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Featured Forum Members 2


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A while back, I ran a thread that would feature a different forum member each week. At the request of Mestiv, I am starting a new one. Every week, people will vote for a member to be featured. At the end of the week, the person with the most votes will be sent a PM of questions. I will then post their response to the OP of the thread.

Here are the questions/requests:
1. Provide a picture (if you are comfortable with that). 

2. Provide your real name (if you are comfortable with that).

3. Which book is your favorite and why?

4. What have been your main contributions to the community? What are you known for?

5. What made you join the forum?

6. How many hours do you spend on the shard on a given day?

7. Describe your fondest Forum experience.

8. What is one thing that Brandon does really well?

9. What is one thing that he could work on?

10. Which fictional character is the best representation of yourself?

11. Any additional comments, whether it be about your life outside of the forum, favorite food, your website, or...anything!

As always, ideas for new questions are welcome.



1. Provide a picture (if you are comfortable with that). 

No problem. Here's one from Dec. 2009. My profile pic was made by a friend based off this picture. I don't have the piercings anymore, as my son liked to grab shiny things when he was tiny

And speaking of my son, here's a more recent one with him


This one is from this past December, and my boy is happy and awesome. 

2. Provide your real name (if you are comfortable with that).


3. Which book is your favorite and why?

This is hard. This is really hard. The Hobbit for spawning my fantasy addiction... Mistborn TFE for introducing me to Brandon on a random supermarket shelf, and Stormlight Archive for being my current outright favorite. 

4. What have been your main contributions to the community? What are you known for?

My Limericks thread? My freakish ability to get more rep than I deserve? My self esteem issues? I don't feel like I have a good answer here. 

5. What made you join the forum?

Well this was apparently my first post from back in 2014


Maybe I'm completely off here, but the way I interpret the answer given implies a different question.

It seems to me that rather than the ratio of breath to stormlight used, the answer given is in relation to TOTAL breath:Stormlight. As in the is much much more stormlight than breath, but without being inhaled/stored in spheres, the majority is unusable.

It seems very in line with answering a question perfectly, without divulging any useful information.

Also, this is my first post. Hi everyone.


So I guess, I saw people discussing, thought I could help the conversation progress, and didn't see a reason not to. 

6. How many hours do you spend on the shard on a given day?

I feel uncomfortable answering this question. I don't really know? I access the site exclusively via mobile and a tab is always on the Shard in Chrome. I get free wifi at work... So I guess I'm not on the Shard for the 7 or 8 hours I sleep. 

Yay addiction! 

7. Describe your fondest Forum experience.

Honestly, probably the back and forth conversations @Extesian and I get into. It's fun helping flesh out someone else's ideas and vice versa 

8. What is one thing that Brandon does really well?

Character driven stories. That's why I got hooked right away. 

9. What is one thing that he could work on?

Focus? It doesn't really bother me, but characters like Lift and Wayne grow larger and larger in his stories because of the fun he has writing them, rather than their importance to the plot. 

10. Which fictional character is the best representation of yourself?

I have been known to have freakishly good, (and less often freakishly bad) luck. For a few years a couple of friends actually called me Mat. So I guess I have to go with Matrim Cauthon. 

11. Any additional comments, whether it be about your life outside of the forum, favorite food, your website, or...anything

Other than to thank all of you for making and contributing to the best fan community ever, no. 

Edited by Silverblade5
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1. Provide a picture (if you are comfortable with that). 
Nope. If you knew me, you'd thank me. (Yikes!)

2. Provide your real name (if you are comfortable with that).

3. Which book is your favorite and why?
Favorite book has to be the Bible, but not for entertainment value, so that's probably not what you're looking for. My favorite Sanderson book is Way of Kings. My favorite non-Sanderson book is from the Star Wars: The New Jedi Order series. Right now, it's Traitor, but there are a lot of them that have spent time at the top of the list (like Star By Star or The Unifying Force).

4. What have been your main contributions to the community? What are you known for?
I make very long theory threads; I've probably block-quoted a full third of Mistborn: The Final Empire. (No, I haven't.) I also harass people who refer to WoBs they "remember" without posting them, and sometimes post the WoBs in question just to debunk misinterpretations. Good times.

5. What made you join the forum?
I was a latecomer to Wheel of Time, and when I found Theoryland, I was blown away by the depth of theories and how long some of these ideas had been around. I could tell the budding cosmere was going to be a similar thing, so I hopped on board. I lurked on TWG, lurked for a little while on the Shard, made an account, went back to lurking, and finally got my own copies of the books for Christmas a couple of years back and decided to jump into theorizing in a much more active way.

6. How many hours do you spend on the shard on a given day?
I'm pretty much always lurking on my phone, and I can usually find time for a post or two a day. Some days I'll go crazy and post a bunch, but it probably averages out to an hour or two a day posting, and much more time lurking. (More than is healthy, I'm sure.)

7. Describe your fondest Forum experience.
I like the Bands release, and how we all hashed out how we thought the medallions worked. Lots of people had pieces of it, but nobody was 100% right (and we're still missing a big piece). I'm hoping that will be outclassed by Oathbringer; here's hoping we finally crack the glyphs!

8. What is one thing that Brandon does really well?
He does excellent planning and inclusion of the larger picture. I've compared the cosmere sequence to the Bible, in some ways. For the Bible, its component books weren't (for the most part) intended as theological texts, they were written as histories or letters, and we study them to determine broader doctrinal truths. It's the same thing for Realmatics; Brandon isn't writing books about Realmatics, he's writing stories, but we can pull the books apart and closely evaluate them to see the big picture.

9. What is one thing that he could work on?
I'm in the camp that doesn't like Lift, Lopen, and Wayne. I find them to be YA characters; just a little too absurd for my liking. And apparently Brandon's actual kids books get a little too grown-up (I haven't read Alcatraz 5, but I heard it made a lot of parents upset.) I also think he needs to prioritize his writing time better; sure, he puts out a book a year, but that just means he has like 5 different fanbases (Mistborn, Stormlight, Reckoners, Rithmatist, Alcatraz) all waiting years between the next installments of their series. If you follow them all, it isn't that bad. If you only follow one or two (like all the people who are waiting for The Lost Metal to read the other W&W books), then it certainly isn't endearing.

10. Which fictional character is the best representation of yourself?
Uh... my twin brother and I are probably Thing 1 and Thing 2. (He doesn't read fantasy, so you won't see him here.)

11. Any additional comments, whether it be about your life outside of the forum, favorite food, your website, or...anything!
Silverblade should get on top of this thing again. Keep it moving.





1. Provide a picture (if you are comfortable with that). Have some JAPAN PICTURES.









Okay, those last two are obviously not me, but Japan is weird, so I wanted to show you. 

2. Provide your real name (if you are comfortable with that).

Eric Lake

3. Which book is your favorite and why?

This is tough! Oathbringer beat Words of Radiance for me. 

As for non-Brandon books, I'd say Foundation's Edge.

4. What have been your main contributions to the community? What are you known for?

I'm one of the three co-founders of 17th Shard. Originally my mandate was just in running the forums, but I have a hand in basically everything the Shard does. I'm ultimately the system admin of the site (and I'm not good at that, honestly). I deal with the Shard's software. I do some coding stuff on the main site, but mostly to make the Shard look pretty. I write news articles (which I did exclusively for a while. Now Weiry does a lot, which is good). I manage all podcasts, and somehow weaseled my way to be on every podcast now or involving future plans. I also do audio editing now for Shardcast, somehow. 

In many respects I'm a manager, directing a lot of our people to make cohesive things. I connect the 17S design team. I'm on the Coppermind staff. I'm on the new WoB Archive staff. I'm constantly working on something. Currently the WoB Archive is sapping a lot my effort.

I used to be much more involved in the theoretical discussion here, but I'm way too busy these days to do so. However, I'm directly responsible for some terms fans use all the time, like intent and Survival Shard (the Survival Shard, by the way, was a thing that was written into a book of mine). I rather aggressively pushed the idea of Adonalsium's "opposing force" and kept asking questions about it, but that eventually got me in trouble, because Brandon likes intentionally misleading me at this point. He very much knows I care deeply about the Shards. Troll. I remember at a signing when I asked him, "How many Shards have Invested themselves onto Roshar?" (This was because at the time there was some debate as to whether there could be a fourth Shard in the system.) You know what he said? "Technically, all of them have." What a troll.

I still find the pinnacle of my theorizing in the cosmere to be the Principle of Intent, which was eventually revealed to be totally canonical. 

5. What made you join the forum?

Maybe you guys don't know the story! I'll recount it.

Long ago, when the Earth was young (meaning 2010 here), Mi'chelle wanted to make a fan site because she felt the fanbase had been outgrowing Timewaster's Guide. She along with Josh 

Brandon gave this place its name, and once we had that, I got fed up with our coding person I bought the domain myself. Thus, I've been struggling my way through being system admin of this site ever since :)

6. How many hours do you spend on the Shard on a given day?

The Shard itself, less than you'd think. I always have a tab of it open but I don't browse all new posts. I probably spend less than hour actually posting on the forum itself. I'm always doing stuff in the periphery of the Shard, though, like being on Discord (where you can always find me), the Coppermind, or the new WoB Archive that I really want to tell you the name of. When I spend a day working on this Shard related stuff, I'll spend the whole day on it. 

7. Describe your fondest forum experience.

This requires me to actually remember things? Man, that's hard. My memory is quite legendarily bad. Sometimes people will say "You told me to do it this way like a year ago!" when I tell them to do the opposite in the present day. Oops.

Anyway, this is hard to narrow down. 

For a forum specific moment, I'm going to say that one fateful day in February 2011 where Joe kindly bought us this forum software. When we did that upgrade, Kerry and I immediately had the most stressful design night, as we had to get the crappy default IPB site to do what we wanted it to do. There was about an hour where we yelled at CSS because something wasn't centering that should have. (Mind you, the site was live this whole time.)

My fondest moments are really in all the people I've met on the Shard. I've met amazing friends who I talk to all the time. I've also met people on the Shard that I dated, but as that goes, that kind of happened by accident. 

An extremely humbling time happened when, at either Alloy of Law's or Words of Radiance's release, I was talking with someone and she eventually screamed, "Oh my god, you're Chaos!?" Apparently I am famous to a few :) It was a cool and very humbling. 

8. What is one thing that Brandon does really well?

Endings. Brandon's such a freaking boss at endings, especially recently. I'm a guy who absolutely loves good plot and good endings, and I don't think I'd ultimately care about the connected universe stuff and his worldbuilding if his endings weren't so sweet.

(Uh, Oathbringer hype.)

9. What is one thing that he could work on?

Sometimes he becomes so fond of a character that he has no perspective on when to cut down on a character. I'm looking at you, Wayne in the beginning of Bands of Mourning. Brandon liked the scene and he kept it in its entirety. I think it's still the strongest thing to criticize Bands about. Brandon likes Wayne way too much...

It's hard to say other things. Others are having a problem with the amount of fake character deaths, but if those people didn't infect my brain, it wouldn't bother me too much. 

10. Which fictional character is the best representation of yourself?

I suppose I'll go with Mistborn 1 Elend Venture.

11. Any additional comments, whether it be about your life outside of the forum, favorite food, your website, or...anything!

I teach math. Math is applicable to everything, because math is logic. The universe is inherently logical. You might not see that is inherently logical, but that's just because you might lack perspective on the issue. Everything has a cause and effect. Sometimes this is phrased as, "everything happens for a reason." That's needlessly dramatic. Practically speaking things happen for utterly mundane reasons. I'm thirsty, so I'll drink some water. My feet are cold, so I'll put on socks. It applies to everything. If you crush on someone and they reject you, or a friend betrays you, their logic may seem unknowable, but there is always reason for why something occurs. (Sometimes, though, it can be a very unsatisfying answer for you, especially if a person actively tried to hurt you.) 

So, in a way, if you learn math, you learn about logic, and you learn about everything. Learning math has made me a better writer, because writing is not some unknowable enigma. You can design a great story. There are bits and pieces you need to make a great novel, or even pieces you would need to write a good paragraph! Anything you think is challenging has a logic to it. I think drawing is really hard, but surely there is logic to it, or else it could never be taught. 

The universe has rules to it! How cool is that? One could easily imagine a fantasy universe where the universe actually doesn't have rules to it and it truly is unknowable, but fortunately, it is not the world we live in. 

Just because you don't know a fact doesn't mean it is unknowable--it means you have more work to do. 

12. How did you incorporate the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise into a calculus lecture?

Actually, a student of mine wrote this on a calculus quiz when he didn't know how to answer the question. It was great. I don't think I directly mentioned in it a lecture, though. 





1. Pictures! I have three. One is from couple weeks ago with my cats. The other one is from 8 years ago in a "shardplate" :D The last one is with my fiancee :)




2. My real name is Maciek Strzelczyk (don't try to pronounce my surname, it will hurt your tongues ;)). Fun fact: my surname can be translated to: archerfish.

3. I guess it's WoR or Harry Potter: Order of the Phoenix. Can't really decide. Depends on the day.

4. I guess my biggest contribution is not done yet. Most of you probably heard about the new WoB Archive that will be released around Stormlight 3 release. I'm working on it, on the programming side at least. So far, I guess I didn't contribute that much. I guess I'm known for my signature that made some people scared for their privacy :P

5. I joined the forum after I got hooked on Sanderson. I wanted to read some opinions, theories etc. Learn more about this Cosmere thing. But what made me stay here was the social part of the forum, not really related to Brandon's work. The Shard is a magical place, like no other on the Internet :)

6. How many hours.... well... ALL OF THEM! Seriously, I'm mainly browsing on my phone, so any time I get a chance I check if there's something going on on the forums :)

7. I can't really pinpoint one single moment. The general climate of acceptance and friendliness is what comes to my mind when I think of the Shard. The time after I made my signature was fun too, when many people wondered what's going on with it :)

8. I think his greatest strength is how transparent his narration can be. When reading his books I feel like if I'm right there, taking part in the events he describes. I forget I'm reading a book, it's much more like watching a virtual reality movie I guess.

9. There is no romance written by him that I'd enjoy. Vin and Elend were meh, Wax and Steris were better, but still I didn't feel the chemistry between them.

10. That's a really tough one... I don't know :P My fiancee jokes that it's "Winnie the Pooh" :D

11. As many of you know I run a temporary house for cats. We take care of homeless cats, heal them, tame them etc, then look for a better place for them. Apart from that I like to tinker with computers, my signature and the new WoB Archive are the results of this. Now, I can't wait to read about other Sharders :P






 1. and 2. Nope (although if people search enough they should be able to find my name on site.)

3. Good question... I really suck at naming favourites.  :ph34r:
Brandon's books are obviously up there and pretty highly so, an explanation isn't really necessary, I think. 
Dan Well's John Wayne Cleaver are also very much adored by me. They have an excellently done first person PoV with an unique (sociopathic) protagonist, are very tense with good pacing and everything else I would say kind of goes into spoiler territory. And no, the fact that a book with a sociopathic main character clicks with me does not mean I'm a serial killer.  :ph34r:  :P (I really hope people don't misunderstand this joke.  :mellow: )
Another one would be Brent Weeks' Black Prism series. There's actually a good deal of things about his writting that I also likes in barandon's. If I had to sum them up in one sentenve to someone here on the Shard it would probably be something along the lines of: "Imagine a more gritty version of Sanderson's books plus a lot of magnificent bastards politicking."
I could think of other books that i like but at this point I'm not sure if they would still count as "favourites"

4. The Reckoners RP, I guess. I mean, I stick my head in most sections of the forum but not very deeply, at least not lately, so I doubt anything would really count as me being "known for it"
As for within the RP itself, apart from being fairly active in it, I'd imagine that I'm known at that nitpicky guy paying attention to all the detail stuff.

5. I looked into it after having caught up with with all the major Sanderson books published at the time and at first kind of lurked here for an unspecific amount of time. I think the actual reason I mad an acount was to respond to something dealing with the measuring of spren.

6. Depends on how you count it. On the Shard as a whole not that much but I tend to have a tab with the RP open that I refresh relatively often.

7.Again with the choose one... I think I'm just going to keep this open for when I finally kill Nighthound.  :ph34r:

8. Why can't you people just take all of the good things and let it be? Why the need for choice?  :ph34r:  :P Anyway, the usual answers for this question I'm afraid, world-building, characters, plot, themes that kind of thing. 

9. It's a bit of a minor thing but I noticed that he could keep his terminology a bit more distinctive. Although, much of that problem only exsists for those looking at WoBs, I suspect. Things like using the term compounding both for the magic hack as well as just tapping a lot of a feruchemical attribute at once and Shard refering both to the semi-gods of the setting and the plate/blade variant to name two examples.







1. Provide a picture (if you are comfortable with that).

Well, here's one of me standing in line for a concert on Halloween; it's the most recent one I have, so.




2. Provide your real name (if you are comfortable with that).

As it turns out, I am comfortable with that. :P

So hi, nice to meet you all, I'm Ethan. I was named after Ethan Allen, a Revolutionary War hero. Which is awesome, and I'm totally not biased at all... :ph34r:

3. Which book is your favorite and why?

Favorite by Brandon or favorite in general? Both? Okay.

My favorite Sanderson work is probably... oh, Mistborn. Stormlight is epic and all, but. I think it's the fact that it's a progressive society, with electricity and all that stuff, that really interests me.

My favorite book not by Sanderson. Oh dear. Um, Theft of Swords is fantastic, as is Year of the Griffin. But really, there is too much. :ph34r:

4. What have been your main contributions to the community? What are you known for?

That's a good question. :huh: I post in the community a lot, especially the Random Stuff threads. And according to the What Are You Known For thread, I am known...

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For being concerned about public opinion on the life cycle of cheese.





 For leaving the Alley





For thinking some random thoughts.





For being infuriatingly cheerful.
Also, for thoughts that are way less random than they're made out to be.






For being tall and ponies.





For going to the same high school I went to!





For being slow yet swift





For being in random theory threads occasionally





For doing Camp NanoWrimo!





For being one of the nicest!
Also, being hilarious and saying that you say "yay" a lot.






For being a generally awesome person who isn't afraid to be random, but still is a voice of reason and comfort for others in times of need.



5. What made you join the forum?

So a few years ago, after Brandon updated his site, I was browsing and checking out all the new features. I saw a button on the side linking to this site. I clicked it, browsed around, liked what I saw, and made an account. Then I went on hiatus for a while. But as you can see, I'm back now. :P

6. How many hours do you spend on the shard on a given day?

All of them? :ph34r::P Seriously, I don't know. Maybe 4, now that school is on. But it's usually running in the background.

7. Describe your fondest Forum experience.

Oh, I don't know. This, the civil discussions on religion and things, just realizing that there are many people who actually give a fig about what I have to say... Everything. Everything is awesome. :D

8. What is one thing that Brandon does really well?

Worldbuiling! And characters! And plots! :lol: Seriously, when an author manages to get all three, it's like heaven's light shines down.

9. What is one thing that he could work on?

Word choice and prose. I love the fact that he's not trying to write poetry and just wants you to get to the story, but... I may or may not have cringed at several lines. :unsure:

10. Any additional comments, whether it be about your life outside of the forum, favorite food, your website, or...anything!

Um, I live in Utah but wish I didn't but am still glad I do, sorta, I'm learning the piano, have a pet cat named after an herb, I'm a proud Hufflepuff, and... I have a blog! Clicky my signature, if you feel so inclined to read it. :)

And finally, thanks to you all for voting for me! I dreamed of this day, of course, but never thought it would really happen. So thanks again, and good day/night/eternal twilight to you all! ^_^







1. Provide a picture (if you are comfortable with that)
I'm not really comfortable with that... not that I have any pictures of myself anyway. I don't like getting my picture taken -I'm super self conscious about my appearance- so...
This is off to a great start!

2. Provide your real name (if you are comfortable with that).
My name is Oliver Queen, and -
Oh, fine. I've milked that gag long enough, and there are a few people here who already know my real name anyway. It's Joseph. I don't really care how people shorten it; most go with Joe, but, since I'm not The Only Joe on forums, I tend to prefer going by my user name.

3. Which book is your favorite and why?
To be honest, for a while now, most of my reading material have been comics- I just don't have the time to sit down and start investing hours into reading novels. Even besides that, though, I've never been very good at getting books read, and even worse at picking a favorite.
Brandon is one of the few authors (along with Pratchett and GRRM) that I've put a lot of effort into reading lately. My favorite Brandon book probably isn't a surprise to anyone on this forum though - it's Warbreaker. I happened to read it right after reading Mistborn and some Fafhard and the Gray Mouser stories, and that context made Warbreaker virtually perfect. Warbreaker takes a lot of the tropes of Sword and Sorcery, and the plot elements that Brandon used in Mistborn, and flips them upside down, subverting them. It's glorious.

4. What have been your main contributions to the community? What are you known for?
No idea.

No, seriously, I dunno. I think some people would say I "started" the pony thing, but
 Vin Pony was already a thing before I started watching the show. I think I was the first person to get SUPER EXCITED about MLP, and to be publicly so on the site, but really, it was the Reckoners who made pony a "thing".
So... I don't know what I can be said to have contributed to the broader community. I don't really participate in the theory side of things, and I'm only recently getting started on the role playing part of it. So... frankly, I think I'm sort of "known" as being "that guy who is online a lot and really likes MLP, Arrow and Warbreaker".

(Though i do like to think that I maybe make people laugh, or that I have a reputation as a decent guy in general, for whatever that's worth).

5. What made you join the forum?
No, seriously. I was reading Brandon, and had been checking out the forum for a while; reading threads, theories, that kind of thing. I kinda-sorta wanted to join up -there was no one else in my area who reads Fantasy, let alone Brandon- but...
Well, I was afraid to. I have some... Obsessive-Compulsive tendencies. And I was super obsessing over the idea that, if I did sign-on to a forum and start posting on it and stuff, then I'd be doing something "wrong".

Anyway, obviously I did end up joining, and for the first few weeks, it was very much a case of forcing myself to log-in, and do stuff, and post, and try not to worry or obsess over things. Obviously, I've kind of relaxed a little- now I just constantly worry that I'm offending peoplepersonally, rather than committing forum wide faux pas- but... yeah. One of the reasons I joined 17th Shard was to try and get over my mental stuff.

6. How many hours do you spend on the shard on any given day?
Enough that I'm pretty sure a lot of people just know me as "that guy who is always online". Though I am planning on trying to scale that back a little...

7. Describe your fondest Forum experience.
Fondest... that's a hard one. There's been stuff that has really left an impact on me; the fact that people seem generally to like my SE role playing, for instance, or the positive reception my whole MLP-obsession has gotten. I also remain very, very touched that people not only replied to, but helped with, and seemed to like, the earliest magic system I suggested in the creative corner.
But... I think my fondest (and maybe most important) experience was reading/reviewing the Sydney Scroungers RPG, by Featherwriter. It was during the earliest days of me being a member, and I really, really wanted to make a good first impression with people... so when I read the sessions, I tried to give as much feedback and analysis as possible.
The reason I say this is my fondest experience is because... it really made me realize just how much I enjoy doing that. I've tried my hand at analyzing stories since then, and I try to approach it with the same attitude that I did to that stuff... and I feel it's made me better at interpreting things in general.

8. Think of a book or series that the general crowd is usually raving at (ex: Harry Potter, the Hunger Games, Divergent, Twilight, etc). Think of flaws those books have. How does Brandon do it better?
The only book in that list that I've actually read is Harry Potter.
Anyway... his world-building would be the obvious answer. I have never read stories which have the same sense of scale to their world as Brandon's books have- whether it's on a small level (like Mistborn), or the larger, more creative differences that characterize a world like Roshar.
...But, personally, I think the main thing that Brandon does differently is that he presents a broader range of personality in protagonists than I think others have. I'm not going to try and say that Harry Potter or Katniss Everdeen are flat, uninteresting stereotypes; they aren't.
But I haven't ever seen an author create a heroic character like Kaladin or Vivenna- someone who is clearly heroic, and have good sides to them, who the audience is supposed to root for... who then say or do something which is flat-out racist.
Or a character like Vin, whose entire thought process is an obsessive loop of paranoia and mantra's.
Or a character like Marasi, who shows that it's possible to be feminine and strong, without being a badass.

That's stuff that I'm interested in;Brandon's characters have such a diverse range of personalities and morality. One of the reasons why I liked Mistborn so much -despite a romance arc which was, to be frank, a little unsteady- is because I connected with Vin. A lot. As I mentioned above, whenever I joined the Shard -and was reading the books- my OCD was starting to get... really bad. Vin was the first character I read who I connected with instantly, because the way she viewed the world really reminded me of how I saw it... and the fact that she had a happy ending, worked through her issues -didnt completely overcome them, because they were ingrained into her, but worked herself into a better mental place-... that really, really struck me, and inspired me.

Vin isn't my favorite protagonist from a book; she isn't even my favorite protagonist from a Brandon book. But the fact that this was a character who had a different view of the world, who wasn't just another scrappy underdog, or farmhand with a great destiny or something... the fact that this was a character who reminded me of me really got me invested in the books.

So... that's one of the best things about Brandon's novels, I think. I think that -more than a lot of other writers- there is a character for everyone. The fact that he's using characters like Kaladin and Vivenna to highlight social issues like racism is just the icing on the cake.

9. Any additional comments, whether it be about your life outside of the forum, favorite food, your website, or... anything!

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1. Provide a picture (if you are comfortable with that).
2. Provide your real name (if you are comfortable with that).

See, I'm sworn to secrecy, and the effort it would take to wipe your memories after I told you wouldn't be worth it. So, no luck. 

3. Which book is your favorite and why?

Words of Radiance. So awesome in so many different ways, and it just. Keeps. Going. The drawings are fantastic, the interludes are wonderful (seriously: the Reshi Isles) and I just love the characters. 

4. What have been your main contributions to the community? What are you known for?

Um, well. Starting the High Imperial trend which has died down a fair bit now, translating songs into High Imperial and adapting other songs to Sanderson books and characters. 
For being Aussie, and, according to someone (I forgot who) in a different forum game "for making compliments serious business". Being High Imperial Princess of the Newcago Court and therefore Royal Sister to Queen Elsa Steelheart. Spending way too much time on the Shard. I think that's about it?

5. What made you join the forum?

I was aware of its existence for a while and then I lurked for a while......I made an account to ask a question about the original shard hunt, and then
began actively posting in anticipation of WoR. 

6. Describe your fondest Forum experience.

All of the funny threads. All the funny threads. And all the mutual support that goes on in General Discussion. 

7. Any additional comments, whether it be about your life outside of the forum, favorite food, your website, or...anything!

Other info, hmmm. My favourite food is probably chocolate but I don't consider myself a chocoholic. I aspire to write and publish awesome stories, probably fantasy. Come ask me anything on my AMA or PM me - I don't bite and I like discussing things.  :)







 1. Provide a picture (if you are comfortable with that).

2. Provide your real name (if you are comfortable with that).
3. Which book is your favorite and why?
Ahahah! Oh, dear. That's hilarious, asking a librophile to choose a single favorite book. Hee. *tearwipe* How's about I narrow it down to a few favorite authors?
Brandon Sanderson (naturally) - I'm particularly fond of Alloy of Law and am looking forward to getting two new books about Wax and Wayne to read soon.
Jim Butcher - Dresden Files and Codex Alera, and he's got a new steampunk series coming out that I'm chomping at the bit for almost as much as the aforementioned Sanderson books.
Mercedes Lackey - Valdemar were the books of my early adulthood.
Anne McCaffrey - Likewise, Pern were the books of my childhood. I was obsessed with Pern dragons as a teenager. I still love the core run of the books, up through about Masterharper.
Terry Pratchett - Because sometimes you just need something completely silly.
4. What have been your main contributions to the community? What are you known for?
Well, I seem to have been popularly declared the Forum Mom (more on that below). I think people have picked up that I'm a hardcore nerd, too. I do cosplay, and have posted some of my work up. Likewise, the few tidbits of writing that I've put up have gotten some good feedback. People also seem to be rather fascinated by the fact by my oddball religious practices. Egyptian stuff has a certain cool factor to it.
5. What made you join the forum?
Well, funny thing; I read Mistborn a while back, and it was good. And then I found Alloy of Law and absolutely adored it, and two things leapt into my brain: 1) I need an AoL-era cosplay, and 2) Scadrial needs airships. And then SHE snuck into my head and demanded to be written. I fought it for a while; I said no, no, I'm not a writer! Why is this in my head? No, I am not writing you, you are a terrible, horrible Mary Sue and go away! She persisted. So I started kicking around the backstory in my head, changing things, cutting out the stupid and replacing it with something more resembling a person. And finally, I threw her off a train. And thus Eva was born, and an entire plotline and supporting characters just grew up all around her. That's when I joined the forum; I wanted to get things right, after all, so I started poring over all of the theorizing and WoBs so that I could actually put something together that made half a lick of sense. I eventually was lured off of the Mistborn board and into General Discussion, and suddenly boom! I'm part of the community.
The story is still being written. I've plotted and planned quite a bit out; I'm just now reaching the climax of the *first* novel. I've got a fanfic trilogy in the making, kids, and I'm going to get to the end of the first entire book without ever getting to airships. It's nuts.

6. How many hours do you spend on the shard on a given day?
Hard to say, really; I catch up on my breaks and at lunch while I'm at work, but most longer posts I want to write have to wait until I'm at home. I'm constantly on and off, keeping up with threads. Cumulatively, anywhere from an hour to several, depending on the day and how busy I am.
7. Describe your fondest Forum experience.
That day when on the Bad Day thread, a bunch of folks spontaneously decided to declare me the Forum Mom. That's something; to go from a completely new person to someone liked and respected enough to be looked up to like that in the space of a few months is kind of amazing to me.
8. Think of a book or series that the general crowd is usually raving at(ex: Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Divergent, Twilight, etc) How are any of Brandon's books better?
Honestly, for a lot of things, it's hard to compare, especially given the widely different audiences. I liked Hunger Games. I adore Harry Potter. I haven't read Divergent, and the few excerpts of Twilight I read left my brain shivering in terror for the safety of its neurons. Everyone's looking for something different when they're picking up a book, and everybody's coming from a different place. There are some poor souls out there who don't like Brandon's work - it doesn't make them lesser humans, it just makes their tastes different. So the very concept of a series being "better" or "worse" is an entirely subjective concept.
That said, I enjoy the depth of Brandon's storytelling. His characters are people, and worlds have layers upon layers of fascinating tidbits. He's a Jedi Master at working a plot at multiple levels and keeping track of all the threads. Not everyone can do that.
9. Any additional comments, whether it be about your life outside of the forum, favorite food, your website, or...anything!
Contrary to what may well be popular belief, my pony avatar is not me. It's the main character from my fic, Eva.
Here's me as a pony:








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1. Provide a picture (if you are comfortable with that). 

I'm typically the one holding the camera, so I don't have a ton of photos of me. Here's one though: 

2. Provide your real name (if you are comfortable with that).

You're not collecting this information so you can stalk us, right Silverblade?  ;) My real name is Matt Machmuller. It's not like I've tried to hide it after all. My contact information takes you to a page with a few articles I've written online that have my name attached to them.

3. Which book is your favorite and why?

Hands down, Mistborn: The Final Empire. I really relate to Kelsier. There are a hundred different things in the world that are horrible or that could make me mad. I'd rather just try to smile and make other people smile rather than rage about it and nothing gets done. I'd rather lift people up and make them better than tear them down. Besides that, I have an affinity for anti-heroes, so an entire story about what would've happened in the villain won is a premise that will hook me pretty much any time. I love the attention to detail in the planning of their overthrow as well. I love overtly complicated plans!

4. What have been your main contributions to the community? What are you known for?

As hard as I try, I just can't hold a candle next to some of the amazing theorists we have here. There is just so much information to wade through and I couldn't keep it all straight in my head. I learned that fairly early on when I signed up here. 
But I loved the atmosphere and the brilliance that it took for everyone to come up with these ideas, so I figured I'd introduce them to a game that I've enjoyed on other forums and in Real Life, but tailored as a dedication to the 17th Shard and the works of Brandon Sanderson. 

Thus, the Sanderson Elimination Games were born and I've been doing it ever since. With the help of both Wilson (who's been featured here before) and Gamma, we've kept the games running for over a year and a half now. We just hit 30 games already played and we have over 30 more already set up and planned!  :D

I've been very proud of our little subforum and of all the people who have helped make it great. As I said, we've gone over a year with everything sailing smoothly and everyone having fun. And we've got some great ideas to expand on that in the future too! This is a pretty impressive feat if you know about the game. In these games, you're expected to lie and manipulate others, not to mention there's quite a bit of death involved.

5. What made you join the forum?

After the death of Robert Jordan (RIP) and the announcement that Sanderson was going to be taking over for him to complete Jordan's legacy, I wanted to learn more about this writer who supposedly had what it took to finish off the Wheel of Time. I did some research online, went down to the bookstore, and I picked up Mistborn: TFE. Considering The Final Empire is now one of my favorite books ever, you can guess who things went from there.  :P

I read everything I could get my hands on by Sanderson and then I started hearing about something called, "the Cosmere." Well, obviously I had to find out what that was! 

So, got online, found the 17th Shard, signed up, and just started consuming everything I could find. Then I started the SE and here we are!

6. How many hours do you spend on the shard on a given day?

I typically leave the 17th open in a separate tab on my browser 24/7. As far as how much time I'm actually on that tab, probably not as much as most people would believe. I'll check in, maybe send a few PMs or read a few posts and then I'm gone again. I'll check in multiple times a day, but I'd say I only spend a couple hours on the 17th at a time.

7. Describe your fondest Forum experience.

All of it? 

I really can't narrow it down. I've had so many great experiences on the 17th that it's easier for me to pick out the very few times that I haven't.

Gun to my head though, probably when Chaos and the other Admins gave me an entire subforum for the SE games. We'd only had one game before that and it wasn't exactly a frictionless game. But, for some reason, they saw the potential and the dedication that I and everyone else were willing to put into the games and they trusted us with our own subforum, created specifically for us. Going on 2 years now and I still hope that we haven't let them down.

8. How is Stormlight (or any other set of Sanderson novels) better than Harry Potter?

Harry Potter is a one dimensional story, IMO. It's the same old Jesus-savior storyline that we've heard time and time again. The only difference is the setting.

The Stormlight Archive (or even Mistborn as well) easily outshines Harry Potter by just having more to it. Even when Sanderson does write a Jesus-savior story (the closest that I can think of is probably Elantris and even that isn't really the same thing), there's the extra oomph of the entire Cosmere behind it. Or Sanderson will switch it up in some way, like with Mistborn where Sazed would be the comparable character, but 90% of the focus isn't on him and his journey. 

Sanderson's worlds just have more depth and complexity to them and Harry Potter just can't keep up.

9. Any additional comments, whether it be about your life outside of the forum, favorite food, your website, or...anything!

As I said above, I write online when I have the time. I've written a few articles for a website called Cracked.com that does a bit of an edutainment style with their articles. They're a great website in general and if you're looking to break into writing online, I highly recommend writing for them. Even if you have a blog that you write for, they get millions of hits a day, so even one article written there can help get your name out there (thus why I said above that I'm not all that hard to find  ;) ) to a lot more people. 

I'm also going to school full time to get a degree in Programming (hint, hint; nudge, nudge Chaos  :P ). 

Other than that, I'm a Browncoat, love Dr. Who and Sherlock (never watched or want to watch Supernatural). Ironman over Batman any day of the week. Portal is probably one of my favorite games ever. Wreck-it-Ralph is one of the few movies that will almost make me tear up every time I see it, but the Crow and the Riddick movies (yes, all of them, including Dark Fury and the most recent one) are my favorite movies without question. Don't you dare overcook my steak or I will cook you instead. Oh, that reminds me, I have a pretty dark sense of humor as well.  :P I find it impossible to leave a bookstore empty handed. In the event of a zombie apocalypse (or any apocalypse. Heck, maybe if I just have a really, really bad day), I'm grabbing a sailboat and becoming a pirate. If you can, learn something new everyday and find at least one reason to smile everyday. That is the key to growth as a person, IMO.

That's probably more than anyone really wanted to know about me anyways, so I'll leave it off with that! Thanks for giving me the opportunity to do this and if anyone has any other questions for me, I'm always willing to answer a PM or two!  :)



little wilson



 1. A picture, eh? There're a few pictures of me around the forums, but here's one from a trip I took last year:



2. My name is Kendra. My last name should be fairly obvious.  :P

3. My favorite book would be Words of Radiance, even though I spent a large portion of it wanting to smack Kaladin so hard he wouldn't even be in the Cosmere anymore. I love a lot about that book. Most of the action scenes (the Shardbearer duel, Kaladin/Szeth, etc) are incredible, and I adore the plot (except most of Kaladin's scenes....). The thing that makes it stand out the most for me, though, is that it's the first (and only) book that has my name in it. I'm in the Acknowledgements, as one of the community readers, and that experience (the Gamma read) was one of the best experiences I've ever had. Seeing my name in the book was also fantastic, since I wasn't expecting that at all, especially not for the first edition. I'm pretty sure I deafened Josh/Rubix temporarily when he showed it to me.  :lol:

4. My main contributions? Hm. Probably SE. I didn't bring it to the forums (that was Meta), but me, Meta, and Gamma have been working together to keep the games running smoothly for over a year now, and it's been a great experience.

5. Like Zach, I was a member of TWG. I joined that forum around the Hero of Ages release and was pretty active for a year or two. I'd heard about a fansite being created, back when it was going to be Hoid's Compendium, but then I got busy with my last year at my university and fell off the face of the internets. By the time I checked back in, TWG had been hacked and was down. Took me a few more months before I found 17th Shard, and I felt like a fool for it having taken me so long to find it. But I reunited with my old TWG buds for a time before I fell of the face of the internets again for 2 more years (just because of life). I came back for RE, but I never really got back into that, so....yeah.  :)

6. If we're talking about actually on the forum itself, that would have to be a PM conversation with another member (an SE player). It's one of the most hilarious conversations I've ever had in my entire life, but I won't go into any more detail on that. If we're talking about just in general, it would be the Words of Radiance line and the release party. I met a number of Sharders that I'd never met before (Chaos, KChan, Feather, etc), and we had a blast playing a watered-down version of Cards Against Humanity and a version of Magic: the Gathering, and just having an all-around good time. I'll definitely be doing that again for the release parties at the BYU Bookstore.

7. Um. I'm not sure what to say. I'm a chocolate addict. I think I have that in my profile though. I also love family history and genealogy. Always have. If I can get a job in that, I'll be quite content. And I plan to travel the world. Because traveling is awesome. Nothing compares to meeting new people and seeing different cultures and just absorbing the beauty of the Earth. I absolutely adore it, even if I've only been on one actual trip outside of the States.






1. Provide a picture (if you are comfortable with that). You may also wish to provide some in-game screenshots.

Here's a picture of me:  :) Look! Don't I look great! 

I'll see if I can find one... Give me a sec. 
2. Provide your real name (if you are comfortable with that).

I'm Zach, which many of you know, especially those who've come to Utah releases. I'm 21, living in Utah, and I am on this site waaaay too much.  B)
3. Which book is your favorite and why?

Although it's not the best written of Brandon's works, I always have a fond spot in my heart for Elantris. I read it as an early teenager (maybe before), and it resonated in several ways with me. I could understand Hrathen's struggle for faith, Sarene's trying to juggle in life, and I admired and aspired to be like Raoden. 
4. What have been your main contributions to the community? What are you known for?

My main contribution to the community was probably first the old Brandonothology- it was a collection of WoB from a handful of interviews and Q&As, that I then helped to transfer to the Interview Database when we made that move. I was the one on top of interviews, the tweets, Brandon's reddit account, and a couple other things. But then I took a 2 year break, and when I came back, I found that other people had taken my place! They were doing an excellent job, and so I settled back to more regular membership.
5. What made you join the forum?

I joined originally TWG (17th Shard's precursor), right after I went to the Hero of Ages release party, and people were talking about some behind the scenes stuff in Brandon's books. I joined there, started theorizing and asking questions when I could, then saw Chaos and a few others starting a fan site and made the transition. 

6. Describe your fondest Forum experience.

My favorite Forum experience was probably an out-of-forum experience. The Alloy of Line (the Alloy of Law release party) was a blast, and I'm really looking forward to October for a reenactment. It was great being able to spend a lot of time with the friends I had made here. 

7. Any additional comments, whether it be about your life outside of the forum, favorite food, your website, or...anything!

Life? Outside the forum?  :mellow:

But more seriously, I love Japanese and Peruvian food, I'm currently studying Chemical Engineering at BYU, and I like hiking and going camping. I am currently addicted to an online game called dice wars, and be careful- once you start it's hard to stop!







2. My real name is Ian. (My parents picked out the name by watching Star Trek: The Next Generation.)

3. My favorite book? Probably The Hobbit. It's the first book I can actually remember picking out for myself at a store and I had no idea of the cultural significance of the book. Favorite Brandon book? That's tricky 'cause I like them all for different reasons. I'll probably go with The Emperor's Soul as that is the most beautiful.

4. My main contribution... Hehe... That's hard to say because I do a lot. I help moderate these forums, I do a lot of transcriptions, I enter stuff into the database (I know we're behind but there will be progress with this fairly soon), and write/help administrate the Coppermind. I'll go with the Coppermind.

5. Oh geez I really don't remember. When I first joined I think it had something to do with Mistborn: Inquisition, but that was like 4 years ago now I think? I really only started to get actively involved around April 2013 (I think) but I can't remember what my exact motivations were at the time?

6. Hehe, this is probably totally horrible of me but my fondest memory has to be tricking LittleWilson into trusting me during the Anniversary Game of Sanderson Elimination when I was a very inexperienced bad guy.

7. Nothing much else to say, just that I am very honored that I was chosen for this!






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1. I don't know if I should provide my picture, but here's a manga-fied version of me that gets pretty close: 


2. My real first name is Danielle. I'm usually just called Danielle, though I've been called Dani and Dan before. 

3. Oh, jeez. That's like asking me "What's your favorite organ? No takebacks." There are so many books I've loved, and even the books I hated had an effect on me. So, in lieu of a proper answer, I'll name a few books that have had a profound effect on me as a person:


  • The Book Thief by Markus Zusak—The story of a young girl in Nazi Germany whose world is changed when her foster parents hide a Jewish man in their basement, as told by Death….I don't know if I have the words to describe it, as it defies description. The way Zusak weaves Liesel's story into those of her foster parents, the Jewish man they take in, her friend Rudy, books that were banned, books that were written for her, and Nazi Germany itself is simply mesmerizing. Go out and read it. Right now. When you're done, we'll talk about it.
  • Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt—It reads like a lighter and softer rebuke to Twilight and other books where immortality is portrayed as an unquestionably good thing, but it was written 30 years before Twilight was published. If you've seen the movie, you don't know the story. The movie was decent, but it doesn't hold a candle to the heartrending simplicity of this beautiful little story.
  • Warbreaker by Brandon Sanderson—This one made me think about religion, heroism, action, personality, and the fantasy tropes every reader and writer takes for granted in a way I never thought possible.
  • The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald—I shouldn't love this book. I shouldn't even like it. It has everything I despise in other books—unlikeable characters, a paper-thin plot, a narrator who is only tangentially involved in the main story, and a climax that is literally a bunch of rich people sitting and talking. Yet Fitzgerald makes it work, and work so well that no matter how many times I read it, my heart breaks when I reach the end.
  • The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate diCamillo—I never thought the story of a self-absorbed china rabbit would make me cry for hours, but it did. One of the best examinations of love vs. selfishness that I've ever read.
  • The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis—Once described as "the theology of the mundane," this book is just that. It shows the average temptations of an average man and how he overcomes them, angering his "guardian demon" in the process. It made me reconsider how I view good and evil in the everyday choices of life.



And then there are the books I loved, including….



  • Cannery Row by John Steinbeck
  • Matilda by Roald Dahl
  • Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein
  • The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis
  • Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien
  • Steelheart and Firefight by Brandon Sanderson
  • Way of Kings and Words of Radiance by Brandon Sanderson
  • The Emperor's Soul by Brandon Sanderson
  • Mistborn: The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson



….basically, I love Brandon Sanderson, and I've read too many books to recall them all here.  :mellow:

4. Mostly, I'm known for beginning the insanity that is the Reckoners RPG. I….I didn't even know it would become what it did, getting its own sub forum and everything. I just read Steelheart, thought "Hey, I liked free-form roleplaying as a teenager, maybe some other people would like that too," and asked them so. One year and twelve Question threads later….

And lately, I've become known for updating my reading progress of the Stormlight Archive books with memes. 

5. I read Steelheart, fell in love, and realized my family didn't want to geek out about it as much as I did. So I found the author's fansite and geeked out with people who really understand what it means to geek out (looking at you, thread on Deathpoint's secondary power  :P). I think I made the right choice, what with the fans pressuring me to read more of Sanderson's work. 

6. I'd say it has to be the Reckoners RP—and not because I started it. I did start it, sure, but it wouldn't be what it is without the talented and fun writers who brought their own strengths and characters to the table. I was in quite a few free-form RPs as a teen, and none of them held a candle to this. Excellent characterization, top-quality writing, and a commitment to showing what happened in Oregon (ROLL CREDITS) have made the RP not only something fun to do, but also a fantastic piece of writing. Every time I see another player has posted for one of their characters, I say "Oooh, yay!" to myself and read it as soon as I can. 

Behind the scenes, we're pretty relaxed. The Question threads have a lot of ponies, and pug pictures, and jokes about ponies and pugs, and Shia LaBeouf, and nonsensical joke theories about our own fanon….in other words, it's amazing, and I love those guys, and I think I need to post a picture of Shia before I get too sappy. 




7. As many people already know, I love pugs. Adore them. I have two, Bruno and Mollie. So far as favorite foods go, I'm fond of Asian cuisine and chocolate. I don't have a website, but I do watch more cartoons than most people my age (Gravity Falls is amazing and you should all go watch it) and I'm also a recent graduate with a Master's degree in Liebrary science. 

There's also another secret about me, one the squeamish or prudish should not read. I'll spoiler it, for the sake of the faint of heart. 






Edited just now by Silverblade5

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42 minutes ago, Extesian said:

I don't understand :) so the ones already posted are from a previous version of this thread, as examples, and we're voting on new people? Or are we voting on the ones you've put there already? Which wouldn't make sense to me? :)

The ones he posted are from the previous version, so it would be a bit pointless to vote for them IMO :)

I vote for @Darkness Ascendant

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8 minutes ago, Silverblade5 said:

Unfortunately, no. You can provide reasons for others to vote for you however.

Vote for meet because I will happily answer the questions at the top! :D   and you also get free snow cones XD and a giant lollipop Unknown-1.jpeg.91f71bf4869a1e3abce83e39b62dc570.jpeggiant-lollipop.jpg.f03c518423a4e7b1df7e873f6df81bb0.jpg

Edited by Queen Elsa Steelheart
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8 hours ago, Queen Elsa Steelheart said:

Vote for meet because I will happily answer the questions at the top! :D   and you also get free snow cones XD and a giant lollipop Unknown-1.jpeg.91f71bf4869a1e3abce83e39b62dc570.jpeggiant-lollipop.jpg.f03c518423a4e7b1df7e873f6df81bb0.jpg

You have convinced me :P, I vote for you.

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