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Kaladin vs. Adolin


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He looks like sad fella, and have confidence issues but this is enough to have broken soul ? I think that his mother death and Dalinar curse could be related to this. Something is a little off here. For once I don't think that the son of a highprince like Dalinar could have such bad life.


True, but something must have happened. We know very little about Renarin. It could have been anything. Honestly, the only reason we know he is a possible surgebinder is because he sees a spren, and we really only know that from Brandon and not so much from the text. There is one place in TWoKs that could be evidence of the Spren, but it is vague.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well looking at the Mistborn series almost every major character had magical abilities.  I'm trying to think of a major character that didn't and having a hard time thinking of anyone. :unsure:


Dox didn't...


Also, for me I would love Adolin to develop abilities. That last dual was badass. Couple his natural fighting skill with some wind running skills and he may be the most exciting character to watch during battles.


After reading that Duel scene, I'm actually really worried that Adolin will develop powers... just not surgebinding. I'm afraid that in the end, he will end up as the champion of Odium, a Voidbinder and will have to fight Kaladin.


I really hope I'm wrong on this though, I like Adolin!

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The way I see it is Adolin doesn't like Kaladin because he thinks Kaladin doesn't know his place. I'm not saying that Adolin is conscious of this, but rather that it is an ingrained bias that he is barely aware of and still has to overcome. Darkeyes should be mindful and show respect to their lighteyed betters. I actually do think that Brandon is setting them up for a duel. One of the ways this could come about is an argument over who should lead the soon to be reformed Knights Radiant. Now, if this duel happened, the question would be whether or not Kaladin wears Plate for it, and if he does, can he activate it. If Kaladin activated Shardplate in front of Dalinar, his place as leader of the Knights Radiant would be assured.

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Imagine this scenario:

Kal puts on plate. Swings spear in complicated kata. Takes a breath. All the stormlight in the suit fills his nostrils, and suddenly he has superpowers while inside a 200 pound scaled metal shell that is doing nothing but slowing him down - when his style relies on movement.

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Imagine this scenario:

Kal puts on plate. Swings spear in complicated kata. Takes a breath. All the stormlight in the suit fills his nostrils, and suddenly he has superpowers while inside a 200 pound scaled metal shell that is doing nothing but slowing him down - when his style relies on movement.

I only think it would slow him down if he hadn't yet reached his full potential as a KR, otherwise we've seen windrunner's wearing the full plate in Dalinar's flashbacks!

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Imagine this scenario:

Kal puts on plate. Swings spear in complicated kata. Takes a breath. All the stormlight in the suit fills his nostrils, and suddenly he has superpowers while inside a 200 pound scaled metal shell that is doing nothing but slowing him down - when his style relies on movement.


It didn't work that way for surgebinders in the past, and I think that Szeths personal experiences can be set aside if he is actually in possession of an Honorblade and not a surgebinder. I don't recall Kalak or Jezrien wearing any type of armor in the prelude to the Stormlight Archive.


Edit: Ninja'd

Edited by Gloom
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I see, I hadn't seen that. Wonder what Ym, Lift, or Jasnah are broken from. If they're broken at all. I think it may be more of a metaphor. 



Lift was an urchin in Rall Elorim for at least a few years. In her interlude, she mentions it in a very negative way. She also tells Darkness that in was in Rall Elorim that she tried to "feel nothing". She  talks about being captured by Darkness as being as bad as Rall Elorim. Now, she could be talking about when she had no Surgebinding powers, but I think there's something lurking there beneath the surface.



Ym in his interlude reveals that he was involved in the murder of a girl in his past life. His dialogue implies that he still feels guilt about it. Plenty of cracks in his soul to let a spren in.


Jasnah is an interesting case. I could argue that her father's death created the cracks, but she exhibited Surgebinding before then. I'm presuming that something else in her past happened to her that created those cracks. Considering her remarks towards the thieves that attacked her and Shallan and her outright hostility towards Amaram, something may have happened to her along those lines. We'll have to see.

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I figure, given the way magic is gained on Roshar that all the major characters will have some kind of power. But I'm sort of hoping Adolin gets something other than a Nahel bond. Possibly an honorblade he only uses fr surgebinding.

That could fit with todays Glimpse as a way to kill Adolin and bring him back...

Edited by Aminar
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Ugghh Hell No!!!

Adolin is a great natural fighter and more honorable than the other Alethi  (but that doesn't take much)

He's too cocky and arrogant. Things have come to him too easily to be a KR in my opinion, he dislikes Kaladin because he gave him an order that saved his men and fathers lives and carries a grudge a against him for it.


Maybe if he stops being such an chull i would probably like him but until then i think ill stick with Team Stormblessed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Everyone seems to be missing the real question- Who is taller? Really, I want to know, usually Mr. Sanderson gives very good and detailed comparisons of height for his characters. But he hasn't done so in this, mostly because there wasn't any natural way to introduce it yet. 


In Way of Kings, several mentions of Kaladin being unnaturally tall have been made. Cenn (the new recruit in the beginning) describes Dallet as "mountainous" and Kaladin is described as "several fingers taller than even Dallet." So he's pretty tall.


The only mention I've been able to find of Adolin's height is in Words of Radiance (I'm on chapter 16) when both Kaladin and Adolin are face to face, and he says the "son of Dalinar was a tall man" or something. But explicitly, who is taller?

I would love if Kaladin is. Please, can someone find anything in the text saying so?

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While I'm glad someone finally killed Sadeas, I don't quite like the way Andolin did it. I lied. Ok. I loved it. Needed to happen, Kaladin might actually buy him a beer. But his inner monologue expressed immediate guilt over the event, as he had just murdered a highprince. I worry that he'll be found out. If he covers his ace well, all may be well and good - but I think Dalinar will know. Andolin has been the most overtly hostile towards Sadeas, except for maybe Kaladin, but I would wager that Dalinar trusts Kaladin over Andolin. Not that he doesn't love his son, but trust is a different thing entirely.


Long story short, I'd hate to see Dalinar have to have his own son executed because of his morbidly convoluted honor and dignity. Especially over Sadeas.


Because. If Dalinar found out and refused to out Andolin, what would that do to his oaths? What would the repercussions be for him killing his Spren, which is the father to many Nahal spren, like Syl. It could legitimately suck.

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On the topic of Adolin killing Sadeas. Anyone else thinks that this event might break his soul. Certainly not a very honorable thing to do but there might be orders that are okay with something like this. Heck, Nalan goes around killing people for crimes decades past. Admidetly though I now have my doubts. This kinda crashed the image I had before with Kaladin and him as buds in a love triangle with Shallan (Granted I`m not going to miss this specific part) and Adolin turning into a Stonewarden. He did show himself to dependeble in the duel plan and as resourceful when attacking the Singers.

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I don't think Adolin will become a Radiant...  Killing Sadeas proves he's a little on the ruthless side, and the Skybreakers are being set up as antagonists for now.  I think their ideal is horribly flawed, and that will have to be addressed, but I don't see anyone controlling them.  Adolin's had an easy life so far, but he's strong willed enough where it would take a lot to break him.  Things that would damage the story as a whole(Killing Renarin.  A love triangle with Kaladin and Shallan where he loses.  You just don't lose a girl you've admitted shatting your armor to.)

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Yes my fault. I just googled "adolin vs kaladin" and found this thread as the first result. Didn't realize it was sort of a spoilers section. I'll be more careful next time. But anyone has any idea if Kaladin is taller or not?

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On Adolin v. Sadaes, I wouldn't say that this action will preclude him from being a Knight Radiant... certainly not a Windrunner, but one of the other orders who have "more individual oaths", it could still happen. Definitely not a Skybreaker, though the KR will need one or more of those on their side to fight the other (misguided?) ones. 


Shallan murdered her father and yet still managed to make it! So there is still hope for Adolin, though I still think that he is being set up to fall in later books. He is resisting the Thrill right now, which is a good thing and could mean that he is destined for a different order of KR still (I hope). 

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I must say, I was quite surprised when Adolin killed Sadeas (I don't know why, in hindsight, he was itching to do it since WoK). I agree with Green Hoodie Mistborn though, if Shallan can kill her father and get in, I don't see why Adolin couldn't. The fact that he's resisting the Thrill shows promise. I think he will be a Radiant, later on, perhaps next book? I'm really looking forward to seeing what going to happen with him.

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On Adolin v. Sadaes, I wouldn't say that this action will preclude him from being a Knight Radiant... certainly not a Windrunner, but one of the other orders who have "more individual oaths", it could still happen. Definitely not a Skybreaker, though the KR will need one or more of those on their side to fight the other (misguided?) ones. 


Shallan murdered her father and yet still managed to make it! So there is still hope for Adolin, though I still think that he is being set up to fall in later books. He is resisting the Thrill right now, which is a good thing and could mean that he is destined for a different order of KR still (I hope).

Shallan killed to protect. Adolin in a way did the same. There may still be an order out there for him. What I really want to see is what Shallan does when she finally figures out the Kaladin killed Helaran.

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Shallan killed to protect. Adolin in a way did the same. There may still be an order out there for him. What I really want to see is what Shallan does when she finally figures out the Kaladin killed Helaran.


It's questionable that Shallan killed her father to protect others to me. She went to her room to get the poison before ever seeing the situation in the common room. She poisoned the wine before Father/Balat fought, after discovering Malise's death. She gave it to him before Balat tried to stab him incurring his iron poker wrathful beating. 


Except for Malise, Shallan killing her Father because of what she feared he might do is very similar to Kaladin planning/allowing Moash to kill Elohkar because of past mistakes and fears of the future. 


The family should have subdued their father and reported the current murder to the Highprince. Then Balat could have inherited. if Balat had managed to kill Father, he would have been a Patricide and either Jushu or Wikim would have inherited. 


Adolin's murder of Sadeas, Shallan's murder of her Father are very similar to the concept of assassinating the king that caused a break between Kaladin and Syl to me. 


It just goes to show that "not all spren are as discerning as honorspren." Which still gives me some hope for Adolin  :)

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It's questionable that Shallan killed her father to protect others to me. She went to her room to get the poison before ever seeing the situation in the common room. She poisoned the wine before Father/Balat fought, after discovering Malise's death. She gave it to him before Balat tried to stab him incurring his iron poker wrathful beating. 

I always thought that she just carried the leaves around because of what they meant.


Besides, Shallan's Father is a violent, abusive man. She knew what would likely happen.

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I'll be frank. Adolin might have just overtaken Kaladin as my favorite character.

This man don't care if he gets his hands dirty to do what's right and protect the ones he loves. I like that. He's never done much to make me root for him in WoK, but everything he did in the WoR has made me fall in love with him, just not in the gay way. I especially love his buddy-buddy relationship with Kaladin. So... when I saw the hints of a love triangle between Kaladin-Shallan-Adolin, a lot went through my mind.

Mostly things like...

"*****! Don't you ******* make your moves on Kaladin! He and Adolin is going to be best friends forever! Don't make things ******* complicated! Go for Renarin like half the ******* forum wants you to! Don't look at her, Kaladin! Stop! Feeling! Those! Feelings!"

So at the end, I'm glad Kaladin left things unresolved with Shallan. By the time he comes back, I hope Adolin and Shallan will be happily married. She'll be completely oblivious to what almost happened and Kaladin will find another girl to spend his life with, a better girl who's completely perfect for him. Then, Kaladin and Adolin will team up and conquer the whole wide world! It's gonna be Gavilar and Dalinar 2.0!

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It specifically says that rather than following Balat and the other to where Father and Balat's gf were, she went upstairs and got the packet of leaves... pretty specific intent there to me.


He is violent, and abusive, and after that day a murderer as well, but to maintain his Spren, I think Kaladin would not have been allowed to murder Father like that. Oppose, arrest, detain, but not kill. So again, not all Spren are as discerning. 

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