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My greatest worry about the lack of an afterlife is that I'll die with series unfinished...  I call it Jordanphobia.  But I'm 27 so terrible luck aside I'm fine on the big ones right now(Dresden and Cosmere)


Heaven, Hell, or Purgatory, doesn't matter as long as their library is up to date, eh?

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Hell is a place where all the writers die after they get about halfway through every one of their series, and standalone books are not published.


Every writer must go to Hell then, because all writers have at least one unpublished work. Most probably have several. Brandon has quite a few and some of them are Cosmere books.

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"I knew it. When we have this figured out, the king of all Herdaz, he will say to me, 'Lopen, you are glowing, and this is impressive. But you can also fly. For this, you may marry my daughter.'"


Kaladin learns Basic Lashings in the course of his experiments, it seems.

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I also think Kaladin did a Basic Lashing, in front of Bridge 4 (or at least Lopen).  


I'm really curious to the setting.  Was it during one of the training sessions, or was it in a more... awkward situation?  The possibilities...

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Hahahahahahahaha. Lopen are the dude =)


So Kaladin will fly in this book =)


Also some implication that Lopen can use Windrunner Surges, like the Proto-Radiant in Dalinar vision or that he bonded too?


More likely it is his way of speak. He like to put things in first person, like when he said. "Oh Lopen you have only one arm but you can shine, I think you must kiss me now" =)


Also this must be some training section because Lopen wouldn't joking around if they are fighing Szeth, a assassin, or the parshendi army=)

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"I knew it. When we have this figured out, the king of all Herdaz, he will say to me, 'Lopen, you are glowing, and this is impressive. But you can also fly. For this, you may marry my daughter.'"



Kaladin has learnt the Basic Lashing and this is him practicing on someone else for the first time, namely Lopen.

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