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Honorblade Question(WoR spoilers)



Been looking for answer to this one, and haven't come up with anything on Theoryland, the Shard, or Coppermind. 


So we know spren based there bond with humans off of what Honor did with the Heralds. We also have a rough idea of that bond through the first two books and WoB's. In the fight between Szeth and Kaladin at the end of WoR, we see Syl transform into multiple "shard" weapons. A sword, spear, shield, etc. My question is this. In some piece of canon I might have missed, has it been discussed if the Heralds could manipulate their Honorblades in such a way? 

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It's a really good question I'd never considered. I seriously doubt they change, so I think the real question is why swords? I mean they are one of the most versatile weapons so it makes sense. I suspect it comes from life on Yolen where (pure speculation) perhaps swords were considered the gentleman's weapon or similar, like they have been in some Earth cultures. We know Hoid has a sword that has personal meaning to him. 

But yep try as I might I can find nothing establishing whether the HonorBlades have fixed form other than the implication from spren mimicking them.

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I don't think they will change. How can sprenblade change shape as per wielder's will? Well, it is because of the bond between spren and the radiant that the spren can anticipate what radiant wants and alter their physical form accordingly. Do honorblades have a consciousness like that? I do not think so. So, I think honorblades don't change shapes like Sprenblades do.

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My initial reaction is to say no they can't. 

If you look at the blades in tWoK Prologue, and then look at Szeth's blade, there is a physical change to the blade much as (dead) Shardblades are supposed to do over time. So if there is some malleability to them maybe they were able to shift when they were connected to Honor, but they've lost that ability now?

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As Khyrindor said, dead Sprenblades are in Sword-Form because they are patterned after the Honorblades. This implies that they may have been just Swords.

Yata and Reborn Radiant make a good point about the form-changing having to do with the Spren "AI". The fact that Szeth never mentions a voice like with a Live Sprenblade points towards them not having it.

I think Brandon could make it work if he wanted to. For example: Only a Herald could do it because of their perfect bond with it and/or tremendous mental control, but they never thought to try it until the KR showed that it was possible. Then by that time they were so used to using the sword that they just kept with it(they don't exactly have downtime to train with the spear in Braize)

All that having been said, I do not believe we have anything directly stating either way at this time. It remains possible until we are told it can't in some way.

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