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HH. His posts:

1) RP

2) RP things

3) RP

4) Votes on Mage for tuition reduction. Says not to take C1 seriously. Elim vibe. Keeping in mind that he's an Autran Noble, he didn't really need tuition reductions. Also, he casually threw in a vote saying that it shouldn't be taken seriously. I was charged with RUoS with no more than 1 vote on C1, so I think that the votes did need to be taken seriously. Elim vibe.

5) Removes vote from Mage and places it on Ornstein as Mage already had a vote on him. Ornstein is the same social class as HH. Still don't see why he needed the reductions. Slight elim vibe (as many players had voted with no reason that turn).

6) Responds to Steph's request to provide reasoning for his vote by asking which vote (Mage or Ornstein) she was talking about. Kind of unnecessary to ask which vote as he'd removed his vote from Mage. Neutral-ish read.

7) Says that he voted on Mage for tuition reductions. Doesn't matter that he's rich because he still wants the money. What did you need all that money for, hm? Slight elim vibe.

8) RP

9) RP

10) Explains that C1 shouldnt be taken seriously because it doesn't give a full picture of things. Considers voting on Drake as a response to Drake's vote on HH. Neutral read.

11) Says that he isn't staying at the Pony and Drake's vote on him will be unfortunate. Neutral vibe.

12) RP. Votes on Steph, agreeing with Orlok. Votes on DA. RP suggested he's studying Physicking. 

13) RP

14) Is suspicious of Burnt ("Burnt Buys a Gram", for reference) and agrees with Wilson's thoughts on that, but accepts Burnt's defense. Removes vote from Steph. Seemed to agree with everyone, not really taking a side. And removed the vote from Steph with no reason. Elim vibe.

15) Votes on Arin for the field-claiming PM request. RP.

16) RP

17) Is busy and won't be posting but will post RP soon.

18) RP

19) Speculates that if there was no sabotage that cycle because one of the elims got expelled they players to keep an eye on Arin and Straw. Arin particularly. 

20) RP. Says he'll consider the possibility of Aonar being evil. No read.

21) Votes on aonar twice. Note that this was after Aonar admitted to being a skindancer. Everyone would have voted on him then. Elim or not. Neutral read.

22) Mourns for Wilson. Says that it wouldve been better if Aonar has been role-bocked than expelled. Neutral read.

23) Assumes that Aonar has learned more than just one name. Neutral vibe.

24) Comments on Cluny's "vote on me" request. No read.

25) RP

In most of these, HH has tried to stay neutral, which is what an elim would do. He revealed the fact that he was studying Physicking, which seems to me like a useful field for elims to study in. But I dont get why he would reveal that. To make the villagers trust him more? 

Also, why isn't Aonar dead yet? All of y'all with kills throw everything you have at the skindancer U_U

And...I'm beginning to have second thoughts on whether Brightness is evil...bah.

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4 hours ago, _Stick_ said:

Also, why isn't Aonar dead yet? All of y'all with kills throw everything you have at the skindancer U_U

*singsong* "You can't catch me...." *faint laughter, high and not quite sane, drifts on the wind*

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Last time I was in Imre, assassins cost I think more than 20 talents. I agree with Stick's analysis of HH, except that, as an Alturan nobleman, you still need tuition reductions, if you want to buy anything. Most people are not just going to sit there, accumulating a few talents per turn, and not do anything with it, and it would make sense to buy a bodyguard or an assassin or something early in the game, where it costs less, etc. etc. I do agree with the neutral thing, though.

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6 hours ago, _Stick_ said:

Also, why isn't Aonar dead yet? All of y'all with kills throw everything you have at the skindancer U_U

I would guess that his wind lets him redirect or block everything that's thrown at him. We can't kill him unless another namer uses their name to negate the effects of his name.

I'll throw a vote on HH because of Stick's post and one on Alvron for undisclosed and entirely un-mayory related reasons, by which I mean that I am not a mayor and have no secret intelligence that tells me that he's a skindancer or anything.

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Hang on. What makes me a mayor is that I suspect someone for some reason, then people follow me. The problem is that because I'm probably a villager, I don't need to provide evidence. I'm trying to skirt around that by saying I'm not a mayor, but that's not really the problem. The problem is that people will follow me even if I don't give evidence. So here's my evidence:

Someone PM'd me with some information about Alvron. The information makes sense in the context of the rules, and points towards Alvron being a skindancer. It's not definite, but it's likely.

I've had a feeling for a while that most of the eliminators were the experienced sort that wouldn't be caught out by suggesting anti-villager tactics. Alvron is an experienced player for sure. Knowing this, I'm analyzing his posts.

  • (Signup post, jokingly attacking Mage. Has not received a faction yet.)
  • Helpful comment [I would do this as a villager or Elim.]
  • (Response to "Hael" Hydra )
  • Votes on Mage, says he's not taking this game seriously [justifies future posts]
  • Might try to get tuition of 0
  • Vote tally (of 1) [says he's not taking this game seriously, but stays fairly active]
  • Says those who didn't put in a housing order deserve what's coming to them ( :P )
  • Votes on Burnt, to reduce tuition, and as retribution for LG24
  • Won't be on at rollover due to work
  • Very sorry about putting Burnt on the horns
  • Asks for a list of those at the Pony [ELIM ELIM ELIM]
  • Helpful comment
  • Justifies asking for a list of pony because rich can buy bodyguards
  • Rich would go to Imre to get pipes anyways
  • Vote tally
  • Tells expelled to stay away from assassins ( :P )
  • Stay away from assassins
  • And their rusty spoons
  • Mostly used for Yoghurt
  • Says he is interested in the game in response to votes on him. Returns fire, claims luck and chance will favor him
  • Luck and chance, doesn't agree with Ari
  • Responds to blackmail from Ari
  • Gives reasons the elim attack might have failed
  • Wind is a role block
  • Votes on Steph and Cluny, as they are rich enough to get protection
  • Those who don't pay attention should be lynched
  • Vote tally, points out expelled players [villager]
  • Recommends voting on rich, says there is an inconsistency in Steph's story
  • points out that all assassinations are probably mercs
  • Spying on the elim doc is possible
  • Advice against Spaghetti
  • Trusts Wilson, votes on Brightness and Aonar
  • Clarifies how Doc spying might work
  • Clarifies again
  • Wind gives and sends replies, giving Aonar a PM ability
  • Chance to break out of crockery, insane people might be a WGG
  • Defines WGG
  • Doubts the skindancers started with 9-10 players
  • Burnt can't vote. She's been expelled.
  • Explains his vote on Aonar. Says skindancers would want him lashed, not expelled

Looking at all of these, I wouldn't say that's enough evidence on its own to condemn him. A few things of note, though

  • Asks for a list of people in the pony
  • Upon being voted on, his posts became longer
  • Says he might go for the tuition of 0, but has never RP'd (Despite being fairly active)
  • Upon Aonar being revealed, posts become more game-relevant
  • Against Ari, Steph, Cluny
  • Possibly for HH, as he was in the middle of the list of Rich, but at the beginning of the player list

I'm more suspicious of HH right now. But now I can actually claim I'm not a mayor.

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Okay, Stick, how does that incriminate me? Oh, he's getting a neutral read, which is what an Elim is trying for, so he must be an Elim! And, he's being passive! He must be an Elim! Once the game is getting along, I try to put more thought into my votes, because there is more information available. I will say that if my analysis has been lacking, I have been busy last week with exams, but I've juggled it with the game. If I feel like neither of the sides given are plausible, or if I am not suspicious of them, I won't vote. I was really only getting that tuition reduction for the start, because I thought that acquiring an amount of good money to start and last me through was a good thing. I didn't play the original game, so I had to warm up to the game mechanics.

Stick, that is quite accusatory of you. I congratulate you on gathering all of my posts together, because that is a thing I don't do, but I reject your statement of my evilness. I firmly believe I am Village. You are trying to target me because of my high elevation, because I am a threat to your Elim friends. And you are trying to get the Village to do your dirty work for you. I won't stand for that.

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4 hours ago, Paranoid King said:

So here's my evidence:

Someone PM'd me with some information about Alvron. The information makes sense in the context of the rules, and points towards Alvron being a skindancer. It's not definite, but it's likely.

Ooh, someone gave you information about me?  Did your Namer friend spy on one of my PMs?

By all means, share what your contact revealed to you.  I am most interested in hearing what they have to say.

Until then however, let us talk about your list.

4 hours ago, Paranoid King said:

Looking at all of these, I wouldn't say that's enough evidence on its own to condemn him. A few things of note, though

  • Asks for a list of people in the pony
  • Upon being voted on, his posts became longer
  • Says he might go for the tuition of 0, but has never RP'd (Despite being fairly active)
  • Upon Aonar being revealed, posts become more game-relevant
  • Given that I was one of the ones at the Pony that round, I felt and still feel that having a list of them to vote on for those that want to reduce tuition would be useful.  Could the elims use it to kill rich folk without protection? Sure but then they attacked Mage the cycle before when he was at the Horse and Four which has a 40% protection chance so I don't think they really care about the odds.
  • Wrong.  I was voted on in Term 1 month 1 as well as Term 1 month 2 and my posts didn't change.  My posts don't become longer because of votes.  They become longer because I have something to respond to.  Same as with this post.
  • And I still might.  I expected to have been sent to the Crockery long before now and have been working on some RP for when I break out.  As I said the cycle before, the Crockery gives a good chance for some RP. I believe you yourself had some RP planned for your time in the Crockery.
  • Again wrong.  My posts become more game-relevant when I have something to say.  If someone has already said something that I would normally say, I say nothing as it has already been said.  And I was posting more game-relevant posts as you say, long before Aonar was revealed.  I posted several theories as to why there was no sabotage on Term 2 month 2.
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So I'm going to put a lot of work into this post.

As for my suspicions (which I don't really think I've posted many opinions on yet ? I felt really in the dark for a while.)

I am finally kinda getting a read on some people I think.

I actually am suspicious of HH already, because I feel like an Elim would want to invest in Physiking (someone said he already claimed his role in thread i think ? I didn't remember that, but I scanned him last cycle and I can confirm. 

If I had to take a guess at the Elim team I'd say:

HH (Physiking) (so many uses with Physiking for either Elims or Village, but since I believe PK is village it makes sense for HH to be Elim)

Stink(Linguistics) UH GUYS I THINK LINGUISTICS WAS DESTROYED ? ????? IT's not in the Arcanum Fields anymore in the rules UM??!

Alvron ( I don't know what field he's studying in, did he ever mention any ?) I just think he's evil because he seems evil. :P:ph34r:

Arinian(Arithmetics) which, since he's an Arturan Noble, he'd be the rich one on the Elim team, in charge of purchasing items/keeping an eye  on Imre

Edit : Oh and Aonar (Namer) (obvs)


Not really sure of a fifth Elim at this point. I think there might only be 4. But seriously guys, Linguistics is gone ? ? ? ? ? Or am I just losing my mind. 

Edit: Disregard the part about there only being 4^ I was forgetting Aonar because I was just trying to think of my suspicions and he's basically confirmed evil.

Edited by queensteph
i was dumb
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4 minutes ago, queensteph said:

Stink(Linguistics) UH GUYS I THINK LINGUISTICS WAS DESTROYED ? ????? IT's not in the Arcanum Fields anymore in the rules UM??!

 But seriously guys, Linguistics is gone ? ? ? ? ? Or am I just losing my mind. 

Um, it's not gone.  It the first one on the list.  So, I think your mind is gone instead.

Edit: Ninjaed :( Storm it Aonar. Go die already. :P 

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1 minute ago, Alvron said:

No.  But expelled Skindancers can. :P 


13 minutes ago, queensteph said:

I just think he's evil because he seems evil.

My reasoning stands :P

But okay so, since I'm not freaking out that Linguistics is gone, what I was GOING to say before I had a mental collapse, was that:

I think Linguistics would be incredibly helpful if you were an Elim because if one of your partners got expelled then you could talk in the Doc and then the expelled (in this case Aonar) could still have input to other people (even though they would just think it was Stink's idea and wouldn't know Aonar was behind it.) Does that make sense

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33 minutes ago, queensteph said:

Alvron  I just think he's evil because he seems evil. :P:ph34r:


16 minutes ago, queensteph said:

My reasoning stands :P

Um, thanks.  I can't really dispute that as I have carefully cultivated a rep for being evil.  I am the Lord of Shadows, Giver of Paranoia and have been evil more times than any other current or former SE player.  The RNG of Troll, The Three Fates of Evil and the Gods of Luck and Chance stand behind me.  I am the Holder of Three Odiums and the Breaker of Burnt's Sanity.

I AM ALV!5lQZBzxan9N0Nl5pJ-cJ6p75zMIY2RQiiwAS5-DIHrDyzKfILd7GBKeqvcMMyrWxyI2w4oMirKOe0m8psZQ2agGmxoS_0hDclPDlj1kpy82KDEUaLnNLJzt_VVWC_oDJcynruyqc

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2 hours ago, Alvron said:


Um, thanks.  I can't really dispute that as I have carefully cultivated a rep for being evil.  I am the Lord of Shadows, Giver of Paranoia and have been evil more times than any other current or former SE player.  The RNG of Troll, The Three Fates of Evil and the Gods of Luck and Chance stand behind me.  I am the Holder of Three Odiums and the Breaker of Burnt's Sanity.

I AM ALV!5lQZBzxan9N0Nl5pJ-cJ6p75zMIY2RQiiwAS5-DIHrDyzKfILd7GBKeqvcMMyrWxyI2w4oMirKOe0m8psZQ2agGmxoS_0hDclPDlj1kpy82KDEUaLnNLJzt_VVWC_oDJcynruyqc

For some reason you including the breaker of my sanity in that makes me really happy xD

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7 hours ago, queensteph said:


My reasoning stands :P

But okay so, since I'm not freaking out that Linguistics is gone, what I was GOING to say before I had a mental collapse, was that:

I think Linguistics would be incredibly helpful if you were an Elim because if one of your partners got expelled then you could talk in the Doc and then the expelled (in this case Aonar) could still have input to other people (even though they would just think it was Stink's idea and wouldn't know Aonar was behind it.) Does that make sense

Ah yes, because only Linguistics has PMs.

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@Paranoid King Would be easier if we knew who your mysterious PM contact is, and what information they gave you about Alv. But yeah. I know they're likely to get targeted by sabotage if you do reveal who they are. I'm also kind of wondering why you're alive. @Elbereth What effect does Sabotage have on players who've escaped from the Crockery? The elims could easily kill you, causing whoever your contact is to reveal themselves for the betterment of the village and then target them next...? They haven't done that yet. Call it paranoia but I'm beginning to suspect everyone at this point :P 

14 hours ago, Hemalurgic_Headshot said:

Stick, that is quite accusatory of you. I congratulate you on gathering all of my posts together, because that is a thing I don't do, but I reject your statement of my evilness. I firmly believe I am Village. You are trying to target me because of my high elevation, because I am a threat to your Elim friends. And you are trying to get the Village to do your dirty work for you. I won't stand for that.

You're forgetting that if I were an elim and were trying to target you, I'd have my elims friends sabotage you instead. That would rid you of your abilities...

edit: DONT FORGET TO PUT IN YOUR LODGING ORDERS. Unless you're an elim. Then you may rot on the streets. :]

Edited by _Stick_
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LG33: Term 5, Month 1 - Insanity!

Aodhan Breacadh walked into town as if he didn’t have a care in the world. He noticed the passing stares of the students and waved gaily to them, for all the world like it was a summer’s day and he was out on a picnic. 

He gathered students, trailing him. Maybe it was Glamour, maybe it was simple curiosity, but for whatever reason, he soon turned into the Pied Piper and the students were his to control, dancing to his tune. 

He walked into the square, cobblestones rough under his feet, Wind enhancing his senses. Students followed him like sheep, until quite a sizable crowd were gathered before him when he stood on the lip of the fountain. 

“Friends, students, countrymen,” Aodhan said, rich voice amplified so that every person in the square heard it easily and clearly, with just a touch of glamour added in for persuasion. “Lend me your ears.”

He smiled, watching the enraptured crowd. They were so easy to play with like this. Such amusing little toys... “I am not your enemy,” he said. “I never have been.” He gestured, blowing the water in the fountain behind him into a spray that sparkled in the sunlight. “I am your ruler. I, and my compatriots, by rights should be Masters of this University and the world. Can you deny our superiority?”

He smiled confidently, though privately he felt more like a craftsman delicately carving the final touches into a gem that could break at any second more than a charismatic leader. 

“I am your leader. I am your commander.” He smiled, grasping Wind before him to refract light and make him nearly glow in the sunlight, unearthly in beauty and power. 

“I am-”

Aodhan Breacadh toppled back into the water. He sat up, quickly, and finished his sentence. “I am a banana!”

The students blinked.

Then, no longer captivated, a number of yells came from different places, and a sword embedded itself in Aodhan’s chest, wielded by a particularly angry-looking warrior. It was shortly followed by a blowdart in the neck, causing Aodhan’s eyes to roll back into his head as the poison took root, and a knife thrown into one of those eyes from a distance while another arrow took his other eye. 

The students, meanwhile, mostly ran screaming. 

“Nah, I was just having a bit of fun,” said STINK. 
“‘A bit of fun’ is not the same thing as driving students insane,” Varda pointed out. 
“Isn’t it?” he said, then shrugged. “Alright then. Fun by my standards, at least.”
“Unfortunately, such fun isn’t allowed at this University. You are expelled and may never set foot on the grounds of the University again.”
“But... I’m still standing here...?” STINK said. 
Varda grinned. Most people didn’t ask that, and simply walked out of campus the normal way. But the snarky ones got special treatment. 
She snapped her fingers, and two guards came forward. “This student has been expelled and may not set foot on our grounds,” she said. 
The guards bodily picked STINK up despite his flailing. “Hey! You can’t-”
“And whyever not?” Varda said, as sweetly as she knew how. “You have been expelled. Do not set foot in my presence again.”

No one would take STINK. Everyone was too afraid to go near, after what had happened with Aodhan, but he couldn’t exactly find lodging, either, and switching to a new body was difficult when no one useful would venture near. 
He lived in scrapings on the street, slowly growing hungrier and more desperate. 
He stumbled into a mercenary one day by accident, and his heart leaped in hope. Not the perfect candidate, since she wasn’t a student, but a sword and a new body would do him some good. He’d take anything, at this point. He latched onto her right hand, starting the process of draining her body. 
“What in Tehlu-” she yelped. 
Then she drew her sword  - on her right hip, he noticed belatedly - and thrust it into his gut. 
Thus ended STINK the Skindancer. 

Aonar went insane and then was killed! A lot! He was a Skindancer who had studied in Naming!
Stink was expelled and then killed! He was a Skindancer who had studied in Linguistics!
Steph and Stick were elevated!
STINK was brought on the Horns and expelled!
Stick and Steph were elevated!

Term 5 has begun. You have 42 hours to send in any and all actions. 


Player List
1. Queensteph - Vintish Noblewoman 
2. Randuir (Telar Pike) - Yllish Commoner Student 
3. Hemalurgic Headshot (Noremac Quwester) - Aturan Nobleman 
4. Aonar (Aodhan Breacadh) - Edema Ruh Skindancer in Naming
5. Wilson (Sloan Walker) -  Cealdish Commoner Student
6. Straw (Medicus Novis) - Yllish Commoner
7. Paranoid King (William Opuscule) - Yllish Commoner
8. Ornstein (John Springer) - Aturan Nobleman Student in Physicking
9. Jondesu (Vell) - Yllish Commoner
10. Drake Marshall (Greyson) - Cealdish Commoner Student in Physicking
11. Assassin in Burgundy (Jurdaan Longfell) -  Yllish Commoner Student
12. Burnt Spaghetti (Dele Fajro) - Vintish Noblewoman
13. Orlok (Locke Alveron) - Cealdish Commoner Insane
14. Magestar (Magestar) - Vintish Nobleman Insane
15. Alvron (Stryker Nox) - Cealdish Commoner
16. Arinian (Darian) - Aturan Nobleman
17. Stick (Stick) - Aturan NobleStick
18. Darkness Ascendant (Balthazar Myrrh) - Yllish Commoner Student
19. Cluny the Scourge (Cluny) - Aturan Nobleman
20. Silverblade (Ryth) - Cealdish Commoner
21. Amanuensis (Esuan) - Yllish Commoner
22. BrightnessRadiant (Amelia) - Aturan Noblewoman
23. Eolhondras (Eolah) - Yllish Commoner
24. STINK - Yllish Commoner Skindancer in Linguistics
25. Hael (Glavion) - Edema Ruh Insane
26. Sart (Titud) - Edema Ruh Insane
27. Joe (Chalks) - Yllish Commoner Insane

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Woohoo! Two Skindancers killed. That's a huge win for us at this point, and gives us something to go on. If I get a chance, I'll try to analyze Stink and Aonar's posts a little, though I'll be hampered by only being on mobile, and see if I can work out any likely connections to other Skindancers.

Sorry for the lack of posts last cycle, it was a tough time here in the hospital, but assuming I don't have quite as bad a day, I do intend to at least do some RP, and hopefully that bit of analysis I mentioned.

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38 minutes ago, queensteph said:

YESSS WOOT WOOT I'll post later i have to sleep rn but heck YES. How did only two people get elevated?? that's crazy. is everyone studying the same things :P

Either that or basically everyone is expelled heh

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