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Oathpact and broken souls


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Hi there. I often read the forum but don't participate actively much. I have got this idea that I haven't seen addressed anywhere yet.

It seems that post-recreance radiants must be "broken" in order to bond a spren. For Kaladin and Shallan this has been explicitly described. Dalinar, Renarin and Lift all have issues. Adolin is being set up as well at the end of WoR. This echoes the way that Kelsier can talk to Spook in Secret Histories.

Before the recreance there were a huge number of radiants and it seems weird for me that every single one of them had to have fissures in his/her soul to allow bonding. Also think about Dalinar's vision in which a KR offers him a position in one of the orders. The offer is only contingent Dalinar's ability with natural implements but doesn't mention being broken inside. 

I suspect that, in normal times, a broken soul is required for bonding (this would make it extremely difficult to produce surgebinders) and that the oathpact is somehow related to a "deal" in which radiants are easier to make because no broken soul is required. 


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In the Cosmere it seems as though most magic requires these cracks in the soul to adhere. The notable exception is Awakening, as every Nalthian is born with a Breath and all Awakening requires is breath. 

In Allomancy, snapping is required, and that is literally the cracks forming. 

The Radiant in Dalinar's vision offers him a place, but says that he cannot guarantee acceptance into an order as that decision isn't up to him. The part left out is that it's up to the Spren, who require the cracks to form the Nahel bond. 

Every Allomancer has snapped. Every Radiant is "broken" 

At one point Kaladin tells Syl that he is broken, and here response is "they all were" 

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30 minutes ago, Calderis said:

In the Cosmere it seems as though most magic requires these cracks in the soul to adhere. The notable exception is Awakening, as every Nalthian is born with a Breath and all Awakening requires is breath. 

In Allomancy, snapping is required, and that is literally the cracks forming. 

The Radiant in Dalinar's vision offers him a place, but says that he cannot guarantee acceptance into an order as that decision isn't up to him. The part left out is that it's up to the Spren, who require the cracks to form the Nahel bond. 

Every Allomancer has snapped. Every Radiant is "broken" 

At one point Kaladin tells Syl that he is broken, and here response is "they all were" 

@snoo Also remember how many people are broken in this world. Any tragedy can cause it (however we've seen much more extreme examples) perhaps for Renarin it was losing his mother on top of his epilepsy.. People have issues everywhere I am betting Roshar is exactly the same as earth in that respect (ok ok except we don't deal with highstorms every week)

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Would we be able to extend this idea to the listeners and bonding voidspren? It seems that they don't need this in order to become voidbringers in any form, but the thousands of years of slavery may be the hole in this. Perhaps all listeners are broken as well

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5 minutes ago, KnightofLight said:

Would we be able to extend this idea to the listeners and bonding voidspren? It seems that they don't need this in order to become voidbringers in any form, but the thousands of years of slavery may be the hole in this. Perhaps all listeners are broken as well

I think that as natives to Roshar they are inherently closer to the Cognitive Realm and both cognitively and physically are built to incorporate a spren into themselves to achieve their forms. I don't think they need to be broken, because they already have an inbuilt receptacle for a spren bond. 

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8 hours ago, snoo said:

Hi there. I often read the forum but don't participate actively much. I have got this idea that I haven't seen addressed anywhere yet.

It seems that post-recreance radiants must be "broken" in order to bond a spren. For Kaladin and Shallan this has been explicitly described. Dalinar, Renarin and Lift all have issues. Adolin is being set up as well at the end of WoR. This echoes the way that Kelsier can talk to Spook in Secret Histories.

Before the recreance there were a huge number of radiants and it seems weird for me that every single one of them had to have fissures in his/her soul to allow bonding. Also think about Dalinar's vision in which a KR offers him a position in one of the orders. The offer is only contingent Dalinar's ability with natural implements but doesn't mention being broken inside. 

I suspect that, in normal times, a broken soul is required for bonding (this would make it extremely difficult to produce surgebinders) and that the oathpact is somehow related to a "deal" in which radiants are easier to make because no broken soul is required. 


Do you guys think a Bondsmith could bond a spren and KR applicant as long as they strive to live the oaths? I'm sure over time they can internalize them with self discipline?

Edited by ANRILU
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14 hours ago, ANRILU said:

Do you guys think a Bondsmith could bond a spren and KR applicant as long as they strive to live the oaths? I'm sure over time they can internalize them with self discipline?

Given the "it's up to the Spren" response that Brandon always says, I doubt it.

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