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EDIT: Here are some Reddit WoBs compiled by Pagerunner.
Have you ever had a problem with finding a WoB? Post here, describe what WoB was about or perhaps some phrases you remember and chances are somebody has it handy!

Reminder: This is not the place for discussion.

Anyway: does anyone remember a WoB that powers in nicrosil have to be stored separately?

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This one? (Hard to find via search because it doesn't actually have the word "nicrosil" in it...)




The compounding trick that the Lord Ruler performed. When you’re storing investiture, are you storing your ‘mistborn-ness’ or all the powers individually?

Brandon Sanderson

All of the powers individually.


[Surprised, because this dashed a favorite theory of mine] Oh okay!

Brandon Sanderson

Yeah, the compounding trick. Really what’s happening is you’re fueling feruchemy with the power of allomancy, but you’re filtering it through you, and then you’re storing it.


So it’s not that you’re a more powerful mistborn when you’ve tapped [investiture]

Brandon Sanderson

No, good question.


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16 minutes ago, Spoolofwhool said:

Anyone remember a WoB talking about a non-Nalthian with breath would have to jump through hoops to awaken?

I remember to the contrary: anyone with Breath can Awaken. You might be thinking that not all Innate Investiture can be used for Awakening.

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This is the one Spoolofwhool's referencing.

On 3/20/2014 at 7:59 AM, Pechvarry said:

I didn't get a HUGE amount out of my time in line. My ears turned red and I stumbled on the English language and I really wish I had recorded his precise answers. The following is paraphrased:

Q: Could you make a Spike from a Lifeless?
A: "Oooo interesting!" He said their soul is so drained there wouldn't be much left, so you could only get the barest hint.
Q: But you COULD technically get a charge
A: Yes, but it would be very weak.

Q: I asked him to clarify a past WoB we went 'round and around on in the past. Basically, what happens when non-Nalthians come to Nalthis.
A: they cannot use their own soul to Awaken but could do so with obtained Breath.
Q: So anyone could start Awakening once they received Breaths (this is what it sounded like he was saying so I put it to him simply)
A: You would probably have to jump through some hoops to Awaken (talks about systems needing rigged up to work on different planets), but anyone can benefit from a Breath.  Essentially said "it's not that easy!"

Very cool. Glad I went.  Wish I had formulated better what i wanted clarified for my second question.

*Saved as "Hoops to awaken" in my mondo-folder of WoBs.

Note that it's a paraphrase; and though it's a few months before the anyone with Breath can Awaken WoB, that one is also a bit sketchy to extend out to anyone with Breath can awaken, since the statement wasn't really in a worldhopping context: it could easily be interpreted as "anyone from Nalthis can awaken".

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@Pagerunner the first one talks about the magic/science dychotomy. So it does not prove that a non-Nalthian could Awaken given a supply of Breaths, it's more along the lines "any Nalthian could be an Awakener".

I could swear I have seen something about some Spiritual gene needed to Awaken but I never found it.

EDIT: Actually, that second WoB...


if someone not from Nalthis were to suddenly gain the ability to become an Awakener, they could not use what they have to Awaken something. That's not to say that they can't receive breaths though.

It can be understood in different ways. Brandon does talk about "ability to become an Awakener" and that without Breaths on top of it you can't Awaken. Then he adds that they can receive Breaths which would imply that both requirement have to be met.

This is one of the interpretations and I do not wish to discuss it. If anyone has a definite WoB on this, please supply.

EDIT: @Kurkistan, you're the man :D But seriously though, you have your own database of WoBs?

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14 minutes ago, Kurkistan said:

This is the one Spoolofwhool's referencing.

*Saved as "Hoops to awaken" in my mondo-folder of WoBs.

Note that it's a paraphrase; and though it's a few months before the anyone with Breath can Awaken WoB, that one is also a bit sketchy to extend out to anyone with Breath can awaken, since the statement wasn't really in a worldhopping context: it could easily be interpreted as "anyone from Nalthis can awaken".

That's interesting, since that seems to contradict, if only by implication, this more recent WoB:



So we know that you can’t just have someone--if someone were to do something similar to Hoid, he can’t just pop and go ‘oh look, I can now do Allomancy or now do Surgebinding’. What about Breath? Could somebody give Breath--could they still get the benefits--


Oh, good question. Yes you can, actually. Breath, once it is given to you, it is being keyed to you--your Identity. So that transfer makes it yours to use however you want.


So you could Awaken?


You could Awaken. If you were to somehow make it there, you would be able to Awaken. It’s the easiest of magics to get the magic from, and then to manipulate. Because it has keyed into it Identity.




Yes, you can take Breath onto another world. In fact, you’ve seen characters do this.




Yes, it would work the same way. The only magic that is location-dependent-- the ones who aren’t interested in this, just hum to yourself, okay? You don’t need to know any of this stuff to enjoy the books, okay? I’ve [written] them so that each series can be read independently, and enjoyed. There is behind the scenes stuff, and if you want to dig, it goes pretty deep. So on Sel, we have AonDor. AonDor is based on the fact that the Dor, which is an amalgamation of Dominion and Devotion, has been pressed together and stuffed into the Cognitive Realm by Odium who didn’t want it to gain sentience, as Investiture will do if it is left alone. It will either seek someone to be its Vessel or it will gain sentience. He pressed it in there; he pressed it together, which creates the violent reaction, because those two Intents are opposed. And that is the foundation of the magic. Because it’s stuck in the Cognitive Realm rather than the Spiritual Realm (the Spiritual Realm is location-independent; Cognitive Realm is location-dependent), it makes the magic on Sel only work in close proximity to what is keyed through there to the location they’re keyed to. This has to do with Identity and Connection--mostly Connection. So that means you can’t do AonDor on another planet, but you can do other magics works anywhere, because they’re drawing the magics specifically through either the place, or they’re end-neutral, like Breath is, and don’t need any extra power


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1 hour ago, Kurkistan said:

Yup, that'll do it. Given that the newer WoB is 1) Newer and 2) Not-paraphrased, it wins the day.

Yeah, I'll take it as truth. I'm still interested though in what was the basis for the previous responses about hoops and gaining the ability to awaken. Might ask it as a WoB if I ever have the chance.

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1 minute ago, Chaos said:

Question: wouldn't the Cosmere Q&A board be more suited for this format of topic? 

I have thought about that. But this is one thread and in Q&A it would already be three separate topics. Also, if this keeps going, you end up with a thread filled with obscure WoBs which would otherwise get lost in the depths of Q&A.

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9 minutes ago, Chaos said:

I suppose, but it would be closer to the true essence of Stack Exchange

Yeah, that's true. But our Q&A has only one level of answers while Stack Exchange has two. It's a big difference.

Also, Q&A wouldn't really work well - if somebody remembers the WoB it would be one reply thread. Just taking up space.

And I kind of hope that people who know WoBs by heart will occasionaly check what's going on here, what is searched for. Much easier to do than to regularly check Q&A subforum (which is kinda intimidating).

9 minutes ago, Chaos said:

if this becomes 50+ pages, I'm pretty sure topic names would be easier to search.

I think I'll occasionaly compile WoBs in the OP.

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I'm in favor of this thread. The great thing about the Q&A subforum is that a bunch of people can answer a question, and the best ones get voted up, and then the best questions get voted up, so it's a good archive. I don't think this thread actually needs to have a WoB archive in it - it's more a collaborative space for people looking for a particular WoB. It's a narrow focus, to connect with certain individuals, and I think it fits much better with the 'feel' of the Cosmere Theories forum than the Q&A subforum, in terms of depth of discussion.

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I'm not really opposed to either scenario, I'm just playing devil's advocate.

I'm not sure summing up WoB in the OP is the wisest idea. The Ultimate List dies because it gets unwieldy. That's probably not the best solution. But, carry on, it should be fine for a while.

(We know you're hurting for a better WoB database. We know :) )

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3 minutes ago, Chaos said:

(We know you're hurting for a better WoB database. We know :) )

They said admins can't sense the pain hidden deep inside your heart if your upvotes/posts ratio is more than 0.5.

They were wrong.

6 minutes ago, Chaos said:

I'm not sure summing up WoB in the OP is the wisest idea. The Ultimate List dies because it gets unwieldy. That's probably not the best solution. But, carry on, it should be fine for a while.

Well, this probably won't ever get as popular as the Ultimate List.

BTW, is Ultimate List even working anymore or are we just posting there out of habit?

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4 minutes ago, Oversleep said:

Well, this probably won't ever get as popular as the Ultimate List.

BTW, is Ultimate List even working anymore or are we just posting there out of habit?

I mean, I've made a few topics searching for quotes before, so this is nice.

I'm not the person to ask about the Ultimate List, sorry. That is a domain I passed off and don't want to spend brainpower thinking about. I do know Windrunner, WeiryWriter, and I are extremely, extremely busy with many things. 

I would generally say the Ultimate List is too big to be useful... I've looked there sometimes for good questions to ask, but there's a lot that is not great in there. 

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1 minute ago, Chaos said:

I would generally say the Ultimate List is too big to be useful... I've looked there sometimes for good questions to ask, but there's a lot that is not great in there. 

The obvious solution is Super Ultimate List thread :ph34r:

I post there out of habit. I need to comb through it for my posts to make my own list of questions.

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On 20/01/2017 at 11:17 PM, Spoolofwhool said:

Yeah, I'll take it as truth. I'm still interested though in what was the basis for the previous responses about hoops and gaining the ability to awaken. Might ask it as a WoB if I ever have the chance.

I would imagine the hoops would be the training and visualisation and lessons on speaking that Vasher gave to Vivenna, since a non Nathalian would have no idea about even the misconstrued legends about Awakening. Plus if you're not on Nathalis or know Vasher's trick to turn Stormlight into Breaths (though that might just be using Investiture to sustain him), you'd have a limited stock of Breaths to experiment with and practise.

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16 minutes ago, Rawrbert said:

I would imagine the hoops would be the training and visualisation and lessons on speaking that Vasher gave to Vivenna, since a non Nathalian would have no idea about even the misconstrued legends about Awakening. Plus if you're not on Nathalis or know Vasher's trick to turn Stormlight into Breaths (though that might just be using Investiture to sustain him), you'd have a limited stock of Breaths to experiment with and practise.

Possibly, but I doubt it. Sounds to be more in-line with his previous WoB of someone needing to get the ability to awaken, then he might have changed his plans for it and how it works. Also, I'm fairly certain Vasher isn't turning stormlight into Breath, just absorbing the Investiture directly. 

Finally, Nalthis.

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