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24 minutes ago, Assassin in Burgundy said:

Yeah, that's why I'm confused. He's helped the village a ton, but he theoretically should be dead. 

Hey, uh, Elims? Why didn't you kill Arinian?





(You know what it was worth a try)

Honestly I voting on you cause don't see other good targets for lynch. Wilson is suspicious, but still I don't believe that she would pull WGG on herself, I was suspicious of Joe but I scanned him. Jondesu as target for lynch... I think he is villager cause I think that village don't have coinshot and all night kills was elim Mistborns. Also that why I'm guessing they didn't attacked me cause they just not rolled coinshot. Of course there still big amount of peoples not very active or inactive so I can't be sure in anything. If you have good advice for lynch(with reasoning) I will listen it without problems.

Ohh also I'm suspicious of Gamma Fiend(so maybe if everyone thinks that Assassin is good guy I probably will change my vote on Fiend) that just gut but that all what I have right now.

And when someone asking me about my choice for lynch and I don't have some solid reasoning I starting to doubt in everything even if gut says that I'm right, so don't do(or do "shrug":D) that it's my weakness and it's makes me nervous.

Edited by Arinian
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25 minutes ago, Hemalurgic_Headshot said:

You know, responding to Assassin's direct question to Elims is a little suspicious...

Lol, Because only an elim would respond to that. Congrats HH, you caught me, I'm an Elim.

1 minute ago, Assassin in Burgundy said:

So Lopen wasn't the only one?

Lopen claimed he didn't protect wilson N1. he claimed that over and over, and had to no reason to lie. So i think there's another one out there.

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If my vote is going to be worth something, it can't just stand alone. So far, the accused have been 

HH (me): 1 (Elenion, Assassin)

Assassin: 2 (HH, Arinian) Drake removed his vote.

Hero: 1 (Jondesu, Sart)

Jondesu: 1 (Joe in the Bush)

I can vote for Hero, Assassin (as I already am doing), or Jondesu. I could accuse Hero, because I think he is suspicious, but I haven't taken the time to analyse his posts, so it's a gut read. I have the feeling Jondesu is Village, and I'm not going to vote for myself.

So we'll just see how the Day goes.

EDIT: Sart has voted against Hero. Assassin has voted against me. I am still holding my position.

Edited by Hemalurgic_Headshot
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"Ising the confusion of the first. Being the being of not. Ising the confusion of Joe (Hemalurgic Headshot) Wasing the not of being of ising." The village had nothing to go on day one, so it wasn't exactly surprising that Joe had ended up on the wrong side of that argument. He doubted that the eliminators would want to stick together, especially if it would draw suspicion on them. Sart wasn't sure why they were going back to that argument, when there was a much juicier target.

"Ising the logic of dung of ten. Wasing of being the morons of fourth." That mob was attrociously bad. Nearly killing the person who first advocated the lynch of an Eliminator was terrible logic. Any reflection on the previous events would have drawn that conclusion, but instead the morons immediately latched onto her reluctance to deal the final blow. It was pathetic, but it had yielded a strong list of suspects. It was time to run through them.

"Being the ising of danger of death. Having of Nyal (Nyali) of first ising. Being the spiked of evil. Having the second of Nicki of Rin (Doc12). Being of not of being. Ising of third of Nicki of Ryth (SilverBlade). Having the not of words. Being the rush? Having the tie of bad of Fuzzy (Assassin in Burgundy). Hasing the not of god of Ja. Being the strange of Stick (I_am_a_Stick). Hasing the being of wasing of speaking. Being of logic of weak. Hasing the history of Herwynbe (Herowannabe)" Being the not of logic of vote. Hasing the not of being on Nyali of fifth. Hasing the being of talk of Nicki. Being the lack of reflection of Spiked. Hasing the mob of Wyl Sharpe (Wyrmhero). Being of not of wasing. Hasing of time of talking. Being the regret of Carmichael (Magestar). Ising the wasing of Nicki of being of Nyal. Ising also of Wyl. Being the attack of Whistler (Little Wilson). Hasing the logic of Thugs of being. Being of wasing of Jack Tormander (Joe in the Bush). Having the being of good of Seeking. Having of wasing of being of fools of these. Being the evil of being of one."

He hoped the others had understood his speech. He supposed he could stop talking in slang, but where was the fun in that? Still, he needed to make the point clear. There was a severe lack of logic during that lynching. The first voters were especially odd. Ryth (Silverblade) barely talked at all before placing a vote. Fuzzy was clearly misinterpreting the Ja, if that even was his religion. At this point, it was getting hard to tell. Stick's logic was bad, although to be fair, sticks weren't known to have the best of logic. At least it apologized. But by far the most suspicious, in his eyes, was the Terris steward. Herwynbe (Herowannabe) had been talking with Nicki throughout the game. He should have realized something was off about the argument. In addition, he conveniently voted for the person with the most votes after Nyal. It rang very false to Sart. Only time would tell what they thought of his logic though.

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I'm not very sure about Herowannabe. On one hand, he strongly advocated for Dalinar's death. On the other hand, the first day he advocated for it, Dalinar had pewter. It could have been an attempt to waste the village's time, since Dalinar wouldn't die regardless of how the village voted. Additionally, D4 and D5 he voted for the person with the msot votes who was not Nyali.

I'm pretty sure Arinian is a villager. D1, he voted on Nyali for bad reasoning, and Dalinar in turn jumped onto him and Lopen. If I remember right, Arinian was the first person to vote on Nyali. I don't think an elim would try to undermine another elim's reasoning like that outside of a bandwagon. (Obviously, this isn't a set rule. I know that there's at least one game where Nyali and her elim teammates jumped on each other the moment one came under the tiniest amount of suspicion.) The way Arinian claimed makes me trust him. I think he's more likely to be a villager than not.

Headshot gives me a bad gut read, but I'm not sure how much of that is eliminator-ness and how much of that is newness. D3, Headshot voted on Lopen. I think this might have been a last-ditch attempt at saving Dalinar. It was also kind of successful -- Lopen got five votes on him. That's a lot of votes, if you don't compare it to the eleven that Dalinar got. Additionally, his posts sounded extremely forced D1. For example:


Seeing the general consensus on Rae, if a few more votes against Rae, then we'll have a lynched Rae. How interesting, the depth that everyone is reading into everyone's posts. Of course, "everyone" is an exaggeration. Now I have a choice: I can go with the flow and vote against Rae, or I be useless and go my own way. I still have some time to decide.

I'm going to go back and read through everyone's posts again.

It's possible that could be first-timer awkwardness. Most first-timers seem to have a really hard time finding things to say. D1, Joe, Wonko, and Dalinar voted on Headshot and then retracted. (Joe then put his vote on Dalinar, so I'm not as suspicious of him.)  It's obvious why Dalinar would vote on Ecth, so I won't bother with analyzing that. If, if Arinian is really a seeker, Wonko should be a villager. If Arinian is telling the truth, then I don't think that was an attempt to save an elim Dalinar.

Also, reading back through D1, I found this from Lopen:


As for Nyali, I'll remove my vote I suppose. My paranoid mind could see this large bandwagon on Conquestor in the middle of the Day as trying to save her, but she only had 2 votes and I've got a feeling most(but maybe not all) of the votes on Conq are villagers. I don't have a lot of time right now, but I'll be on later today to try and figure out where to put my vote, since I would like some more legitimate lynch discussion(I am glad about the amount of discussion so far, but I think we can get some more in before we need to decide whether to lynch an inactive/lurker(just please don't let it be about me, that would be the worst :P)).

Worth looking at D1 again for? Len voted on Conq D1 and Lopen D3.

Can someone please mention Silverblade, Droughtbringer, Stink, and everybody else who has been quiet recently? Mentions are still broken for me.

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For all these people expressing mild suspicion on me, I know confirmed good isn't confirmed right and all, but I'd recommend you read some of Lopen's all-players analysis list things; I was a village read in all of them B)

Can someone post a vote tally? Vote to come later, accordingly.

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I've been quiet, but that's been because finals are this week. I haven't kept up very well, but should be able to read the backlog when my finals end tomorrow. I don't have enough to go on for a vote right now, but I'd likely follow Rae's lead if it comes down to my vote. She's been active enough this game I think she could have gotten better reads than me, and following the death of Nyali (who 'suspected' her, IIRC) and the scan that showed her as village, I'm willing to suspend suspicion of her. 

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49 minutes ago, Arraenae said:

Worth looking at D1 again for? Len voted on Conq D1 and Lopen D3.

My Conq vote was because of the Crusade. I retracted it once he posted, and put it on Dalinar and Soothed HH, which almost led to Dalinar being lynched D1. As for Lopen, I was wrong about him. I'm not exactly the best SE villager out there.


53 minutes ago, Arraenae said:

I think this might have been a last-ditch attempt at saving Dalinar. It was also kind of successful -- Lopen got five votes on him. That's a lot of votes, if you don't compare it to the eleven that Dalinar got.

An experienced elim would have vetoed any action against that many votes. Even if every Mistborn on their team had drawn Brass/Zinc it would be practically suicidal.


31 minutes ago, Assassin in Burgundy said:

@Sart Justifying via the Ja is just RP additions to my post. But of course, the Ja will lead you to the light, and all should follow. Praise the Ja. 

25 minutes ago, Drake Marshall said:

Ignore this heresy. The Survivor is the true path to salvation!

"I'd like to introduce you both to a little something that I call Capitalism," Cassius said with a drink in his hand. "The idea behind Capitalism is this: you are in charge of your own destiny. No supernatural forces are meddling in my affairs, I'll tell you that. Everything that I've got," he gestured with an open hand, then pointed to himself, "is all due to this guy right here."

"Capitalism? I think he accidentally took up Narcissism instead," said a smug man behind his back. A few people snickered, and Cassius shot them a look that would have killed a man but melted a woman's heart.

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My thoughts: Rae is probably village. I was fairly sure she was an eliminator, but it was also pretty clear to me that she and Nyali were not working together, based on the Day 1 discussion. So I probably just started tunneling.

I agree with the general idea behind the votes on HH, but I don't think we should necessarily lynch him (based on what he has said today). @Hemalurgic_Headshot, @Drake Marshall, consider the implications if every player took your approach to the game, and only voted for a player with votes already on them. Assuming everyone did that, nobody would get lynched at all. And the first person to break away from that mindset would control the lynch entirely. Now, we aren't at such an extreme case, but I think we should consider the impact our actions have if other people start to follow our example.

Assassin. I think it is kind of silly to express suspicion of somebody for not getting killed. I mean, that sort of thought process leads to lynching all of the experienced players and power roles. Take Wilson. Why hasn't she been killed? Especially since the eliminators (almost certainly) have demonstrated that they want her dead? Also, a few people talked about lynching Arinian to confirm all of his scans. So why would they waste a kill on somebody we are going to lynch anyway?

You also kind of jumped on a bandwagon against another player whom you claim was bandwagoning. Seems a bit hypocritical to old Aralis. In addition to that, I found yu suspicious enough yesterday to place a vote on you. So I'll trust what I was thinking about back then, and let that stand with all the above.

Aralis sat in his chair, half-listening to the ruckus coming from the town. The whole thing was getting old rather fast. Sure, he was an old grouch of a man that didn't much like anybody, and he wasn't afraid to get things done, but seven people were already dead, and no imaginary Koloss were doing the killing. All it took was one half-dead man to set the entire town at each others throats. Maybe if he hit enough of them on the head... but no. The younger ones, even when he caught them by surprise, were just too fast.

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4 minutes ago, Elenion said:

"I'd like to introduce you both to a little something that I call Capitalism," Cassius said with a drink in his hand. "The idea behind Capitalism is this: you are in charge of your own destiny. No supernatural forces are meddling in my affairs, I'll tell you that. Everything that I've got," he gestured with an open hand, then pointed to himself, "is all due to this guy right here."

"Capitalism? I think he accidentally took up Narcissism instead," said a smug man behind his back. A few people snickered, and Cassius shot them a look that would have killed a man but melted a woman's heart.

Cassius, friend... I fear you mistake capitalism for atheism... Unless you happen to subscribe to the idea of Social Darwinism (an idea that arrived several centuries after the formation of laissez faire economics), atheism and capitalism are not intrinsically connected.

"In every part of the universe we observe means adjusted with the nicest artifice to the ends which they are intended to produce; and in the mechanism of a plant, or animal body, admire how every thing is contrived for advancing the two great purposes of nature, the support of the individual, and the propagation of the species. But in these, and in all such objects, we still distinguish the efficient from the final cause of their several motions and organizations. The digestion of the food, the circulation of the blood, and the secretion of the several juices which are drawn from it, are operations all of them necessary for the great purposes of animal life. Yet we never endeavour to account for them from those purposes as from their efficient causes, nor imagine that the blood circulates, or that the food digests of its own accord, and with a view or intention to the purposes of circulation or digestion. The wheels of the watch are all admirably adjusted to the end for which it was made, the pointing of the hour. All their various motions conspire in the nicest manner to produce this effect. If they were endowed with a desire and intention to produce it, they could not do it better. Yet we never ascribe any such desire or intention to them, but to the watch-maker, and we know that they are put into motion by a spring, which intends the effect it produces as little as they do. But though, in accounting for the operations of bodies, we never fail to distinguish in this manner the efficient from the final cause, in accounting for those of the mind we are very apt to confound these two different things with one another. When by natural principles we are led to advance those ends, which a refined and enlightened reason would recommend to us, we are very apt to impute to that reason, as to their efficient cause, the sentiments and actions by which we advance those ends, and to imagine that to be the wisdom of man, which in reality is the wisdom of God. Upon a superficial view, this cause seems sufficient to produce the effects which are ascribed to it; and the system of human nature seems to be more simple and agreeable when all its different operations are in this manner deduced from a single principle."

      -Adam Smith in The Theory of Moral Sentiment

Basically, the fellow who is widely acknowledged as the founder of modern capitalism is laying fourth an argument for the existence of a god.

Take that you non-survivorist heathen.


1 hour ago, Araris Valerian said:

I agree with the general idea behind the votes on HH, but I don't think we should necessarily lynch him (based on what he has said today). @Hemalurgic_Headshot, @Drake Marshall, consider the implications if every player took your approach to the game, and only voted for a player with votes already on them. Assuming everyone did that, nobody would get lynched at all. And the first person to break away from that mindset would control the lynch entirely. Now, we aren't at such an extreme case, but I think we should consider the impact our actions have if other people start to follow our example.

I agree with you. A few minutes after posting it, I looked back on my most recent vote, thought "you know, bandwagonning alone is actually a pretty bad reason to vote someone up" and rescinded it.

At this point, we don't need quite as much guess work. We have identified two elim mistborns, and their lynchings were controversial enough that we have information. All we need to do is make sense of it.

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7 hours ago, Elenion said:

My Conq vote was because of the Crusade. I retracted it once he posted, and put it on Dalinar and Soothed HH, which almost led to Dalinar being lynched D1. As for Lopen, I was wrong about him. I'm not exactly the best SE villager out there.

Oh my, even not sure what to think about that. You mean YOU soothed HH not Ecth? We already know that village  have many roles, but do village really need 2 soothers? What was in Metacognition's head? Questions, questions...

As my mind not fails me someone said that Ecth was online near rollover(on cycle when he was lynched) so I believe that he have all reasons to save himself. Also it's easy to imitate soothing when your team full of mistborns all that you need is some luck. 

Maybe you not lying but I'm watching you now.

Edited by Arinian
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I'm not really sure that's something a Spiked would lie about, Arin. Because it's obvious that Ecth would've soothed someone's vote, so why claim a double soothe? Why claim anything at all? If Len were a Spiked Soother and didn't really soothe HH's vote, why try to claim it at all? Wouldn't it be better to say that he just didn't soothe that turn? But my question is actually that if Len were a Spiked Soother, why didn't he soothe a vote off Dalinar? One of their Mistborn (probably Nyali) rioted a vote from Dalinar to save him, so why not soothe one as well, just to be sure? Or, better yet, why not soothe a person who voted on someone entirely different (not the second-most voted person) to make it look like they rioted Doc? That's what I would do if I were rioting and had a Soother as well. Soothing from the second-most voted person makes no sense, because if anyone else had done vote manip, Dalinar could've died. The fact that Len is claiming to have soothed HH, and that there isn't any other soothing that happened that turn, like there should've been if the Spiked had a Soother (and they would've used their Soother that turn if they had one), tells me that Len probably isn't lying and therefore isn't Spiked.

As for the village having multiple Soothers. Well, for the same reason they have what looks like multiple Thugs (Mad, Jon, and Rae at the very least). The Spiked have a slew of Mistborn. If their whole team is Mistborn and there's 5-6  of them on the team, they could easily have 2-3 of them draw zinc/brass on the same cycle, and then they'd be able to control the lynch. A GM would counter that possibility by giving the village a couple extra vote manips of their own. This also explains why there are multiple Thugs: because what if multiple Spiked draw Steel at the same time, or draw Steel multiple turns in a row? That's an additional kill, so you give the village a few extra lives to counter those extra kills. It's called balancing. This is why discussion of role distribution, once you have evidence of a few roles and powers, is a good thing to do. Useless at the beginning with Meta as GM, because he likes to screw with the meta, but Meta is also very good at balancing, so role distribution discussion is really good to do in the mid-game, when you have a better idea of what's going on. Like now.

Anyway. My vote. I'm going to hold off for now, but my vote is probably going to go on either Assassin or HH. Leaning toward Assassin right now, because of his comments about Arinian during the night and his posts today have all seemed like backpedaling. Meanwhile, HH is advocating bandwagons, which are perfect for eliminators to blend in and get a few extra villagers lynched with little to no reasoning and therefore little for the village to gain by way of analysis post-lynch. After all, what are you really going to analyze when 90% of the votes have no basis other than "jumping on the bandwagon"? But I haven't decided yet where my vote is going, because I've had very little time to spend on the game the last couple days, what with a fairly important work project and figuring out my living situation next month. And I'm meeting with some other Sharders tonight so I probably won't be on again until just before rollover. But I will vote.

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I unlocked the door to the office, and swung it wide open. Some days, it felt good to do something so sweeping. Made you forget everything else that was happening. Unfortunately, it wasn't that easy. There was a ruffle of paper and a banging sound. I rolled my eyes and stepped around my partner's prone body. He swore at me for banging him on the head with the door.


"Maybe you shouldn't have slept there," I pointed out, rolling my eyes a little, Hardly my fault if I happened to brain someone with the door when I opened it - Who slept on the floor, anyway? Real helpful, partner. I told him to go home and get some proper sleep; judging from the bags under his eyes, the poor sod'd been working all night and fallen asleep at his desk. Probably didn't even wake up when he hit the floor. Well, that's our detective agency. We practically ooze competency.


Though if I were honest, wasn't like I was doing much better sleeping at home. This case had a bit of a habit of getting to me, guess you could say. Don't think it'd be fair to blame me for that either. Sure, I've been stabbed and Coinshot at before when pursing cases, but that wasn't anything personal. It was kinda professional, in a way. At the end of the day, the perps didn't want to kill me, they just didn't want to get locked up in the slammer. It was understandable, you could say. Just business as usual. But this was the first time I had a case where I could die because they wanted me dead. I don't do so well with the personal stuff. You have to be detached in the business, be able to take a step back. Couldn't exactly do that when my back was against the wall.


My partner'd been messing around with my board. Guess he'd got a tad restless on his own case, thought he could solve mine for me. Thanks for the vote of confidence there, partner. I'd be offended if I knew I wasn't getting anywhere myself. Ah, what the hell, I'd choose to be offended anyway, it's fun. But I'd sent him home now, so not like I could complain at him. I felt a bit robbed. Sometimes the world just wants to kick you when you're down. Though I guess it was unfair to complain that I couldn't make him as miserable as me. Guess the world was saving me from myself there.


I had a look at the notes, frowning a bit as I tried to make them out. Not that his writing was worse than mine. My partner's writing looked like a drunken spider had written it. Mine, only chance you had to read it was to run past it and pray it magically became readable. 'Felix - Arrived before first death?' I guess it made sense. I frowned a little as I went through the events in my head. A stranger arrives at the village, and suddenly people are dying? Well, it was certainly possible. Would explain why it just started. More to the point, it was interesting that he'd only really started to perk up about things when there'd been this many deaths. Interesting that he'd slipped under everyone's noses until now, and was simply going along with the crowd instead of using his own reasoning.

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