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@queensteph I think you're probably right about Arinian...it looks suspicious any way I look at it

I was suspicious of you for a bit but I'm starting to feel like an Elim wouldn't have openly stated all of this info in the thread

Still trying to piece all of this info together but the more I think about it the more I am leaning village for you

If you were an Elim and trying to get us tor target a more vulnerable student than once he died and was revealed to be a student than you would be exposed so I can't find any version of your story where you would actually be an elim...hmmm



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11 hours ago, queensteph said:

@Alvron hey I thought we were becoming friends :P

sorry for not being active today guys, I was busy and also exhausted.

anyways i need to sleep but i scanned over all the posts and i DO have something to add.

I'm pretty sure Arinian is a skindancer if my theory is correct.

Last turn I put in a request to research (gasp, FIELD REVEAL IN THREAD?!?) Arinian, but then it ended up making me research Randuir.

So my theory is that Arinian is studying Rhetoric and Logic and a Elim buddy bought the Assassin and used it on Arinian

Because if Arinian has Law of Contraposition: Redirect a targeted action of another player to another player of your choice. 

Then he could just redirect it onto Randuir and they'd still get a kill without it being a sabatoge and being able to be traced back to them.

(I'm like asleep rn I hope this makes sense.) But idk I don't think that makes sense as to why my action was switched.

Ok but maybe actually he actually studied Sympathy??? and used

Malfeasance: Create a binding between you and another student. All actions that happen to you also affect the person you’re bound to. Upgrade: Your bind can affect two other students.

Because if he binded with Randuir and  then they used the Assassin on him, but he was prepared and protected by someone(?) but Rand wasn't protected so it succeeded in killing him. Idk I'm just trying to think of why my research on Arinian ended up researching Randuir (which I then didn't get any info on Randuir's field bc he died :( RIP friend).

Either this or he is studying Naming possibly ? (idk what all the naming things do off the top of my head so if someone wants to add to that theory then please do)

Honestly I'm so tired this might not make actually make any sense. But hopefully it's useful. 

Okay sleep for me finally.

*Raising eyebrow*. Sorry but your theory is absolutely wrong. I'm was putting EP in Naming(most of EP) and some EP in Archives and Arithmetics(to be more precise I have had on last turn 5 EP in Naming and 1 EP in Archives and 1 EP in Arithmetics). But with my great luck both times I was elevated in Arithmetics and now I have my beautiful reduction of tuition(very useful for me right now) and can buy items on 10% cheaper.

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1 hour ago, queensteph said:

Randuir is the only one who knew of my ability so it's possible that they spied on his PMs with me and therefore targeted me?

I told him my ability because I trusted him more than the others and I knew what PK was studying. Since he was in the Crockery already I didn't feel bad for revealing his field.

But now that he's escaped I'm sorry PK because now if the Skindancers did read my PM (also, assuming you are not a skindancer) then they know your field.

No problem with that. I was advancing in several fields, but was elevated in Physicking. Because I was sent to the crockery, I can't advance in that field anymore, and my single elevation was taken away. So I don't think it bears any relevance now.

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1 hour ago, BrightnessRadiant said:

I think you're probably right about Arinian...it looks suspicious any way I look at it

I was suspicious of you for a bit but I'm starting to feel like an Elim wouldn't have openly stated all of this info in the thread

Still trying to piece all of this info together but the more I think about it the more I am leaning village for you

If you were an Elim and trying to get us tor target a more vulnerable student than once he died and was revealed to be a student than you would be exposed so I can't find any version of your story where you would actually be an elim...hmmm

Why exactly is this? Assuming she targeted Ari with School Records and was redirected to Rand, that's completely irrelevant to Rand's assassination. Her entire case is built upon a false assumption that Law of Contraposition not only pulls all targeted actions but also that it is used by targeting an individual and pulling all actions targeting that person onto a different player rather than targeting the person making the action. Law of Contraposition only pulls a single action, unless it's used multiple times. It literally falls completely apart with that.

EDIT: Joe Joe. This is partly gut and partly due to you not playing like village!Joe always does: you're not looking for people to trust. You're doing something else. There's also the vote on me. Sure, you apologized, but I think you had a better idea of when rollover was than you claimed, and anyway, you usually at least partly trust me when you're village, even if you don't want to. The fact that you don't right now when I am village makes me think something is wrong on your end. After all, the last time I was good and you were evil was LG8.

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12 hours ago, queensteph said:

But idk I don't think that makes sense as to why my action was switched.

Ok but maybe actually he actually studied Sympathy???

@little wilson ya i literally admitted that i didn't think it made sense i just wanted to get my current theories out there for people to analyze also since i suck at analyzing.

It was 4:30AM and i hadn't slept so I thought I might just be missing something and wanted people's input.

My whole case literally is now useless though because I was just informed by the GMs that it was a mistake and that I was actually still supposed to scan Arinian.

so yeah. no manipulation. forget i said anything. :ph34r:


Edit: idk if Joe is evil or not but to add to your "Joe isn't trying to trust anyone" He PM'd me on T2M1 when votes were gathering on me and asked me if there was anything I could provide to make him trust me. When he messaged I hadn't posted yet but I didn't see his message until after I had defended myself in thread. So I just told him I posted my defenses and that if he needed anything else to just ask. But he never replied so I guess my post was good enough for him.

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7 minutes ago, little wilson said:

Why exactly is this? Assuming she targeted Ari with School Records and was redirected to Rand, that's completely irrelevant to Rand's assassination. Her entire case is built upon a false assumption that Law of Contraposition not only pulls all targeted actions but also that it is used by targeting an individual and pulling all actions targeting that person onto a different player rather than targeting the person making the action. Law of Contraposition only pulls a single action, unless it's used multiple times. It literally falls completely apart with that.

Hmmmm I'm still confused lol...so do you have to use the law of contraposition on the actual person targeting you and tell the GMs who you want them to target instead? Or could someone else target a random person's actions and change them?

If Arinian was elevated in arithmetics and not in rhetoric than steph would be lying... right?

Why would she draw attention to Arinian though if he's already expelled?

Ninja'd by steph

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2 minutes ago, queensteph said:

@little wilson ya i literally admitted that i didn't think it made sense i just wanted to get my current theories out there for people to analyze also since i suck at analyzing.

It was 4:30AM and i hadn't slept so I thought I might just be missing something and wanted people's input.

My whole case literally is now useless though because I was just informed by the GMs that it was a mistake and that I was actually still supposed to scan Arinian.

so yeah. no manipulation. forget i said anything. :ph34r:

Soooooo....was your action cancelled?

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2 minutes ago, queensteph said:

@BrightnessRadiant idk I'm awaiting the GM PM. I'll update the thread when I'm informed of whether it went through or if I was blocked.

 since everyone knows what power I have now anyways I don't see how it matters.

Or you just was caught on lie and trying to get out of this situation. If there will be no confirmation from GMs in thread that they failed I'm not gonna believe you. 

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4 minutes ago, BrightnessRadiant said:

Hmmmm I'm still confused lol...so do you have to use the law of contraposition on the actual person targeting you and tell the GMs who you want them to target instead? Or could someone else target a random person's actions and change them?

If Arinian was elevated in arithmetics and not in rhetoric than steph would be lying... right?

Why would she draw attention to Arinian though if he's already expelled?

Ninja'd by steph

You're trying to be too specific. You don't target someone targeting you. You target someone and redirect a targetable action. Therefore, if Steph had tried to target Ari and her action had been redirected to Rand, the only way that could've happened with Law of Contraposition is by the person targeting Steph and using LoC to move an action to Rand. This would redirect Steph's School Records action to Rand, and the person would never know who the original target of her action was supposed to be. It's irrelevant to theirs.

No. She wouldn't be, even if she hadn't been mistaken. Because it's not necessary for Ari to have made the action. Anyone could've made it. Your tunnel is starting to show.

Irrelevant with new information.

Just now, Arinian said:

If there will be no confirmation from GMs in thread that they failed I'm not gonna believe you. 

They can't say anything either way. It would be against the rules. Even if they did mess up, they wouldn't be able to confirm it, since that would confirm that Steph wasn't lying, and this entire game is about deception and manipulation. All that said, I'm kind of on your side of this, but that's because I don't think Skindancer!Ari would've been foolish enough to try to extort another player, and even if you had, I'm fairly sure your teammates would've suggested a better target than Alv. Given the backlash against you last turn and this turn both, I find it hard to believe that the Skindancers aren't involved in this. Steph is my biggest suspect for that, though Cluny is on the list as well.

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Ok my action did go through and I was informed of Arinian's field/ability.

9 minutes ago, Arinian said:

Or you just was caught on lie and trying to get out of this situation. If there will be no confirmation from GMs in thread that they failed I'm not gonna believe you. 

I don't really think that's fair.

I can't quote GM PMs so yeah sure I could be lying but what would be the point in all of my posts this cycle? I'm not that dumb.

I'm the one that takes a loss here from revealing my ability from a mistake that wasn't my own.

You're free from my accusational theories since I was informed it was false, so I feel like you should be inclined to believe me?

Edited by queensteph
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8 minutes ago, little wilson said:

They can't say anything either way. It would be against the rules. Even if they did mess up, they wouldn't be able to confirm it, since that would confirm that Steph wasn't lying, and this entire game is about deception and manipulation. 

Yeah, you right. I think I'm just annoyed little bit cause people tunneling on me. And throwing some unbelievable theories.

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@little wilson all I'm trying to do is figure out what's going on? But thanks for explaining the LoC to me...I thought you had to target someone targeting you and I was like "well that would be next to impossible to figure out" :lol:

Haven't posted any RP this turn so:

Amelia was strolling through the grounds of the University when she heard a strange commotion coming from near the crockery. A large crowd had begun to gather, and she rushed over to see what was happening.

There stood William Opuscule as large as life! He was smiling, while being bombarded with a myriad of questions. Apparently he had escaped from the crockery, and was proclaiming that he was returning to the University immediately.

How could this be possible? Had he really regained his sanity after a skindancer attack? Maybe there was hope for the others after all. He was a little busy at the moment, so she would find him later to welcome him back...and ask him some questions. Maybe he could lead her to a clue about who the skindancers were, or why they might have targeted him in the first place. 

Maybe it was time she made a friend here after all.

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1 hour ago, little wilson said:

EDIT: Joe Joe. This is partly gut and partly due to you not playing like village!Joe always does: you're not looking for people to trust. You're doing something else. There's also the vote on me. Sure, you apologized, but I think you had a better idea of when rollover was than you claimed, and anyway, you usually at least partly trust me when you're village, even if you don't want to. The fact that you don't right now when I am village makes me think something is wrong on your end. After all, the last time I was good and you were evil was LG8.

I cannot prove that i didn't know when rollover was until after the game, but i did genuinely not realize Rollover was so soon. And you're right, i usually do trust you, but this game, i;m completely neutral towards you. And I'm playing differently than normal. and I apologized for voting on you. all of this is because I'm playing this game rather chaotically, without nearly the amount of time I'm used to having to play a game, plus I'm doing a bunch of writeups for QF23 in advance to prepare for it.

So feel free to vote me, but I'm a student.

Oh, and @queensteph i didn't respond to your pm because that would have put me at more PM's than posts, and i couldn't afford the tuition hike of doing so.

Also, speaking of tuition, I'll toss a vote on Straw, since I still think he's hiding behind his charts and graphs.

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Vote Tally:
Sart (0): Orlok*2
Queensteph (1): Alv
Cluny (1): Alv
Joe (4): PK*2, Wilson*2

Didn't bother adding those that voted on expelled players.

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Well I'm trying to figure out who to vote on this turn but I can't really find anyone that suspicious....

I don't want to vote on someone without doing any analysis of them so I might not vote this turn seeing as how it's almost the end of the turn...I will see if I have time to look into Stink's posts cuz I'm kinda suspicious of him

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18 minutes ago, Alvron said:

Vote Tally:
Sart (0): Orlok*2
Queensteph (1): Alv
Cluny (1): Alv
Joe (4): PK*2, Wilson*2

Didn't bother adding those that voted on expelled players.

Oh, wow, I did not realize how few votes were out there. to save my own skin, I'll toss a vote on Eolhondras, who hasn't received any votes this whole game, and on Sart since Orlok and voted on him earlier. sorry if either of you two can't take the hit, but i can't take a going on the horns hit.

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