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Long Game 30: Journey Before Destination


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Rea tried to remember who Lomot was, but couldn't. Lomot, lomot, who was he again. I could have sworn I remember that name before. He tried to think back to the days before, but didn't ember much. Wait, wasn't he the guy who wore all that make up that he could have been a girl. Storms that was a lot of makeup. I know girls who wear less than he does. Rea looked up and saw the large Shin eyes still staring at him.

"Oh, Lomot?" Rea repled after a short pause. "I really didn't talk to him, or really anyone for that matter. Anyway, who would want to kill him anyways. Why an initiate? Do you have any idea who the murder could have been?"



I just realized something. If you're in prison, you can't gain more honor, right? That's a big blow to the village, because even if you're pardoned, you still lost at least one cycle of honor that you could have gained.  I'm not going to vote on anyone right now because I want the village to lose out on the potential honor and spren bonding, and because I don't really have any suspicions right now.

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1 hour ago, Ecthelion III said:

As awesome as all this RP is, it's making it hard to get a read on anyone. The main question at this point should probably be "Do the eliminators want to promote game discussion or avoid it?" I could see both.

There isn't really an answer to that question. I imagine there'll be some Unjust actively participating in discussion and there's almost always an eliminator or 2 who's quiet and lurks a lot. What we really need to do is come up with topics of discussion for those who aren't sure what to talk about, so it makes it harder for the elims to lurk.

1 hour ago, Assassin in Burgundy said:

Hey, I kinda have a request. Can we make discussion vs RP obvious? I tend to just skim through really long RP and miss the discussion. So can we just color our discussion or spoiler the RP or something? If this is just me, then ignore this. 

Honestly, it isn't that difficult to recognize game discussion from RP. All it takes is like, 20 seconds to really go over a post to see if someone is discussing anything game relevant(even if it's in RP form), which isn't asking a lot, IMO. I do think using the line to separate discussion from RP helps though.

1 hour ago, randuir said:

Edit: btw, is there any particular format PM's to other players have to be in? As I understand it, it's just a normal PM between the two players and the two GM's. are there any other rules?

Nope, that's all there is to it. The only other rule I can think of is that copy pasting PM's to the thread or to another PM is not allowed. You can c/p PM's to an elim doc though. Oh yeah, and I guess you can't add other players to the PM once it's created(of course, there are no group PM's allowed in this game, so that wouldn't happen anyways, but for the future, that's how it works).

11 minutes ago, TheSilverDragon said:

-RP here-

I just realized something. If you're in prison, you can't gain more honor, right? That's a big blow to the village, because even if you're pardoned, you still lost at least one cycle of honor that you could have gained.  I'm not going to vote on anyone right now because I want the village to lose out on the potential honor and spren bonding, and because I don't really have any suspicions right now.

Generally lynching someone kills them, which is a bigger blow to the village if that person is a villager than them just losing the ability to gain Honor. :P I do understand the "no suspicions" thing though. I'm having similar problems. >.> But it is helpful to go through the thread and try and find someone to vote on, if only to get another player to give their opinion on said player, which can lead to, you guessed it, discussion!

Now I need to go find someone to pick on to create actual discussion, instead of me just giving my thoughts on how to play the game in general. :P

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I may have just realized I made a mistake in the initial thread regarding win conditions. Here's what they actually are (if there's a mod who can edit it in for me)



In order for the Honorable to win, all of the Unjust must be imprisoned or executed.


In order for the Unjust to win, their free members must outnumber the free Honorable.

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1 hour ago, TheMightyLopen said:

Now I need to go find someone to pick on to create actual discussion, instead of me just giving my thoughts on how to play the game in general. :P

You can pick on me if you want. :D

Personally at moment, I'm leaning towards switching my vote to Darkness as I feel that of all who have posted so far this cycle, their posts are the least helpful.

3 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

I may have just realized I made a mistake in the initial thread regarding win conditions. Here's what they actually are (if there's a mod who can edit it in for me)



In order for the Honorable to win, all of the Unjust must be imprisoned or executed.


In order for the Unjust to win, their free members must outnumber the free Honorable.


Interesting.  So instead of killing them, now we just need to imprison the elims.  Makes the game a little easier.

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4 hours ago, Jondesu said:

Since today is just unfounded suspicion and won't result in an actual lynch, I have no hesitation about casting a vote, so let's do...

Ashetvl (AliasSheep) 


4 hours ago, Arinian said:

I absolutely agree with you, usualy I skip long RP and looking only discussion. 

Jonly had to work hard to not slap the two initiates. One mocked his own efforts, and the other ignored valuable information. Kintas, the Lie made flesh, was the worse of the two. He claimed that his threats were empty, but made them anyway. He claimed he wanted to interrogate Ashetvl, but in the same breath claimed that no one would be interrogated. But that was easy enough to fix. "Ashetvl!" Jonly called across the roof. "Our mutual friend Kintas believes you to be Lomot's murderer, but since he isn't willing to convince others to arrest you, I'll do it for him." He would show Kintas how empty his words truly were.

As for Arionium, why bother saying anything to the man? He had already said that he would ignore all of Jonly's words, Well then. Jonly could easily take advantage of that if necessary. He could yell Arionium's name from the roof, and detail everything he knew about the man, and never be heard. Often, being ignored was more valuable than being heard.

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4 minutes ago, A Joe in the Bush said:


Jonly had to work hard to not slap the two initiates. One mocked his own efforts, and the other ignored valuable information. Kintas, the Lie made flesh, was the worse of the two. He claimed that his threats were empty, but made them anyway. He claimed he wanted to interrogate Ashetvl, but in the same breath claimed that no one would be interrogated. But that was easy enough to fix. "Ashetvl!" Jonly called across the roof. "Our mutual friend Kintas believes you to be Lomot's murderer, but since he isn't willing to convince others to arrest you, I'll do it for him." He would show Kintas how empty his words truly were.

I think it should be pointed out that I'm fully in support of an interrogation. I simply said it wouldn't result in a lynch today, so I'm fine with voting for someone without strong suspicions, since it's not irreversible.

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And... Finally storming caught up! And with some time to post! My activity is a little spotty, which is why I really like these long cycles. Sometimes I'll be super-active, sometimes less so, so 3 days gives me plenty of time to weigh in. So... Lets start with the highstorm...


Uther was roused early in the morning. While he would have loved to get more sleep, he couldn't say he found this development too surprising, given that Kholin probably had some kind of training program in mind for the initiates.

He quickly dressed himself in uniform. This initiates uniform was a lot nicer than his old uniform in Sebarial's army... Uther allowed himself to be shepherded to the roof by an impatient member of stormblessed's squires.

That strange spren followed him. It had a pair of wings, but the rest of its form was hard to distinguish... Just a warm glow, flickering almost like a candle's light.

Damnation... Is that a stormwall on the horizon?

"Prepare..." a faintly echoing, female voice spoke. Uther glanced around. Who said that?

"You all have about five minutes to brace yourselves!" These next words were clearly from Captain Stormblessed.

Uther saw a set of ropes some initiates were tying themselves to... They were going to weather the highstorm. The first since the weeping. Storms. (What an appropriate curse for this situation...)


Uther considered tying himself at the back... But no. That is fear speaking...

He remembered his conversation with Sareth the other night, about truth... Truth and untruth.

The greatest lie is fear... Fear is simultaneously the grandest lie we tell ourselves and the most basic reality.

And it will not have me today. IT WILL NOT. I already died once, and I don't give a damnation if I have to do it again.

It's hard to describe exactly why... But...

"Words..." the voice spoke again. Yes, words.

"I will deny the grip of terror in myself. I will not shy away from self-sacrifice."

Powerful words. The wrath of the stormwall would prove if he spoke them truly or not. Trial by fire... A time-honored means to grow.

Uther tried to feel peace as the stormwall tore through the air, closer, closer... He could not feel peace. But the fear... It did not control him.


As quickly as his concern for the highstorm came and went, a new concern arose. The mark!

Typically, a layer of skin-colored face-paint could cover the triple-diamond insignia emblazoned on his wrist, when he needed to conceal it... But a highstorm would wash away such insignificant deception. They would all see...

But what if you could change that? Isn't illusions one of the powers attributed to the ancient radiants?

Uther sucked in a measure of stormlight, experiencing the familiar, life-giving strength and alertness. Desperately he focused, trying to impose an image on his wrist where there was no mark. Was never any mark.

He concentrated. Willed the illusion to be. Minutes slipped away as the stormwall charged him, and... Nothing. Storms... Maybe I'm doing it wrong? Or maybe this has something to do with the different types of spren...

Need to hide it. Moments before the stormwall struck, Uther knotted a rope over the wrist, covering the mark from the casual onlooker. It will have to suffice.


He stared at the stormwall, seconds from tearing into him, thunder and rain and rocks and debree raging inside of it. Storms but that's an intimidating sight...

Overcome it. You cannot vanquish an enemy if you are a slave to fear.

"Good luck." Stormblessed said with an infuriatingly smug look pasted on his face.

Uther faced the storm at the front of the initiates. Standing. Then the stormwall crashed into him, throwing him off his feet. Uther yelled in defiance as stormlight filled him. His flesh was torn away and regrown, his body frozen and then filled with the all-consuming heat of the vast wealth of stormlight, his bones cracked and remended in mere moments. There was no thought, no possibility of thought. Only pain and blessed stormlight streaming from his countless injuries.


And then... Stillness. The rain slackened off into the riddens... It was over.

I've seen a good few greenvines in Sebarial's army be broken in... Been one myself, once upon a time. But storms, this Windrunner isn't messing around...

In most armies, being left to the stormfather is a death sentence, not an initiation rite.


Uther looked around him, assessing the damage. His uniform was in worse shape even then most of the others. Nobody was left standing, but many of the initiates were picking themselves up now. Uther gritted his teeth and tried to rise, only to discover that the stormlight kept him from even feeling worn out. Physically, anyway.

He was pleased to note that this morning he still remembered most of the initiates names, having made sure to find out who everyone was the previous night. On his left and right were the initiates Kintas and Tintallë, respectively.


Captain Stormblessed descended from the sky to survey the recruits. He doesn't look very pleased about something...

"Last night, an initiate died."


"Or, should I say, an initiate was murdered, considering his eyes now resemble smoldering coals."

Which initiate died? Uther scanned the assembly. Hm... Lomot is missing. An odd choice for an assassin to target...

I can think of a few well-funded factions who must not have taken kindly to the re-founding of the Knights Radiant... At least the damnation Sons of Honor aren't likely to be involved; they love the radiants.


"Highprince Dalinar is convinced at least one person here was involved. Under normal circumstances, we would cease all training, but as you all know, these are desperate times, and thus we cannot afford to stop for anything. As such, he has given me permission to make your lives a living hell until all those who are responsible are found."

Well. That explains why he's trying to break us down at least.

But why would they think an initiate did it? Aren't there plenty of other groups who view the radiants as little better than voidbringers?


"So, take the day off to talk amongst yourselves. And don’t worry, you won’t have to leave this wonderfully frigid rain for a second. In fact, my Squires will be waiting just inside to make sure you have all the time you need to come clean. Enjoy, Initiates, and please, try not to get too sick. I’ve got big plans for you all tomorrow. Plans as big as a greatshell, in fact."

I really hope he only meant that last part figuratively... My experiences with those creatures have been... Unpleasant.


Uther stood on the roof as a gentle rain pelted the initiates, silently recovering from the storm and deep in thought about the recent murder.


Well, that was a little longer than I intended... But who needs sleep, anyway.

So, down to some analysis.

The annoying part is, this last cycle, chances are elims would be behaving exactly the same as town. Both elims and town should be looking to earn honor (even an elim who doesn't intend to bond soon will have a lot of solid reasons to be active enough to earn some honor).

So... Now that voting is open maybe we are a little less blind, but honestly the design of this game means its a sorta slow start (even if I'm loving reading all y'alls RP, especially these write-ups).

Also Aman, did I hear something about a sequel to this game? :)

Anyways... I'm gonna hold off on a vote for now, but I fully intend to vote by the end of the cycle. I think that, especially since voting someone up won't kill them, it's worth putting someone in jail this cycle.

There are kind of a lot of different approaches elims could take to be honest... Another possible elim strategy occured to me. Earn max honor each cycle, but don't spend it. Use your elim powers to kill people, then, once you hit a radiant, invest all your honor to bond the freed up spren. This one would be a little hard to detect and atm I don't really have any good idea to counter it. But I figured I'd voice this as a viable elim tactic.

Also if anyone wants to start some RP with Uther/Teresh this cycle feel free to. It'd be nice to have some conversation.


G'night for now all.


PS: Also note that I for one am going to stick with the convention of coloring RP brown for now, unless everyone can agree on a different convention.

Edited by Drake Marshall
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1 hour ago, Alvron said:

You can pick on me if you want. :D

Personally at moment, I'm leaning towards switching my vote to Darkness as I feel that of all who have posted so far this cycle, their posts are the least helpful.

Well then. I did come up with a theory that you and Arinian are Unjust. Because Arinian was giving some really insightful advice about how the Unjust might act, which led to me consider that him and his teammates were asking a bunch of rules questions in the doc and that's how he understood the rules so well(I had a few bad misconceptions and his post made me realize them, so it may just be that I'm bad at interpreting rules correctly :P). Anyways, if that were the case, you'd be a prime suspect, since you often ask a lot of questions about rules and stuff. Plus the fact that you said you were gonna save your Honor last Cycle, which could mean that you had another action to use, but the only actions anyone can do besides bonding spren is the Unjust faction powers. So there you have it. Is this enough to convince other players to lynch you? Probably not. Do I even want to lynch you or Arinian? Not particularly, no, because you're both active and I don't think the evidence is enough to lynch.

Darkness was lynched C1 in the last QF, so I'm not gonna vote on him. I will say though, he has accused someone at least, which is somewhat helpful.

I think I will remove my vote from Magestar, though I am disappointed that he never responded. Anyways, I'm going to move my vote to Jondesu. Not great reasoning here, but my gut's telling me something is off. First post, he told Drought(my current top guess for villager) that his plan to catch the Unjust through tracking Honor was "excellent." My thought here is that Jon is an elim trying to get on the good side of a villager, while also appearing to be helpful, but the plan likely won't hurt the Unjust. He also said he'd tell 2 or 3 people if/when he bonds a spren, which could be him trying to give the impression that he has nothing to hide. Next, this Cycle, he reinforces the idea he's village by claiming Honorbound and saying that if people examine his playstyle, they'll see it's his village playstyle, both of which aren't exactly helpful, since people's playstyles generally don't change all that much between villager and elim(in some cases they do, but I don't recall Jondesu having extreme differences). Then he votes on Sheep because it's not an "actual" lynch, even though for the lynch to be an effective information gathering tool, we need to execute those arrested pretty much every time. So it's as if he's being helpful by voting, but doesn't have the guts to follow through with it completely. If you support interrogating someone, you really should support executing them, as harsh as it sounds. >.> Because if we just interrogate people, we won't get their alignments and we won't get anywhere, because we still won't have any more information than when we arrested them, just that a certain set of people were fine with arresting that player.

As I said, it's not an amazing case for why Jondesu is Unjust, and I'm not even that confident in it, but it's the best I've got at this point.

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5 hours ago, A Joe in the Bush said:

As for Arionium, why bother saying anything to the man? He had already said that he would ignore all of Jonly's words, Well then. Jonly could easily take advantage of that if necessary. He could yell Arionium's name from the roof, and detail everything he knew about the man, and never be heard. Often, being ignored was more valuable than being heard.

Calm down Joe, I read all RP but first I read discussion and RP later, and when RP and discussion mixed I count it as normal discussion.(but honestly from normal discussion much easier to get read at least for me).

I will vote for Alvron.

His posts looks for me like he just trying to make look that he interested in bonding spren, also words about "will collect honor and then will spent when will choose" I count idea of collecting honor as good strategy for elims. Of course from one side it can look like not very good idea for elim to say thing like that but I looking on that like he trying to show that he open and we shouldn't be paranoid about him.

Also I'm suspecting randuir little bit cause it's his first game and he really insightful... but it's his first game so my suspicion on him is mehh... 

Ahh... and almost forgot, Aman I want more answers :D.


Each Chapter, the Unjust are can perform one of two actions: investigate a single player to discover their most heinous crimes, or attempt to execute a player whom they know the crimes of.

Sorry if I missed it somewhere(but wording sounds like unjust can investigate only 1 player for cycle), but each unjust can investigate crimes every cycle or what(so elims can investigate 4 players in 1 cycle)?

If yes then there we will find 2 dead bodies on next cycle.


Edited by Arinian
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Sareth tapped his chin. Rea hadn't made much contact with Lomot. He glanced around at the others. Perhaps one of the more sophisticated Initiates had associated with the victim. But Rea brought up another good point. Who would want to kill an Initiate?

"I don't know who might have done this abomination, but whoever did it is most likely trying to break us up from the inside. And even if this murderer is an intruder, not of our number, then we still have to worry about a Shardbearer at large. It might be best to learn all you can from the other Initiates, so we can determine who is guilty. I wish you luck."

With that, Sareth nodded to the young Initiate and walked away, in no direction in particular. 

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33 minutes ago, Arinian said:

Also I'm suspecting randuir little bit cause it's his first game and he really insightful... but it's his first game so my suspicion on him is mehh... 

Well, it's my first forum game of this format. I've played analogue werewolf, as well as a wide variety of board-games and pen-and-paper RPG's, which might help me quickly get into a new ruleset. I suspect if you look through my posts, you'll find plenty of rookie misconceptions though. I've also been tracking the ongoing anniversary game, so I did have a bit of an inkling about how the format works before I started here.

36 minutes ago, Arinian said:

Sorry if I missed it somewhere(but wording sounds like unjust can investigate only 1 player for cycle), but each unjust can investigate crimes every cycle or what(so elims can investigate 4 players in 1 cycle)?

What an oddly specific number.

I doubt an elim would slip up in such an obvious way though.

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Just now, randuir said:

Well, it's my first forum game of this format. I've played analogue werewolf, as well as a wide variety of board-games and pen-and-paper RPG's, which might help me quickly get into a new ruleset. I suspect if you look through my posts, you'll find plenty of rookie misconceptions though. I've also been tracking the ongoing anniversary game, so I did have a bit of an inkling about how the format works before I started here.

Well, that's why I think that my suspicions about you is unsubstantial.

2 minutes ago, randuir said:

What an oddly specific number.

I doubt an elim would slip up in such an obvious way though.

 Specific number? I just counting 1 elim on 5 players as I said earlier, I can be wrong but it's my best guess, for now.

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5 minutes ago, Arinian said:

 Specific number? I just counting 1 elim on 5 players as I said earlier, I can be wrong but it's my best guess, for now.

Most people gave a range for their estimates (for example, with your count, there are 22 players, not counting lomot, so there's probable 4 but there could be 5 as well, depending on whether it is rounded up or down), so your statement of 4 elims stood out. As I said, I don't think an elim would slip up in such a way.

Edited by randuir
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1 minute ago, randuir said:

Most people gave a range for their estimates (for example, with your count, there are 22 players, not counting lomot, so there's probable 4 but there could be 5 as well), so your statement of 4 elims stood out. As I said, I don't think an actual elim would slip up in such a way.

22/5=4.4. Hmm... then we should look for dwarf :D.(bad joke)

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Petrik lounged on the small couch in the singular room he was able to get in Urithiru. As he sat there a sudden banging began echoing down the long hallways outside. A voice drifted down...something about the Knights Radiant...and going outside maybe? Storms, Petrik thought there is a highstorm tonight! Knight Radiant or no, only one of the Heralds would be able to survive a highstorm. But, if Petrik knew that going out into that Highstorm would allow him freedom, he would do it in a heartbeat. He held his breath, hoping that no one would think that because he was at the gala just the other day that he was one of the Knights Radiant.

As the Stormwall hit Petrik was still sheltered in his little room, safe, and dry. Storms he was glad that he was not out there like the rest of those fools, fools that were probably dead. Petrik thought.

Petrik left the building before the riddens had set in, if any of the Knights Radiant had survived Petrik was going to make sure that they survived.

(If anyone saw Petrik at the party, then sees him walking around, looking nice, and didn't see him during the Highstorm, we can do some RP)

Okay, well, we still have literally nothing to go off of, with RP taking up a lot of our discussion it makes it kinda hard to get a read on people. I will place my vote on Arinian, I don't trust him for some reason...probably has something to do with I don't like people who spy on PM's...

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22 minutes ago, DroughtBringer said:

Okay, well, we still have literally nothing to go off of, with RP taking up a lot of our discussion it makes it kinda hard to get a read on people. I will place my vote on Arinian, I don't trust him for some reason...probably has something to do with I don't like people who spy on PM's...


What? You voting on me for vengeance? But I'm lost that game and you won.

People, what happening in their head? :wacko:

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Firstly, Aman's rule clarification changes things. It means that we don't necessarily have to know the alignments of all the people in jail! As long as we lock up enough people, there's a good enough chance we can hit a significant chunk of the elim team inside :P

No Rp this post, seeing as how I'm still waiting for someone to respond to my prompt in the earlier post. @Magestar, @Drake Marshall, I believe you both have expressed interest? 

Anyway, on to analysis. 

17 hours ago, TheMightyLopen said:

That's basically what I was trying to say about players who lose their spren. We should look into the ways they lost it instead of immediately accusing them of being Unjust. I'm not sure those are the only ways you can lose your spren though. Aman seemed kind of mysterious about it, which makes me think it's possible that there are other ways to lose one. Such as executing too many Honorbound or maybe lying a lot if you've got an Honorspren. That might not be the case though, it was just something I've been thinking about. So I guess it would be a good idea to ask Aman about it. Aman, did you explain all of the ways a player could lose their spren in the OP?

Lopen, that was not what I was trying to say. What I was saying is that of the three reasons I showed that they could lose a spren (And Aman has confirmed that there are no other ways), all three reasons have very high chances of being Unjust! 1) Losing a spren through faction action. Definitely elim. 2) Dustbringer killing two villagers. 50/50 odds of being an eliminator. 3) Losing spren through inactivity. Less of a chance, yes, but possibility of being an eliminator ploy. As all three options of losing a spren show a high possibility of being eliminator, isn't it safer to be suspicious of them and imprison them anyway? 


15 hours ago, Jondesu said:

Ecth, I could find it very plausible that some of the Elims could be encouraging strategies they think will be ineffective or could even help them, such as everyone rushing to put Honor on multiple spren as someone suggested, but if I were an Elim this game I might try to get away with RP only, so that will be something I'll be watching for.  Since today is just unfounded suspicion and won't result in an actual lynch, I have no hesitation about casting a vote, so let's do...

Ashetvl (AliasSheep) 

11 hours ago, Jondesu said:

I think it should be pointed out that I'm fully in support of an interrogation. I simply said it wouldn't result in a lynch today, so I'm fine with voting for someone without strong suspicions, since it's not irreversible.

So you feel that the encouragement of covering your bases with spren is a more eliminator type strategy than village, Jon? I'm not sure. Anyways, if it was, I don't think that discussion led to any conclusive decisions. People will still be doing what they personally think its best. And concerning the discussion to RP ratio, I feel like it's still the same people discussing C1 that are discussing now, heh. Sure, poke votes have been thrown around by others, but mainly discussion has been led by Lopen and Arinian. Newcomers to the discussion is you, Jon, so cheers!

On the topic of lynches, as has been said many times, a lynch without threat is silly. And Joe called you out on that, so I won't bother. But also, as Hael noted in LG28, poke votes shouldn't be just votes for the sake of votes. If you must throw a vote, at least ask a question for when the person returns. That way you actually do gain information rather than just throwing out a vote for the sake of it, believing that there would be no actual lynch. I would throw a vote on you right now and ask you a question, for example, what are your thoughts on Lopen? Except that you currently have a vote on you already. 

Please do answer the question though? :P



16 hours ago, Arinian said:

As I said earlier for elims bonding spren looks like not very good idea, so probably we should look on people who not tried to get all honor that they can. Yes that's not very good reason but... I don't think that we have other better options(

I myself believe that their behaviour would be closer to what Drake describes below. There are a *lot* of reasons for not posting besides to go under the radar. 

9 hours ago, Drake Marshall said:

So, down to some analysis.

The annoying part is, this last cycle, chances are elims would be behaving exactly the same as town. Both elims and town should be looking to earn honor (even an elim who doesn't intend to bond soon will have a lot of solid reasons to be active enough to earn some honor).

So... Now that voting is open maybe we are a little less blind, but honestly the design of this game means its a sorta slow start (even if I'm loving reading all y'alls RP, especially these write-ups).

Also Aman, did I hear something about a sequel to this game? :)

Anyways... I'm gonna hold off on a vote for now, but I fully intend to vote by the end of the cycle. I think that, especially since voting someone up won't kill them, it's worth putting someone in jail this cycle.

There are kind of a lot of different approaches elims could take to be honest... Another possible elim strategy occured to me. Earn max honor each cycle, but don't spend it. Use your elim powers to kill people, then, once you hit a radiant, invest all your honor to bond the freed up spren. This one would be a little hard to detect and atm I don't really have any good idea to counter it. But I figured I'd voice this as a viable elim tactic.

Also if anyone wants to start some RP with Uther/Teresh this cycle feel free to. It'd be nice to have some conversation.

First of all, Drake, would you consent to being my Rp partner this cycle? :P

Second. I'm more inclined to go with your theory than Arinian's, because while they might not actually bond, I see no reason that they would not want to try to earn honor, even if only to to keep up appearances. 

Thirdly, Well, i don't have much to comment on your new theory. It's just the third theory of what the Unjust might do that has been proposed. Valid, and good for reference, but hard to actually prove. *shrug. It's a good theory, though. 

8 hours ago, TheMightyLopen said:

Well then. I did come up with a theory that you and Arinian are Unjust. Because Arinian was giving some really insightful advice about how the Unjust might act, which led to me consider that him and his teammates were asking a bunch of rules questions in the doc and that's how he understood the rules so well(I had a few bad misconceptions and his post made me realize them, so it may just be that I'm bad at interpreting rules correctly :P). Anyways, if that were the case, you'd be a prime suspect, since you often ask a lot of questions about rules and stuff. Plus the fact that you said you were gonna save your Honor last Cycle, which could mean that you had another action to use, but the only actions anyone can do besides bonding spren is the Unjust faction powers. So there you have it. Is this enough to convince other players to lynch you? Probably not. Do I even want to lynch you or Arinian? Not particularly, no, because you're both active and I don't think the evidence is enough to lynch.

Darkness was lynched C1 in the last QF, so I'm not gonna vote on him. I will say though, he has accused someone at least, which is somewhat helpful.

I think I will remove my vote from Magestar, though I am disappointed that he never responded. Anyways, I'm going to move my vote to Jondesu. Not great reasoning here, but my gut's telling me something is off. First post, he told Drought(my current top guess for villager) that his plan to catch the Unjust through tracking Honor was "excellent." My thought here is that Jon is an elim trying to get on the good side of a villager, while also appearing to be helpful, but the plan likely won't hurt the Unjust. He also said he'd tell 2 or 3 people if/when he bonds a spren, which could be him trying to give the impression that he has nothing to hide. Next, this Cycle, he reinforces the idea he's village by claiming Honorbound and saying that if people examine his playstyle, they'll see it's his village playstyle, both of which aren't exactly helpful, since people's playstyles generally don't change all that much between villager and elim(in some cases they do, but I don't recall Jondesu having extreme differences). Then he votes on Sheep because it's not an "actual" lynch, even though for the lynch to be an effective information gathering tool, we need to execute those arrested pretty much every time. So it's as if he's being helpful by voting, but doesn't have the guts to follow through with it completely. If you support interrogating someone, you really should support executing them, as harsh as it sounds. >.> Because if we just interrogate people, we won't get their alignments and we won't get anywhere, because we still won't have any more information than when we arrested them, just that a certain set of people were fine with arresting that player.

As I said, it's not an amazing case for why Jondesu is Unjust, and I'm not even that confident in it, but it's the best I've got at this point.

5 hours ago, Arinian said:

Calm down Joe, I read all RP but first I read discussion and RP later, and when RP and discussion mixed I count it as normal discussion.(but honestly from normal discussion much easier to get read at least for me).

I will vote for Alvron.

His posts looks for me like he just trying to make look that he interested in bonding spren, also words about "will collect honor and then will spent when will choose" I count idea of collecting honor as good strategy for elims. Of course from one side it can look like not very good idea for elim to say thing like that but I looking on that like he trying to show that he open and we shouldn't be paranoid about him.

Also I'm suspecting randuir little bit cause it's his first game and he really insightful... but it's his first game so my suspicion on him is mehh... 

Ahh... and almost forgot, Aman I want more answers :D.

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Each Chapter, the Unjust are can perform one of two actions: investigate a single player to discover their most heinous crimes, or attempt to execute a player whom they know the crimes of.

Sorry if I missed it somewhere(but wording sounds like unjust can investigate only 1 player for cycle), but each unjust can investigate crimes every cycle or what(so elims can investigate 4 players in 1 cycle)?

If yes then there we will find 2 dead bodies on next cycle.


Right, so four accusations here. Alvron, Arinian, Randuir and Jondesu.

Both Arin and Lopen suspect Alvron  The issue on the table -They both wonder about how he openly claims to be saving his honor. Lopen is guessing that Alvron is the reason Arin might understand the rules so well. Arin suspects that  Alvron is simply being too open and thus it's a ploy to gain trust. 

Perhaps amusingly, Arin and Randuir are both under suspicion for being very insightful. I agree with this. Both of them are new-ish players who have demonstrated good skill at playing the games so far. Randuir in particular has impressed me for his frequency of posting and regular advice. Arin has also a reputation of flying under the radar in most games, but being a very good player. It's not impossible that they might be elims, but insight? I believe they have both demonstrated insight since they joined, and that it isn't necessarily a product of secret questions asked in a doc.

The case on Jondesu is marginally stronger, I suppose. Amusingly, Lopen suspects him for trying to hard to seem open, such as claiming honorable, and claiming that he will share his spren targets. The other marginally more solid reason is Jondesu's weak vote. Which...really isn't enough, considering the amount of poke votes that get thrown around every first cycle. Was his vote weak? Sure. Could he be an eliminator? Sure. But this reason isn't enough to get me to join you in that vote,

14 minutes ago, DroughtBringer said:

Okay, well, we still have literally nothing to go off of, with RP taking up a lot of our discussion it makes it kinda hard to get a read on people. I will place my vote on Arinian, I don't trust him for some reason...probably has something to do with I don't like people who spy on PM's...

Uh, Drought, no one can spy on PMs yet, seeing as no bonds have been formed. That is, unless you're referring to MR19? In which case holding grudges is not really a good idea in SE :P

And finally, my vote? as it stands, Sheep leads the vote, with two votes, while Silver, Quiver, Jondesu, Alv and Arin have 1 each. I still don't have much in way of reads. When I think about actual discussion, it seems to be mostly the same people talking last cycle, with the new addition of Jondesu. For the others...poke votes, with some little justification thrown in? Sigh. I'll vote tomorrow. 


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1 minute ago, Doc12 said:

So you feel that the encouragement of covering your bases with spren is a more eliminator type strategy than village, Jon? I'm not sure. Anyways, if it was, I don't think that discussion led to any conclusive decisions. People will still be doing what they personally think its best. And concerning the discussion to RP ratio, I feel like it's still the same people discussing C1 that are discussing now, heh. Sure, poke votes have been thrown around by others, but mainly discussion has been led by Lopen and Arinian. Newcomers to the discussion is you, Jon, so cheers!

On the topic of lynches, as has been said many times, a lynch without threat is silly. And Joe called you out on that, so I won't bother. But also, as Hael noted in LG28, poke votes shouldn't be just votes for the sake of votes. If you must throw a vote, at least ask a question for when the person returns. That way you actually do gain information rather than just throwing out a vote for the sake of it, believing that there would be no actual lynch. I would throw a vote on you right now and ask you a question, for example, what are your thoughts on Lopen? Except that you currently have a vote on you already. 

Please do answer the question though? :P


Oh, I thought I already made my opinion clear.  This is a Day 1 Lynch, essentially, which I always hate even if I've begun to acknowledge that they're necessary in a standard format game, so I appreciated that we sort of had an "out" here, knowing that we can imprison people, where they can remain and we can win without killing them, and then if we manage to gain any conclusive evidence of their alignment, they can later be set free.  It's a rather genius mechanism if I do say so myself (I suggested it, though I think Aman had it in mind before that), and I was showing my appreciation for the idea of having the day 1 Lynch (which is based on virtually nothing) not be a permanent loss of a player.  I don't know why that's so suspicious.

As for the vote on Ashetvl, I just threw a vote on someone relatively active who I knew would show up and speak, but I really don't have anything more to say.  It's not like there's anything to go on, as I noted.

The discussion on what to do about spren didn't lead to a conclusion of a particular approach, sure, which it likely never would have, but that doesn't mean Elims weren't trying to nudge people towards a result they thought would be beneficial.  I just haven't worked out who was likely doing that vs honestly trying to help.

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7 hours ago, randuir said:

What an oddly specific number.

I doubt an elim would slip up in such an obvious way though.


I'm not so sure... The one time I've played elim I very nearly sent a PM with that very mistake, before catching myself. Maybe that's just me being a rookie... But just saying, it's not such an outlandish mistake for an elim to make, if he didn't double check the post.

I don't actually think I want to vote on Arin for this... But I'm just saying, I'm not going to completely discount the way he phrased that.


58 minutes ago, Doc12 said:

First of all, Drake, would you consent to being my Rp partner this cycle? :P

Certainly. Good to see you again, Mi9. :P

52 minutes ago, Jondesu said:

Oh, I thought I already made my opinion clear.  This is a Day 1 Lynch, essentially, which I always hate even if I've begun to acknowledge that they're necessary in a standard format game, so I appreciated that we sort of had an "out" here, knowing that we can imprison people, where they can remain and we can win without killing them, and then if we manage to gain any conclusive evidence of their alignment, they can later be set free.  It's a rather genius mechanism if I do say so myself (I suggested it, though I think Aman had it in mind before that), and I was showing my appreciation for the idea of having the day 1 Lynch (which is based on virtually nothing) not be a permanent loss of a player.  I don't know why that's so suspicious.

As for the vote on Ashetvl, I just threw a vote on someone relatively active who I knew would show up and speak, but I really don't have anything more to say.  It's not like there's anything to go on, as I noted.

The discussion on what to do about spren didn't lead to a conclusion of a particular approach, sure, which it likely never would have, but that doesn't mean Elims weren't trying to nudge people towards a result they thought would be beneficial.  I just haven't worked out who was likely doing that vs honestly trying to help.

I notice your vote still stands, even if you did it just to make Sheep talk...

And I also agree with some of what Lopen voiced. If nothing else comes up, I might have to vote on you Jondesu. I wish I had a more solid suspicion, but I think I'd rather you were jailed than Sheep.


Uther considered the nature of the murder. It didn't seem like the diagramist's style. Storms, what if its the Ghostbloods? I've been gone long enough, they could have planned something like this... But why? Storms...

He idly examined the spren fluttering around him, flickering like a candle despite the steady torrent of rain around it. Why does it keep following me...?

His contemplations were disturbed as one of the initiates approached.

"Hithon Thindir. Who do I have the presumed honor of addressing?"

"I am Teresh."

Even though the man looked to be blind, Uther still double checked that a band of rope still hid the insignia on his wrist. When it comes to this, it doesn't hurt to be careful...

Shouldn't stormlight heal his eyes...?

"Lovely weather we've been having, isn't it?" Uther said with an ironic smile.


Edited by Drake Marshall
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When the adrenaline rush had left him, Ranatar had needed to sit down. The stormlight had kept his body mostly intact, but the shock of what he’d gone through had threathened to overwhelm him for several seconds. Very few people could claim to have stared down a highstorm and lived to tell the tale. He was now one of them. One living soul where so many had… Ranatar shook those thoughts off before they could take root and take his mind to darker places. To keep himself distracted, he observed the other initiates.


Ranatar mulled over the events of the past few hours as the discussions kept going around him. He’d mostly kept to an observing role, though he’d almost stepped in when the Shin preacher had started making his way to one of the female initiates, a cold, calculating and dispassionate expression on his face. It was an expression Ranatar was not unfamiliar with, and it rarely boded good for those it was aimed at. The conversation that had followed between the two had been civil, though.

There had been another minor incident between an initiate named Jonly and one named Ralaani. Apparently she had suggested Jonly was guilty, and Jonly had taken that badly. 

These incidents, as well as a smattering of looks and expression Ranatar had spotted over the past few hours led him to a chilling conclusion. “The question isn’t: ‘who here is capable of murdering a fellow initiate.” He muttered to himself. “It is: ‘who here had cause to murder Lomot.’” There were some initiates who truly seemed innocent, but most had the bearing of people familiar with death.


@JUQ, @Quiver, @Shqueeves, @Magestar, @AliasSheep, @The lazy anarchist, the end of the cycle is approaching, so you only have a little time left to get input in, get some honor, and in the case of sheep, prevent yourself from getting interrogated.

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Whatever this talk about "RP" is, I don't like it. We can't cut down on it. We're Radiants! I'm a spren, but same difference. JOURNEY BEFORE DESTINATION! You all knew what you were signing up for. If you want discussion, make some.

Ashetvl's a rude piece of crem, but I don't think she's the murderer. What exactly has she done, anyways? I think the murder is far more likely to be somebody whining about an overabundance of RP. I don't remember who exactly said what, but I'm watching you.

Sorry if that's a bit harsh. When I get back home I'll look at the thread and see who's saying RP makes it hard to get a read on people. I'd do it now, but I'm not skipping class for this.

EDIT: Ecthelion.

Edited by Arraenae
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