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AWESOME!!!!!!! :lol: the results of this turn made me so happy!!! I'm really sorry I forgot to post last turn before it was over :( I was doing other things and it completely slipped my mind! 

I need to sleep rn but will try to make a post asap when I get up!

Let's get 'em!

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Hooray! Aonar and Stink died! Interesting how Aonar dodged my Assassin on previous cycle... hmm... it's should be something special. Cause Assassin was not wasted and was still hunting Aonar... but nevermind I think that's not very important question ;)

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So, do the dice decide which offensive actions come first? Because I think they probably would have tried to sabotage PK or someone like that, but the people doing the sabotaging got expelled and murderized?

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1 hour ago, Cluny the Scourge said:

So, do the dice decide which offensive actions come first? Because I think they probably would have tried to sabotage PK or someone like that, but the people doing the sabotaging got expelled and murderized?

Perhaps the Sabotage technically happens at the same time as the Insanity roll? That would account for an offensive action being able to block it.

Edit: Cluny, I feel very shamed that it took until yesterday for me to place your username. Ack.

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17 hours ago, queensteph said:

How did only two people get elevated?? that's crazy. is everyone studying the same things :P

I think it's more that those that aren't expelled are all as high as they can get and are slowly working their way to becoming a Master.

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Relaxation was a foreign concept to Vell, but when a couple of students begged her to visit Imre with them, she eventually relented. Sure, she took books with her (she didn't bother asking if it was ok), and she wasn't planning to spend much time shopping or drinking or whatever other nonsense the rabble rousers got into.

She wasn't. Honestly.

When she returned, she finally knew what a hangover was.  One that lasted for a week, in fact, since her "friends" had tried to convince her that it got better if she only drank more. It did, for that matter. For a short time. Now she knew why her father had slept in the stable if he came back smelling like booze.  She felt like she should as well, though after the tales of mercenaries in the streets slitting throats and stabbing dancing girls, she was glad for a roof over her head.

Never again. Study was all that mattered.  She'd learn everything she could while she was here, however long it lasted. Staying away from danger was the best plan. And ignoring the rumors about Skindancers.  Hazing and pranks, that must be what it was.

I said I wanted to do some analysis on Aonar and Stink, but I'm honestly not so confident I'll get to do that.  While I have a lot of time sitting around, most of it doesn't put me in a position with much brain power to spare. What I'd really appreciate, actually, is someone I thought I could relatively trust who could help me with some private analysis.  I can initiate PMs, not worried about tuition increases, but I'd want to come up with a way to have a fairly good reason to trust you, of course, and that might depend on who exactly is willing. Aonar was my last PM contact, just to try to feel his story and see who I believed, and obviously he ended up not being trustworthy.

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4 hours ago, queensteph said:

My mind is not working rn since it's 4AM and I was trying to do analysis but if I tried to come up with theories they would probably not make sense. 

But I am suspicious of HH, HH so I'm gonna go ahead an cast my votes.

Why are you suspicious of HH? I am wary because he's an El'the and could potentially be elevated to Master, so if he is a Skindancer that's dangerous for us, but I don't have any other specific reasoning on him. I'm wary of Cluny for the same reason, but it's just caution, not actual suspicion in both cases. There's one other who's identity is slipping my mind who is also an El'the, and I'm hoping to be one myself soon.

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I'm assuming there's a total of 5 elims, from which 2 are dead, and 3 remain.

List of alive players:

1. Queensteph - Vintish Noblewoman Village Read
2. Hemalurgic Headshot (Noremac Quwester) - Aturan Nobleman Elim? Not an elim? Idek.
3. Straw (Medicus Novis) - Yllish Commoner (expelled) Village read 
4. Paranoid King (William Opuscule) - Yllish Commoner Depends on what his 'contact' has to say about Alv (if anything at all).
5. Jondesu (Vell) - Yllish Commoner Neutral read
6. Burnt Spaghetti (Dele Fajro) - Vintish Noblewoman (expelled) Village read
7. Alvron (Stryker Nox) - Cealdish Commoner Neutral Read
8. Arinian (Darian) - Aturan Nobleman (expelled) Village read
9. Stick (Stick) - Aturan NobleStick Stick read
10. Cluny the Scourge (Cluny) - Aturan Nobleman Village read
11. Silverblade (Ryth) - Cealdish Commoner No read, hasn't really posted much
12. Amanuensis (Esuan) - Yllish Commoner - No read (Though it's amazing how long he's been on the streets but not dead yet XD )
13. BrightnessRadiant (Amelia) - Aturan Noblewoman (expelled) Elim read
14. Eolhondras (Eolah) - Yllish Commoner No read, hasn't really posted much

From the insane players (Orlok, Mage, Hael, Sart, Joe) I think Hael is the only one who naturally cracked? I guess he might be an elim but I don't think he is.

I feel like I'm grasping at straws here. Maybe the only way for me is to go all chaotic villager and kill each of you one by one until I get the elims.

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31 minutes ago, _Stick_ said:

12. Amanuensis (Esuan) - Yllish Commoner - No read (Though it's amazing how long he's been on the streets but not dead yet XD )

I'm amazed too. Guess even the Mercs are afraid of Chandrian.

If this keeps up I might be able to play the tail end of this game >>

Edited by Amanuensis
Inb4 I finally die
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33 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

I'm amazed too. Guess even the Mercs are afraid of Chandrian.

If this keeps up I might be able to play the tail end of this game >>

You sure you aren't sneakily putting in your lodging orders though? :ph34r:

@Everyoneelse though, people really need to get a little active here, so please post and discuss stuff...?

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Stick I disagreed with your read on @BrightnessRadiant, until she got expelled. This made me suspicious. A sabotage when one is expelled means certain death. (I think) So either a villager would go quiet, to avoid notice, or a villager would become more active, a little more frantic. I think the second option is more likely. I am thinking that, if she is a villager, she bought an assassin and killed Stink, or sent one at Aonar. If she is a skinnie, then she is lying low and trying to stay unnoticed. I had her cleared in my mind, but now I am not as sure. Stay suspicious of her. Also, all of my thoughts translate to @Burnt Spaghetti. She is definitely sending assassins at people, but I do not have a good "read on her'.

Getting some RP out in a minute.

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7 minutes ago, Cluny the Scourge said:

Stick I disagreed with your read on @BrightnessRadiant, until she got expelled. This made me suspicious. A sabotage when one is expelled means certain death. (I think) So either a villager would go quiet, to avoid notice, or a villager would become more active, a little more frantic. I think the second option is more likely. I am thinking that, if she is a villager, she bought an assassin and killed Stink, or sent one at Aonar. If she is a skinnie, then she is lying low and trying to stay unnoticed. I had her cleared in my mind, but now I am not as sure. Stay suspicious of her. Also, all of my thoughts translate to @Burnt Spaghetti. She is definitely sending assassins at people, but I do not have a good "read on her'.

Getting some RP out in a minute.

They are really quite lovely folks when you get to know them. Even nicer when you buy them frozen yoghurt :)

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I had a thought regarding the discussion from a cycle or two ago about some of the Skindancers going into the Crockery thinking they could break out and have gained some trust. Putting aside the low chances of breaking out in time to do any good, someone who has been in the Crockery is permanent lowered one level, and could never become a Master. That means they could never destroy a field, removing them as a factor in that particular win condition. Now, the Skindancers might have just decided that was a long shot anyways, but I doubt they'd permanently sabotage their opportunity to do that.

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2 hours ago, _Stick_ said:

You sure you aren't sneakily putting in your lodging orders though? :ph34r:

I'm not. Though I honestly might put one in now. Actually, nah. I want to test my luck. If I don't get Merc killed by the time my vacation finishes, I'll get involved.

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I've seen you view the thread multiple times now, and this is making me suspicious. I'm going to sleep soon and won't be up until after the turn over, so I probably won't take that vote off. 

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Sure. I don't mind anyways, because I can't take any actions and can do nothing in the University.

In response to your earlier question, giving more info about how that one person knows that Alvron is a skindancer would probably reveal them. I don't want to do that myself, but if that person wants to reveal themselves, that's their prerogative.

Alvron's posts aren't suspicious, but he's had so much experience being an eliminator, that doesn't really matter. Alvron.

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Just going to chime in to say that unless there's a chance PK went insane due to whatever he's studying, he's probably confirmed village, so voting on him is weird >>

I also wouldn't be surprised if Alv was evil. With Stink and Aonar on his team? Yeah, I can see it. Has anyone even bothered analyzing those two players posts, particularly STINK? I'm pretty sure I remember STINK making it obvious he was evil when he tried to make up excuses for Aonar when PK originally announced he was a confirmed Skindancer, so I wouldn't be surprised if he slipped somewhere else along the way

What else was I going to say? Oh yeah. So, given that Aonar and STINK studied Naming and Linguistics, I would bet that anyone else who aimed for those fields is soft-confirmed good as well. Can maybe use that to narrow down suspects (I think Arin said he was going for it and Stink got upset? Could have been distancing but my gut reaction doubts it. Is Arin still alive / sane? If so I'm concluding he's probably village.)

Also I'm kind of suspicious of Stick, honestly. I'm barely paying attention to this game, just occasionally skimming it when I get bored with whatever movie I'm watching with my parents, but I'm not getting good vibes from her.

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@Cluny the Scourge haha actually sorry my reason for going silent is because I was SUPER busy lately and I was also playing the QF...I'm just a bad person cuz I forgot to post last cycle before the turn was over! :o

Ok I would like to do some more analysis for this game but I have to go babysit now!! I will see if I have a chance to sneak on though lol...they have internet at their house :ph34r: lolz

Currently my main suspicions are HH, Alv, and Burnt

I will try to expound on that later..unless i die...then please look closer at them :P

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8 hours ago, _Stick_ said:

 Maybe the only way for me is to go all chaotic villager and kill each of you one by one until I get the elims.

I was planning on doing myself that but sadly I haven't been able to make the Bone Tar I need. :(  stupid Anker's 10% fail chance. grumble grumble.

1 hour ago, Paranoid King said:

In response to your earlier question, giving more info about how that one person knows that Alvron is a skindancer would probably reveal them. I don't want to do that myself, but if that person wants to reveal themselves, that's their prerogative.

Alvron's posts aren't suspicious, but he's had so much experience being an eliminator, that doesn't really matter. Alvron.

I'm sorry but that won't do PK.  You can't just say I'm evil and that you have proof and not reveal it.  Not when it's me.  At the very least you should give anyone accused a fair chance of defending themselves.  Yes, I have tons of experience being evil but I also have tons being good.  I am also very proficient at toning my posts so that almost no one can get any kind of read on me as well as wording posts in a way that you see only what I want you to see and think what I want you to think.  None of which alter how I play or the odds of me being one over the other.  If you have something to go on, please share.  Until then, I'm going to assume that your contact is afraid of drawing my eye upon them for they are a Skindancer and is using you to get rid of me.  PK.

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