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I've been sleeping the entire day with the flu, so I haven't been able to really review the thread (I've checked it out a few times, but my brain is pretty foggy). I'll leave my vote for now, but if I can I may check back before rollover. If you want me to actually read something  you post, please mention me. 

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5 hours ago, Arraenae said:

Assassin. He's been quiet, so quiet that the first few days I was doing notes I thought he wasn't even playing. At least Headshot was active during that time.

First of all, I'm always quiet. Read through previous games. Ask other people. I don't post very often. And especially in the first few cycles. I mostly ignore the first day just because it's always poke voting and the occasional strategy. And I don't post as much during Nights in general just because I don't have to vote or if need be, defend myself. 

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Can someone do a vote tally? I'm on mobile so I can't do it, but I can't get back to sleep at the moment and would like to make sure my vote goes to the best option. I'm not feeling the bandwagon on Assassin, I get a gut read of village on him, so I wouldn't mind countering or even tying it to see what happens with vote manips. 

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29 minutes ago, Jondesu said:

Can someone do a vote tally? I'm on mobile so I can't do it, but I can't get back to sleep at the moment and would like to make sure my vote goes to the best option. I'm not feeling the bandwagon on Assassin, I get a gut read of village on him, so I wouldn't mind countering or even tying it to see what happens with vote manips. 

Sure. I recounted all the votes:

HH (2)- Elenion, Assassin
Assassin (4)- Arinian, HH, Drake, Araris, Rae
Jondesu (2)- Joe in the Bush, Conquestor (assuming you meant Jondesu when you said "Jon"?)
Herowannabe (2)- Jondesu, Sart
Drake (1)- Wyrmhero

Also, I checked the last vote count by HH and it wasn't accounting for Conq's vote. I very highly doubt this was intentional manipulation, but I'll just point it out for the town.

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5 minutes ago, Drake Marshall said:

Sure. I recounted all the votes:

HH (2)- Elenion, Assassin
Assassin (4)- Arinian, HH, Drake, Araris, Rae
Jondesu (2)- Joe in the Bush, Conquestor (assuming you meant Jondesu when you said "Jon"?)
Herowannabe (2)- Jondesu, Sart
Drake (1)- Wyrmhero

Also, I checked the last vote count by HH and it wasn't accounting for Conq's vote. I very highly doubt this was intentional manipulation, but I'll just point it out for the town.

Much appreciated. Moving my vote wouldn't affect much now, since I don't plan to move it to Assassin, but I'll check back before rollover if I'm still awake. 

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Hm. Nothing has really happened since my last post, and my thoughts haven't changed, but Jon makes a good point about seeing what happens with the vote manipulation in the case of a tie, so I'll vote for Headshot in hopes that someone ties it up there. Should make it 3-4 Headshot/Assassin, respectively.

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I agree, Wilson. He's not my biggest concern certainly, but I'm not interested in giving up on Assassin because of a bandwagon, so here's my vote change as I said I might.  


Joe (Hemalurgic Headshot) 

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Night 7: Properly Useless

As the rest of the villagers tried to put out the fire before it spread any further, Joe was just trying to stay out of everyone’s way.

Which means he was always in the way.

He tried getting as far away as possible and wound up standing in front of the well. When he tried to hide out on a side street, it was the one people were using to haul in ash to dampen the fire. When he gave up on trying to get out of the way and help, he grabbed the wrong cask and wound up dumping more alcohol on the fire; making it worse.

Villagers started grumbling the second they saw him and he heard some people ask whether or not he was doing it all on purpose.

Finally, despite Joe’s best (or worst, depending on how you looked at it) efforts, they finally got the fire out. The woodworking shop was utterly destroyed, but the Letter Sixteen at least still stood; though it was missing an entire wall now. The villagers were actually fairly lucky that the fire hadn’t spread any further.

“I was just trying to help!” Joe said to no one, as he trudged through streets.


“Ah, hello again, Rat. Come to make fun of me too?”


“I tried to help! I really did! How was I supposed to know that Grumbles had been removing all the alcohol so it wouldn’t catch on fire? And who stacks them right next to the water casks?”


Joe stopped and turned to stare at Rat. “What do you mean the water casks were on the other side of the street? They were right next to each other!”


“Well then I must’ve gotten turned around or something,” Joe said. Then he flopped to the ground with a sigh, sitting in the middle of the street. “Maybe they’re right, Rat. Maybe I am just useless. I mean, even my ash taco business is drying up and everyone loves those! The town is in shambles, the Koloss are still on their way, and people are dying left and right. And I haven’t been able to do a thing about it.”


Joe smiled a little at that. “Now I know you’re just trying to make me feel better.”

Just then, a group of villagers rounded the corner. They looked like they were search for someone and they weren’t happy about it.

“There he is!” Shouted one of them.

So Joe stood. He had a pretty good idea what this was about. As they approached, some of them drew swords and knives.

“Why’d you do it, Joe? Why’d you try to sabotage us? That seems exactly like something one of those filthy spiked people would do.”

Joe just shrugged and smiled sadly. “Don’t suppose you’d believe me if I said said it was an accident and I’m sorry?”

But the look on their faces said it all for them and it was clearly a no.

Joe sighed again. “Fine then. Do what you have to do.” And he stood with his arms wide. He didn’t even cry out when they stabbed in the stomach multiple times and then left him for dead in the street….


What an odd noise to hear in heaven, Joe thought.


Slowly, Joe fought his way back to consciousness. There was a horrible pain in his stomach, but somehow, he was still alive. With a groan, he turned his head to the side and opened his eyes.

It was night now, but there in front of his face stood Rat and he realized that this must not be heaven after all.

“Well will you look at that, Rat.” Joe murmerred weakly. “Seems I can’t even die properly.”

Day 6 is over! Night 7 begins. You have 24 hours.

Hemalurgic Headshot was lynched, but survived!

PMs are still not open.

Hemalurgic Headshot (4)- Assassin in Burgundy, Elenion, Wilson, Jondesu
Assassin in Burgundy (3)- Arinian, Arraenae, Araris
Jondesu (2)- Joe in the Bush, Conquestor
Herowannabe (1)- Sart
Drake (1)- Wyrmhero

No Votes (15)- Elbereth, Wonko, Orlok, Gamma Fiend, Bugsy, Drake, Stink, Droughtbringer, Hemalurgic Headshot, Magestar, Silverblade, Herowannabe, I am Stick, Manukos, Seonid


Player List


Assassin In Burgundy: Fuzzy- Self Explanatory (Jaist)
Elenion: Cassius- Ladies Man (Casanova)
Seonid: Senn Conrad- Minor Nobleman (Past Lives)
A Joe in the Bush: Jack Tormander- 4th Wall Breaker (Past Lives)
Jondesu: Remart- Just under 300 lbs. He swears! (Glutton, Handicapped [Leg]) Survived!
Manukos: Enias- Cleans things….somewhere (Neat)
I_Am_Stick: Stick- Is a Stick? (Forgetful)
Wyrmhero: Wyl Sharpe- Private Detective (Guardsman)
Nyali: Nyah- Orphan (Mistwraiths Ate My Parents) Spiked Mistborn
Herowannabe: Herwynbe- Terris Steward (Terris Steward)
Arinian: Arinian- Mercenary (Forgetful, Past Lives)
Conquestor: Mr. Hoid- Absentminded Prophet (Joker, Forgetful, Prophetic)
Silverblade5: Ryth- Former Guard (Gollum)
Magestar: Carmichael- High Roller (Narcissist, Compulsive Gambler)
Arraenae: Nicki- Noblewomen Researching Inquisitors (Theorist) Survived!
Straw: Vomit- Messenger (Mistwraiths Ate My Parents, Gossip) Village Rioter
Doc12: Rin- Metallurgist (Tinker, Neat) Regular Villager
Hemalurgic_Headshot: Joe- Beggar/Former Band Member/Cook? (Useless, Cook) Survived!
Araris Valerian: Aralis- Grumpy Elderly Man (Elderly, Cynic, Bearer of a Large Thwacking Staff)
Droughtbringer: Drought- Blind Man (Handicapped [Blind])
Stink: Various- Split Personality Mistborn (Insanity)
Ecthelion III: No Name- Retired Gentleman (Elderly) Village Soother
Kipper: Kip Pikker- Traveling Bard (Narcissist) Regular Villager
TheMightyLopen: Sothe- Thief (Unlucky) Village Lurcher
Madagascar: Matilda- Mad Cat Lady (Drunk) Village Thug
Dalinar Kholin: Reginald Canuck- Polite Wayne (Kleptomaniac) Spiked Mistborn
Drake Marshall: Felix- Traveller (Survivor Priest, Scholarly)
Bugsy6912: Annix- Terrisman Scholor (Scholor, Terrisman, Hobbyist)
Gamma Fiend: Grumbles- Innkeeper (Insanity)
Little Wilson: Whistler- Shopkeeper (Neat, Compulsive Gambler, Hobbyist) Survived!
Sart: Sart- Trickster (High Imperial)
Orlock Tsubodai: Locke Tekiel- Nobleman (Nobleman)
Wonko the Sane: Abundance Org (Organization)
Elbereth: El- Apprentice Apothecary (Hopeful Orphan, Past Lives)


Edited by Alvron
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Ack, another Thug, or else a Mistborn who drew Pewter. This is getting a bit annoying. A vote was soothed off Assassin, but that could be a misdirect (especially if HH is Spiked Mistborn, since they'd know he'd survive and they could cast suspicion on Assassin.

RP to come tomorrow hopefully. 

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1 hour ago, Jondesu said:

Ack, another Thug, or else a Mistborn who drew Pewter. This is getting a bit annoying. A vote was soothed off Assassin, but that could be a misdirect (especially if HH is Spiked Mistborn, since they'd know he'd survive and they could cast suspicion on Assassin.

Ah, but good sir, you forgot that I informed Joe (HH) yesterday that I would be influencing him with Brass.


Hey look, I found a picture of myself...


But not my enemies. They can get Coinshotted tonight.


(I occasionally make memes in my spare time. I've been waiting for the night cycle to post that.)

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Hmmm i think i am more suspicious of assassin now, if hh was an elim ithink that he would had gotten some more support from his team  

Cosidering that they are two people down i dont belive that they could risk him being the center of attention 

But then again not being up for lynch would do that even more

.... I am confused ... Well at least this game is won , it is but a matter of time from now on until everyone on arinian's naughty list is lynced and among them the spiked . i do belive that tomorow we should kill arinian for verifacation . the more i think about it the more plausable it seems that this is a long con.

Also , i just finished with my exams so i'll have more time . you could say , that i am cleaning up my schedul

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Nothing to say.


I waited all night but no one came to kill me. That was disappointing. Probably they just didn't want  come to me when I waiting and prepared for that, but that mean that here was rat that informed them about it. And only who come to my mind it was innkeeper but I will talk with him later, right now I wanted to prepare but not for defence, for hunt. Tonight I will seek ones who stay on my way and will send them to the Charon's boat. 


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4 minutes ago, Arinian said:

Nothing to say.


I waited all night but no one came to kill me. That was disappointing. Probably they just didn't want  come to me when I waiting and prepared for that, but that mean that here was rat that informed them about it. And only who come to my mind it was innkeeper but I will talk with him later, right now I wanted to prepare but not for defence, for hunt. Tonight I will seek ones who stay on my way and will send them to the Charon's boat. 


Arinian- Scan me tonight. I'm one of the main suspects and I want to be cleared. 

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Great write up, Meta!

And how unfortunate. I'll say it right out: I'm Village. Now I'm no different than the Regulars, and an easy target for Elims. That was fun, wasn't it? So let's not try to kill me again (I'm not a Spiked Mistborn, as everyone else seems to be), but you could, because I would actually die that time.

So now, Assassin, you got lucky. Len was there to take my vote off you and leave me perfectly defenseless. Good job Len.

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3 minutes ago, Hemalurgic_Headshot said:

Great write up, Meta!

And how unfortunate. I'll say it right out: I'm Village. Now I'm no different than the Regulars, and an easy target for Elims. That was fun, wasn't it? So let's not try to kill me again (I'm not a Spiked Mistborn, as everyone else seems to be), but you could, because I would actually die that time.

So now, Assassin, you got lucky. Len was there to take my vote off you and leave me perfectly defenseless. Good job Len.

It's Night turn :P

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HH I'm not sure how I feel about this.

On one hand, frankly I don't find your defense very compelling...

On the other hand, my guess at role distribution is that village has a lot of pewter and the elims are a lot of mistborn. This means that, while you could totally be an elim mistborn who drew pewter... It seems slightly more probable that you are one of our many village pewterarms.

Also, if we got a village lurcher be sure to protect Arinian... I hope to the Survivor that he isn't an elim though. Arinian, I hope for all of our sakes that you accuse someone soon. Then, one way or another, we can resolve this issue. If Arinian goes too long without accusing someone, we might seriously need to consider lynching, though hopefully it won't come to that.

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1 hour ago, Drake Marshall said:

Also, if we got a village lurcher be sure to protect Arinian... I hope to the Survivor that he isn't an elim though. Arinian, I hope for all of our sakes that you accuse someone soon. Then, one way or another, we can resolve this issue. If Arinian goes too long without accusing someone, we might seriously need to consider lynching, though hopefully it won't come to that.

So, you're just going to still around and wait for Arinian to find someone? No. We're going to lynch someone every day, whether or not Arinina finds them.

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3 hours ago, Arinian said:


Seriously. I'm trying to redeem myself so another villager isn't lynched tomorrow. 

EDIT: If needed, I can roleclaim to confirm it. Because if I was an Elim soother, I'd show up a a village regular (I think. @Metacognition, please confirm this). I'm not roleless, so that can determine it. 

Edited by Assassin in Burgundy
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1 minute ago, A Joe in the Bush said:

So, you're just going to still around and wait for Arinian to find someone? No. We're going to lynch someone every day, whether or not Arinina finds them.

You misunderstand me. I never said we would wait to lynch people until Arinian accuses someone.

The entirety of what I was saying has to do with how much we trust Arinian.

If he accuses someone soon, we will lynch the accused. If the accused is not evil, we will obviously lynch Arinian. If the accused is evil, we will probably trust Arinian in the future. If Arinian does not accuse anyone soon, we as the town will be forced to consider lynching him to verify his information, although I hope it doesn't come to that.

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24 minutes ago, Drake Marshall said:

You misunderstand me. I never said we would wait to lynch people until Arinian accuses someone.

The entirety of what I was saying has to do with how much we trust Arinian.

If he accuses someone soon, we will lynch the accused. If the accused is not evil, we will obviously lynch Arinian. If the accused is evil, we will probably trust Arinian in the future. If Arinian does not accuse anyone soon, we as the town will be forced to consider lynching him to verify his information, although I hope it doesn't come to that.

Or elims just found steel on this turn and will kill me.

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