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I love Lopen. I really hope he becomes a KR, just to see the look on everyone's faces. Hopefully a Dustbringer. Because it would be just too cool to see a one armed man who sasses everything blow stuff up.

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Really, we should have been given this glimpse with LESS context.


'Lopen, you are glowing, and this is impressive. But you can also fly. For this, you may marry my daughter.'


This is made of the truthness.

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How would Kaladin get the Honorblade from Szeth if Szeth remains alive?


In addition to that, remember that the Shin will hunt down Szeth's murderer and kill them to retrieve the Blade. So that may not be so great for Lopen.

I believe it was only said they would retrieve the blade, whatever that means.
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Who is the only one in the book that knows that the old Radiants could fly?  Dalinar.  I think this glimpse shows us that Kaladin has now let Dalinar know what he can do.  Lopen just happens to be there as they are discussing it IMO.


He's not the only one. Lopen already asked Kaladin if he could fly, I think it's one of the widely known (but not believed) facts about the Radiants. Kaladin was arguing how pointless it sounds for KR to be able to fly and travel long distances in the blink of an eye, so what's not known is the fact that only two orders could travel, not all of them.

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See, at this point I am not even sure if Peter knows what that line is, off the top of his head. It strikes me as very likely that he is doing purely for our torture.


Of course, there is one way I could be proven wrong...

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I think you're right...

The next line is this:

Hoid, who was also the king's Wit, walked up to the campfire. "My prank has worked fantastically! I can not believe everyone is falling for this whole Everstorm slash Final Desolation gibletish! Rumors spread quickly on Roshar." He maniacally cackled and then jumped into the fire... and vanished.

Edited by Stroniax
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Can I ask what intrigues you about the series, as an older adult? For some reason, it makes me incredibly sad to read that last line. I also worry about the author himself. Everybody needs to survive.


Well this series intrigues me as I have been a reader of Fantasy and Epic Fantasy  since I was a kid. 

I have invested intellectually, mentally, and emotionally in several series over the years, books that require re-reading over and over again between new releases.

I started The Wheel of Time the year after it came out,  same with A Song of Ice and Fire, I think one of the few I discovered where there were more than the first or second books was The Chronicles of Amber, which I started reading in High School.


These books are my "friends", I have known the characters  by name and personality longer than most people I know. Some of them I have grown up with, Some were with me while I raised my children, and now I will have The Stormlight Archive that I will grow old with.


Edit: to correct Sword of Ice 

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