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3 hours ago, Haelbarde said:

The Masters have their 10(?) DP to throw around,  which is randomly distributed over those who have complaints on them (and I'm pretty sure it's just over the number of different players,  not weighted by the number of complaints) . Every two complaints then adds 1 additional DP on top of the randomly distributed stuff from the NPC masters.

Each has 5 DP. (Making 45 DP, by the way, not 40.)

2 hours ago, _Stick_ said:

Also, since I was brought on the Horns, will my tuition increase by 2 talents? Or is that only applicable to people who will get brought on the horns due to the votes this term?

That is applicable to you, as well. And this is one inflation that isn't averaged - if you're brought on the horns either turn, you get a 2 talent increase, not 1 Talent. 

8 minutes ago, Drake Marshall said:

Speaking of RP tuition reductions, I'm going to continue my RP because I still have some time.

Greyson struggled to create his first sympathy binding. He held a candle in one hand, staring intently at the hearth, mustering his Alar... He would light it. The candle and the fire, they were really the same, and the heat could flow from one to the other, and... Nothing. Again.

He would figure this out. He wasn't going to go to sleep until that candle lit!

It was going to be a long night.

I should note that that's not long enough to give a reduction for RP. "High quality" means three paragraphs of three lines each or the equivalent - nine lines, or roughly 200 words. 

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I believe that Wilson still only has a single vote on her. I'm going to offer my most sincere apologies for voting on you once again, Wilson, but I really need tuition decreases.

Right. Thoughts on the game in analysis form to come, probably at the start of cycle tomorrow morning. I haven't been analysing this game much at all yet, so the following comments are subject to revision.

Looking over the LG18 spreadsheet, I would reiterate to everyone, the importance of lodging. Mercenaries kill, saving the skindancers two turns for every player who becomes a victim, which happened to 7 of 24 players last game. Even without Wilson's die, and their eagerness for bloodshed (despite her own more enlightened predilections), the streets are dangerous. It's probably too late in the day to remind everyone this cycle, but it's not a bad idea going forward.

Coupled with insanity, and the check it poses on village strength (the crockery being tantamount to death), I'd have thought that we're unlikely to see more than 5 eliminators this game, despite the weakness of sabotages vs traditional kills. The eliminators will have a material advantage in coordination in the early game, and in a game with the opportunities for synergy such as this, such early coordination will pay dividends. We can, of course, set the eliminators back in their planning. Expulsions for the village are unfortunate, and reduce a single player's power. Expelling a skin dancer may upset the balance of their team.

As such, I would support actually dangerous lynches going forward from the next cycle. I realise this is rather hypocritical, but I am unable to vote from a position of knowledge today - a situation I fully intend to have corrected by tomorrow.


Locke was growing rather tired with the teaching at the University. Whoever created such a system had entirely no ambition. The lessons in artithmetic? Rhetoric and debate on abstract philosophy? Vint had an opportunity to teach valuable subjects - economics, civic improvement, the virtues of a strong, centralised government organised around a single worthy figurehead.

He resolved to himself to add this to his list of Things To Do In Power, which was growing increasingly long. For most among them was a purge of all current arcanists, for obvious reasons. Leaving the source of his own power discoverable? What sort of fool allowed the ongoing development of powers that might challenge their own rule?

At the very least, these recurring instances of madness gave him faith that the glorious revolution entirely non-violent and harmonious overthow of the system would progress without issue. Locke had had a productive conversation with a student interested in psychology last week, and they kept returning, which could only indicate his ideas were beginning to take hold.

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5 minutes ago, Elbereth said:

That is applicable to you, as well. And this is one inflation that isn't averaged - if you're brought on the horns either turn, you get a 2 talent increase, not 1 Talent. 

In that case, Aman

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LG33: Term 2, Month 1 - Knowledge

The Mage knew. He’d been reading, and reading, and reading, trawling through the Archives, asking the Masters about Skindancers. Knowledge was the meaning of life, after all. To know, to be aware of the world in ways that others were not, to know more. That was power. 

He knew. 

And so, of course, he had to be silenced. 

Blue eyes bulged over a throat gasping for air, squeezed by a single inhumanly strong hand. The other hand injected a serum into the Mage’s temple. 

By the time it had finished its effect, the Skindancer was gone, the room was silent, and the Mage had forgotten the meaning of life. 

Balthazar Myrrh stood before the Horns. “I have to leave,” he said clearly and calmly. “I’m sorry, Chancellor. I can’t continue attending University.”

The Chancellor frowned. “This is not usual practice, but you have extenuating circumstances. Very well. You may go.”

Balthazar nodded gratefully.

“And may the gods bless you,” Varda added quietly as he went. 

Noremac Quwester stood before the Horns for the second time in a term. Getting to be a bit much, isn’t it? he thought to himself, then snapped back to the present. “Uh, I don’t know, Chancellor Varda. It was a pear this time, I think? It was ahrd to tell, being on fire and all.”

Varda didn’t try to hide her sigh. “Thank you, student. You may go.”

Dele Fajro blinked. “The pear? Oh, I thought it wouldn’t hurt anyone, and there have been so many bananas going around recently. I thought a different fruit would be more interesting!”

“What is ‘interesting’ is of less concern to me than what is safe for other students, miss Fajro,” Varda said, looking down sternly at the girl. “You are henceforth charged with Reckless Use of Sympathy and will be lashed at noon tomorrow.”

“Okay, miss Chancellor!” Dele said, and skipped out of the room. Varda wasn’t entirely sure whether she even knew what lashing meant… 

Magestar went insane! 
Hemalurgic Headshot and Darkness Ascendant were brought on the Horns, but both charges were dropped!
Burnt Spaghetti was brought on the Horns and charged with Reckless Use of Sympathy!
Queensteph, Paranoid King, Burnt Spaghetti, Orlok Tsubodai, Alvron, Cluny the Scourge, Eolhondras, Stink, and Sart were elevated!
Assassin, Darkness Ascendant, Amanuensis, and Sart are on the Streets!

Term 2 has begun. You have 36 hours to send in all actions (Imre, role actions, impressing).


Player List
1. Queensteph - Vintish Noblewoman 
2. Randuir (Telar Pike) - Yllish Commoner
3. Hemalurgic Headshot (Noremac Quwester) - Aturan Nobleman 
4. Aonar (Aodhan Breacadh) - Edema Ruh
5. Wilson (Sloan Walker) -  Cealdish Commoner
6. Straw (Medicus Novis) - Yllish Commoner
7. Paranoid King (William Opuscule) - Yllish Commoner
8. Ornstein (John Springer) - Aturan Nobleman
9. Jondesu (Vell) - Yllish Commoner
10. Drake Marshall (Greyson) - Cealdish Commoner
11. Assassin in Burgundy (Jurdaan Longfell) -  Yllish Commoner
12. Burnt Spaghetti (Dele Fajro) - Vintish Noblewoman
13. Orlok (Locke Alveron) - Cealdish Commoner
14. Magestar (Magestar) - Vintish Nobleman Insane
15. Alvron (Stryker Nox) - Cealdish Commoner
16. Arinian (Darian) - Aturan Nobleman
17. Stick (Stick) - Aturan NobleStick
18. Darkness Ascendant (Balthazar Myrrh) - Yllish Commoner
19. Cluny the Scourge (Cluny) - Aturan Nobleman
20. Silverblade (Ryth) - Cealdish Commoner Insane
21. Amanuensis (Esuan) - Yllish Commoner
22. BrightnessRadiant (Amelia) - Aturan Noblewoman
23. Eolhondras (Eolah) - Yllish Commoner
24. STINK - Yllish Commoner
25. Hael (Glavion) - Edema Ruh
26. Sart (Titud) - Edema Ruh
27. Joe (Chalks) - Yllish Commoner

Edited by Elbereth
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Interesting. All nine fields raised someone. Unfortunately, one was not me... D:

Seeing as I have it prepared, I shall post this now...

@Arinian (and @Jondesu and @randuir, though it's unclear exactly what your thoughts had been)


I think he meant that Hael done good amount of RP so 2 talents not big damage for him.









Let's stop and consider the financial status for each of the different classes, shall we?

The first thing is that everyone can reasonably expect to accrue 3 talents worth of tuition reductions. This is done by posting, sending a PM, filing a complaint, and impressing a master (putting EP into a field) at least once per cycle.

Now, let's start from the top.

Vintish Noblepeople get an obscene 30 talent stipend. Even staying at the Horse and Four, in addition to not doing anything, on top of their 33% tuition increase, they still gain 5 talents per term. Oh and they have a 20 talent buffer in case they need it.

Aturan Noblepeople 'only' get 20 talents per term. But if they get the aforementioned 3 talent reduction, they are also able to stay in the Horse and Four and still gain 1 talent per cycle to add to their 13 talent stockpile.

Yillish Commoners get a stipend of 11 talents. With 3 talents of reductions, they can stay at the Ankers without losing anything, or could stay at the Mews to get an easy profit. If they were keen, 5 RP posts per cycle would allow them to break even while staying at the Golden Pony. They also have a buffer of 7 talents.

Cealdish Commoners get a stipend of 9.8 talents. They can stay at the Mews for a 2 talent gain, or the Ankers and break even by making 1 RP post per cycle, and posting a few times about game stuff. 6 RP posts per cycle would get them to the Golden Pony. They also have 6.5 talents of wiggle room with fees.

Edema Ruh get 4.5 talents per term. 4.5.

So staying at the Mews (half price) and getting that 3 talents of reductions brings the term fees to 7.5 talents. That means, to just breakeven, I, as an Edema Ruh, must make a minimum of 6 RP posts that are at least 200 words per term (3 per cycle).

I made 3 total.

I also did not file a complaint on the first cycle.

So I was going to be losing money this term. But it was only going to be 1.5 talents, and so with my starting 3 talents, dropping to 1.5 talents was ok. Taking a complaint isn't that bad either. 1.4 isn't all that different. But getting put on the horns? Being put on the horns gets me kicked out of the uni, or onto the streets (which can well be a death sentence, given the Bloodthirsty God Dice that preside over this game).

Now, you might say "But what about Talent Pipes? Get your Talent Pipes and your money problems are solved!"

I will not be trying to get my Talent Pipes. Even though I submitted a song and Edema get a secret bonus to their performing stat, my stat is still so bad that it basically says I have no skill or ability at all.

So yeah. Don't think, even for one moment that I, or any other Edema for that matter, is capable of absorbing being brought onto the Horns just because they've RP'd lots.


Edited by Haelbarde
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What a familiar sounding rant heheh... (dat was me last game)

Yea. People, there were good reasons we said to be careful with the edemas. Not only cant they afford being voted for, they rage like a prodded bear. 

Votes on edemas should never be a throwaway vote. Have a very good reason to do so. Only vote from suspicion. Unless of course they get pipes and then they can afford the votes easy. But until then. Yea. Just be cautious. If hael had gotten brought on the horns. Methinks he would have completely exploded and rampaged hehe.

Last game though, i will note, it became pretty unheard of to vote for a edema after my very similar rant. But later in the game, if you're suspicious of them, then dont be afraid to vote for them. Just be reasonable. Acknowledge that you could be costing them ther tuition and/or lodging. But for now... no. Toooo early for edemas being pestered. Edema is a really tough class to have. Trust me. If you arent an edema, you have it easy. Just bemindful of this

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Sorry for not being active during last turn guys!! I was busy until nighttime and had been planning to post but then once I had free time I had forgotten and gone to sleep.

I'll try to be more active this turn! I did read everything from last turn, but most of it was after the discussion was closed and I never have gotten to analyze it all yet. So I'll try to have a real post soon!  :)

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@Haelbarde, I agree with what you said. In C1, I made this recommendation regarding the 'random' votes, and apparently I should have repeated it last cycle.


I'd recommend making sure all the nobles have 1 vote first, then the yllish commoners, then make sure the alturans have 2 votes each (as they can stay at the golden pony). After that, either vote on the caeldish or add second votes to yllish commoners, as they too can start at the golden pony.

Note that I made this when I did not yet fully understand how the pony works. I'd say avoid second votes on non-suspicions unless someone specifically indicates he's satying at the pony.

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Well, we have elevations finally, so maybe things are starting up... Wish I got elevated. Still, I'll probably get my elevation next cycle.

Anyways... One whipping this cycle.

I really wish that the voting system didn't encourage random voting to mitigate punishments... I understand why the system works like that (this will make a lot more sense when there are PC masters in charge). But... Well lets just say I'm definitely not going to be the first one to cast a vote this cycle.

To those of you who got elevated: I hope you plan on using your actions productively this cycle. With the exception of burnt because she's roleblocked this cycle and can't use her elevation power.

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1 hour ago, Elbereth said:

Burnt Spaghetti was brought on the Horns and charged with Reckless Use of Sympathy!

I am very sorry about that Burnt.  I had hoped that if you were brought on the Horns that the Gods of Luck and Chance would be kind and drop the charges.  The reason I chose you was to reduce my fees and since you were rich, you could afford the extra Tuition cost.  If you want, you can consider that Lashing as payback for trying to kill me in LG24 so we're even. :P 

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It seems such a pittiful vengenge but if you're offering ill take it as the payback :P im honestly not that bothered bout the lashing heh. Is only for one turn.  Sad that i dont get to try out my shiney new ability  straight away tho.

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5 minutes ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

Woot! Throw all your votes on me. Take advantage lol. 

Actually, this is something we should discuss to prevent a repeat of the vote-patterns of last term. We've got two people that have basically dropped out, so they can be used for tuition reduction by voting. However, if people also are planning on voting on suspicions, we should try to get the votes at least a little spread out, imho (I believe that at his point, getting someone expelled is far more likely to hurt than to help the village). I'd prefer not having to scramble in the last couple of hours to get votes spread out, so I'd like to hear some opinions form everyone now.

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Just now, randuir said:

Actually, this is something we should discuss to prevent a repeat of the vote-patterns of last term. We've got two people that have basically dropped out, so they can be used for tuition reduction by voting. However, if people also are planning on voting on suspicions, we should try to get the votes at least a little spread out, imho (I believe that at his point, getting someone expelled is far more likely to hurt than to help the village). I'd prefer not having to scramble in the last couple of hours to get votes spread out, so I'd like to hear some opinions form everyone now.

Would cut everything but the last line, but mobile.

You're not the boss of me, pal!

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1 minute ago, STINK said:

You're not the boss of me, pal!

Alright, let me rephrase that. I personally think it would be really nice if we could get a discussion about voting going early, instead of in the last 12 hours. I would really like it if people could give some input on that, but of course people are free to decide to do as they please.

Happy now, Stink? :P 

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40 minutes ago, Burnt Spaghetti said:

It seems such a pittiful vengenge but if you're offering ill take it as the payback :P im honestly not that bothered bout the lashing heh. Is only for one turn.  Sad that i dont get to try out my shiney new ability  straight away tho.

Eh, I wasn't worried about you attacking me back then either, this seemed the perfect chance to call it even.  btw, you still keeping the fluffy blankie close by? EMqYlbxRo13K50x1H0zXr5OW3GmB5ywfDwHMg0UMXjlzYjq4blSgdE8-WG7YxvPpJYCSFHbEgjLI5pCvDDHiVJaBHrInPIIpp_Q92502FzTs9sVDzZVpuSdxiuXzsOFxM9dm7b9R

12 minutes ago, randuir said:

Alright, let me rephrase that. I personally think it would be really nice if we could get a discussion about voting going early, instead of in the last 12 hours. I would really like it if people could give some input on that, but of course people are free to decide to do as they please.

A good start would be a list of those staying at the Pony.  Anyone care to reveal if they are at the Pony?

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1 minute ago, Alvron said:

A good start would be a list of those staying at the Pony.  Anyone care to reveal if they are at the Pony?

Just checking, but it is currently impossible for anyone to be able to make bone-tar yet, right?

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Just now, randuir said:

Just checking, but it is currently impossible for anyone to be able to make bone-tar yet, right?

Yes.  It shouldn't be until Month 4 that Bone Tar is ready.  I think.

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“Good choices. I do hope this is what you expect to need for this term, not this first week, right?” Telar was back at the archives after the short break between terms, and had just handed the list of books he’d need to the same student that had helped him at the end of last term.

“Yeah, I’ve decided to follow your advice.” The older student nodded sagely and handed the list over for someone to go and gather the books. Telar shuffled nervously, then spoke up again. “You mentioned ‘cracking’ last time we talked, and there’s been a short lecture on the subject during psychology classes.”

The older student raised eyebrow. “Yes?”

“Well, I was just wondering, the risk can’t really be that big, right? I mean, no one would come to study here if that would carry a big risk of insanity.” The words came out of Telar’s mouth in a rush. He’d tried asking older students before, but they always seemed to be evasive about the subject.

“Watch.” The older student pointed towards the doors leading further into the archives. At that moment, a man and a woman in medica uniform came through it, carrying a student between them on a stretcher.

“A student found him an hour ago, deep in the archives. He was muttering constantly; ‘I knew, but I forgot, I knew but I forgot.’ Scared the hell out of her.” The older student sighed. “He spent almost every waking hour in the archives. I doubt he’d has more than 4 hours of sleep any day during the past term. Cracking is a risk, but if you pace yourself, you’ll be fine. If you don’t, you might end up like that poor sod.”

A student had arrived with the books Telar had requested, and the older student started registering them. “Just stick with these courses for the term, and you should be fine.”

“Thanks.”Telar wasn’t sure if what the older student had told him had eased some of his worries, or made them worse. Still, the university was a place to learn, so he didn’t think he had a right to complain when he learnt thing he didn’t like.

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2 minutes ago, Alvron said:

A good start would be a list of those staying at the Pony.  Anyone care to reveal if they are at the Pony?

I.E a list of rich players who do not have 40% chance of a sabotage failing?

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Just now, Eolhondras said:

I.E a list of rich players who do not have 40% chance of a sabotage failing?

True but the rich could've also brought bodyguards by now so there's still a chance that it will be blocked.

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2 minutes ago, Alvron said:

True but the rich could've also brought bodyguards by now so there's still a chance that it will be blocked.

That would have required a trip to Imre, which isn't too likely this early in the term, I think.

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