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Crazy prediction here.

Kelsier is going to be a villain (or at the very least a large antagonist) in the overall plot of the Cosmere.

The Hemalurgic spikes used to bring him back plus his unique revival situation are going to screw with his head.

He is going to be the serial killer Mistborn in era 3.

An evil shard is eventually going to abuse his Hemalurgic weakness and use him as a pawn.


I have like no proof for any of this, Thoughts just popped into my head and had to share :P

Feel free to post proof for/against and buff/tear this prediction to shreds :P


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Can ANY shard exploit hemalurgic tears? I thought only Ruin could do that (Harmony now).

At the AU signing in Provo Sanderson did say Kelsier scares him more than any other character because he could very easily become a villain, a nearly unstoppable one.

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Since Kelsier is functionally immortal as a Sliver and a Fullborn with spikes, I could see this happening. 

We know that Hoid will be one of the main characters/protagonists in the Mistborn Space Opera books, and who do we know that Hoid doesn't like? Kelsier. I could totally see him being, if not the villain, at least an antagonist.

In another story, Kelsier would have been a villain. Good thing he fixed his hatred on the evil overlord.

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I am leaning toward yes, as it is such a versatile magic system. It can be used to steal so many different forms of magic. Trellium is also an example of Hemalurgy at least being somewhat functional with another shard (assuming Trell isn't connected to Ruin). And lastly in AU


Khriss mentions Hemalurgy have effects that no shard intended or designed (or something like that, I don't actually have AU in front of me)


And @Khyrindor That was one of my initial reasonings. He is slightly psychopathic, and while he did good in his life it was mostly because it lined up with his revenge.  If it hadn't he wouldn't have done things the way he did (IMO). 


Mistborn SH spoilers 


He seems very manipulative at the end with spook.  I feel he is using spooks unending loyalty and faith to his own selfish needs..... again. Also as an afterthought, Sazed seems pretty short and distant with him at the end.  They were very close through book 1.  Could this have to do with Sazed possessing future sight and knowing Kell shouldn't be brought back?  I see no reason for him to lie like he did.

Don't get me wrong, I love Kell, I just have a feeling his story is never going to get a happy final conclusion.  It will always be death, selfishness and ruin.



Also don't know why my spoiler tags are acting weird

Edited by Itchy Savant
Spoiler error?
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I think that point has the most backing.

Allowance is getting weaker, actually I think there is a WoB about it being as weak as it can be, so having a must born in era 3 occur naturally is pretty unlikely.

I'm picturing Kell doing some kind of saw type stuff about those not being to survive his games not deserving to live at all. It just fits with it all so well

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I would love it if Kelsier was some kind of third party. Not evil or a villain really, but an antagonist in some cases and a protagonist in others. 

I hope that Kelsier doesnt end up evil or crazy just because. If he becomes a villain, I hope he has a good reason to do what he does.

But considering that there is a rich vs poor situation on Scadrial, I could see how Kell would be disappointed in the overall situation of everything.

Wonder if we will get a Kelsier vs Marsh fight?

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14 hours ago, Itchy Savant said:

Kell vs marsh is a possibility, they have a lot of unresolved tension, plus marsh is kina sorting for harmony and Kell is kinda against (?) Him atm

Didn't Marsh say he approves of Wax because he's "doing my brother's work" or something like that? I get the sense that the two get along well in Era 2.

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I forgot about that! Excellent point! The only way I can see the fight happening now was if my crazy prediction was correct and marsh (if he lives long enough and is still working for harmony) is trying to stop his evil corrupted brother

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1 hour ago, Itchy Savant said:

@KereDerek I am a little confused :P Like Odium needs a new vessel and is looking to use kell? :P

I'm imagining they mean something like what happened with Preservation, they wanted/needed to do something that required a newer vessel's freedom. Either that or Odium sees new potential in Kelsier, but that's several discussions about how "molded" people get by the Intent away from being a proper idea

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