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13 minutes ago, BrightnessRadiant said:

This has been an interesting turn so far..finally people are voting on a common suspicion! I was reading through the thread when I came to Arinian's post asking Alv to share info in PMs and I was like ok but then he said he would remove his vote "if" he shared and I was like "whoa, that is not okay. Isn't that like blackmail?" And then I continued on the thread and was like yup it's not just me lol Arinian

Actually he said he *might* remove his vote if I shared what field I chose to study.  So even if I did tell him, it's likely he would've kept his votes on me.

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49 minutes ago, little wilson said:

LG 18 and the fact that either no one invested in it the whole game, or very few did. I imagine that's why Orlok picked it: he remembered the lack of interest and knew he could make it work for him. The fact that he's been elevated twice indicates that he is indeed one of the only players, if not the only, going for that field. Sart.

Interesting... and that means it's likely that Stink is the only one going through Linguistics classes as well. I didn't play LG18, so I didn't know about that detail. I wish I had gone for it then. I shied away from the drive myself crazy abilities because Alchemy and Artificery require continual attendance at the university, while Naming was obviously going to be popular. I didn't consider Sympathy though. If I wasn't in Imre this cycle, I would be tempted to spend points in it. As it is, I'll probably be sticking in the same field.

Still, this gives much more information about the missing field.

  • Linguistics: Stink's field, he's been elevated twice in it.
  • Arithmetics: I'm not sure about this one... it's not very useful if you have a lot of money, but at the same time, it's not very useful if you have no money either. I suppose it makes buying items easier, which could lead someone into it.
  • Rhetorics: I expect at least one Skindancer to be in the field. Vote manipulation is extremely powerful in the hands of the Eliminators.
  • Archives: The detecting powers of this role, combined with Banned Books means it's extremely likely to be invested in.
  • Sympathy: Orlok's field, he's been elevated twice in it.
  • Physicking: It's very important to have people in this category. In addition, the flexibility makes this role extremely powerful early on. I think someone would invest in it.
  • Alchemy: It needs continued investment to be good, so I expected someone to invest early.
  • Artificery: It's very similar to Alchemy, plus the double use makes for a very tempting field.
  • Naming: It does literally everything. Everyone and their mothers put a point in that one.

If I had to guess, I would say no one is investing in Arithmetics, with a slight possibility of Physicking being neglected. So... I propose the following. No one invest in Arithmetic. We want to make sure that the Skindancers can't fulfill their alternate win condition. In addition, the rewards for investing aren't any good. 3 out of the 4 options are static abilities, so the second level benefit doesn't stack. The only thing that's actually an ability is Pickpocket, which requires you to target people who are targeting you. That might not be anyone! The other three abilities are nice... but what is the point. Decreased tuition shouldn't be a problem except for the poorest of the poor, who will already have to take semesters off anyway. Reduced Interest has no practical application, because the rich can just save up for the pricey items. And Great Deals is pointless, since all that's been posted in the contracts section is volleyballs and velociraptors. Thus, I highly urge that we do not invest in Arithmetic, or at the very least, do not try for a Master in that field.

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So is there even a reason you voted on me then, Sart? Because to me, it looks pretty flimsy, attached to my assumption about Sympathy, and instead of just asking me about it with a mention, you tacked a vote on someone in a lower class who literally just went on the Horns. And now, even though I've explained the assumption and you accept it as valid, the vote remains. You want to make this a battle between Ruh and Cealdish? You're on.

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1 hour ago, BrightnessRadiant said:

Okay well...I want to be elevated too please :P :lol:

This has been an interesting turn so far..finally people are voting on a common suspicion! I was reading through the thread when I came to Arinian's post asking Alv to share info in PMs and I was like ok but then he said he would remove his vote "if" he shared and I was like "whoa, that is not okay. Isn't that like blackmail?" And then I continued on the thread and was like yup it's not just me lol Arinian

@queensteph why are you defending Arinian when everyone is upset with him for a good reason? Shouldn't we be trying to vote and expel our biggest suspicions? Even if he was just trying to get info, voting on someone and then saying you will remove the vote if they share info with you, is not the way a student should do things. He may be innocent but it sure looks fishy to me. He's no more lost when it comes to info than the rest of us. 

I will be back with a more extensive analysis and RP in a bit.



I wasn't necessarily defending him so much as I was trying to understand why everyone is so suspicious of him.

If you read my post through you would see that I agreed it was suspicious, just not suspicious enough to warrant so many votes.

I also said the same thing as you in that it wasn't the correct way to go about asking people for their information, so I'm guessing you forgot I said that.

This is my opinion and I was trying to see things from his point of view so that I wouldn't just vote on him blindly.

Plus I was thinking you only need 11 votes to be expelled when in reality it's 11DP, so my bad there. It just seemed like too many people were voting for him over one reason,  wanting info. Which we all should want, students and skindancers alike try to gain as much info as they can in order to help their team win.

So while sure, it didn't seem very sportsmanlike, it also didn't seem like enough to condemn him as a skindancer. I was merely trying to get perspective.


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@queensteph Yeah I kinda get where you're coming from, I just don't really agree. Even the tiniest hint of suspicion is enough for us to want someone hampered from taking action against us if they are a skindancer, so we should be voting for even the little things. I just thought your post seemed to be defending him and that was weird to me when he did seem suspicious. I'm not totally sure he's evil, but that's true of everyone up to this point. (even you...*gasp*...suspicious of my own sister?! lol :P...don't want no one pulling a grant ward on me :lol:)Hail Hydra

now for some RP:

Amelia sat in her classroom trying to listen to what her professor was saying, but failing quite miserably. She scolded herself for losing focus, when she had been so eager to come to the university in the first place. She couldn't help it. Her mind was constantly filled with thoughts of skindancers. When she looked at her professor, she saw a skindancer trying to feed them lies. When she watched her fellow students, passing notes in class, she saw skindancers plotting against her. She even saw skindancers on her way home from school. They were everywhere...and no where. She had been trying so hard to learn everything she could about everyone here, that she had begun to suspect literally everyone. 

"Miss Amelia? Could you give us the answer, please?"

Amelia almost fell out of her seat. She hadn't even heard the question. How could she give the answer? Her heart rose into her throat, and she sheepishly looked down at her desk. 

"I'm sorry Professor. I'm afraid I didn't hear your question."

The professor looked over his glasses at her, disapprovingly.

"Well then, can anyone else tell me what the answer is? A student who was actually paying attention?"

Several students snickered, and Amelia ,blushing furiously, slumped lower in her seat. Great. All she needed now was to offend a master, and never get elevated. If she wasn't careful she might even end up in the crockery before too long. She forced herself to focus on her lesson for the rest of the class, setting aside her worries of skindancers for later.

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Alright... I've gone and re-read every post this cycle, and have some new thoughts to share. I'll iterate over all the relevant posts:


23 hours ago, randuir said:

Has PK told anyone what he was studying or that he claimed to some specific people?

Interestingly enough, I did have a PM with him, cycle 1, turn 2, where I mentioned the possibility of a role reveal. He guessed what field I would go into, and I informed him that his guess was my second choice, but nevertheless incorrect.

He told me he was going into "several fields." He didn't tell me which ones, but I'd guess they were non-arcane fields if he was willing to risk filing EP in multiple fields.

It is possible he told someone else this information, I'm not sure.

Given that he was splitting his EP, and still elevated, I am betting he ended up advancing in a field that nobody else wanted. That is probably the field in which nobody got elevated this turn in, since PK went insane.

I am inclined to guess that the eliminators did not know that PK was splitting his EP, because this information actually implies that PK's field wasn't a very critical one, if it was one nobody else even tried to elevate in.


23 hours ago, STINK said:

Thanks everyone for letting me get my Linguistics rank up higher than it ever was in the last game. Mucho appreciated, We'll get everyone into Linguistics soon enough :P

Stink's first post early in the cycle...

21 hours ago, STINK said:

Drake. My votes are meant to have meaning! Not one EP loss, thank you very much.

I'm just going to point out that you post this an hour after you've actually read my post on the vote not hurting me. Now, this could mean that your vote on me wasn't quite so spontaneous as you appear to be making it out to be. It looks an awful lot like you actually had some time to think about it before you voted on me, and yet you are not explaining any of these thoughts. Indeed, you seem determined not to explain yourself, and later evade questioning on the matter.

Now, maybe you simply don't care about this voting... But I think it would be something of a mistake for a villager not to care about voting.

I'll mostly ignore all this, because I'm already voting on you anyway... But this does seem interesting to me.

It's also a little odd that you tell everyone not to reveal their roles and then do so yourself, but I can live with that particular oddity. I can think of good enough reasons for a villager to behave like that. Like you said, linguistics isn't that much of a threat, at least compared to the obvious ones like naming.


19 hours ago, Straw said:

Hi, I'm bored. Does anyone want some graphs? I already made one:

Cool graph. Like some folks already said though, I'm not sure it really contributes much. Well... I mean, it "contributes" in the sense that I guess the graphs are helpful. And helpfulness is good, so well done. But voicing opinions is also important, so please do that more often in the future.

I personally think this would be a really weird tact for an eliminator to take, so I don't really suspect you for making graphs. But I would still like to hear from ya more. If you are still reluctant to stick your neck out and make an opinion when it is later in the game, I assure you that I will be more inclined to vote on you.


Around now, Stick starts arguing that all the fields are equally useful. I would like to point out that each field has strengths and weaknesses, and that which field is best depends largely on the situation.


I do totally agree with Stink that "I am not a skindancer" test is kind of stupid. I suspect there are better uses of that ability though...

19 hours ago, STINK said:

You ain't getting me to talk about my strats in-thread, Stick.

Huh, another basically flippant vote. Stick may have asked probing questions, but I don't think that's alignment indicative. Hell, he might not even have been trying to get information out of you, maybe he was genuinely arguing that every field can be dangerous to eliminators. Stick might have been overreacting when he said you had "no reason", but he really wasn't that far from the truth.

I mean, I understand that voting isn't as important in this game as it is in most. But if we treat it like it means nothing at all... That's not a good plan. And posting two barely reasoned votes before anyone else casts a single vote? Potentially forcing those two people you voted on to in turn vote without proper reasoning, simply to prevent themselves from getting expelled? I don't much like the look of it.

Tell you what, Stink. If votes don't matter, you shouldn't mind a second one. :D


NOOOOOOO a bunch more stuff I had typed up just got deleted and rolled back to here. I shall attempt to reconstruct it. But seriously, those pop-up notifications are annoying 'cause if you accidentally click on one while working on a post, it can delete some or all of that post. And I had a lot typed... Anyway, time to reconstruct what was lost.


18 hours ago, little wilson said:

You're forgetting something: a name was used. Using a Name gives an extra IP. We know Aonar didn't get elevated in Naming in the first elevation. What if PK did, used Wind, and had the very unlucky possibility of rolling a 10, which, coupled with the name he knows and the use of a name that turn, caused him to go insane?

I don't think Hael was staying in the mews. More likely, he skipped this term to save up for next turn, and was staying in Anker's.

I find it far more likely that Hael was the sabotage and PK went insane. I'm also tossing around the possibility that PK is a Skindancer.

Also, about the lack of a 9th elevation, rather than it being Sart or PK's field, someone probably split their EP between two fields on the first turn. Place 4 in the one they really want, but just in case a lot of people are going for that field, place one elsewhere. Might've done the same thing in turn 2, but with a different field as the backup. If they were elevated in the one EP field last turn and the other field this turn, that would explain the lack of 9 elevations. Hazarding a guess at which field is the undesirable one, it was probably Sympathy.

I think I must be confused. Where does it say someone used a name? I don't see that...

But I'm pretty sure that it was PK that got attacked not Hael. The RP of the writeup implies that someone actually drove PK to insanity, where Hael just cracked on his own. Now, unless Elbereth is seriously trolling us (which isn't impossible), I'm pretty sure PK was the one getting sabotaged.

Also, I believe my revelation in this post about my PM with PK should very much imply an explanation for why nobody got elevated. Your theory that someone split EP is correct, but that someone was very probably PK, who also went insane.

Sympathy's a good guess for what field it was. I'd bet it's an arcane field anyway.


15 hours ago, Burnt Spaghetti said:

Btw, just a reminder that people should be reminded of. Given theres a linguist, namer and probably a second namer (if aonar is indeed naming, somone else was elevated before him in naming), that means there are potentially 3 pm spies out there. Not guarranteed. We dont know what stinks got, and namers wont necessaeily use wind to pm spy. But still. Pm spying is a thing. People use pm saftey. Just be mindful that someone might be reading your pms without you knowing. Its a current possibility.

Huh. I hadn't really been thinking of namers as potential PM spies. I mean, would they really risk insanity just to spy on a PM? Unless calling on wind lets you spy on multiple messages at once, which is I suppose quite possible...

Anyways, I should probably say. I'm pretty sure that if I resumed my accusation on you from last cycle, people would get mad. Also, I have more important and possibly more substantial accusations to make. :D


12 hours ago, Arinian said:

Hmm... honestly I don't have much to say. I'm feeling dumb in this game without any information from lynch... everything is turning too slow for me.

I have some ideas what to do for myself... but this ideas is absolutely unreasonable scratch... mad theories... I'm going mad.

But looks like I can't do nothing with that. Alv, Alv.  Why this game so uninteresting for you? Oh, it's will be great if you will say me in which field you was elevated... hmm... lets make exchange I will say in which field I was elevated and you will say in which you was, in PM of course. Then maybe I will retract my vote.

Whoa... I guess I didn't really read this earlier. That is odd. Extorting a role reveal with a double vote? No offense, but what made you think that would fly?


9 hours ago, Hemalurgic_Headshot said:

And speaking on the Arin PM Scandal, didn't we just talk about PM safety and the possibility of being spied on earlier? Sounds sketchy that Arin wants a PM... Arinian

Noremac walked into the library. It was a massive hall, brimming with books. It was saturated with the smell of old paper and the air was thick with dust blown off ancient tomes. The bookshelves towered up at least three times Noremac's height, and the grand domed ceiling was taller than that. He froze in awe at the wealth of knowledge around him. The number of words in this building must be infinite!

However, Noremac wasn't here to gape at the bookshelves. His exceeding number of absences in Physicks loaded a mountain of work on him, so here he was, in the library, to finish it all. He trudged over to a table, pulled out the chair, and sat down. With a heave, he dumped his bag on the table. Paper flooded out of it, quickly replacing the brown of the table with paper white. He groaned. This was going to take ages. He took out a pen and pressed it to the paper and began to write...

an indeterminable amount of time later...

Noremac's eyes shot open, his cheek pressed against the table. His hand still gripped the pen; it quivered in his death-grip. The library was dark. A single candle illuminated the table with a feeble glow. The stack of papers had been roughly divided into two piles, one nearly black with ink scribbles, and the other pale and blank. Noremac peeled the paper off his face and looked at it. His cheek had smeared the ink. He sighed, and crumpled the paper and tossed it aside. He drew a new one from the stack. The human body has 206 bones at maturity. At birth, a human has 270. As a person ages, some bones fuse together, and the cartilage is replaced with hard bone. The bones reach maximum bone density around age 30.... Noremac's hand slipped as he began to doze off. He jerked awake, and quickly fixed his mistake. Osteoporosis is a condition in which the bones become brittle and weak due to a loss of tissue, usually caused by.... He began to nod off again. He vigorously shook his head and began to write more.

The hours ticked by, each minute bringing Noremac's weary eyes closer to the page, until, at last he face-planted into the table and drifted to sleep.

First, that is yet another weird thing about Arin's post. Publicly asking for someone to PM you sensitive information, after it is established that there is PM spying? To be honest, I have a hard time thinking even an eliminator would find such a request to be a good idea. Very much considering voting on Arin...

Also, Noremac, you are using a candle in the archives?? :o If you get caught using an open flame in the archives instead of a sympathy lamp, you could get yourself banned for a very long time...


9 hours ago, Alvron said:

Let us both go on the horns and see which of us the Gods of Luck and Chance favor more.

If Alv is lodging at the golden pony right now I'd laugh so hard... Luck and Chance favor the ones who rig the odds :P

And I do rather hope you did rig the odds, since you don't deserve to be brought on the horns just because of Arin's vote...


8 hours ago, Straw said:

EDIT: My current post count is the number people call when they see me.

When I read this it was at 912 :lol:


8 hours ago, Arinian said:

I made large answer but site messed up it. So, okay,  lets just  test my luck. But looking back on LG30 I know how everything will end.

Oh also to people who votes on me you really think that I'm so idiot? Like what need I have had to make previous post if I elim? How many people was suspicious of me? Not many. Why I would make so risky post if I elim? No reasons. But okay.

It deleted a large response? I feel your pain... In fact, I just got rolled back to this point! Deletion number 3 for me... Fortunately I don't think I lost too much this time.

Anyway, I think you're post was pretty reckless for either alignment. As such, it's hard to say it's strongly alignment indicative.

But I really think that you should retract your votes off of Alv, if you are serious about defending yourself. I really don't see how Alv deserves those votes.


I'm getting too lazy to pull up the actual quote, but I found Orlok's reveal about his field to be interesting. I'm surprised you are willing to reveal in such detail, but I suppose malfeasance ability might make people second-guess attacking you...


Oh, and I don't really understand Sart's vote on Wilson, because he kept it on her after she answered his question... Still, given Wilson's retaliation and his social class, I'm guessing he might well be paying more than enough as it is for casting that vote, so I won't look too closely at it.


Wow. This is one monster post. I'm going to tie it off and hit submit.

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Stick asks questions about how I'm going to affect the skin dancers. 'Not alignment indicative'. 

My bad, apparently I need to reveal not just linguistics but everything I'm going to do with it so that the elims can just completely counter me? Sure Drake, you do you.

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1 hour ago, Drake Marshall said:

Around now, Stick starts arguing that all the fields are equally useful.

Here's what I said:


Isnt every field is a threat to the elims though?

Threatening, but not equally threatening. I mean, Naming obviously surpasses the others.

1 hour ago, Drake Marshall said:

I think I must be confused. Where does it say someone used a name? I don't see that...

From the write-up:


Also, someone used a name. 


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Alright, time to go over a couple more people. I'll be looking at Arinian, Alvron and Jondesu this time around. For those wondering, I partly pick these people based on current suspicions and discussions, and partly because I think some people seem to be flying under the radar (which is the case with Alv and Jondesu in my opinion)

Let's start with @Arinian. He only posted twice in T1.1, announcing that he'd probably be inactive for the first term in the first post, and trying to vote on SIlverBlade5 (without any further explanation) through a dodgy internet connection in the second post. His vote was far enough to the back of the cycle that it could have been part of the damage control after PK's vote, but it should be noted that SB5 was a caeldish commoner, and therefore not particularly capable of taking a 2 talent penalty. On the other hand, SB hadn't posted anything yet by that point, so that could have been the motivation.

His posts in T1.2 do not contain much information to judge his alignment by either. He states that he thinks we don't really learn anything from the lynch (not true, in hindsight, as it got queensteph of the hook for buying the gram). He then participates in voting for a it, putting votes on DA, stick and Brightness, but retracting the votes from stick and brightness after they point out that they've already been on the horns once, which is a good enough reason, I think.

In T2.1, Arinian states twice that he doesn't see why everyone is so suspicious of Queensteph, and started by voting on PK with the following reason:


<quote by PK>

Honestly, I don't see why people is suspicious of her and I don't like your behavior. You too fast with throwing votes. PK, DA.

In light of Arinians more recent vote pattern, I find it somewhat odd that Arinian thought that 'being too fast with throwing votes' was a good reason to suspect PK. Arinian later recalled both of these votes alter to vote on Burnt (based on her defense for buying the gram), and on Brightness based on gut. I don't particularly like pure gut votes, but this is not a particularly odd thing for him to do, in my experience.

Arinian's actions this cycle have already been thoroughly discussed. I can more easily see why Elim!arin would do that though, because village!Arin hasn't as much to gain from extorting a claim from Alvron, unless he was really certain that Alvron was evil (and Arin hasn't given any indication of suspecting Alv in his earlier posts).

Next up is @Alvron. In the first three months he mostly just jumped in to ask questions, placed some votes on people who could take it to reduce tuition and had some funny banter with Burnt. In a way, arinian might have done the village a favor, as his votes caused Alv to start posting a bit more seriously. Not that I didn't enjoy the less serious posts, but it is a bit hard to try and get alignment indicative info out of. Unfortunately I can't really get anything useful from his posts this cycle either, though maybe he would have argued against sabotaging mage so early in the game if he was evil? Or maybe his comment about having something to settle with Hael, burnt and mage was merely made to make us think he'd avoid targeting them until he could do something interesting.

So, yeah, in case it wasn't clear, I haven't got a clue about Alvron's alignment at the moment, though if Arin is evil, alv almost certainly isn't.

So, this brings me to @Jondesu. He hasn't been as active as I've seen him in other games,but he warned about that in his very first post, so that's not really indicative of anything.

There are three posts of his that stand out to me as odd. First, there is this one from T1.2 (page 10 of the thread):


Does anyone wish to reveal which fields they put EP into last cycle?  Is it wise to encourage revealing that, in fact, or should we keep it to PMs, and only cautiously then, since they can't really be fully trusted?  I'm guessing there was discussion about this during the pre-game that I didn't really catch, but rereading that would take forever right now.

Personally, I'd start with the discussion about whether it is wise to claim in the thread, before asking if anyone wants to do so. Depending on how much paranoia one uses when looking at this, it's either an attempt to get public role-claims, with an added dose of caution to seem village, or it's just a request for discussion about that.

Then there's this set of posts(page 10 and 13 respectively, no other posts from Jondesu in between):


@Amanuensis, I also had a PM going with @randuir, and he was helpful to me too. I hope he didn't take a tuition hit since that's at least two PMs he started, but I appreciated it. However, I'm not as quick to lean village on either of you considering how easily you've both fooled me in the past. :P I'm not ready to vote on either of you either, but I'll be far more wary than I was in previous games.


 find the whole discussion about voting on people for tuition reduction and to spread the vote around a suspicious activity, but I think most of those involved must be village, so I'm going to see if I can find any posts that look like they're more instigating than just agreeing.  For now, though, I maintain a constant level of suspicion of Randuir, plus he doesn't have any votes on him yet, and I've got just a gut feeling about Haelbarde.  The vote on Hael again won't do any damage, I suspect, so I'll try to provide more justification if I vote on him again.

I find it a bit odd that Jon seems to have gone from 'wary' to 'suspicious enough to vote' with no real indication in between. However, he could have just been taking advantage of the fact that I was staying at the golden pony to get a non-damaging vote in. If that's the case though, he didn't indicate this particularly well.

For the rest, there isn't much that really stands out to me in Jondesu's posts. The two odd things I pointed out make me a bit wary of him, but I'm not outright suspicious.

So, for now I'm voting arinian. I'll try to discuss some more people later (specifically, I want to take another look at Drake's posts and review stick's posts).

Edited by randuir
removed white space at post bottom
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10 hours ago, queensteph said:

(Edit :Boldness mine) I'm gonna have to trademark that :P (totes jk)

I don't get the whole bandwagon thing on Arinian, although I do think it wasn't the best way to ask someone what they're studying (since it should be the students decision on whether to share their info and to whom), I don't see why it's making everyone seem butthurt. Not enough to warrant 8(?) votes on him. To me it just seems like he was tired of feeling like he's in the dark (although we all basically are since it's only M2:ph34r:). Everyone at least kindof gave a reason for their vote though, except for Straw. Until Orlok placed a vote on him and even then to me Arinian didn't really seem to be "trying to get info on elevations" per say, more like he just wanted information of any kind to help along his analysis. It could be seen as suspicious, I have to agree, but not so suspicious where almost every active player votes on him. I'd like to hear everyone's thoughts more on why they chose to cast a complaint on Ari.


Edit: I'll try to get another RP up before the turn is over!

The reason everyone is voting on Arinian is because trying to get info out of people is usually something Eliminators try to do whereas Villagers who are analyzing typically look at posts and look for certain behavior. 

EDIT: @A Joe in the Bush https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/113MjUQtQ5f2kj6ILeNuXBHGLvIYQ7Ail3e0Jk4eALvU

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19 minutes ago, Cluny the Scourge said:

Can someone check Arinian's PM's to see if there is someone asking him to create a disturbance and distract?

If someone was asking village!arin to do that, he'd have stepped froward and accused that person by now, I think. If arinian is an elim, than any requests of that nature would have happened in their doc, which can't be spied upon.

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One vote tally, coming right up.

Vote Tally:

Drake(1): STINK

Stick(1): STINK

Alvron(2): Arinian*2

Stink(2): Drake*2

Arinian(9): Cluny, Jondesu, HH, Alvron*2, Straw*2, Orlok, Randuir

Straw(3): Joe In The Bush, Orlok, Steph

Orlok(1): Sart

Wilson(1): Sart

Sart(1): Wilson

The only change from Queenstephs tally on the previous page is my vote on arinian, if I'm not mistaken.

Edit: I was mistaken, Drake voted on STINK a second time.

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Anyway, should probably actually respond to Drake now, even though he's saying some right crem.

7 hours ago, Drake Marshall said:

I'm just going to point out that you post this an hour after you've actually read my post on the vote not hurting me. Now, this could mean that your vote on me wasn't quite so spontaneous as you appear to be making it out to be. It looks an awful lot like you actually had some time to think about it before you voted on me, and yet you are not explaining any of these thoughts. Indeed, you seem determined not to explain yourself, and later evade questioning on the matter. [CITATION NEEDED]

1. Posting in Thread != Reading The Thread. Maybe if it was a super serious post, then yeah I'd have read the thread. But considering it went (GM PM -> Quick Post -> Oh wait lessons start now) then I actually hadn't read the thread yet m8. 

2. 'This could mean the thing that most favours my accusation of you, let me not mention any other possibilites...'. I can take pointless possibilities all day, m8.

3. If I wanted to do a serious vote and lynch you, I think I'll do it with some actual logic rather than a stupid EP comment. Though I appreciate that you acknowledge that I have thoughts :P 

4. Added to the quote. 

7 hours ago, Drake Marshall said:

Huh, another basically flippant vote. Stick may have asked probing questions, but I don't think that's alignment indicative. Hell, he might not even have been trying to get information out of you, maybe he was genuinely arguing that every field can be dangerous to eliminators. Stick might have been overreacting when he said you had "no reason", but he really wasn't that far from the truth.

I mean, I understand that voting isn't as important in this game as it is in most. But if we treat it like it means nothing at all... That's not a good plan. And posting two barely reasoned votes before anyone else casts a single vote? Potentially forcing those two people you voted on to in turn vote without proper reasoning, simply to prevent themselves from getting expelled? I don't much like the look of it.

Tell you what, Stink. If votes don't matter, you shouldn't mind a second one. :D

1. Stick is a she.

2. You don't think probing questions are alignment indicative? Sure sure, let's do each other a favour then and get everyone to reveal all their strategies in the thread so that they can be planned against, hm? It's not alignment indicative or anything, just helps the Elims a lot more than the Village. 

3. How nice of Stick to draw attention to me if they did believe that every field was dangerous then, eh? 

4. Won't even talk about your last sentence of the first paragraph, that's just ruuuude.

5. Who said I was treating votes like they don't matter? Oh yeah, you did. Guessing it's the vote on lil old Drake that makes you think that way, 'cause apparently no-one can retract anymore. 

6. 'Two barely reasoned votes' ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude

7. If people are voting because I'm voting on them, then that's on them, thanks. (ALSO WHAT YOU'RE DOING HOW IRONIC)

8. 'Looks at vote tally, sees it's Drake's first vote and first vote on STINK' EDIT: tfw the vote tally was kinda wrong, so just disregard point 8 :P

Sure pal, second one. Honestly, I'm gonna keep my vote on you now. I'm sitting here chilling and messing around (how dare this STINK guy have fun) when all of a sudden you're jumping on me. No chill, apparently. 

Now I'm going back to revision, everyone else keep doing whatcha doing :P


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Cluny gnawed on the corner of his desk. Gnaw, gnaw, gnaw. Then he hiked up his back leg and scratched behind his ear. He squeaked, thrashing his tail (bone).  He bit at a flea. He gnawed on an old apple skin he found on the floor. Then he looked up. Some other students were standing there, with odd expressions on their faces. He coughed.

"Where was I? Oh, yes. The serfmaster would then yell, to wake up the village, SERFS UP!"

The students still stared.

"Uh... yes. This theory, math.png was developed by Eye N. Stein about two hundred years ago. It proves, mathematically, that time is actually money. Any questions?"


They still stared.


Cluny panicked, still not remembering what he was supposed to teach.

[Add your RP's to this one and let's see what we get!]

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Dear Son,

Everything is going well here. The shop has been running better than ever, and I’ve been able to hire another apprentice. I even got an order from the mainland a couple of days back. I don’t suppose you’ve had anything to do with that?

It’s good hear you’ve been focussing on phsyicking. Lingusitics and Rethoric might be fine for Nobles, but hard-working folks like ourselves need practical knowledge to find our way in the world.

As you know, your mother’s Birthday will be in two months. We will both understand if your studies keep you at the university though. Your time spent over there will shape your future, which is very important to the both of us. Still, I’m sure your mother would appreciate it if you could include some birthday wishes with your next letter.

With pride,

Dian Pike.

His father's letter had filled Telar with a sense of guilt. He hadn't been completely truthful about how well his studies had been going in the last letter he'd sent home, and he hadn't been able to bring himself to write another one since. Still, his studies had bee going somewhat better since then, though Telar still couldn't imagine himself becoming a doctor, like his father wanted.

With a sigh, Telar put the letter down and started looking for some paper to write a response. AS he did so, he noticed a new scrap of paper on the floor of his room. He picked it up, and was surprised to recognize the graceful writing of his aunt.


Hello Telar,

Your mother has had another severe episode, and though she's mostly recovered under my care, it is worrying me that these seem to occur more often. I know my brother, and he probably has not mentioned this in his letter, so I've added this before he send it to you. I recommend you try to visit home at least once before the years is done, just in case.

I am sorry I had to be the bringer of bad news again.

Lia Pike

Telar wasn't sure how long he'd been staring at the letter. It must have been a long time though, as the room seemed to have gone all misty.

He looked at the blank appear he'd picked up to write a reply, but he couldn't think of anything to write. Instead he packed something light to eat and headed to the archives. There was probably some additional assignment or exercise he should really be doing, rather than writing letters, or thinking about home or...

Edited by randuir
grammar correction
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@OrlokTsubodai I don't offer much in the way of opinions, as I have always been horrible at analyzing people.

Drake: Drake is pretty nice, he hasn't done anything overly suspicious that comes to mind. Opinion: Neutral 

Sart: Sart seems pretty inactive, I haven't really noticed anything about him. Opinion: Neutral

Arinian: Arinian tried to get info and then attempted to dodge questions. Opinion: Evil

Alvron: Alv has sorta slipped through attention a lot. Kinda reminds me of what I did in that Death Note game. Opinion: Evil

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@Straw, I understand that you might be worried about analysing, but at the moment it looks like you're trying to slip through the net, and avoid saying anything controversial.

Could you give us your opinion, and an explanation, on the rest of the living players?

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12 hours ago, little wilson said:

So is there even a reason you voted on me then, Sart? Because to me, it looks pretty flimsy, attached to my assumption about Sympathy, and instead of just asking me about it with a mention, you tacked a vote on someone in a lower class who literally just went on the Horns. And now, even though I've explained the assumption and you accept it as valid, the vote remains. You want to make this a battle between Ruh and Cealdish? You're on.

Titud stuttered. The jerk had placed two votes on him! His logic was rather flimsy though. He had suspected Sloan (Wilson) for somehow scanning Orlok, which should have been impossible due to her rank. He had not anticipated her memory of previous events. He had meant to take his vote off, but, well, he had fallen asleep half way through doing it. He chastened himself. He couldn't afford these simple mistakes, especially since he was living on the streets. He could die any minute now, so Titud didn't think it was productive to lodge complaints against him. Even after moving out, he would have to stay in the Mews. That place would drive him crazy if he stayed in there very long.

"My apologies. Can you please remove your complaints against me? I don't want this to end with either of us getting punished."

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I've gone over @_Stick_'s posts again, and there is one particular thing that stood out to me that I want to point out, namely that Stick didn't vote on D1. Stick wasn't the only one to abstain from voting, of course, but it strikes me as potentially alignment indicative because Stick had little reason not to vote. She was a potential candidate for being brought on the horns, so I doubt anyone would have complained if she had voted on someone random to decrease the chances of getting in trouble. I think Elim!stick would have made use of this chance to vote and both reduce the chances of getting in trouble, and increasing the chances of someone else getting in trouble, so the fact that she didn't seems to indicate to me that she's probable a villager.

I'm not saying that anyone that voted that cycle is automatically an elim, I'm just pointing out that an elim would have had no reason to hold back from voting if he/she was voted on.

Apart from Sticks actions at the start of this cycle, I don't really see anything else that is particularly alignment indicative, so at the moment I'm having a slight village read on stick.

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19 minutes ago, randuir said:

I've gone over @_Stick_'s posts again, and there is one particular thing that stood out to me that I want to point out, namely that Stick didn't vote on D1. Stick wasn't the only one to abstain from voting, of course, but it strikes me as potentially alignment indicative because Stick had little reason not to vote. She was a potential candidate for being brought on the horns, so I doubt anyone would have complained if she had voted on someone random to decrease the chances of getting in trouble. I think Elim!stick would have made use of this chance to vote and both reduce the chances of getting in trouble, and increasing the chances of someone else getting in trouble, so the fact that she didn't seems to indicate to me that she's probable a villager.

I'm not saying that anyone that voted that cycle is automatically an elim, I'm just pointing out that an elim would have had no reason to hold back from voting if he/she was voted on.

Apart from Sticks actions at the start of this cycle, I don't really see anything else that is particularly alignment indicative, so at the moment I'm having a slight village read on stick.

Actually, I did intend to vote in order to reduce the chances of me being brought of the Horns, but I'd messed up the rollover times and the turn was over before I knew it and along with that went my chance to vote :-P Then I found myself being charged with reckless use of sympathy. Tragic story, really.

[I'd like your read on me to stay as it is though :ph34r:]

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