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@Drake Marshall yeah I realized that I had done it again right after the turn ended and I kicked myself good for it too <_< to be honest I was more suspicious of you than Stink so I was actually trying to get you in trouble but I do fault myself for getting STINK in trouble with not giving much of a reason

I promise to be more careful but I can't really give a defense other than that I was rushing and didn't think it through

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I really should be studying, but Noremac needs studying too...

Paper, it seems, is really quite good at blocking sound. At least in large quantities. For Noremac was surrounded by it. On one hand were stacks of textbooks, piled so high that he couldn't see over them. On the other were piles of documents, notes and copies he had acquired. They covered his desk. To be honest, it wasn't even his desk. He had snagged it from somewhere (that will not be disclosed at this time), and dragged it into his room, where he had been trapped, quite literally, for the past two days. Now, a detailed diagram of the pelvic girdle and femur was open on the desk, accompanied by a report from a Medica surgeon and a stack of note cards. Noremac hunched over it, squinting to read every tiny note scribbled onto the brittle paper. He was very behind on work, and not even Telar was around to lend him a hand. He was way in over his head.

He jotted down a note on a card. By reflex, he grabbed another, and shifted the used one away. He scribbled another note. He reached for a new card.

And froze. Noremac stared down at his outstretched hand, seemingly from outside his body. He became painfully aware of the awful state of the room beyond the ring of paper. There were bags under his eyes, the cheeks sunken, and suddenly was aware he hadn't eaten for 48 hours. In this moment of enlightenment, his consciousness was whisked out the window, where to his astonishment, some sort of riot was occurring. Enraged students surrounded a concerned few, while others watched from the sidelines. It must be very loud. How had he- the paper. It was quite a sound barrier.

And then he was sucked back into his body. He jerked forward, scattering his notes and causing a few textbooks to tumble to the floor. He cringed. Hopefully they weren't too damaged. But he had to get out. He stood up abruptly, skittering his chair back to the wall. He stepped over a discarded sock to the window, and leaned out. Sure enough, the crowd was there. He had to go, had to see. Had to leave this prison.

It was time for action.

So you think Aonar is a Skindancer, PK? Now, your argument is possible, given someone got enough into Archives to get Fae Lore or Omens. Aonar claims it was Anker's, and you have yet to give further explanation on your claim, from this mysterious Contact you have.

I'm sure your Contact will lie low, given the ruckus this has stirred up. I'll take a further look into this later, but as I said earlier, studying.

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1 hour ago, little wilson said:

PK, why in the world would you not confirm how your contact knew this information before bringing it to the thread? Usually, with things like this, it's best to have as much information as possible (leaving out critical details like who your contact is) before bringing it up publicly. When you bring it up like you just did, you're basically doing exactly what Stink is accusing you of: mayoring. You expect everyone to follow your vote because you say he must be a Skindancer. So what happens when/if we expel/assassinate him and he turns out to be a Student? Then we go after your contact, who is more than likely a Student using bad logic. So that's another Student down. And then we've wasted numerous turns/cycles for absolutely no reason except helping the eliminators towards the win con. I'm fairly convinced you're not a Skindancer, but until you present a little more information (I'm not asking for the contact. I'm asking for how), my vote is going on you, because not only do I not follow mayors, I oppose them. PK PK.

My contact didn't fully trust me at that point. Now that I have revealed Aonar to the thread, they got back to me and explained how they knew that Aonar was a skindancer.

Wilson, I feel like you've been focused on me a lot. When I was thrown into the crockery, you made a big deal about how not only might I not have been sabotaged, I might be a skindancer myself. Now you're accusing me of forcing people to do what I want just because I broke out. I'm not going to make a big deal about it, but I am telling you to back off a bit. By the power vested in me as mayor. :P

And while we're on the subject of mayoring:


Seriously though, I have no future plans to make people do what I say, just because I said it. I just happen to be the one to present this to the thread because I was the one who seemed most trustworthy at the time. I am delivering a message, not giving an order.

Here, I'll even give you my word, if you want. "I, Paranoid King, will not make any attempt to lead the thread in future cycles." I don't want to become a mayor any more than you want me to become one. I may have worded my earlier post poorly. From now on, I will just present information without telling what to do with it.

13 minutes ago, Hemalurgic_Headshot said:

So you think Aonar is a Skindancer, PK? Now, your argument is possible, given someone got enough into Archives to get Fae Lore or Omens. Aonar claims it was Anker's, and you have yet to give further explanation on your claim, from this mysterious Contact you have.]

My contact used the name of the wind targeting Aonar to find hidden messages. They found the skindancers doc. (They were talking about double tapping with a sabotage and a kill to get past a bodyguard)

Aonar is a skindancer. It has nothing to do with Ankers.

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6 minutes ago, Paranoid King said:

Wilson, I feel like you've been focused on me a lot. When I was thrown into the crockery, you made a big deal about how not only might I not have been sabotaged, I might be a skindancer myself. Now you're accusing me of forcing people to do what I want just because I broke out. I'm not going to make a big deal about it, but I am telling you to back off a bit. By the power vested in me as mayor. :P

Not true, but I can see why you'd be focused on the two times I've mentioned you. For the record, when you got sabotaged, I hadn't read the write-up; I'd only looked at the results and read the posts. You and Hael both went insane, and, in my mind, Hael makes a lot more sense as a sabotage. I was also under the impression that the write-up wouldn't be giving any clues to how people went insane. But then El clarified about that and between then and now I'm pretty sure I've said virtually nothing about you, so...yeah.

Also, I hate mayors and dictators with a passion along with most things resembling mayors and dictators. It's great to hear you won't do that, but based on that first post, I wasn't willing to take the chance. To a dictator, silence is acceptance.

And now for the actual interesting bit. That is an intriguing use of wind, and a rather fortuitous result, though considering Aonar's admitted lack of PMs, that likely contributed to the doc being seen. Which makes it fairly damning evidence against Aonar. A part of me wants to ask if it's possible for an action like that to....not really be redirected but more like the mommets in Sympathy. Yet, I wouldn't expect the GM's to answer, and the answer is probably not anyway, given that it's Naming. PK PK. I'm going to hold off from voting on Aonar for now, simply because I want to see his defense. My gut is still telling me he's village, but my head says he can't be. Though I'll admit that my gut wants him to be village because he said he'd use wind to make the mercs less likely to come after me, and if he's actually a Skindancer, he'd probably leave me alone to die. :(

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Interesting... I'm kind of regretting that you were forced to reveal that the elim doc is not necessarily secure... But it was probably necessary to reveal this to get anyone's support, so I can't really fault you.

I don't think we are so close to the end of the game that this could be a plan to end it faster, either. Too many people still alive.

So... I can understand waiting to hear @Aonar Faileas defense, but if I were able to vote, I'd likely vote on him right now, and consider taking the vote off if Aonar gives a good enough explanation in time. I'd say PK's evidence looks pretty strong, and discovering the elim doc using PM spying isn't really an obvious lie if you were just trying to lynch someone.

Although, @GMs, I don't suppose you would be willing to confirm that it is in theory possible to compromise the elim doc using PM spying? :P:P

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Whelp. Since the Skindancers already know my "Grand Plan" this game because of Aonar, I may as well tell the thread. I am not attending the University. I have not filed a single EP, even in the first term, and that won't change. I've been hanging out in Imre, hence why I know the prices. My "mysterious contact" who told me about the gram was myself. :P I purchased a bodyguard 1.2 (this is why I didn't die to the Merc), and have stayed in Imre since. Well I'm not there now, because I'm on the streets and only the Grey Man lets you be there all the time, but...yeah. My bodyguard is now dead. Also, only two people knew I'd purchased a bodyguard, one of whom was Aonar. Not that that last bit matters, since, again, the bodyguard is dead. Anyway. Yeah. I also failed my Talent Pipes, even though I'm apparently Illien reborn. That one really sucked, since being Cealdish is a bit of a problem if one is avoiding the University. >>

Also, Sart, there's totally a valid contract in the Black Market. I know because I placed it. It's just not one many people will actually be able to do. It sort of needs an Artificer or Alchemist...

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Now, RP. The volume of RP I make is unsurprisingly lower now that I don't get tuition reductions for it, but I still intend to make some RP posts. I'll definitely want to do one if I finish the game alive.


Greyson made a hasty link between the small stove in his room and the candle at his table. The stove was down to the embers, but it provided enough heat to funnel into the candle. Suddenly, a tongue of flame flickered to life on the wick, dimly illuminating his desk.

It was a commonplace thing now, this sympathy. Months ago it had seemed impossible, unreachable, just like... Well, magic. The months could well be years.


By candlelight, he dipped his pen in the ink, slowly, deliberately tapping the pen twice on the side of the jar. Grasping for the words to a letter he dreaded composing.

He waited in a pointed silence. The silence grew long, then grew old, then finally withered away to a particularly uproarious bout of laughter downstairs. Business was picking up at Anker's.

The dying silence gave up its final breath to the scratchings of a pen, at first timid but then more confident.

      Greetings from the University,

It is my hope that this letter finds you well. I apologize for not writing sooner, but things have been very busy. Keeping up with my studies has demanded much time from me. And there is more... There have been attacks. Even some deaths among the students. Rumors of demons, the sort that wear a man's skin like we might wear clothing. I wouldn't have cared at all for the rumors... But the University masters seem to take them seriously. And yet, even now they do nothing about it.

But, alas, this is not my primary reason for writing. Earlier you expressed interest in my progress at the University. And, indeed, shortly after the last time I wrote, I was elevated to an E'lir and admitted into the arcanum. Unfortunately, a misunderstanding occurred this term that has resulted in my expulsion. I have attempted to make the masters see reason, but they will not. It seems that I am no longer able to continue my studies.

Your patronage has been most valuable, and I have already learned much at the University. With little else to do here at the University, I will be purchasing passage to return to Ceald. I shall likely be arriving shortly after this letter does...


Greyson paused, the pen held poised over the paper. Leave the University? There was still much to be done here. Secrets that he had never dreamed of, still at his fingertips. And possibly even a chance to study a real live demon up close. How many people get the opportunity to study live demons, straight from the storybooks? Could he pass that up, just because of some foolish misunderstanding?

No. No, he couldn't. And Ceald was a long way away. His patron had no way of knowing...

Greyson crumpled up the first letter and tossed it into the embers of the stove. A dazzling yellow flame came into existence, consuming the paper in a few seconds and leaving the room dimly lit once more. He set a fresh piece of paper on the table, dipped his pen in the ink once more, and began anew.

      Greetings from the University,

I hope this letter finds you well. I apologize for not writing sooner, but I have been very busy with my studies. I am pleased to inform you that it paid off, however: I have now been admitted into the arcanum as an E'lir. Hopefully I will continue to advance in the ranks, and may return to you in good time with a guilder.

As always, I thank you for your generous patronage. The University is proving to be a truly a great center of learning, peaceful and unblemished by the petty struggles and strife found everywhere else in the four corners.

I will try to write sooner next time. Until then,



He folded the paper, sealed it, and resolved to pass it off to a courier the next time he was in Imre.

It was settled. With still a few hours of light left in the evening, Greyson examined the stack of books on his desk. When he was expelled, he felt no particular compulsion to return them to the university archives. Particularly not the forbidden texts in the stack, which he doubted he could replace if he returned them.

These could be useful.

He grinned a wide, crazy grin. His studies would continue, and to hell with the chancellor.

Edited by Drake Marshall
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Dele brushed a loose lock of hair behind her ear as she walked across the university grounds. For once, her notes were tucked away under her arm, rather than open and rustling in the breeze as she sped between classes.  Today she was enjoying the weather. It felt peaceful; disconnected from student dramas, yet with the potential to be as chaotic. There was always some drama working up the students around her. Expulsions, and even deaths amongst the students who had complications with their lodging.  And now… Someone had overheard a student discussing a topic that heavily implied that they were one of the filthy skindancers that were amidst them. The student in question wasn’t someone Dele had been observing. All she'd really noted about this Aodhan was that he had chosen to focus his studies into Naming. He seemed to be a quiet fellow. She hadn’t noticed him speaking very much while she had been at this university. Perhaps this was indeed because he was focusing his words on talking with his skindancer friends. She did not know. But it was something worth logging a complaint about. And so that is what she did.

Aonar, Aonar.

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Aodhan was eating his supper at Anker's when the other students burst in, heated glares turning in his direction as they oriented themselves in the smoke and gloom. What's this about? 

"Aodhan!" William shouted over the slowly quieting din. "I have it on good authority that you are one of the Skindancers!"

He raised his eyebrows and spoke under his breath for a moment. "Really now?" Aodhan's voice was quiet, but crossed the distance and cut through the tavern air regardless. "I wasn't aware that 'good authority' constituted damning evidence these days." The fading conversations ceased entirely, patrons uneasy at the subtle use of magic.

"One of your fellow Namers came to me, said he had called the Name of the Wind to bring your words to his ears, and learned you were plotting to kill your fellow students!"

"Ugh." Pushing his chair back, Aodhan stood, turning to directly face his accusers. "Someone spied on my conversations? That's frankly impolite."

"That's.... impolite? No defense? No pretense of innocence?"

"You want a defense? You seem to have already made up you mind."

"Want? No. But I'm given to understand that one is generally a part of how things are done."

"Fine." Aodhan drew himself up to his full height, invoking Wind again to amplify his voice and create a dramatic breeze. "Neener neener."

In the moment the assembled students spent blinking in surprise, he called Wind again. The breeze turned vicious, knocking over sympathy lamps and putting out flames; shoving the students and the inn's patrons to the edges of the room.

Under the cover of darkness, confusion, and just a touch of glamour, he left.


Moments later, words were carried on the wind, whispered into the ears of each and every University student. So. It appears I have been outed. This is... unfortunate, in some ways, but is also almost preferable.

To you, the Namer who has so callously stripped me of home, friends and education, it appears we need to have a chat. You have made quite the gamble, and it is one I am afraid may not pay off. You have turned the students against me, true. However, you have also turned this into a very personal war. You are aware that I am a danger; obvious enough given that you chose to spy on my conversations. But I do not believe you realize the magnitude of what you have done. You likely think you have ended me, but this will not be enough. 

It is true enough that you have dealt me a blow. Before you had, I was content enough to sit back, wait and watch as the students were picked off. But now, I have become, shall we say.... invested, in your personal suffering. Everything in my power will be put first towards your destruction, and then the rest of this University. You have forced my hand to attempt to defend myself and my kin, and necessity breeds invention, after all...

In a sense, I suppose your actions have unchained me from the reserve that held me back in out goal. I believe I should thank you for that, at least once before you die.


Edited by Aonar Faileas
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7 hours ago, Paranoid King said:


  Reveal hidden contents

Seriously though, I have no future plans to make people do what I say, just because I said it. I just happen to be the one to present this to the thread because I was the one who seemed most trustworthy at the time. I am delivering a message, not giving an order.

Here, I'll even give you my word, if you want. "I, Paranoid King, will not make any attempt to lead the thread in future cycles." I don't want to become a mayor any more than you want me to become one. I may have worded my earlier post poorly. From now on, I will just present information without telling what to do with it.

My contact used the name of the wind targeting Aonar to find hidden messages. They found the skindancers doc. (They were talking about double tapping with a sabotage and a kill to get past a bodyguard)

Aonar is a skindancer. It has nothing to do with Ankers.

Um, I'm gonna have to doubt that Wind can spy on the elim doc cause:

1. That's broken AF

2. My Spying can't spy on the Elim Doc

3. Seriously that's really broken This post has been reported for attempting to skirt the rules


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Okay sooooooooo...did aonar just admit to being a skindancer in his RP lol?? :o I was gonna vote for him anyways but...

@Aonar Faileas awesome RP btw!! I was seriously intrigued by your character and the way you wrote it!! But still...  Aonar

I trust PK the most of any of the players since he was literally a target of an elim sabotage already so yeah..

Of course if you can't actually spy on an Elim doc than that person telling PK could just be lying right?

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36 minutes ago, STINK said:

Um, I'm gonna have to doubt that Wind can spy on the elim doc cause:

1. That's broken AF

2. My Spying can't spy on the Elim Doc

3. Seriously that's really broken This post has been reported for attempting to skirt the rules

There have been other games where spying on a Doc is possible.  LG11 allowed one to learn 5 words from a PM or Doc of target.  Depending on how much Wind lets you see, it could work without being broken.

Edited by Alvron
finishing sentence
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Unfortunately I can't vote this turn, but I would like to revisit on of Orlock's (I think) ideas, voting for the role block rather than expulsion. Given Aonar is a namer, I think it would be more beneficial to the village to keep him permanently role blocked than expelling him and him being able to use the name(s) that he has learnt. To that end, the 11-12 bracket of DP is the most efficient, giving 70% chance of lashes. That means we want 4 or 5 people (someone with better maths might be more accurate) with votes on them, that aren't staying at the pony, to spread the master's DP and achieve as close to that 11-12 number as possible.

As to people to vote on, if I were able, I would be voting on Wilson after the interaction she has had with Aonar this turn. The early defence of him is understandable given the very weak initial argument made by PK, but it is a strong defence and one that carries weight given who its coming from. However after the full argument is made, there is sill a level of defence there which I find inconsistent with how aggressively she had previously gone after people with much less evidence (Burnt and the Gram comes to mind).

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Dear Elbereth, Lopen and Drought

This is STINK, formally writing an apology to you three for even suggesting that Lopen take over as the lead GM and get rid of the other two. Not sure how this leads to saying sorry to Lopen, but apparently it does.

Next time, I will be sure to do it more discreetly so that I don't need to actually apologise to anyone, you know how long it takes to even write something like this? Like a whole 5 minutes or something at this point, and the RP of STINK is a busy STINK! (not really but shhhhh)

Also, I had given my character a name but it seems he will have to go, based on a writeup :P 



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Okay are y'all ready for my theory about the skindancers after probably way to much time put into analysis lol :P

These are my reasons for suspecting, namely, Burnt Spaghetti, Little Wilson, and Aonar:

1. I think Wilson decided to just hang out in Imre to buy stuff for the Elims instead of trying to pay for tuition as a cealdish commoner and since she's poor she wouldn't be suspected of buying little things like assassins. I think she advised Burnt to buy the gram and then they proceeded to "argue" about it in thread...trying to distance themselves as teammates. Then Wilson blamed the gram on steph (the only other vintish who prob would have bought it) until Burnt claimed to have bought it...thus looking more innocent by not trying to deny it.

2. Randuir was being waaaay to helpful to the village and possibly trying to advance in something they considered a dangerous field...so they killed him by a double tap because he probably had a bodyguard. No one went insane on the turn Randuir died so I'm assuming it's because they used a sabotage and a kill action just on Randuir.

3. Orlok was becoming far to dangerous to keep around...so they caused him to go insane. I thought it was a natural cause of insanity until I realized something was off...if he had been attacked by the elims with sabotage than why hadn't 3 other people gone insane because he was bound to two players with malfeasance (he told me in PMs that was his latest elevation)...I believe that he was bound to Joe because he seemed slightly suspicious of him in PMs and I think he could also have been bound to Burnt but she was protected from the sabotage because of her gram (which says in the rules it will protect from malignant sympathy actions...and that includes binding right?) So they got off looking like there was one sabotage insanity and two natural insane. I think Sart was the natural insanity because I'm pretty sure he was studying in naming and I don't think orlok was that suspicious of him. Plus if he had been bound to orlok than were was the Elim sabotage that turn?

4. Wilson says she had been "thinking she had put in lodging orders"...when she could really have been just hanging out on the streets to save money (she was safe with a bodyguard and Aonar protecting her with naming). She asks why he would want to protect her if he was an Elim, but why wouldn't he protect a fellow Elim? At this point with Aonar being exposed it looks like she is now trying to distance herself from him as well...no loyalty among skindancers lol

these are my theories but the more I think about them the more the pieces seem to fit like a beautiful puzzle...so what do y'all think?

I've already voted on Aonar and since Wilson isn't even at the Uni. I will be voting on Burnt for my second complaint. 

I am trying to stay true to my word and give good reasons along with enough time for people to defend their actions when I make my complaints this time.

@Burnt Spaghetti @little wilson @Aonar Faileas I want to make sure you see this post in case I'm wrong

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Wilson most definitely did not tell me to buy a gram. And as for 'distancing us as teammates' uh. Until that point thered been absolutely nointeraction between wilson and i in the game. Imo the argument would only draw more attention to how we interact, not less. I kinda think no interaction is a lil less obvious. And i dont need wilson to tell me what to buy and what not to buy. I buy what i want thank you. Im not a little kid who needs an adult holding my hand. And my gram has taken no hits btw. And if it was, um. Why wouldnt i tell the thread? Why would not telling the thread about potentially being sabotaged be a good idea? Uh, wouldnt it be better to admit that 'hey my gram protected from a sabotage! Everyone should trust me now!'

I frown at your apparently nice fitting puzzle. At least one piece looks like it was brutally forced into place to try throw suspicion on a rich and protected player.


(Also im tired and mildly grumpy atm. Appologies if i come across harshly)

Edited by Burnt Spaghetti
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Stink, do you have Bribe the Messenger? If so, can you please spy on my PMs? I think you'll be interested in the PM between me and Aonar in particular. And yes, I'm aware that eliminators have been known to have PMs together and discuss things, and I've done that before, but I'm fairly certain the are things in that PM that would clear me fairly well of being one of Aonar's teammates. Unless you want to include Stink in this whole thing as well.

Eol, you're one to talk about how hard I come down on the defense of those I think are good. AG 1, much? I put my freaking health on the line to make sure you didn't get lynched. Or did you forget about all that?

And yeah, BR, you got me. This little Cealdish Commoner has been staying in the Grey Man, which costs 7 talents, leaving me with only 2 talents to my name after lodging. Clearly I purchased a bodyguard, which was another 7 talents, which gets rid of the pool I started with. And yet, somehow, having only 2 talents to my name at the time the assassin was purchased, I could've bought an assassin that was 9 talents. Yep. I guess if you're thinking I lied about the Pipes, but I wasn't. Find another conspiracy because this one is wrong.

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Huh. Wow okay. Aonar. Nice RP 

Unfortunately, Aonar hasn't said much in the previous cycles for us to look into >>

1) RL thing about not being able to post for some time.

2) Encouraged voting and voted on Wilson because she could 'take another two free votes' that cycle.

3) Informs us that he probably wont attend the university until till next term because his tuition will be garbage. Also says that he needs to post more.

4) Complains that he wanted to be elevated in Naming and had hoped to get Wind last turn. Mentions that he's in Imre.

And that's it :/

Oh, and from the rules:


With their regular studies interrupted, the students are doing all they can to rid the University of the Fae infiltrators.

To all of y'all that played this game before/GMs: What exactly does that mean? Killing them? Expelling them? Both would get them out of the university. 

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@Burnt Spaghetti @little wilson @Aonar Faileas

Well I was actually expecting to get a waaaay angrier response from y'all if you were skindancers trying to protect yourselves lol..I thought you might get desperate if I was on to something...hmmm

I'm still suspicious of Burnt for buying the gram and because I'm pretty sure that either her or steph are evil..I could be wrong though and their could be zero vintish skindancers....I will go back and look at some more posts...and possibly move my vote off of Burnt (considering that if is she is a student than she will be very helpful)

I still believe PK about aonar though...i don't think I'm moving that vote...sorry 

I think there are most likely 5 skindancers...in the last game their roles looked like this:

1 Aturan Noble

1 yllish commoner

1 cealdish commoner

1 Edema ruh

So we are probably looking for at least one rich student maybe 2 and probably at least one from every other category

I think it would look something like this:

1 Edema

1 or 2 cealdish

1 or 2 yllish

1 vintish or aturan

Since Hael and Sart are both insane the only Edema left is Aonar...of course Sart could have gone insane naturally and been an Elim...but I'm hoping I'm not wrong

Also, Wilson, you could easily have stayed in Ankers which is only 4 talents and since you start the game with 6 Talents plus and your stipend is 9 Talents then you shouldn't have had any problem working your way up to buy an assassin by the time Randuir died even if you bought your own bodyguard...if you didn't think you would be helpful enough to afford things like assassins then why even go to Imre at all...just saying it looks more like something a skindancer would do and odd that you would say you wouldn't have enough money to buy even an assassin which was only 9 talents to begin with...what were you expecting to do in Imre?

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