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Long Game 30: Journey Before Destination


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Just talked to Drake, he has no Honor left this cycle so the bond is doomed, whereas if we'd pardoned him last round he could have earned the Honor this round he would need to keep it. I just misunderstood exactly when it would break (I even thought about that in the discussion about freeing him and how if we pardoned him last cycle but he was out of unspent Honor it wouldn't matter, but didn't fully process that apparently). I still believe him and would go for a pardon again, but I'd like to see what others are thinking. It seems like an insurmountable task considering the inactives. On that note, I'd like to put up JUQ for imprisonment, as a true inactive this game. @JUQ, I'd prefer to see you return and be active instead, though. Any chance of that?

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11 hours ago, Amanuensis said:


Did anyone else read this and was then disappointed because Lift didn't come sliding in to save the day with her Awesomeness?

32 minutes ago, Ecthelion III said:

I agree with Jondesu that the Elsecaller is likely an Unjust. However, I doubt this means Quiver is Unjust, as if their goal was to get Joe into jail to kill him, they would have of course chosen him and not Drake so Drake's bond would be broken.

I'm not sure about that.  If Quiver is an Unjust then it's very likely that they will want to keep him alive so they can order him to kill prisoners.  Unless they wanted the execution to hit Joe instead but I don't think Dalinar would be blind enough to kill the wrong person.  Although, seeing as he's on the Plains, it would make sense story wise for it to happen and then it's discovered after everyone returns.

Edited by Alvron
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11 hours ago, Amanuensis said:

Regarding Teleporting players in and out of prison. This swap is temporary, lasting only a single Chapter, so at the start of Chapter Eight, Veriq will be imprisoned again and Jonly set free. Since this ruling makes it so Elsecallers can block executions, I will only allow a single Elsecaller to pull that off twice before they get caught in the act, their identity being revealed to the thread just like a Stoneward who protected a player from execution.

Honestly on start of game I thought that Elsecaller can do that but then decided to myself that's this will be too overpowered so I didn't ask about that. Now I think that that's superoverpowered for elims even if Stonewarden is cheapest spren and Elsecaller is most expensive still it's overpower(If elims can kill swapped person with only one elim, can they?). That just my opinion on that.

So what I think... we in damnation bad situation. Why? Cause Inactivity Reigns.

If we won't imprison inactive player on that turn(or some of inactives will come back) turn or two later we will be unable to execute or pardon. So what we will do? Imprison inactive so maybe we still will  have enough votes to excute\pardon or we will test our luck(imprison someone whom we suspecting?). 

8 minutes ago, Alvron said:

Did anyone else read this and was then disappointed because Lift didn't come sliding in to save the day with her Awesomeness?

I hate Lift, so no I'm not dissapointed. 

10 minutes ago, Alvron said:

I'm not sure about that.  If Quiver is an Unjust then it's very likely that they will want to keep him alive so they can order him to kill prisoners.  Unless they wanted the execution to hit Joe instead but I don't think Dalinar would be blind enough to kill the wrong person.  Although, seeing as he's on the Plains, it would make sense story wise for it to happen and then it's discovered after everyone returns.

There can be many reasons(Quiver is villager and they just want to confuse us, or he is just elim and they just get one more pair of hands for kills, or all that thing is crazy WGG and Joe is elim or... I don't know something else). But I don't see any reason why Elsecaller is not elim, what reason for villager to save inactive player keeping village without information and making from active player easy target(only 1 elim to kill so they without problem can kill Drake and Joe in one turn). So I almost sure that Elsecaller is elim(or DA is Elsecaller).

55 minutes ago, Ecthelion III said:

I agree with Jondesu that the Elsecaller is likely an Unjust. However, I doubt this means Quiver is Unjust, as if their goal was to get Joe into jail to kill him, they would have of course chosen him and not Drake so Drake's bond would be broken.

Why no vote from you on previous turn? I'm really geniunly interested, you was active, so what? It's looks like really convinient thing for elims active player who gains honor for RP.

And you so CERTAIN about their goal, cause you looks CERTAIN? Or you just wants to point us on this idea?

So whom I suspecting: 


That's was interesting trick (fits for Alv? I don't know, I think yes) with Elsecaller(maybe that just I'm too stupid that didn't thought about this trick), also he saying that he not sure that Elsecaller elim(but I don't see reasons why village Elsecaller would do that(only if he get prophecy from Preservation that Quiver will save us all)). Also now I think that elims all that time was investigating(okay it's obvious that they investigated) players till turn 5(so they will have list from which they can choose whom they want to see dead), I think that's clever move from them(I think fits for Alv).


Mostly gut read. Also he was one who knew that Rae is Lighweaver.

Lopen's post if someone missed:


Here's what Rae got from her spying. It's not much, but I figured I should put it here anyways.

First she spied on me and Jondesu. We only sent like 2 messages back and forth that cycle, and there isn't anything worth mentioning.

Next she spied on Doc and Arinian's PM when Arin was jailed. 

Arin tells Doc he can't PM players and that his PM with Doc is his only one. Doc says something about thinking Quiver is Unjust and he didn't want to lynch Arin, although he was conflicted about Arin's certainty that there's 4 Unjust. Doc offers to pass on a message to the thread for him. There was some off-topic stuff about LG28, MR17, and QF19. Oh, and Doc said he thought Arin might have killed Sheep because he was in prison(which I think we can confirm that he didn't kill Sheep, because he had to send in an Action to spend Honor to get his cultivationspren), but that he didn't think it was that likely.

That's about it. So, nothing terribly interesting.



This suspicion based on his votes on previous cycle, also there was many people suspicious of him when bandwagon on me formed so that can be that I was distraction not from Quiver but from him.(If it was so as you can see this worked and now there not many people suspicious of him.)

Also if Shqueeves is unjust then it's will increase my suspicion on him, now my suspicion on him not solid enough.


Bad gut read, not much more to say. But if Shqueeves is elim I think it increases chances that he is too.


I was not suspicious of him till now but he not voted on previous turn but there was RP from him(also I'm paranoind of WGG ;). And as Joe said me not long ago "You should be very paranoid when I'm near, not little bit.(Also Alv said me almost same thing in start of this game, coincidence :D?))

Still there stays question if we should imprison inactive so we won't lose our ability to execute or we discussing whom we suspect(as it should be normally) and then decide who of active players is suspicious enough and imprisoning him.

Hope I'm understandable *shrug*

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I traveled there myself and affirmed that it is the truth—Third has indeed been killed and the Spiked have taken over. The good news is that I was able to recover his ring, which is enclosed in the envelope along with the letter.

"I need you all, with the help of the Squires and my son, to break through the Voidbringers and protect Shallan as she extracts your Captain to safety....Do you understand your orders?”

"Understood, Brightlord Dalinar," Fifth said. So, another escort mission, he thought blithely. Except this time, there's a horde of Voidbringers between here and our target. Just what I've come to expect from these 'missions'.

He reached into his bag of weapon coins. There were only nine now--as he had previously ascertained, the dagger was missing. He knew that finding the lost coin was essential to the mission, but this was not the time. This was a battle. Instead, he procured a coin which he threw out in front of him and transformed into a pair of hook swords. With one in each hand, he charged into the army of Voidbringers, Bridge One beside him.

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The initiates, Squires and Shardberear had originally formed a wedge to try and push through the Voidbringers. This had had some success, but more Voidbringers had come rushing into their flanks, and had almost broken the side of the wedge. Fighting them off had stalled their progress towards the rock, and several initiates had momentarily been blocked from Ranatar’s sight by advancing Voidbringers. When these where pushed back again, he spotted Kintas running back towards the edge of the plateau, carrying the limp body of the shin.

Another Voidbringer attack forced Ranatar’s attention back to his immediate surroundings. The wedge of initiates had been slowed down almost to a standstill, and Ranatar had little doubt that their entire force was moving into position to stop them from reaching the rock. Several intense seconds followed as Ranatar fought for his life. When next he had a little time to look around he noticed that Sareth had been delivered to the back line and that an army surgeon was looking him over. There was no sign of Kintas, however.

‘Wait, there!’ Ranatar spotted the slumped form of Kintas lying on the ground not too far back from the wedge of initiates. Ranatar couldn’t see him well enough to determine in how bad a state he was, but his lack of movement and the fact that his Stormlight had faded out almost completely wasn’t a good sign.

For a moment, Ranatar considered breaking the line and getting back to help him, but he immediately realized this would put their formation at an even greater risk. Instead, he breathed in what Stormlight he could, then handed the pouch containing his spheres and the remainder of his Stormlight to one of the spearman that formed the second rank of their formation. Ranatar pointed the fallen form of Kintas out to the man, then send him on his way to help the fallen initiate.

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Right. So. thoughts. 

Last cycle, through PMs with him, Drake managed to convince me to give him a chance to be pardoned, and I fought for that. I felt that even if I was wrong, we'd have more information anyways. But now it turns out that nothing's happened and we've gained no new information about Drake's alignment. Oh, and he loses the bond this cycle. Fantastic. 

The Willshaper moved one vote to pardon Drake. Again, I feel this is significant, but until we know Drake's alignment, I can't make any guesses as to the alignment of the Willshaper. So right now, I'm going to vote we execute Drake. Unless you guys feel that he has more to contribute, currently the most expedient plan to gain fast information would be this. Once Drake dies, I'll have more solid reads on the Willshaper and Alvron.

Alvron's one of the players I'm watching most now. Besides the points I raised against him last cycle, namely that he seems to have a way of escaping lynches, and the Willshaper saved him specifically.

Next, I'll move on to the inactives.

As Arin said, inactivity reigns. I think the active players at this point consist of me, Randuir, Jondesu, Lopen, Arin, Ecth and Alvron. And Drake, of course, but he's imprisoned. El, Drought, Silverdragon and Magestar and Joe have come in now and again, but are definitely not regular and may be considered semi-inactives. People like Shqueeves, Assassin and Darkness have not been posting much at all, and JUQ and lazy anarchist have not been seen for ages. It definitely seems a good strategy to start picking out the inactives, as Jon pointed out. Except that it would be wasting the lynch. I don't know, I'll be thinking about this. 

On the topic of Joe,

I honestly don't know what to think. Joe hasn't been very active in this game, and he's basically been throwing bandwagon votes. Not that I blame him, seeing as he's busy with MR20. But he seems a very odd player to elsecall with Quiver. Was this a blatant attempt to save Quiver? Were the eliminators hoping that the execution would hit Joe instead? I'm honestly unsure of what to think. Are we assuming that the Elsecaller is definitely Unjust now? There's the fact that this doesn't really make sense as a villager action, but might work if we assume that Quiver was unjust. 

In any case, Quiver goes back to jail next cycle. 

On the topic of bonds, 

Based on my honor tracking, the people with the highest honor that could still bond spren are me, Mage, Drought, Lopen, Dragon, Ecth, Alv, El and Joe. 

Looking through them, Mage has publicly claimed to be going for Dustbringer. El and Joe, Ecth, Drought and Dragon don't seem active enough to be going for spren. The candidates who I think is likely bonds went to is Me, Lopen, Alv or Randuir. We have been active enough to bond spren, and have high honor counts. 

I'll say goodnight for now. See you tomorrow.

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Right, votes. I'm going to vote to execute Drake not only for the reasons I did last cycle, but also because now he has no spren and we want information.

18 minutes ago, Doc12 said:

Alvron's one of the players I'm watching most now. Besides the points I raised against him last cycle, namely that he seems to have a way of escaping lynches, and the Willshaper saved him specifically.

Couldn't Alvron himself be the Willshaper and he was bluffing about escaping lynches?


As Arinian said, I have been slacking in my votes for the interrogation. At the moment I'm the most suspicious of Alvron and Jondesu, but I want to look into it more before I place my vote.

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5 hours ago, Doc12 said:

Alvron's one of the players I'm watching most now. Besides the points I raised against him last cycle, namely that he seems to have a way of escaping lynches, and the Willshaper saved him specifically.

Who said the Willshaper saved me specifically?  Could it not be that they jailed Drake specifically and saving me was a byproduct?

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55 minutes ago, Alvron said:

Who said the Willshaper saved me specifically?  Could it not be that they jailed Drake specifically and saving me was a byproduct?

Yeah, I was thinking this over, and it looks to me like the Willshaper is likely village based on the moves with Drake.

The first we saw of the Willshaper was them moving Quiver's vote onto himself, right?  Making sure he was imprisoned.

Next, they moved a vote to imprison Drake (saving Alv in the process, but hang on for the conclusion).  The following round, they then moved a vote to pardon Drake, bringing it close but not quite reaching the goal of the 14 votes needed to pardon him.  That tells me that the Willshaper genuinely suspected Drake, then switched their vote once they were convinced of his innocence.  I can't see much of a reason for that other than that they genuinely changed their mind, and thus didn't have any hard knowledge of Drake's alignment.  An Elim would have had clear knowledge of Drake's alignment, of course, and certainly wouldn't have wanted to see him free if he is indeed an Honorable Dustbringer like many of us believe (though he won't be a Dustbringer after this cycle, sadly), and so that vote move wouldn't have made much sense.  It could have been a move to gain trust with PM contacts, but even so, there was a risk there since just a couple votes near the end of the cycle would have saved Drake.  I'm convinced that the Willshaper is village, the Elsecaller is Elim, and everyone else is currently debatable.  We haven't seen anything to specifically call out other bonded players, but I think I'm counting correctly that 7 spren are bonded now, right?  That leaves only one free, which is interesting, and I'm not currently sure which one it is.  I've had confirmation that we do have a Truthwatcher, who I really hope is village, and that they were bonded a few cycles back. We had a Lightweaver, and that spren probably was one of the bonds formed since Rae was killed, if I had to guess, so I'll have to analyze the other likely candidates, but it is hard to imagine that any spren takes more Honor than has currently been earned to bond, so there's probably one that hasn't had anyone putting enough Honor into the bond it.  I find that curious, so I need to see which one people have likely figured is the least important or the least desirable.

EDIT: Just updated my Honor tracking for the last cycle.  Myself, Randuir, and Magestar are the only ones with 12 Honor now, the max possible, and we know Mage said he was going for Dustbringer, so he likely isn't bonded to a spren right now (he should, in theory, get the Dustbringer spren when it's available, but that actually will be two rounds from now if I understand correctly).  Randuir is likely bonded to a spren now, but I don't have any knowledge of which one it would be.  Ecth is the only player with 11 Honor, Doc and Drake have 10 (Drake hasn't earned any since being imprisoned of course), and there's a bunch of players with 8-9, but two of those are now dead. My best guess is that the 7 spren that are bonded are among the 12 players with 8+ Honor that are still alive, and I know a couple of those (assuming I believe my PM contacts).  I hope to be able to conclusively identify most or all of our bonded players soon so I can use that to help us figure out which ones are likely Elims.

Edited by Jondesu
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4 hours ago, Doc12 said:

Right. So. thoughts. 

Last cycle, through PMs with him, Drake managed to convince me to give him a chance to be pardoned, and I fought for that. I felt that even if I was wrong, we'd have more information anyways. But now it turns out that nothing's happened and we've gained no new information about Drake's alignment. Oh, and he loses the bond this cycle. Fantastic. 

The Willshaper moved one vote to pardon Drake. Again, I feel this is significant, but until we know Drake's alignment, I can't make any guesses as to the alignment of the Willshaper. So right now, I'm going to vote we execute Drake. Unless you guys feel that he has more to contribute, currently the most expedient plan to gain fast information would be this. Once Drake dies, I'll have more solid reads on the Willshaper and Alvron.

Alvron's one of the players I'm watching most now. Besides the points I raised against him last cycle, namely that he seems to have a way of escaping lynches, and the Willshaper saved him specifically.

Next, I'll move on to the inactives.

As Arin said, inactivity reigns. I think the active players at this point consist of me, Randuir, Jondesu, Lopen, Arin, Ecth and Alvron. And Drake, of course, but he's imprisoned. El, Drought, Silverdragon and Magestar and Joe have come in now and again, but are definitely not regular and may be considered semi-inactives. People like Shqueeves, Assassin and Darkness have not been posting much at all, and JUQ and lazy anarchist have not been seen for ages. It definitely seems a good strategy to start picking out the inactives, as Jon pointed out. Except that it would be wasting the lynch. I don't know, I'll be thinking about this. 

On the topic of Joe,

I honestly don't know what to think. Joe hasn't been very active in this game, and he's basically been throwing bandwagon votes. Not that I blame him, seeing as he's busy with MR20. But he seems a very odd player to elsecall with Quiver. Was this a blatant attempt to save Quiver? Were the eliminators hoping that the execution would hit Joe instead? I'm honestly unsure of what to think. Are we assuming that the Elsecaller is definitely Unjust now? There's the fact that this doesn't really make sense as a villager action, but might work if we assume that Quiver was unjust. 

In any case, Quiver goes back to jail next cycle. 

On the topic of bonds, 

Based on my honor tracking, the people with the highest honor that could still bond spren are me, Mage, Drought, Lopen, Dragon, Ecth, Alv, El and Joe. 

Looking through them, Mage has publicly claimed to be going for Dustbringer. El and Joe, Ecth, Drought and Dragon don't seem active enough to be going for spren. The candidates who I think is likely bonds went to is Me, Lopen, Alv or Randuir. We have been active enough to bond spren, and have high honor counts. 

I'll say goodnight for now. See you tomorrow.

Well since you so neatly organized the topics of discussion, I'll add my thoughts to each subject as well!

I'm of the opinion that the amount of support we got to pardon Drake hints that he's Honorable. I think there had to be some elims participating in the pardon, and I don't think they'd risk doing that if he was an elim. Sure, he's the Dustbringer, but he was just lynched and he attacked an Honorable by his own admission, so if I were an elim with him on my team, I don't think I'd have even considered trying to get him pardoned. Plus there's the fact that he attacked the player the Unjust killed, which makes no sense for him to do if he's Unjust.

The problem with this is that unless we all assume he's Honorable, we need to execute him. Because if we assume he's Honorable, we can use that as evidence against certain players. But if there's still a lot of people questioning his alignment, that evidence won't hold very much weight.

The subject of your suspicions and the inactives is actually very closely related, because of how we're going about the lynches. When we imprisoned Arinian, players said we should wait to lynch Alv until we saw Arin's alignment, and now again with Drake, we're waiting to see his alignment before accusing certain players(Alv again, plus the Willshaper). I don't think we can keep going like this and hope to win. I know usually we use players alignments as the biggest point for suspecting people, and rightly so, since it is the best information we can get, but there are other things to watch for that we can use to lynch players, so I think we need to stop delaying votes until the last half of every Cycle because we're "waiting" for more information. Already, Arinian, Doc, and Ecthelion have expressed opinions on players, but haven't voted. And please, let's not get hung up on the "let's lynch the inactives because they're hurting our pardoning/executing" thought. The logic makes sense on the surface, but if you really think about it, you'd realize that lynching inactives is just going to doom us even further. We'd damage the information flow even more, while giving the Unjust time to investigate/kill contributing players, making our inactive percentage stay relatively the same with the only chance of any benefit to us being an Unjust inactive dying, but I think the chances of that are slim(elims usually aren't totally inactive, and if one is, it wouldn't be too difficult for the elims to maneuver the lynch away from them). So pretty please, unless we get to the point where we absolutely can't execute players, let's not focus on inactives. We could even ask whoever the next Dustbringer is to kill inactives if we really need to get them out of the way.

I don't really have an opinion about Joe. I don't think we have enough information to make assumptions about his alignment based on this.

3 hours ago, Ecthelion III said:

Right, votes. I'm going to vote to execute Drake not only for the reasons I did last cycle, but also because now he has no spren and we want information.

Couldn't Alvron himself be the Willshaper and he was bluffing about escaping lynches?


As Arinian said, I have been slacking in my votes for the interrogation. At the moment I'm the most suspicious of Alvron and Jondesu, but I want to look into it more before I place my vote.

Alvron is not the Willshaper. At least, someone has claimed to be the Willshaper, and it wasn't Alv. :P

I didn't quote Arinian because his post is pretty long, but I did want to respond to some of the things he said. For one, your suspects are basically all of the most active players except Doc(no opinion on him?). That's kind of strange. It's kind of like saying "I suspect everyone." Which isn't helpful in the slightest. Next, you say you have a bad gut read on me. That kind of annoys me because I have posted a lot this game and I feel like I've done my best to get the village going in the right direction. If you genuinely suspect me, there should be something in my many posts that made you feel that way about me. So unless you actually give reasons for suspecting me, I'm probably going to assume you're an eliminator that's just trying to spread distrust about me. Lastly, you didn't vote. This is extremely suspicious to me. You've got a bunch of players to choose from, but you just end your post. It's as if you're hesitant to actually make a choice, like you'd rather wait and see what others opinions are before you're ready to push for a lynch. You don't even argue your opinion about lynching inactives or actives. You ask. For me, when I'm a villager, my opinion is the most trustworthy, because I know what my goals are. So for you to just leave it up to the rest of us for what we do, it's like you don't actually care, you just want to stay unnoticed by not saying anything controversial.

I am of the opinion that the Elsecaller is Unjust. I have a guess for who it is, but I don't think I want to reveal that quite yet. I'm still trying to figure some things out and decide what is the best thing to do at this point.

For now, I'll vote on Arinian for the reasons I listed above.

I'd actually like to try and pardon Drake. If we don't get close to enough votes by tomorrow afternoon(so, like 14 hours before the Cycle ends), I'll switch to an execution vote.

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I agree, @TheMightyLopen, that Drake is likely Honorable, and while I was considering going ahead and executing him this round so we could confirm and make more progress, I would love to have someone remain in the game that I'm mostly certain of.  I think I trust you too, btw, from a lot of the things I've seen.  I'm going to join you in trying to pardon Drake again, though I suspect it'll end up being a futile effort once more.

As for Arinian, I hate to see people go after someone just because they escaped once, which I feel is largely what's happening, but at the same time, that bit me in the rear with Dalinar in AG3, and we did get a good bit of input about Arin from other players, so I agree that knowing his alignment will be very helpful. Know, please, this isn't a bandwagon vote, not entirely.  I don't have a lot of other suspicions, and I'm hoping that my gut instinct to at least identify Arin's alignment will pay out.

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1 hour ago, TheMightyLopen said:

I didn't quote Arinian because his post is pretty long, but I did want to respond to some of the things he said. For one, your suspects are basically all of the most active players except Doc(no opinion on him?). That's kind of strange. It's kind of like saying "I suspect everyone."

I didn't wrote about Doc cause I don't suspect him, I have opinion on him but I always writing only whom I suspect, others(about whom I didn't wrote)  is neutral for me. Not 55% village not 45% village just neutral I suspecting everyone till I don't get solid evidence to guess about their alignment. Now only whom I think is villager is Drake/



 Next, you say you have a bad gut read on me. That kind of annoys me because I have posted a lot this game and I feel like I've done my best to get the village going in the right direction. If you genuinely suspect me, there should be something in my many posts that made you feel that way about me. So unless you actually give reasons for suspecting me, I'm probably going to assume you're an eliminator that's just trying to spread distrust about me.

Oh, okay. Maybe I should quote all your votes in this game? Most of them based just on gut read and really weak points and now you blaiming that when I do so I'm elim. Or about that I didn't vote on this turn, maybe I should reminde you when you voted on me on cycle 3? You was first who said that I'm suspicious but voted on me after there was 3-4 votes on me. 

And about you leading in "right direction" almost all your post was absolutely neutral you or just voted based on your gut read or was talking about things that can't say much about your alignment so there not much things to say about you except your behavior was not same as when you villager as I see it. Only thing that was indicable for your alignment it's lynch on me so about your alignment can say my(but I know my alignment soo you can count that's as reason) or Quivers death.


Lastly, you didn't vote. This is extremely suspicious to me. You've got a bunch of players to choose from, but you just end your post. 

I am of the opinion that the Elsecaller is Unjust. I have a guess for who it is, but I don't think I want to reveal that quite yet. I'm still trying to figure some things out and decide what is the best thing to do at this point.

For now, I'll vote on Arinian for the reasons I listed above.

I'd actually like to try and pardon Drake. If we don't get close to enough votes by tomorrow afternoon(so, like 14 hours before the Cycle ends), I'll switch to an execution vote.

Oh like I'm only didn't vote, or I should again bring how you voted on me? So with your logic you elim too, Doc elim, Ecth elim... everyone is elim. Beautiful.

And you didn't thought that I just not decided on whom I want to vote from this bunch?   I was not sure on whom I want to vote on Alv or Ecth I thought between them, I still not sure whom I suspecting more.

And also you asking me about reasons but you didn't bring any reasons just scratch. I'm elim cause I not voted, I elim cause I'm voted(remiding my vote on Alv for what I was lynched), I elim cause I not suspecting Doc, and I elim cause suspecting you. 

Ecth. Shqueeves. Drake.

Oh and that very convinient thing, Quivers lynch was able to clean me little bit(if he elim) and now lynch delayed and on same turn you raising lynch on me, why not earlier not previous turn, why you was so reluctant with voting on me again if you so sure that I elim? 


Edited by Arinian
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Kintas was aware of being unconscious, which was odd.  He couldn't make out much of what he was seeing in his dream-like state, but he found himself seeing Sareth, dead but speaking to him, talking of something called the Truthseekers.  It was all so hazy, though, and incorporeal.

Then there was light to breath, and he sucked it in greedily, returning to consciousness and driving away the pain.

He sat up gingerly, noting that he'd been pulled away from the battle a little ways, but fortunately not thrown over the edge and left for dead.  A spearman still held his shoulder, apparently the one who had moved him out of the way, and he blessedly held out a pouch of spheres, some of them still infused.  That was where the Stormlight that had brought him back came from, and Kintas sucked in the remainder of the light to drive away the cloudiness that remained in his head, giving him back energy and healing the damage the lightning strike had done.  He started to rise, but one of Dalinar's officers placed a hand on his shoulder. 

"You've done enough for now, Initiate.  Rest and stay safe."

Kintas shrugged off the hand and rose to his feet, ignoring the order.

"There's still soldiers fighting and dying on that plateau, sir.  I won't remain behind if I can help." He accepted a spear from one of the men nearby who offered it, and sprinted across the bridge back to where the fighting was taking place.  He might not be much of a soldier, but he'd found his courage held out in the face of near-certain death, and he could still tend to any wounded and bring them back out of harm's way if needed.  He also had this lingering feeling that he needed to find the truth, but he wasn't sure what truth he was meant to find.  That would wait until later.

The stuff about Sareth is entirely unrelated to the actual game, just something RP-wise he wanted me to work in, so don't read anything into it.

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3 minutes ago, Arinian said:

I didn't wrote about Doc cause I don't suspect him, I have opinion on him but I always writing only whom I suspect, others(about whom I didn't wrote)  is neutral for me. Not 55% village not 45% village just neutral I suspecting everyone till I don't get solid evidence to guess about their alignment. Now only whom I think is villager is Drake/


Fair enough.

3 minutes ago, Arinian said:

Oh, okay. Maybe I should quote all your votes in this game? Most of them based just on gut read and really weak points and now you blaiming that when I do so I'm elim. Or about that I didn't vote on this turn, maybe I should reminde you when you voted on me on cycle 3? You was first who said that I'm suspicious but voted on me after there was 3-4 votes on me. 

And about you leading in "right direction" almost all your post was absolutely neutral you or just voted based on your gut read or was talking about things that can't say much about your alignment so there not much things to say about you except your behavior was not same as when you villager as I see it. 


Sure, if that's what made you suspicious of me. But you could say the same for every single other player in the game if you think that my reasoning for my votes were weak, because I've explained my votes as much as I can. And you didn't even add any "really weak points" so yes, I was saying you were an elim because I suspected your suspicions of being faked.

I didn't just say that I was suspicious of you though. I said I'd lynch either you or Jondesu. I was effectively putting my vote on the both of you, and only added my actual vote to you once I saw that others agreed more about you being suspicious than Jondesu. So it's not the same thing at all, IMO.

So you don't think that creating topics of discussion and voicing my opinion about how we should go about things is alignment indicative? What is then? I've voted every Cycle I believe, so it's not my fault if people don't agree with me enough to lynch the players I want to lynch, which could give alignment indicative information. I've stated my opinions and pushed for the deaths of players I suspect of being eliminators. I don't know what you expect of villager me, so I can't really defend myself against that last point. All I know about my playstyle is that I'm generally more active as a villager, and I have been extremely active this game, except for the short time when I was away and I didn't have internet then.

3 minutes ago, Arinian said:


Oh like I'm only didn't vote, or I should again bring how you voted on me? So with your logic you elim too, Doc elim, Ecth elim... everyone is elim. Beautiful.

And you didn't thought that I just not decided on whom I want to vote from this bunch?   I was not sure on whom I want to vote on Alv or Ecth I thought between them, I still not sure whom I suspecting more.

And also you asking me about reasons but you didn't bring any reasons just scratch. I'm elim cause I not voted, I elim cause I'm voted(remiding my vote on Alv for what I was lynched), I elim cause I not suspecting Doc, and I elim cause suspecting you. 

Ecth. Shqueeves. Drake.

Oh and that very convinient thing, Quivers lynch was able to clean me little bit(if he elim) and now lynch delayed and on same turn you raising lynch on me, why not earlier not previous turn, why you was so reluctant with voting on me again if you so sure that I elim? 


I do suspect Doc too. Ecth said he was going to look into things more before he voted. He didn't just state his suspicions and leave it at that. He's committed himself to vote, something that you did not do in your post.

You could have said you were deciding between Alv or Ecth.

How are those not reasons? You're leaving out the context of why each of those actions are suspicious as well as twisting what I said. Your vote on Alv did and still does seem suspicious to me, you not voting this Cycle makes me think you're content to let others decide what to do so you don't get any of the blame, I didn't say you were suspicious for not suspecting Doc, I was just taking note that you were suspicious of all the most active players except Doc. And I said you were an elim because you had no analysis to back up your suspicion of me. Not just because you suspect me. In AG3, a bunch of people suspected me and voted on me and I wasn't suspicious of all of them.

Quiver's lynch cleans you? So maybe the Elsecaller not letting Quiver's alignment get revealed is just to make players think he's an Unjust so you're less suspicious? I didn't push for another lynch on you because you seemed upset and I generally don't vote or try to lynch players when they're actually upset. Plus I was suspicious of Alv and it seemed like I could get others to join me with that lynch so I was content to leave you alone for a bit.

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Petirk stumbled across the ground, the bride having ripped open the wound in his side. And now he was being sent into the thick of battle? All for some captain who couldn't handle himself. Petrik paused and stopped himself. He needed to be better than that, he needed to be willing to protect everyone, this group of people had put their trust in him, and Petrik was not going to betray that trust. 

He took a deep breath, the pain in his side fading, readied his spear, and began his assault.

Hmm...well I don't have many suspicions currently, and I have been kinda hard on Arininian all game so I don't really want to lynch him currently. No one is really ringing warning alarms, so guess I'll just watch for a bit.
@Amanuensis can we put a vote on Quiver since we know he will be returned to jail on this turn?
Edited by DroughtBringer
Didn't finish, plus weird wording.
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Speaking of which, in case I die, I Connected my ring to the bedknob in my room.  You should be able to locate it from there.

I'm not suspicious of Arinian at this point.

I propose we take a look at the cycle when Jondesu saved Alvron, as this seems to be a point of interest and one of the few pieces of information we actually have in this game. Looking back at Jondesu's long post explaining the actions of why the Willshaper is probably village, I came to a different conclusion--that the Willshaper is likely an eliminator. See, the fact that the Willshaper used his/her action to put a vote on the pardon of Drake is in no way indicative of his/her alignment. The pardon would not have been successful anyway, so the Willshaper likely did it just to gain favor with the majority. That just leaves us with his switch of the vote to jail Drake and save Alvron. What a convenient excuse (if the Willshaper turned out to be Unjust) to just say that the vote swap was entirely to jail Drake and not at all to save Alvron.

Whatever the meaning, I believe that finding the identity of the Willshaper will be critical in finding the Unjust.

Edited by Ecthelion III
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Arinian, could you explain a bit more why you picked ecthellion over any of the others you listed? As I understand it, you've picked ecth mainly because he didn't vote in the last cycle and posted mostly RP. There is, however, another player that did post but did not vote that cycle. If I counted correctly he has as many posts last cycle as ecth. He did a little bit of RP in two of his posts, and moved his vote for the pardon/execution of Drake around a bit. His other contribution was agreeing with you that going after DA for the stated reasons was a waste.

So why didn't you talk about mage not voting? Why is Ecth more suspicious than Mage? And why does this make ecth more suspicious than for example Alvron?

Anyway, I think it's worth another shot, so Drake. Also Shqueeves. If it looks like the Drake pardon won't pull through, and his execution looks like it might, I'll switch my votes to executing him.


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Hithon stayed out of the battle, for the most part, having firmly decided one thing.


He was not a Radiant for the battlefield.


Balthazar had dropped him somewhere at the fringes of the battle, and he had found himself cover as the battle raged all round him. He was an assassin, for Braize's sake, not a storming soldier! Even when he had his eyes he would have stayed far away from the din of battle.


What could he do? Muttering, he stayed hidden, gripping his daggers, listening hard for any signs of passing Voidbringers. Much as he hated to admit it, he needed help.

Again, he felt the strangely melodic hum, and he knew that Anorien was here.


Anorien, who had...somehow helped him to fight the chasmfiend, who had helped him into...into Shadesmar, and had been his guide there.


What was she?


Anorien hummed. For some reason, she never spoke here. The only time that he had ever heard her voice was back in Shadesmar,. Here? She communicated by buzzes and hums.


He still had no idea what she was, or why she was with him, and he still did not know how to communicate with her.

Perhaps it was time for another visit to Shadesmar? Again, he somehow communicated to Anor his desire, and her presence faded, only to return again buzzing contentedly. That meant they were safe, then.

Gripping his sphere pouch tight in his hands, he took a deep breath...

And he entered Shadesmar once more.

Right, after thinking through it a lot and rereading past cycles, I've decided to put my vote where my accusation is - Alvron. I don't believe I have to say much here? I've already said all I have to say in my previous post. 

So, my thoughts on the more active players. As I said,  I think the active players at this point consist of me, Randuir, Jondesu, Lopen, Arin, Ecth and Alvron. For myself, ha. I'm innocent, but I don't expect you to take my word for it. But I've been trying my best. I've worked hard to post every single cycle and a post every night. And forgive me if I think I'm doing well. I've been in contact with the prisoners, and while I could have allowed myself to be their sole proxy, I certainly didn't have to tell anyone that people could start PMs with prisoners, I pushed for people to talk to them. How many of you were convinced of Drake's innocence last cycle because I carried his plea and asked you guys to speak to him? *shrug. Ah well.

Rand. Rand has been a very active player, and much more active than I have been. to be honest, I'm a little surprised he has not been killed yet, as he's been offering quite helpful advice to the village most of the time. That makes me a little wary of him. 

Jondesu. For some reason, I do trust him right now. I have reasons to suspect that he might not be what he claims, but his action so far have done nothing to support that. The only thing I may have to bring against him is that he suggested going after inactives, and possibly diverting the lynch from Alv in cycle 3 to Drake. We'll see. 


Lopen. I also tend to trust, although the favor is not returned :P. But I feel that his posts echo my own. He sounds like a villager trying to help and getting frustrated because no one is listening. I have a trust read on him. 

In Arin's defense, I found myself mostly agreeing with the posts that he made, and his frustration feels really genuine. I wouldn't be averse to lynching him, however, to truly know his alignment and possibly shed some light on Lopen and Jondesu. 

Ecth and Alvron have been staying under the radar for most of the game. I haven't even noticed Ecth much until Drake pointed out in PM that Ecth was a lot more active than I had initially given him credit for. My read is mostly suspicious for now. 

It's 2am. Goodnight. 

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4 hours ago, randuir said:

So why didn't you talk about mage not voting? Why is Ecth more suspicious than Mage? And why does this make ecth more suspicious than for example Alvron?

Um.  I didn't really have anything to say last cycle that I didn't say.  I gave my opinions on things and did in fact vote to pardon Drake and kill Quiver.  I just didn't have anyone I felt really strongly about imprisoning.  Speaking of which...

Drake.  There's not really a good reason not to try and free him, IMO.  I'm not very suspicious of him at all.  Which is also why I won't be voting to kill him...  I don't mind killing Shqueeves, though.  I don't see a reason not to, anyway.


Balthazar had caught up some while ago, and was now engaged in yet another combat with Voidbringers.  Storms, but these things were annoying.  Even his swords had trouble biting through their thick armor-skin.  Spinning around, Balthazar grunted as he slammed his dual swords deep into another voidbringer.  Using his momentum and the friction between the void bringer and his sword, Balthazar spun around it's body, and slammed his feet into another one of the blasted creatures.   Propelling himself off of it's body, Balthazar dodged one of the creatures weapons, and continued fighting his way towards the rest of the group.

RP ENDS.  Feel free to see Balthazar surging through the tides of the enemy towards (insert point of battle). :P 

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29 minutes ago, Doc12 said:

Jondesu. For some reason, I do trust him right now. I have reasons to suspect that he might not be what he claims, but his action so far have done nothing to support that. The only thing I may have to bring against him is that he suggested going after inactives, and possibly diverting the lynch from Alv in cycle 3 to Drake. We'll see.

Glad to hear it, and I'll try to continue to show that I am exactly what I claim.  As for Inactives, while executing them might not be entirely necessary, it's notable that we've seen already the effects of inactivity.  It's really important that we keep a majority of active players, 3/4 if possible, so that we can actually execute and pardon players as we're supposed to.  Granted, we don't have to execute anyone to win, apparently, but we might really benefit from being able to pardon people.  It's worth noting that I did, for now, move my vote onto Arinian, who I do suspect at least more than many others in this game, but while it's important to get some lynches for information, this game certainly places a lot higher priority on activity than most games, so we need to keep that in mind.  I'm genuinely very annoyed at players like @JUQ and @The lazy anarchist that haven't participated at all, and shouldn't have signed up in the first place unless they simply had no idea they wouldn't be able to play.

EDIT: I did help drive the lynch from Alv to Drake in C3, but as a means of imprisoning Drake, who I genuinely suspected.  I've changed my mind, but at the time I didn't do it because I wanted Alv free; that was completely unrelated.  I'd be open to imprisoning Alv instead of Arin if the votes are moving that way, or Ecth or Mage, who I have growing suspicions of, in addition to always being open to lynching an inactive.

Edited by Jondesu
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Ranatar could feel his time slipping away. Second after second, the remains of his Stormlight reserve drained out of him. He tried to make the best of it while it lasted, fighting like a man possessed. He’d killed several Voidbringers, but more continually moved up to replace their losses.

Ranatar kept on fighting, dodging lightning bolts, pushing through hits from mundane weapons, trusting the Stormlight to keep him in the fight. His reserves kept on depleting, untill…

Ranatar blinked. The area before him was clear of voidbringers. He looked to his left and right and saw other initiates, squires, and Shallan, the Lightweaver, look around themselves with similar surprised expressions. They had made it! Behind them the fight continued, but they had almost a clear run to the rock.

There was a small group of voidbringers clustered around the base of the rock formation, but there were less than a dozen of them. As the initiates surged forward again, the voidbringers took up a defensive stance. Then, from behind them, a single Voidbringer stepped forward. It was clad in gleaming Shardplate and carried a Shardblade. Their leader had finally come out to fight.

And Ranatar's stormlight ran out.

So, who feels like going one-on-one against Eshonai?


Edited by randuir
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So my deepest reasoning for why we should put Arinian in jail is for the fact that we already know his crimes. If we put Alvron, or anyone else in jail then we are giving the Unjust more to use against us. They learn more of our crimes, they get an easier faction kill against us, and sure we might actually be imprisoning an unjust, but we might imprison one if we decide to imprison Arinian as well. So my vote is on Arinian.

Petrik charged forwards, meeting the Voidbringers head on. A new energy filled him, urging him to action, urging him to fight. He slammed his spear towards the closest one, not giving it a chance to respond. He dragged the spear out of the body, then shoved it backwards, catching another that he had seen out of the corner of his eye.

A sword swung down towards him, striking towards his shirt, just before it hit his shirt went rigid, causing the sword to bounce off as if it were armor. Petrik jumped to the side, and struck out with the haft of his spear, taking it in the leg. He waded through the army of Voidbringers, striking out and a flurry of strikes.

Whenever he began to run out of energy, the pain in his side returning, he would step back, take a deep breath, then plunge back into the fight. as he waded through he eventually crested a small rise in the rock, giving him a slight view over the battlefield. Corpses were scattered, both men and Voidbringer alike. He seemed to be off to the side, next to an empty space, devoid of bodies; living or dead. A small group of Humans stood off to the side, along with a slightly larger group of Voidbringers. One wore glistening Shardplate, and had a Shardblade held proudly before them. It would take a few moment for Petrik to close the distance, and help if a fight were to break out with the Shard bearer.

He took a deep breath, then plunged back into the fray.


If you start the fight, and reach a point where she is about to strike you down, Petrik would love that moment to hop in and help @Randuir

Also as of now I am going to be RPing Petrik as a Stoneward just for future reference.
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Okay, so, I suspect that Alvron is the Elsecaller. Along with my previous reasons, I think he's my best guess for Unjust right now. I'll vote to execute Shqueeves for now. I said I would switch to Drake later, but I kind of forgot we had a different option. If everyone decides to get Drakes alignment instead though, I'll switch mine over.

Arinian, sorry if I was over aggressive with my accusations of you. I'm just trying to point out all of my reasons for suspecting you, but I have been very frustrated with our lack of progress so far, so my tone might have been more negative than usual. And I'll admit that I've been tunneling pretty hard this game. That's another reason I've been annoyed with players calling for inactive lynches. Because as long as we keep killing inactives, my suspicions are kind of frozen in place and I can't move on.

I feel like the majority of the Unjust are among the most active players, which is why they haven't been killing players like me, Doc, or Randuir, instead going after moderately active players like Rae and HH. I suspect one of Doc or randuir are Unjust, though at this point I'm not sure which.

I've been able to gather a fair amount of information, but I can't seem to figure out who the new Edgedancer is or who Bonded the other spren this Cycle(I know one of them already). If either or both of those players would claim to me, that would be awesome.

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