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...Hello this is the first forum that I've signed up to and I actually found it doing a book report.

I just have one question, what are the cookies you are talking about?(I hope they're chocolate chip!)

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Welcome! Have an upvote! While the cookies do, technically, come in chocolate chip, they are detectable with a metal detector and will Ruin your day. 

What book are you doing your report on? 

Edited by Shqueeves
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9 hours ago, Rage said:

#1 I will take the cookie.:P

#2 My book report is on The Rithmatist.

I have plenty of cookies to offer you if you want them. They will be shown in spoiler. I'm normally the first to greet, with cookies at least, any newcomers, but I've been busy lately. Oh, and good to hear someone doing something with the Rithmatist. I really liked it. anyways, here.




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