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45 minutes ago, _Stick_ said:

Actually, I did intend to vote in order to reduce the chances of me being brought of the Horns, but I'd messed up the rollover times and the turn was over before I knew it and along with that went my chance to vote :-P Then I found myself being charged with reckless use of sympathy. Tragic story, really.

[I'd like your read on me to stay as it is though :ph34r:]

Still, I'd say you'd have been far more inclined to vote quickly on a suitable target if you where an elim, meaning that you likely wouldn't have missed your chance to vote in that case. Plus, you probably wouldn't have corrected me if you where an elim.

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Well then. Shall we discuss this?


11 hours ago, STINK said:

Stick asks questions about how I'm going to affect the skin dancers. 'Not alignment indicative'. 

My bad, apparently I need to reveal not just linguistics but everything I'm going to do with it so that the elims can just completely counter me? Sure Drake, you do you.

When did I say that you were supposed to actually give Stick any information? If someone's trying to mine you for information, you totally shouldn't give them any... But throwing a vote on them at the first signs of information mining is an overreaction. I just don't think you have enough reason to be voting on Stick.

And you definitely have none to have cast a vote on me, because so far you have completely refused to offer any kind of reason.


3 hours ago, STINK said:

Indeed, you seem determined not to explain yourself, and later evade questioning on the matter. [CITATION NEEDED]

Citation needed? You voted on me. I asked you what reason you could possibly have for it, and voted on you back until you explained why. You replied very quickly, but not in any meaningful way. Nor did you openly refuse to answer my question, you simply gave meaningless response. Does anyone dispute these events?

If that isn't evasion of my question, I really don't know what is.


3 hours ago, STINK said:

1. Posting in Thread != Reading The Thread. Maybe if it was a super serious post, then yeah I'd have read the thread. But considering it went (GM PM -> Quick Post -> Oh wait lessons start now) then I actually hadn't read the thread yet m8.

See, I know that what you are saying is possible.... But there were like, 2 very short posts in the thread when you made that first post. Easily shorter then the writeup. I would be surprised if you did not actually read these.

I could understand not reading those if you only had time to shoot off a quick post before you had to do something or go to sleep... But seeing as you posted again an hour later, it looks to me as if that wasn't the case.


3 hours ago, STINK said:

2. 'This could mean the thing that most favours my accusation of you, let me not mention any other possibilites...'. I can take pointless possibilities all day, m8.

I'm not concerned at all with what is possible. Merely what is probable enough to be a concern.

Which, if you do the math, is anywhere upwards of 25% probability. Since we have 22 living players and likely around 5 eliminators.

But this is mostly a distraction. My main issue with you isn't your time frame of posting. Its the reasoning you provide for voting.


3 hours ago, STINK said:

3. If I wanted to do a serious vote and lynch you, I think I'll do it with some actual logic rather than a stupid EP comment. Though I appreciate that you acknowledge that I have thoughts :P

So you are acknowledging that it isn't a serious vote to lynch me. And that your reasons for voting are quite inadequate.

So why are you casting votes that you aren't serious about? In what world is that a good idea?

Why exactly are you treating any vote, particularly the first vote in the turn, as "not serious"? This isn't a D1 poke vote anymore. Votes aren't meaningless things to be tossed every which way. Give me a proper reason, or remove the vote.

If you do not offer a real reason for your vote or remove it, I will not stop accusing you.


3 hours ago, STINK said:

1. Stick is a she.

My apologies, Stick. Please forgive me. I shall refer to her as a she from now on.


3 hours ago, STINK said:

2. You don't think probing questions are alignment indicative? Sure sure, let's do each other a favour then and get everyone to reveal all their strategies in the thread so that they can be planned against, hm? It's not alignment indicative or anything, just helps the Elims a lot more than the Village.

Again, I'm not saying you should actually answer probing questions. And definitely don't do it publicly.

But no, I don't think what Stick was doing was alignment indicative. Villagers are allowed to ask probing questions too you know. Some information is as useful to a villager as it is to an eliminator, and not everyone chooses to quietly analyze and reach our own conclusions. Asking a somewhat probing question and then watching someone's reaction isn't a bad way to get a read on people, although I prefer to do that to people in PM, not public thread.

Plus, it still looks to me like Stick may simply not have been considering the "probing" dimension to her posts. In a different light, I could see those posts to be honestly arguing that all fields are dangerous to eliminators. This version of events is indeed what Stick herself seems to be claiming to be correct.

Do I completely trust stick? No. But I wouldn't seriously consider voting on her just this yet, either.


3 hours ago, STINK said:

3. How nice of Stick to draw attention to me if they did believe that every field was dangerous then, eh?

You've already drawn more than enough attention to your field over the course of your game. I don't think discussing it additionally at this point really makes a difference.


3 hours ago, STINK said:

4. Won't even talk about your last sentence of the first paragraph, that's just ruuuude.

In it I am disagreeing with you. I am in fact disagreeing with you pointedly. But I do not believe I am doing so in a way that is rude to you personally. I'm not attacking you, I am only attacking your actions. You can either retract your actions, give a proper reason for them, or accept that I will continue to take issue with you.



5. Who said I was treating votes like they don't matter? Oh yeah, you did. Guessing it's the vote on lil old Drake that makes you think that way, 'cause apparently no-one can retract anymore. 

Yes, you're dead right. I was the one who accused you of treating votes like they don't matter.

And it was because you voted on me. With literally no reasoning offered.

If you dispute that you offered no reasoning, there's a REALLY simple way to clear this up. Just give me your reason.



6. 'Two barely reasoned votes' ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude

One of those votes wasn't barely reasoned, it simply wasn't reasoned at all. Do you dispute this? Again:

If you dispute that you offered no reasoning, there's a REALLY simple way to clear this up. Just give me your reason.



7. If people are voting because I'm voting on them, then that's on them, thanks. (ALSO WHAT YOU'RE DOING HOW IRONIC)

My issue really isn't that you are voting on me. My issue is the way that you voted on me.

Wilson voted on me last cycle, and have I chosen to vote on her back? No. Because as much as I didn't appreciate the vote, she still offered solid reasons for doing it.



Sure pal, second one. Honestly, I'm gonna keep my vote on you now. I'm sitting here chilling and messing around (how dare this STINK guy have fun) when all of a sudden you're jumping on me. No chill, apparently. 

I'm fine with you having fun. Please, have lots of fun with RP and witty comments and nearly anything else. Sky's the limit.

But if your having fun involves voting on me, do you really think I'm not going to come after you? What makes you think that works?

I tried to be chill about it mate. I ignored your first unreasoned vote last turn, and even said I was okay with it at the beginning of this turn. When you voted on me again, I initially just put a single vote on you and asked for an explanation, ready to take my one vote off when you gave it. I really don't like that this had to escalate. But I'm also not going to back down, now that it has.

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6 minutes ago, Drake Marshall said:

I could understand not reading those if you only had time to shoot off a quick post before you had to do something or go to sleep... But seeing as you posted again an hour later, it looks to me as if that wasn't the case.

The first post was when I was 10 minutes into a lesson, so technically I was already doing something :P

Second post was in the break between lessons, so yeah. 'Twas the case.

Anyway, I really can't be bothered to respond to any more points. Supposed to be doing revision and all, so yeah. Drake. Feel free to throw a jubilee or something idk.

Off to Dinner/15 marker about whether there are innate concepts or not.

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21 minutes ago, randuir said:

Still, I'd say you'd have been far more inclined to vote quickly on a suitable target if you where an elim, meaning that you likely wouldn't have missed your chance to vote in that case. Plus, you probably wouldn't have corrected me if you where an elim.

Fair enough

15 minutes ago, Drake Marshall said:

My apologies, Stick. Please forgive me. I shall refer to her as a she from now on.

It's totally fine. It's an easy mistake to make :P 

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3 minutes ago, STINK said:

Drake. Feel free to throw a jubilee or something idk.

*throws jubilee*

But seriously. I really am sorry for going after you like that. But I wasn't going to tolerate a vote on me that doesn't have a reason behind it (and I would at least like to think that I wouldn't tolerate such a vote on another person, either).

I very briefly considered keeping one of my votes on you, for trying to cast an unsupported vote... But that actually would be quite rude. My stated reason for accusing you no longer applies. I am removing both my votes from you, STINK STINK.

I'll still be watching you I imagine, but then, I intend to be watching everyone.

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Dear Mother, I'm really very sorry for not writing to you sooner! I've been busy with my studies and the fact that skindancers are trying to turn everyone insane  with some other exciting events! I wasn't going to tell you, but I thought I better get it off of my conscience....I got brought on The Horns last month. Nothing too big, I just got caught up in a prank with another classmate. I was just trying to make friends, but I'm not sure it went too well. So please don't be too mad, I have continued my studies!

Anyways! I have been doing my best as you've always taught me, and my knowledge is really coming along! Every thing here is exciting! I'm going shopping today for the first time in Imre after I finish this letter to you. I'm planning on buying some exotic fruits! You always told me to try new things! Roasted fruit seems to be a delicacy here...

I can't really think of much else to tell you, but I will write again as soon as something exciting happens!

I really miss you and I hope to be able to visit soon.

                                                  Yours Forever and Always,

                                                                 Your Queenie :wub:


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His Imperial Majesty, he who I am honoured to address, my future self.

I write, as is now custom, to remind you of our journey. The keystone of this month, of course, is our elevation. I told you of the complaint we received last term, made as I understand by a student envious of our glory and majesty. I will have my revenge upon them, when I discover their identity.

I trust, in your omnipotence, and righteous anger, that you have also taken action to make an example of their family, as is fair and proportionate? I eagerly await discovering what we have done to them.

I was summoned to the Horns, following the complaint. We are fortunate, however, to live in enlightened times. The Chancellor, whilst weak willed, is capable of recognising my power and potential. Perhaps hoping for mercy when I come to rule, instead of punishing me, elevated me. She's entirely wrong, of course. There will not be mercy, but it is entertaining to watch her seek it.

The chair of the psychologists' society contacted me, today, suspecting unusual behaviour in my mind, and wishing to observe me. It is greatly pleasing to me for another to recognise the magnificence of my mental functions, and it will be an honour to demonstrate my superiority to them. I hope that they can learn from studying me, and that we can raise a new generation of Vintish children cultivated in my image.

With warm regards, and wishing you an entertaining day,

Locke Alveron, in the second month of our second term at The University.

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Alrighty so here's a posty...

I was so out of it yesterday that no matter how much I tried to analyze I came up with very little :huh: I suppose sleep should be a necessity in life :P my RP about Amelia not being able to focus was pretty accurate lol

Ok so what do I have to add to the thread this turn? Hmmm...

Here is a list of all the people I am suspicious of and if I have time why:

1. Drake

2. Jondesu

3. HH

4. Burnt

5. Wilson

6. Randuir (I hope not but can't shake this feeling)

Okay let's see how far i can get before time's up...

Okay so I'm suspicious of Drake because on the first cycle first turn he says we shouldn't vote on anyone and he's like super adamant about it but then on turn 2 he votes pretty early and I was like huh? What's so different about the second turn of the first cycle..we hadn't really learned anything? And the person he voted on was HH who I honestly do suspect or being evil but I would have thought he'd have voted on PK cuz he was the one who really caused the first turn voting and if Drake was really angry about it why didn't he suspect PK? He then goes on the accuse Burnt of being an Elim just cuz she bought a gram...I personally thought about buying a gram but they were sold out and then i did some more research and I was like never mind a bodyguard would be better anyways..but honestly the nobles are in more danger from votes and elims wanting to get rid of the richer assets so I don't see the big deal about that either...if I had time I would go back through the rest of your posts but those are some of the main reasons I suspect you...Will do a re-read of your stuff later

Looks like my time is running low...I'll just focus on the other person I voted for now..Jondesu

I'm suspicious of him cuz he seems to be adding less opinions and help than he did in the last game I played with him but that could just be cuz he's busy and this game is waaaaaay more complicated...he also hasn't really seemed too interested in all the voting...not really helping or making enemies...just seems suspiciously like lurking to me..I dunno

No time for more!



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LG33: Term 3, Month 1 - Work

Telar stood in the dark and cold, looking around him. He wasn’t even sure where he was now, and probably wouldn’t be able to do anything until morning. All he knew is that he’d followed… something… here, and then it had vanished without warning. 

He walked over to the nearest wall and slid down it. Seemed he had a lot of waiting to do…

He slipped into thoughts of the past. The Chancellor’s speech, his work, the meaning of life. Perhaps his work, that which he created which no one else had thought of before - perhaps that was the meaning. He wasn’t sure. He’d have to consider it at length later, when he wasn’t freezing cold in a strange alley at night. 

He tried to doze off, but something more than the cold kept him awake. A sense of being watched. He suddenly started to full wakefulness and looked around.

That was his last movement, but for falling to the ground. He gave a gasp, and then silence filled the night again. 

Varda was angry. “What did you boys think you were doing?”

Medicus Novis, Greyson, and Darian looked at her with the same guilt. “We didn’t mean to, Chancellor, honestly,” Greyson said. 

“You didn’t mean to cause a student to die? You were the ones who led him down into the streets and left him there.”

“It was just teasing him and making him a little scared,” Darian protested.

“That may be true. I, unfortunately, can’t afford to believe that. Telar was found dead the next morning. There is absolutely no proof you didn’t have foreknowledge of what would happen.

“I’m sorry, if you’re innocent. You are henceforth expelled from the University, and may never set foot on its grounds again after today.”

William Opuscule glared at the bars. They were the obvious way to escape. Too obvious. No doubt they had been reinforced in some way. The walls and floor would be the same.
The door? Well, maybe. He’d check that out later. It would have to be clear enough that the warden, as he’d taken to calling him, could get in with the food.
Of course, he’d been told not to escape. But he figured that didn’t apply to him. That instruction really only applied to insane people. “And I’m not insane, right, Bart?”
Well then. Out the ceiling he’d go. He grabbed the wooden spoon provided with his meal. “Care to give me a lift, Bart?”
They’d told him that nobody had escaped from the crockery in over 20 years. That suited him just fine. It would mean that he’d be the first.
William stumbled out onto the roof of the crockery. Hah! He raised a triumphal arm weakly. That’d show them. It had taken him over a month of scraping, but they didn’t pay attention to the ceiling as they had the walls. Once he’d gotten the rhythm down, it was easy enough. Now he  just had to escape to…
Hmm. The university suited him like nowhere else he’d known.
“And plus,” he reasoned, “There’s things going on here. Real interesting things. No need to leave just yet. Maybe when things cool down, eh, Bart?”

Randuir was killed! He was a Student!
Arinian, Drake Marshall, and Straw were expelled! 
PK has broken out of the Crockery! (All credit goes to him with his writeup.)
A name was used.
Arinian, Aonar, BrightnessRadiant, Eolhondras, Joe, Jondesu, Orlok, and Ornstein were elevated!


Term 3 has begun. You have 42 hours to submit all orders (actions, Imre, elevation points, etc). 


Player List
1. Queensteph - Vintish Noblewoman 
2. Randuir (Telar Pike) - Yllish Commoner Student 
3. Hemalurgic Headshot (Noremac Quwester) - Aturan Nobleman 
4. Aonar (Aodhan Breacadh) - Edema Ruh
5. Wilson (Sloan Walker) -  Cealdish Commoner
6. Straw (Medicus Novis) - Yllish Commoner
7. Paranoid King (William Opuscule) - Yllish Commoner
8. Ornstein (John Springer) - Aturan Nobleman
9. Jondesu (Vell) - Yllish Commoner
10. Drake Marshall (Greyson) - Cealdish Commoner
11. Assassin in Burgundy (Jurdaan Longfell) -  Yllish Commoner
12. Burnt Spaghetti (Dele Fajro) - Vintish Noblewoman
13. Orlok (Locke Alveron) - Cealdish Commoner
14. Magestar (Magestar) - Vintish Nobleman Insane
15. Alvron (Stryker Nox) - Cealdish Commoner
16. Arinian (Darian) - Aturan Nobleman
17. Stick (Stick) - Aturan NobleStick
18. Darkness Ascendant (Balthazar Myrrh) - Yllish Commoner Student
19. Cluny the Scourge (Cluny) - Aturan Nobleman
20. Silverblade (Ryth) - Cealdish Commoner Insane
21. Amanuensis (Esuan) - Yllish Commoner
22. BrightnessRadiant (Amelia) - Aturan Noblewoman
23. Eolhondras (Eolah) - Yllish Commoner
24. STINK - Yllish Commoner
25. Hael (Glavion) - Edema Ruh Insane
26. Sart (Titud) - Edema Ruh
27. Joe (Chalks) - Yllish Commoner

Edited by Elbereth
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Nooooooooooooooooo Randuir! :( wow I was not expecting that...hmmm an Elim kill? Why would a villager kill Randuir since he's been so helpful and not under hardly any suspicion so I'm guessing he was killed by an Elim? I am very sad to lose him. I think we needed his continual analysis of the thread and his getting the conversation going in the right direction. I will definitely be looking into who he suspected in the past cycles.

Also before anyone else points out my mistake last cycle can I just say oops...I voted for three people haha...so just so everyone knows my votes that counted were on Arinian and Drake. I'm still suspicious of Jondesu though so I might make that third vote be for this cycle lol

I've actually been analyzing Drake's posts over the last couple of hours and I will post what I've found suspicious/not suspicious in a bit.

I have to say kudos to @Paranoid King for breaking out of the crockery! Not an easy feat! Hopefully you're not evil ;)

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Interesting... Well I don't have to pay tuition anymore I guess?


2 minutes ago, BrightnessRadiant said:

I've actually been analyzing Drake's posts over the last couple of hours and I will post what I've found suspicious/not suspicious in a bit.

It appears you've already managed to expel me by casting a vote in the last four minutes of the turn. I'll just say that I have no intention at all of bothering to defend myself against whatever you want to bring up.


Also good job PK. I'm still pretty sure PK was sabotaged, so I'd hazard a guess that he can be trusted. Seeing as it is probable that his alignment is known though, he might just end up being sabotaged again.

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Interesting. There was no one going insane... randuir died tho. Could mean he may have cracked naturally and was also sabotaged? Or whoever put in the order forgot, it failed (on someone with protection, in horse and four, conflicting sd orders (last game the skin dancers put in conflicting orders once time and that failed it- but it was also mentioned in the write up subtleyish))

Hm. Lets see. Methods of death.

Sabotaged while insane or expelled - i think could be likely as i said above

Assassin - also a possibility

Upgraded mommet -doubt it

On the streets -dont think he was on the streets

Naming - possible as a name was used.

Bone tar-collapsed building - definitely dont think so.



Also congrats pk on your escape. Welcome back. Picked up a friend eh? Nice nice:P

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22 minutes ago, Drake Marshall said:

Interesting... Well I don't have to pay tuition anymore I guess?


It appears you've already managed to expel me by casting a vote in the last four minutes of the turn. I'll just say that I have no intention at all of bothering to defend myself against whatever you want to bring up.


Also good job PK. I'm still pretty sure PK was sabotaged, so I'd hazard a guess that he can be trusted. Seeing as it is probable that his alignment is known though, he might just end up being sabotaged again.

I don't see how my vote being in the last four minutes is relevant but I was busy all day and couldn't post until the last 4 minutes...if you are a villager I'm sorry but I was just trying to vote on someone who I suspected...and that was you

I actually didn't have time to analyze your posts during the day and I had said that I was going to do so and post my findings on this turn ..just because you are expelled doesn't mean I shouldn't still suspect you. I'm not trying to be mean just analyze and report what I find as promised last turn. 

I have read back through all of your posts now and most of what made me suspect you happened earlier on in the game but the farther along the game came the more I agreed with your reasoning in your posts...so I will say that I'm less suspicious of you now than before I re-read your posts if that helps at all.

Most of what I found suspicious I already mentioned in previous posts so I will forgo restating those, but one thing was odd that stood out to me which I don't think I ever mentioned..

On Term 1 Turn 1 you said that we gained zero info from voting but only gathered info from investigative actions but then in Term 1 Turn 2 you said we should start voting on people we suspected because it would give us info...I didn't really understand why you changed your mind? I know you said you weren't going to defend yourself but if you are a villager I want to know that you're innocent...please don't be offended by my suspicions

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1 minute ago, BrightnessRadiant said:

I don't see how my vote being in the last four minutes is relevant but I was busy all day and couldn't post until the last 4 minutes...if you are a villager I'm sorry but I was just trying to vote on someone who I suspected...and that was you

I actually didn't have time to analyze your posts during the day and I had said that I was going to do so and post my findings on this turn ..just because you are expelled doesn't mean I shouldn't still suspect you. I'm not trying to be mean just analyze and report what I find as promised last turn. 

I have read back through all of your posts now and most of what made me suspect you happened earlier on in the game but the farther along the game came the more I agreed with your reasoning in your posts...so I will say that I'm less suspicious of you now than before I re-read your posts if that helps at all.

Most of what I found suspicious I already mentioned in previous posts so I will forgo restating those, but one thing was odd that stood out to me which I don't think I ever mentioned..

On Term 1 Turn 1 you said that we gained zero info from voting but only gathered info from investigative actions but then in Term 1 Turn 2 you said we should start voting on people we suspected because it would give us info...I didn't really understand why you changed your mind? I know you said you weren't going to defend yourself but if you are a villager I want to know that you're innocent...please don't be offended by my suspicions

I'm not asking you to justify the vote. You already did last turn. I'm not terribly offended.

Being expelled, however, I really don't have to bother defending myself to you anymore. So I won't. Too much work.

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Burnt, I can say that I was in Imre last turn and there were no contracts on Rand, so whoever did it did it for their own reasons, or was a Skindancer. My guess is a Skindancer with enough money to hire an Assassin in Imre.

@BrightnessRadiant, I still haven't seen good reasons to be suspicious of me.  I don't know exactly why anyone's suspicious of me except for my reduced activity compared to previous games, which was explained already, but again, I am flying to Michigan for a 2 week pain clinic and have been arranging the trip this past week, and get on the flight on Monday, so I will not be able to participate like I usually would. You'll notice I also am not planning to join other games that begin. This being an exceptionally complex game is adding to my low activity, and mistakes like not thinking about the Edema Ruh situation. If I sound like I'm repeating myself, I know I am, but it keeps being mentioned.

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1 minute ago, Drake Marshall said:

I'm not asking you to justify the vote. You already did last turn. I'm not terribly offended.

Being expelled, however, I really don't have to bother defending myself to you anymore. So I won't. Too much work.

Okay fair enough :P I'll leave you alone for now lol

@Jondesu yeah I guess I can't really get too much of a read on you sense you haven't been able to participate much cuz of irl stuff...I promise I will only vote on you if I think you're still suspicious after I go back and re-read all your posts...but considering that you've been so busy lately...probably explains why I feel like you aren't getting very involved..cuz you don't have time...I will probably end up voting for someone else with this in mind :)

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Am I like ever getting elevated or wat

As for Rand's death, since all offensive actions take place before the insanity roll, I don't think it's likely that he got sabotaged after he naturally cracked. But I'm probably missing something.

He could have forgotten to send his lodging order in, causing him to end up on the streets.

10 hours ago, Jondesu said:

My guess is a Skindancer with enough money to hire an Assassin in Imre.



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