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Will we ever get Book 10?


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I once saw something about this so I sat down to do the math. At the current rate, Stormlight 3 took three years, and that without, say, Nightblood (Warbreaker Sequel) or Mistborn era 3 to get in the way. The fair way to adjust this is to add a year, in my estimation. SO, 4 years a starlight book and 7 left, that's 28 years.  Brandon's birthday is December 19th 1975, (Coincidentally one day off my own day, but quite a few years off). That makes him 41. At this rate, that makes stormlight 10 finished when he is 70. which is worrying. It is worrying because after that we need the grand conclusion. Here's to hoping-

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you're not the first one to voice those concerns. yes, brandon has a lot on his plate. yes, if everything goes as expected, he will finish the cosmere when he is seventy. he writes pretty fast,  but the cosmere is huge. regardless, we can only wait and hope. yes, we can make all sorts of calculations showing that he can finish it all within the course of his natural lifespan, but in the end it's all pointless speculation. the end of the cosmere is at least 30 years away.

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I have good hopes Brandon will, at least, complete the Stormlight Archive. He might not give live to every story he wishes to, but out of respect for his fans, I do think he will complete his major opus. This being said, I hope the release time will be shorter for the upcoming SA books.

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Honestly, I'm more than fine with the long timeline, because it also means that I will still have Cosmere books to look forward even when I'm old and gray! Brandon can take his time: I'm happy to be in it for the long haul. :D

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2 hours ago, Corax said:

Honestly, I'm more than fine with the long timeline, because it also means that I will still have Cosmere books to look forward even when I'm old and gray! Brandon can take his time: I'm happy to be in it for the long haul. :D

you could have cosmere books to look forward to in the far future if brandon wrote one book every ten years, but that's not exactly an apppealing scenario. no, i don't mind the wait because it's wait filled with new books. there's just a lot of cosmere.

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I wouldn't worry about Stormlight Archive never being finished.  First, it's sort of Sanderson's baby and he's been planning it for decades.  Second, he has a large and trusted team of professionals backing him.  And third...Sanderson gained some serious renowned by finishing the Wheel of Time epic after Robert Jordan passed away...

I don't think any author wants to have to rely on someone else finishing their work, but between Tor, Jordan's wife, and Sanderson, I believe the final product (3 books) was satisfying to most fans and served as a worthy tribute to an artist who met an untimely end.

I'd like to believe that through that experience Sanderson probably learned some valuable lessons about how to structure and organize his notes and bluebrints for the Cosmere in such a way that, in the event that the can't finish his workload in his own natural lifespan, his friends, family, students, and colleagues can construct and deliver an admirable testament to his remaining vision to his fans in his stead.

Sixth of Dusk was a collaborative work, and its probably my favorite short story in the Cosmere.  If you want to experience the whole Cosmere, you probably just need to live long enough, it's getting big enough that its fans, contributors, and publisher would be loath to see it left incomplete, no matter what the future holds.

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19 hours ago, axcellence said:

Please please, everything out before 2050. :P

chances are good for stormlight 10 before that date. after stormlight 10, though, there are the mistborn future trilogy, and then dragonsteel, before the cosmere is finished.

5 hours ago, 1stBondsmith said:

I am a little older than Brandon. He better write faster than 1 every 4 years! I want the Dragonsteel too before I die!

I'm younger, but I wondered about that: if I got a terminal disease, and I had a few weeks of life left, would I contact brandon and ask him to tell me the whole story of the cosmere - with all big spoilers - so that I can know it before I die? how would he react? he would certainly want to fulfill a dieing wish, but will he trust an unknown guy - one who has literally nothing to lose - to keep the secret? did brandon ever got such a request, a terminally ill fan asking for some big spoilers?

4 hours ago, hwiles said:

I wouldn't worry about Stormlight Archive never being finished.  First, it's sort of Sanderson's baby and he's been planning it for decades.  Second, he has a large and trusted team of professionals backing him.  And third...Sanderson gained some serious renowned by finishing the Wheel of Time epic after Robert Jordan passed away...

I don't think any author wants to have to rely on someone else finishing their work, but between Tor, Jordan's wife, and Sanderson, I believe the final product (3 books) was satisfying to most fans and served as a worthy tribute to an artist who met an untimely end.

I'd like to believe that through that experience Sanderson probably learned some valuable lessons about how to structure and organize his notes and bluebrints for the Cosmere in such a way that, in the event that the can't finish his workload in his own natural lifespan, his friends, family, students, and colleagues can construct and deliver an admirable testament to his remaining vision to his fans in his stead.

Sixth of Dusk was a collaborative work, and its probably my favorite short story in the Cosmere.  If you want to experience the whole Cosmere, you probably just need to live long enough, it's getting big enough that its fans, contributors, and publisher would be loath to see it left incomplete, no matter what the future holds.

I do believe there are contingency plans in case brandon dies, but i doubt the stormmlight archive would be finished in that case. one thing is a 12-book saga that needs the last book to be concluded (even if that book is so large it has to be split in 3), another is a 10-book saga of which only two books have been written. Ok, 3 because oathbringer only needs minor revisions. anyway, if another author were to write 7/10th of a saga, it just wouldn't be sanderson's anymore. probably someone would complete the first half of the saga, the remaining two books, that probably will have some kind of good resolution for the whole "everstorm" thing. certainly woould be published a lot of unpublished material - early drafts, random chapters written as an exercice, random notes and schemes - but the cosmere would mostly stop there.

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Brandon did address this, at a signing Q&A last year. He said that if he were to die unexpectedly, that whether Stormlight was finished by another author would depend on how far along it was - at this point, today, it probably wouldn't be continued. He said that they might release his notes on it instead, so that his fans wouldn't be left not knowing at least what the plans were. But if it was, say, halfway through or more, they might find another author to write the books.

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16 hours ago, Ironeyes said:

I am not worried about Brandon's lifespan (May he have a long life).

I am worried about mine!  :ph34r:

I'll be almost 70 by 2050, and that's the risky bit.  My dad's hit 67, and he has survived the longest in my family from my dad's side.  His brother went at 60 and grandparents didn't make 50/70.  

The only consoling factor is my grandparents on my mother's side fared much better.  Grandfather still going strong at 88, mentally functioning well and grandmother lasted till 85.

I'll go pop those vitamins now...


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His focus have also been somewhat divided with stormlight. First wheel of time, then wax and Wayne who came unplanned. I think we can expect to have bok 4 and 5 come faster then 2 and 3 did.

After 5 Id be expecing a pause thou. He said hed likely write the second planned mistborn triology then if my memory serves.


Then again, he always talks about mixing project up to keep things interesting, so its all just guessing :)




Edited by dyring
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@dyring I know he's interested in some of his other YA projects as well as an Elantris sequel too. After Oathbringer comes out, I think he's planning to write the last Wax and Wayne book plus do something with his YA novels. I imagine Mistborn will take a break until sometime after Stormlight 5 is out, but I believe sequels to Elantris and some other Cosmere worlds will be more important to him than the next Mistborn trilogy over the next few years. 

I think it's good he has so many different worlds to write about. I read his newsletter yesterday, and he talked about being sick of Oathbringer at this point after reading it four times in a row for revisions. I could imagine reading the same 1,000 page novel four times in a row would make anyone sick of it lol. So while I know a lot of fans would like him to write Stormlight books more consistently, he really needs a mental break from the world of Roshar so he doesn't get sick of writing about it non-stop. 

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Yeah... In between stormlight 2 and 3, BS completed the AoL books, edgedancer and couple of other novellas.

stormlight 3 commenced early to mid 2015, so, including proofing and timing to suit publisher, 2.5 years is about right.

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On 4/21/2017 at 11:49 PM, Ironeyes said:

So glad us Mormons have long life spans LOL and I'm just glad I'm only 17. I will live to see all of it. Provided he goes nowhere

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23 hours ago, Andy92 said:

@dyring I know he's interested in some of his other YA projects as well as an Elantris sequel too. After Oathbringer comes out, I think he's planning to write the last Wax and Wayne book plus do something with his YA novels. I imagine Mistborn will take a break until sometime after Stormlight 5 is out, but I believe sequels to Elantris and some other Cosmere worlds will be more important to him than the next Mistborn trilogy over the next few years. 

I think it's good he has so many different worlds to write about. I read his newsletter yesterday, and he talked about being sick of Oathbringer at this point after reading it four times in a row for revisions. I could imagine reading the same 1,000 page novel four times in a row would make anyone sick of it lol. So while I know a lot of fans would like him to write Stormlight books more consistently, he really needs a mental break from the world of Roshar so he doesn't get sick of writing about it non-stop. 

I read the newsletter as well and the reason he is getting sick of Oathbringer is because it took him 2.5 years to write (when it should have taken him 6-9 months) mostly because he spent too much time working on his other projects. It is why I wish for Brandon to focus more on finishing the first half of SA as opposed to writing all sort of other books. To me it is getting to be a problem: Brandon isn't focus on SA and because he isn't focus on SA, he is losing interest in SA, but his fans aren't. I wish finishing book 4 and 5 were more important than launching yet another YA trilogy.

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