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Long Game 30: Journey Before Destination


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As the distraction group charged in, Ranatar spent a last few seconds dividing the remaining initiates in two groups, then ran after the first group, trusting that those in his group would follow. While the distraction group kept the beasts undivided attention,  he darted between the beasts larger frontal claws to get at the smaller legs behind that, Stormlight giving him the agility needed to avoid getting crushed.

Once among the beasts legs he started stabbing around with his spear, each blow sending a shock through his arms. The soulcast metal haft held, and Ranatar would be able to continue his assault as long as he had Stormlight remaining. Despite his best efforts, the creature's constant movement made it impossible to hit the same spot on the same leg often enough to disable it.

Suddenly, a wild trumpeting came from the creature. Ranatar could see the silhouette of the Shin man desperate clinging to the creature’s head. A sound of cracking rock came from his right as the creature braced several of his central legs against the wall as it whipped its head around to shake his assailant. Ranatar’s attention immediately back snapped to the now mostly stationary legs. The middle joint of one hung about three meters above the ground. Not impossible to reach with his spear, especially with Stormlight fueling his attack.

He sprinted towards the joint, drawing in as much stormlight as he could hold, then leapt. He rammed the spear through the thinner carapace covering the joint, then used his momentum to tear his spear loose, opening a wound along almost half the circumference of the joint. A cracking noise came from the leg as the pressure the creature applied to it became too much for the damaged leg, and it went limp. ‘One down, thirteen more to go.’ 

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8 hours ago, TheMightyLopen said:

Anyways, back on topic. I'd personally rather we have an actual lynch. Really, we're gonna have to lynch 2 players as shots in the dark, so we need to get on with it. My 2 top suspects at this point are Jondesu and Arinian. I would be willing to lynch either of them I think. I know they are both pretty active, but that is how you get information. Lynch the most suspicious players that discussion has centered on and who have interacted with other players in ways that could help us identify other eliminators or clear villagers.

So you suspecting me cause I'm too insightful and asking many questions and you think that it's not usual for me?

Sorry I should break your theory I'm not insightful nor asking unusual amount of questions. I'm insightful cause I'm just read rules and asking questions but I always asked many questions, only diference I asking question in thread not in GM PM(usualy I asked questions only in GM PM).

Why this time I asking questions in thread? Just to increase size of my posts cause there not many what I can add to discussion right now(and also to get honor, cause I don't know how Aman counts posts for honor, maybe he not counting short posts. Who knows? Not me. ), I'm still suspecting Alv(also I have bad gut read on Drake) but not more then that.

Also I just realized that person in jail will surely lose his spren(if there no way to get honor in prison) and only way not to lose it it's to collect some honor(and not waste it) before you will be imprisoned. So with that(if Aman will post when bond is broken, will you?) we can  guess on which turn bond where created and which spren it was and if it was prisoner who lost spren. Okay my idea is confusing and hardly doable but let me explain.  

For example:

Lets say Lopen(it's jus example I not counted who how many honor get) bonded spren on this turn, he wasted 4 honor on it and but then on this turn he was imprisoned but before he was imprisoned he get 2 honor for this cycle so if bond will broken on turn 5(or 6... I'm not sure if I failed in counting)  we can guess that Lopen was one who bonded spren. Then if my guesses is right and only Lightweaver or Truthwatcher is so cheap we can guess(yes only guesses) that Lopen is not elim cause elims don't have any need in bonding this sprens(that guesses, yes again). And also right now I think that Stonewarden can be also cheap spren.

I hope it's understandable?

Also I not gonna do that, cause I lazy... and it's just my theory based on guesses so... mehh.

Also can it be so that Aman not allowed elims to investigate crimes on turn 1?

Or hmm... I don't see need for elims not to kill if they can investigate on turn one 4 players and then kill 2 on turn 2 so there will be 2 dead on turn 3. Hmm I don't know maybe... something like hmm...  they didn't want to give us information by kills. So what they will do hmm:

C3. They have 8 investigated players so they can choose from this list who is more dangerous for them or who have biggest chance to bond spren and will kill them.

C4. 2 players dead, elims still have 6 investigated players.

C5. 4 dead, 4 investigated.

C6. 6 dead, 2 investigated.

C7. 8 or 7 dead, 3 or 0 invesigated. They should investigate to get kill but there can be possibility that they killed dustbringer and collected enough honor to get his spren so one of them will go for this spren.

Way if Aman not allowed them to investigate on C1.

C3. 4 investigated. 0 dead.

C4. 2 dead. 2 investigated.

C5. 4 dead. 0 investigated.(I'm almost sure that there not gonna be spren that costs more then 8 honor so they have enough honot to become dustbringer)

C6. Still 4 dead. Probably 3 investigated and probably they can get dustbringer.

I don't know what in elim heads... but I can see only 2 posibilities: 1) They decided not to kill early so we won't get more info... but if I was elim I will surely kill someone with big amount of honor, so probably there something else, other motivation for it. 2)Aman just not allowed them to investigate on turn 1(but it looks like big underpower to elim team, so I don't think he done that).

Honestly I don't know why they not killed, that's really confusing, and I even don't know why I'm wrote what I'm wrote... I lost all ideas. Mehh...  And maybe I failed with counting, it's usual for me.

Better don't read it.

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Detachedly, Hithon wondered what had come over him. Was this really the time? Perhaps not. He was charging a chasmfiend, after all.

He was charging a chasmfiend.


He gasped as something huge smashed just beside him, sending him lurching to the side and almost throwing him to the ground. He heard grunts, shouts, as his fellow Initiates engaged the Fiend. Regaining his balance, he continued running, until he heard someone scream his name, which caused him to stop just as another leg smashed into the ground right in front of him, flinging him backwards. Disoriented, he still managed to land on his feet, but it was too late.

His confidence had been shaken.

All of a sudden, he realized where he was, and what he was doing, and everything that was happening around him. Remember how blind people hated unfamiliar surroundings and sudden moves?

He was an idiot.

Now that he was still, the legs were everywhere. Pounding the ground around him like hammers from every direction, sending shocks up his feet. He could not know where the next foot would land. Someone ran past him. A roar like twenty screams pierced his ears. An arrow whistled past his ear. 

He froze. There was no other excuse. Amidst the thundering of chasmfiend legs, it’s guttural scream, and the screams of the other initiates weaving between its legs, he froze. He heard the clash of weapons, screams of pain, defiant battlecries. He heard running footsteps, the chasmfiend's defeaning shrieks, and - the footsteps were running right at him...

A scream - “Hithon, MOVE!!!!!

In his confusion, he did not recognize the voice, nor the body that slammed into him. He let out a suprised gasp, and all the remaining air in his lungs was knocked out of him when he was crushed to the ground by an unknown body. Then he felt the earth shudder. Where he had been standing, another leg would have pierced his head like a knife through cherries. 

His unknown saviour picked himself up and ran back into the fray. Hithon sat himself up, mind still spinning. He was lost. Totally. All around him was blackness, blackness and screams, and the constant thundering of legs. Constant, earth-shaking, rhythmic.

"Blind man!!"  Was that another voice? It seemed to come from so far away. He tuned the voice out, trying to understand why that word stuck in his mind. 

Rhythmic. Was it? Was it rhythmic?

As he stood and listened, he thought he caught something. Something that he couldn’t put into words. It fluttered at the edges of his mind, and with a growl he snatched at it. There was something...The chasmfiend legs. Their movement couldn’t be random, could it? 18 pairs of legs, they had to move...in a pattern. Even flailing as this one was… The falling of the legs wouldn’t be random.

He felt a hum. 

There was a pattern.


With that realization, he twisted, and felt the ground where he had just been crack with the weight of a chasmfiend leg. The footsteps that had been running towards him came to a stop, and even though he could not see who they were, he felt their disbelief radiate at him. 

He smiled.

He saw them now, in his mind’s eye. The eighteen legs on his side, moving. He heard the thuds He knew where they were going to land, even though he wasn't sure exactly how. It was...almost instinctive, and if he had tried to explain it he would be grabbing at words. He sensed the pattern. And so when the next leg struck the ground, he was already leaping into the air, higher than any man had a right to be jumping. A jump fuelled by pure light. 

He landed on a leg joint, perhaps, felt the rock-hard scales under his hands and feet. Feeling below him, his fingers found the edges of carapace and the unprotected joint of the leg beneath him. With a vicious smile, he pulled a poisoned dagger from his belt and slashed an angry line across the joint. It didn’t cut all the way through, but it would be enough. He clung on to the part of the leg he was holding, smelling the fumes released as the poison in his dagger ate way at the flesh, felt the vicious jerk of the chasmfiend’s pain, imagined the leg withering away.

He had no idea what had happened underneath, how he had seen that pattern. But he was grateful for it, and he would use it.  Holding on determinedly to the writhing leg, he made his slow, torturous climb onto the chasmfiend’s back. 

Now he could make a difference.

Hiya @Hemalurgic_Headshot! Didn't want you getting lonely all the way up there! :P Mind if I join you for a spot of Chasmfiend Rodeo?

Also, anyone can fill in for the spot of Hithon's rescuer. He was disoriented, so he doesn't know who he was. Please be kind enough to identify yourself :P Anyone can claim it. @Drake Marshall? @Arraenae? @Jondesu? @randuir? Do try not to all save me at once though, I know I'm popular, but leave some help for others ;) 

In terms of discussion, nothing much has changed since my post this afternoon - Ah never mind, Arin ninja-ed me.

Uh...Arin. You're right, your post is confusing. No, wait. After rereading twice, I finally get what you're going at. 

So the first thing you said was about prisoners not getting honor, yeah? And that from honor counts, we should be able to deduce what spren the prisoner had bonded by taking his total honor count, subtracting the price of the spren, and subtracting one from every cycle? At least, that's how I'm understanding your idea. It's...a tricky one. For one, we simply don't know the prices of spren. Secondly, there are going to be other people gaining and losing bonds as well, I'm not sure how accurate this deduction is going to be.

Secondly, you made a prediction on the Unjust activity based on whether the Unjust could investigate on cycle 1. I notice is that you still seem very sure that there are 4 Unjust. I don't know, but your certainty is weird, even after being called out on it. Other than that, the flow of actions seem solid? You seem to be trying to explain why there's hasn't been a kill this cycle, am I right? And your answer is that they're busy investigating people. Is that right?

Edited by Doc12
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8 minutes ago, Doc12 said:

Uh...Arin. You're right, your post is confusing. No, wait. After rereading twice, I finally get what you're going at. 

So the first thing you said was about prisoners not getting honor, yeah? And that from honor counts, we should be able to deduce what spren the prisoner had bonded by taking his total honor count, subtracting the price of the spren, and subtracting one from every cycle? At least, that's how I'm understanding your idea. It's...a tricky one. For one, we simply don't know the prices of spren. Secondly, there are going to be other people gaining and losing bonds as well, I'm not sure how accurate this deduction is going to be.

Yeah you right it's very tricky and hard to do as I said, but all this game about guessing, isn't it? All what we do is guessing through all game, I just advised idea so someone can extend it. 


Secondly, you made a prediction on the Unjust activity based on whether the Unjust could investigate on cycle 1. I notice is that you still seem very sure that there are 4 Unjust. I don't know, but your certainty is weird, even after being called out on it. Other than that, the flow of actions seem solid? You seem to be trying to explain why there's hasn't been a kill this cycle, am I right? And your answer is that they're busy investigating people. Is that right?

I just tried to understand why there no kill on this cycle. But looking back I see that I get not much from that. Mehh... 

And I'm not certain in elims number, but we should go from something. Just think if we will stay and think "Hmm... interesting how many elims in this game. I don't know so I will sit and wait till I will die and GM will reveal it to me" that's what you think I should do? Right now I don't have better guesses about elim number but of course I have nothing against if you will give me your thoughts on elim number, and reasons why number should be so.

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The beast roared as its eyes filled with red powder. As it was distracted, Araon ran to the nearest leg, and swung the claymore with considerable force. It cracked the carapace, but it hadn't hit the joint like he intended. It trumpeted again, and Araon backed away. It started flailing it's leg in his general direction, and it came dangerously close. The red powder was clearing up, and that was when Araon was really in danger. 

It began trying to crush him, stomping down with its foot. It almost hit him at one point, and he would be instantly killed if it did. 

Then he tripped. It was a simple rock, but it was enough. 

The beast slammed down with another leg, and Araon was just barely able to move to the side. It reared down again, and in a desperate defense, he shoved his sword into it. He rolled to the side as the beast punched its foot into the ground, with his sword poking out the bottom. It was instantly driven deep into the flesh of the chasmfiend, and it roared. Wow, that actually worked, he thought. Then, Damnation, I just lost my only weapon. 

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Ranatar took stock of the situation. A moment before, it had looked like the beast would claim its first victim, as the blind man, Hithon, had stumbled around between the legs, disoriented. Only the quick help of another initiate had saved the man. Then something had changed in him. For all the world, he’d looked like he’d regained his sight. He nimbly dodged the next attempts to flatten him, then jumped on one of the legs, slashing a joint before heading up onto the creatures back. The leg he’d slashed had gone limp moments after.

Then, the chasmfiend had tried to kill another man, who had brought an enormous sword, easily the size of a shardblade. The man had stumbled and fallen, but a last-ditch stab with his sword had wrecked the leg coming down on him. It’d also left him lying prone and weaponless.

Ranatar quickly closed the distance to him, grabbing him by the shoulder and dragging him up. As soon as the initiate had regained his footing, Ranatar handed him the sword he’d brought as back-up to his spear. It was a shortsword, with a thick blade, intended for stabbing through weak spots in armor.

Ranatar looked around. There was another leg close by that was currently braced against the chasm wall, keeping the creature upright as it tossed about to dislodge those on its back. Its joints where too high up to easily reach, but if the armor on the lower part of the leg could be cracked, they should be able to disable it. He quickly turned to the man he’d helped up and pointed to his intended target. “We need to get through the armor before the beast starts moving that leg again.”

Apologies if you'd already arranged for someone else to help you up again, @Assassin in Burgundy. Otherwise, you're welcome :P.

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Balthazar heard shouting as he scrambled up the Fiends leg.   He looked down to see the blind man scrambling beneath it's many chitinous appendages.   That man was going to get himself killed!  Balthazar opened his mouth to say something, but heard someone else yelling.

"Hithon, Move!"

"Blind man!"


Balthazar sighed with relief as Hithon dodged, just in time, and began to climb up the chasm fiend.  Well, now even more people were riding this crazy beast.  Balthazar grinned.  This day just kept getting better.

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Sareth turned around to see the blind man, Hithon, pull himself onto the chasmfiend's back far behind him. Sareth smiled and gave him a salute- one he couldn't see, but it was done. Down below, Initiates ran about, jabbing at the enraged beast's legs, bringing some of them down. Half blind, the chasmfiend still flailed about in a rage. Sareth patted it. Such anger like this will only get it killed, which is what is happening. He swung over onto the side of beast's head and gave its good eye a firm poke. It bellowed, and thrashed some more. Sareth held onto his bag-tether with all of his might. Then he saw something.

Above them, on the chasm wall, was a large outcropping. The chasmfiend's struggle had made cracks in the walls, and Sareth could see the outcropping could fall if the chasnfiend struck the wall again. If they could get it to fall on it... perhaps they could pin it down. It was a plan, and plans are usually a good thing. He shouted to his fellow Initiates.

"There is an outcropping above the chasmfiend! If we can get this beast to ram into the wall again, the outcropping will fall on it! Try to get it enraged!"

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It's fine, I hadn't planned on anyone specific.

Araon nodded at the man, grateful for probably saving his life. He swung the sword in a few experimental strikes, and was happy with the man's choice of steel. 

"We need to get through the armor before the beast starts moving again," he said. Araon nodded in acknowledgement and ran to the leg he had pointed at. The shortsword was made to stab through armor, and he smiled grimly as they ran towards the creature. The chasmfiend was too preoccupied to notice them, and Araon was able to stab through a piece of chitin, causing the chasmfiend to roar in pain and instantly look in their direction. Uh oh, he thought.


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1 hour ago, Hemalurgic_Headshot said:

"There is an outcropping above the chasmfiend! If we can get this beast to ram into the wall again, the outcropping will fall on it! Try to get it enraged!"

The question is, will this actually do anything to it? :P How big is the outcropping/Chasmfiend?

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15 minutes ago, Magestar said:

The question is, will this actually do anything to it? :P How big is the outcropping/Chasmfiend?

It is not terribly large, about the size of a chull (which compared to the chasmfiend isn't very large), however, it may stun it, and might even pin down a leg or so.

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While the others had been directly attacking the beast, Shinon took stock of his arrows. It seemed that the fall into the chasm had broken over half of what he'd brought. Storms, he thought, I'll have to make these count.

Distracted as it was by the Initiates surrounding it, he was able to stay a safe distance away and fire on it from a boulder he'd climbed. The first few shots were only to gauge the distance and try to figure out its movement patterns, so he could anticipate the attacks and find an opening. He'd coated his arrows with the poison, or whatever it was, that the blind man have given him, but it didn't seem to have any effect on the creature, since the arrows would just bounce off of its hard carapace and fall to the chasm floor, leaving the beast completely unharmed. It didn't even seem to notice the arrows. He soon emptied his quiver. He took his final arrow, dipped it in the poison, then readied himself.

Okay, focus. Slow your breathing and wait for an opening. He breathed in, gathering the last of his stormlight. It seemed to heighten his senses and he felt he could follow the beasts' movement especially well. This is really turning out to be very useful, he thought.

It seemed as if someone had scored a good hit on one of the chasmfiends legs, for it trumpeted wildly and looked to the side where a couple Initiates were hacking at it.

Now! Shinon loosed his final arrow, aimed directly at the chasmfiend's eye where it had exposed itself by turning to look at its side. The beast roared again as the arrow struck true. It bashed its head into the chasm wall, snapping off the protruding half of the arrow, leaving the tip firmly stuck in its eye, which would hopefully allow Hithon's poison to do its work. The wild thrashing of the chasmfiend from the subsequent attacks caused everything to shake, throwing Shinon from his perch atop the boulder...

Shinon might be knocked out for a bit, so feel free to have that cause the outcropping to crash down or not, he wasn't awake to see what happened. :P

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There was a rumbling, and Sareth looked up. The outcropping was crashing down the chasm towards him and the chasmfiend! He forsook his bag-tether and took off at a run, down the beast's back. He leaped over spines and scales with haste, hoping to get away from the incoming boulder. Then the rock struck.

It hit the chasmfiend square in the head, knocking it down and pitching it forward. The whole beast lurcher forward, knocking Sareth off his feet. He tumbled down, bouncing off of spines and limbs. Somewhere, his staff was flung from his fingers. He saw the chasmfiend collapse, whether knocked out or dead, before he blacked out.

Certainly the beast isn't dead yet, but Sareth is down for the count! Someone might want to save him. @Doc12, Hithon may or may not have been flung off of the chasmfiend's back. Decide on it as you will. And for the rest of you, don't celebrate just yet! Who knows when it will wake up...:P

Edited by Hemalurgic_Headshot
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30 minutes ago, Hemalurgic_Headshot said:

Certainly the beast isn't dead yet, but Sareth is down for the count! Someone might want to save him. @Doc12, Hithon may or may not have been flung off of the chasmfiend's back. Decide on it as you will. And for the rest of you, don't celebrate just yet! Who knows when it will wake up...:P

Hey, I'm up there too! :P  

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1 minute ago, Alvron said:

Naihar wants you all to know he's very put out with you all. :P  He was planning on being the one to ride the chasmfiend.  He even gathered up the vines to use as reins. :) 

There were like 3 people up here last I checked.  By all means, join us. :P 

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1 minute ago, Magestar said:

There were like 3 people up here last I checked.  By all means, join us. :P 

Nah.  He's too busy sulking that he wasn't the first.  I tried to tell him he needed to make a post but he didn't listen.  He said something about story pacing.

He has come up with another idea of using the vines to tie up the chasmfiend and turn it into a really big pinata.  He's going to need more vines though.

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Ranatar had to throw himself aside to avoid getting crushed as the Chasmfiend collapsed, the creature's body and legs missing him by a hairsbreadth. Getting up as quickly as his stormlight-enhanced strength allowed, he looked over the fallen beast, trying to determine what had brought it down.

'There!' A big chunk or rock was resting against the chasmfiend's head. 'It's not big enough to guarantee a kill though.' A quick glance behind him showed that the wound he and the other initiate had caused was still spurting blood, or whatever passed for blood in these creatures. There seemed to be a pulsing rhytm to the blood leaking out. "Its's not dead yet! Its heart is still beating!" Ranatar shouted.

The creature was unmoving for the moment, but Ranatar expected that to change shortly. The creatures four massive forelimbs where spread out across the ground, and he could see the  weaker joint where they connected to the creatures body. Disabling those would remove one of it's most dangerous appendages.

Ranatar quickly moved toward the joint, hoping that all the other initiates would make use of the time they'd gained. As he set to work cutting through the joint, he idly wondered about the fate of the initiates that had climbed the creature. 'Doesn't matter. There's nothing I can do for them right now apart from making sure the beast loses its claws.'


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Vote Tally:
Shqueeves (0): Doc
Quiver (5): Rand, Jond, Headshot, Assassin, Drake, Ari
Ec3 (1): Doc
Jond (1): Drake
Ari (1): Alv

Kill Sheep: (4/11)
Doc, Shqueeves, Jond, Assassin, Ari

Pardon Sheep: (0/16)
No one

I think we're all getting a little caught up in the RP and forgetting about finding the Unjust and while I'm always in favor of removing Inactives we still need some discussion even if it's just for honour harvesting. :D 

Ari, you threw a vote on me not long after Lopen said he thought we were teammates.  You also have some very good insights like the Unjust being able to scan or kill more than once per cycle which is something that the Elims normally can't do.  I can't recall it being asked anywhere in the thread so you had to either ask in Doc or PM.  And while you are right that they can kill or scan more than one person per cycle, I would be very interested in hearing why you thought you needed to ask the GM that question.

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@Amanuensis, how do I remove an execution vote? And if it's crossing it out, can you just take out my execution vote on sheep since I'm always on mobile and I can't do that. 

The beastie collapsed under the rock, but it still wasn't dead. He cautiously walked towards it, and retrieved his claymore that was still stuck in one of its claws. Handing back the shortsword to Ranatar, he moved to one of its giant claws. Using it like a woodcutters axe, he brought the sword down on the chasmfiend's joint. He thought he saw it move, and he flinched. Araon flicked the sword under the carapace and threw his weight against the hilt, sinking it deep into the creature's flesh. He was sure he felt it shudder that time, and backed away. However, at this point, the creature was almost completely incapacitated. 

At least that's what he hoped. 

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It looked like Sareth had climbed on top of the beast and distracted it, giving Uther some breathing room. Uther's arm healed in a few seconds, as stormlight leaked from the wound instead of blood.

The chasmfiend rammed its head into the chasm wall to shake Sareth off. Rock gave way before its carapaced head with a resounding crack... But it looked like it was momentarily dazed. Sareth threw a bag of red powder over the chasmfiend's face in an attempt to blind it. Well that's a new one...

"Strike now!" someone shouted.

Uther would gladly comply. The chasmfiend had lost interest in him for a moment, so he approached its legs... Oh storms. Hithon, who had followed his initial charge, was now stumbling along directly underneath the chasmfiend, surrounded by its crashing legs. Storm that man. It was a death sentence... And it was the only initiate Uther had said he would look out for. "Hithon, MOVE!!!!" Uther shouted. He didn't seem to hear Uther. The chasmfiend, who had finally noticed Hithon underneath it, retracted one of its legs to impale him.

Uther started running. Faster... The leg stabbed through the air with unnatural speed and grace, perfectly targeted to puncture the blind initiate's skull. Uther would be too late. Hithon was dead. No. He sucked down stormlight desperately, more and more... more stormlight then he had ever drawn before. Time seemed to pass at a trickle, and the icy storm inside of him threatened to tear Uther apart. The only things that seemed to be moving were Uther and the fiend's razor-tipped leg...

Uther slammed into Hithon and they were both sent sprawling. The leg speared forward and pierced the rock where they had been instants before. Damnation that was close... The chasmfiend trumpeted in irritation at the pair. We are barely more than a nuisance to it yet... But by the Almighty, I'm going to be a storming big nuisance.

Uther examined the leg that had just missed him. The underside of the joint between the first and second leg segment... The sword should be able to pierce that.


I was planning to continue this but I gotta go now so I'll probably continue it in a second post in a few hours.

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Sorry I should break your theory I'm not insightful nor asking unusual amount of questions. I'm insightful cause I'm just read rules and asking questions but I always asked many questions, only diference I asking question in thread not in GM PM(usualy I asked questions only in GM PM).

Why this time I asking questions in thread? Just to increase size of my posts cause there not many what I can add to discussion right now(and also to get honor, cause I don't know how Aman counts posts for honor, maybe he not counting short posts. Who knows? Not me. ), I'm still suspecting Alv(also I have bad gut read on Drake) but not more then that

Asking questions isn't honorable, Arionium (Arinian). The Almighty (Aman) said that at the party yesterday. For someone publicly asking the Almighty for guidance, you seem very unaware of what he actually said. 

Can I, um, can I add something here? At, um, the gala, Arionium (Arinian) said that there for four Unjust. Do we know how many of them there are? How, um, how did he know that? I... I think that he's lying about something. Or he knows more, um, more than us. Yeah. Um. Does that make sense? No? I'll, um, I'll just shut up now...

Ralaanar gaped at the Initiates throwing themselves over the edge with. How were they doing that? He couldn't imagine how the Initiates dealt with being forced to jump down. Even the thought of jumping made a purple cloud of fearspren rise around him. And then there was the chasmfiend at the bottom, waiting for them...

Ralaanar pulled out a piece of paper and a reed pen out of his Safepouch. The paper was slightly damp, but he could deal with that. He unfolded the paper, put it against the ground, and began to sketch the scene.

The chasmfiend was almost beautiful from this distance. It was violet, almost the same color as fearspren. Its movements were graceful, almost like a dancer. A predatory dancer, perhaps? It turned and roared. Next to the chasmfiend, the Initiates looked like ants. They ran and stabbed at its legs, but didn't seem to have any effect. Then Ralaanar noticed someone that was somehow on the chasmfiend. Slowly, the chasmfiend began to stumble. Its legs didn't move so gracefully anymore. The Initiates attacked it, over and over, until it collapsed.

Ralaanar's pen dropped out of his hand. Awespren popped into existence around his head. How... how had that happened? Had the Initiates killed a chasmfiend?

No. Not yet. A moment later, Ralaanar saw it move again. He sighed and picked up his pen again to continue sketching the scene.

So, while everybody was risking their lives, Ralaanar was drawing. Helpful, huh? :P On the bright side, you can approach him for souvenirs later!

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1 hour ago, Alvron said:

Vote Tally:
Shqueeves (0): Doc
Quiver (5): Rand, Jond, Headshot, Assassin, Drake, Ari
Ec3 (1): Doc
Jond (1): Drake
Ari (1): Alv

Kill Sheep: (4/11)
Doc, Shqueeves, Jond, Assassin, Ari

Pardon Sheep: (0/16)
No one

I think we're all getting a little caught up in the RP and forgetting about finding the Unjust and while I'm always in favor of removing Inactives we still need some discussion even if it's just for honour harvesting. :D 

Ari, you threw a vote on me not long after Lopen said he thought we were teammates.  You also have some very good insights like the Unjust being able to scan or kill more than once per cycle which is something that the Elims normally can't do.  I can't recall it being asked anywhere in the thread so you had to either ask in Doc or PM.  And while you are right that they can kill or scan more than one person per cycle, I would be very interested in hearing why you thought you needed to ask the GM that question.

Oh I forgot. Sheep.

And to questions. I don't know if elim can or can't investigate more then 1 in cycle(I'm tried to ask it in same post where I mentioned it first time. But or Aman missed my question or I weirdly formulated it). So I don't know if they can but from wording I guessed that they can. Just think if they can investigate only one person in cycle then they can have kill only once in 2 cycles, looks underpowered isn't it?

And from signing page 3:

On 01.02.2017 at 6:50 AM, Assassin in Burgundy said:

When Unjust investigate/execute, is this as a group or individually? Like can each Unjust investigate or kill, or do they all get one or the other?

It's individual. So, if there are four Unjust on C1, they can decide to investigate four different players and then during the next two chapters execute two of them at a time, for example. This, however, means they are unable to bond any spren, and therefore the village will end up with all of the powers. Any player can only perform a single action each cycle, so a single Unjust cannot Investigate and Execute in a single turn.

So questions? It's Aman's answer if something.


Asking questions isn't honorable, Arionium (Arinian). The Almighty (Aman) said that at the party yesterday. For someone publicly asking the Almighty for guidance, you seem very unaware of what he actually said. 

Akhm? What? I don't understand...

Edited by Arinian
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