistance?"

Cassius jumped, turning to face the Terrisman. "Wha- Oh. It's you. No, I'm quite alright now... although, I say, that is a rather nice cloak you have there. Would you be willing to part with it? I could use a good cloak right now. Of course that one you're wearing will be tight across my shoulders. And biceps. And chest. But still, I suppose a little tightness in the right spots only serves to better advertise to the ladies all the gifts the Cosmere has given to me. Well, what do you say, good Terrisman?"

Herwynbe blinked, looking down at his cloak, then up at the book in Cassius's hands. "But... of course, my lord. If I might, may I ask for something in return? The book that you hold in your hands, perhaps?"

"This?" Cassius said, frowning at the book. "I was just about to toss it in an ash heap. If that is what you wish, help yourself. However, let me give you a little advice..." Cassius eyed the Terrisman's slender build. "You should probably spend a little less time reading, my friend, and a little more time lifting weights. You'll find you have a much easier time with the ladies if you do."

"I.. am a eunuch, my lord." Herwynbe said as he removed his cloak and handed it to Cassius.  

"Yes yes, good good." Cassius said distractedly. He had already donned the cloak, and was trying to turn to admire it on him. 

Herwynbe bid him a good day, then climbed down into the alley. Once there, he opened the book and flipped through the pages. They were rumpled and folded, and the last page was spattered with blood.

Oh Nicki, what have you done...?


@Elenion I hope you don't mind how I portrayed your character. ;)

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4 hours ago, Arraenae said:

Arinian, can you give us the Nights that you scanned people, as well as reasoning for why you wanted to scan those people on those Nights? Also, no roles, please. For now, I will tentatively assume that you are a village Seeker with accurate scans, but I think you should be killed a few Cycles from now. Nothing against you, personally, but if you're village it'll show that your list can be trusted. Wonko.

Scans: N1 - Rae(all only RPed what choice I have); N2 - Bugsy(he looked suspicious with his post about Rae, yeah you will say there was Dalinar or HH to scan but I will say still the same paranoia of Smokers), N3 - Madagascar(I get elim read on Dalinar from his posts and wanted to check Madagascar(cause he tied votes) if he elim; N4 - Lopen(I think that he innocent but wanted to be sure but he not survived); N5 - Wonko(I thought(like everyone else) that he is suspicious and probably elim but there was not much attention on him so I just scanned him).  Not very good reasons but... ahh nevermind.

5 hours ago, Araris Valerian said:

I'm gonna vote on Assassin. I don't trust Arinian (or anyone else), and I will wait to see more on him before I vote on him or the people he has claimed about. Considering the lack of PMs, I do consider it a point in Arinian's favor that he knew Bugsy's role. I do object, regardless of the circumstances, to revealing Wonko's role. Especially considering that Wonko's ability, if he is village, will now be useless.

I'm going to back off a bit on Rae, since I think I've been tunneling a bit. I had a hard time looking at a broad range of players due to how busy I was, and figured I would stick to my guns. However, if it turns out that Arinian is lying, I will be the first to vote for her.

His ability not useless if he will come back after my death he will be proven villager with 2 lifes. Right now his ability really useless cause last time on 17th Shard he was 7 days ago.

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13 hours ago, Arraenae said:

Headshot was up for the lynch D1, almost tied with Dalinar yesterday. However, Ecth was lynched instead. After vote manipulation, the tally was:
Ecthelion (4)- Straw, Dalinar, Madagascar, Doc12
Dalinar (3)- Elenion, Arraenae, Ecthelion
Hemalurgic Headshot (2)- Seonid, Gamma Fiend

I find it interesting that Madagascar was asked to tie the vote with Ecth instead of Headshot. Madagascar, what time did Dalinar ask to have the vote tied with Ecth? Can you also give us your timezone so we know how far from rollover it was? Thanks.


Uh, 15 minutes before midnight, and I'm EST.

I'm a lessh shushpishioush of Headshot becaushe he wash Dalinar'sh firsht choishe to tie wif. choishe to tie wif.


Well, considering I don't want that... And I also really don't want to die. LopenHemalurgic Headshot. I don't like it, but out of the three possible choices he's my top vote.


I think after Joe an' I voted for him in order to help the new guy, he retracted thish an Joe'n I retracted oursh on him. Hish requesht that I vote for Ecth inshtead of Headshot wash on the groundsh that he thought Joe would vote for him again if he voted for Headshot.

I'm going to keep votin' fer Nyali becaushe I shtill shushpectsh her an I think that would give ush the mosht information about the votesh yeshterday. There wash a clear and vigoroush divide, an havin evidenshe on whether the mob lining up to Rae wash in any way protectin Nyali would be usheful.


Meta, I just read that writeup and an upvote jusht washn't enough to exshpressh my delight :P

Edited by Madagascar
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44 minutes ago, Madagascar said:

I think after Joe an' I voted for him in order to help the new guy, he retracted thish an Joe'n I retracted oursh on him. Hish requesht that I vote for Ecth inshtead of Headshot wash on the groundsh that he thought Joe would vote for him again if he voted for Headshot.

A reasonable concern on his part. I would have.

9 hours ago, Herowannabe said:

Huh. Okay. I was not expecting this. And I'm also surprised by the number of people who support Arinian and the number of people who are already ready to lynch him without even trying to find out if his claims are right. As for me, I am willing to extend Arinian the benefit of the doubt, at least for now. I've been trying to think of a good way to confirm Arinian's claim, but the only surefire way I can think of (get another Seeker or Mistborn with Bronze to scan Arinian) is too easily thwarted by the spiked players to be worth trying. However, I can think of one thing we could try:

Let's go ahead and lynch Wonko.

Why? He's mostly inactive anyway (go go Contribution Crusade!), and if Arinian is telling the truth about him being a village thug, then we haven't really lost much. We still have just as many villagers at the end of the day for the Spiked to try to kill, and we haven't lost any active, participating players. And we will have at least partially confirmed that Arinian is telling the truth. 

If Arinian is lying about Wonko's role as a thug, then we know Arinian is evil and we can lynch him tomorrow. Easy enough. 

If Arinian is telling the truth about Wonko's role, but is lying about Wonko's alignment... well, that would be the worse case scenario. However, it's also the least likely scenario. Since it's being proposed by a Villager and not by Arinian himself, then there's less of a chance that it could be some sort of elaborate WGG ploy. 

So that's my suggestion. If people decide not to try it, well then at least I tried. In that case I don't mind switching my vote to HH, or Nyali, or Assassin, or- who else is up on the chopping block? Vote tally anyone? Thanks in advance. 

Solid Logic. Arinian, Wonko

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Wonko- Hero, Joe (2)
Arranae- Hero, Assassin (2)
HH- Wilson, Rae (2)
Nyali- Moi, 
Arinian, Wyrm, Magestar (4)
Assassin- HH,
Araris (2)
Conquestor (1)

I thinksh thish ish the right vote count. I don't know who Jon ish an I'm too lashy to look it up.

I think it'sh unlikely Arinian ish actually lying about Wonko'sh thuggishnessh. He alsho sheemsh to be right about Bugshy'sh normalnessh. If Arinian ish evil, a shpiked sheeker sheemsh more likely to me. I could ashk Arinian to reveal my role, I shupposhe, though I'm lukewarm about havin' me shecret identity become all not shecret. I'm vaguely paranoid about a sudden new bandwagon shavin' Nyali a second day in a row, but eh.

@Arinian which day did you shcan whitsch playersh?

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10 hours ago, Arinian said:

Scans: N1 - Rae(all only RPed what choice I have); N2 - Bugsy(he looked suspicious with his post about Rae, yeah you will say there was Dalinar or HH to scan but I will say still the same paranoia of Smokers), N3 - Madagascar(I get elim read on Dalinar from his posts and wanted to check Madagascar(cause he tied votes) if he elim; N4 - Lopen(I think that he innocent but wanted to be sure but he not survived); N5 - Wonko(I thought(like everyone else) that he is suspicious and probably elim but there was not much attention on him so I just scanned him).  


1 hour ago, Madagascar said:


@Arinian which day did you shcan whitsch playersh?

Just look above.

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*embarrassed coughing*

Ah, er, I shee, ummmm... it wash the kittiesh blocked me eyeshight. I couldn't read a thing! Their furry little buttsh jusht made me totally forget how to read. That'sh what happened, yesh, definitely, not Matilda being really shtupid. Itsh totally the catsh fault an not Matilda'sh. 


Hrm, if'n you did shcan me it'sh a point in favor of you bein lessh likely to be one o' them shpiked what tried to shpike me lasht night, ifsh an butsh beshidesh. Dunno if the shpiked would've wanted to washte their time on shweet ol' Matilda an her catsh... though I'm shtill thinkin'.

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2 hours ago, Madagascar said:

Wonko- Hero, Joe (2)
Arranae- Hero, Assassin (2)
HH- Wilson, Rae (2)
Nyali- Moi, 
Arinian, Wyrm, Magestar (4)
Assassin- HH,
Araris (2)
Conquestor (1)

I thinksh thish ish the right vote count. I don't know who Jon ish an I'm too lashy to look it up.

You have me down twice, once Voting for Arraenae, once for Wonko. I withdrew my vote on Arraenae. 

Also I'm pretty sure Jon = Jondesu (which if I remember my 2 semesters of Japanese study correctly, means "I am Jon.")  

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Voting on Wonko looks like not very clever idea. You so paranoid about me so want to waste another lynch? Like I'm giving you 99% that elims will kill me tonight and you will get answer if you can belive my words. Why idea on lynching Wonko not good? Cause it's not gonna say if I elim or not also it's not gonna say if he elim or not. But if we lynch Nyali that's will decrease number of suspicious peoples. If I'm so untrustworthy then lynch me it's will be better then lynching Wonko.

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I don't shee what lynching Wonko would prove other than he'sh a thug. I'm alsho consherned that the votesh are becoming closer and closer, and a better suit for voting manipulation.

I'm sheeing the shame thing happen today that happened yeshterday - shomeone accushesh Nyali, but then a new bandwagon shtartsh up to lynch shomeone elshe.

Would me ashkin' Arinian to reveal me role be of more ushe than lynchin' Wonko?

If it's correct, then it would be me an Bugshy'sh word that Arinian wash tellin the troof about our rolesh.

I don't like the idea of my role bein' trotted out, but I alsho don't like washtin' 75% of our lynchesh.

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57 minutes ago, Arinian said:

Voting on Wonko looks like not very clever idea. You so paranoid about me so want to waste another lynch? Like I'm giving you 99% that elims will kill me tonight and you will get answer if you can belive my words. Why idea on lynching Wonko not good? Cause it's not gonna say if I elim or not also it's not gonna say if he elim or not. But if we lynch Nyali that's will decrease number of suspicious peoples. If I'm so untrustworthy then lynch me it's will be better then lynching Wonko.

lynching Wonko isn't a game-winning move, it's a relatively safe move. It might tell us something important (like, if you're lying), but if not, then we haven't lost much. At the very least it gives us a little more time to confirm or disprove your claims. 

And you probably WON'T be killed tonight. Any lurchers we have left will probably protect you, and just the chance of lurcher protection is usually enough to get the spiked to target someone else. 


49 minutes ago, Madagascar said:

Would me ashkin' Arinian to reveal me role be of more ushe than lynchin' Wonko?

If it's correct, then it would be me an Bugshy'sh word that Arinian wash tellin the troof about our rolesh.

I don't like the idea of my role bein' trotted out, but I alsho don't like washtin' 75% of our lynchesh.

Honestly? Revealing your role doesn't mean much. Anyone who has been paying attention to the game knows that there are only two possible things that you could be, and the fact that you even asked the question pretty much tells us which of the two it is. So, no, Arinian naming your role doesn't really tell us much. 

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I figured the possibilitiesh were a thug, mishtborn, lurcher, or have been lurched/mishtborned. I'm not shure how thoshe affect writeupsh.

But it wash an idle thought, I thought I'd jusht throw it out there an shee who reshponded to it.

*hiccupsh* Well I'm not shure what lynching Wonko would tell ush. I don't really think Arinian would make thingsh up whether or not he wash evil, becaushe rolesh are too eashy to ashk for an prove. I think Wonko shurviving the lynch would jusht prove that Arinian knew hish role, which could be by shcanning or by him an Wonko being evil together, sho it doeshn't tell ush much. People can shtill do it, of courshe but thoshe're my thoughtsh. Admittedly, I alsho jusht want to resht more eashily tonight, my paranoia about Nyali ish of the short that will not go away until one of ush diesh.

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