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Long Game 30: Journey Before Destination


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47 minutes ago, randuir said:

 One final thing, even if we don't have any particular suspicions about someone at the end of this cycle, we will have to make sure the interrogation we've chosen has enough votes to stick, otherwise it will be too easy for a couple of elims to sneak in and switch the lynch to someone of their choosing without getting too much attention. Or alternatively, we could leave the vote open for last minute switches in an effort to try and draw out the elims, though that is unlikely to work unless the vote was on an elim to start with (as in AG3, where there was a tied vote on an elim mistborn and a villager at the start of the game which got manipulated into the elims favor).

Please, please don't reference other ongoing games - I'm aware that you haven't actually revealed anything about the game, but it's generally better to avoid doing so as much as you possibly can.

Also, if an elim sneaks in last minute in thread to switch the lynch, we'll see and be suspicious of that person - and given that no Bonds have formed, there literally cannot be any vote manipulation each turn. So at least for right now, there's nothing to worry about on that front. 

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4 minutes ago, Elbereth said:

Please, please don't reference other ongoing games - I'm aware that you haven't actually revealed anything about the game, but it's generally better to avoid doing so as much as you possibly can.

I don't play in that game, so I don't have any information that isn't freely available, but I'll remember not to mention ongoing games in the future.

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13 hours ago, Hemalurgic_Headshot said:

Hmmm. It has been five hours since I have posted, and no one else has posted anything. I guess I'll start doing things.

An old farmer's proverb goes like this: a day without work is a day wasted. Sareth had heard this saying for years during his childhood, but once he grew old enough to question it, he found that it was false. There are other productive ways to spend a day than just work. In addition, work is a vague term. So, Sareth dismissed this old phrase as just a piece of outdated wisdom. However, age brings new wisdom. In a way, that old proverb is correct. Work is essential in a day, no matter if you spend sunrise to sunset in the fields or simply move a piece of furniture. But in another sense, the phrase is a call to action. And Sareth will not waste this day.

His eye scanned the Initiates. He was not inclined to kill any of them, for surely the culprit, when found, would be executed. However, a systematic approach through each Initiate would effectively locate the murderer, if nothing rash is done by any of the more passionate Initiates. Oh, how completely terrible this could end if someone jumps to the wrong conclusions...

There. The young one, Rea. He seems like a good place to start. Sareth walked towards him.

Rea stood shivering in the gentle rains of the Riddens, soaked to the bone. He hated being wet, hated how his clothes stuck to his body, and his hair dripped down in front of his eyes, making him look at the world through a mess of black. The past hour was an unrecallable haze of wind, rain, and light, swirling around, Rea doing his best just to survive. When he first heard Kaladin say that they would be staying out in the highstorm, Rea couldn't believe his ears, but her fury was soon drowned out by the need to survive, but as the storm died down, the light rains did nothing to smother the anger he had at the pretentious Knight. What, so just because someone died, that means it's ok for him to stick all of us out here? He thought angrily to himself. Just because someone was an idiot, we all have to pay? He huffed a bit in outrage. People die all the time. No one does anything for the ones on the streets who get murdered, why are the people inside here so important? The sound of wet footfalls sloshing through puddles made him look up, and loose his train of thought.

Another initiate was walking towards him, something off about him. Rea squinted at him, and then realized what it was. His eyes. WAY to big. What do you have to do to get eyes that big. He wondered 

"Hi!" Rea shouted over to the man walking over. "Nice weather we're having," He said with a slight grin.


So right now I really don't have any idea who could have done anything. It's not like we have much information to go off of. No one was murdered (well, no PC's were murdered), so it’s hard to see what the unjusts' motives are right now.  Also, was that just a poke vote @Hemalurgic_Headshot, or do you really suspect poor, innocence Rea for the murder of someone :P 

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He was up. Finally. Painfully. 

Well. There was no pain left, yes. The Light had healed all his cuts, his bruises and wounds. He felt as good as he had ever been. His eyes...they still saw nothing but darkness, stormlight floating in its midst, and the occasional shadow lurking beyond the Light. 

Why? Why didn't the Light restore his eyes too? They were wounds too, weren't they? Were the wounds simply too old to heal?

In any case, he had gotten up, and was fumbling with the rope at his waist. After managing to unknot it, he ran a hand over his new uniform, feeling all the cuts and tears in the cloth. He frowned. Being blind had not hindered much. He had taught himself many skills that he had while sighted. Sewing...was not one of the skill he could learn. Briefly, he wondered if he could get someone to fix up the new uniform. 

Listening intently, brushing his feet in a circle around him, he tried to ascertain as to whether he was alone on the walls. His foot bumped into a leg. Ah. Turning in that general direction, he offered a brief nod. 

Kaladin's words were still swimming in his mind. Someone had murdered the first initiate. Lomot. Apparently he had been on his way back from the party when he was ambushed and killed by a Shardblade. Hithon felt like laughing. They were all initiates here, were they not? Was one of the initiates influential enough to have procured a Shardblade? A Blade that could buy a small kingdom? 

In any case, he wondered whether to be happy that he had been right. He had predicted that disaster would strike the gathering, and it had. 

But enough of this, before his mind went down...darker paths. 

He turned to the initiate beside him, and nodded again, this time speaking. 

"Hithon Thindir. Who do I have the presumed honor of addressing?"

Anyone want to come talk to little old me? :D Come be Hithon's  victim  conversational partner!

I didn't post any discussion earlier with my RP because at that point in time I had nothing much to say. Thank you Randuir for restarting discussion, I guess.

So last cycle, there was only RP and some suggested strategies, and there was no death this cycle except for Lomot. As Silver said above me, we don't really have much to go on. The idea of tracking honor was brought up, and there seemed to be general agreement. I myself have been making a spreadsheet to track honor the same way I did in MR17. There was also some little discussion about whether to spend all your honor on one spren or two cover your bases, which I felt wasn't entirely agreed on. That's okay. Everyone should have the choice tod o what they want.

The people who were making an effort to discuss last cycle, I feel, were Lopen, Drake, Joe, Arin. 

Drake was the first to ponder eliminator behaviour, on whether they would want to bond a spren as fast as possible, or whether they would hang back and not bond carelessly, due to the faction action making them lose their bonds. He suggested that we should be careful of those who had a bond, but lost it. I think that's a pretty solid idea, and worth keeping in mind. 

Lopen thought that the eliminators would want to bond as fast as possible, being no disadvantage that he could see. He presumed that some would focus on getting spren, while the rest killed. He agreed that people who lost their bonds are good targets for investigation, although he cautions that there may be other reasons for this. Personally, I disagree with this. The only way one would lose a spren (without dying) is by 1)Being an eliminator who uses the action, 2)Being a trigger-happy Dustbringer, and 3)Not feeding your spren enough honor. Option 1 is obvious. Option 2 should be fairly easy to verify. For option 3, it's a simple as checking the person's activity. If he went inactive for a cycle, well, then it's probably innocent. I personally would still be suspicious, though, as it could be a ploy to throw us off and a good excuse to lose a spren. Anyway, Lopen continues to suggest that the village bond Dustbringer spren, in part to keep it from the Unjust, in part to have a chance to kill them without using executions.  

Randuir gave a short suggestion that in late-game where the number of players are fewer, those without spren bonds could become suspect. That's a fair point, but it would have to drop to around 10 players for that suggestion to actually take effect.

Then I came in and pointed out that the interrogation lynch by it's nature has lessened its use as a tool for finding information quickly, as we essentially need a two-step lynch to find out a player's alignment. Building on that, I suggested that the best tools for information for us would be the Truthwatcher role, the Lightweaver role, and the Dustbringer role, and advised working towards these three.

Next is Joe, who in his RP discounted the use of most spren, focusing instead on Honorspren, reflectionspren and inkspren. He argues that a Windrunner role aided by a Truthwatcher role could become a very good team. In his RP, he indicates that he finds the Elsecaller role interesting as well.

Arin posted some of his thoughts in regard to eliminator actions. He suggested that the eliminators would 1)Not bond at all and use their faction action, or 2)Split the team into those who would bond and those who used the action. He thought that the eliminators would find the Dustbringer role especially useful, and that the eliminators would try to take turns passing the role between themselves. He also noted that the Eliminators would attempt to go after the Edgedancer role to escape from prison. He ends his advice by telling the village to bond everything, and shares some thoughts on the prices of spren based on how important he perceives them. Lastly, he makes a point about how useful the Lightweaver role could be in spying on the prison PMs.

I believe those were the main discussion points of the last cycle, and if I have missed anything, feel free to correct me. Based on this alone, I have not found anything in particular that says 'village' or 'eliminator'. It's simply too early to tell. Hopefully more players will start posting discussion. 

For this cycle, I don't have much to say yet. Some poke votes being thrown around. The only one I found of note was Darkness, who was suspicious of Assassin for 'asking questions and not posting this cycle'. Darkness, it was still early in that cycle. There are still a bunch of people who haven't posted either. Are you suspicious of them all?

There's honestly not much to discuss this cycle, is there? Anyways, I'll be active in PMs if anyone wants to ask me anything. 


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All around the roof, panicked initiates were clambering around, grabbing onto ropes and tying themselves off. Captain Windrunner stood at the edge of the roof, his back to the storm wall, and fully infused with bloodlight. Jonly stayed calm, trying to figure out the Windrunner’s game. Was this a test of some sort? See if they could survive? Or if they could ride the storms as he did? Or was it something more sinister?

Captain Windrunner didn’t seem to be a monster, but perhaps he simply chose to hide it better than Jonly did. Either way, he wouldn’t get more information until after the storm had passed. Nearly all the ropes had been claimed, now, and most of the initiates were fully secured. He glanced around, checking off to see where each of them had positioned themselves. Some had run for the ropes at the back, cowardice or prudence? While others had tried to get in the center of the group, for security? One, wasn’t there.

Jonly grabbed a rope, and begin to count the initiates. 21, and himself. Lomot was missing. Why? Had he fled? Been punished? Bonded a spren already? Frowning, Jonly tightened the rope around his waist, then sat down in meditation position. He had spent untold thousands of nights in this position, legs, crossed, arms resting on his knees, chin down and eyes closed. He closed off his senses, storing them in tin minds. All except hearing. He tapped his iron minds, increasing his weight to prevent the storm from blowing backwards.

And then, he listened.

The Stormwall hit. He could hear everything perfectly. Millions of raindrops hitting cloth, skin and stone, and bouncing off. They blended together into one unending drone. At these speeds, the wind could be described as whistling. It screamed. In hatred, and in terror, and in love, and in joy, the wind screamed through his ears. Some of the initiates screamed with it. They screamed obscenities, and wordless cries, platitudes, and prayers.

God would answer none of them.

Jonly used his heartbeat as a reference point, keeping count of how since the wall hit. After a minute of pure hearing, he stopped storing touch, and began to store hearing. The noise died, but now he could feel each raindrop, slamming into his skin, like a boxing into a skull. A neverending torrent of force beating him down. The rope was tighter than he had it earlier. Had he been pushed backwards? He was still in the same position, but his rear was certainly soaked, indicating that he had been forced back onto wet stone. This storm was stronger than most. He began to tap warmth, to fight the pervasive chill in the air. Instinct told him to simply suck in the Storm’s bloodlight, but he would not. He would not rely on Honour’s corpse to survive. He would make his own way forward.

Another minute passed, and Jonly once again stored touch, and finally, tapped sight. His eyes, closed and weakened these past two minutes, nearly blinded him in the storm’s light. He waited for them to adjust, tapping and storing sight to hasten the process, before finally looking around.

The darkness of the storm kept him from seeing much, no matter how much tin he tapped. He could see the heavy clouds, groaning with an ocean’s worth of rain. He could see the spren, hundreds of them, wind and storm and fear, zipping through the currents of the wind, circling some of the initiates. From some, they fled. He took note of those ones, and also examined the feet of every initiate. He was disappointed to see that none of them had the unique spren.

He looked down, and there they were. Every highstorm had brought them, spren he could find in no book, spren like the world had never heard of. Black, with streaks of purple, they poured over his legs and feet like Tar. Darker than dark, they seemed to absorb light. He could see them even when there was no light in the storm, for even nothingness was brighter than them.

He didn’t know what they signified for sure, but had named them Necessityspren, after himself. They followed only the Monster, after all. He grinned, as he had a sudden insight. Lomot was dead. That’s why they were out here. Something had happened, and Captain Windrunner wished to make them afraid, so that he could control them.

He would find that Jonly could not be cowed by a storm, nor controlled by a man. But he would find neither was necessary. Lomot had not been a man deserving of death. Jonly would be quite happy to find his killers.

Long after the storm passed, and Captain Kaladin arrived to confirm Jonly’s thoughts, he sat there, continuing to meditate, thinking on everything he knew of the other initiates.

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Rissa... if Jonly is evil, isn't it a really bad idea to, you know, provoke him? Especially by saying he's evil?

Pfffffffft. Strength before weakness, Ralaani! Journey before destination! You're a Radiant now, so act like one. Besides, Jonly hasn't said anything, so I doubt he cares. Maybe that's another mark of his evilness?

Um... I'm not sure how that works. What if he's just biding his time?

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Okay, RP:


Soon after gala


I slowly strolled to my room on floor 57, day was exhausting and I wished just to fall in bed and sleep till morning.

I opened door in my room anticipating desired rest. But all my wishes crashed in moment, one big problem which I forgot was sitting on my bed holding glass with wine in one hand and turning pages of hemalurgy book by other.

With loud sigh I leaned back on door.

She raised glass with wine and magnificently smiled. “Beautiful wine.” That’s all what she said before taking another sip.

“Of course it is.” I said looking on bottle of wine with growing desperation. “Wine that you drinking right now is from Shinowar… 100 years old wine from Shinowar. And I paid for this bottle 300 emerald broams.”

She choked, with wide-eyes looked on bottle then turned to me and asked. “How you think I can sell liquid that will come out of me after this wine at least for 50 broams?” Then she smiled, took bottle and ended wine with one big gulp.

“You disgusting creature I... I will…” With clenched teeth I looked on it, my left eye slightly started to twitch, usually that was sign that someone soon will die.

“I’m disgusting creature?!” She raised left hand to her face imitating genuine insult.  “It’s not me who killed 2 Shardbearers couple hours ago, and it’s not I who brought unconscious woman to my room and done… who knows what done with her. And usually I don’t read books with so gruesome arts in it. So who from us is monster?” 

I took a deep breath. “Okay, okay… First Shardbearers came to kill you, not me. And I saved you from them. Second I done nothing to you. Third this book is historical treasure, probably there no others books like this one on all Roshar. And I hope you didn’t left any wine stains on it. And do you remember my question on which I still don’t get answer from you?”

With thoughtful expression on face she looked down then again on me.

“Oh you right they really come for me, and book looks really old soo… probably you honest. Well what about second point, it’s not too late to change it.” And she slowly started to pull glove from her safehand.

I narrowed eyes. “ No, no… it’s not gonna work with me, at least not now. Or I will get answer on my question or you will lose your…”

But our conversation was interrupted by horneater who burst into the room, knocking at the bowler.

“Initiate Arionium!” he shouted. “Kaladin Stormblessed waits you on…” His eyes stopped on Teilin who took off her glove on half. He coughed, smiled to me. “Sorry but he really can’t wait.” Horneater said.

“Oh Damnation…” I muttered. I looked on Teilin. “I hope you still will be here when I will come back. It’s will be better for you I assure…”

She nodded it was obvious that she understand what I mean, she was clever. “Oh of course I will wait for you honey!”


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59 minutes ago, Arraenae said:

Rissa... if Jonly is evil, isn't it a really bad idea to, you know, provoke him? Especially by saying he's evil?

Pfffffffft. Strength before weakness, Ralaani! Journey before destination! You're a Radiant now, so act like one. Besides, Jonly hasn't said anything, so I doubt he cares. Maybe that's another mark of his evilness?

Um... I'm not sure how that works. What if he's just biding his time?

"Ralaani, Ralaani, you doubt me?" Jonly grinned, and opened his eyes again. The woman was watching him, unknowing that he could hear her talking to herself. or to her spren? Jonly didn't know why he could sometimes see the girl's spren, and why sometimes he couldn't. Not that it mattered.

He stood up, and turned to face her. her eyes widened as he made his way across the roof, never breaking eye contact with her, still grinning through his teeth, like unto a skull forever joyous in death. He stopped near enough to her her that anyone could hear their conversation. "Evil am I? By all definitions, yes. But I did not kill Lomot, nor, i think, did you Ralaani, But I do think you know who did. See, you approached me in private last night, just to chat about some sport. In private, you were comfortable approaching me, comfortable befriending me, but now, in the light of day, with everyone watching, you quiver and shake, as if terrified. Almost as if you want people to doubt me." Jonly leaned in and hissed. "Liar."

He turned and walked away, calling over his shoulder, "You may play the waif, but I see the steel you hide girl."

Edited by A Joe in the Bush
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He heard us! Accusing him really wasn't a good idea… and it wasn't even a very good accusation.

Oh, come on. Nobody was saying anything. Would you rather have had nobody say anything? You heard Captain Kaladin -- someone's been murdered. We need to find the killers.

What if we catch the wrong person?

We can always stop accusing them if we later think their innocent. Besides, all we'll be doing is throwing them in jail. A jail run by Radiants can't be that bad.

I'm more likely to speak in my normal voice in PMs, otherwise I'd never get any PMs going because of Ralaanar's shyness. It's only in my RP voice if my response is bold or has a lot of filler words.

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@TheSilverDragon, yes it was a poke vote. I will be dealing a lot of poke votes until a valid suspicion can be gathered. However, retracting it will make it useless, so get used to that vote for this cycle.

Speaking of valid suspicions, I don't have much input. I would simply refer you to Doc12's post, as it is a much better analysis of the first cycle's discussion. RP to come later.

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Hmm, @Amanuensis do vote tallies count as discussion?  What about placing a vote?

Vote Tally:
Dragon (1): Headshot
Mage (1): Lopen
Rae (1): Joe
Quiver (1): Alv

Honestly I can't think of anything for discussion so if someone wants to give me a prompt or two, it would be greatly appreciated.  At moment, I'm just going to toss out a poke vote on Quiver as he's the highest on the list that hasn't posted that I can see.

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7 hours ago, randuir said:

I've gone through the first cycle again to take another look at my suspicions, as well as the other candidates for interrogation suggested here. I initially had some suspicions of TheMightyLopen, though the gut-feeling I had didn't reassert itself when I read through his posts again, and I couldn't find anything particularly incriminating. The same goes for mage.

-other stuff here-

Honestly, I agree with you there. After I put my vote on Mage, I went back and looked through his stuff and couldn't tell why I'd thought he was suspicious. >>

5 hours ago, Doc12 said:

-RP here-

-other stuff-

Lopen thought that the eliminators would want to bond as fast as possible, being no disadvantage that he could see. He presumed that some would focus on getting spren, while the rest killed. He agreed that people who lost their bonds are good targets for investigation, although he cautions that there may be other reasons for this. Personally, I disagree with this. The only way one would lose a spren (without dying) is by 1)Being an eliminator who uses the action, 2)Being a trigger-happy Dustbringer, and 3)Not feeding your spren enough honor. Option 1 is obvious. Option 2 should be fairly easy to verify. For option 3, it's a simple as checking the person's activity. If he went inactive for a cycle, well, then it's probably innocent. I personally would still be suspicious, though, as it could be a ploy to throw us off and a good excuse to lose a spren. Anyway, Lopen continues to suggest that the village bond Dustbringer spren, in part to keep it from the Unjust, in part to have a chance to kill them without using executions.  

-other stuff-

For this cycle, I don't have much to say yet. Some poke votes being thrown around. The only one I found of note was Darkness, who was suspicious of Assassin for 'asking questions and not posting this cycle'. Darkness, it was still early in that cycle. There are still a bunch of people who haven't posted either. Are you suspicious of them all?

There's honestly not much to discuss this cycle, is there? Anyways, I'll be active in PMs if anyone wants to ask me anything. 


I just erased stuff because I didn't want this post to take up so much room. :P

Anyways, I'd like to point out that there is actually a disadvantage for the Unjust to try to Bond spren right away. They can only make 1 Action per Cycle, so they'd have to choose whether to investigate someone's crimes in order to be able to kill them/attack someone, or they could start Bonding spren. My guess would be that they'd hold onto their Honor for a while until they've got a good amount saved up and then use it all at once(which I think might be why I was initially suspicious of Mage, and a little of Alvron as well, but then, why would they admit to not using their Honor yet?).

That's basically what I was trying to say about players who lose their spren. We should look into the ways they lost it instead of immediately accusing them of being Unjust. I'm not sure those are the only ways you can lose your spren though. Aman seemed kind of mysterious about it, which makes me think it's possible that there are other ways to lose one. Such as executing too many Honorbound or maybe lying a lot if you've got an Honorspren. That might not be the case though, it was just something I've been thinking about. So I guess it would be a good idea to ask Aman about it. Aman, did you explain all of the ways a player could lose their spren in the OP?

There's not a lot to discuss no. >> Which means this is the time for aggressive accusations based on practically nothing! :P

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Ok, very late RP. Set during the highstorm.

Panic was running rampantly throughout the Initiates, but Araon wasn't particularly worried. He had spent many nights on the move, and that meant he had weathered quite a few highstorms. Nevertheless, he was on edge. It was inevitable regardless of how many times you spent a highstorm outside. 

When he left his room, he had made a snap decision to put on a hardened leather jerkin, and it seemed to have paid off. When the stormwall hit, the leather kept him warm and protected him from the sharp pains from small stones and piercing rain. He figured it was in some way cheating, but Commander Kaladin hadn't established any guidelines. 

Nevertheless, he was worried. He felt himself being drawn towards thinking about the Highstorm he ha seen in the stars, and the Initiate's death. Lomot seemed unthreatening enough, but it was still his corpse lying several feet underground.

The worst part was that it had been done by one of them, the Initiates. This wasn't exactly Araon's strong suit. He was a mercenary, not a private investigator. He was told what to hit and they would be dispatched. This was different. This would require both analyzation and tactics- both of which Araon was terrible at. 

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As I said earlier for elims bonding spren looks like not very good idea, so probably we should look on people who not tried to get all honor that they can. Yes that's not very good reason but... I don't think that we have other better options(I'm not counting random headcutting as better option and gut read too. So I will just go through previous cycle and will choose on who I will vote, one who tried to get honor but just for vision. And cause right now I still not looked through previous cycle I will keep my vote, for now).

Also question for Aman.


During each Chapter, players can vote for who they want to interrogate. We will count the most recent name written in orange by each player, so there’s no need to retract past votes. The player with the most votes at the end of the day will admit their past crimes and be promptly arrested. If a tie occurs, nothing will happen.

Wording confuses me little bit, are we can retract votes? Or only change votes after we voted?

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Sareth looked down at the young Initiate. He was almost a boy, just barely older it seemed, and now was in the middle of this mystery. He glanced around at the other Initiates. They are all in the middle of this.

"Yes, this is nice weather, considering other things. However, what do you know about Lomot, the unfortunate victim last night? Have you spoken with him at all?" He asked Rea.


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2 minutes ago, Assassin in Burgundy said:

Hey, I kinda have a request. Can we make discussion vs RP obvious? I tend to just skim through really long RP and miss the discussion. So can we just color our discussion or spoiler the RP or something? If this is just me, then ignore this. 

There has been a convention going around of people coloring RP and discussion differently. Not everyone is using it yet, but it would help with this issue. I seem to remember Elbereth asking about why we where doing that and this is the answer.

Edit: btw, is there any particular format PM's to other players have to be in? As I understand it, it's just a normal PM between the two players and the two GM's. are there any other rules?

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If we are going to make specific colors for RP and discussion, what about mobile? There are no colors on mobile. Should we instead place a caption above text stating whether it is RP or discussion, and use the line thing:

to separate RP and discussion? I think this is easier than color coding everything.

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Ecth, I could find it very plausible that some of the Elims could be encouraging strategies they think will be ineffective or could even help them, such as everyone rushing to put Honor on multiple spren as someone suggested, but if I were an Elim this game I might try to get away with RP only, so that will be something I'll be watching for.  Since today is just unfounded suspicion and won't result in an actual lynch, I have no hesitation about casting a vote, so let's do...

Ashetvl (AliasSheep) 


@Assassin in Burgundy, I've been doing my RP in brown for that reason.

@Hemalurgic_Headshot, you can do colors on mobile by typing (color=red) (/color) around the text you want to color, except use square brackets [ ] instead of parenthesis. Otherwise just nicely separating it should be helpful too.

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3 hours ago, Alvron said:

Hmm, @Amanuensis do vote tallies count as discussion?  What about placing a vote?

Vote tallies, no. Votes, yes, though only if there's some explanation for them (yours is fine)

1 hour ago, TheMightyLopen said:

That's basically what I was trying to say about players who lose their spren. We should look into the ways they lost it instead of immediately accusing them of being Unjust. I'm not sure those are the only ways you can lose your spren though. Aman seemed kind of mysterious about it, which makes me think it's possible that there are other ways to lose one. Such as executing too many Honorbound or maybe lying a lot if you've got an Honorspren. That might not be the case though, it was just something I've been thinking about. So I guess it would be a good idea to ask Aman about it. Aman, did you explain all of the ways a player could lose their spren in the OP?

For this game, only the Dustbringer has a specific condition. However thanks for the idea for Honorspren. I'll make sure to use that in this games sequel.

1 hour ago, Arinian said:

Also question for Aman.

  Hide contents

During each Chapter, players can vote for who they want to interrogate. We will count the most recent name written in orange by each player, so there’s no need to retract past votes. The player with the most votes at the end of the day will admit their past crimes and be promptly arrested. If a tie occurs, nothing will happen.

Wording confuses me little bit, are we can retract votes? Or only change votes after we voted?

In other games you would use green text to retract a vote. That does not apply in this game. To retract a vote, you just have to place a vote on someone else. Kolo?

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13 minutes ago, Assassin in Burgundy said:

Hey, I kinda have a request. Can we make discussion vs RP obvious? I tend to just skim through really long RP and miss the discussion. So can we just color our discussion or spoiler the RP or something? If this is just me, then ignore this. 

I absolutely agree with you, usualy I skip long RP and looking only discussion. 

I for spoilering RP it will make everything much easier at least for me.

2 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

In other games you would use green text to retract a vote. That does not apply in this game. To retract a vote, you just have to place a vote on someone else. Kolo?

Kolo. But what if I absolutely want to retract my vote?

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