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Joe slumped down on his corner, depositing the ash taco vendor beside him. He had almost ran out! Quite a popular snack, ash tacos. While out, he had heard a few things. One, Nyah was actually a mistwraith. Do mistwraiths eat ash tacos? The idle thought floated around his mind. Anyways, Cassius was snuggling some woman when Joe had offered the two of them ash tacos. Cassius had seemed disgusted, but Joe was sure that was just the way the nose reacts to the smell of pure heaven. He gave them both an extra ash taco.

Joe sighed. What a productive day!


Oh no! A productive day?! How, what, when, where, why, how?! He was useless! Useless people aren't productive! Joe grabbed his head to keep it from exploding.


"Oh, nice of you to show up. So another Spiked down, and dozens of ash tacos sold!"


"How dare you! I will always be useless! It is a fact of nature."


"Well, sucks for you. Go kill a Spiked."


"I don't care at this point. You know, Rat? I might just become a miser. I like the feel of these boxings."

Squeak squeak.

"Nah. Good night."

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I have no time to analyze right now (working on asking someone to prom), but I want to make sure that at least one person if not the whole village grabs the vote tally from the day that we lynched Rae and sees who defended Nyali then (not this last lynch because the elims probably bussed her, but back from when we lynched Rae). Cross-reference that with the list of players who defended Dalinar D1, (not D2 because again, bussing). If any elims overextended themselves to protect their teammates, that should sweep them up.

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9 hours ago, little wilson said:

Um. You guys do realize that Arinian hadn't scanned Nyali, right?

I don't think he's Spiked either, but using the lynching of an eliminator he didn't even scan as reasons for clearing him makes all three of you more suspicious to me. It feels more like you're trying to ingratiate yourself to him in hopes that he won't scan you.

I'm participated in 2 elims lynches for both I pushed hardly enough hmm... It doesn't clears me? Okay point about making them suspicious right but you sounds like that I'm still can be elim.

Usualy I'm not post my suspiciouns in night turns but right now it's not gonna change elims ideas about killing me soo...

I'm looked through all cycles and I want to say... that I don't know what to say. I think I can say that I suspecting Wilson and Joe(in the bush).

Wilson for her neutral position in lynching Dalinar and Nyali, also maybe for tone of her posts.(her tone looked too aggressive, disappointed. Rampaging in elim doc, breaking bones of her teammates etc.. don't know, there always probability that my read is wrong and I'm just idiot :D).

Joe mostly gut read too.

Maybe I can say more but there too many players on whom I don't get read due to their playstyle(absolutely dont getting read on: Magestar, Stick. So I suspecting both of you all time :D).

But whom I want to see dead is Stink. Cause he useless and annoying(no, he is just not participating in game but I've seen him many times on site) :D.

On big part I wrote that to say whom probably I will scan, I don't think that elims can smoke every person from my list. Also I have couple persons in my mind but not sure about them soo... yeah I'm useless.



Better I will do some RP.

Crimson clouds slowly float to the sunset, sometimes evening sun hid behind them only soon to look out of them, throw last sight on world that slowly fall in twilights.

I walked along the main street, just like in first day when I arrived here, I carefully examined people, buildings, alleys. Сasual bystander might have thought that I was just enjoying a stroll on a fine day. Yes day was fine, but strain felt even in the air, like before approaching storm. Another saboteur is dead... one more step to end of work, dangerous step.

Here left just couple steps to my inn but I heard... that annoying sound, that sound that can not be forgotten.

He stayed  near burned shop and whistled familiar melody. Thin and tall, as always in all white(without the slightest speck of dirt on his clothes in world where ash fall from the sky) with long duel sword that hanged from his belt, with his long blonde hair, in bright day they looked almost white, his skin was pale too. On the background of the burned building, he looked like absolutely white spot, and attracted attention of anyone who passed near.

I approached him, slowly and carefuly, he always was unpredictable person... one day he can save your life on other stab you with dagger and forget about that in hour or even faster.

"Aran, it's you?" I called him.

He raised eyes from something in his hand.

"Oh of course it's me. Or you waited someone else" He took a few steps aside, just in time because at the same moment from burned beam fall small pile of ash(just in the same place where he stayed second ago).

"But what are you doing here and now"

"Oh I just can't visit my little brother. Ask him how his life hmm... his death." His lips stretched in indulgent smile, usual for him.

"Don't try to make fool from me. You always have reason for what you doing, and don't try to drag me in one of your mad games."

"Me? Mad games? Are you sure that you talking about me?  But nevermind I here just to warn you about..." He paused in mid-sentence, his smile widened. Obviously he  expected the question.

 "About what?"

"As I said... About life and death." He paused dramatically and spread his arms in sides. " About Charon."  

After his last sentence wave of cold passed over my skin.

"If that all about you want to talk don't waste my time" I'm turned to go, but his hand firmly dug into my shoulder.

"Better you listen to me." Smile vanished from his face and eyes blazed with cold fire. "You want answer why I'm here. Soon you will die, very soon. So better listen what I'm say, leave that town and that work. I can cancel your deal and you not gonna have any debts to anyone."

"You know that I can't break that deal. I promised her to end work and I will do that." He shrugged.

"I hope you know what you doing. But don't forget about Rules of First Deal."

"I remember them... Don't break your deals, don't break your word. Death, mind payment for life." I said under my breath.

"So that's your choice. Good luck in your work. Ohh... and almost forgot." He threw somethin I reflexively caught it. "It is better not to visit Charon without gift" Aran said.

This is something that I caught was nothing more than a coin. There was a lot of scratches on it, and it was all in dirt. But I knew that such  gift is worth a lot.

"Thank you" I said. But when I looked up Aran already disappeared... as always.


Two hours later I sat in inn's bar, half-unsheathed sword lay on chair next to me. But today that was other sword, lighter and longer also it was from aluminium. You can't be prepared for everything but atleast you can try.

Innkeeper, short tubby guy almost bald and with incredibly ridiculous black mustaches, stood behind the bar counter and nervously from time to time looked at the sword. Only reason why he still hasn't run away was that I paid well and I haven't killed  nobody... yet.

"What you will order Mr. Arin?" He asked. I smiled and put big purse on the table.

"You know today I arrenged meeting with my friends, in your inn. I hope you not against it. And I advise you to go home earlier today."

His little hands quickly grabbed the purse."Of course, no problem inn is yours for this night."

I looked in the window."Probably you already should go home."

"Oh of course, of course..." He turned to the door.  

"And almost forgot. If we will be loud too much, do not worry, me and my friends just like to dance."

He turned, nodded and quickly disappeared behind the door.

I hope that that ain't my last dance.


I know that here many mistakes and maybe I missusing some words... but who cares. :D






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53 minutes ago, Arinian said:

I'm participated in 2 elims lynches for both I pushed hardly enough hmm... It doesn't clears me? Okay point about making them suspicious right but you sounds like that I'm still can be elim.

That's not at all what I said. I don't think you are Spiked. I didn't really think you were Spiked when you claimed Seeker, though the option wasn't really off the table, since weirder things have happened. My point is that those three went from being skeptical of you to all of sudden saying that you were now cleared with their basis (as I read it) being that you had seeked Nyali and knew she was evil and led the vote on her that got her lynched. But that's not what happened because you hadn't seeked her. I'm not about to say that all three are Spiked, but I do think one of them is, and I'm more inclined to think it's Assassin or Manu, trying to follow Joe's reasoning because they realize they can't cast suspicion on the village Seeker and get him lynched on the idea that he's actually a spiked Seeker.

And wait. I was neutral about lynching Dalinar? Ha. If that's how you define neutrality, I'd be fascinated to see your definition of what it takes to have a true opinion. I'll grant you the Nyali neutral-ness, though that was based on the fact that she wasn't playing at all like her past two games, in which she was evil. Now I see why that's the case: she was intentionally mixing up her play so it didn't look at all the same. But really? I was neutral about Dalinar. That amuses me far more than it should...

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Nicki burst into the shop, eager to test out what new metals she could burn. Rin might not like it, but he couldn’t control what Nicki did with the metals if she paid. And if he tried to stop her… well. He had no chance of overpowering her.

Nicki almost gagged at the smell. The sickly-sweet odor of a corpse filled the room, wafting up Nicki’s nostrils. How was Rin able to stand this? Had he completely forgotten how to ventilate his shop?

She turned around. A shelf full of metal vials greeted her, ready to be consumed. Finally! Nicki charged towards it, ready to try them all.

Her foot hit something.

She flared pewter and threw her arms out to soften her landing. She rolled to absorb the impact -- right onto something rock-like. Nicki grunted.

She looked down and Rin's dead body. A bloody hole marred his forehead, and his eyes stared accusingly at Nicki.

She scrambled to her feet. By the Lord Ruler, what -- how -- how was Rin dead? He’d been alive when he’d told everybody about Pikker’s body! Rin might have been a betrayer, but he had been a helpful one. In the beginning, he’d given Nicki pewter and food. He’d helped wash Pikker’s body. And now Rin was dead.

For the second time that week, Nicki staggered out of Rin’s metal shop to vomit outside.

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Day 6: Free Cats-sh

After that strange business with the somehow not-Sothe-but-actually-Nyah, some of the villagers seemed to be warming up to Matilda. They had even gotten her a new (ish) blanket to help keep off the cold night air and a few new kitties to keep her company.

Oh, how I lovesh my catsh! Matilda thought as she hugged a half empty bottle of alcohol to her chest. They’sh the onesh that truly keep me warm at night!

So Matilda was in a very rare good mood when she came across the sign.

It was set up next to an entrance to an alley nestled between the Letter Sixteen and a woodworking shop. While she never remembered ever seeing a sign there before, there were a lot of things that Matilda tended to miss. Still, her curiosity won out over her self preservation and she approached the sign.

The words swirled around on the board (or was that her swaying around?), making it difficult to read. It didn’t help that spelling wasn’t one of Matilda’s strong suits either. But she concentrated and sounded it out until she finally got it.

“F-Ffffffrrrrr. Fffrrreeeehhh, Fffffrrreeeeeee. Free! Ka. Kkkaaatttsss. Free Kkkaaaattsss-essss. Free Catsh!*”

Matilda smiled triumphantly when she realized she had read the sign (*It actually said, “Free Cats-sh,” as if the person who wrote it was trying to mimic Matilda’s slurred way of speaking, but it was close enough). It took her another minute or two to realize what the sign was actually implying.

“Oh, Whiskey-ersh! Shomebody ish giving away free catsh!” She exclaimed as she held the bottle in her hands out in front of her, as if she were holding a cat at arm’s length. “That meansh that we can get you shome brothersh and shishtersh!”

And so she gleefully stepped into the alley.

It took her eyes a second to adjust to the dark, but Matilda just kept stumbling along. When she had gotten almost halfway down the alley, her nightvision kicked in and she saw the most glorious sight.

There in front of her, all lined up and stretching the entire width of the alley, were dozens of bottles of alcohol.

Matilda gasped, “Look, Whiskey-ersh! Everyone’sh here! And they’re happy to shee ush! We’ll have a grand ol’ time, everybody playing togethersh!”

There was a scratch and fwoosh from somewhere behind her. Then another in front of her. And then the alley was bathed in light, as twin walls of flame covered both the entrance and the exit to the alley, trapping Matilda in the middle.

As the flames drew closer and closer, Matilda finally realized what this must be: a trap! The villagers hadn’t really been warming up to her. They were softening her up for their clever ruse! Now, just as villages in the past had tried, they were going to try to burn her as a witch.

They had even gotten her to walk right into her own demise, with the lure of more cats.

The catsh! Matilda cried. They were willing to shacrifishe aktual catsh to trap me!

Well, not if Matilda could help it. She might not survive, but she wasn’t about to see her precious cats burn. Matilda ran to the bottles of alcohol arranged in the alley. She picked up one of the bottles and threw it as hard as she could, trying to get it over the flames.

“Be free, my kittiesh! Eshcape!-” she lobbed another bottle. “-Live full livesh! Be happy without me!”

In Matilda’s mind, each “Kitten” sailed free and clear of the flames, landing on their little paws and scampering off into the night. In reality, the bottles smashed against the wooden walls of the Letter Sixteen and the woodworking shop and into the flames themselves; causing the fires to grow even larger.

Until, eventually, they engulfed her….

Night 6 is over and Day 6 begins! You have 48 hours.

Matilda was attacked! She was a Village Thug.

Have fun!


Player List


Assassin In Burgundy: Fuzzy- Self Explanatory (Jaist)
Elenion: Cassius- Ladies Man (Casanova)
Seonid: Senn Conrad- Minor Nobleman (Past Lives)
A Joe in the Bush: Jack Tormander- 4th Wall Breaker (Past Lives)
Jondesu: Remart- Just under 300 lbs. He swears! (Glutton, Handicapped [Leg]) Survived!
Manukos: Enias- Cleans things….somewhere (Neat)
I_Am_Stick: Stick- Is a Stick? (Forgetful)
Wyrmhero: Wyl Sharpe- Private Detective (Guardsman)
Nyali: Nyah- Orphan (Mistwraiths Ate My Parents) Spiked Mistborn
Herowannabe: Herwynbe- Terris Steward (Terris Steward)
Arinian: Arinian- Mercenary (Forgetful, Past Lives)
Conquestor: Mr. Hoid- Absentminded Prophet (Joker, Forgetful, Prophetic)
Silverblade5: Ryth- Former Guard (Gollum)
Magestar: Carmichael- High Roller (Narcissist, Compulsive Gambler)
Arraenae: Nicki- Noblewomen Researching Inquisitors (Theorist) Survived!
Straw: Vomit- Messenger (Mistwraiths Ate My Parents, Gossip) Village Rioter
Doc12: Rin- Metallurgist (Tinker, Neat) Regular Villager
Hemalurgic_Headshot: Joe- Beggar/Former Band Member/Cook? (Useless, Cook)
Araris Valerian: Aralis- Grumpy Elderly Man (Elderly, Cynic, Bearer of a Large Thwacking Staff)
Droughtbringer: Drought- Blind Man (Handicapped [Blind])
Stink: Various- Split Personality Mistborn (Insanity)
Ecthelion III: No Name- Retired Gentleman (Elderly) Village Soother
Kipper: Kip Pikker- Traveling Bard (Narcissist) Regular Villager
TheMightyLopen: Sothe- Thief (Unlucky) Village Lurcher
Madagascar: Matilda- Mad Cat Lady (Drunk) Village Thug
Dalinar Kholin: Reginald Canuck- Polite Wayne (Kleptomaniac) Spiked Mistborn
Drake Marshall: Felix- Traveller (Survivor Priest, Scholarly)
Bugsy6912: Annix- Terrisman Scholor (Scholor, Terrisman, Hobbyist)
Gamma Fiend: Grumbles- Innkeeper (Insanity)
Little Wilson: Whistler- Shopkeeper (Neat, Compulsive Gambler, Hobbyist) Survived!
Sart: Sart- Trickster (High Imperial)
Orlock Tsubodai: Locke Tekiel- Nobleman (Nobleman)
Wonko the Sane: Abundance Org (Organization)
Elbereth: El- Apprentice Apothecary (Hopeful Orphan, Past Lives)


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Of all the players in the game, why pick Matilda?  It was obvious that she was a Thug, and there were more threatening targets out there (read: Arin). Fear of lurchers?

Arin, who did you scan?


*drunk after partying* Role-play? Whaddya mean role-play? I don't need any role-play to look good!


Edited in later:

Since it seems like no one else did the analysis that I recommended, I survived the night, and phase 2 of my Prom-posal is complete, I'll do the analysis myself.

D1 Votes (before manip):

Ecthelion (4)- Straw, Dalinar, Madagascar, HH (Soothed by Ecth)
Dalinar (4)- Elenion, Arraenae, Ecthelion, Doc (Rioted. Nyali?)
HH (2)- Seonid, Gamma Fiend
Elbereth (1)- Drake Marshall
Wonko (1)- Jondesu
Lopen (1)- Araris
Stink (1)- Stink
Gamma Fiend (1)- Kipper
I am Stick (1)- Wilson
A Joe in the Bush (1)- Sart
Elenion (1)- Elbereth
Droughtbringer (1)- I am Stick
Orlok (1)- Wyrmhero
Nyali (1)- Arinian
Sart (1)- Conquestor

D4 Votes (before manip):

Arraenae (10)- Assassin in Burgundy, Wyrmhero, Nyali, Herowannabe, Silverblade, Magestar, Doc12, Wilson, Joe in a Bush, Stick (Soothed by Len)
Nyali (8)- Elenion, Jondesu, Arinian, Arraenae, Madagascar, Seonid, Sart, Elbereth
Hemalurgic Headshot (1)- Manukos
Jondesu (1)- Conquestor
Manukos (1)- Hemalurgic Headshot
Madagascar (1)- Gamma Fiend


Also, has anyone else noticed that the elim kills are clearly going down the player list? I saw it before, but I thought it was a coincidence. Now, the evidence is weighted against it being just a coincidence.

In addition, for reference, Arin so far has scanned Rae (Thug), Bugsy (Roleless), Matilda (Thug), Lopen (Lurcher), and Wonko (Thug)

Looking at this information, here's my trusts/distrusts. 1 is good; 10 is bad.

Assassin In Burgundy: Voted on Rae D4, but pretty quiet other than that. 6/10
Elenion: 1/10.

Seonid: No good read. 5/10

A Joe in the Bush: Voted on Rae D4. 6/10

Jondesu: Thug with lost extra life. Voted on Nyali D4. 4/10

Manukos: Seems unwilling to participate in any large bandwagons. 5/10

I_Am_Stick: Voted on Rae D4. 6/10

Wyrmhero: Voted on Rae D4. 6/10

Herowannabe: Voted on Rae D4. 6/10

Arinian: Claimed Seeker; all claimed info has checked out so far. Trust him. 2/10

Conquestor: 5/10

Silverblade5: Less active; voted on Rae D4. 6/10

Magestar: Voted on Rae D4. 6/10

Arraenae: Scanned by Arin; Thug with lost extra life. 2/10

Hemalurgic_Headshot: Helped in the Ecth lynch. 6.5/10

Araris Valerian: Voted on Lopen D1, but that was D1 and Lopen was being a bit suspicious. 5/10

Droughtbringer: 5/10

Stink: You never know anything with Stink. 5/10
Drake Marshall: Suspected El D1. Next on the kill list if the elims are killing by the player list. 4.5/10 due to good gut read.

Bugsy6912: Scanned as good and roleless by Arin. 2/10

Gamma Fiend: Negative gut read, but little else. 5.5/10

Little Wilson: There's the whole WGG? thing to consider. Voted on Rae D4. 5/10 due to conflicting gut reads on some posts.

Sart: Voted on Nyali D4. 4/10

Orlok Tsubodai: Inactive. 5/10

Wonko the Sane: Scanned as good Thug by Arin. 2/10

Elbereth: No read. 5/10


Trusts: Arin, Rae, Bugsy, Wonko

Tentative trusts: Jon, Drake, Sart

Neutral: Seonid, Manukos, Conq, Araris, Drought, STINK, Wilson, Orlok, El

Tentative distrusts: Assassin, Joe. Stick, Wyrm, Hero, SB, Mage, Gamma

Distrusts: HH


And finally, I put my vote on HH for helping in the Ecth lynch D1, and the elims chose to attempt a tie with Ecth instead of HH when they saved Dalinar.



Who knew Cassius could be such a windbag? Maybe that well-muscled diaphragm of his had something to do with it. :D

Edited by Elenion
Forgot that Doc is dead and village in my color coding
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i will agree with @Elenion the lynch is indeed weird  , they were probably afraid of double lurching but then again does that mean that they are almost out of coinshots ?
or does it at least debunk the "all elims are fully spiked"  theory  . i would also want to offer two extra alternatives

  1. (most likely )the spiked want us to think that arinian is also an elim so that we  lynch him , and do their work for them (or at least they expect us to kill him to validate his info)
  2. (i doubt it )arinian is indeed an elim and  .... well that , they won't kill one of their own (and the whole Nyali thing was a con )

i would rather that arinian was killed off  during the night by the elims to be sure , since idk lynching our seeker seems foolish but what can you do.
 i will vote tomorow so ill just see how things go for now. 
also  can someone with spare time make a list of every one that arinian hasnt scanned yet

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45 minutes ago, A Joe in the Bush said:

Oh. That's super disappointing. I was really hoping to get to defend myself. :(

I disappointed too, I wanted my vengeance for MR19 :D.

Right now I'm suspecting Wilson, Asssassin and Gamma Fiend. Don't ask me why them.

Also I think that there good use for Len's vote manipulation. I think if elims had smoker ability on this night they probably smoked themselves soo... You(Len) can choose someone from people whom I(or whom you suspect) mentioned in my post yesterday and do something with their vote.  

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3 hours ago, Arinian said:

I disappointed too, I wanted my vengeance for MR19 :D.

Right now I'm suspecting Wilson, Asssassin and Gamma Fiend. Don't ask me why them.

Also I think that there good use for Len's vote manipulation. I think if elims had smoker ability on this night they probably smoked themselves soo... You(Len) can choose someone from people whom I(or whom you suspect) mentioned in my post yesterday and do something with their vote.  

My mistakes are more effective than your strategies. =P

Why them? i still mostly thing Wilson is innocent. like, 78%

Hmm . . That's a clever use of Vote manips.

I'm going to vote on Jondesu. He's been kind of ignored, and was never attacked after the first time he was.

12 hours ago, Elenion said:

Also, has anyone else noticed that the elim kills are clearly going down the player list? I saw it before, but I thought it was a coincidence. Now, the evidence is weighted against it being just a coincidence.

"Make for you enemies a pattern. Convince them that they will do this because they did that. Though there is no motivation, you enemy will strike at the pattern, while you break it to strike where they are undefended." -Just me sounding Pretentious. 2017 C.E.

I've suggested strategies like that. Actually, i think i suggested something like that when you me and Nyali were assassins. Basically, the eliminators set up a pattern, so that we realize it, and, thinking were so clever, protect Drake Marshall in order to block them. But they have no real reason to attack Drake, and we have no reason to protect him, other than evidence of their fabrication.

There is always a reason for patterns, and it is always to trick the village.


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Remart smelled smoke. A little here and there was normal, and in fact a good smoker roasting a side of beef was about the best smell in the world. This wasn't that kind of smoke, though. It smelled of wood that wasn't meant to be burned, and there was far too much of it. Then he heard the glass breaking and wooshes of flame, and he knew what must have happened. He thumped at his best speed (without his pewter, that is) looking for the source, but by the time he arrived, there was only a huge fire. Others were already beginning to fight it, so he grabbed a bucket to help, but it was obvious there would be a lot of damage. 

It wasn't until much later that he discovered Mad Matilda had been in there. She wasn't all there, of course, and drunk as a skunk every time he saw her, but no one should have to go that way.  Remart looked over the scene and thought about who could have done it.

"That Terrisman Herwynbe still gives me the shivers, and now Jack Tormander is giving me looks, on top of the paranoid suspicions from Mr Hoid. I can't imagine why they'd get rid of Matilda, though. Maybe it's the drinking."

Madagascar voted against Gamma Fiend, Wonko, Conquestor, and Ecthelion (that's in reverse order) in addition to voting for Nyali the last two days. Of those, I've been wary of Wonko for a while, but mostly for not being very active, while Conquestor has been paranoid about me (he claims, it could be an act to see if a bandwagon will start). Gamma I'm definitely suspicious of as well, while Ecth I think is very likely village. So of those, I would consider voting for Wonko or Gamma, and maybe Conquestor. I maintain my suspicion of Herowannabe, while I think I trust Arinian enough to say Joe in the Bush is probably clean. Wilson I've trusted basically since the beginning now since I agree she wouldn't have pulled a WGG night one like that, and I'm feeling fairly good about Rae, Wyrm, and Drought, though those last two are just gut reads. Everyone else is mostly hovering in the middle. Oh, and Stick has been suspicious to me since the beginning too, but again, just a gut read overall. For now, I'm holding my vote on @Herowannabe, since I've never really seen anything that eases my concerns.  

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Yeah, I really don't have anything to go on, it's just a gut feeling. So, Jon.

The person he has been trying to kill has finally said something about it, quite annoying though. He almost had the had him. "But, I suppose it doesn't matter, Ruin will kill everyone with his Inquisitors." Unless my plan works.

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13 hours ago, Arinian said:

I'm scanned Joe(in the bush) he is villager.

Good. I was wondering about Joe (maybe just paranoia from the last SE game I played with him :P) but I guess that settles it.

11 hours ago, Hemalurgic_Headshot said:

No! Matilda! And her beloved cats... she must be avenged!

The ones mourning a death like that tend to be elims, just sayin...

Although, for Matilda, I can maybe understand. She was such a fun character.

4 hours ago, A Joe in the Bush said:

My mistakes are more effective than your strategies. =P

Why them? i still mostly thing Wilson is innocent. like, 78%

Hmm . . That's a clever use of Vote manips.

I'm going to vote on Jondesu. He's been kind of ignored, and was never attacked after the first time he was.

"Make for you enemies a pattern. Convince them that they will do this because they did that. Though there is no motivation, you enemy will strike at the pattern, while you break it to strike where they are undefended." -Just me sounding Pretentious. 2017 C.E.

I've suggested strategies like that. Actually, i think i suggested something like that when you me and Nyali were assassins. Basically, the eliminators set up a pattern, so that we realize it, and, thinking were so clever, protect Drake Marshall in order to block them. But they have no real reason to attack Drake, and we have no reason to protect him, other than evidence of their fabrication.

There is always a reason for patterns, and it is always to trick the village.


First of all, have we confirmed that there is a living town aligned lurcher?

Second of all, if there is one, don't protect me. Frankly I'm not that important. They could go for me, or they could go for Arinian. But Arinian's role is much more useful than mine.

As for why they haven't attacked Arinian so far... That's a good question actually. See, if an investigative role outs an elim, it's usually a good idea to leave them alive, because killing them will just confirm their info and result in the elim's immediate death. But Arinian, while voting for Nyali, did not claim that he had used bronze to confirm. The fact that the elims have not attacked Arinian so far is probably because they are expecting a lurcher to guard him.


Anyways, who do I suspect... Probably my top three suspects are HH, Wilson, and Assassin. Since I'm a believer in the bandwagon as a vehicle for finding elims (I hope someone appreciates my bad pun), Assassin it is.


Oh, also, one other point of interest. It looked like Madascar was using some kind of color based cipher. Considering Madagascar is both dead and town-confirmed, any chance the recipient of those messages wants to step forward? Just a thought.


Felix stood in the middle of the square. As a priest of the Survivor, he saw it as his duty to hold a proper funeral for those who had died.

The funeral was brief. A lot of people had been dying recently.

Death was like an unpleasant neighbor. You didn't talk about him for fear he might hear you and decide to pay a visit. And yet someone had to do the rites, ironeyes be damned.

At least the old lady wasn't suffering anymore. Nothing can hurt us after we are dead, or so we have been told.

Felix pulled a dusty tome out of his bag, A Comprehensive History of the Final Empire, Third Edition. It was his best source on the Lord Ruler and the creatures that served him. Hopefully there was something he had missed the first pass through... The town needed a lead.


Also anyone notice the common thread in the above? ;)

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I don't know. Right now, bandwagoning seems to be the only way to get things done around here. I could vote for a random inactive player, like I tried to do before, but that gets me nowhere, and gets the village no information, other than I voted for that person.

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1 minute ago, Assassin in Burgundy said:

@Arinian @Hemalurgic_Headshot @Drake Marshall Why are you voting for me? Especially you, Arinian. 

For me this is a mix of gut read and bandwagon. No, those aren't the best reasons I realize. I figure its best if I vote someone this cycle, but I would love to hear what you have to say. Actually the more I think about it, I really don't have great reasons for voting on you. Tentatively I'll take the vote off you Assassin but I still wouldn't mind hearing a little more from you than asking why we vote you if ya don't mind.

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3 minutes ago, Drake Marshall said:

For me this is a mix of gut read and bandwagon. No, those aren't the best reasons I realize. I figure its best if I vote someone this cycle, but I would love to hear what you have to say. Actually the more I think about it, I really don't have great reasons for voting on you. Tentatively I'll take the vote off you Assassin but I still wouldn't mind hearing a little more from you than asking why we vote you if ya don't mind.

Ok thanks. Right now I'm a little suspicious of Arinian for not getting killed last night. Elims aren't stupid; and frankly they should have killed him assuming that he's a villager. This is kind of just paranoia so I'm not going to vote on him yet. 

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3 minutes ago, Assassin in Burgundy said:

Ok thanks. Right now I'm a little suspicious of Arinian for not getting killed last night. Elims aren't stupid; and frankly they should have killed him assuming that he's a villager. This is kind of just paranoia so I'm not going to vote on him yet. 

I would ask our seeker to scan him but... Oh wait. :P

Either the elims know for certain we have a lurcher (because one of their kills was blocked, which is quite possible)

Or, Arinian is evil

But didn't Arinian vote on both Dalinar and Nyali? I mean, that doesn't completely settle it but its gotta be worth something

Not sure... But for now I wouldn't lynch Arinian. I'd wait until he accuses someone, because then, one way or another, we would catch an elim.

EDIT: And by accuse I don't just mean suspect. I mean, wait until he claims to have used bronze on someone and confirmed them guilty.

Edited by Drake Marshall
clarified my meaning of "accuse"
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Just now, Drake Marshall said:

I would ask our seeker to scan him but... Oh wait. :P

Either the elims know for certain we have a lurcher (because one of their kills was blocked, which is quite possible)

Or, Arinian is evil

But didn't Arinian vote on both Dalinar and Nyali? I mean, that doesn't completely settle it but its gotta be worth something

Not sure... But for now I wouldn't lynch Arinian. I'd wait until he accuses someone, because then, one way or another, we would catch an elim.

Yeah, that's why I'm confused. He's helped the village a ton, but he theoretically should be dead. 

Hey, uh, Elims? Why didn't you kill Arinian?





(You know what it was worth a try)

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