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57 minutes ago, BrightnessRadiant said:

Okay I have a new theory but why would she claim to be an elim if we were already going to lynch conatus? And she was trying to tell us who the remaining elims are if she wasn't evil? Wouldn't she have just told us that she was holding generosity if she knew the elims were kidnapping her somehow but she wouldn't have to claim to be an elim? I'm sorry...i feel like I'm making zero sense :blink:

Ninja'd by HH and Ecth....I feel like she is evil but trying to stop the lynch on conatus or trying to ensure it...I can't tell. I guess we have to find out one way or another?

Simple.  If the confession is true then they as basically finished.  Conatus was being lynched and there was no other pony with any votes on them so it was very unlikely that it would shift.  Crimson has Generosity and would be outed as an elim in two cycles when unable to reveal who they passed it to and Quiver is inactive.  They didn't have much of a chance so I'm guessing that Crimson decided to go out with a bang and get in some evil RP. (Which is the best type of RP)

The reason I voted for Conatus over Crimson is that shifting a vote that late in cycle isn't easy and might've lead to Generosity being lynched instead, at that stage I didn't know that Crismon was the current holder, and that's a bad thing.  Since Conatus was one of the ones listed as evil in the RP it's better to test the claim on them than someone more active.  Just in case it was trolling.

Thankfully, it seems it's true so we know who to take out.

Also, if the elims are planning on taking out one of their own and we lynch another leaving only one inactive then this might be the last cycle.  Get your RP in while you can.

Twilight Star couldn't believe her luck.  Two ponies were heading her way.  One carrying the other.

Double the pony, double the fun.

She waited until they were almost past her and then she pounced, gleefully laughing as she soared towards her victims.
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The cycle is over




having computer issues, it doesn't want to connect to the internet. I might have to do the entire rollover on mobile, which would suck. Regardless, it might be delayed a little. 

Edited by Herowannabe
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Cycle 5: A True Fake Friend

Silver Wolf spun his daggers in his hooves and glowered from the stormcloud he was hiding in. The entire village was searching for him, and they didn’t seem friendly. He had nopony left. No friends to stick up for him. He was on his own.

He had known that this day would come sooner or later. With all the kidnappings happening lately, it was only a matter of time before ponies started wondering why the bodyguard pony wasn’t doing his job. It wasn’t his fault- he was trying to keep everypony safe, but it was nearly impossible to do so when the Changelings could look like anypony. Half the time he wasn’t even sure if the ponies he was guarding were actually themselves or if they too were Changelings.

Off to his left, a few pegasus ponies were busting clouds, obviously searching for him. They’d reach his cloud in a couple minutes.

This was bad.

This was worse than the time his favorite toy had broken when he was just a foal. His dad glued it back together, but it never worked quite the same after that.

It was worse than when he had caught the filly he had a crush on sneaking off with his best friend. It turned out they were planning a surprise party for his birthday, so that one actually turned out pretty good.

This was worse than when he had lost his parents. They had just gone down the street to Sugarcube Corner and they found him a short time later, but still.

It was almost as bad as the time his cat ran away. Almost. Come back Rugby!

The other pegasi were close now. Silver Wolf could make them out clearly- it was Crescent Thunder and Twilight Star. He gritted his teeth. No. He wouldn’t go out without a fight, not this time. There were still changelings in Ponyville- probably among those searching for him. Perhaps if he posed a big enough threat to them they would give themselves away?

With a shout of defiance, Silver Wolf burst from the cloud he was in and dove straight at his pursuers. Crescent Thunder jerked in surprise and lost control, spiraling towards the ground as Silver Wolf barreled past him.

Twilight Star, who was used to being the pouncer, not the pouncee, stared wide-eyed as Silver Wolf crashed into her. He spun and tossed her into a nearby stormcloud, which promptly zapped her with a bolt of lightning and clap of thunder. She cried out, rubbing her singed hindquarters, but Silver Wolf was already leaving her behind.

He dove down at Seeing Eye and Prism who were huddled together and pointing at him. They leaped to either side and tumbled in the dust as he swooped past.

Iron Pies smiled in that creepy way he always did, and pointed a menacing hoof at Silver Wolf, but yelped and bolted when Silver Wolf charged at him, daggers flashing.

“SILVER WOLF!” somepony shouted behind him, and he turned to see Razor Shard galloping towards him with his sword drawn.

Silver Wolf whirled about, and blocked Razor Shard’s swing with his pair of crossed daggers. Razor Shard swung again, and Silver Wolf had to leap back to avoid getting hit by the long sword. But when Razor Shard attacked a third time Silver Wolf dove beneath the swing, and twisted so that he landed on his back underneath his foe. His daggers flashed, slicing cleanly through the straps that tied the sword to Razor Shard’s foreleg. The sword clattered to the ground, and Silver Wolf kicked up with his hindlegs which sent Razor Shard tumbling to the ground as well. Silver Wolf leaped and landed atop the other pony, which his daggers crossed at Razor Shard’s throat.

Silver Wolf looked into Razor Shard’s eyes and saw…


He glanced around at the ponies gathered around the duelists and saw fear on their faces, too.

What am I doing!?

Horrified at his actions, he threw his daggers aside, and raised his hooves in surrender. “I… am sorry,” he said, and let the other ponies take and bind him.

Later, in Zecora’s hut, the smoking billowing over the Elixir of Secrets revealed that Silver Wolf wasn’t a Changeling after all, just a pony, albeit one with a dark and troubled past.

“Sleep now, Silver Wolf,” Princess Luna murmured to his unconscious form. “Dream sweet dreams, and may your future be brighter than your past.”


Later, at the Changeling Hive, a few of the Changelings were gathered around, talking and looking perplexed.

“What do we do with her?” Chitin asked.

“Queen Chrysalis said we were supposed to cocoon anypony who was holding an Element of Harmony in the inner sanctum,” Proboscis replied.

“Yeah, but she’s not a 'pony,' she’s one of us. A Changeling for the Queen’s sake. We can’t start tossing other Changelings in cocoons. What will the others say?”

“Yeah, but she’s got one of the Elements of Harmony!”

“It really is pretty,” Elytron cut in, fingering the purple gemstone hanging from her neck. Unlike her companions, she still wore her pony guise of Dusted Rose. “I dunno, I kind of like it. It makes me feel good. Like I just want to help out wherever I can, you know? Here, maybe if you tried it on you’d feel good, too. You can have it if you want.”

Chitin and Proboscis glanced at each other, and backed away from the proffered gemstone.

“Uh… No thanks,” Chitin stammered. “Look, we’re sorry about this, but, well, you know.”

Together, Chitin and Proboscis pounced on their fellow Changeling, and started dragging her towards an open cocoon.

*NOTE: The above conversation is in no way indicative of how many Changelings there are left, so don't get any ideas about the GM dropping hints in the write-ups. He's not. 


Conatus was lynched! He was a Regular Village Pony!

Crimsn-Wolf was kidnapped! She was A Changeling with the Element of Generosity!

Vote Tally:

Conatus (6): Bridge Boy, Hemalurgic Headshot, Seonid, Brightness Radiant, Ecthelion III, Alvron

Player List:


Earth Ponies

  1. Defecate Mac (m) Darkness Ascendant

  2. Schitzo (m)  Jondesu Regular Village Pony

  3. Razor Shard  (m)  Bridge Boy

  4. Hidden Antler (m) A Joe in the Bush Regular Village Pony

  5. Ironpies (m) Hemalurgic_Headshot

  6. Moneybags (m)  Paranoid King

  7. Jeeves (m)  Randuir Regular Village Pony


  1. Straw (m)  Straw Village Pony with the Element of Loyalty

  2. Dusted Rose (f)  Crimsn-Wolf A Changeling with the Element of Generosity

  3. Bracken (m)  The Flash A Changeling!

  4. Twilight Blossom (f) DroughtBringer

  5. Seeing Eye (f)  Seonid

  6. Cherry Blossom (f)  Quiver

  7. Weaver (f)  Frozen Mint Village Pony with the Element of Laughter


  1. Prism (f)  BrightnessRadiant

  2. Weirdo (m)  Ornstein

  3. Curiosity (m)  Jedal

  4. Crescent Thunder (m) Ecthelion III

  5. Silver Wolf (m)  Conatus Regular Village Pony

  6. Twilight Star (f)  Alvron


Edited by Herowannabe
It's cycle 5, not 4
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Ah so apparently crimsn WAS lying about conatus....I knew there was something else going on...no way the elims were giving up that easily. I guess they figured if they had to take one of their own down they might as well take a villager with them. Sorry @Conatus I wish you could've been here to speak up for yourself! :(

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Probably because then they wouldn't have kidnapped generosity.  And generosity's random fly all over the place thing is a good reason yup get rid it while you have the chance.

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Weirdo Got up from his 3 days of crying... And then he broke down crying again, after noticing there were less people on the street, obviously because the shop had closed. he ot out his accordion, and started playing a sad tune. as he played, he heard two ponies talking. 

"There's weirdo again," said the first.

"You know, he probably has a name," said the second

"He does, its weirdo."

"What! Realy?"

"Ya. Why do you suppose he's crying."

Probably because of the Kidnapings"


The walked out of sight. Kidnappings. What are they talking about he thought, as he got up, and flew away.

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Prism was worried. She lay in a hospital bed, going over the past days events in her mind. She had realized something important. So far, the changelings had both been unicorn ponies. Surely they would have infiltrated more than one group of pony type. It seemed that many of her fellow pegasi had been overlooked. She was suddenly wary of them. Could it be possible, that one of my own kind is a changeling? Surely not the nice poet pony who brought me here when I fainted? If he was evil he could have just kidnapped me then? Plus, he visited later, and even brought me peanuts. Her head started to throb. She wasn't sure if it was from when she fell, or from the swirling thoughts inside her mind. One thing was for sure. They had to catch those changelings...and soon.


@Ecthelion III anybody want a peanut? ;)

As Prism said...I'm suspicious of the pegasus ponies since not much has been said of them and none have really ever been targeted. For this reason Jedal has my vote as well.

I feel we are getting close...let's go for the gold:P


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"I don't think pony type is a valid ground for lynch, especially considering there was no Pegasus vote,

and it's too early in the cycle for a bandwagon. We should go analyze what Crimsn-Wolf wrote."

He tossed Prism a peanut, winking. ;)

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@Ecthelion III I was pointing out that no pegasus had ever been targeted as a lynch or as a kidnap (no targets in any way). But you're right I will give more reasons for voting jedal, sorry. Although tbh I won't really be giving reasons based off of crimsn's posts since she had like three and they were pretty much just RP. (Also thanks for the peanut lol)

Here are my main reasons for voting jedal:

1. Flash and crimsn were both unicorn elims

2. Mint had laughter (unicorn)

3. Straw had loyalty (unicorn)

4. I trust Seonid because he knew I had been passed Generosity the cycle before I passed it to crimsn. (He's a unicorn)

5. Quiver is the only other unicorn and she's inactive. Also with two elim unicorns already, I doubt there would be a third.

So than I would look at earth ponies:

The elims targeted 3 earth ponies in a row. Why? Maybe because they knew there was a better chance of kidnapping them than lynching them because they have -1 vote. And/or because they were trying to find elements among them? The only earth ponies left are DA(inactive), HH (told us flash was an elim), PK (I believe he's village because of pm info and because he seemed to draw too much attention to himself in cycle one to be an elim), and BB (who I am sorta suspicious of too tbh).

But this brings me down to only pegasus remaining for the rest of my suspicions and I feel like they wouldn't use the secret votes early on so as not to draw too much attention to themselves. I feel like their are probably 4 elims, so we'd have only 2 left. I'm thinking either one earth pony and one pegasus or two pegasus. Since i doubt that ALL of the pegasus are village, I'm trying to narrow down who to vote on.

1. We know that alvron claims to have been the original holder of generosity. (Pegasus)

2. I know I'm village lol (pegasus)

3. That leaves only Jedal, Ecthelion, and Ornstein...and since we haven't found any pegasus elims, Ornstein has been sorta inactive too, and I don't really wanna lynch Ecth because I think he might be village...my vote is on jedal for now.

Edited by BrightnessRadiant
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So,  no conversation?  This thread is almost dead.  There are 12 players ponies left alive.  And there are at least 2 changelings left. (I wouldn't bet on 3, but it's possible). There are 3 elements of harmony left until team evil gets the sudden death condition.

We need lynches more than anything else.  Ties will no longer get rid of Generosity, but they still delay our finding the changelings. We could have as few as 4 cycles left, if things go wrong. (Less if we lynch an element on our own).

We need discussion, folks.

Edited by Seonid
Autocorrect is awful
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12 hours ago, BrightnessRadiant said:

@Ecthelion III I was pointing out that no pegasus had ever been targeted as a lynch or as a kidnap (no targets in any way). But you're right I will give more reasons for voting jedal, sorry. Although tbh I won't really be giving reasons based off of crimsn's posts since she had like three and they were pretty much just RP. (Also thanks for the peanut lol)

Here are my main reasons for voting jedal:

1. Flash and crimsn were both unicorn elims

2. Mint had laughter (unicorn)

3. Straw had loyalty (unicorn)

4. I trust Seonid because he knew I had been passed Generosity the cycle before I passed it to crimsn. (He's a unicorn)

5. Quiver is the only other unicorn and she's inactive. Also with two elim unicorns already, I doubt there would be a third.

So than I would look at earth ponies:

The elims targeted 3 earth ponies in a row. Why? Maybe because they knew there was a better chance of kidnapping them than lynching them because they have -1 vote. And/or because they were trying to find elements among them? The only earth ponies left are DA(inactive), HH (told us flash was an elim), PK (I believe he's village because of pm info and because he seemed to draw too much attention to himself in cycle one to be an elim), and BB (who I am sorta suspicious of too tbh).

But this brings me down to only pegasus remaining for the rest of my suspicions and I feel like they wouldn't use the secret votes early on so as not to draw too much attention to themselves. I feel like their are probably 4 elims, so we'd have only 2 left. I'm thinking either one earth pony and one pegasus or two pegasus. Since i doubt that ALL of the pegasus are village, I'm trying to narrow down who to vote on.

1. We know that alvron claims to have been the original holder of generosity. (Pegasus)

2. I know I'm village lol (pegasus)

3. That leaves only Jedal, Ecthelion, and Ornstein...and since we haven't found any pegasus elims, Ornstein has been sorta inactive too, and I don't really wanna lynch Ecth because I think he might be village...my vote is on jedal for now.

I'm ditto on all of this. There should be one Elim left among the Earth Ponies and the Pegasi each, since there were two Unicorn Elims. Of the Pegasi, Ecth has been the most active. Jedal and Ornstein are lurking pretty heavily, Ornstein only popping in once and a while to give very little useful information and say something else. I'm thinking that that of the Elims, a Pegasus is the most likely lurker, due to its ability. However, this does not clear Ecth at the moment. I think it would be best to focus on Pegasi for now, so Jedal.

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I think this whole "Changelings are relatively evenly distributed across the pony types" thing is ridiculous. Gambler's Fallacy, people. Changelings were likely determined randomly and it's no more likely that there is an evil Pegasus and an evil Earth Pony than there are 2 evil Pegasi. And HH, you completely fail to mention BrightnessRadiant herself when discussing the various Pegasi. I believe that speaks for itself. Tbh I could vote on either of you right now, as right now I believe you are both evil and trying to direct suspicion onto the Earth Ponies once one of you has died.

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Hey everyone, just a quick note from your Contribution Crusading GM. We're reaching the point in most games where many of the active players have been eliminated and the conversation has slowed to a trickle. I just sent PMs out to all the players who haven't posted yet this cycle, inviting them back to activity. If someone wanted to post a quick recap of the past few cycles for those that have fallen behind, I'm sure a good amount of up-votes will be headed your way (bonus points if you do it while staying in character ;)).

As is true with any SE game, the more effort you (the plural you, as in everybody still alive in the game) put into it, the more you (again plural) will enjoy the game. Good luck to all those remaining! :)

And now back to your regularly scheduled scheming: 


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Really sorry guys. As I said I have been super focused on finishing up the year and as such I haven't really been able to be active in the thread. 

Now, I've just skimmed through what's been happening these last few cycles, and I am so happy that we managed to get two of the Changelings! However, the loss of the element of generosity this round is a heavy blow. I agree with what has been said about pegasi. And I'm going to place my vote on Ecthelion III, because if I remember correctly Brightness did say she gave the element to Crimsn.

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Honestly I kinda agree with Ecth more than anyone right now. At least in regards to having suspicions on HH, although I'm not as sure about BR. I get that this probably won't do much, but now we've seen that the Elims are willing to kill their own to take out Generosity, so it might not be too far fetched that they gave up one of their own to survive. (Insert Maxim 20 quote here.) So yeah, I'm going to put a vote on Hemalurgic_Headshot, although I get that it probably won't change anything. I might switch it at some point to ensure that we only have one death, but we'll see how it turns out.

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Okay scratch what I said about thinking Ecthelion was village...I'm pretty positive he's an elim. @Ecthelion III why vote for me when I was confirmed village by Seonid? And I also passed Generosity to crimsn? I couldn't have done that if I was an elim. I said I didn't think you were evil but i was kinda trying to throw you off of my suspicions. (Your "evil shoes" are goin down pal!) :P you also seemed TOO calm during the chaos last cycle, and I've not heard you claim much suspicions this game except when I said i thought you were suspicious and you said maybe I was ,but that's all you said. And you also voted to hit straw on cycle one without a reason. I've been growing increasingly suspicious of you, but this has pretty much confirmed it.

Also I think BB is the other elim. Why vote for HH when he gave us flash?? I trust him more than almost any other pony. I feel like your vote is an attempt to get rid of a trusted villager. @Bridge Boy if I wasn't voting Ecth I would be voting you.



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Ouch. Wounded. I already explained my reasoning in previous cycles. I trust you since you've had generosity and haven't really shown any signs of being an Elim, but I feel like HH was really desperate when he gave up Flash, and if he knew he was evil from the beginning, why vote on you and Ecth first? I honestly believe that he was either bluffing and put out a name to survive for one more cycle, or that he was an Elim and intentionally put out Flash to get us to trust him, sacrificing his own teammate. So far I have not heard anything to the contrary from HH himself either. And how is he "trusted" besides passing us Flash? I can't think of any way that he has been validated besides that, and if my theory is true, than not that either.

So my vote will stay where it is. I'm making my point clear.

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3 hours ago, Ecthelion III said:

I think this whole "Changelings are relatively evenly distributed across the pony types" thing is ridiculous. Gambler's Fallacy, people. Changelings were likely determined randomly and it's no more likely that there is an evil Pegasus and an evil Earth Pony than there are 2 evil Pegasi. And HH, you completely fail to mention BrightnessRadiant herself when discussing the various Pegasi. I believe that speaks for itself. Tbh I could vote on either of you right now, as right now I believe you are both evil and trying to direct suspicion onto the Earth Ponies once one of you has died.

Interesting that you think that. I didn't mention Brightness because she is effectively cleared as a former holder of Generosity. If she were an Elim, she would have been kidnapped just like Crimsn was. And even though Elims might be concentrated in certain pony types, I'm sure our GM evenly distributed Elements of Harmony. Elims can't hold Elements. Because there are six Elements, it would be safe to assume that there are two Elements in each type. Straw and Mint were the Unicorn Holders, and Flash and Crimsn were Unicorn Elims. Alv claims to be the original holder of Generosity, so that is one Pegasus. Magic has not claimed, Kindness has not claimed, and Honesty has not claimed. Of the three not claimed, one of them will be a Pegasus and the other two will be Earth ponies. There are only so many ponies, and the more Villagers revealed, that means there are only so many possible Elims.

Ecthelion, I find your vote quite incriminating. Brightness has been confirmed by Seonid, who was in turn confirmed by Alv. She is one of the most cleared players right now. And you also think that I am suspicious, yet fail to vote on me? Also suspicious of you.

Ninja-d by BR

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@Bridge Boy hehe it's not personal :P

But tbh I don't think HH would have given up flash when there wasn't a reason to if he was an elim...it was pointing towards us lynching quiver instead of flash so they would have been in the clear tbh. As for when he voted for me...he said if I was proven village than flash was probably evil. I think that was a clever attempt to out flash without having to say where he got his info. I'm glad you trust me..but if you voted on Ecth rn, I'd trust YOU a little more. (Honestly I don't think you will, because that might leave you with only yourself on the elim team :ph34r:)

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Yes, I do think him voting on you is suspicious and bad, but I kinda want to wait and see what he says in response. And when he outed Flash as an Elim, he didn't say how he knew, and he was being voted on and no. 1 for the lynch at the time. And people keep saying he voted on you to slowly shift to voting on Flash, but then why'd he vote on Ecth at the beginning of the cycle and create the need in the first place?

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