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Vote Tally: (adjusted for earth ponies)
Jedal (1-2): Seonid, Brightness, HH
Brightness (1): Ec3
Ec3 (2-3): Jedal, Brightness, HH
HH (0): BB

HH, your vote is still on Jedal at moment.

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Frankly, Jedal is a fine lynch target, but not a pressing one. I'm fine going after Ecth.

Here's the thing. We can be reasonably sure that Alvron is village (claimed original holder of generosity - probably a good target for an honesty scan just to make sure, because he could have guessed). Same with Brightness and I (generosity pass). Due to some mixups with when we claimed in-thread, it's not airtight, unfortunately, but it's close. Alvron says he passed Generosity to me. I had it, and I passed it to Brightness. Brightness had it and said she was passing it to Crimsn. Crimsn had it and was Elim!killed (that's GM-confirmed). There's not really a place in there for shenanigans.

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So a rundown? First cycle we lynched Loyalty and Joe was kidnapped. Second cycle we lynched Laughter and Randuir was kidnapped after he made some really good suggestions to use Generosity as a way of checking loyalties, since Elims don't get to choose who it goes to. Cycle 3 we lynched Flash who was a new player and an Elim after HH said in the thread that he "knew" Flash was an Elim. Jondesu was kidnapped that cycle. 4th cycle the Generosity was used to soft-clear Alvron, Seonid, and BR. It ended up with Crimsn_Wolf who then revealed being an Eliminator along with Conatus and Quiver. We ended up lynching Conatus partially over inactivity, and he ended up being innocent. The same cycle, the Elims kidnapped Crimsn, removing Generosity from the equation by taking out their own member.

This cycle Ecthelion voted on BR who had already been cleared by Generosity and is promptly being lynched for it.

If anyone has anything else to add that I missed or was biased about, feel free.

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@Alvron no vote?

@DroughtBringer apparently I forgot you were here lol oops...I accidentally left you out of my analysis. I'm busy in rl right now, but if I get a chance I'll try to sum up this game for you.

Ninja'd by @Bridge Boy lol thanks!

I'm starting to lean more towards you being village because I don't see why an elim would vote HH. (I think he's probably their next kidnap target.) I would like to say my other top suspicion is Ornstein since he's been super lurky in this game and when I asked what we should do last cycle during the chaos of the crimsn reveal and conatus lynch all he said was "I don't know!" And then he didn't even vote.

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31 minutes ago, BrightnessRadiant said:

@Alvron no vote?

I wouldn't say no vote, just no public vote. :P I've been keeping an eye on the votes and should it be close, I was planning on secret voting to help tip the scales or at least balance them in case the Changelings tried to tip them.  However, it seems to be clearly tipping to Ec3 with little chance of manipulations being able to mess with it too much. 

1 hour ago, Seonid said:

Here's the thing. We can be reasonably sure that Alvron is village (claimed original holder of generosity - probably a good target for an honesty scan just to make sure, because he could have guessed). Same with Brightness and I (generosity pass). Due to some mixups with when we claimed in-thread, it's not airtight, unfortunately, but it's close. Alvron says he passed Generosity to me. I had it, and I passed it to Brightness. Brightness had it and said she was passing it to Crimsn. Crimsn had it and was Elim!killed (that's GM-confirmed). There's not really a place in there for shenanigans.

Guessed?  That would be one storming good guess.  I would've had to know that the original holder was dead and who they passed it to.  The Gods of Luck and Chance favor me but even I wouldn't push their luck that much.  (Okay, that's not true.  I would but only if I had fixed the odds somehow.)  As for you and Brightness not being fully cleared, you are now.  With Crimsn being killed while holding Generosity, it proves the two of you weren't lying and since there is no way for the Changelings to influence where Generosity goes once one of them holds it, there's no way it's an elaborate plot to gain trust.  As far as I'm concerned, you and Brightness are hard-cleared.

Also, while I wouldn't be opposed to being Honesty scanned, I feel it would be better used on those that are suspicious.  Like BB or PK.

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6 minutes ago, Alvron said:

I wouldn't say no vote, just no public vote. :P I've been keeping an eye on the votes and should it be close, I was planning on secret voting to help tip the scales or at least balance them in case the Changelings tried to tip them.  However, it seems to be clearly tipping to Ec3 with little chance of manipulations being able to mess with it too much. 

Guessed?  That would be one storming good guess.  I would've had to know that the original holder was dead and who they passed it to.  The Gods of Luck and Chance favor me but even I wouldn't push their luck that much.  (Okay, that's not true.  I would but only if I had fixed the odds somehow.)  As for you and Brightness not being fully cleared, you are now.  With Crimsn being killed while holding Generosity, it proves the two of you weren't lying and since there is no way for the Changelings to influence where Generosity goes once one of them holds it, there's no way it's an elaborate plot to gain trust.  As far as I'm concerned, you and Brightness are hard-cleared.

Also, while I wouldn't be opposed to being Honesty scanned, I feel it would be better used on those that are suspicious.  Like BB or PK.

On the guessing matter, I was thinking that I had been rather obvious about being the previous holder, but fair enough.

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Wait, I thought Brightness wasn't cleared because she messed up the Generosity plan and said she received it before the passer said she gave it first, meaning she wouldn't be cleared at all, as @Alvron said here. Did I understand the generosity rules wrong?

And HH, why I didn't vote for you is because I am suspicious of both you and BR, and I chose her. Apparently nobody agrees, though, so I'll move to you. HH BR

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7 minutes ago, Ecthelion III said:

Wait, I thought Brightness wasn't cleared because she messed up the Generosity plan and said she received it before the passer said she gave it first, meaning she wouldn't be cleared at all, as @Alvron said here. Did I understand the generosity rules wrong?

And HH, why I didn't vote for you is because I am suspicious of both you and BR, and I chose her. Apparently nobody agrees, though, so I'll move to you. HH BR

Ecth, no,  you were right.  But since Alvron posted that, Crimsn died with generosity, proving that it was where both brightness and I said it was,  and verifying the chain of passes.

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14 minutes ago, Ecthelion III said:

Ah ok. For some reason I thought that Crimsn being evil invalidated that somehow.

If Crimsn had died later without Generoisy then yes, it would've invalidated the passings and opened Seonid and Brightness to being lynched but since he died with it, they were proven to be villagers.  Crimsn's death was very useful to the village in more ways than one.

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Okay so do we have 4 votes for Ecth and 2 for HH? We could use your public vote @Alvron because if Ornstein and you vote secretly for HH then we won't get a lynch and the elims will kidnap somepony. I'm pretty much positive that you're village at this point but I'd still like to ask if you would vote for publicly (for Ecth) just so we can be sure that our lynch won't come crashing down on us.

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My orders are already placed to secret vote for Ec3.  But I'm not going to confirm that by voting such in thread.  There's no fun in that now is there.  You will just have to let the tension build and build and build until you burst. EMqYlbxRo13K50x1H0zXr5OW3GmB5ywfDwHMg0UMXjlzYjq4blSgdE8-WG7YxvPpJYCSFHbEgjLI5pCvDDHiVJaBHrInPIIpp_Q92502FzTs9sVDzZVpuSdxiuXzsOFxM9dm7b9R  Or am I really a Changeling that's going to stab everyone in the back even as I pounce on them from the Shadows. EMqYlbxRo13K50x1H0zXr5OW3GmB5ywfDwHMg0UMXjlzYjq4blSgdE8-WG7YxvPpJYCSFHbEgjLI5pCvDDHiVJaBHrInPIIpp_Q92502FzTs9sVDzZVpuSdxiuXzsOFxM9dm7b9R

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Just now, Alvron said:

My orders are already placed to secret vote for Ec3.  But I'm not going to confirm that by voting such in thread.  There's no fun in that now is there.  You will just have to let the tension build and build and build until you burst. EMqYlbxRo13K50x1H0zXr5OW3GmB5ywfDwHMg0UMXjlzYjq4blSgdE8-WG7YxvPpJYCSFHbEgjLI5pCvDDHiVJaBHrInPIIpp_Q92502FzTs9sVDzZVpuSdxiuXzsOFxM9dm7b9R  Or am I really a Changeling that's going to stab everyone in the back even as I pounce on them from the Shadows. EMqYlbxRo13K50x1H0zXr5OW3GmB5ywfDwHMg0UMXjlzYjq4blSgdE8-WG7YxvPpJYCSFHbEgjLI5pCvDDHiVJaBHrInPIIpp_Q92502FzTs9sVDzZVpuSdxiuXzsOFxM9dm7b9R

Fine, you ornery, old pony :P

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@Ornstein thankyou for confirming my suspicions of you lol...for real though...if you are a villager we need for you to vote Ecth.

Also @Bridge Boy If you trust me than would you please not vote HH? It's your choice but I'd like to make the plea...I trust HH and I don't want him to be lynched.

Edited by BrightnessRadiant
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I am the Holder of Honesty. This is how I knew Flash was an Elim. I have also scanned PK, Seonid, and Quiver, and they are all Villagers. You can trust them. For those that have voted against me, are still on, and are fully aware that they have voted against me, failure to change your vote now marks you as fully suspicious and quite possibly an Elim.

Currently, my top suspicions are Ecth, Ornstein, and BB, in that order. If Ecth is Village and we were all terribly misguided, target Ornstein. And BB.

Edited by Hemalurgic_Headshot
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Oh destiny

to carry me across the sands of time

to toss me aside the winds of trust

as I have lived, judgment looks back, contemplating

as I still live, judgment looks only forward, completed

shall not judgement be blind either way?

shall my warning not carry either way?I

as prism's light warps, so may it be passed

as twilight's star leaps, so shall I die

to carry a message, is that my purpose

to have pursued yet to be betrayed

Is destiny

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My vote stands stalwart. I am aware of my innocence and thou hast given me no reason to believe you.

And please, Don't take this as a malevolent accusation, rather a friend expressing concern that you are an evil being content with destroying the world. But when revelation hits, you will be forced to answer for it.

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Everything comes to an end. Perhaps that is why he chose to join Ruin. Because somehow, he would always win.

That is what he wanted, to succeed. It was a sort of loneliness that ambition had caused in his life, an aloofness that separated him from everyone. But Ruin, his Master, didn't care. He would just continue on with the plan.

It didn't occur to Ironpies, though it should have, that there would be an end to him too. That siding with the inevitable force of entropy was not going to stop his own eventual doom. He had prolonged it, sure. But it still came.

It stood at his door. It looked at him without eyes. It was apparent that one of them, the mortal or the eternal, would have to go.

But Ironpies didn't want to go down without a fight.

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@Ecthelion III that was beautiful :o (the poem not the message to HH lol)

Also why in the world would HH be lying about holding honesty when he literally told us that flash was evil? I still see that as pretty solid confirmation that he is actually honesty. If the village doesn't want to chance losing an element to the lynch we shouldn't lynch HH. I made that mistake with Mint and I don't want us to do it now with HH.


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