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6 hours ago, TheMightyLopen said:

I'm voting Bugsy. He voted on Seonid for not remembering he had a PM(how was that suspicious in the slightest? Even when we didn't know why he said he didn't have a PM, there's not really a point in lying about something like that.)

You're neglecting the context of the situation entirely. Seonid said himself that he thought we should leave DA alive because he was the only confirmed tineye, and when pressed on the issue said that DA was the only tineye he knew of, at least, because it was the only PM he had. This was, of course, obviously untrue. I voted on Seonid for attempting to protect someone I was significantly suspicious of on the basis of a complete falsehood, and what I perceived as an intentional lie. Even then, I didn't vote to lynch. Once Seonid clarified, which was obviously the intent of my post based on the fact that I tagged him in it, I withdrew and voted on DA instead.

6 hours ago, TheMightyLopen said:

Then he voted on DA for being "inconsistent" with his wording about the Survivors Spear, which again, doesn't seem like something inherently evil.

The inconsistency of his claim went far beyond wording. He claimed to have been attacked and to have survived it. He caught some heat for that, because it wasn't mentioned in the writeup. At that time, he then said the spear had been used on him, but he hadn't necessarily been attacked. This claim and subsequent backoff looked like he was trying to garner sympathy from a failed attack but failed and subsequently backed off the claim to reduce suspicion. When someone appears to lie outright about something like this, it makes me suspicious, and I maintain that it is for good reason.

6 hours ago, TheMightyLopen said:

Silverblade made a PM with me on C1 and said that he was a little suspicious of Bugsy too(he asked me what I thought about Jondesu vs. Bugsy and I said I was leaning towards Bugsy being an elim if one of them was and he said he agreed).

Did I miss a roleclaim by Silverblade? Why'd you reveal his role?


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21 minutes ago, Seonid said:

... you didn't miss a roleclaim, but you did miss a kill.

Ah. In that case, Silverblade contacted me as well on the same cycle. He asked for a role claim, and after said that he wouldn't share it unless he had reason to belive I was an elim, which he said he didn't at the time. 

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Hey Joe! I join the Steel Ministry! So, when do I get my bands of mourning? ;) Oh, and the bands better do something!

Anyway, it "sounds" like there is a lot of discussion going on and Seonid is evil, but I wont vote yet, because even though there is a point against Seonid (A pretty good one for sure), I really don't have any evidence to vote against him. I will vote later, however.

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Cycle 5: To Survive the Silent Streets

Hissure sat on a rooftop, smiling slightly as the mist ebbed and flowed around him. It tended to keep it’s distance most nights, due to his Blessings, his curse, his Spikes. To be alive, yet to be cut off from Preservation’s embrace. It was only because of the Spear that he could feel the mists tonight. He watched as down in the square below him, a man used the spear to stab the mists, desperately trying to figure out how to work it. Hissure almost decided to go and help him, but couldn’t think of a pressing enough reason to do so.

His amusement was interrupted by a searing light from behind him. He was yanked backwards, off the roof and into the street on the other side. He slammed into the hard pavement, and froze there, imobile, bound by something. He tried to move, tried to speak, tried to change, but he was held fast. Whatever held him, it was impossibly strong. He was lifted up off the ground, and rotated around to face a glowing man with silvery skin. The man was drawing upon the air with his fingertips, light pouring out of them in strange symbols that almost seemed to be maps of Scadrial.

“Hissure, I assume you know why I’m killing you?” The man drew another symbol, and his mouth was freed.

“I don’t! Who are you? What did I do?”

Glow raised an eyebrow. “You allowed Ruin to take hold of you. I can sense your spikes.” He reached out and tapped the Kandra on both his shoulders. “Two of them. A good find. We can use them to accelerate the device. I just need the Glowing Sphere after this, and I’ll be able to kill all your fellow servitors. Tell Ati that we’re coming for his shard.” Hissure’s mouth was sealed up again, as he sought desperately to free himself. Glow drew another map of Scadrial, this time with a series of dots around the Homeland.

And then fire, and pain.

More to be edited in.

Elenion was lynched! They were a Citizen!
Straw was killed!
Conquestor was killed! (Remember that he was RP’ing as a Kandra, the spikes in the writeup are not alignment indicative, and neither is this sentence.)

A Player was attacked!

Elenion (4): Doc12, Ecthelion III, Seonid
Seonid (3): Alvron, Straw, Elenion
Bugsy (1): Lopen

Time until Cycle 6: Failure to act as One


Player List:



Assassin in Burgundy:






Elenion: Lynched Cycle 4

Darkness Ascendant Lynched Cycle 3, Killed Cycle 3, Killed Cycle 3

Arinian Killed Cycle 2

Daniyah: Killed on Cycle 1

Straw: Killed on Cycle 4

Bugsy: Survived a Lynch, Cycle 1

Ecthelion III Survived an attack, cycle 2



Silverblade Killed Cycle 3


Conquestor: Killed on Cycle 4


Jondesu Lynched Cycle 2


Edited by Alvron
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Bugsy, sorry I didn't get around to responding to you last Cycle. I do think you made a fair point, but I still don't really see those actions as something definitely suspicious. Should you have prodded them and gotten more information? Yes, definitely, but I don't think they were worthy of a vote or a lynch. For one, people are gonna notice if there's a failed attack, so claiming to have been attacked to garner sympathy isn't a good idea. The thing about Seonid, well, usually with stuff like that, I wouldn't vote on someone until I had the whole story, but that's probably more just an opinion based thing, so whatever.

On to other matters, this past lynch was fairly interesting, IMO. Elenion is shown to be village, and I'm taking a guess that Straw was the one killed by the Spiked(it appears Con was killed by a hidden role, an Elantrian by the looks of it), so he's village as well. Plus there appears to have been a Rioting on Elenion, and he didn't soothe anyone I guess. Anyways, we saw evidence of another Rioting back on D1, when someone Rioted someone which looked like they were trying to either tie the lynch or get Bugsy lynched over Jondesu. I'm wondering if it was a Spiked Rioter trying to get 2 people lynched(though I'm not discounting the possibility of Bugsy still being evil even if this is true) and if they just now saved Seonid. If they thought Len was gonna Soothe a vote, they probably would have just tied the votes to get Len killed as well as Seonid. I think the Spiked killed Straw because he was gonna be soft-cleared from his vote on Seonid.

So I'm thinking Seonid is Spiked based on this.

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So I'm the Rioter. I Rioted Ecthelion to save myself - self-preservation and all. If you want to lynch me anyways, go ahead. Having my alignment public will be more helpful than anything else I've done this game, I suppose.

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15 minutes ago, phattemer said:

Does anyone know of a role or item that makes the target use their power on given people?

I don't. Just to clarify what you're asking, would this redirect an existing action or force the target to use it on someone even if they hadn't sent in an order? Either would be interesting.

5 hours ago, Seonid said:

So I'm the Rioter. I Rioted Ecthelion to save myself - self-preservation and all. If you want to lynch me anyways, go ahead. Having my alignment public will be more helpful than anything else I've done this game, I suppose.

Did you riot a vote on me C1? If you did, I feel as if that was perhaps trying to obtain a tie and double lynch, which I find somewhat suspicious. I'd also concur with most of Lopen's points. Seonid

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19 minutes ago, Bugsy6912 said:

I don't. Just to clarify what you're asking, would this redirect an existing action or force the target to use it on someone even if they hadn't sent in an order? Either would be interesting.

Did you riot a vote on me C1? If you did, I feel as if that was perhaps trying to obtain a tie and double lynch, which I find somewhat suspicious. I'd also concur with most of Lopen's points. Seonid

I was mostly inactive C1, and didn't use my power. I've been using the spear since then, except to save myself just now.

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And now it's time for... Me actually being active in this game! Sorry about being radio silent. I find it very hard to focus on two games at a time, and I had grown very attached to the AG3. Still not an excuse, but now that that game is over with, I can actually do some analysis. I'll be using a color scheme for this. Green means confirmed good. Red means confirmed evil. Grey means confirmed dead (There aren't any zombies, are there? :ph34r:). Orange means that they used an extra life. Black is for players who are still alive.

Let's start by going post through post. There's only 11 pages, and 2 of that is just signups.

  • Alvron votes for Magestar: It's the first vote, and kind of a joke.
  • Ecth reprimands Alvron for the joke: Nothing to say here.
  • Lopen reprimands Ecth for the reprimand: Troll joe could be trolly.
  • Phattemer votes on Lopen: Joke train.
  • Magestar votes on Lopen: Late to the joke train, or was it intentional?
  • Doc votes on Phattemer: So many jokes.
  • Phattemer votes on Doc: Fix the joke
  • Stick votes on Drought: Not really part of the joke...
  • Silver votes on Stick: Still part of the joke.
  • Conquestor votes on Silver: See jokes.
  • Arinian votes on Conquestor: Too many jokes.
  • Bartimaeus votes on Arinian: Even more jokes
  • Jondesu votes on Bartimaeus: Seriously?
  • Assassin votes on Jondesu: A vote on a villager. Too bad it's still the joke train.
  • Bugsy tries to stop the madness: Probably a good idea.
  • Magestar retracts his vote on Lopen: No suspicion, apparently.
  • Phattemer is using the vote train for analysis, votes on Bugsy: Interesting tactic, not sure I agree, but still interesting.
  • Jondesu thinks Bugsy is just trying to gain trust: This seems opportunistic to me, but he was later revealed as villager.
  • Arinian and Magestar agree that it is a little bit dangerous.
  • Bugsy agrees that he attacked Rae the same way: I'm liking Bugsy's posts right now.
  • Alvron thinks that Bugsy could be playing us: Seems counterproductive, and just incites more suspicion.
  • Phattemer votes for Jondesu: Can't really blame him for that.
  • Jondesu is just using his gut: I can see why people became suspicious of that.
  • Silver votes for the GM: Good job?
  • Alvron argues that coinshots should hit inactives: It's a fair point, I suppose. Given the lack of inactive deaths though, I guess he isn't a coinshot.
  • Arinian, Straw, Ecth, and Doc join the GM bandwagon: More joke votes
  • Conquestor thinks the jokes are a waste of time: I agree with him here.
  • Ecth leaves the vote chain for Straw: His logic is the third vote on a bandwagon is an eliminator. I don't really buy that, especially on a joke vote.
  • Daniyah votes for Doc based on his gut: That's not very good logic.
  • Darkness votes for Joe: Not sure I like that move after the joke is dying.
  • Lopen uses his gut to vote on Bugsy: That rubs me the wrong way. At least this far into my analysis, I trust Bugsy.
  • Elenion votes for Seonid on inactivity grounds: That's fair.
  • Seonid responds to the thread, not wanting to vote: Considering I basically did the same thing, I can't fault him for this.
  • Bugsy votes on Stick because he didn't jump off the vote train: It's not self-preservation, which is an interesting strategy for an eliminator. However, he did know he had an extra life...
  • Elenion votes for Jondesu: Village on village action.
  • Ecth votes for Bugsy: I don't see how Bugsy's words sound bad. They sound pretty good to me honestly. This increases my suspicion of Ecth.
  • Bugsy reveals he is a thug: Yep, still reading as villager. I'm going to have egg on my face if he's evil.
  • Bugsy votes for Jondesu: It's last minute self-preservation. A little bit less villager-y than his other actions, but I still trust him.
  • Daniyah is killed: It's a very odd kill to me, unless she had claimed her items.
  • Bugsy survives his execution. Vote manipulation is in play.

Well, that's all of cycle one. That day makes me suspect Ecth and Alvron. I'm going to eat soon, but I should have time tonight to analyze the other 5 pages.

Edited by Sart
One more page than I thought.
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I doubt Seonid is an eliminator simply because if he was, it would be stupid of him to claim the Spear in thread after Daniyah's alignment reveal. I currently have a bad read on Stick mostly due to filler posting and just my gut. I don't have too much time to go back all the way through the thread, but iirc, Elenion was suspicious of Stick and then got lynched soon after (though I think I contributed to that lynch).

Roleclaiming won't improve my situation any, I don't think, since I've already lost my Thug Life. (Can we make that an SE term?) I guess I could use in my defense all the things that Bugsy has said so far.

I haven't been paying too much attention to this game strategically due to LG30

Edited by Ecthelion III
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So, if anyone has a Glowing Sphere, I can trade you an item for it. I killed Con and got a hat in return, and it actually is of some use. I imagine the Glowing Sphere isn't doing anything for whoever has it, since my role is almost definitely unique(Joe trolled me with it before :P). I'd appreciate it.

Oh, and if you're curious what my powers are, I have one use of multiple types. Kill, vote manip, protect, redirect, extra life and roleblock. I won't say which ones I've used, though obviously I used my kill on Con just now. Well, I can admit to having moved Alv's on C1, but I would have cancelled that had I seen how the votes were at the end. And my alignment is village. I'm not a neutral or anything.

From: Your friendly neighborhood Elantrian.

Edit: I guess I should reveal that the hat is called "Lucky Hat" and protects Inquisitors from Seekers because it covers their Spikes. So yeah, it's basically only good for the Spiked, but hey, it's got a use! :P I think this could also mean that Con was an Inquisitor.

Edited by TheMightyLopen
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...An Elantrian. In a mistborn game. 



Anyway, I forgot to post yesterday, but I was the person attacked last night. I was saved by a lurcher though, so thanks to whoever out there thought I was worth protecting! 

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I'm trying very hard to resist the temptation to vote for stick, and then Riot it to try and save myself. I'm not especially useful to the village atm, and the most useful thing I could do right now is get lynched and reveal my alignment.

BTW, Lopen, whoever has the colorful stone is almost certainly evil. Because it was them that killed Dani. You'll be able to verify that when I'm dead.

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14 minutes ago, _Stick_ said:

When Daniyah was killed, her items were listed down weren't they? I wonder why the same wasn't done for Conquestor...

It's entirely possible that Conq didn't have any items.  I wouldn't be surprised if not everyone got an item.  It's also possible that he had used his already.

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1 minute ago, Magestar said:

It's entirely possible that Conq didn't have any items.  I wouldn't be surprised if not everyone got an item.  It's also possible that he had used his already.

Lopen claims to have gotten an item when he killed Con.

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16 minutes ago, Magestar said:

It's entirely possible that Conq didn't have any items.  I wouldn't be surprised if not everyone got an item.  It's also possible that he had used his already.

*whispers 'the hat'

edit: Also, Daniyah totally could've been evil; the player with colourful stone doesn't *have* to be evil. Just a possibility @Seonid

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