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Long Game 30: Journey Before Destination


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Alright. Lets have another round of analysis and RP.

Player List:



A Joe in the Bush as Jonly- Inactive for the last few cycles. He responded to a PM this cycle though. It doesn't feel like he is elim, but activity is low enough that its hard to tell.

Assassin in Burgundy as Araon Darkblade- Mostly inactive. More active towards the beginning, I'll want to check that out.

randuir as Ranatar- Good village read.

TheSilverDragon as Rea- Inactive. No idea.

Ecthelion III as Fifth Nameless- Confirmed elim, likely a truthwatcher who broke his bond this cycle

JUQ as Hess- Completely inactive.

Doc12 as Hithon- Good village read.

Drake Marshall as Teresh- Good village read :P

The lazy anarchist as Lyna Telavalet- Completely inactive.

Alvron as Naihar- Very likely to be the elim elsecaller.

Darkness Ascendant as The Phantom Stranger- I'm told he always plays erratically so he is hard to read. Potentially an active eliminator.

Elbereth as Tintallë Iurnu- Inactive for the last few cycles. I remember earlier when El was active I saw something slightly off, but I don't remember what, and it wasn't very big.



Quiver as Veriq- Completely inactive, potentially an inactive elim because at the beginning I remember Ecth really pushing against jailing Quiver, plus they've been teleporting people in jail to kill them which would make sense if one of their own got jailed and just sat in jail. I would definitely try and execute Quiver for good measure this cycle.

Lopen as Shinon- Confirmed villager in my eyes. I wish pardons were more feasible (not just for Lopen's sake :P), but I don't foresee either me or him escaping prison in this game.

Shqeeves as Leif- I don't have very much of an idea. I don't remember him saying much, then you guys jailed him, and now he's been there for a while but inactive.




Now. Hithon, I believe you've been looking for me?


Soon after Uther had finished speaking, the voidbringer focused its attention on the group of initiates. It was an awesome sight, seeing the titanic creature charging them with a deep roar of inhuman fury. Even after growing so large, it retained the voidbringer's violent agility.

"Keph! How do we fight it!"

"Aren't you supposed to be a dustbringer or something? Dustbring it!"

"How does that even..." Uther sighed. She was the only spren he knew that treated situations like this so flippantly. Then, she was also the only spren he knew, period.

This is surreal... I'd bet myself a ruby broam that I'm actually still dreaming in my cell. Might as well go along with it though.


Uther slicked the ground and dived to the side as the voidbringer thundered towards them. It was storming hard to balance while slicked, especially while holding out the slender, curved blade that burned with intensity. This is a hell of a lot more reckless than running with scissors...

Still, Uther had years of balance and footwork practice. Mraize did not tolerate clumsiness in his subordinates, particularly those who were trained to kill. Even so, without the coordination and reflexes granted by stormlight he probably would have fallen flat on his face.

Uther unslicked his feet, sliding to a stop. As the voidbringer stomped by him, Uther swung his blade in a quick, vicious slash on the creature's foot. It cut deep, cauterizing the wound as it sliced and leaving the smell of charred flesh lingering in the air. But the thing's legs were huge, and the cut probably barely hurt it.

I wonder what the presence of colossal voidbringers in my dreams implies about my psyche.


The monstrosity turned on Ranatar and Hithon, bearing down on them. Seems faster than the chasmfiend, but slower to change directions. The pair got separated as the voidbringer charged in between them, Hithon dodging to one side and Ranatar to the other.

Hithon joined up with that initiate who kept refusing to give his name. That one was strange, no doubt about it. Ranatar yelled to the nameless initiate.

"Initiate, get Hithon to Teresh, now!"

Hithon... Wonder what he's planning. Uther ran towards the blind man, increasing his traction to compensate for the slippery wet stone he was running over. He saw the nameless initiate start leading Hithon in Uther's general direction... Then the nameless initiate fell into some kind of trance, stumbling to a halt, his eyes glazing over. Definitely a strange one.

Uther reached the pair.

"Hullo there Hithon. Thought I'd catch a breath of fresh air, and here I am. I hear you're looking for me?"

Edited by Drake Marshall
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There's a blind initiate duty now? Yeesh :P 

He was grabbed by someone, someone who spoke, but not to him. The voice was cool and calm, and though it had lost its slow mystery, it was a familiar voice. The one who called himself Fifth, one of his fellow initiates. Fifth led him across ground that shook with every monstrous footstep, and finally thrust him into the arms of another, 

"Hullo there Hithon." A wry voice, breathing hard with excitement or exhaustion. Teresh. "Thought I'd catch a breath of fresh air, and here I am. I hear you're looking for me?"

Hithon grasped his arm, regaining his own balance. "Teresh. It's...a pleasure to hear your voice again." He straightened. "I suppose the charges against you were dropped?"

Before the other Initiate could answer, he continued, quickly, trying to get his words out. "You're a Ghostblood. In my pouches are all the standard equipment of one. Blackbane, Backbreaker powder, Winterwort." He was interrupted as Teresh gasped and violently pulled him aside, as a foot smashed into the place where he had been standing. Rock chips sliced into his skin, and they did not heal. Hithon cursed to himself. How useless was he being in this battle? 

Teresh might have been trying to say something, but Hithon spoke again, urgently. "Teresh, listen. I'm blind. In this storm, I can hear nothing. I'm an assassin. I cannot fight a battle. I am next to useless, do you understand?" Was Teresh even listening? He forged on "But take my supplies. You would be able to make much better use of them than I can." He patted himself down. "Daggers, blowguns, throwing knives. What do you need?"

He heard Teresh begin to reply, but somehow, he heard nothing. Something was wrong. He felt...something...look at him.

And everything changed. Everything crashed. And he realized why he had been so weak. All along, he thought that the storm had been responsible for rendering him useless. But no. It had always been something else. Something he hadn't realized was still within him.

He realized, now, what had happened when his stormlight ran out.

The Darkness had returned. Laughing, clawing, overpowering.

He sank to his knees. Again, his mouth was open. His throat raw. Was he moaning? screaming?

Hands were grabbing his arm, trying to pull him up. He couldn't...he couldn't move

The Darkness had returned, and it was not happy that that it had been banished in the first place. It was vengeful, and it loved his fear

Was he still screaming?


What are - Who are you?



More laughter. And suddenly, he...he could see.

He was high above, his body a storm, and he was looking down. He saw a figure wreathed in storms and light, eyes blazing bright blue as he commanded a cyclone. He saw his Vessel, a Voidbringer grown to monstrous proportions, singing of a Thrill, his Thrill. He saw...he saw himself, crumpled on the ground, curled up, eyes gaping sightlessly and moaning, as his fellow Initiates tried to drag him away from the Voidbringer. He saw himself, and he knew who he was.


He was tormented by the Unmade themselves.

And suddenly he was back in himself, unseeing, surrounded by the dark. He howled as the Unmade's dark power coursed through him, lifting him, moving him against his will. He howled, cried, and felt the anger rise in him. Powerful, consuming, agony. He was on his feet. A hand was still clutching his arm. Lips drawn back in a snarl, he slashed at the hand with his blackbane-tipped daggers.


His daggers nicked steel armor, and he heard a startled yelp.


That action felt terrifyingly good.


Something began to sing in him as he crouched in a battle stance, a wicked dagger in each hand. He heard the people around him murmur and step away. He heard them now, that he was no longer being blocked. A dark smile crossed his face.




In a flash, he launched himself towards the voice, daggers flashing through the air. He heard the Teresh gasp, and a blade clashed with his daggers. He heard Teresh's strain. Felt his fear at the knowledge of just how deadly the daggers were. How quickly they could end his life. Teresh was frightened, and weak from his stay in prison. And Hithon was going to kill him.


Almighty help him, It felt good.


Oh no, Hithon has been taken by the Thrill! :o Someone help him snap out of it!!


Also Drake, nothing personal :P You were just the Initiate closest to me. 

Edited by Doc12
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Due to work commitments (and a rather annoying bout of insomnia messing with my sleep patterns) I've decided to extend this chapter another 24 hours. Good news is, everyone gets an extra day to participate in what has been the most quiet Chapter thus far. Bad news is, everyone has to wait an extra day to see what I have planned for Chapter Ten. This write up was by far the longest, but I have a feeling the next will be even more lengthy and action-packed.


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8 hours ago, Amanuensis said:

Due to work commitments (and a rather annoying bout of insomnia messing with my sleep patterns) I've decided to extend this chapter another 24 hours. Good news is, everyone gets an extra day to participate in what has been the most quiet Chapter thus far. Bad news is, everyone has to wait an extra day to see what I have planned for Chapter Ten. This write up was by far the longest, but I have a feeling the next will be even more lengthy and action-packed.

No complaints there. It's another day out of prison.

So... 2 bonds broken this cycle.

In my understanding, that means last cycle... Alvron teleported Drought into jail, and the unbonded unjust who has been killing jailed people then killed Drought (this unbonded is very likely inactive).

Then, the other two elims, who were bonded and active enough to have bonds, both broke their bonds to murder Jondesu together.

One of the two elims that broke their bond was certainly Ecthelion.

So. The inactive elim doesn't matter very much, but I wouldn't be very surprised if it is quiver.

The active, recently unbonded, unidentified elim... As I see it, this could be either Joe or DA. My gut read is that the elim is DA.


So. In conclusion. I predict that the 4 eliminators are Alvron, Ecthelion, Darkness Ascendant, and Quiver.

Good luck to all you town. This is going to be a close game.


"Teresh. It's...a pleasure to hear your voice again. I suppose the charges against you were dropped?"

I wish... Uther thought, allowing his sword to disperse in a wave of heat.

"You're a Ghostblood. In my pouches are all the standard equipment of one."

The voidbringer closed in on them, nearly catching Uther off guard.

"Blackbane, Backbreaker powder, Winterwort..." the blind man blithely went on.

Teresh pulled Hithon to the side as a foot stomped where they were standing. We must be like cremlings to it... Cremlings that could use stormlight. The voidbringer lost interest, searching for easier prey rather than tiring itself our too early.

"I don't--"

"Teresh, listen. I'm blind. In this storm, I can hear nothing. I'm an assassin. I cannot fight a battle. I am next to useless, do you understand?"

I'm still not sure if he is lying about the whole blind thing. But if he is lying, now would be a good time to start inexplicably sensing things like he did with the greatshell.

"But take my supplies. You would be able to make much better use of them than I can." He patted himself down. "Daggers, blowguns, throwing knives. What do you need?"

Hm... I imagine poison would work nicely on the creature, in a large enough dose... Uther glanced at the blindingly hot sword in his hand. Somehow I don't think I could poison it...

"A good dagger might be... Hithon?" His already sightless eyes glazed over, and he started shaking. Uther glanced at the nameless initiate, who was in a similar state. Why does everyone keep falling into trances...?

"Hithon!" Uther shook the blind initiate. Why can't you guys go into creepy trances when there isn't a giant voidbringer trying to murder us...

There's a certain irony to everyone passing out inside of my dream...

Hithon started screaming. Uther looked around quickly to check that the voidbringer wasn't coming for them. It was distracted, for now...

Then the blind man got up, stopped screaming. Two daggers shot out at the nameless initiate, clattering off his armor. Apparently the attack shook the nameless initiate out of his stupor, because he leapt safely out of Hithon's range. What the hell...?

"Hithon?" Uther asked, unsure of what just happened.

Hithon leapt at Uther, daggers out. Uther barely managed to block the blade with Ranatar's broken sword. He was shocked by the attack, shocked by its ferocity. A twisted grin wormed its way across Hithon's face.

Of coarse, the daggers would be coated in poison. Uther knew from painful experience that stormlight could cure that particular mix of poison, but a nick from one of the daggers would cost him.

The pair exchanged a few more blows, neither landing a hit. Uther didn't want to hurt the man, but he would do what was necessary.

"HITHON!" he yelled. It didn't seem to matter, whatever it was, the initiate was too far gone to hear him. Uther had heard stories like this from his time in Sebarial's army. Soldiers so caught up in the heat of battle that they succumbed to the thrill, killing ally and enemy alike in a fit of rage... If they survived the battle, they would usually recover... Although sometimes they wished they hadn't.

Uther would need to incapacitate Hithon. That meant releasing fire could only be a last resort.

Uther brought down the broken blade in an arc to leave a cut in Hithon's left arm, and hopefully relieve the man of one of his daggers. As he did this, he gathered stormlight to slick the ground below him to dodge a counterattack.

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7 minutes ago, Drake Marshall said:

No complaints there. It's another day out of prison.

So... 2 bonds broken this cycle.

In my understanding, that means last cycle... Alvron teleported Drought into jail, and the unbonded unjust who has been killing jailed people then killed Drought (this unbonded is very likely inactive).

Then, the other two elims, who were bonded and active enough to have bonds, both broke their bonds to murder Jondesu together.
One of the two elims that broke their bond was certainly Ecthelion.
So. The inactive elim doesn't matter very much, but I wouldn't be very surprised if it is quiver.
The active, recently unbonded, unidentified elim... As I see it, this could be either Joe or DA. My gut read is that the elim is DA.

So. In conclusion. I predict that the 4 eliminators are Alvron, Ecthelion, Darkness Ascendant, and Quiver.
Good luck to all you town. This is going to be a close game.

Why did we decide to free you again?  *a voice whispers from off stage*  Right.  Now I remember. :ph34r:

I wouldn't say the unbonded elim doesn't matter.  In fact they might be the most important member of our team. :P  I mean he's perfectly placed for all those kills.

Nah, it can't possibly be DA.  After all why would Ec3 and I vote on DA if he was our elim buddy? EMqYlbxRo13K50x1H0zXr5OW3GmB5ywfDwHMg0UM It must be Joe.  Or maybe it's El or Doc or Rand or maybe, just maybe it's you!

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16 minutes ago, Alvron said:

Why did we decide to free you again?  *a voice whispers from off stage*  Right.  Now I remember. :ph34r:

I wouldn't say the unbonded elim doesn't matter.  In fact they might be the most important member of our team. :P  I mean he's perfectly placed for all those kills.

Nah, it can't possibly be DA.  After all why would Ec3 and I vote on DA if he was our elim buddy? EMqYlbxRo13K50x1H0zXr5OW3GmB5ywfDwHMg0UM It must be Joe.  Or maybe it's El or Doc or Rand or maybe, just maybe it's you!

Wait, i thought we weren't going to reveal me? =P

Edited by A Joe in the Bush
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5 minutes ago, Alvron said:

Why did we decide to free you again?  *a voice whispers from off stage*  Right.  Now I remember. :ph34r:

Free Drake they said. What could go wrong they said.

Well I'm flattered that you regret freeing me at least :P

I'm sure you have your reasons, and your right, I can't do you much harm without spren... But I can still raise a bit of hell. Hopefully I'm not too late.

10 minutes ago, Alvron said:

I wouldn't say the unbonded elim doesn't matter.  In fact they might be the most important member of our team. :P  I mean he's perfectly placed for all those kills.

That doesn't say very much. Assuming you are telling the truth, you could either be implying that they are already in jail and thus a useful part of your little elsecaller stunt, or that they aren't in jail and thus can turn the tide towards endgame.

13 minutes ago, Alvron said:

Nah, it can't possibly be DA.  After all why would Ec3 and I vote on DA if he was our elim buddy? EMqYlbxRo13K50x1H0zXr5OW3GmB5ywfDwHMg0UM

I'm not much a fan of the IKYK setup so I'm just going to ignore this comment.

You know you are getting lynched this cycle Alv, so your vote on DA doesn't mean anything.

No, that doesn't 100% mean DA is elim, or that he isn't. It literally just tells me nothing.

14 minutes ago, Alvron said:

It must be Joe.  Or maybe it's El or Doc or Rand or maybe, just maybe it's you!

You got me! Secretly, I am your team member.

Keep me alive, vote to free me, and let me get the dustbringer bond again, and I swear I'll totally help you guys win. :D

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Just now, A Joe in the Bush said:

Wait, i thought we weren't going to reveal me?

Shh, we only hinted at it being you.  They don't know you really are the Elsecaller.

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7 minutes ago, Drake Marshall said:

Free Drake they said. What could go wrong they said.
Well I'm flattered that you regret freeing me at least :P

You know you are getting lynched this cycle Alv, so your vote on DA doesn't mean anything.

You got me! Secretly, I am your team member.
Keep me alive, vote to free me, and let me get the dustbringer bond again, and I swear I'll totally help you guys win. :D

I never said I regretted it.  Just the opposite in fact.  You are doing just what we wanted you to do. :ph34r:

Sadly yes.  I highly doubt I will be able to pull off another miracle escape this time.  Do me a favor though.  Vote Doc into jail next cycle.  He's been voting on me for so long that it's clearly a concentrated bussing attempt. Why Doc why? :( 

Hmm, tell you what, keep me out of jail for this cycle and I'll totally vote to pardon you next cycle. :)  You can trust me.  Yep.  Completely trustworthy.

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13 minutes ago, Alvron said:

I never said I regretted it.  Just the opposite in fact.  You are doing just what we wanted you to do. :ph34r:

Sadly yes.  I highly doubt I will be able to pull off another miracle escape this time.  Do me a favor though.  Vote Doc into jail next cycle.  He's been voting on me for so long that it's clearly a concentrated bussing attempt. Why Doc why? :( 

Hmm, tell you what, keep me out of jail for this cycle and I'll totally vote to pardon you next cycle. :)  You can trust me.  Yep.  Completely trustworthy.

Ah, excellent! Sounds like a bargain. Tell you what, I'll vote to pardon you next cycle if you vote to pardon me next cycle. And we can both vote to jail Doc.

We can make a little voting tally in the prison PM together. It'll be jolly.



Edited by Drake Marshall
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What are you reasons for Imprisoning me @Drake Marshall?


Push, Pull, Push, Pull. Amazing how much metal was in the ground and building itself. Not to mention all the soulcasted chunks of metal lying around. He quickly made his way to the top of Urithiru, uncaring for any prying eyes. Landing softly on the tip of the topmost tier of the tower. He crouched down on the domed roof, a hand down to steady himself on the curve. He tapped tin and saw the storm in the far distance. He smiled, and jumped.


Gah, that was meant to send yesterday (*shakes fist at internet). Lucky Aman extended the cycle. Anyway, Drake, I'm assuming you're randomly imprisoning me because "spin the wheel" . I don't feel like pardoning you any more. Drake

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1 minute ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

What are you reasons for Imprisoning me @Drake Marshall?

Gah, that was meant to send yesterday (*shakes fist at internet). Lucky Aman extended the cycle. Anyway, Drake, I'm assuming you're randomly imprisoning me because "spin the wheel" . I don't feel like pardoning you any more. Drake


I doubt you can even vote to pardon me this cycle, silly... I'm not in jail right now.

And anyway, self preservation is irrelevant to me at this point.


As for why I'm actually voting on you... The unknown semi-active elim is you or Joe, and comparing you two, I choose you.

It also helps that Alv is trying to raise doubts about specifically your being an elim (because that's more or less all his voting on you this cycle can do). If he literally had said nothing, like he'd been doing the whole cycle, we all know I still would have gone after you (there are certain advantages to being predictable most of the time).

I'm not 100%, but I'm definitely betting on you being our hidden eliminator. There's no way out of this game that doesn't involve betting on something, and I'll take these odds.


Oh, and thanks for defending yourself. It implies to me that your victory is still uncertain.

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7 minutes ago, Drake Marshall said:

It also helps that Alv is trying to raise doubts about specifically your being an elim (because that's more or less all his voting on you this cycle can do). If he literally had said nothing, like he'd been doing the whole cycle, we all know I still would have gone after you (there are certain advantages to being predictable most of the time).

Heh, you really underestimate Alv's manipulation skills. Honestly, I would put his actions as casting suspicion on me not DA. 

And i villagers would also defend themselves me'thinks.

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8 minutes ago, A Joe in the Bush said:

Heh, you really underestimate Alv's manipulation skills. Honestly, I would put his actions as casting suspicion on me not DA. 

And i villagers would also defend themselves me'thinks.


7 minutes ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

Reverse Psychology ftw!


I know how this works. It's an endless cycle of IKYK.

But none of that matters. You can go any number of iterations. I am looking simply at the concrete effects of his post.

First, the vote, which means absolutely nothing.

And second, the confusion. The direction he was actually manipulating me towards is completely indeterminate, which is I should think the point. If I was wrong, there wasn't much point in popping that bubble. If I was right, it might be worth muddying the waters a little.


Anyways. It doesn't hurt that I read Joe as more town than you. Neither of you are very easy to read simply by merit of what you say, but *shrugs*

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11 minutes ago, Drake Marshall said:



I know how this works. It's an endless cycle of IKYK.

But none of that matters. You can go any number of iterations. I am looking simply at the concrete effects of his post.

First, the vote, which means absolutely nothing.

And second, the confusion. The direction he was actually manipulating me towards is completely indeterminate, which is I should think the point. If I was wrong, there wasn't much point in popping that bubble. If I was right, it might be worth muddying the waters a little.

Anyways. It doesn't hurt that I read Joe as more town than you. Neither of you are very easy to read simply by merit of what you say, but *shrugs*

You only see what you want to see *hallooowed whisspppeeeer

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Heads up!

The blade of the monster smashed the ground next to Ceol, causing him to break out of his stupor. He regained his bearings. His right hand held the claymore, and his left...

Hithon was no longer holding his hand.

Ceol surveyed the scene frantically. Where had he gone off to? It couldn't have been f--

His eyes rested on the terrible image of Hithon and Teresh locked in combat with each other. Sword clashed with daggers as the two traded blows inhumanly fast. Teresh danced with a trail of Stormlight behind him, while the blind man fought savagely, leaking darkness with every slash.

Life before death, Ceol.

Though exhausted, he began to run to Teresh’s aid. He had only made it a few yards when, completely unexpectedly, the Voidbringer’s massive sword came down on him. Ceol raised his claymore at the last second, but it did little to stop the mighty force of the attack. He was thrown to the side, arm badly wounded, and the sword spun off in the opposite direction.

The monster smiled, a horrific sight, and raised its sword to finish Ceol off. Instinctively, the hunter reached for his bag of coins, finding the right one in a matter of seconds and transforming it into the glimmering shield. He braced it in front of him, but he knew it would not be enough to stop the colossal blow that was to come.

Strength before weakness.

Ceol breathed in, and his body filled with strength. Stormlight. The monster’s sword hit the shield, causing the metal to shatter in a spiderweb of cracks and sending a shockwave through Ceol’s whole being.

Yet somehow, the shield held together. Stormlight filled the cracks, glowing in a pattern not unlike the Shattered Plains. The Voidbringer swung again, but Ceol was too fast, rolling out of the way as the sword split the ground which he had been standing on mere moments ago.

It was only then that he realized he had backed himself up against a cliffside formed by a tall rock formation. The monster smiled its hellish smile, hefting its sword once again for another blow.

Journey before--

“Enough with the mystical talk, Vis! Say something practical, like ‘dodge left’ or something!”

Fine. Run up the wall.

“Run up the…what!?” Ceol held up the shield again to blow another momentous strike. The cracks in the shield widened, the Stormlight flickered.

You asked for my advice. Run up the wall.

The Voidbringer prepared for another strike. Ceol raised the shield, though he knew it wouldn’t last much longer. “How the storms do you expect me to--”

Another hit connected, and the shield completely shattered into silver fragments, which peppered the battlefield. A large piece flew straight up into the air, and Ceol caught it. A tarnished coin.

Do you have a better option, Ceol?

“Point.” He turned his back on the Voidbringer, who was preparing for a finishing blow. All his instincts screamed against the move. Then again, all his instincts screamed against trying to run up a wall.

Clear your mind. Let the Light fill your entire being. Then, let your perception of the world shift. Let the rocks beneath you become your surroundings; let your surroundings become the rocks beneath you. The sky is no longer a barrier, but an opportunity. No longer a law, but a tool.

Break the sky, Ceol. And may Braize feel the fury of Justice.

Ceol jumped.

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1 minute ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

You only see what you want to see *hallooowed whisspppeeeer

I thought the point in all this was to sidestep the useless IKYK business.

Anyway, even if I do see what I want to see, that's a poor reason to change my mind. It's even less logical to arbitrarily decide upon the opposite of my actual conclusion then it is to arbitrarily trust my conclusion. But, by all means, keep talking. It'll make the decision less arbitrary if I can get more information on you two. ;)

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Just now, Drake Marshall said:

I thought the point in all this was to sidestep the useless IKYK business.

Anyway, even if I do see what I want to see, that's a poor reason to change my mind. It's even less logical to arbitrarily decide upon the opposite of my actual conclusion then it is to arbitrarily trust my conclusion. But, by all means, keep talking. It'll make the decision less arbitrary if I can get more information on you two. ;)

I was just kidding :P I am actually an Unjust Edgedancer in case you were wondering

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1 hour ago, Drake Marshall said:

I'm not 100%, but I'm definitely betting on you being our hidden eliminator. There's no way out of this game that doesn't involve betting on something, and I'll take these odds.

Ooh, a bet.  What is the wager and can I get in on this?

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