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Same same, but different? Given he's now an outed skin dancer, and I was actually village. 

And regarding the Imre strategy, and your explanation of uselessness to the skindancers, begs the question why? What are you trying to achieve for the village by handycapping yourself? 

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2 minutes ago, Cluny the Scourge said:

@Elbereth to prove this theory, we need to know whether the skinnies are picked by the GM's or the Bloodthirsty God Dice, in which case they could all be vintish nobility. (Ya know what I mean)

The Skindancers were picked by RNG. :P 

(The answer to the question you're trying to ask is that social classes are balanced.)

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1 minute ago, Elbereth said:


The Skindancers were picked by RNG. :P 

(The answer to the question you're trying to ask is that social classes are balanced.)

Well never mind about my theory of which ranks they have lol

Edited by BrightnessRadiant
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1 hour ago, Cluny the Scourge said:

@Aonar Faileas your thoughts on this? Just asking.

Y'all do what you want. :P It's none of my concern. Kill me, expell me, lash me, pester me with incessant unnecessary questions that you must know I won't actually answer, it doesn't really matter. :P

22 minutes ago, BrightnessRadiant said:

@Burnt Spaghetti @little wilson @Aonar Faileas

Well I was actually expecting to get a waaaay angrier response from y'all if you were skindancers trying to protect yourselves lol..I thought you might get desperate if I was on to something...hmmm

I'm still suspicious of Burnt for buying the gram and because I'm pretty sure that either her or steph are evil..I could be wrong though and their could be zero vintish skindancers....I will go back and look at some more posts...and possibly move my vote off of Burnt (considering that if is she is a student than she will be very helpful)

I still believe PK about aonar though...i don't think I'm moving that vote...sorry 

If you were expecting an angry response you should pick less seasoned targets. :P Wearing your heart on your sleeve as it were is a quick way to get yourself killed as an Elim. :P

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1 minute ago, Aonar Faileas said:

If you were expecting an angry response you should pick less seasoned targets. :P Wearing your heart on your sleeve as it were is a quick way to get yourself killed as an Elim. :P

True. Except that Aman got pretty "angry" when he was caught in the last game so you never know lol

Also I just realized something...if Burnt and Wilson are Elim teammates then Burnt could have bought Wilson a bodyguard and that's why she needed to buy a gram for herself...because I asked the GMs and you can't buy another bodyguard if you've still got a paid contract of one out there even if you bought it for someone else...so that would allow them to both be protected and give Wilson enough cash to buy an assassin...who, as I said before, would be less likely to have bought one since she is a cealdish

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Aonar Aonar.

So are we just going to expell him for now and then let someone kill him or?

Also a question, if all skindancers ended up in the crockery would the students win?

@BrightnessRadiant your theory could be correct, but after knowing that the skindancers were picked randomly, your analysis still seems a bit too much based on their ranks.

I only ever was really suspicious of Burnt because of her rank, but now because we know it's random I don't really have much else to be suspicious of.

Buying a Gram doesn't seem that weird especially because it can't be destroyed and if you're paranoid and can afford it then why not?

I have been suspicious of Wilson but that may just be because she's been suspicious of me quite a bit throughout the game and that always makes me question people, probably the only real reason is that I don't really see how staying in Imre the whole time will benefit us that much.  @little wilson mind if I ask why you've chosen to stay in Imre?

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I will be in-patient at a hospital for 1-2 weeks, and I don't know if that means I'll be laying around bored and have tons of time or I'll be unable to get on much. I'll let you know if I have to drop out, but I don't expect that and might actually be able to be more active, but just giving a heads up. 

The evidence against Aonar is interesting, and I don't have a lot to add, but I'm curious why so many people think he's just officially outed and aren't continuing to question the evidence. Granted, I don't think there's anything wrong with voting on him if you are convinced, but let's make sure we're not just assuming someone else is correct. I can't lodge any complaints this cycle due to other actions I'm taking, so I won't be able to myself, but I'm not completely convinced I would place them on Aonar if I could, or at least maybe not both. I'll see if I can reexamine the details provided about what happened, though I can confirm that Aonar told me his action was canceled by Anker's, but also that he does definitely have the ability to use the Name of the Wind.

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5 minutes ago, queensteph said:

I have been suspicious of Wilson but that may just be because she's been suspicious of me quite a bit throughout the game and that always makes me question people, probably the only real reason is that I don't really see how staying in Imre the whole time will benefit us that much.  @little wilson mind if I ask why you've chosen to stay in Imre?

Well, see, when I built this game, I intentionally made it possible for a person to still be able to play the game from Imre. This was mostly for expelled students or those who'd broken out of the Crockery. As anyone who's played a recent game with me knows, I've been trying very hard not to get as invested in the games as I used to get. I knew it would be very hard for me to hold to that while in the University, which meant that I could either sit out this game that I built, when part of the reason El was running it was that all three of the original GMs could play it, or I could find a way that would keep me entertained but not terribly invested, but also still allow me to do things. And then I realized that I already had a mechanic perfect for that: Imre. I'd decided this long before signups. When I ended up as a Cealdish Commoner, I was mildly concerned, but my base musical stats were so high that it was almost certain I'd get my Pipes. By the time I'd failed that as well, I'd purchased a bodyguard and was basically broke and I hadn't even really been trying to reduce my tuition, so even if I wanted to change strategies, I wouldn't really be able to. I was locked in.

As for it not benefiting "us" much....well. Let me address that and @Eolhondras's post (here), in case that was directed at me too. I'm not the only villager in this game. It's not on my shoulders alone to play in the most optimal way for my alignment. I can play however the hell I want. If that involves "handicapping" myself, so what? Who are you to tell me that the way I'm choosing to play is wrong? It's not against my win condition, so back off.

34 minutes ago, BrightnessRadiant said:

Also I just realized something...if Burnt and Wilson are Elim teammates then Burnt could have bought Wilson a bodyguard and that's why she needed to buy a gram for herself...because I asked the GMs and you can't buy another bodyguard if you've still got a paid contract of one out there even if you bought it for someone else...so that would allow them to both be protected and give Wilson enough cash to buy an assassin...who, as I said before, would be less likely to have bought one since she is a cealdish

So are you now saying that Burnt went to Imre 1.2 and 2.2? Because in 1.2, she would've had 20 talents. The gram costs 15, and the bodyguard was 6. Last I checked, 15+6 is 21, which is more than what Burnt could afford. Plus, she tried for her Pipes, so that's actually 22. By 2.1, the bodyguard was 7 talents, because someone (me) had purchased one. Is there anyone (probably other than Burnt, to be safe (no offense, Burnt)) who can corroborate either of those costs?

Considering the mortality rate of the streets, I'm not likely to survive this turn. If I die (after which you'll see that I was (and am) indeed a student), look at BrightnessRadiant and Eolhondras. Eol particularly. I find his selective memory loss highly suspicious. Cluny is another one to keep watching.

One other thing (and the only reason I'm mentioning this is because Aonar already knows): expelling Aonar won't stop him from affecting students not in Imre. Combining Wind with other names would make it possible to affect students at the University. I'd suggest PK get protection as soon as possible and the Namer as well. Don't underestimate Aonar. He built the Naming mechanic in this game.

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10 minutes ago, little wilson said:

So are you now saying that Burnt went to Imre 1.2 and 2.2? Because in 1.2, she would've had 20 talents. The gram costs 15, and the bodyguard was 6. Last I checked, 15+6 is 21, which is more than what Burnt could afford. Plus, she tried for her Pipes, so that's actually 22. By 2.1, the bodyguard was 7 talents, because someone (me) had purchased one. Is there anyone (probably other than Burnt, to be safe (no offense, Burnt)) who can corroborate either of those costs?

That wouldn't be a problem if she got a loan cuz she has a massive stipend of 30 talents...so no reason not to borrow on it as long as you're in Imre already

Making my analysis post on Burnt now

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4 minutes ago, BrightnessRadiant said:

That wouldn't be a problem if she got a loan cuz she has a massive stipend of 30 talents...so no reason not to borrow on it as long as you're in Imre already

Making my analysis post on Burnt now

I looked into the loaning actually. And that would end up costing me a fortune. If i took out 15 talents...By the time i could pay the intrest and the whole thing off, id be paying like 30 or more talents. Yes i have a good stipend but that almost is completely spent on tuition and lodging. Like 20 talents goes on that instantly. If i had taken out a 15 talent loan, i wouldhave had to move to the mews or ankers to be able to make the payment. There is no way im goi ng to loan that much at all.

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1 minute ago, Burnt Spaghetti said:

I looked into the loaning actually. And that would end up costing me a fortune. If i took out 15 talents...By the time i could pay the intrest and the whole thing off, id be paying like 30 or more talents. Yes i have a good stipend but that almost is completely spent on tuition and lodging. Like 20 talents goes on that instantly. If i had taken out a 15 talent loan, i wouldhave had to move to the mews or ankers to be able to make the payment. There is no way im goi ng to loan that much at all.

You don't have to take out a full loan.  Could've just gotten a loan from the amount you needed.  A 6 Talent loan to buy a bodyguard for instance.

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3 minutes ago, Alvron said:

You don't have to take out a full loan.  Could've just gotten a loan from the amount you needed.  A 6 Talent loan to buy a bodyguard for instance.


Still. Taking out a loan is expensive regardless.

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@little wilson I definitely don't mind how you play and you have every right for your own strategy! I just was wondering if you had a special reason to do it that WOULD benefit the village, that was what I meant by I didn't see how it benefitted. I was only asking to see if you had a reason (as a villager or skindancer) or if you were just doing it because you wanted to. Sorry if it offended you. 

Only replying because I saw Wilson replied to my question, I don't have time to read the the rest of everyone's posts because some stuff came up and I won't be around during rollover. See you guys next turn! ^_^

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@Burnt Spaghetti @little wilson

Okay first of all Alvron is completely right you would have only needed the smallest loan actually because your tuition and room and board would have been covered by your stipend and you could have easily afforded everything and only had to pay back about 6 talents from the loan(if you got a 4 talent loan)

You started with 20 Talents / got a loan of 4 Talents / bought a gram (15) plus a bodyguard (6) = 21/ you would then have had enough left over for at least 3 ounces of nahlrout( which you also said you bought)/ no worries cuz your stipend would pay for lodging, tuition, and the loan

Not saying you did that but it's not impossible and I don't see why you both "claim" otherwise

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13 minutes ago, queensteph said:

@little wilson I definitely don't mind how you play and you have every right for your own strategy! I just was wondering if you had a special reason to do it that WOULD benefit the village, that was what I meant by I didn't see how it benefitted. I was only asking to see if you had a reason (as a villager or skindancer) or if you were just doing it because you wanted to. Sorry if it offended you. 

Only replying because I saw Wilson replied to my question, I don't have time to read the the rest of everyone's posts because some stuff came up and I won't be around during rollover. See you guys next turn! ^_^

Well for a start. It means she can watch the items and see what gets bought. 

Like me buying a gram.

Or how many assassins are bought.

Or if someone put a contract out for someones head.

Or if a mommet appeared from someones bad loaning repayment


There are definitely good uses for watching the imre


11 minutes ago, BrightnessRadiant said:

@Burnt Spaghetti @little wilson

Okay first of all Alvron is completely right you would have only needed the smallest loan actually because your tuition and room and board would have been covered by your stipend and you could have easily afforded everything and only had to pay back about 6 talents from the loan(if you got a 4 talent loan)

You started with 20 Talents / got a loan of 4 Talents / bought a gram (15) plus a bodyguard (6) = 21/ you would then have had enough left over for at least 3 ounces of nahlrout( which you also said you bought)/ no worries cuz your stipend would pay for lodging, tuition, and the loan

Not saying you did that but it's not impossible and I don't see why you both "claim" otherwise

Well sure. I'm just saying i didn't.  



Edit:and now i must now go be a student teacher so bai

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10 minutes ago, queensteph said:

@little wilson I definitely don't mind how you play and you have every right for your own strategy! I just was wondering if you had a special reason to do it that WOULD benefit the village, that was what I meant by I didn't see how it benefitted. I was only asking to see if you had a reason (as a villager or skindancer) or if you were just doing it because you wanted to. Sorry if it offended you. 

Only replying because I saw Wilson replied to my question, I don't have time to read the the rest of everyone's posts because some stuff came up and I won't be around during rollover. See you guys next turn! ^_^

Your question wasn't what pissed me off. It was Eol's. I'm 95% certain he was directing that post at me.

17 minutes ago, Cluny the Scourge said:

@little wilson explain your vote on Brightness Radiant please.

Tunnels help no one. She's convinced herself that Burnt and I both must be evil and she refuses to think about anything else but that. I don't know about Burnt, but I suspect she's village and I know that I am, so her insistence with this makes me wonder if this is all just a way to focus discussion on two villagers once Aonar is taken care of. What else has really been discussed besides Aonar, Burnt and I today? Not a whole lot. Don't worry. I'm sure the Rhetorician who negated one of my votes last turn will negate this one as well.

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Personally, I trust Wilson far more than I trust anyone else and yes, there are times when that trust has been misplaced but I'm not getting anything evil from her.  Wilson has done precisely what she said she would do.  Brightness on the other hand, I have mixed feelings about.  Aonar however has admitted to being evil which is a shame as I really wanted to see what creative uses he came up with for Naming.

Vote Tally:
Brightness (3): Stink, Wilson, Alv
Aonar (12): PK*2, Burnt*2, Brightness, HH*2, Stick, Steph*2, Wilson, Alv
PK (0): Wilson*2
Burnt (1): Brightness

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@little wilson I will accept that I have focused only on you three this round but I am the most suspicious of you three and that is why

Here is my analysis on Burnt about her posts:

1. She advises everyone to be careful of voting on Edema (a good thing to point out) -student read

2. Reminds everyone to check the RP posts for info(another good point)- student read

3. Asks if she should vote to help spread DP (everyone was doing that on this turn so nothing alignment indicative) -neutral read

4. Votes for me to give every noble a vote (nothing wrong with that) -neutral

5. Says she will assign everyone a percentage for who she thinks is good or bad...(has yet to do that but I know she was sick earlier) -neutral (but I would still like to see her post percentages)

6. Points out that DP is given to the voted on players randomly (nothing alignment indicative) -neutral

7. Says she was lashed and was sad she couldn't use her new ability, but then in the same turn admits to having bought nahlrout and that she wasn't lashed (why lie about being lashed in the first place?) -Elim

8. Explains why she bought the gram and makes some good points for why she would want it for either alignment -neutral/slightly Elim

9. Says she would probably be more useful in Imre with her large stipend and would be able to use PMs more but decides to stay at the Uni. (Either alignment would want to stay though considering they could gain powers and still visit Imre every other cycle) -neutral

10. Says that she was willing to follow others ideas instead of doing the work herself when accused of just agreeing with one of Randuir's posts (then later gets mad when I say she might have been advised by Wilson) -slightly Elim

11. States reasons for how Randuir might have died (seems helpful) -student

12. Votes for aonar on this turn but doesn't really offer any other opinions in the thread until I posted about her-neutral or slightly Elim for not caring

@Burnt Spaghetti at this point I've got way to many neutrals for you some elim vibes and not very many student ones...I think I will keep my vote on you because to me you are still one of the most suspicious

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