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Cosmere puns (Again)


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Once upon a time, just over 4500 years ago, there was a young Windrunner whose name has been lost to history. He was born in Alethela, and left home to fight in the Desolation. He was kind and honorable, if a bit forgetful. As our story begins, there had just recently been a major battle in a remote forest, causing immense devastation to the surrounding area.

A small town was nearby, but was far enough away that only a few buildings had been destroyed. The Radiant was tired and thirsty, so he went into the town's tavern. Unfortunately, some Voidbringers had gotten in during the course of the battle and killed almost everyone. The Radiant turned to leave, deciding to go find some other town.

As he was walking out the door, he heard a faint voice saying, "Wait..." The Windrunner realized that the bartender was still alive. He turned around and went to the bartender's side. Weakly, the bartender spoke to him of a weapon of ancient and terrible power. To get it, the Radiant must journey to Shin Kak Nish, where he could come into contact with the members of a secret organization. The bartender told the Radiant some of the passwords of the organization. With them, he could gain access to the weapon and destroy the Voidbringers. Only a Windrunner could use it, or else the organization would have long since ruled the world. "But remember this," the bartender said. "If you wish to activate it, you must say 'Katanatak. Denalaned. Do not activate.' If you say 'Activate', it will turn on you and you will die."

The Radiant traveled for days, stopping only to sleep and eat. Eventually, he got to Shin Kak Nish. He asked around, dropping some of the passwords into his conversation, and eventually found the organization. He told them the passwords, and that he was a Windrunner. They showed him to their headquarters, and to the chamber in which the weapon was kept. On a table in the room was a small metal sphere. "This is it?" he said. The leader said, "Yes, that is the weapon. Now activate it, and the Voidbringers may be cleansed once and for all." 

The Windrunner put it to his mouth, and said, "Katanatak. Denalaned. Activate." Then, in a flash, he realized that he had forgotten the words of the bartender. Saying "Activate" would cause it to turn on him and destroy him. The metal of the sphere began to glow faintly. He dropped the sphere in terror. He looked for a way out, but knew that wherever he ran, he would die. The glow grew brighter, and brighter, until he could not look at it. And in one almighty flash, the weapon destroyed both itself and him. Only a crater remained where once the building had stood. The Windrunner's forgetfulness had been his doom. It was a...


Fatal Memory Error.

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A black sword was forcibly taken away from a certain swordsman. The loss was so great that he sat by the wayside and sobbed. 'Its not my fault' he said. 'They insisted I needed to fix my relationship with Nightblood. But colours! I don't need black magic to fix a relationship! I need my black talking sword back!'

'That's disturbing' a passerby whispered to her friend. 'I hadn't seen Vasher-crying on Nalthis before!'

Vashikaran. Vasher crying.....geddit? :D
....not sure of this works in text as well as it does in my head. If not I apologise :)

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On my math test, most of the questions were addition and subtraction. Then there were suddenly a series of problems asking me to find the quotient. I guess you could say there was a .... B)  surge of division

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  • 3 weeks later...

When Kaladin jumped at the wall, did he think he'd try defying gravity?

And I have a candidate for national song of Alethkar in the shadowdays: "Alethela, storm yeah!"

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  • 2 months later...

I'm glad I Awakened to this thread.


These puns are truly Words of Radiance.


It has been Aviar-y long time since this thread was active.


I may have come here just a Shade too late.


I'm going to stop now.

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"I would have Returned this thread, but it was unEndowed with a Splinter of skill in punning."

Punbreaker the Awful


Just trying to Va-Sher a pun with you all, but it seemed to fall flat. It's like I'm


WOR spoiler

On a different planet without even a sword to bore with lame puns.

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