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Long Game 30: Journey Before Destination


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The concept of this game really intrigued me, which is why I signed up, against my own best judgement.  I thought I could dedicate the time to it and dedicate myself to it.  But I can't.  I'm dropping out the game.  I'm also not going to be playing any more SE games anymore.  Maybe at some point I'll change my mind, but for now, I don't think I'm suited to it.  Thanks for the fun, guys.

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1 hour ago, Doc12 said:

Second. I'm more inclined to go with your theory than Arinian's, because while they might not actually bond, I see no reason that they would not want to try to earn honor, even if only to to keep up appearances. 

I didn't mean that elims will be low active and not try to gain honor, they surely will do that just to hide between village. 

But for me looked like that Alv not interested in bonding spren and he uses his words about "he will waste honor later" just like way to look like villager, show that he interested in spren. I'm just got that feeling and I will go for now with it.



On the roof

I stayed and looked how Stormwall approaching, like I got not enough troubles today. That cursed by foolishness Windrunner said something like “Brace yourself blah blah good luck” and he disappeared in the skies.

I sighted, from inside pocket of jacket I pulled small wooden box, on box was carved simple picture moon over the lake. I opened box, it contained 2 small stamps made from soulstone. They were made specifically for this suit: first one was used to refresh this suit (clean dirt, sew up, etc); second was more interesting, it was used for forging all suit in metal (at first I thought use it for protection but after that seal costume become damnation heavy and rigid so there was no way to normally move in it, but I found use for it. And don’t ask me how I created that seal, its long story about mad smith Toran who wanted to create armor-suit that’s all what I will say). So I just laid down on the roof, closed eyes , and pressed stamp in suit.

I woke up (yeah highstorm was so boring that I fell asleep) from loud voice that spread over roof, that’s again was annoying captain Kaladin. I stood up and listened, maybe this time he will say something useful. And he said, I smiled … first death huh… so fast, looks like fun part just getting started.



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Some time earlier...

Balthazar stood atop the roof of a tower, watching as the other initiates strung themselves to the ropes, which in turn were tied tightly to the top of the tower.  He smiled.  This would be an experience he wouldn't forget any time soon.  But if the Captain ordered it... Who was he to refuse?  Holding onto the rope with both hands, Balthazar tightened his grip.  He wasn't sure how this would turn out, but he sure as Braize wasn't going to let go of this rope.  He gritted his teeth...  and the storm hit.  Instantly he was thrown into the air, and seconds later, he was slammed back down.  As it turned out, clenching his jaw was a bad idea.  Balthazar spat out what remained of his tongue, roaring in pain.  Slowly, he pulled himself forwards.  Wrapping the rope around himself, he grabbed its end, and held on.  There wasn't a lot else he could do.

An interminable time later, the Highstorm ended, and the Captain came flying out of the clouds.  Balthazar stood up, shakily.  He spat out the blood that had filled his mouth, and found that his tongue had begun to grow back, and the numerous cuts and abrasions he had received were slowly sealing over.  He smiled.   He could get used to this regeneration thing.

Some time later...

"My name is Hithon.  To whom do I have the presumed honor of addressing?"

Ah, thought Balthazar,  This one.  So he can speak.  It will be nice to have some decent conversation.  From the sound of it, this man is highly born.

"My name is Czarn, as I believe I said earlier.  I-"

"I am Teresh."  said Teresh, stepping in front of Balthazar, "Lovely weather we're having, isn't it?"

Balthazar stood up, affronted, as he was interrupted.    Hithon, as he had said his name was, had just introduced himself, when this person stepped right up to him, and interrupted.

Balthazar cleared his throat, in an effort to remain calm.  "Excuse me, sir."  He began.  "I was talking to this man.

End RP.

Ok.  Sorry I haven't been super active, guys.   Hopefully, my activity should increase as time goes on.

I'm not really suspicious of anything right now, but that could be because I haven't been paying a lot of attention.  The suspicions seem kinda weak, but I'll try to form some of my own as soon as possible.  As Sheep appears to be going inactive anyway, I'll put a vote on him, as it shouldn't cause any problems.  I'll look over the thread tonight/tomorrow, and will get some suspicions up then.  I shouldn't be as busy any more, but Idk.

Hopefully I'll get another post in before the cycle ends. :P 

Edited by Magestar
Accidentally clicked post? Odd.
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Vote Tally:
Dragon (1): Headshot
Mage (0): Lopen
Rae (0): Joe
Quiver (1): Alv
Sheep (3): Jond, Joe, Mage
Jond (2): Lopen, Drake
Alv (1): Ari
Ari (1): Drought

11 hours ago, Arinian said:

I will vote for Alvron.

His posts looks for me like he just trying to make look that he interested in bonding spren, also words about "will collect honor and then will spent when will choose" I count idea of collecting honor as good strategy for elims. Of course from one side it can look like not very good idea for elim to say thing like that but I looking on that like he trying to show that he open and we shouldn't be paranoid about him.

Hey.  I said Lopen could pick on me, not you. :P 

[mini rant]
As for me just looking like I'm interested in bonding a spren, not so.  I'm extremely interested and really want a spren.  Not just game wise either but meta wise as well.  I have 14 living characters that I like to use every now and then and Naihar happens to be the closest I have to a Knight Radiant.  If I can get a living Shardblade then you bet I'm going to try everything I can to get one.  I can promise you that I will be pushing hard to bond a spren this game, the question is which spren fits Naihar.

Once you play a few games with me, you will learn that I never say people shouldn't be paranoid of me.  In fact they should be very, very paranoid of me.  I have my secrets.  I have asked the GMs quite a few questions and I have no plans on sharing the answers until I deem it's of most worth.  In case you're wondering, my GM PM is already three pages long and should hit the fourth page soon.

Sorry but I really dislike it when people say I'm trying to gain trust.  I never bother with that as it's not my style.  I enjoy the fear people get when I sign up for a game.  Especially the GMs fear.  EMqYlbxRo13K50x1H0zXr5OW3GmB5ywfDwHMg0UM 
[end rant]

Now that that is over, the reason I'm hoarding honour is exactly why I said I was doing it.  I didn't know which spren would be of most benefit to me.  Spending honour on one spren only to change your mind a cycle or two later seems like a waste to me.  I have decided on which spren I'm going for and no, I'm not going to tell you, and I will be placing all my honour on the spren this cycle.  Hopefully I'll have four honour if I can get some RP up this cycle.

With both Quiver and Sheep dropping out :( I think that one of them should be voted for.  Inactive pruning is something that I am in full support of at least for the first cycle or two.  It removes an inactive and keeps active players around which can only be a good thing for the village.

With that said, I'm off to (hopefully) write some RP.

Edited by Alvron
Added vote from Storming Ninja Mage.
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2 hours ago, Alvron said:

Now that that is over, the reason I'm hoarding honour is exactly why I said I was doing it.  I didn't know which spren would be of most benefit to me.  Spending honour on one spren only to change your mind a cycle or two later seems like a waste to me.  I have decided on which spren I'm going for and no, I'm not going to tell you, and I will be placing all my honour on the spren this cycle.  Hopefully I'll have four honour if I can get some RP up this cycle.

I have to agree with Alvron on this one.  This is also partially why I'm saving up my Honor, as little as it is. :P  I'd rather hold up my Honor and spend it all to make sure I get the spren I want, then be careful and get no Spren at all.  This does, of course, only works really well if everyone else doesn't do this, so Alv, by all means spend your Honor. :P  

2 hours ago, Alvron said:

As for me just looking like I'm interested in bonding a spren, not so.  I'm extremely interested and really want a spren.

This line made me laugh.  Thanks. :P  I needed a laugh.

2 hours ago, Alvron said:

[mini rant]
Blah Blah Blah, Blah Blah  Living Shardblade,  Blach Blah, I'll try to get one, Blah Blah Blah Blah people should be paranoid of me, blah blah blah blah I enjoy the fear people get when I sign up for a game, and blah blah blah.
[end rant]

Well that's not creepy at all.  Guys, we've got to stop Alv at all costs.  Otherwise he'll just stab us all to death with a living shard blade.  That's what I'm getting from him. :P 

Earlier that day...

Balthazar sat in his quarters, feeling his tongue.  How odd.  He wouldn't have thought it would grow back that quickly.  Balthazar sighed, and looked down at the task before him.  Of the many things he had learned to do in his various employments, sewing was his least favorite.  He looked at his uniform.  It really wasn't what he was used to.  Well...  The arms were almost gone anyway, so...  rip  There.  That would work better. 

A few hours later, Balthazar's uniform, not only lacking a good deal of it's original fabric, was a good deal thicker, supposedly more durable – under the philosophy that adding stitching and patching to everything made things more durable – and rather more rugged in every way.  Balthazar smiled.  Perfect.  Just Right.

Edited by Magestar
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"I'm sorry. But I must go." 

Araon was worried. Three of their group were already gone. Ashvetyl and Veriq had decided to leave, without finishing their training. In addition to the murder of Lomot, Araon was highly suspicious of both. And Commander Kaladin had told them that it had been done from the inside. 

Araon pursed his lips. He wasn't alone in his suspicion. Others were conspiring against Ashvetyl, and he frankly couldn't blame them. He might as well join them. Strength in numbers, as they say. 

He walked to the door exiting his room. Ashvetyl knew something they did not, and they needed to find out. Interrogation was a terribly slow technique, but there were certain... methods to speed it up. 

He smiled grimly, and retrieved his side knife before walking out. 

Edited by Assassin in Burgundy
Wrong color
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Sareth still stood on the roof. Why? Here, on top of the world, one feels connected to something greater, connected to the heavens themselves. The world is a round table, stretching out far below, the mountains and valleys looking like bumps and scratches. Sareth stretched out his arms, feeling the wind, letting it flow through the holes in his uniform. Perhaps tonight, he thought, I will get this mended. But now, peace with the world. Seeing this majesty, so much greater than one man, puts all other events to shame. Sareth smiled. It is no wonder why nature is Truth. This is a prime example.

Open to the world and the sky, he calmly sorted his thoughts. Some Initiates are leaving, realizing a serious need elsewhere. He wished them luck on their travels. They will not have to worry about the events of the Holy City much longer. Most of the rest had gone below, to their rooms and elsewhere, out of the elements. It gave him a peaceful solitude on the roof, just him and the heavens. The sun drooped closer to the horizon, the light turning yellow and orange. He sighed. Only tomorrow will reveal new secrets, and with them new questions.

Seek the Truth.

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29 minutes ago, Magestar said:

Well that's not creepy at all.  Guys, we've got to stop Alv at all costs.  Otherwise he'll just stab us all to death with a living shard blade.  That's what I'm getting from him.

No, no no.  I have no intention of killing everyone.  Just those on my kill list, of which you are one. :P 

It was raining.  It wasn’t the hard lashing rain of a highstorm or even the steady cold rain of the Riddens but rather the light sprinkle of a passing shower.  Rainspren danced in and around the puddles that still dotted the landscape while the occasional windspren could be seen fluttering above.

Naihar strolled around outside the main tower as he tried to collect his thoughts.  Lomot was dead and two others were thinking of leaving. While it increased his odds of bonding a spren, it also would make it harder for him to be able to move about freely.  He had a job to do and the murder of Lomot was not going to make it any easier.

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Wow, so that kinda validates my vote for Sheep now, although I didn't know it at the time. Means I don't see any reason to change it, though. I really don't understand the flak I'm getting anyways.

I won't be dropping out, btw, although it's possible I'll go a day or two without posts or at least RP here and there (but never a full cycle).

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Epigraph to come because I'm not on the computer with them on it.

Fifth strolled down the hallway, humming to himself. It was the point in the plan when he needed to build Connections to the others--he wasn't going to get anywhere without knowing who his target was.

That was what bugged him about his whole mission. PRIME knew who the target was. So why didn't he tell him?

Regardless of what was going on behind the scenes, the Connections needed to be done. Fifth was proud of the method he had concocted. Granted, it did look somewhat peculiar that he was carrying a bundle of flowers around the halls of Urithiru, but nobody asked any questions.

He was so focused on his task that he walked right into the Lady Tintalle.



@Arraenae I didn't say that I don't enjoy the major role-playing aspect of the game--I love it! and I think more games should be like it. All I was saying was that I wasn't suspicious of anyone and I didn't have any analysis because of the relatively little gameplay talk up to that point. No "whining about RP".

Unless I'm missing something, I don't see a point in wasting the interrogation on Sheep or Quiver since they're just going to leave anyway. This makes me somewhat suspicious of Magestar. The other thing is that the eliminators want to lynch and kill the most active villagers, and seeing as Jondesu has been trying to promote game discussion from the very beginning, I can't trust Lopen or Drake.

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It didn’t take Naihar long to find a quiet spot with no one else around.  There were many rooms that were unoccupied and many more that still hadn’t been explored.  It was in one of these unexplored room that Naihar felt was his best bet at finding what he was looking for.  Or rather what his employer wanted him to find.  While everyone else was busy searching for ancient fabrials, Naihar searched for the one thing that was worth more than kingdoms.

The Armoury of the Dead.

The place dead Radiants had their Shards laid to rest.  A place where there were countless Blades and Plates just waiting for someone to claim them.

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What the storms, Shinon thought as he stood in the cold rain. First, he'd been rudely awakened and brought to the roof, then he'd been strung up in a highstorm, and if that wasn't bad enough, the Radiant Kaladin had informed them that Lomot, the first of the Initiates had been murdered, and by a Shardblade no less!

And now what? He expected the murderer to just turn themselves in? Ridiculous. Sighing, Shinon sought refuge from the riddens of the Highstorm he'd just been through. If there was a murderer, or murderers, in the group, he'd have to be extra careful to watch his back. He'd thought that some of the Initiates looked shady back at the gala, but didn't consider that anyone who spoke the Oath would murder another Initiate.

I wonder who it could be? he thought. I don't know any of them well enough to really know, so I guess I'll have to assume they're all capable of having done the deed. 

"I thought we'd be fighting Voidbringers, not ourselves," he grumbled, considering what was in store for them all the next day. Did Kaladin mention something about a greatshell?

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Kintas had returned to his rooms eventually and changed into a fresh uniform, or what he'd had created that he felt was appropriate. It was cut in the modern Alethi military style (no skirt, that was a bit old fashioned even if a few people still wore them), but he'd chosen a simple green color. He'd been tempted to choose the Kholin blue after seeing the guards, but he didn't want to confuse anyone, and green was a good color on him anyways. He looked in the mirror before he left the room, and assured himself that he looked appropriate, then took a second glance when he noticed his eyes. They seemed to have lightened some, though it was difficult to distinguish. He hadn't changed anything in his mental image of himself, had he? He knew the Radiants were historically all considered lighteyes, but many of the initiates were not, and he hadn't assumed it would be an essential change. He mentally filed it away and headed out to look for some of the others to speak to. It looked like a few people were giving up and leaving, Kaladin's training regime perhaps too harsh, though he was a little surprised they might be allowed to leave freely, considering the murder.

Speaking of, he decided to drop by Lomot's room to see if he could investigate, but when he arrived, two of the Cobalt Guards turned him away. Seemed they didn't want to let anyone in there just yet. He started to make his way towards Ranatar's room, but before he reached it, he found Hashiv stumbling along a corridor, appearing injured.

"Storms, man, are you alright?"

@Darkness Ascendant

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Hashiv stumbled around some more and nearly slammed into one of the other initiates, Kintas he thought. He mumbled something in reply to Kintas' question. Stumbled around a little more, then with a sudden coherent thought, grabbed Kintas and shoved him against the side of the hallway.

"Something is wrong. The Stranger lurks. My powers are gone"


oh, @Jondesu

Edited by Darkness Ascendant
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3 hours ago, Magestar said:
Some time later...

"My name is Hithon.  To whom do I have the presumed honor of addressing?"

Ah, thought Balthazar,  This one.  So he can speak.  It will be nice to have some decent conversation.  From the sound of it, this man is highly born.

"My name is Czarn, as I believe I said earlier.  I-"

"I am Teresh."  said Teresh, stepping in front of Balthazar, "Lovely weather we're having, isn't it?"

Balthazar stood up, affronted, as he was interrupted.    Hithon, as he had said his name was, had just introduced himself, when this person stepped right up to him, and interrupted.

Balthazar cleared his throat, in an effort to remain calm.  "Excuse me, sir."  He began.  "I was talking to this man.

End RP.

Oh. Sorry mage :P

I just pulled up Doc's last RP post after he asked to start a conversation, shoulda seen your post...

Also sheeeeeeeep I'm sorry to see you leaving :( hope all goes well for you and maybe in a little while we meet again.

Also, if sheep has said they are going inactive... @Amanuensis do you have an inactivity filter? If no, then I would support jailing sheep... But if yes, we shouldn't waste the vote on someone who will die anyway.

3 hours ago, Magestar said:

Balthazar sat in his quarters, feeling his tongue.  How odd.  He wouldn't have thought it would grow back that quickly.

Well the tongue is the fastest healing organ in the body, even without stormlight :P Although the liver is best in terms of how much of it you can lose and still have it grow back.

1 hour ago, Jondesu said:

Wow, so that kinda validates my vote for Sheep now, although I didn't know it at the time. Means I don't see any reason to change it, though. I really don't understand the flak I'm getting anyways.

I won't be dropping out, btw, although it's possible I'll go a day or two without posts or at least RP here and there (but never a full cycle).

I mean... It validates it in the sense that you now have a solid reason to vote sheep... But it also invalidates your original reasons for voting sheep to be honest. You voted sheep originally on the suspicion that they were elim, but I doubt an elim would drop out like this (unless they are drought... cough, cough...).

1 hour ago, Ecthelion III said:

Unless I'm missing something, I don't see a point in wasting the interrogation on Sheep or Quiver since they're just going to leave anyway. This makes me somewhat suspicious of Magestar. The other thing is that the eliminators want to lynch and kill the most active villagers, and seeing as Jondesu has been trying to promote game discussion from the very beginning, I can't trust Lopen or Drake.

If I have a legit suspicion (even a small one) I'll vote on that over an inactive... And anyways, you yourself literally just said you see no point in voting on the confirmed inactives. :P

Still, a lot of this depends on if we have an inactivity filter or not.


Anyways... Sorry but no RP post this time. And my analysis is unfortunately kind of limited since this game has a sort of slow start (even if I am enjoying the breathing room for RP).

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16 minutes ago, Drake Marshall said:

I mean... It validates it in the sense that you now have a solid reason to vote sheep... But it also invalidates your original reasons for voting sheep to be honest. You voted sheep originally on the suspicion that they were elim, but I doubt an elim would drop out like this (unless they are drought... cough, cough...).

I think you misunderstood.  I didn't suspect Sheep… I literally didn't suspect anyone and basically pulled someone at random.  Because people get suspicious if you don't vote the first day, but I have nothing to go on, and I was happy that in this game I didn't have to risk an irreversible mistake.  Now that he's going to drop out, I think we should both interrogate and then execute him, since there's no good that comes from keeping inactive players in the game, unless we find a solid lead somehow before that happens.  Unlikely in the first couple cycles in my opinion, it's more about luck then anyways.

16 minutes ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

Hashiv stumbled around some more and nearly slammed into one of the other initiates, Kintas he thought. He mumbled something in reply to Kintas' question. Stumbled around a little more, then with a sudden coherent thought, grabbed Kintas and shoved him against the side of the hallway.

"Something is wrong. The Stranger lurks. My powers are gone"


oh, @Jondesu

Kintas drew in a breath sharply as he was slammed into the side of the wall.  Briefly, he thought Hashiv was attacking him, but then he realized it seemed to me more out of desperation and an attempt to, what, warn him?

"What stranger is there here?  Who did this to you?"  After seeing the Stormlight heal everyone's wounds from the highstorm, he had assumed there wasn't much anyone could do that would hurt any of them for long.  He drew out a pouch of spheres.

"Here, breath in the Light."

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1 minute ago, Jondesu said:

I think you misunderstood.  I didn't suspect Sheep… I literally didn't suspect anyone and basically pulled someone at random.  Because people get suspicious if you don't vote the first day, but I have nothing to go on, and I was happy that in this game I didn't have to risk an irreversible mistake.  Now that he's going to drop out, I think we should both interrogate and then execute him, since there's no good that comes from keeping inactive players in the game, unless we find a solid lead somehow before that happens.  Unlikely in the first couple cycles in my opinion, it's more about luck then anyways.

Well, never fear, for the below reasons I'm changing my vote.

I never suspected you all that much... but to be honest your explanations haven't been such that my initial, slight suspicions are particularly alleviated.

Negative. No inactivity filter in this game.

If that's the case, we should probably vote inactives up. While I hate losing a lynch to take out an inactive... Considering the voting requirements on this game, we need to jail/lynch inactives, or else we will soon be rendered incapable of carrying out executions or pardons. Looks like we should vote up Ashetvl.

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12 minutes ago, Drake Marshall said:

If that's the case, we should probably vote inactives up. While I hate losing a lynch to take out an inactive... Considering the voting requirements on this game, we need to jail/lynch inactives, or else we will soon be rendered incapable of carrying out executions or pardons. Looks like we should vote up Ashetvl.

Not necessarily. @Amanuensis will you be counting Inactives for rules like the 50% execution and 75% pardon votes?

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