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Just now, Assassin in Burgundy said:

I'm just gonna say- if I die tonight, lynch Headshot for me. I'm really suspicious of his tunnel vision with me, and wouldn't be surprised if that made the Elim kill be on me. 

If both you and headshot are innocent, there is a very high chance the elims will kill you tonight. That was a dangerous request to make.

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Just now, Drake Marshall said:

If both you and headshot are innocent, there is a very high chance the elims will kill you tonight. That was a dangerous request to make.

Yeah, but I'm pretty sure Headshot's not. You're right though; I'll try and watch out for that in the future. Also, why are all of your posts blue?

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2 minutes ago, Assassin in Burgundy said:

Yeah, but I'm pretty sure Headshot's not. You're right though; I'll try and watch out for that in the future. Also, why are all of your posts blue?

I confirm that I am village! I am a Village Thug! If I trust you, and you actually are village, then there are Spiked among the lesser actives. So we could part ways and lynch some suspiciously inactive player tomorrow.

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8 minutes ago, Assassin in Burgundy said:

Yeah, but I'm pretty sure Headshot's not. You're right though; I'll try and watch out for that in the future. Also, why are all of your posts blue?

Purple, not blue.

Pretty sure at the beginning of this game someone set up a convention for OOC comments but still game-related being purple (feel no compulsion to follow the purple-text thing though, its hardly part of the SE rulebook). I personally find it useful as a way to separate RP from just straight analysis.

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9 minutes ago, Hemalurgic_Headshot said:

I confirm that I am village! I am a Village Thug! If I trust you, and you actually are village, then there are Spiked among the lesser actives. So we could part ways and lynch some suspiciously inactive player tomorrow.


...Alright. I won't push for your lynch, as long as nothing super incriminating pops up. 

EDIT: @Drake Marshall Oh ok.  Sorry, I'm a bit colorblind. 

Edited by Assassin in Burgundy
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Although I strongly believe in atheist capitalism, I guess being a theistic capitalist wouldn't be that bad.  After all, all that would mean would be that I was blessed. I just prefer to think that I've earned it all myself.

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25 minutes ago, Elenion said:

Although I strongly believe in atheist capitalism, I guess being a theistic capitalist wouldn't be that bad.  After all, all that would mean would be that I was blessed. I just prefer to think that I've earned it all myself.

I suspect Adam Smith was a deist, which meant he probably still believed he'd earned it all himself, even though he believed in the existence of a God...

And plenty of more formal religions including one that I suspect survivorism was inspired by do not teach that rich people are rich because God favors them.

On the other hand, the Survivor was a renowned thief, which implies a belief in the redistribution of wealth.

Although on the other hand the Lord Ruler didn't exactly support a free market so maybe the Survivor's thievery was in support of capitalism.

The survivor is capitalist confirmed. :P

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Who's this Adam Smith guy everyone is talking about? It was I who invented Capitalism, and named it after myself. Danger may be my middle name, but Capital is my last. Cassius Danger Capital, that's my name.  Hence why I called it Capitalism, with a capital C.

But hold on for a second: you knew about Capitalism! I'm famous!  Drinks for everyone, on me!


@Drake Marshall Before we get any further, I want to make it clear that I know about Adam Smith and the true origins of capitalism. It's Cassius who doesn't.

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Day 7: Pulses

Arinian was not asleep. He didn’t sleep most nights. Especially not since the meeting with his brother. This debt he owed had become deadly serious.

….Not that it wasn’t before…. It was still a life debt after all.

But after that, it consumed him.

He searched every nook and cranny in the town. He then searched them twice.


These people I hunt, they are good, he thought as he made his rounds for another sleepless night. It was his third and the wear of them was beginning to take its toll on him. He wouldn’t give up, though.

He trudged down yet another dark alley, the same as all the others in Tyrian Falls: cobblestone-paved, dark buildings leaning against each other like they were whispering about the people passing beneath their shuttered windows, grime and filth coating everything. No sound or sight of anyone else anywhere.

His bronze was on a continuous low burn, now. He wasn’t sure the last time he’d turned it off. He couldn’t sense everything, but… enough. Enough, perhaps, even to. tell him when someone was Spiked. He wasn’t sure. It was a new theory, and he hadn’t been able to test it yet. But he had hopes, and he hadn’t been wrong yet.

He frowned. He sensed pulses, now, behind him. They were… odd.

He paused in the alley and focused on that sense, quietly drawing his sword. He hadn’t known what Spiked pulses would really feel like, but these were unlike anything he’d sensed before, certainly.

He waited until he heard a light footfall behind him, then spun, driving the figure behind him backwards with the point of his sword. They scrambled away, Arinian giving chase, but at the mouth of the alley they turned back and clashed their sword with his.

It was Arinian’s turn to be driven back, now. This Spiked was good. Their sword gleamed dully in the starlight. Arinian couldn’t see anything else about them, only a shadow against the blacker night.

Arinian nearly fell against the wall, but no. He would not let this murderer get away again. This was why he’d been patrolling, wasn’t it? He wanted a chance to find a spiked? Well. Now he had that chance.

He fought back, giving himself enough space to maneuver properly again. He wasn’t winning, still, but he had hope. Perhaps the clashing would be heard by someone in one of the buildings that comprised the alley. Perhaps someone would come to help.

The fight wore on. Both Arinian and his opponent were tiring now. The question was merely who would falter first.

Arinian never got the chance to find out. The villagers sitting and listening within the walls didn’t dare stir at the noise, but someone else heard and came.

Arinian didn’t notice until a dagger took him in the back.

Night 7 has ended and Day 7 begins! You have 48 hours.

Arinian was attacked! They were a Village Seeker.

Good Luck!


Player List


Assassin In Burgundy: Fuzzy- Self Explanatory (Jaist)
Elenion: Cassius- Ladies Man (Casanova)
Seonid: Senn Conrad- Minor Nobleman (Past Lives)
A Joe in the Bush: Jack Tormander- 4th Wall Breaker (Past Lives)
Jondesu: Remart- Just under 300 lbs. He swears! (Glutton, Handicapped [Leg]) Survived!
Manukos: Enias- Cleans things….somewhere (Neat)
I_Am_Stick: Stick- Is a Stick? (Forgetful)
Wyrmhero: Wyl Sharpe- Private Detective (Guardsman)
Nyali: Nyah- Orphan (Mistwraiths Ate My Parents) Spiked Mistborn
Herowannabe: Herwynbe- Terris Steward (Terris Steward)
Arinian: Arinian- Mercenary (Forgetful, Past Lives) Village Seeker
Conquestor: Mr. Hoid- Absentminded Prophet (Joker, Forgetful, Prophetic)
Silverblade5: Ryth- Former Guard (Gollum)
Magestar: Carmichael- High Roller (Narcissist, Compulsive Gambler)
Arraenae: Nicki- Noblewomen Researching Inquisitors (Theorist) Survived!
Straw: Vomit- Messenger (Mistwraiths Ate My Parents, Gossip) Village Rioter
Doc12: Rin- Metallurgist (Tinker, Neat) Regular Villager
Hemalurgic_Headshot: Joe- Beggar/Former Band Member/Cook? (Useless, Cook) Survived!
Araris Valerian: Aralis- Grumpy Elderly Man (Elderly, Cynic, Bearer of a Large Thwacking Staff)
Droughtbringer: Drought- Blind Man (Handicapped [Blind])
Stink: Various- Split Personality Mistborn (Insanity)
Ecthelion III: No Name- Retired Gentleman (Elderly) Village Soother
Kipper: Kip Pikker- Traveling Bard (Narcissist) Regular Villager
TheMightyLopen: Sothe- Thief (Unlucky) Village Lurcher
Madagascar: Matilda- Mad Cat Lady (Drunk) Village Thug
Dalinar Kholin: Reginald Canuck- Polite Wayne (Kleptomaniac) Spiked Mistborn
Drake Marshall: Felix- Traveller (Survivor Priest, Scholarly)
Bugsy6912: Annix- Terrisman Scholor (Scholor, Terrisman, Hobbyist)
Gamma Fiend: Grumbles- Innkeeper (Insanity)
Little Wilson: Whistler- Shopkeeper (Neat, Compulsive Gambler, Hobbyist) Survived!
Sart: Sart- Trickster (High Imperial)
Orlock Tsubodai: Locke Tekiel- Nobleman (Nobleman)
Wonko the Sane: Abundance Org (Organization)
Elbereth: El- Apprentice Apothecary (Hopeful Orphan, Past Lives)

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No time to meme right now, but...

Lurchers, Y U no protect Arin?

Cassius yawned. He needed a good night's sleep, and that was more important than wondering about who killed Arinian. His Captain Cassius side would have to wait.

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When Nicki walked back in through the door, she did it much more cautiously. She didn’t want to step on Rin’s body again.

She walked over to the shelf. Hundreds of vials filled the shelves, each containing metal suspended in a little bit of alcohol. Nicki grabbed as many vials as she could hold and then began downing them. Steel, iron, zinc, copper, brass, tin -- she couldn’t tell which was which, and she didn’t care. She could burn all of the toxins out of her system with pewter.

Another metal reserve opened up in Nicki. The booklet had been right! She took a deep breath and flared her new metal as hard as she could.

The world distorted around Nicki. She winced and closed her eyes. When she looked up, someone was staring at her, and someone was staring at her.

She was a woman whose threats of violence barely covered her insecurity. A scar ran down her face, from the bridge of her nose to her cheek. Her father had died the day he had been taken, but she still acted as if the abomination she’d seen at public executions was him. She had no concept of subtlety or persuasion. She burned her pewter even when she didn’t need to, leading to a sort of addiction. This woman lived a lonely life, with only her and the fading memory of her father.

She was a woman who lacked the strength to do what needed to be done. Her hands were soft, and though she still practiced defending herself, her body was weak. When her father had been taken, she had stayed to run her House. Even though her father was still alive, she acted as if the Inquisitor flying around Luthadel was a stranger. By necessity, she had learned to cheat and lie and steal and backstab, but she never was the one to deal the final blow. She burned pewter only when necessary, to lend an extra bit of grace, or to stop a fall, or survive an assassination attempt from her enemies. This woman had long stopped caring for her family.

Somehow, she was both at the same time. But the other one was weak, a fool.

Nicki glared at herself and clenched her fists. By the Lord Ruler, she sickened herself. Meanwhile, she relaxed at the show of aggression and smiled lazily.

Nicki punched her other self in the face. She screamed and flew backwards, into a wall. Immediately, she burned pewter and got up. She punched again, but blocked the blow. Really, was violence the best that she could do? Nicki couldn’t see how she had survived at if violence was her solution to everything. No matter how many bones she broke and people she killed, her father was gone. Nothing would bring him back. Denial wouldn’t solve anything.

Nicki kicked at her head. Contemptuously, she caught her foot and pulled up, bringing herself to the ground. How had she forgotten that lesson? Her father had told her to never give a skilled enemy an opportunity to catch her legs. She pinned her other self to the ground and began pummelling her head.

Nicki have to give herself credit -- she was better than the Erikell assassin. Still, a Noblewoman never went unprepared. She brought her hands to her face to block the blows, but some still landed anyways. Pewter dulled the pain.

The vision ended as abruptly as it started. Her other self faded.

Gasping, Nicki collapsed onto the floor. By the Lord Ruler, what --- how -- what metal was that? She didn’t remember all of the allomantic metals, just the useful ones.

She stood up and walked away from the shelf of vials. Whatever metal that had been, she had no interest in burning it again.

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Well... Arinian's dead.


It's possible the village does not have a living lurcher. I can't really imagine why a living village lurcher would choose to do anything else than protect Arinian.

On the other hand, it is also worth noting that nobody else was attacked tonight. Most nights include two attacks. So its quite possible that we do have a lurcher, who did protect Arinian... But the elims attacked him twice so he still died.


Anyways, that means everyone who Arinian successfully scanned is 100% town confirmed. We can and should trust those people. The living person in this group that I recall is Joe in the Bush, but if someone has a complete list of the living confirmed town, it would be much appreciated.


I will wait for more discussion in this cycle before I vote anyone I think. I'll try to get at least one RP post in this cycle as well.

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as i said last cycle i am quite happy with tgis development now our path to victory is clear we just have to lynch those who are not verified villagers by arinian 

i will start with HH . sry m8

(edit, note: i am fine with lynching myself if you desire ),

also i am cleaning the vacum , does that make me a vacum cleaner ? (whatever this futuristic word means)

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So with the Seeker down, things aren't looking too bright.

Arinian cleared quite a few, including Joe(in the Bush), Rae, Bugsy, and Wonko. These are people that if someone votes on them, tun on your Elim siren.

@Manukos, you're quite suspicious yourself. I've died once, and you could kill me again, placing the village one more Villager down. Good luck with that.

I'm quite suspicious of Drake. I'll see how this goes.

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9 minutes ago, Hemalurgic_Headshot said:

So with the Seeker down, things aren't looking too bright.

Arinian cleared quite a few, including Joe(in the Bush), Rae, Bugsy, and Wonko. These are people that if someone votes on them, tun on your Elim siren.

@Manukos, you're quite suspicious yourself. I've died once, and you could kill me again, placing the village one more Villager down. Good luck with that.

I'm quite suspicious of Drake. I'll see how this goes.

if the spiked_are_mistborn hypothesis is correct then , the fact that you servived makes you only more suspicious my dear HH but i agree that Drake doesn't seem any more innocent  but it is not important .

i have said that i am fine with lynching myself if there is discord among us , but the victory is within sight  and we only need to take it methodicaly one step at a time , i dont think that the order matters that much any more .

the lurchers have to protect the known villagers and if we have any coinshots omong us , go wild 

QUESTION: if i die but the village wins do i still win?


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5 hours ago, Hemalurgic_Headshot said:

You win if you want to.

But you can leave your friends behind...

More seriously, if your side wins, you win. If you had to be alive to win, that would lead to people making suboptimal plays and deliberately sabotaging their own side just so they could survive for the win.

Another day, another death. And this time, it was someone helping us with our inquiries. I wasn't too surprised. Even if he wasn't someone we'd turned into a proper snitch, talking to the authorities about stuff like this was still a dangerous job. I wasn't surprised someone tried to kill him. Was surprised that he died, though. Felt someone would've probably jumped in to defend him. Guess not though, and that told us rather a lot about things. None of them particularly good. Still, at least one good thing came of this - The people he named, well, we could be fairly sure about that lot. No reason for the guy to lie about something like this when we knew he was on our side. So that helped to narrow down the suspects quite dramatically.


I found Enias to be acting a bit odd. Right now, he was advocating that we just methodically kill ourselves so only Arinian's people were still alive. Didn't sound like a particularly smart way to go about things to me. Sure, the enemy was within that number. But that didn't mean we should give up on trying to puzzle out who was actually behind it. The more people we could save from this, the better. He also sounded a bit odd to me. Not just how he said stuff, but in his actions as well. Particularly now, when he changed who he voted for so very quickly. What was the point of placing a vote on someone you found suspicious and then removing it immediately after? And for what reasoning, exactly? Did he even have a reason to vote for Drake, regardless of how I was looking at the guy? Certainly hadn't said anything along those lines.

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Apologies for the lack in RP, I hope to make up for it soon.  For now, while I'm not abandoning my suspicions of Herwynbe, Enias (Manukos) has been setting off red flags for me as well lately, as has Felix (Drake Marshall).  Granted, I was more than half convinced Wonko was going to be Elim, and I agree that he's cleared now, so don't count on my reads completely.  Those suspicions have one vote each for now, so I'm putting my vote on Enias (Manukos). 

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After nearly two full days in bed, the fever finally broke. Herwynbe rose and shakily made his way to the washbasin where he splashed some water on his face. The fever had come on suddenly and had confined the steward to his bed the entire time. 

What is the situation with the village? What about the Koloss army? Are preparations being made to deal with them? By the forgotten gods, I have missed so much. Too much. I must get back to work. 

Herwynbe made his way down to the kitchens. He was still weak from his illness, but he would have to do the best he could anyway. 


Hey guys, sorry I've been absent the past few days. Real life reared its ugly head and I have barely had time to check the thread, let alone post anything. The flip side is that things are tentstively looking good for getting my business started, that's what's been occupying most of my time  

I've missed most of the past couple days worth of posts. Trying to get caught up today.

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Drake, If Arinian had been double-tapped, the writeup would have said something like this:

Arinian was attacked but survived!
Arinian was attacked! He was a village Seeker!

Lopen was double-tapped (obviously, since any village Lurcher with a brain would have wanted to protect themselves. The elims knew that and double-tapped him to override his protection.) His death announcement looked something like that.

I can think of several scenarios based off of this:

  1. There are no more village Lurchers left. Which could mean that:
    A. The one who protected Wilson was a village Mistborn. They protected her once, but only they know if they have access to iron since.
    B. Lopen lied about not protecting Wilson, for some reason. This scenario seems unlikely.
    C. Lopen did not protect Wilson. An eliminator did. Either they tried to create a Wounded Gazelle Gambit or a Healthy Gazelle Gambit. All this really tells us is that the elims are intelligent, which is an assumption that we should always make.
  2. There are village Lurchers left, but they protected someone other than Arinian, or didn't protect anyone at all. And this means:
    A. The Lurcher(s), for whatever reason, didn't protect anybody. Maybe they were inactive, or had RL issues, or just plain forgot. I think this is possible, but not plausible.
    B. The Lurcher(s) protected someone else. Maybe they didn't trust Arinian, or they found someone else more important to protect, or they thought it was unlikely that Arinian would be attacked.

I think it's telling that Arinian wasn't double-tapped. This probably means that the elims don't have a Coinshot (though they might still have a few more Mistborn. But hopefully we got them all, or they won't get steel.)

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Wait a minute: we're overlooking the obvious. But fear not, Captain Cassius is here!

[/ego] :P

What if the elims did double-tap Arinian, but since he wasn't protected the first action killed him and the second action failed, thus not making the write-up?

Right now I'm reading negatively on Drake. It's really just gut at this point, though.

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