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Chitin refused to go down without a fight, unlike his soft-hearted cousin, Proboscis. He hadn't even tried to protest when the village nominated him to drink the Voodoo Zebra's weird potion. And what had been up with the whole accordion thing anyway?

But that was beside the point. The point was that Chitin wasn't going to just surrender to these weakling ponies. When they had come for him a short time ago he had still been wearing his normal guise of Curiosity, a quiet, unassuming Pegasus pony. But once they had started chasing him he ducked around a corner and changed into a different form. 

"He went this way!" Chitin called. Currently he was mimicking Moneybags. "Look, he's imitating Prism!"

He pointed a hoof at Prism, and the other ponies rushed her, tackling her to the ground despite her protests. They were starting to tie her up when the real Moneybags galloped around a corner. Chitin winced, then turned and tackled the nearest pony to him, who happened to be Seeing Eye. The two of them tumbled and rolled across the dusty ground and as they did Chitin shape-shifted. 

When the dust cleared, two Seeing Eyes stood, blinking and coughing away the dust. The other ponies bellowed and charged, and the Seeing Eyes both blinked then turned and ran from the mob. They galloped side by side for a short way, and then one of the Seeing Eyes glanced at the other, and got ready to pounce.

The other Seeing Eye acted first, and with a flash of green light he shifted into Razor Blade's form and thumped the real Seeing Eye on the head with the flat of his sword. Seeing Eye stumbled and fell, and Chitin shifted again, back into Curiosity. He spread his wings and took to the skies, leaving the village ponies behind on the ground. 

Chitin cackled, and called, "You fools, you'll never win! It is- OOF!"

He was cut off as Twilight Star pounced on him from out of the cloud she was hiding in. She positioned both of her hind legs and kicked the changeling squarely in the face. Chitin spiraled out of control and crashed into a tree, and the world went black

After the village ponies had dragged the unconscious Changeling to Zecora's hut and poured some of the Elixir down his throat, the followed Princess Luna back to the Royal Castle in Canterlot. They gathered in the infirmary, looking hopefully to where Princess Celestia lay, along with all the ponies rendered unconscious by the Elixir of Secrets. Nobody spoke as they watched and waited, but their beloved princess did not stir. 

Princess Luna hung her head. She looked weary, the strain of moving both the Sun and the Moon through the sky along with warding the castle against further Changeling infiltrations clearly showing on her face. "I fear this is not over. We have not yet found all of the Changelings. Be vigilant, my little ponies!"

Jedal was lynched! He was A Changeling!


Vote Tally:

Jedal (5): Bridge Boy, Paranoid King, Seonid, BrightnessRadiant, Alvron

Player List:


Earth Ponies

  1. Defecate Mac (m) Darkness Ascendant

  2. Schitzo (m)  Jondesu Regular Village Pony

  3. Razor Shard  (m)  Bridge Boy

  4. Hidden Antler (m) A Joe in the Bush Regular Village Pony

  5. Ironpies (m) Hemalurgic_Headshot Village Pony with the Element of Honesty

  6. Moneybags (m)  Paranoid King

  7. Jeeves (m)  Randuir Regular Village Pony


  1. Straw (m)  Straw Village Pony with the Element of Loyalty

  2. Dusted Rose (f)  Crimsn-Wolf A Changeling with the Element of Generosity

  3. Bracken (m)  The Flash A Changeling

  4. Twilight Blossom (f) DroughtBringer

  5. Seeing Eye (f)  Seonid

  6. Cherry Blossom (f)  Quiver

  7. Weaver (f)  Frozen Mint Village Pony with the Element of Laughter


  1. Prism (f)  BrightnessRadiant

  2. Weirdo (m)  Ornstein A Changeling

  3. Curiosity (m)  Jedal A Changeling

  4. Crescent Thunder (m) Ecthelion III Regular Village Pony

  5. Silver Wolf (m)  Conatus Regular Village Pony

  6. Twilight Star (f)  Alvron


Edited by Herowannabe
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Hey! I wasn't kidnapped? :lol:

Okay, so that must mean that it was jedal who had put the order in to kidnap somepony right? Or they forgot?

Hmmm...so there is still another elim. I'm guessing maybe it's one of the inactives? Why else would there not be a kidnap? Maybe Drought or DA?

But so far there has been 2 unicorn elims, and 2 pegasus elims. Could we be looking for an earth pony now? (DA, or BB)

I think I'll vote DA for now because if it was BB I doubt there wouldn't have been a kidnap, seeing as how he was active this cycle. And he knew Jedal was getting lynched.

Edited by BrightnessRadiant
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Time for some much needed RP to liven up this sad and empty thread! :P I just finished watching season two of mlp last night, and I absolutely loved the finale episodes! So good! :D


Prism had decided to do some research on changelings. She hoped that Twilight Sparkle wouldn't mind if she used her library while she was gone. She could've used Bracken's, but Wormy wanted to get out of the house and she didn't think he was ready to go back there yet.

Later at the library...

"Hmmm. Find anything yet, Wormy?"

Prism was buried in a pile of books, and Wormy was pulling more off of the shelves for her.

Wormy shook his head, and went back to pulling out books.

"How come we know so little about Changelings?"

She continued through her pile of books, until she came to one that caught her attention. It was an account of the last changeling attack on the kingdom! Written by Twilight Sparkle, herself! Prism squealed with joy!

"I found something, Wormy!"

She flew up by him on the ladder.

"Listen to this. We were no match for Queen Chrysalis. In the end, we were only saved by the true love of my brother, Shining Armour, and Princess Cadence. I'm glad that the changelings didn't get a chance to infiltrate the rest of Equestria. I can't imagine how awful it would be if they were hiding amongst all of my best friends."

Prism sighed. "I know what that's like."

She continued to read the account of everything that happened leading up to the attack, and on to the end of the story. It was helpful how Twilight mentioned that the way she noticed that somepony was a changeling was because of how different they acted, but Prism hadn't lived in Ponyville for very long. How was she supposed to know if somepony acted different then normal, if she didn't know what their normal was? She supposed she could ask around, and see if anypony had noticed their friends acting strangely recently. Maybe they'd catch a changeling red handed.

"Wormy, were going to do some investigating!"


If anypony wants to be visited by Prism and Wormy, just go right ahead and add to the RP :lol:


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Cycle 9: The Magic Inside of you

As twilight settled on the eighth day, the remaining ponies gathered around Defecate Mac’s shack. He surrendered without making a fuss, but their departure was delayed slightly because he was just finishing baking a batch of cupcakes. He offered to share them, and the ponies munched on them as they escorted him to Zecora’s hut.

On the way, Twilight Blossom stumbled over a root, but Defecate Mac was right there to catch her and help her back onto her hooves.

They continued on, and as they did Defecate Mac chatted with Seeing Eye, reminiscing over the time they both got stuck in the mud trying to pull Seeing Eye’s cart out of it.

Once at the hut, Defecate Mac politely held the door open for the mares to enter. Inside, he approached Princess Luna and said, “Well I reckon I better give this over to ya now. Wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to it.” He handed her a small pink gemstone in the shape of a butterfly.

He turned and reached for the cup filled with the Elixir of Secrets…

“NOOO!!!” everypony cried simultaneously.

Defecate Mac turned to see everypony in the room diving at him with hooves outstretched to stop him from taking a drink. They all crashed into him at once, sending the cup in his hoof flying. He staggered back and lost his balance, and crashed into the large cauldron. The cauldron toppled, spilling Elixir all over the floor. The liquid flashed and began evaporating into mist almost instantly.

The room grew very still, and Princess Luna spoke. “Defecate Mac! It appears that your kind deeds have won over the hearts of everypony here. However, we must still exercise caution. If nopony objects…” she paused and glanced around the room. “... then I decree that you will not have to partake of the Elixir. Go to your homes now, and be safe.”

The ponies left, but as they did they all gathered around Defecate Mac, expressing their apologies for ever suspecting him and asking how they could make it up to him.


After her first encounter with the Changeling in the Everfree forest, Prism had spent the whole next day researching and practicing magic spells. While many of the basic spells used by unicorns didn't work for her, she found that with the Element of Magic she was able to cast a number of powerful spells. By sunset of the next day she deemed herself ready.

She set out into the Everfree Forest alone. She had considered bringing along a few other ponies, but she didn't want to endanger anypony else. Plus she still wasn't sure who she could trust or not.

When she reached the spot where she had been ambushed by the Changeling she stopped and pulled an old book out of her saddlebags. She flipped it open to one of the pages she had marked and began reciting the spell written there. As she did the purple gemstone of the Element of Magic began to glow, and soon two sets of hoofprints appeared. One set glowed with a faint purple light- her own hoofprints. The other set glowed green- the hoofprints left by the Changeling. Resolutely she began following their trail.

Sometime later she stood in front of a cave deep in the wilderness- the entrance to the Changeling hive. Two Changeling sentries stood guard. When Prism trotted up on of the guards hissed, “Who goes there? Show your true form, sister.”

Prism responded by summoning up a blast of *magic- the same spell she had instinctively used on the Changeling that had ambushed her. The spell tossed the sentries back, stunning them as they smacked their heads on the stone behind them. Prism galloped past them and into the entrance cave.

Her plan was simple- make her way to the heart of the Changeling Hive and free all the ponies that had been kidnapped. As she raced deeper into the Hive she prepared to unleash her magic on any Changelings she encountered, but the tunnels were strangely quiet and empty. Eventually the tunnel opened up into a large cavern, glowing with a sickly green light. The light emanated from dozens of pods stuck to the walls and ceiling.


As Prism passed one clump of pods she peered inside and saw young Changelings, undergoing the metamorphosis from larva to full-grown Changelings. The metamorphoses were nearly complete. Prism gulped, scanning all the pods in the room. Soon the Changelings would have a small army ready to unleash on Ponyville. They had to revive Celestia and the others, and soon, or they would be in big trouble.

Her eyes passed over a clump of pods, then she did a double take. Those weren’t changelings in those pods, they were ponies. And she recognized them. She saw Hidden Antler, and Schitzo and Jeeves. Oddly, one of these pods contained a full grown Changeling with a flower tucked behind her ear. She paused, resting a hoof on the pod that contained Ironpies. Her eyes continued onwards to the adjacent pods, and she gasped as understanding settled on her. She knew who the Changelings had been impersonating this whole time! I have to warn the others! This could be disastrous!

She heard a pebble clatter behind her and she whirled to see dozens of Changeling creeping out of holes and fluttering down from above, and at their head was none other than Queen Chrysalis.


The Changeling Queen chuckled, and said, “Thank you my little pony, for bringing me the Element of Magic. Now I only have to retrieve one more.”

Prism cried out wordlessly, firing burst after burst of magic at the Changelings, but in the end she was no match for Queen Chrysalis and her swarm of Changelings.

*NOTE for die-hard pony fans (minor spoilers for the last few episodes of season 6)


Obviously, this is NOT the same hive that Starlight Glimmer and the others go to at the end of season 6, because magic works in this hive. This hive is just a small offshoot the Changelings are using to incubate and raise an army to unleash on Ponyville. 



Darkness Ascendant was lynched, but survived because he held the Element of Kindness!

Brightness Radiant was kidnapped. She was a Village Pony with the Element of Magic!

Now that the Element of Magic has been eliminated, all the other Elements lose their power- which in a nutshell means that Darkness Ascendant survives the lynch due to Kindness, loses her Earth pony ability along with the ability to cast votes, but then Magic is eliminated so she goes back to being normal. 

Player List


Earth Ponies

  1. Defecate Mac (m) Darkness Ascendant

  2. Schitzo (m)  Jondesu Regular Village Pony

  3. Razor Shard  (m)  Bridge Boy

  4. Hidden Antler (m) A Joe in the Bush Regular Village Pony

  5. Ironpies (m) Hemalurgic_Headshot Village Pony with the Element of Honesty

  6. Moneybags (m)  Paranoid King

  7. Jeeves (m)  Randuir Regular Village Pony


  1. Straw (m)  Straw Village Pony with the Element of Loyalty

  2. Dusted Rose (f)  Crimsn-Wolf A Changeling with the Element of Generosity

  3. Bracken (m)  The Flash A Changeling

  4. Twilight Blossom (f) DroughtBringer

  5. Seeing Eye (f)  Seonid

  6. Cherry Blossom (f)  Quiver

  7. Weaver (f)  Frozen Mint Village Pony with the Element of Laughter


  1. Prism (f)  BrightnessRadiant Village Pony with the Element of Magic! 

  2. Weirdo (m)  Ornstein A Changeling

  3. Curiosity (m)  Jedal A Changeling

  4. Crescent Thunder (m) Ecthelion III Regular Village Pony

  5. Silver Wolf (m)  Conatus Regular Village Pony

  6. Twilight Star (f)  Alvron



EDIT: Forgot a vote tally!

Vote Tally

Darkness Ascendant (4): Bridge Boy, Paranoid King, Seonid, Brightness Radiant, Anonymous

Edited by Herowannabe
Forgot to mark BR as eliminated on the player list
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Hmm... we've got a choice between Bridge Boy and DroughtBringer for our last lynch. DroughtBringer has been inactive,  so BB it is.

One way or another,  this is it.  We get this wrong, we lose. We get this right... what? @Herowannabe what happens if both factions reach their win con on the same night?  Like if the village lynches the last eliminator and the changelings kidnap the last element in the same cycle? Does the lynch come before the kidnap?  If we lynch the changeling who puts in the kidnap order,  does it cancel it,  or did both still go through?

Either way, BB. I'm pretty sure this is where we go from here.  Game's up.  Time to troll insistently. 

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Bridge Boy

9 hours ago, Herowannabe said:

Changelings (Eliminators): They win once they have kidnapped everypony holding an Element of Harmony.

Citizens of Ponyville (Villagers): They win once they have caught (lynched) all of the Changelings.

Order of Actions:

  1. Lynch & Changeling Kidnap


So if we kill all the changelings, but they destroy all our elements...

Who wins?

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So we basically have this round to find the last eliminator, and it's been narrowed down to me and Drought? Then I'll be voting on DroughtBringer, thank you kindly. I know it's not me, and I'd like to eke out a tie at the least. Hope this works out all right, but currently looks like Elims are going to be winning.

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If you looked up this town in Ponies Everywhere, the summary would read thus:

Ponyville is a small town a short train ride from Canterlot. It is well connected, with a friendly atmosphere. It boasts a bakery, a sizable apple orchard, and an alicorn princess' castle. Despite its lack of large-scale production, this is a pleasant, peaceful place to spend a vacation.

Today, the entry was completely wrong.

"After him!" Bellowed moneybags, galloping after Razor Shard.

"I'm telling you, Mac's the one you want!"

"Then why are you running?"


Razor Shard galloped around a corner, hiding behind a small wall. The rest of the ponies charged past blindly, proving the old saying about a crowd's IQ.

"Where is he?"

"He's a changeling, isn't he?"

"He must be disguising as one of us!"

"There's only one way to make sure... Moneybags truth pellets! Guaranteed 100% ineffective."

"Are you kidding me? Is this really the time?"

"They're 50% off..."

"Fine. I'll take 2 dozen, to go."


"Ha! Got you this time! Are you a changeling, or aren't you?"


Razor Shard grimaced, then sheathed his sword. This lot wouldn't be helping any. Time to make his move.

"There he is! GET HIM!"

The mass of ponies galloped after the bunny he had thrown out as a distraction. Meanwhile, he slipped off in the other direction. It was time to find Defecate Mac.

(Approved by Bridge Boy)

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The cycle is over. 

Working in the write up once my toddler finally goes to sleep. Her bedtime was 2 hours ago but she is still sitting in my lap, babbling and giggling away while I hum lullabies to her, not showing any sign of slowing down. :rolleyes:

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… 9 days ago, in the Royal Castle….

Captain Steel Shard stood guard at the entrance to the Chamber of the Elements, examining the sword that his son had given him just a few days ago. The sword was a dangerous weapon, strong and versatile. Captain Shard worried about the consequences of making such weapons- he needed to speak to his son about it. He was startled out of his contemplations as two ponies galloped around the corner- not just any ponies, but the royal sisters!

“Princess Celestia! Princess Luna!” Captain Shard said, and made a salute with the sword.

“Be on the lookout, Captain!” Princess Celestia ordered. “There is mischief a-hoof!”

The Princess rushed into the Chamber of the Elements and the massive double-doors swung shut with a thud.

Mischief? What sort of ‘mischief’ could have the Princesses so… frightened?

A moment later, a group of ponies trotted around the corner into the hallway. Captain Shard could see that they were not palace guards or servants- just a disparate group of village ponies. And at their head trotted his son, Razor Shard.

“Halt! By order of Princess Celestia!” Captain Shard called. “What is the meaning of this, Razor? Why are you here?”

Razor Shard looked up and grinned with a malicious glint in his eye. “Stand down, Father,” He said. “Oh, and I’m going to be taking that sword back now.”

Captain Shard gaped at the words. Behind him there came a few muffled thumps, and flashes of light flickered from beneath the double doors. What was going on in there? Whatever it was, Captain Shard knew he could not let Razor Shard and his companions get past him. He raised his sword into a defensive position. “No. I cannot let you pass.”

His son shrugged. “We’re not here for the Princesses, that honor belongs to somepony else. We’re here for you and the sword,” he said, and swung his own sword into position. He gestured with it, and his companions moved into surrounding positions. Captain Shard swallowed hard. He couldn’t fight his own son! He began calling for help. “Guards! To me! Intruders in the castle! Guards! To me!”

Razor Shard laughed and gestured again, and the ponies lunged at Captain Shard. He swung at one- causing her to jump back to avoid the sharp blade- but another kicked him squarely in the temple and he staggered back, dazed. A third pony landed a blow that knocked the wind out of him, and yet another pony kicked his legs out from under him and he toppled over. There were just too many of them.

Suddenly an arrow flew down from above and struck the floor in front of the pony that had kicked him, followed by a second arrow fired at the next nearest intruder. Both ponies jumped back, and everypony looked up at the upper walkway where the arrows had come from. A lone pony stood there, wearing a hooded cloak and carrying a bow.

A mighty BOOM thundered from the Chamber of Elements, and a bright flash of light pierced through the cracks in the doorway. The newcomer took advantage of the distraction grab ahold of a rope and swing down, snatching Captain Shard before the intruders could pounce on him. Their swing took them back up to the other end of the raised walkway, and the newcomer deposited them there.

Below, Razor Shard growled in frustration and ordered his companions to give chase.

“Follow me!” the newcomer ordered, and kicked open a window. Together they slipped out into the night and were gone.

... Present Day…

Mandible stepped back, admiring his work. He stood in Defecate Mac’s cottage, and Defecate Mac himself was now encased in a glowing green cocoon hanging from the ceiling. Mandible flipped open his saddlebag, and as he did he noticed a ripe, red apple he had picked earlier. He grinned, pulling the apple out. When Defecate Mac saw it, his eyes grew wide with surprise and anger, but of course his eyes were the only things he could move. Mandible plunged the apple through the membrane of the cocoon and stuck the apple in Defecate Mac’s mouth, then laughed as he picked up the pink gemstone off of the hearth and trotted away.

It had been a simple thing to subdue Defecate Mac. After all, Mandible had been assigned to take the place of Razor Shard, and Defecate Mac hadn’t dared to resist once he had a sword pressed to his throat. Now, Mandible just had to return to the Hive and give Queen Chrysalis the Element of Kindness. The last Element of Harmony. He tossed it lightly in his hoof as he exited the cottage.  

Only, once outside he found he was surrounded by the remaining village ponies.

“Stop right there, Razor Shard!” Twilight Star accused. “You can’t get away from us this time!”

“Yeah!” Seeing Eye said. “Now hand over the Element! What did you do to Defecate Mac?”

Mandible laughed, and dropped the gemstone into his saddlebag, then whipped his sword up in front of him. The other ponies froze. None of them had any weapons or a tough Changeling shell to protect them like he did. They were helpless before him.

“That’s right,” he sneered. “Back off.” He trotted confidently through the crowd, and they shied away from his bared blade. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a gift to deliver to my Queen.”

He backed away from the crowd, keeping his eye on them and his sword pointed towards them as he made his way towards the edge of the Everfree forest. None of them dared to try to stop him.

Mandible heard the ring of steel being unsheathed, and he whirled around to see a pony wearing a cloak with the hood pulled over his face, with a drawn sword identical to the one that Mandible held. The new pony threw off the hooded cloak.

It was Captain Shard.

Mandible recovered from his shock quickly. “Father!” He said. “Where did you come from? These ponies are Changelings, they tried to-”

“Enough with the lies, Changeling.” Captain Shard said. “Hidden Antler rescued me on the day you attacked Princess Celestia in the Castle, and hid me away in his cottage in the forest so that I could recover from my wounds.”

Mandible grunted, and held his sword forward threateningly. Captain Shard stood directly between him and the path leading through the Everfree Forest. “Stand aside,” he growled. “Or else.”

“Not this time,” Captain Shard said resolutely, and didn’t budge an inch.

Mandible charged, swinging for the pony’s neck. Steel rang against steel as Captain Shard parried, then returned with a thrust of his own. Mandible twisted to the side, swinging repeatedly. Captain Shard deftly blocked each blow, turning with each step to stay between Mandible and the forest.

The other ponies gathered about, eyes riveted on the dueling ponies. To the onlookers they seemed evenly matched, but Mandible could tell that wasn’t the case. Captain Shard was better. His parries were starting to come quicker and his thrusts coming closer as he figured out Mandible’s fighting style. So Mandible cheated.

As Captain Shard swung at Mandible’s legs he shape-shifted back into his true form, and used his wings to fly up over Captain Shard’s sword. Mandible thrust, and his blade caught Captain Shard’s shoulder. Captain Shard cried out, but instead of faltering he countered with a powerful swing of his own. Steel met steel, and Mandible’s sword shattered- broken in two like the Cutie Mark that had been shown on his flank just moments before.

But it was too late. Already the Changeling was flying over Captain Shard’s head, and disappearing into the the dark paths of the Everfree Forest.

Princess Luna arrived at the clearing in front of the cottage to find everypony in a panicked disarray. Some ponies were tending to a wounded guardspony, while others were trying to clear green goo off of an unconscious Defecate Mac, while still others were peering frightenedly into the Everfree Forest.

“What happened here?” She asked.

The other ponies answered in a rush.

“A Changeling attacked Defecate Mac...”

“...stole the Element of Kindness…”

“...tried to stop...”

“...fought with swords…”

“...Got away. He’s taking the Element to Queen Chrysalis!”

Princess Luna looked grimly towards the direction that the Changeling had fled. “We must not let him reach the other Changelings with the Element of Kindness. Come, everypony. Together we will stop him!”

“But… How will we ever find him, Princess?” Somepony asked timidly. “It’s pitch black in there.”

“You forget, my little pony,” Princess Luna said. “Mine is the domain of Night. He cannot hide from me in the dark.”

Mandible burst into the inner chamber of the hive.

“I’ve got it!” he called, and held the Element of Kindness above his head. Queen Chrysalis sat at the center of the chamber, near a small pedestal that held 5 glowing gems encased in green crystal. The chamber was filled with Changelings, sitting on the floor and perched atop rock outcroppings.

“Excellent work!” Queen Chrysalis said, rising to her feet, and the swarm of changelings buzzed with excitement. The Queen went on, “Now that we have all six Elements of Harmony, the ponies cannot stand against us. The time has come that we will feed on their love and happiness and-”


A section of the cave ceiling exploded inwards, showering the Changelings with dust and debris.

“Not so fast!” a voice called, and the dust cleared to reveal Princess Luna standing at the head of a small group of determined ponies.

“Get them!” Queen Chrysalis screamed. The Changelings rushed towards the ponies, and Princess Luna and the village ponies charged forward to meet them.

Twilight Blossom found herself at the head of the charge. She ducked her head and ran straight ahead as three Changelings tried to tackle her from different directions. “Abracadabra!” she yelled, and disappeared in a puff of smoke. The Changelings crashed into each other as Twilight Blossom reappeared behind them, then turned to face the next wave of Changelings.

Seeing Eye kicked one Changeling aside, then leaped over another one. He thought he had seen… There! One of the Changelings was dodging around the others, trying to make its way towards the center of the chamber, and it carried something small and pink: The Element of Kindness! Seeing Eye charged towards the Changeling, but several other Changelings tackled him from behind, pinning him to the ground. He could do nothing except watch as the Changeling with the Element ran up the steps and onto the stone dias.

Just before the Changeling reached the pedestal with the other Elements of Harmony, however, Twilight Star leaped out from behind a boulder and pounced on him. His head bounced against the stone floor, and his head wobbled dazedly. “Got you!” Twilight Star said with a smirk, and snatched the Element of Kindness away from him. She turned and grabbed the crystal with the other Elements inside off of the pedestal, then flew up into the air just as two other Changelings tried to pounce on her.

Meanwhile Moneybags and Cherry Blossom had snuck around unnoticed to where a large cluster of green pods was situated- the pods that contained the captured ponies. Together they pried the first one open, and Prism tumbled out. She stood on wobbly legs, shaking her head and flinging green goo everywhere.

“It’s your lucky day,” Moneybags said with a winning smile. “Today we’re offering freedom from the Changelings for the low price of 100 bits.” He glanced at the green goo clinging to Prism. “And for just 10 bits more we’ll throw in a day visit to the Ponyville Day Spa, which will leave you refreshed and-”

Cherry Blossom cut him off.

“Ignore Moneybags,

He’s an idiot sometimes.

Help us with the rest,” She said. Together they got to work on freeing the other ponies.

Above them all, Queen Chrysalis and Princess Luna battled in the air, hurling green and blue blasts of magic at one another.

“You fool!” Queen Chrysalis cackled. “Do you really think you and your pitiful band of ponies can defeat me and my minions? When not even Celestia could do it?”

Princess Luna ignored her jibes, and readied a powerful blast of magic. “This is for my sister!” She yelled, then fired a blue beam of light at the Changeling Queen. Queen Chrysalis blocked the beam with one of her own, and grinned. She opened her mouth and inhaled, and suddenly a misty pink light began flowing out of Luna and into Queen Chrysalis.

“You see?” Queen Chrysalis said, the misty light still flowing into her. “You fight me out of love for your precious Celestia, but I feed off of that love. Your feelings only give me power- power that I will use to enslave you and all of Equestria!”

Princess Luna cried out in pain, unable to stop the pink light from draining away from her. As it did, the light of her magic began to weaken and dim.5941004058f8b_ScreenShot2017-06-14at3_19_41AM.png.717cc264179c5fd2a8dceeb6ff0c9b2a.png



To the side, through the opening that had been blasted through the cavern wall, a golden light began to grow, like the dawning of a new day. Everypony turned to see Princess Celestia flying down through the hole, followed by Straw, Weaver, Silver Wolf, and Crescent Thunder.

“I told you that we would defeat you again,” Celestia said.

“But how!?” Crysalis screamed. “I sapped your life-force and left you in a coma!”

“Once the last changeling was expelled from Ponyville we awoke. Without any Changelings nearby to sustain it, your magic was no match for the love I felt from all these ponies. It was the power of that love that brought us back to consciousness, and it is the power of that love that will bring us victory this day.”


Celestia’s horn lit up like the sun, and she fired a stream of magic at Queen Chrysalis. It was soon joined by a silvery blue stream from Luna, as well as a half dozen smaller streams of light from the other unicorns in the chamber. Even the ponies that weren’t unicorns began to grow with a soft pink light- the power of their love made manifest as they defied the Changeling Queen.

Queen Chrysalis screamed, green lightning flickering around her as she tried desperately to fend off the rays of magic. With a final thunderclap and a puff of smoke, she disappeared- banished from Equestria by the love of the ponies who stood united.

Silence fell over the chamber. The Changelings that remained looked at Princess Celestia, looked at the ponies of Ponyville, looked at each other, then turned and fled- flying out of the hive and away from Ponyville as fast and as far as their wings would carry them.

Some time later, with the light of dawn filtering through the trees, the tired ponies made their way back towards ponyville. Trailing at the back of the crowd, Schitzo sidled up to Jeeves.

“Psst!” Schitzo hissed.

Jeeves glanced around to make sure nopony was nearby. “What?” he said.

“I told you it was a good idea,” Schitzo said. “Having us hide in the cocoons like we were the captive ponies. Nopony suspected a thing!”

“Shh!” Jeeves hissed. “Keep it down. We’ve got to blend in and remain unnoticed until Queen Chrysalis recovers and is ready to make her next move.”

“Right,” Schitzo said, and winked conspiratorially. They grinned, then hastened to catch up to the unsuspecting ponies.


Darkness Ascendant was kidnapped! He was a Village Pony with the Element of Kindness!

Bridge Boy was lynched! He was A Changeling!

The Game ends in a draw! All the Changelings have been caught and all the Elements of Harmony have been eliminated. 

Player List


Earth Ponies

  1. Defecate Mac (m) Darkness Ascendant Village Pony with the Element of Kindness

  2. Schitzo (m)  Jondesu Regular Village Pony

  3. Razor Shard  (m)  Bridge Boy A Changeling

  4. Hidden Antler (m) A Joe in the Bush Regular Village Pony

  5. Ironpies (m) Hemalurgic_Headshot Village Pony with the Element of Honesty

  6. Moneybags (m)  Paranoid King Regular Village Pony

  7. Jeeves (m)  Randuir Regular Village Pony


  1. Straw (m)  Straw Village Pony with the Element of Loyalty

  2. Dusted Rose (f)  Crimsn-Wolf A Changeling with the Element of Generosity

  3. Bracken (m)  The Flash A Changeling

  4. Twilight Blossom (f) DroughtBringer Regular Village Pony

  5. Seeing Eye (f)  Seonid Regular Village Pony

  6. Cherry Blossom (f)  Quiver Regular Village Pony

  7. Weaver (f)  Frozen Mint Village Pony with the Element of Laughter


  1. Prism (f)  BrightnessRadiant Village Pony with the Element of Magic! 

  2. Weirdo (m)  Ornstein A Changeling

  3. Curiosity (m)  Jedal A Changeling

  4. Crescent Thunder (m) Ecthelion III Regular Village Pony

  5. Silver Wolf (m)  Conatus Regular Village Pony

  6. Twilight Star (f)  Alvron Regular Village Pony (original holder of the Element of Generosity)


Spectator Doc

The Changeling Hive

Master Spreadsheet


I hope you enjoy the final writeup. Writeups, technically. Bridge Boy had an awesome backstory that deserved an epic writeup, and before the game ever began @A Joe in the Bush PM'd me and asked if he could be the one to have kidnapped Razor Shard's father. When Joe ended up being a villager and Bridge Boy ended up being a Changeling, I had to get creative to find a way for Hidden Antler to kidnap Captain Shard and a reason for Razor Shard to be searching for him. I think this works pretty well. :)

And then of course the Epilogue needed to be something big and grand, and also needed to somehow convey the feeling a of a tie, so well there you go.

I want to post my thoughts on the game from the GM's perspective, but it's nearly 4:00am here so I'm going to wait and do that in a day or two. 

Thanks everypony, it's been fun!



EDIT: And lastly, don't forget about the CR challenge! There was a lot of great roleplay and some people who stuck to their CRs diligently the entire time they were in the game. Great job everyone, but now its time for you vote for who you think should win the CR challenge! As promised, I will draw and color a picture for whoever wins of their pony in one of the scenes from the game. Feel free to vote for more than one person, or to vote for a particular scene if you wish. :D

Edited by Herowannabe
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Great write-up Hero, and it's nice to see my suggestion was of some use to you.

Anyway, some random thoughts:

  1. Great game everyone!
  2. Apologies to the holders of elements I helped lynch at the start of the game :unsure:.
  3. It was funny to read the elim doc and see the reaction to my suggested scanning method.
  4. I hope our new players enjoyed themselves and will be participating in further games.
  5. Has your cat returned yet, @Herowannabe?
Edited by randuir
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6 minutes ago, randuir said:

Has your cat returned yet, @Herowannabe?

Not yet, though several neighbors have reported seeing him so we know he's still around. We live near a creek and it seems like he's hanging around there, using the creek and an irrigation pipe that offshoots as a walkway to get around to different parts of the neighborhood. We have a cat-trap from the Animal Shelter that we've been using to try to catch him. So far we've only caught 1 cat, and it was feral. But it's just a matter of time before we catch him and get him home. Thanks for your concern! :)



Great write-up Hero, and it's nice to see my suggestion was of some use to you.

And yes, it was a big help. That one little seed gave me the direction I needed to compose everything else. Thanks!

Edited by Herowannabe
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Upvote! Great writeup, Hero! I feel only slightly saddened that Ironpies was not mentioned in the writeup or that the powers of Ruin were not used. But that does not matter. The game went very well, and if Ornstein hadn't been lynched, would have been a sure victory for the Village. BB, you must have been cackling over that, hadn't you.

As for CR, there are a few. Flash requested everyone's votes, and I am considering it. Bracken as a character was pretty good. Another candidate of mine is Brightness, with all of her colors. There were some creative uses in there. I thought Moneybags was a hilarious character, but PK, your RP faded towards the end, as did everyone's, so I can't truly penalize you for that. Really, I'd be satisfied with any of these people winning. 

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Great game! I feel like that worked out pretty well. BB denied everything until the end. :P

I think I'll have to nominate Brightness Radiant, for not only talking about colors, but drawing a picture of her drawing a picture.

Although if the prize is a picture of their pony, maybe I should choose someone less talented.

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Ha this game was FANTASTIC! But first, one last RP...


Bracken awoke. But he wasn't Bracken anymore, was he? 

Thorax shrugged to himself. The door was open, he could leave now, and no one would know. 

Thorax ran for freedom. None of the other "coma ponies" seemed to be awake. He paused and wondered if they had won. But then he found he just didn't care. He would leave. Leave the ponies and changelings, and find his own path. He just needed to grab one thing. 

He trotted to the library. The village looked deserted. Good thing, too. And the library looked unused, except-

Wormy sat on the very book he needed to take. 

Thorax stuttered. "Um, wormy, I-"

Wormy sat up, and stared intently into his eyes. "You aren't going back to the hive, are you?" 

"No," Thorax admitted. 

"Then I'm coming with you. You are... still my friend," said wormy slowly. "Prism was very kind to me, but it was not you."

Thorax waited a moment. "Ok then. Let's go."

And so the unlikely pair of a changeling and a bookworm walked into the forest in the dead of night. No one saw them for a long time. 

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Yeah that was a fun game. Apologies for voting on you guys, @Ornstein @Jedal, and @Crimsn-Wolf. But it seems to have worked out in the end. The writeup was really good for what you had to work with, Hero, and I'm grateful that you managed to incorporate everything well.

And Joe? Sorry about killing you. I was deliberating between RP and killing an experienced player, and ended up going the safer route.

Rand? Glad you find our panicking amusing. It ended up being worthwhile since we did end up getting Generosity at some point, possibly due to your plan, and had to kill of one of our own members.

All the RP was really fun and it was a blast to play this game. I'd probably give my CR vote to Flash. He kept his all the way through and had a really cool character.

See you all next game!

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