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Little traitor sounds very much like Syl, but the rest is mysterious. Nalan seems more like he punishes the surgebinder than the spren, but who knows. It could also be Odium, but I don't think a Shard would be particularly worried by a single spren, or at least not enough to take direct action.

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Yeah. I'm guessing that the Honorspren ruling body in the Cognitive are going to track her down and try to sever her Nahel Bond, before dragging her back to the cognitive for incarceration. I think the ability to kill spren with a Shardblade is going to be important, since I just described the plot of The Bourne Identity in the SA.

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I'd been thinking for a little while that the Stormfather vision in WoK was for Syl, and that "CHILD OF HONOR" is Syl, and Kaladin was just along for the ride. So this would be the second time the Stormfather is talking to her.

I want the "he" here to be Darkness, because I have a theory that Darkness is working for the Stormfather, or at least together with him, enforcing a ban on spren bonds.

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I'd been thinking for a little while that the Stormfather vision in WoK was for Syl, and that "CHILD OF HONOR" is Syl, and Kaladin was just along for the ride. So this would be the second time the Stormfather is talking to her.

I want the "he" here to be Darkness, because I have a theory that Darkness is working for the Stormfather, or at least together with him, enforcing a ban on spren bonds.


CHILD OF TANAVAST  part seems to indicate Kaladin more than Syl.

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Well, if the 'Kaladin betrays Dalinar' theory is correct, then this is the Stormfather telling Kal that Darkness is coming for him.



CHILD OF TANAVAST  part seems to indicate Kaladin more than Syl.


It depends on the way you look at it. Syl was with Kaladin during the storm and f honorspren are splinters of Honor, why not talking to her? Telling her that she shouldn't have bonded with a man.

Though if Syl was prohibited to come to Roshar by the Stormfather, I guess his reaction would have been angrier. Perhaps the Ring that Wyndle spoke of forbid her.


Actually, is it confirmed that was the Stormfather? Not that I have any clue who else he could be.

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Because of the caps, the question that popped into my mind was: can Kaladin kill a Herald? I thought it looked like the Stormfather, i.e. the face in the storm, aka Jezrien (maybe); alias: guy who talks in ALL CAPS, knows Darkness is now coming for Kaladin and Syl, or he actually sent them. The face in the storm seems to be enforcing the "non-use" of the Oathpact and nahel bonds.


Just my first reaction. Really not much to go on with such a small bit of a quote.


edit: oops! looks like this was covered already...so, I'll just agree with the overall assumptions being made by various other Sharders 

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My take on the matter.


Only the Stormfather talks IN CAPS - So It is him or other divinity( the only beings that have Brandon rights to talk in CAPS)


For what are speaked I believe in the Nightwatcher or a powerful spren "the little traitor" are a kind, let say, feminine and affective way of speaking, that fit my impression of Cultivation.


The litle traitor, to me just two person fits. Syl and Lift. 


So some powerful spren or the nightwatcher are talking with Syl. Or we could have a second Lift chapter =)

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Actually, is it confirmed that was the Stormfather? Not that I have any clue who else he could be.

I think so. I'm pretty sure it's confirmed that the face in the storm is the Stormfather. The thing we have no clue about is who the Stormfather is. (Of course, we've theorized about it anyway: a Splinter of Honor, Jezrien, another herald, a physical manifestation of the highstorms [aka a highstorm spren], etc.)

I think the stormfather is likely. The only other speakers I could think of were the other Shards and/or possibly Nightwatcher. I like the idea of the Stormfather better, because it implies that Kaladin will go out in a highstorm again, or that one of the other potential Knights Radiant will. That may or may not be a necessary step to knighthood.

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To me the Stormfather is the intent behind Creation, the one that used Adonalsium to form the Cosmere.

My question, if it's the Stormfather talking to Syl, warning her, and "he" is Odium, why would he go after Syl specifically?

Other spren have crossed and bonded other humans, so why single Syl out?

Unless there is something in her bonding Kaladin that represents a danger to Odium?

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When i read the word traitor i thought immediately of Amaram.Kaladin is coming for him and his boss Odium worns/mocks him.


I don't think Odium would say sorry...I think he'd most likely say "eat it, Amaram...bwhahahaha" or something similarly mocking.  ;)

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Edit: Ops my post was in blank.


Someone know how painted this cover and if this artist will do a Words of Radiance one ? I liked his style ! =)


PS: Not a Glimpse of Radiance but given the fact that Tor most likely will not post any new image I'm taking the leave to share this one because i belive that few peoples had the pleasure of look at this cover art (For example i discovered just today) =)


PSS: If someone had another cover example exclusive of your country plx share =)

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Some thoughts on a few of the Gimpses:


The gemstone/name of your old master one


This screams to me that it is part of a Response to the Letter for reasons I think were covered (Hoid was the name of "our Hoid's" master).  As for the gemstone... Remember in Wandersail when Hoid mentions he was named for a rock once?  One that was beautiful but became worthless for him wearing it?  I wonder if that is related.


The I am a god one.


Possibly Szeth?  The guy that gives him the hit-list refers to Szeth as a god.  More likely though i think it is a Herald.  I'm just picturing Av from the Baxil interlude talking to Shalash about how Baxil has a crush on her. (insert disclaimer about how Baxil's mistress being Shalash is by no means confirmed)


The little traitor one.


I agree with the consensus that it was the Stormfather to Syl.


Edit: as for the one who is coming for her? my gut instinct was Odium but maybe its Darkness?  Maybe that's how he tracks down surgebinders, the spren tell him about rogue spren going and bonding people? It could explain why he hasn't gone after Szeth, no spren.  If Darkness is in fact Nalan he would probably know the ruling spren.

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Maybe there is a reason Syl goes missing during high storms. Is she afraid of an encounter with the storm father? When Kaladin rides the winds during the high storm Syl was not with him or at least she was never mentioned to be there! So CHILD OF TANAVAST and CHILD OF HONOR is definitely Kaladin.


Maybe Stormfather and Darkness are acting separately but they know of what the other is trying to do. Also if this leads to a confrontation between Kaladin and Darkness I don't know how Kaladin will survive. Especially with Darkness having a Larkin which seems to feed of storm light!!

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