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5 minutes ago, BrightnessRadiant said:

Well I'm trying to figure out who to vote on this turn but I can't really find anyone that suspicious....

I don't want to vote on someone without doing any analysis of them so I might not vote this turn seeing as how it's almost the end of the turn...I will see if I have time to look into Stink's posts cuz I'm kinda suspicious of him

May I suggest, Burnt, HH or Stick.  Each can afford the tuition hit.  But then you can take the no vote hit so maybe not voting is good.

Just now, queensteph said:

@Alvron Do you have a reason for voting on me? I thought you just were voting on me to get me to be active. 

At first it was to see if you had anything to add but after reading the thread there seems to be some inconsistency in your story.

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LG33: Term 3, Month 2 - Meaning, Work, Power, and Death

Chalks was writing on his blackboard, hung up in his room like it was whenever he was there. It had math equations on it, at the moment, with a few scribbles on the outside.

Growing bored of the basic arithmetic, Chalks looked at the edges. Reminders, thoughts, musings that stayed on there until he grew tired of them. 

‘Life’ was circled in one corner. He tapped it, thoughtfully, then looked back at his board. The elementary maths were simple and boring, but they represented something more. 

He erased a part he’d already worked and wrote something else - ‘Making a difference? - children’. 

“Interesting,” said a voice behind him. Chalks jumped. He was mute, but he wasn’t deaf. “You want to make a difference with your life, do you?”

He whirled around to see the Skindancer there, unclothed in its true form. “How utterly adorable.”

Chalks tried to raise a hand to the chalkboard, to make one last difference, but he couldn’t stop staring at the - thing - in front of him. 

“Pity you won’t get the chance,” it said smugly. He was frozen in place, staring after it long after it had left.

When they found him, he was lying on the floor, asleep, with writing scribbled on every possible surface in the room in a script unknown to the Master Linguist. Only a tiny stub of chalk was left in his hand, and whatever he was asked he could respond in nothing but that same script. Eventually, they took him to the Crockery. There wasn’t much else that could be done, after all. 

Titud rubbed at his beard, perpetually ragged now. It didn’t matter, though. Nothing mattered but his work. 

He was so, so close, he knew. Nothing was more important than his work, the product of his hands, the glory of his own creation. That was what the University had allowed him access to, wasn’t it? The ability to create perfections in his chosen field. Nothing was more beautiful than a carefully constructed turn of phrase, or a sympathy lamp painstakingly constructed to mirroring form and function by a master sympathist, or a system for the Archives so that every book was in its place and matched its surroundings. 

This was what he saw in the University, that perfection of hands coming together to build something wonderful. 

He was getting closer to that perfection, every day. So very nearly a Re’lar, so very close to mastery of his field. 

A knock came at the door. “For Student Titud?”

“Come,” Titud answered. 

The courier brought in a sealed scroll and left quietly. Titud stared down at it. He’d only gotten one of these once before, when… when…

With trembling hands, he opened it. Congratulations, Student Titud. You have been recently recommended by a Master with such high praise that the council of Masters thinks it proper to elevate you to Re’lar…

The letter continued, but Titud couldn’t read it anymore. He started laughing, and laughing, and laughing, and couldn’t seem to stop himself. He had done it. Showed them all, finally made it, managed to continue his work…

He was still laughing hours later as they carried him to the Crockery, his eyes wild with mixed hysteria and panic. He couldn’t stop. He wouldn’t, for many weeks still…

Jurdaan Longfell and John Springer were huddled together against the cold, sitting as far back from the street as they could. It was going to be another long, cold night, they knew. Sloan sat across from them. 

“John, do you think… do you think we’ll survive another month?” Jurdaan said, voice cracked from disuse and dehydration.

A cheerful voice loomed out of the darkness. “Nope!” A flash of steel.

“Agh!” yelped John.

“Nope!” A second flash. 

Sloan quietly got up and tried to run. “Nop-” Clang! 

She stuck her tongue out, though she didn’t look back, leaping through the streets as gracefully as any stage. “Nope!” she whispered quietly. 

Varda rubbed her head in her hands, not even bothering to hide her irritation and lack of composure. “STINK. No. Definitely not.”

“Why not? :P”

“You… gah… just RP an apology tomorrow, okay? Noon tomorrow. You know the drill.” 

“Eh, fine, whatever.”

“Locke Alveron,” Varda said. She wasn’t sitting on the Horns, for once. This time, Locke had requested a private meeting. 
“Chancellor,” he said, with that same almost-improper bow. “How are you this fine day?”
“Busy,” she said dryly. “Why did you request this meeting?”
“Well, you see. You will recall that I was speaking to my fellow students about the glory of the University and how our generation will rise up to triumph?”
“I recall.” Though I don’t happen to recall anything about students rising up, she added to herself. 
“I’ve now managed to organise a group of such students, and would like permission to form a Union. I will fund it, of course, as a Vintish nobleman.” 
“A union for-” Varda stopped in the middle of the question and tilted her head. “You’re not Vintish.”
He drew himself up. “Excuse you? I am a prince of Vint. Through my veins runs royal blood, and someday I will rule!”
“Which, of course, explains your Cealdish complexion and rather less-than-noble clothes,” Varda noted.
If possible, Locke became even more angrily dignified. “How dare you insult your future sovereign! I will have you hanged for that!”
...right. “And I am your Chancellor,” she responded carefully.
“For now,” he said. “You’ll see. My father in Vint-”
“Locke. You do not have a father in Vint. You are not from Vint.”
“I AM from Vint!” he practically screamed. 
That was all Varda needed. She stood up, walking around her desk and knocking on the door to the outside. As it opened and the guard behind it looked in, she flicked her fingers at Locke and said a word which neither of the others processed. 
Stars flickered in El’the Alveron’s eyes, and he slowly collapsed to the floor, lying on his back with his eyes still open, staring at something only he could see. 
Varda nodded in satisfaction. “Take him to the Crockery,” she directed the guard. “Why someone didn’t take him there long ago, I haven’t the faintest idea.” 

The Horns this term were... decidedly odd. 
“Titud,” she called, and waited. 
And waited.
Finally, Queensteph came forward from the back of the room where she was waiting for her turn. “Chancellor?” she said timidly, barely even able to speak audibly.
“Spit it out, child.”
“u-um, Titud went insane last night. I don’t know if you heard?”
Of course. Varda had heard, she’d just forgotten. She hadn’t been getting much sleep yesterday, and apparently her memory showed it. 
“Thank you, student,” she said. 
Queensteph bobbed a curtsey and rushed out before Varda could even remember that she’d been brought on the Horns for other reasons. Varda shook her head, but let her go. If she hadn’t been there, the Masters might’ve wasted hours trying to find Titud until Varda remembered where he’d gone. 
Eolah was next. She was actually present, happily.
“The complaint filed against you was that you were using Sympathy for some sort of... devil’s rite?”
“No, Chancellor! That’s not it at all! I was just practicing lighting candles,” she said. 
“Which became a devil’s rite how, exactly?”
She described her experiment quite thoroughly. It seemed she’d put candles in a circle surrounding her, trying to light each in turn without moving her head to look at those she couldn’t see.
Varda raised an eye at the Master Sympathist, who was frowning. 
“Did you tie your hair back, girl?” he barked. 
“Um.” She touched her bushy black hair unconsciously. “No, sir...”
“Has this University taught you nothing? You could have burned the place down!” he exclaimed. 
Varda sighed. “You are charged with Reckless Use of Sympathy,” she said wearily. “You’ll be lashed tomorrow at noon. Try not to burn anything down, please.”
“Yes, Chancellor,” Eolah said, sighing. 

 Joe and Sart went insane! 
Orlok’s insanity was recognised!
Assassin and Ornstein died! They were Students, and Ornstein had studied in Physicking!
Wilson was attacked, but didn’t die!
Queensteph and Sart went on the Horns, but charges were dropped!
STINK was brought on the Horns and charged with Undignified Mischief! He must RP an apology! 
Eolhondras was brought on the Horns and charged with Reckless Use of Sympathy! 
Alvron, Burnt, Cluny, Hemalurgic, Sart, Stick, and STINK were elevated!
EDIT: A name was used. 

Term 3, Month 2 has begun. You have 42 hours to send in all actions. Do not forget to submit lodging orders. 


Player List
1. Queensteph - Vintish Noblewoman 
2. Randuir (Telar Pike) - Yllish Commoner Student 
3. Hemalurgic Headshot (Noremac Quwester) - Aturan Nobleman 
4. Aonar (Aodhan Breacadh) - Edema Ruh
5. Wilson (Sloan Walker) -  Cealdish Commoner
6. Straw (Medicus Novis) - Yllish Commoner
7. Paranoid King (William Opuscule) - Yllish Commoner
8. Ornstein (John Springer) - Aturan Nobleman Student in Physicking
9. Jondesu (Vell) - Yllish Commoner
10. Drake Marshall (Greyson) - Cealdish Commoner
11. Assassin in Burgundy (Jurdaan Longfell) -  Yllish Commoner Student
12. Burnt Spaghetti (Dele Fajro) - Vintish Noblewoman
13. Orlok (Locke Alveron) - Cealdish Commoner Insane
14. Magestar (Magestar) - Vintish Nobleman Insane
15. Alvron (Stryker Nox) - Cealdish Commoner
16. Arinian (Darian) - Aturan Nobleman
17. Stick (Stick) - Aturan NobleStick
18. Darkness Ascendant (Balthazar Myrrh) - Yllish Commoner Student
19. Cluny the Scourge (Cluny) - Aturan Nobleman
20. Silverblade (Ryth) - Cealdish Commoner Insane
21. Amanuensis (Esuan) - Yllish Commoner
22. BrightnessRadiant (Amelia) - Aturan Noblewoman
23. Eolhondras (Eolah) - Yllish Commoner
24. STINK - Yllish Commoner
25. Hael (Glavion) - Edema Ruh Insane
26. Sart (Titud) - Edema Ruh Insane
27. Joe (Chalks) - Yllish Commoner Insane

Edited by Alvron
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Hmmm... New cycle then.

So, Wilson, you were protected. Good job. Securing protection against the various threats can be important in this game.

But, about all those assassination targets... It seems strange. None of them seemed to be publicly suspect, and the two that died were villagers.

So... I'm guessing eliminators hired at least one of those assassins, possibly more. That doesn't tell us much... I guess it might imply that at least some of the eliminators are well-funded, but statistically that was already quite probable, looking at the social class distribution.

As for the 3 cases of insanity... A sabotage and two field/lodging related rolls I guess.

Anyways, goodnight. I was mostly waiting to see what this writeup would reveal.

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I'm in school right now, but I'd like to say that I'd been waiting for someone to get charged with undignified mischief and RP a formal apology since the start of the game XD 

Also, yay for elevation. Like, finally.

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15 minutes ago, Drake Marshall said:

But, about all those assassination targets... It seems strange. None of them seemed to be publicly suspect, and the two that died were villagers.

So... I'm guessing eliminators hired at least one of those assassins, possibly more. That doesn't tell us much... I guess it might imply that at least some of the eliminators are well-funded, but statistically that was already quite probable, looking at the social class distribution.

I'm not 100% sure but I think those were all Mercs attacking those on the streets.  Assassin hasn't been active much so it's very likely he was on the street and the RP suggests that Ornstein and Wilson were there with him.

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When I went to bed, I was pretty chill.

Then I wake up and see that someone voted on me just before the cycle ended (not even giving me time to defend myself if I was awake), about how I'm not giving enough opinions.


If I recall correctly, this isn't the first time you've decided to vote on someone close the end of the cycle while the 'voting pool' was relatively small. You know who also did stuff like that? Mailliw, who also turned out to be evil (and also did it to me like you just did) and was using the lynch as a way to negate threats to the skindancers. 

I could add some more thoughts, but I really should be getting back to trying to get better and revision, so for now you can try to defend yourself from being evil, Brightness.

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I'm out on the streets, yeah. Completely unintentionally (obviously). Thought I'd placed a lodging order, but it turns out I didn't. Hopefully I survive this last night. Unlikely, since it seems El's dice are even worse than Lopen's. Tsk, tsk, El. Also, one of my complaints was negated. Not completely sure what to make of that, but since Joe went insane, I guess it doesn't really matter.


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I should probably catch up with last turn’s posts now >>

Oookay, lotsa stuff back there.



I'm in Imre again, and the last time I was here, assassins were 9 talents. They are now 18.5.

What causes the prices to vary?



Well I'm trying to figure out who to vote on this turn but I can't really find anyone that suspicious....

I don't want to vote on someone without doing any analysis of them so I might not vote this turn seeing as how it's almost the end of the turn...I will see if I have time to look into Stink's posts cuz I'm kinda suspicious of him

Your post seems to suggest that you weren’t really suspicious of anyone but you needed to vote just for the sake of voting. And I don’t think the tuition reduction was crucial for you, being an Aturan Noble. You did vote on Stink shortly after that, not long before the turn got over. I guess there was a good chance that he'd get brought on the horns since only three other players had any votes on them.


Alright. Lots of things this turn. Only seven elevations though. Why aren’t people filing EP/Masters elevating? Were the all in Imre or something lols  

And yeah, like Brightness asked,  what does Orlok’s insanity being recognised mean?


9 hours ago, STINK said:

Then I wake up and see that someone voted on me just before the cycle ended (not even giving me time to defend myself if I was awake), about how I'm not giving enough opinions.


If I recall correctly, this isn't the first time you've decided to vote on someone close the end of the cycle while the 'voting pool' was relatively small. You know who also did stuff like that? Mailliw, who also turned out to be evil (and also did it to me like you just did) and was using the lynch as a way to negate threats to the skindancers. 

Basically what I said, yeah

11 hours ago, Alvron said:

I'm not 100% sure but I think those were all Mercs attacking those on the streets.


3 hours ago, little wilson said:

I'm out on the streets, yeah.

But wasn’t last turn’s write-up supposed to contain the list of names of the players that were on the streets like it did on T2M1? Am confuse

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10 hours ago, STINK said:

When I went to bed, I was pretty chill.

Then I wake up and see that someone voted on me just before the cycle ended (not even giving me time to defend myself if I was awake), about how I'm not giving enough opinions.


If I recall correctly, this isn't the first time you've decided to vote on someone close the end of the cycle while the 'voting pool' was relatively small. You know who also did stuff like that? Mailliw, who also turned out to be evil (and also did it to me like you just did) and was using the lynch as a way to negate threats to the skindancers. 

I could add some more thoughts, but I really should be getting back to trying to get better and revision, so for now you can try to defend yourself from being evil, Brightness.

Yeah sorry I do feel bad about that @STINK I'll admit that I shouldn't have voted so close to the end of the turn...I wanted to help spread out the votes so the others wouldn't take such a huge hit but it didn't help anyone it just got you in trouble...sorry again. I am a little suspicious of you but I feel I didn't act in the best way..honestly if I were someone else right now I would be suspicious of me too

I will try to only vote on my suspicions early on in the turn from now on unless I am SUPER suspicious of someone

I'm the one who should be RPing an apology but I guess this will have to do

I was eating dinner in the last hour before the turn ended and I only came back at the end...I kinda freaked out when I saw that there were only a few votes out there and I thought I could help spread the DP a little...guess it was a mistake


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I've been on the horns 3 TIMES NOW. Do I classify as one of the baddies at University now? :P

I'm super glad last turn wasn't the end of the month because I totally forgot to put in my actions. Could've been me on the streets. :unsure:

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Orlok's insanity being recognized is a reference to him doing some things IRL that makes one question his sanity. Now that he's gone insane, his insanity has been recognized.

1 hour ago, _Stick_ said:

What causes the prices to vary?

With the assassin and the bodyguard, the prices are variable. The bodyguard price increases based on how many bodyguard contracts have been purchased. If one is used, the price drops. The assassin price jumps when one is purchased, but unlike the bodyguard, it doesn't drop back down immediately after the kill. It drops slowly over a bunch of turns. If a new one is purchased, and jumps again, even higher than the first jump, and takes even longer to decrease.


But wasn’t last turn’s write-up supposed to contain the list of names of the players that were on the streets like it did on T2M1? Am confuse

You'd think, but we know it didn't. Aman was listed on the streets in 2.1, but not in 3.1, but he hasn't returned and he said he'd be on the streets until he either returned or died to mercs. Also, the RP in the writeup makes it pretty evident that Assassin, Ornstein and I were all on the streets. So....yeah.

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It has been brought to my attention that Aonar is a skindancer.

I don't know exactly how my contact knew that, but they were quite clear in that he is both a skindancer and a namer. As such, he is a serious threat.

Aonar. Being expelled from the University won't stop him from getting new names, though. I recommend doing more than just voting on him.

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You know, if I were doing this game again I think I'd have taken a very different approach. But no matter. I have comments to make about just about every post made since I last went to sleep:

13 hours ago, Alvron said:

I'm not 100% sure but I think those were all Mercs attacking those on the streets.  Assassin hasn't been active much so it's very likely he was on the street and the RP suggests that Ornstein and Wilson were there with him.

Lol that hadn't occurred to me. You are right, it was very likely just Mercs.

12 hours ago, STINK said:

If I recall correctly, this isn't the first time you've decided to vote on someone close the end of the cycle while the 'voting pool' was relatively small.

I can attest to the fact that it isn't... Be lucky that you just have to make an apology.

6 hours ago, little wilson said:

I'm out on the streets, yeah. Completely unintentionally (obviously). Thought I'd placed a lodging order, but it turns out I didn't. Hopefully I survive this last night. Unlikely, since it seems El's dice are even worse than Lopen's. Tsk, tsk, El. Also, one of my complaints was negated. Not completely sure what to make of that, but since Joe went insane, I guess it doesn't really matter.

Out on the streets then. Good luck. I'll take this opportunity to remind EVERYONE to make a lodging order this turn. And also to run over to my GM PM and make one myself.

Also, how can you know that one of your complaints was negated? I'm not sure I follow. But then, I wasn't really paying much attention to vote tallies last cycle.

1 hour ago, BrightnessRadiant said:

Yeah sorry I do feel bad about that @STINK I'll admit that I shouldn't have voted so close to the end of the turn...I wanted to help spread out the votes so the others wouldn't take such a huge hit but it didn't help anyone it just got you in trouble...sorry again. I am a little suspicious of you but I feel I didn't act in the best way..honestly if I were someone else right now I would be suspicious of me too

I will try to only vote on my suspicions early on in the turn from now on unless I am SUPER suspicious of someone

I'm the one who should be RPing an apology but I guess this will have to do

I was eating dinner in the last hour before the turn ended and I only came back at the end...I kinda freaked out when I saw that there were only a few votes out there and I thought I could help spread the DP a little...guess it was a mistake

You know, last cycle we talked about your last minute voting before, and it seemed alright to me. I walked away not really planning to suspect you very much.

But voting on Stink? That totally doesn't line up.

I would guess that a majority of STINK's posts this game may well actually be about voting on me, which if anything you should agree with.

If you really suspected me, why now do you suddenly suspect STINK now? Especially given the pretty short cases you offered in both situations, and both votes very close to the close of the cycle...

I get that you don't necessarily have to trust someone who has similar suspicions as you do... But at least I would expect solid reasons to go against Stink at this point.

The reason offered, however, was about two sentences about not participating. No specific examples given, even though you've apparently been reading through all of his posts right up until the end of the cycle.

It feels like you are just trying to get people lynched indiscriminately at this point.


I recognize that it is possible I'm biased against you for expelling me. But, truly, I don't think that's it. I really didn't suspect you before. But that vote on Stink just makes no sense.

I can't vote, and don't expect I'll ever have the kind of money to afford an assassin... So my opinion on this doesn't count for much. But there it is.


Oh, also. If you do turn out to be an eliminator... My bet is that Straw is also one. Because... If you were seriously going to vote on someone for looking like they were contributing but not... Wouldn't it be way easier to justify a vote on Straw?


8 minutes ago, Paranoid King said:

It has been brought to my attention that Aonar is a skindancer.

I don't know exactly how my contact knew that, but they were quite clear in that he is both a skindancer and a namer. As such, he is a serious threat.

Aonar. Being expelled from the University won't stop him from getting new names, though. I recommend doing more than just voting on him.


Aonar's basically been lurking, right?

Seeing as I find it very likely that you were sabotaged, I'm inclined to trust that you are a villager. But how well do you trust your source? I find your vagueness about the source kind of worrying, even if I basically trust you.

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11 minutes ago, Paranoid King said:

It has been brought to my attention that Aonar is a skindancer.

I don't know exactly how my contact knew that, but they were quite clear in that he is both a skindancer and a namer. As such, he is a serious threat.

Aonar. Being expelled from the University won't stop him from getting new names, though. I recommend doing more than just voting on him.

Shadowy Contact [X]

Aonar being a Namer (obvious) [X]

Coming From The Most Likely Villager Rather Than The Contact [X]

Yeah, I don't trust that enough. And seeing as Aonar is more of a threat to the elims than most people (except for the bit where he's probably eternally in poverty), I'd rather not participate in expelling him. 'Course, it's not like you/Shadowy Contact could PM the Linguistics dude to verify it for everyone or something oh wait a minute

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...? Literally only thing I can think of is the your contact (whom I believe I know who is, or at least have conversed with an intermediary of) targeted me with Fae Lore two turns ago. I've mentioned to more than a few people now that Anker's caused my action (Wanted to mess with what Wind is capable of, a little; read currents in the air to learn who players targetted with their actions, would have been a random three and their targets) to fail that turn. I'm assuming they think they're responsible for my action failing, if this isn't a ploy on the Skindancer's end? I know your hypothetical contact (assuming I'm understanding things correctly) isn't the reason my action failed, but....? There isn't really any way to confirm, unless your contact is willing to step forward and claim Omen Recognition as well. If so, I'd be more than happy to tell them who my action is going to be on, so they can scan it.

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4 minutes ago, Drake Marshall said:

Aonar's basically been lurking, right?

Seeing as I find it very likely that you were sabotaged, I'm inclined to trust that you are a villager. But how well do you trust your source? I find your vagueness about the source kind of worrying, even if I basically trust you.

I believe that a skindancer would not have made that claim, because if it turns out to be false, they are immediately suspect.

They contacted me rather than posting it in the thread themselves because they didn't want to become a target. Which I can understand, if they have the means to find more skindancers.

1 minute ago, Aonar Faileas said:

...? Literally only thing I can think of is the your contact (whom I believe I know who is, or at least have conversed with an intermediary of) targeted me with Fae Lore two turns ago. I've mentioned to more than a few people now that Anker's caused my action (Wanted to mess with what Wind is capable of, a little; read currents in the air to learn who players targetted with their actions, would have been a random three and their targets) to fail that turn.

I'm assuming they think they're responsible for my action failing, if this isn't a ploy on the Skindancer's end? I know your hypothetical contact (assuming I'm understanding things correctly) isn't the reason my action failed, but....? There isn't really any way to confirm, unless your contact is willing to step forward and claim Omen Recognition as well. If so, I'd be more than happy to tell them who my action is going to be on, so they can scan it.

So, to clarify, you lodged in Ankers (10% chance of an action failing,) and used wind to try and get information. Ankers caused your action to fail.

However, you think that they also tried to stop you from taking an action. Because you were roleblocked and no sabotage happened on that turn, they figured you were a skindancer who put in that action.

To prove your innocence, you will PM them and tell them who you will target this cycle. They can scan you and see that you are telling the truth.

I understand where you're getting at (except for your last statement, which doesn't seem to prove anything except that you can target people.)

I'll get back to you about that after I contact my source to confirm your story.

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Yeah, PK, if the reason your contact is positive Aonar is a Skindancer is due to targeting him with an action cancellation on a turn where no sabotage was made, I'm going to need a little more proof before we expel a Ruh who could also be a very powerful ally to the village. We've already discussed that there are many reasons why that sabotage didn't happen.

Were the target someone other than Aonar, I might give this more credence, but I really don't think Aonar is a skindancer. Like, at all. I've been talking to him literally the whole game and I've gotten no eliminator vibes from him and plenty of reason to believe he's village. Could that be wrong? Sure. But I'm going to need a little more evidence than what's been presented, since I'm 99.9% certain that Aonar was telling the truth about Anker's cancelling his action and what that action was (not a sabotage).

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8 minutes ago, Paranoid King said:

To prove your innocence, you will PM them and tell them who you will target this cycle. They can scan you and see that you are telling the truth.

Mayor Paranoid King?

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PK, Omen recognition allows you to target a player (or an event, like a death, after it happens) and find out whether or not it was caused by a Fae. >> (I mentioned Omen Recognition for a reason. >>) This has nothing to do with whether or not a Skindancer sabotaged anyone that night (I honestly have no frigging clue if they did or didn't that night, I have not been paying that close attention.) this is just about an Archivist with Fae Lore. If this person isn't an Archivist, and happened to find out secondhand that my action failed, then.... what the heck? Oh, I'm a Skindancer who had my sabotage cancelled, I'm totally going to tell literally everyone who's PMed me (which is all of two people, but still) that my action was cancelled? That is such a brilliant idea. >>

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To be clear - Orlok's insanity was merely a play on both himself and the insanity of his character, and nothing more was meant by it. (Should be more clear once I get the writeup in, apologies.) 

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55 minutes ago, Paranoid King said:

I don't know exactly how my contact knew that, but they were quite clear in that he is both a skindancer and a namer. As such, he is a serious threat.

PK, why in the world would you not confirm how your contact knew this information before bringing it to the thread? Usually, with things like this, it's best to have as much information as possible (leaving out critical details like who your contact is) before bringing it up publicly. When you bring it up like you just did, you're basically doing exactly what Stink is accusing you of: mayoring. You expect everyone to follow your vote because you say he must be a Skindancer. So what happens when/if we expel/assassinate him and he turns out to be a Student? Then we go after your contact, who is more than likely a Student using bad logic. So that's another Student down. And then we've wasted numerous turns/cycles for absolutely no reason except helping the eliminators towards the win con. I'm fairly convinced you're not a Skindancer, but until you present a little more information (I'm not asking for the contact. I'm asking for how), my vote is going on you, because not only do I not follow mayors, I oppose them. PK PK.

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